VtmB 2

>already Steam top 5 seller

lmao haters are str8 seething


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Other urls found in this thread:


1. VtMB again (obviously)
2. Legacy of Kain
3. The tabletop
4. Vampyr
5. Vampire the Masquerade: Redemption
6. Sacrosanct and Ordinator (Skyrim)

1. Interview with a Vampire (1994, Film)
2. World of Darkness (2017, Documentary)
3. Kindred: The Embraced (1996, TV Show)
4. Bram Stoker's Dracula
5. Blade series
6. Only Lovers Left Alive
7. Underworld series
8. What We Do in the Shadows
9. The Fearless Vampire Killers (1967, Film)
10. 30 Days of Night
11. Dracula: Untold
12. Nosferatu

1. Deb of Night (debofnight.andcuriouser.com/)
2. Chinatown theme (VtMB)
3. Hollywood theme (VtMB)
4. Downtown theme (VtMB)
5. Chiasm - Isolated
6. Massive Attack - Angel

1. Dracula
2. Vampire: The Masquerade 20th Anniversary Edition
3. mega.nz/#F!2nIH1ChC!3TkI45GJ3vhbk0zZ8NCOaA!HjYkGK5T

>preordering based on a pre rendred trailer
When will you people learn?

>Part (1/3)
>First person with contextual third-person actions - twitter.com/VtM_Bloodlines/status/1108948381127204865 (embed)
>Brian Mitsoda is lead writer alongside Avellone and Cara Ellison (who in particular wrote a chunk of the side quests)
>Rik Schaffer the original composer is back (confirmed via e-mail)
>Game has modding support, available Day 1
>Takes place 15 years after Bloodlines
>Direct sequel to Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines with in-game references to the events of Bloodlines
>Fan-favorite characters from Bloodlines returning (Smiling jack and Beckett are canonically dead)
>Deb of Night type feature will make an appearance as confirmed by Mitsoda
>Set in Seattle with seamless hub worlds
>Player is a thin-blood at first, choose a Clan later on
>Huge emphasis on character creation. You can choose your background, gender pronoun, employment history, body type and fashion
>Game starts off with a Mass Embrace where the player is among the new vampires born from the event, you're captured and brought to a court of prominent vampires like the first game to recount the events of the mass embrace before being sentenced to death, court is firebombed and you escape, thrust into Seattle to find out who's responsible
>Main side-questline involves hunting down and finding all the other thin-blood created from the Mass Embrace, each will have their own story about entering into their new life
>NPCs can react to you depending on what background you chose for your character in character creation, for example you can be a cop, a coroner, or a barista for a more neutral and blank slate background
>The humanity system returns, so killing innocents brings you closer to the inner beast
>If your humanity is low enough it will have implications with your dialogue choices
>Way more dialogue than Bloodlines

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can't wait for Yea Forums's tears when it wins GOTY 2020

>Preorder before we've seen even a single second of gameplay
what is wrong with you retards

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>Part (2/3)
>You can use telekinesis, turn into mist to go through vents and glide
>Blood resonance from VtM 5th edition will appear in this game. Using your enhanced vampire senses, you can see when NPCs are experiencing an intense emotion like fear, desire, pain, joy and anger. Drinking a person with a strong resonance will give you an immediate bonus to things like melee power or seduction. If you drink a particular resonance constantly, you will acquire a taste for it and this will give you permanent buffs called "merits".
>No quest markers, natural exploration just like the original
>You can scale buildings, there's an emphasis on versatility
>Level design is reminiscent of the original Deus Ex, you're offered many different pathways to approach a particular scenario
>Lots of secrets and hidden pathways to find
>Emphasis on fluid combat, using vampiric speed to slide in and out of melee range and slash people and execute them with melee weapons. You can get special cinematic finishers in combat when you execute people a la Deus Ex: Human Revolution. Counters are in. Guns exist and are treated as temporary opportunities, you pick em up, use it, then discard it and move on.
>Seattle as a hub world is described as "very active", crowds gather outside clubs and muggers prey on victims in side allies
>It’s still called the Masquerade, so if you eat someone in public or turn into a bat in front of a bar you’ll get in trouble not only with the police, but also some beefier supernatural watchdogs
>Your actions dynamically effect the npc environment i.e If you continuously suck on people's blood in full view of the public, they'll be less wary of going to those areas and you'll see less citizens wandering the streets

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>We don't want to punch down
>Supports mental illnesses like transexuality

Trans people always come from white middle class households.

Being Trans is a privilege.

They're shills user.

So, what are the chances this doesn't turn out complete fucking garbage?

Friendly reminder /pol/ is bashing the game and the developers and if it fails claims any good part is fascist or some shit.

If you try to talk these people out beware they dont reason, these are people pushing an agenda. Some ignore and report them and others try to defend the thread as much as possible. Whatever you do be conscious about it.

Thank you for your attention.

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>Paid shilling intensifies.

Calculated it with my bitcoin rig.

Wait for gameplay and dialogue footage. Don't preorder games ever. No doubt Paradox will pull their usual DLC whoring strategy too.

People will just mod out the garbage

Also a reminder not to post nsfw or advertiser unfriendly content in this thread.

>brian mitsoda


>Any sort of disagreement to the paid shilling is /pol/

What if I just hate Paradox because I'm from /tg/ and know they fucked up WW?

Has anyone played this? People were calling it VtMB spiritual sequel in one of the old threads.

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We do it for free. Since 2007.

Fucking piece of misogynist trash. It's 2019 and we still have to objectify women with schoolgirl fetish right?

It says here that Tremere aren't the OG wizards of wod. So will we be seeing mages in BL2?

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>he doesn't live in a big city
>he doesn't have the VTM:B soundtrack ripped onto his mp3 player of choice
>he doesn't walk around outside between the hours of midnight and 3 AM listening to the iconic hub themes of the game

explain yourself right now

more like /pol/'s tears

>Wont be out for a year
>Preordering before any gameplay trailer
>hurdur haters seething
You are part of the problem
shill or otherwise

Metro was also on steam before it was not.

They can always remove him from the dev team or scrap his writing from the game.

>Post in this thread if you're happy that Bloodlines 2 is exclusively for us and not for the faggots that "want politics out of games"

That OP is right, if you want this game to succeed against the shitposting squad you want it to be this politically charged. Open for everyone, yes, but at least as loaded as the original if not more.

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If it were being made by Obsidian, i would say 5%.
The only issue here is we cant pinpoint the quality of the dev team behind the project.
Apart from that, it's basically the best we could have asked for since we have the same writer, music composer from the original.
It's all up if the dev team can handle it.

We still have a year for this to happen but shills are in denial

Literally the only thing that matters is if they will fuck up Deb of Night or not

I live in a very small and comfy medieval city with only whites


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Arent mages extinct by the time of Bloodlines? Only the tremere are left?

I'm not a paid cuck forced to recreate the same posts on Yea Forums forever.

Vidya players are morons, what else is new.

what the fuck you can do that as a malk?

We're going home, lads.

production value nowhere near vtmb but I did enjoy it and spent a good few hours in the game

The Original was not a political thesis, it had various political inclinations used as flavouring for several characters.

