*ahem* you jealous?
*ahem* you jealous?
What am I looking at?
What are these MEN up to, user?
Chad Youtuber YongYea
Who the fuck even is this?
You walk into a club and this guy slaps your girls ass, what do you do?
I tell him that what he's doing is a predatory practice
how do i fuck older women like 40+ without it getting made public i worry people will laugh bu i want some of dem milkies Yea Forums
when will manlets ever learn
When will they learn?
With his step-mother?
That's his wife
Is she like 50 years old?
It's MA'AM
Wait, how old is he and how old is she?
Slap his too
>5'11 vs 6'0
Something like that.
Some e-celeb and a Vegas hooker.
Look him right in the eye and ask him his opinion on the future of Stadia. Girlfriend has a slappable ass, that cannot be helped. Why worry?
Tell him that he needs to pay microtransaction to slap that ass
hahahahahahahhahahah Yong absolutely destroyed, based Donna Burke.
Ask him why he's slapping thin air.
Did this chink marry some tranny? Fucking nasty.
is that his mother?
why would he high five me for no reason?
Based yong is going to be in death stranding?
I tell him he she loves Fallout 76 and we make a video bashing women and bethesda
murder him brutally and dance in his organs
Bruce Jenner