Nobody was "right" for being a particular political inclination in 1.

Probably not.

you convinced me, i'm doing this tonight

adding this one too while i'm at it

Jack was portrayed as being right though

>anyone who dislikes my game is /pol/

Fuck off paid shills

Good VTMB threads never ever again

It's not bad for what it is. It captures the essence of Bloodlines down rather well, including the jankiness. I'd recommend it over something like DARK or Vampyr.

Except Nines, which was right since minute 5 of the game.

will we ever go back to a pre-/pol/ era

I think the shitposting will die down enough in a few weeks

Stop denying me

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i dont wanna pay 50% of my paycheck for a shitty studio apartment

>walking aimless past midnight
I don't wanna die


Dropped. Though i´ll still shill for it because i want it to win over Cyberpunk 2077.

Let me give you a hand with the movies...

> Byzantium
> Perfect Creature
> Let the right one in
> The hunger
> Vampires

You mean Beckett

Thanks for this post

Is there detailed trailer analisys already? I want to read some dumb theories.


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I feel you bro.

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Doubt it. Mages are stupid and powerful beyond all reason.

No. The Tremere are a Clan of brainlets. That's the entire point. They gave up actual power for cheap immortality. They don't like admitting this.

Nines, which saves you from the execution. And on later occasions.

Have they showed anything about nosferatus?

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why are /pol/fags so retarded?
the whole damn reason why paradox even accepted HSL's pitch was BECAUSE they somehow had gotten Brian on board

jesus these kikes only care about shitposting

>>Direct sequel to Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines with in-game references to the events of Bloodlines
So have they mentioned which ending was canon? Or is it just all and none of them.



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No specific clan is confirmed yet.

Isn't Nines the fucking Ancap?

where's the confirmation of deb of night


Shovelware Dev studio making it.

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List time I asked if there were romances in the game.
One guy told me yes, then one guy told me no.
So I ask one more time : Can you romance the characters of the game ?

And the americhub elections are next year right? Well JUST

>people argue about who was right and wrong in vtmb when the entire thing was Jack fucking everyone else in the ass while they act like retards and Caine having a laff

What's an ancap?

dumbass why is everything /pol/ to you? fa/tg/uys are not about v5 or this bullshit either. learn to differentiate yourself from hiveminding you spergo

Cant be Vampire without jank

Why even wear a bra at that point? Why even wear a thong at that point?

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I hope the plot of 2 feels as useless in the end, best way to mess with the people that take it all too seriously

yet here you are, posting in the thread for free

god i wish that were me

oh shit I never realized she had a thong
pretty hot

How do I get more blood points?

Nah don't worry, /pol/ can't keep this up

I'm just glad that so many people care.

Don't you see, if you're a fa/tg/uy you're clearly just angry you didn't like a large video game publisher running ramshod over your PnP company, ousting all the original writers and replacing them with the same Swedish cuckmongers so we have literal political rants at the start of the sourcebooks.

I mean who gives a shit they're not tired of being told what to think that they get angry the fucking PnP book about bloodsucking creeps from the night is telling us that anything left of fucking Pol Pot is evil.

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What clan should I choose for the best first time experience?

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lame bait. just remember, WoD was never for you to begin with sweetie

Walking through the sewers naked.
It's gross enough as it is.

No he doesn't, he's just an overemotional leftist who thinks he's cool

Ventrue or toreador.

Jew apologist scum. Stop blaming white people for your crimes.

Yeah no. Bugs aside Bloodlines was solid on content from a top-tier development studio, Troika.
This is being made by people whose highest achievement is a failed F2P FPS.


Who cares? SJWlines will be a medicore flop.

Malkavian or Nosferatu.

>He doesn't know why Jeanette wears that outfit in the original.

Fucking play the game, you retard.

Seconding Ventrue

isn't the outfit you're getting for pre-ordering pretty much the same suit Wesley Snipes use in the Blade movies?

Paradox is overseeing it so I'm not too worried. As long as they have the budget and an adequate amount of time it'll turn out good.

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/wodg/ and by extension /vtmg/ would be bearable if more than people in those threads had groups.

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Why'd you stop posting Rudi?

Uh, yeah. The Malk route in the original was some classic comedy.

no, mages are far above and beyond vamps
Tremere are just dummies who were too lazy to get proper magic to work for them

more than 2 people*

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Also don't listen to those faggots, open it.

He literally does though.
Not only you don't end up dead on the intro but also later against the Sabbat. Almost help you with the wolf too if not for him getting attacked too.

>Paradox is overseeing it
lol because Paradox is sure known for it's quality editorial skills.
V5 Vampire instigating an international incident.
Stellaris still being unplayably broken over a year after release.
Being scammed out thousands and thousands on dollars on a third-party HoI3 expansion they eventually shelved.

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Go on.
I don't like Rudi and his loresheet is probably the weekest together with Descendant of Zelios and the hacker Nosbut it's not a lot of flavor text
Should be in the WoD mega

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So Tremere are essentially women.
Affirmative action when.

too many Fat Larrys tryna hustle me

>Almost help you with the wolf too if not for him getting attacked too.
Well you'd be deader than dead with 2 Garou to fight

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Dude, no one gives a shit about your screen caps

haha my bad man, what's the title again?

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Not even top 15 but alright.

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One can hope that since they missed something on V5 and had to deal with the fallout this time they'll pay more attention to prevent the issue instead of having to fix it afterwards.

Well, it seems they are all great
Thanks, I'll choose Ventrue

Well they've done a good job of 100% killing any hype I had for the game, personally anyway.

Yeah, I'd bet the same. /pol/ happenings don't last that long and that's on top of vtmb already being an obscure game that they just learned about due to the sequel.

I mean, if there was only one wolf, it would probably be 2 vs 1 with him aiding you.

Just pointing out how the first game isn't this pure neutral and apolitical narrative some people (who probably never played it) are claiming it to be. It does have a slight more love towards the Anarch side.

V5 is a fucking trainwreck designed by Swedish Marxists.

Nothing good has come from V5.

>Dehumanizing thousands of people because they know their race is being mechanically genocided
Yeah nice try schlomo. I'll never buy or interact with this tranny game in my life.

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Just preordered.
They had better have a two-dimensional gender slider and a text field for pronouns or there will be a scathing review on my blog.

>no succubus club
>no anne rice
>a mod for skyrim of all things
>no bloodrayne
Shit list.

stfu libtard

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Forever Knight

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>Should be in the WoD mega

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playing the first game
It's clunky, but strangely comfy. Hope the sequel delivers.

Yeah, a very sane Anarch who doesn't want to overthrow everything and instead takes on a "don't bother people who don't bother me" attitude.

He's an Ancap, not an Ancom.

this game was being developed at the same time as V5

Will there be a Daughters of Cacophony clan?

But they're taking his fragile white male safespace! If a game has anything beyond approved /pol/ talking points, it's evil and horrible and must be destroyed. This board, and right-wingers in general, define themselves by what they hate. All they can do is hate and attack anything different from them.

Hey /pol/, if you don't like inclusions in the game, don't buy it, and don't play it. Easy enough. Nobody's forcing you. Eventually you'll get that Holocaust simulator you've been wishing for. Until then, the rest of the world will leave you behind, where you belong.

>We showed off 30mins of game footage to the press
>You can't see it until a year down the line though.

I don't understand

>search thread for "pol"
>17 results

This game is 100% guaranteed to be shit

There are Lies, Damned Lies, and Twitter Posts


>Anyone who disagrees with me hasn't actually played the game
when in doubt, gatekeeping

40% chance of suicide

sounds good, downloading

>don't buy it

Rudi's entire page is a masturbatory self-look into the mindset of these crazed idology driven lunatics.

there is not a single negative attribute written about him or his followers.

Again, I have no idea to what your mean. This game is from 2004. Whatever people nowadays invented, you shouldn't describe it by those terms.

This ain't a matter of opinion.

Nines is such a creator pet OC

you are just as bad as him, please fuck off to reddit.

/tg/ dude here. I don't hate transexual people, I don't hate anyone.

Except people who force themselves into MY hobbies and purposely ruin them for leverage to spout their fucking propaganda.

YOU are the invading Nazis here, not /pol/.

Someday being a bigoted asshole will result in so much bullying and ostracism from society that they'll have a 40% suicide rate, too. It'll be a good day.

That's what happens when you lost all concept of introspection and self-doubt. No wonder they have such an affinity for Islam, they're about as zealous as the average Islamist.

>nines rodriguez is an ancap
Jesus Christ, I know it's fucking bait, but even for bait this is too much.

It was probably made by some lefty-pol as a parody on white people.
But I do think theres a small group of right-leaning furfags so maybe its real.

He means anarcho-capatalist and anarcho-communist.
I don't think either can actually be applied to vampire politics since they do not involve themselves with kine economics.

>We showed the press half an hour of gameplay
>But we're not showing it again for another year
ok kid

... So you don't understand what Ancap and Ancom mean?

They're centuries old terms actually.

maybe you should play a different game then

Loresheets aren't there to give an unbiased view on the subjects. Holy fuck look at the Tyler one and then remember what she did in the lore

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I so want this to be good, but there are a few too many red flags for me, and I'm not even talking about how they're planning to seemingly treat sexuality and even Malkavians with kid gloves. Fact is first-person is one of the hardest types of games to make great, not only from a level/world-design standpoint, but also the movement, everything that makes up the gamefeel and of course the mechanics that make a game challenging and fun. I'm willing to believe a studio with such a bad track record was talented but hampered by cashflow issues in the past, but until I see gameplay and an example of Bloodlines/DX style sprawling level design I'm not allowing myself to get really hype.

steam top seller 1 year before release

>His mentaily is literally "Don't fuck with me and my kind and I won't fuck with yours"

That is basically the most libertarian thing ever.

Was I supposed to hate Lacroix because I found him really sympathetic and was sad you cant save him

there is third person view you shitty /pol/poster
it's just that it's in certain parts of the game

Trannies e not women

absolutely based

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Brian confirmed it

>Loresheets aren't there to give an unbiased view on the subjects

No, they exist with the bias of the fucking writers, or did you forget the fucking tirade you're told at the start of the fucking scourcebook telling you to expunge the wrongthink.

More woman then you will ever be

Ok. So there's no proper third-person view. Good to know.

Actually, I did that entirely, I no longer by WW products and will never do so again.

Because apparnetly not wanting to kneel down and whip myself to their altar is bad.

Are these from the latest edition or something? I don't remember these from the old WoD books.

that's one good sign at least

I'm playing through VtMB for the first time, anons, it's so kino so far

>already Steam top 5 seller
all those fucking dummies

You mean i won't be voiced by generic male Troy Baker? Oh nooo.

>nazis are bad is wrongthink

They're from V5.

Aka "Paradox devouring WW's corpse to spew Propaganda"

That's just fucking great!

The complaints, shit reviews and rage is going to be priceless. I preordered for a future refund as well.

but is not see

Yes loresheets were introduced in v5 as a method to integrate metaplot elements in character creation.

Good shit. That rules out Fallout 4 cancer wheel dialogue then.

>Anything right of Marxism is Nazism.

I'm a liberal, but I also rather enjoy libertarian ideals, which are apparently "Alt-right"

So according to V5, I am not allowed to play an Anarch who isn't a full blown communist.

>No 30 Days of Night

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What the fuck kind of comeback was that?

>Everyone who disagrees is a nazi

im gonna say the gamer word...
im gonna do it

Literally the mechanically best edition and the first metaplot advancement since Revised ended

>mfw I'll only pirate the game and play it with the unequivocally superior and based mods that will come out for it

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No idea how the charts work, but people were posting it yesterday and vtmb2 was 2nd after sekiro. They probably change day to day?

Well I'm glad I haven't touched the newer books, because fucking hell. Shit like Rudi alone is enough to put me off forever.

>Metaplot advancement

>Casualisation of the game

"We want the DnD 5E audience" is not a fucking good thing.

I was a social democrat for the longest while. Now the modern left calls me a Nazi. Polarization will be the doom of the left.

so if i want to play giga chad i have to wait for mods huh...

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now see

>metaplot advancement

>4 roll combat
>metaplot stasis
>Tremere having no clan flaw
I can go on.

What's funny is I am now convinced V5 was designed solely to be groundwork for the game and the PnP is going to be a complete and total afterthought.

I still am. Apparently social democrats are nazis if we're white. Fringe leftists and aggro-trannies are literally campaigning for /pol/ and they don't even see it.

So what's the point of chararcter creation?I mean, i get the allocate stats part but if you don't speak and the game is in first person when do yo see your character? In small animation like when interacting with objects? Would it have any sense to make it appear in cutscene if all it does is stand there like a mannequin? It can't be something like FFXIV, that would be shit.

i mean...
there arent that many voice archetypes. sensual female, masculine females (for the trannies) and maybe more youthful female.
for males you go serious or light with 1 variant each. nothing more is needet.

>Underworld series

Do not watch this fucking garbage.

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protagonist isn't voiced, holy fuck based brian.

makes me almost hyped again.

Anyone with even minor nationalist sentiments are apparently Third Reich sympathizers through some unbelievable levels of mental gymnastics.

Just play fucking Requiem if you dislike the best part of VtM

Sounds like you just want to play a fucking video game user.


>Muh metaplot

Metaplot is fucking gay, nobody gives a shit about progression of a plotline that at most was nothing more than background shit to your own games.

A focus on a metaplot means less actual leeway for PnP groups. Unless you're one of those faggots who makes their games around the metaplots.

>Rudi's combination of practicing Islam and unabashed queerness

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Funny how most of the (you)s to this post can't even comprehended the peace that comes from simply walking /outside/ with comfy music.

These faggots need to get off their fat asses and go outside for once. And no, this is not a shill post, stop being niggers and derailing the comfy vampire threads.

>Doesn't like Beckinsdale or Nighy
Delete yourself

I've been called a nazi to my face just for not supporting open immigration but that's cool I don't mind being a black nazi.

I'm playing the first game for the first time (well, I played it a little bit a good decade ago but never got far).

I'm on the ship and i'm only just now realising i'm missing the fucking fists weapon (playing the mage vampire so I didn't put too much thought into why I was unable to select unarmed), the wallet and the ability to grab items to throw them.

I've added them in through console but now i'm shitting myself over the possibility of missing a bunch of other shit or having other bugs even though i'm playing the GOG version with WESP's patch.

Anyone else experienced this?

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Careful, they'll bring up the Lesbian muslim warrior vampire who was fetish bait from older editions.

It's unfiltered global top sellers for Windows only. I don't know how it was yesterday, but today it isn't.

>a white knighting queer muslim Gangrel with an inglorious bastards inspired nickname
subtle and nuanced/10

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yea and then write extensively branched dialogue, good luck.

there's a reason every voiced AAA RPG has trash dialogue.

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What's the song that plays at the end of the lake house mission?

You know, in the house of spoops of Santa Monica, when you hallucinate a fire and then a soothing female voice starts to sing.

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meant for

>normalfags who haven't even played the first one are adding it to their wishlist and talking about how hyped they are

Black nazis are the best nazis, though. You can strike a pose and become a literal swastika.

>Sounds like you just want to play a fucking video game user.
No but I don't want combat that happens to be a fucking chore.
Also static difficulty with adjustable amount of successes needed is better than variable difficulty.
And 1s don't subtract from successes anymore.
>Metaplot is fucking gay
Metaplot gives the WoD a setting instead of being completly modular like CofD is

How is this possible? It's unlikely that 14 other games surpassed it since yesterday. Is it top sellers per 24h?

Fuck you. I'll go outside at an hour when I won't get mugged by junkies

didn't know blacks had two more arms

They have those weird arms on the bottom part of the torso. Comes in handy when running away from the police.

did you think it was top sellers of all time?

People with different ethnicities have different accents or vocal patterns.
Agressive male is an archetype but a voice that fits white biker doesn't necessarily fit black gang banger or hispanic convict, for example.

>People with different ethnicities
I'mma stop you right there /pol/ There's no such thing. Everyone can sound like everyone.

How many virgins does he get since he's already dead and gay?

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But will it have jiggle physics?

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Then go somewhere without junkies like a public park or your front porch/balcony, or backyard.

And since you're such a tough guy, carry something to defend yourself with and stop looking like a fat fuck or a skinny fag.

Or simply don't live in a place filled with junkies then you actual fucking retard.

Attached: excusemewhat.jpg (420x420, 35K)

>People with different ethnicities have different accents or vocal patterns.
Not really accents and vocal patterns are part of the signs are majorly dependant on the enviroment.
For example I know a black guy that talks with one of the deepest bavarian accents because he grew up in a village there

Yeah, I'm out on this game now. Fuck that. I'll stick to the original.
Have fun in your threads, I'll just be checking out now and enjoy something else instead. Hope others do the same.

I'm not criticizing it, I mean, I kinda am, but I'm more just confused.

Could be recent or recently announced games user, like I said I've never taken a look at steam charts and have no idea how they work.

Anyway that just means that claims about its popularity of unpopularity are meaningless as of this moment, it makes sense to get sales the day of announcement, and it makes sense for it to drop the days after, especially since it's more than a year away.

Superior gay Muslim vampire coming through

Attached: file.png (610x811, 189K)

I came to this thread just to check for this crap.

The first one was a piece of shit

You raise a good point. Why is an undead monster still practicing religion? He's a blight on Allah's earth, surely.

Blacks and Muslims were both more likely to be supportive of the Nazi regime than any other group desu

>Why is an undead monster still practicing religion?
Because vampires as a rule are hypocrites.

Attached: Well-done-GIF.gif (500x213, 473K)

there's tons of religious vampires in the lore, some of which even have True Faith powers

Its right there.

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that's just how it is, every newly announced game (or even DLC) and games on sale gets on the top sellers easily, it's when something stays there for a long time like DMC5 or it DOESN'T get there that's abnormal
look at it, ubisoft is having a sale right now so it's full of ubisoft games, it would be higher otherwise

How exactly can vampires be muslim in the first place, when the entire mythology and eschatology of the universe in which said vampires exist is completely different and they know it?

>hype dead here in one day
Is this the power of marketing?

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NOt as many as you think pre-ordered. Steam often manipulates lists if the publisher pays more

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Its going to be shit

>not forcing the players to build their characters around a tiny selection of network standard american accents

What is this, the nineties?

>faithful muslim
>one of the most dangerous and skilled assassins
Are they saying muslims are violent? What the actual fuck, WW.


There's an entire muslim sect in WoD. Please look into the PnP.

First Caine is "just a myth" in the setting.
Second pretty sure Caine is more or less the same in Judaism, Christianity and Islam.
And if there Hindu/Buddhists/whatever they'll simply not believe Caine exists

It's a...hold it...masquerade

>unable to imagine a world without Him
Yet they scholastics literally argued this point with nonbelievers without burning anyone.

I understand that they would believe in god, I just don't understand why they would have faith in a god that obviously despises their existence.

Yeah that's what I mean, there's nothing special about the game's sales right now, not too popular, not too unpopular. People shouldn't be bringing this up at all, whether it's people that want it to succeed (e.g. fans) or to flop (e.g. pol).

Watch Near Dark and read Carmilla too.

>accepting pre-orders one year before release

Holy shit, they got George Clooney?!

based thread

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Finally someone with good taste

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>Thinking that monsters can't be nazis is wrong think
Oy vey

>>already Steam top 5 seller
This doesn't really mean anything, any time a new game is announced it usually lands itself on the top 5.

>I just don't understand why they would have faith in a god that obviously despises their existence.
to try and prevent God from personally burning them during the last night, which when they did do the Final Night, happened to all vampires

We are home bros. I can't believe it but we are actually home with vampirekino next year.

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It doesn't actually say that in the book. It even suggests a neo-nazi as the kind of character a brujah might be.

They just decided to whine about real life nazis in the appendix for some reason

I honestly don't understand your destinction between "believe in" and "have faith in".
Is it just me being ESL or is there no difference.
>Yet they scholastics literally argued this point with nonbelievers without burning anyone.
It's called the burning times because the Inquisition happened and brought down a shit ton of vampires.

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>Evil tongues would have it she is in the fight only to find out what happened to her once-lover and rival, Lucita. For her part, Fatima silences such rumors with a stare almost as her knives
Christ. These loresheets are fucking f-list tier.

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I'm blind.

We had a real good one last night though. Still possible

and to be fair, it's GLOBAL sales, it's page 15 on my local region probably because no one has heard of the first game or WoD in general here

From I've heard heard V5 was some sort of schizophrenic Rorschach test where the right though it was SJW but the SJWs thought it was pro-nazi.

Pic related is from 1999 basically describing the same

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This is what happens when you don't hire on merit but on tumblr follower count.

Believe he is real. = Believe in
To trust his words, follow his doctrines/gospel/etc in with the belief that you will be rewarded in the afterlife = To have faith in.

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>yuri vampiresses going from rivals-to-lover
based, redpilled and miles better than whatever the fuck Rudi is supposed to be

You have a clan of vampires that canonnically grafts dicks and vaginas onto people for laughs, you think they'd have a problem with trannies?

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Do you seriously not see the difference in quality of writing?

For the old game. The new game isn't going to be good, so there should be no good threads about it.

Yes and that shitstorm is the reason that appendix about real life exists.
Fun fact: it's also not in the physical copies at all

>Its not
>Marketers and resertera shills have to lie
Paradox is pretty pathetic.

>it's OK when DMC does it

weebshit is based and redpilled, didn't you know?

>Capcom tells off resetera
>Paradox sucks their dick
It is okay when they do it.


>tfw no Toreador gf

Attached: vv.jpg (1440x900, 462K)

Wow this is going to be shit.

Nigger kike

Honestly not significantly, no.
But then I also have read Eternal Hearts

She's seems based. Only a beta faggot would think otherwise. A slight amount of virtue signaling, but that's a common vice right now online. And she's didn't even mind the Hot line Miami rape, she just wished it was evenly spread out. She's got that lib-art vocabulary, but what she's actually saying is what's important.

She's dominate, and worships dick. This is every true man's fantasy.

What does it say about Orthodoxy?

Difference is Fatima has many reasons to be both a Lesbian and a Muslim.

Rudi does not have the history Fatima does.

DMC had natural hype attached to it, unlike most games now. The Devil Trigger song alone probably built up more hype than all the resetera trannies could hope to counteract.

they're basically just people with BPD and I can tell you first hand that it's not worth it

You fell for it?

They hired retards

The Old Testament is as canon in Islam as in Christianism.

>user falls for lying thot

>DMC had tons of OC content and fun
>VtMB2 threads are full of astroturfing.

We don't suicide, we Christchurch, retard.

Dude no one is saying that Rudi is good or like Fatima.
The point is that gay muslim vampire isn't exactly new ground. Only being Anarch together with that is.
Nothing, it's from a western europe kindred timeline perspective and the next point is the reformation.

What the fuck? I live in Orlando, it's literally filled with spics. I'd get mugged in a second.

Ah, alright.
Fucking Heretics.

This, the VTMB had a following because the fans had to keep improving on what the devs left behind, these cunts are just digging a dead IP from a vault out to rape it.

the mages had their own version of vampire, and part of the lore is that all modern science is a magical invention, that modern magic is science invention
They cant be exctinct in the wider lore
Theres an extensive wiki for this, and the other vampire spinoffs, theres a werewolf game, and one for the humans trying to fight all 3 off. Playing as a human in this universe sounds fun

I still don't understand why Caine was a tax driver.

she's got something of a point with the hotline miami stuff
a fakeout rape scene that's only there for the shock value is pretty tasteless
Devs can do whatever the fuck the want, of course.

My main issue is Rudi is a fucking Gangrel yet they make him sound like a charismatic leader type who cares for all the weak and poor people around him.

You know, which doesn't sound like a fucking Gangrel at all. He sounds like a Brujah.

I hope they won't fall for the open world meme

It'll be SJW trash, sadly.
If only someone had made this 10 years ago and not today.
I expect it'll be even worse than Vampyr.

>these cunts are just digging a dead IP from a vault out to rape it.
Any objective reason to make you think that?

Vampires are individuals first, clan second
Being embraced by a clan doesn't magically change your personality
There are canon hobo Ventrue, billionaire gangrel and ugly toreadors

Her Seduction 6 (while playing female Brujah) dialogs were worth it.

There is a whole pantheon of shit they deal with, look up "the wyrm" for more info. The fact of the matter is that vampires are more or less low tier trash in universe, a baby werewolf can kill a low generation vampire super easily

Attached: the_russian_werewolf_by_isignrob_dy6iv4-fullview.jpg (1024x721, 104K)

I only played the tabletop, although I played it to autistic and nauseating levels, never touched the videogame

Should I play this?

>The Old Testament is as canon in Islam as in Christianism.
No it's not.

>trusting Susan

>$35 on Epic store for the $90 steam version

fuck steam

>Vampires are individuals first, clan second
Unless they're a Tremere.

Depends, are you one or more of the following: cis, white, male, Christian, neurotypical, conservative?

Yes. Go pirate the GOG version and have fun.
Open it if you want to have a blast of a time!

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What other reason would they have to bring it back, user. Don't be a naive retard. This was purely a cashgrab, unlike DMC5

I don't think there is a issue with a Gangrel being a pack-leader per se.
It would be stereotypcially more of a Brujah thing, but leader type Gangrel exist. The main problem is that there is nothing "Gangrel" about him in particular.
Nothing of the sort of pack-type leadership you'd see from a Gangrel, none of the strength and decisiveness.
Its just a Brujah character someone who wanted to be contrarian decided to be Gangrel after the fact.

That's why we say, every day:

Now this literally just wikipedia but I doubt it's wrong
>The events of the story in the Qur’an are virtually the same as the Hebrew Bible narrative: Both the brothers were asked to offer up individual sacrifices to God; God accepted Abel's sacrifice and rejected Cain's; out of jealousy, Cain slew Abel - the first ever case of murder committed upon the Earth.

>still objectifies women
>in 2019
Srsly, /pol/

>poltards complaining about progressiveness in VTMB

confirmed for not playing the game. cry more while this game because another huge success while you neck yourself

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Or Settites but those two are very different from regular clans

It is though? Even Jesus and the New Testament is still valid in Islam, although they retcon pretty much all of it.

You have absolutely no idea of the setting or the mechanics at all.
Werewolves are trash. They start out more powerful but peak super hard and even starting a Brujah with Celerity and Potence would destroy a young Garou.

i cant wait for you faggots to do a 180 when it turns out to be a shit game filled to the brim with sjw shit

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You're missing his point. He's saying that what clan you are, doesn't determine what your personality will be like. Stereotypes exist for a reason but they're not universal

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>people actually exited for Fallout 4 Bloodlines 2

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That's not at all what the Tzimisce does. They break bones, rend flesh and flay skin to unlock the "potential" inside other creatures, regardless of the amount of pain they have to inflict to get to the point where they are satisfied with their creation, warping them to become deadly monsters.

Nothing about that is even remotely to do with trannies. They don't "graft dicks" or make fake vaginas for the mentally ill, they're reviled by other kindred and for good reason.
Fuck me I am already so very tired of this. I bet they'll actually have a black lesbian renegade tzimisce who actually does gender reassignment surgery. Anything to legitimize these awful, horrible people and their insane egos.

Attached: vomiting-man.jpg (600x557, 50K)

>words words words
Christ you people are shit at making images

I mean *360

Bloodlines was progressive, this is just empty virtue signalling.

Anyone who calls Bloodlines a "male powerfantasy" and complains it portrayed sex workers in a tasteless way is a idiot and hasn't understood the WoD.

If you think reality should be cleaned up to be less tasteless than it is, you cannot make a World of Darkness game.

That's not my issue, there are physical changes that make Bloodlines act the way they are.

Gangrel's weakness is they literally become more animal like as they fight and progress.

>pol crossposters and whiners pretending they aren't posting shit threads 24/7 because some brown guy showed up in their screen for 0.5 seconds

let me laugh harder. nobody believes your bullshit.

>Says that when it own images is just an edit of plebbit

>As they fight and progress
No, as they frenzy. And it takes quiteee a bit before Gangrel become the animals most people think of them as.

>conveys everything efficiently
>isn't a butchered clusterfuck of names, places and jargon
Trying to tart up the writing just seems like a huge mistake desu

Exactly my point; If Rudi was an actual Gangrel, he'd be some kind of up front revolutionary, not some coffee shop socialite.

>when Capcom gives a sequel to a beloved game its good, when Paradox gives a sequel to a beloved game its digging up a dead ip to rape it
>when DMC has threads everyday after announcement its natural hype, when vtmb2 does the same its shilling

I want pol to leave forever

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>They don't "graft dicks" or make fake vaginas

Sascha Vykos literally threw his dick at some guys face at Thorns and decided to be a woman.

Also Doktor Tötentanz. There weas tons of trans Tzimisce stuff, because exploring forms is all Tzimisce are about.

>N-nobody believes your bullshit
You mean the shit that lead writer is saying? She says so herself reseterafag.

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Signature character of clan tzimisce is a literal genderfluid faggot. If they want to make a girl a boy, they will make and may god have mercy of anyone who tries to stop them.

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look there can be a middle ground sjw shill
like what happened with Battletech with that tranny making it so you could make white characters or blue eyes,. Theres a difference between progressiveness and exterminate the white race.
Everytime someone with a pronoun twitter claims head dev be scared.
Look at what the fuckers did to SCP too, completely kicked out the original Yea Forums writers and made it a tumblr safespace

Well the Tzimisce do famously have their signature character throw his own fucking dick at Hardestadt during the convetion of thorns

>nobody believes your bullshit.
I do.
And I wish you and your kind would fuck off back to kotaku and resetera,

Imagine being the tranny faggot who has to shill this.

Certainly i hope for the best, i am not like some anons who WANT it to be shit, i hope they dont fuck up this game.
But its kinda hard to be HYPE when we have paradox as a publisher.
And the declarations about the game we had.
>chris avellone is writing
Like he was a writing a lot of games that ended being shitty because he literally only was used for his name?
Hm, i hope he writes more than 3 lines, because he isnt the kind of writer that inserts his polical views down your throat.

Are you telling me Rudi has never been in a situation or two where he may Frenzy?

Because that reinforces my point he's not a very good Gangrel, hell, how can he even fight for the interests of the Gangrel when he acts like a fucking milksop Brujah hanging around with Kine like a wimp?

So basically no reason. Ok.

Can we all just agree that Chris Avellone writing means next to nothing if he's not directing the game or is at least one of the head writers?

As it is, you get 1-3 small sections that are written in a kinda cool way but that's basically it. It's essentially a marketing gimmick rather than an actual reason to be excited for the game.

Capcom has redeemed itself over time, Paradox has done sweet fuck-all but shit-out pointless overpriced dlcs and reddit memegames

You don't for a second think they're doing this because they're trying to help anyone or that their subjects get any choice whatsoever in the matter, right?

Neck yourself, seriously.

I think the issue is trying to pen people like Sascha Vykos as a "Trans" character when they're fleshshaping abominations is a bit silly and insulting to actual trans people.

It's like claiming Dark Eldar are progressive because they enjoy fleshshaping torture too.

It's a valid point. Nothing wrong with a gritty hardcore setting having rape, it heightens the danger.

But it's gratuitous in hlm2 I think.

Gangrel frenzy marks are temporary before a certain point.

How do the other clans view Tzimisce?
Are they really fine with associating with such degenerates?

Skyrim mods are the only reason to play Skyrim.

Weren't there Brujah neo-nazis and shit in the early editions? When did they go full tankie?

Vykos does it to him-/he-./itself

It takes more than frenzying a couple of times (it takes 3 to get a permanent mark iirc?) and the animal features you gain wont necessarily impact you in a social sense (but often do)
Again, there's no such thing as a "good" gangrel. Characters are individuals first - they're not gonna necessarily act like clan stereotypes.
Would you complain Beckett is a bad Gangrel, because he's too focused on academics and history?

>pre-order bonuses
AKA shit game insurance. Dropped.

Werewolves can get gifts that work just like celerity and potence while having a fucking huge pool of gnosis

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So Yea Forums, which clan has the best song at Succubus clan and why is it Tzimisce?

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>Was in the top ten for like an hour yesterday but fell off quickly after
>Resetera thinks that's an accomplishment
>Can't hide the devs horrid politics they're trying to force into the game, with one of them being the main writer for sidequests
>S-sidequests are not i-important
>HLM2 deserved to be banned!

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Bloodrayne was better. They should have remade that instead.

the whole battletech think was a shitshow

Brujah are just super into politics and rabble-rousing. Their politics depend on the individual, but many brujah are part of the anarchs or at least anarch leaning.

A Gangrel must have embraced him first.

The issue with the "vampires are people first" argument is that there is a very strong mechanism to ensure certain trends and attitudes, because some Gangrel must have found something appealingly "Gangrel" about Rudi to begin with.
And the kind of character he is portrayed as does not look like someone who could come into contact with a Gangrel so they might want to embrace him.
Unless he is ultimately the result of a bunch of city infiltrating pawns of Brunhild and her ilk, but thats too much deep lore for the fuck that wrote V5.

yfw there won't be any body horror or graphical dismemberment because we live in a joke of a society that can't handle horror that isn't jump scares.

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Paradox gave me the Sim City sequel EA could never ever make.
They're fine in my books. Those dlc keep these devs afloat. Also only inhouse games get to those meme levels dlc packs.

My point is if you remove the world Gangrel from Rudi, nothing about his character hints to the bloodline he has. His actions don't reflect his bloodline, which is the fucking point of the bloodline.

He sounds 100% like a Brujah.

Brujah are rebellous dumbasses. So some are Neo Nazis, some are Liberal cucks.

We have a bunch of journos who've seen a 30 minute gameplay demo and described it, if nothing else.

No Gangrel has to think he's "like a gangrel" to embrace him.
They just need to like or hate him enough to think he should be kindred. Depending on their point of view

imagine being christian and disabled

Again, why do you assume that the Gangrel that embraced him was a stereotypical "hunter in the dark" Gangrel?
Clans are NOT stereotypes. This is reinforced time after time in the books. If that's how you play your games, well, they sound like really shitty games, no offense

>You don't for a second think they're doing this because they're trying to help anyone

Usually, no? Not sure where you get the idea from either.
Some younger ones totally would, because why not?
They don't all start out as psychotic assholes.

>I think the issue is trying to pen people like Sascha Vykos as a "Trans"
Vykos is trans. End of discussion.
Being transsexual doesn't make you a better person, nor should the story bend over backwards to avoid portraying a villain as transsexual. Thats just literally what they are.

I didn't even mention the devs fucking pol autists arguing with their own made up strawman and shitting out word salad schizo garbage. dumb bugmen parrots.

nobody cares what you think incel. shouldn't you be killing yourself because captain marvel was a hit.

That sounds like a good way to get fucking killed though.

Yep, Paradox are just jews now. Greedy cum slurping cunts who is somehow worse than the likes of EA and Activision in terms of "DLC".

>they're trying to help anyone or that their subjects get any choice whatsoever in the matter, right?
Never said that. If a Tzimisce wants to make a boy a girl, or vice-versa, he will and may god have mercy of anyone who tries to stop it.
As degenerate freaks and monsters. Rapists, sadists, body modders and old slavic landed nobility are what composes the bulk of this clan. No one really dares to mess with them alone as they are powerful monsters, probably the most distant clan from their humanity.

The DMC franchise is insanely mutable and memeable, VtM mostly isn't.

>nothing about his character hints to the bloodline that he has
And that's a bad thing because...?

No they're not, not in the slightest. Everyone considers them a huge danger to the masquerade, they usually side with the Sabbat, they practice diablerie and use other kine as spare parts if it suits them.

>My point is if you remove the world Gangrel from Rudi, nothing about his character hints to the bloodline he has. His actions don't reflect his bloodline, which is the fucking point of the bloodline.
But that is fucking wrong. Clans don't determine the character of it's members.
The prevailing character of the members determines the clan stereotype.

I'm expecting my Gangrel claws to look like fucking hulk hands.

>lead writer
Thats a big promotion over Mitsoda. When did that happen?

I'm not assuming that. But there are tons of types of Gangrel, and they're still attitudes that come with being a Gangrel.

Beckett is a scholar and yet still visibly and recognisably a Gangrel because of how he goes about it and what kind of person he is.
Rudi is not Gangrel in any way shape or form.

For sidequests, and because she's a landwhale, that's apparently a good criteria for someone to write a majority of content for the game.

tranny game

>It is though?

>Attitudes that come with being a Gangrel
MOST Gangrel
Read Clanbook Gangrel Revised. You'll see a lot of characters that you could have the same complaint about. Characters are NOT just their clan.

>Clans don't determine the character of it's members.
Members of a Clan pick people they like, which is people who have traits they appreciate. Which is extremly likely to be related to or similar to their own traits that their Sire liked and so on.

Clan stereotypes exist because vampires consciously choose Childer that fit to them.

have sex

Big dick is back in town.

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>Devs are literal whos who have made nothing above average
>Bankrolled by the masters of DLC
>Heavily reliant on 5th edition which nobody liked
>Original game was 100% a product of the times and it'll be impossible to recapture that

These are my only concerns desu. I'm very wary and not expecting much.

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>Hate him
Are there vampires out there that embrace someone to be petty? What does that accomplish?

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>still visibly and recognisably a Gangrel
Becket is around 300 years old.
And he only has 1 or 2 permanent frenzy marks

Not really? I have read all the Clanbooks. 2e, Revised, Dark ages, you name it.

No there is none I could make this complaint about because they all still made an effort to connect them to the Clan in some way.
Be they scientists or anything else.

>Are there vampires out there that embrace someone to be petty?
Remember Imalia?

>another huge success
bloodlines was a gigantic flop that straight up killed troika

And he doesn't even have those, as of BJD, he's back to looking like a regular vampire

Nosferatu do.

Alright, time to replay Bloodlines.

I think the last time I played it was four years ago. I used Wesp's Plus patch, and although the restored content was sub-part, I was able to enjoy it nevertheless.

Have there been any new worthwhile mods released since then? What's the recommended and Yea Forums-approved mod package to play the game?

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Doesn't he have permanently fucked up eyes and that's why he wears the shades?


I'm not talking about animal traits. I'm talking about attitude and behaviour.

There is a difference between a Gangrel who is a anti-fa group leader and a Brujah who does the same thing. That difference should be felt. As much as the differences from who they are as people.

Wesp has gone off the deep end with Plus
Just stick with his basic patch

I would do that and the Silent Hill OST on snowy nights walking home from labs. It's like a 2 mile walk one way.

>VtmB 2
>Pathologic 2
>Outer Worlds
>System Shock 3

Yeah, I’m thinking kino is back

VTM2 is going to be the video game equivalent of Thundercats Roar.

Attached: thunderfags roar.jpg (600x326, 41K)

wonder if the new writing team will allow any NPC to make fun of SJWs

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I can't 100% confirm the eyes but I know he used to have fur on his back and that's gone. The eyes might be as well.

Resetera love to revise history, it makes them feel better. It sucked they died and got screwed over by their publisher and had a pretty nonsensical deal with Valve over the use of the Source Engine but it is what it is.

>stock parrot reply

yep you're an impressionable poltard brainlet. if you didn't find this site you'd be sucking cum out of a homeless cult leader because you don't have any thoughts of your own.

Except the original Thundercats wasn't good, unlike VtM:B.

so not the lead writer then?

>System Shock 3
the fuck are you even talking about

If we start from the same human than there should only be a difference when he's frenzying or succumbing to a compulsion.

The bloodline of the vampire reflects attitudes of the Vampire themselves.

You can be an intelligence, scholarly Gangrel, but your bloodline will still shine through, you may be reclusive, dour and prone to anger.

A Gangrel who fights for civil rights would be like Malcom X, rather than MLK

Any TOREADOR chads around?

>>VtmB 2
literally who devs with greedy kike publishers
>>Pathologic 2
no complaints
no complaints
developed by nu-Obsidian, guaranteed unfinished at launch
>System Shock 3
will never see the light of day

Is it literally the same 4 people spamming these threads?

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I didn't mention the first VTMB. I meant all these supposedly "liberal" media you keep crying about and end up being loved and successful. Fuck off already you don't care you just want your stupid nazi agenda.

He said lead writer for sidequests, I know you shills want to deflect all the red flags, but you can't.

>that spacing
i see you

Sure...sure....except what really happens is
>questions and answers
>on topic discussion
>informative content
and then
>criticism and suggestions
>dilating stops
>Fuck off back to /pol/, rRREEEEE
and then actual /pol/ is summoned into the thread

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the SJWs of the past had more integrity, i'm not sure if they can even be called SJWs.

bloodlines1 made fun of everything, probably won't get fat larry and tseng coz muh paradox


very low
anyone who is hyped for this is retarded

But that's fucking wrong.

The whole point of the Bloodlines is to reinforce particular traits and styles.

A guy turned by a Gangrel will be different to one bitten by a fucking Brujah.

>He said lead writer for sidequests
Fucking where?

you need to get laid

>Yea Forums loves it
>8ch Yea Forums hates it
Oldfags really did move to 8

>muh havent even't played teh gaem
Do you people not have phones?

>you may be reclusive dour, and prone to anger
There is literally NOTHING in the books supporting this, if anything, quite the opposite

Not really. Leaving aside that its less likely for the same person to be appealing to two Clans (not impossible), the Clan culture and his abilities will also strongly inform what kind of person they are going forward and how they do things.

i think it's mostly just to show what has been cut
but holy fuck some of the cut music is annoying
maybe it's because of the pink tinted nostalgia glasses but i'm replaying it rn and the tone of the whole game is very wonky

>VtmB 2
Going to be shit
>Pathologic 2
The dev himself has come a long way and got a proper budget so its possible that it will be truly good
We will see
>Outer Worlds
I don't think so.
>System Shock 3
Show me gameplay or fuck off because until then it doesn't exist.

Why didn't you move to 8/v/ then?

Both were created solely to chase trends and sell toys. They’re the exact same thing, just made in different eras. Quit complaining.

The lead writer has the final saying of what's in or out of the final story cut. And there's only one: Mitsoda.

only CP2077 and Pathologic have any real chance of being good

I'm just here to redpill the next generation.

>play Bloodlines
>make a Gangrel
>your clan is completely and utterly irrelevant to the story and you get a single unique line of dialogue with Beckett


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This, there is not a single non-shill person who would buy this feminist game

>Spamming everything with your off-topic garbage and demand that people address it with arguments rather than tell you to fuck off to your board
This is what /pol/fags do every time.

>and then actual /pol/ is summoned into the thread
That implies they weren't already there

>I-its a conspiracy
>/pol is at it again!

Ok God.

You act as if a lot of us haven't pre-ordered and are waiting to refund post release for this exact reason.

you're not convincing incel

>Shit combat
>Long, unskippable introduction
>Set background for your character in a Role Playing Game
>Essential NPCs
Why is VtMB so loved when it's literally just Fallout 3 but with vampire tits?
Is it solely because of the vampire tits?


I'm sure that Gamergate was full of oldfags you absolute fucking idiot

>You can be an intelligence, scholarly Gangrel, but your bloodline will still shine through, you may be reclusive, dour and prone to anger.

This is not at all a thing. The influence of the Clan comes from how they curate for membership (curate being used loosely here) and what influence your Clan Weakness, Clan culture and Disciplines have.

It doesn't shift your personality by itself.

>A Gangrel who fights for civil rights would be like Malcom X, rather than MLK
Yes because a Gangrel would embrace Malcom X but not MLK because of who they already are.


god please give me an updated damsel model so we can have glorious 3d porn with her

Resetera want their safe space as their hub is a bit too ban happy.

>Quit complaining
You realize that no one is ever going to listen to you, right?

hype: mitsoda, avellone, voiceless protagonist, even more branching dialogue

red flag: mitsoda comments on mental illness, kotaku sidequests, pronouns(?)

it all hinges on mitsoda, if he got cucked by wife and paradox then it's over, if he's still capable of making fun of everything then we gud

>talking about pol summons pol to a thread

are you fucking retarded. they were there in the first place shitting things up. fucking lmao you're just a dumb poltard trying to shill an innocent image when you're an invasive retard species to anywhere but you're containment board. fuck off forever.

>Pick furry clan
>expect relevancy

NEVER played the first one, whenever I watched it it just felt clunky and looked like absolute shit (inb4 hurr durr graphics don't matter, it literally looked like trash) is it really worth going trough for the story and gameplay?

i know this is ironic but i did nosferatu on my first playthrough not knowing the implication and it was pretty neat. when i went for my second playthrough it was a totally different game

You didn't care about the game in the first place

red flag: made by some random fps studio that has never made a good game. published by the biggest nickle&dime publisher on the planet

Unironically hurr durr graphics don't matter

I'm thinking of playing Bloodlines. Where should I start with the mods?

He transcended his limitations and is a walking incarnate God. He is beyond petty concerns like what you discord trannies base your entire identities on.

>and gameplay?
Absolutely fucking not, it's hot garbage
The only things the game excels in is voice acting and script writing, everything else is horrible, the polar opposite of God Hand.

>Gamergate was 5 years ago
I want to die

I'm just going to be Blade and kill all the cracker vampires I can

-From Blade

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>this user disagrees that VTM is a political game
politics are kind of a central theme of this series

And /pol/ can't even stand their own board so they spread across the site like cancer.

are you having another one of your episodes?

>This level of cope

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>Jeanette whore outfit
>First person

I'm slightly disappointed

I never said the bloodline LITERALLY shifted your personality.

But that the Bloodline has traits that force you to adapt.

Rudi sits around in coffee shops with his human friends and crys on street corners about Gangrel Rights.

First: How the fuck did he come in contact with a Gangrel when he's a fucking social wallflower.

Second: How the fuck can be called a proper clan Gangrel when no Gangrel would wish to teach such a fucking townie.

implying anybody cares about some incel freak's opinion

>low effort stock replies
I can tell you're absolutely BTFO at this point

For as smart as /pol/tards think they are, they must be really fucking stupid if they don't realize that images like this just prove everyone else right. You guys wouldn't act so offended otherwise.

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You play VtM:B for the character customization, atmosphere, story, and NPC writing and interactions.

are people seriously preordering a game 1 year in advance?

"I role-play, which is literally pretending to be something I'm not, for enjoyment. I'm angry that these other people have the ability to pretend in my pretending!"

Do you wanna be a fledgling caught in LA vampire politics during the early 2000's?

If yes, play it. Else don't. The game is about the writing and atmosphere.

>he's still seething
called it

Somebody forgot an important kino here.

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Always look at the twitter feeds of the devs if you're ever in doubt. Every twitter history I've seen from these people is a literal dumpsterfire with MAH DAHNALD DHRAMPFFFF stuff all over it.
It's gonna be a giant foam cowboy hat.

>everything I don't like is /pol/
>/pol/ is everywhere
>only /pol/ is a containment board
take your meds, schizo

So you admit resetera is shilling this game and come here
>waaaaaaah /pol/

If a 4th generation vamp embraced a thousand people they would all be 5th generation vamps right?

oh so you're the practical person, that's true.

they already mentioned guns are a temporary pick up or some crap.

oh well, we'll see.


>Rudi sits around in coffee shops with his human friends and crys on street corners about Gangrel Rights.
>First: How the fuck did he come in contact with a Gangrel when he's a fucking social wallflower.
>Second: How the fuck can be called a proper clan Gangrel when no Gangrel would wish to teach such a fucking townie.

Yeah thats the dumb part.
Its not impossible, but it just makes no sense to make a Gangrel character that isn't in any way a Gangrel character.

I'm going to be so smug when this game turns out to be shit.

>twitter screencaps
It's all you do.

Ah, alright that makes sense.

>false equivalence
>no logic greentext

kek just kill yourself at this point

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How about you sniff some gas alongside your leather daddy lovers you insufferable underage zoomer cuck?

SJWs aren't infecting VTMB.
Autistic /pol/ does.

VTMB threads will never be comfy again.

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It literally got a teaser trailer like a week ago.

Okay okay system shock remake then

Is this a PC exclusive?

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Because you can't form an argument on what we actually have as criticism. You tards don't deserve any better.

Gangrel >>>>> Brujah

>How the fuck can be called a proper clan Gangrel when no Gangrel would wish to teach such a fucking townie.
Let's be fair here. Most gangrel stick to the cities aswell. Rural areas have a higher concentration of lupines which they really don't want to meet

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>can't have Therese and Jeanette because it cheapens mental illness
>can't have sluttily dressed women like Venus or VV
>can't have women partrayed as cheap skanks like Lily
>can't make fun of Damsel for being a dumb hippie
>the ladies call me 'oh God i can't even believe in' but you can call me Fat Larry with a F-A-T 'cause I'M HEALTHY AT EVERY SIZE SHITLORD
>can't make fun of Yuki's accent
you can just go on and on about stuff about VtMB that'd make SJW curl up in a foetal pose. the new game will be nothing like it

>Say the magic board
>They rush to greentext and larp as offended third parties