
Attached: metacritic.png (432x235, 64K)

Other urls found in this thread:


But why not 98?

>only 4 points better than skyward shit
ouch, better luck next time

The Jim Sterling review dropped it from 98, which is why it caused such a shitshow.

Inb4 all the shitposting to everyone know you’re all complete faggots

I still don't get why seeing this game on a negative light triggers fanboys so much

should be about 90
-10 for combat

insecure underage virgins fanboys

You know for 2019 standards, it doesn't really deserve the 97 score

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>should be about 90
It's a 75, through and through. I'd give it 5 extra points for the aesthetic some people might find charming. I personally find cel shading everything nauseating.

I started to develop a psychological fear to this image, I need to leave this place now.

nintendo bonus

cope snoys

>nintendo fans don't shitp-

this makes me so fucking angry and triggered and seething

Whenever I see someone crying about BotW's combat I think two things.

1) this person is too stupid to work out what the game is asking him to do and just runs head-first into combat and starts mashing buttons like a moron. Spam x50 apples to stay alive.


2) person is a shitter and can't think of any genuine criticisms for the game so latches onto a vague issue he can shit post endlessly about.

Either way it makes no difference to anything.

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Is this the thread where OP posts an image of BoTW then falseflags as angry anons then replies to his own angry posts with "cope"? Non idorts are pathetic. That being said I really enjoyed the game.

Well it's the inferior version of both games...


After finishing BOTW I can only say that I didn't enjoy the open world all that much because there was a big compromise in exchange with actually exciting you to get gear.

After few play sessions I stopped trying to go seek out treasure or explore because I knew there was nothing out there game changing or worth investing my time in.

The bosses are incredible underwhelming and if you completed the dungeons there's basically no challenge. I think it would've been better for me to not even complete dungeons at all and go and bare knuckle fight Ganon to actually find excitement in this game

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uhmm sweetie

Show real score, stop cropping it out.

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i agree with you,it was awesome to fight the Little pig guys,the lizards,and the big pig guys over and over again,i like how this huge world has so many enemys,its amazing,botw is truly a masterpiece

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Based smug Zelda dabbing on the snoybois.

imagine being so cope you make this image kek

I played both and chuckled at this

Not gunna take off chief

The fuck are you talking about? The majority of hate threads for games not released on the Switch are made by Nintendo Switchlets. Sekiro, DMC5, Kingdom Hearts 3, etc. It's mostly all Switch fanboys.

Notice how when a new Nintendo game comes out that people generally think looks like shit (ala Link's Awakening) that there are constant defense threads? How literally everyday there are Switch reassurance threads?

Is this an ironic post or no? I got the game recently and it's obvious the game is encouraging you to try different ways to easily take out enemies. Maybe it's just because I'm still in the early to mid sections, but enemies doing like 5 hearts worth of damage in a single swing should tell anyone to back off and try something new. I don't know all of the valid and invalid criticisms of this game yet, so I can't tell if you're earnest or not.


GOTY 2017
G̶O̶T̶Y̶ ̶2̶0̶1̶8̶

You'll never recover will you?

>2) person is a shitter and can't think of any genuine criticisms
There are plenty of valid issues with the game for it to be a shitty experience for many, people like you just choose to ignore it because you are disillusioned by a fucking company.

A lot of the KH3, DMC, and sekiro shitpost threads were made by one mentally ill FFXV fanboy

Shit in comparison to an actual good game... like Tony Hawk Pro Skater 2.

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Nope, its the Switch Tranny Discord. They have been raiding for a while now, I remember they organized Spiderman shitposting too.

Like I said before, TP got the last laugh.

BotW isn't perfect but anyone who tries to pretend BotW is a bad game needs to end their pathetic jealous salty life.

I liked 3 more but 2 is still a fantastic experience

BotW was extremely enjoyable, but the acclaim that it received was a little undeserved.

>Anemic story
>The "main" characters of the story are either dead or give 3 lines of dialouge and never see them again
>Same-y shrines, not enough interesting shrine challenges

Attached: jvt11gqueeg21.png (750x745, 700K)

It might have been some of that as well but barry shitposted a bunch too

I see your image, and I raise you this one in return.

Attached: Untitled.png (974x358, 166K)

Everyone on Earth has declared BotW as one of the greatest games ever made.

Watch the shitters deny this.


Fuck acfag and fuck canada

Not Pro Skater 2, so fuck it.

>say that gameplay is the most important part of a game
>"wow dude fuck you"

Attached: yikes.png (256x256, 28K)

>the acclaim that it received was a little undeserved.

BotW literally destroyed every other open world game over night rendered most of the unplayable. I can't go back to most of them after BotW.

And Nintendo did this on their first attempt at the genre. Using a fucking Wii U.

So yeah, I was pretty stunned.

Never thought of it that way

>BotW literally destroyed every other open world game
*blocks your path*

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fart of the shitch

Fuck acfag, and fuck you.

>BotW literally destroyed every other open world game over night rendered most of the unplayable
Can’t even touch GTA4’s 98, so that’s a load of gay bullshit.

>comparing 2D game design to 3D

Thanks for exposing yourself as an imbecile. No wonder you're baffled by BotW's acclaim.

I'm sorry user.

It's not bad, just mediocre.


I'm not that guy who was talking about the acclaim. I'm just saying that Terraria is objectively a better game in every single way. Not that this makes Zelda bad. It's just in second place, which is nothing to be ashamed of.

Really? I played the Witcher 3 before BOTW, and I found BOTW set a lower bar by far.

I guess I value good writing, combat, content, actual reward systems, varied enemies and dungeons, and a skill system over empty exploring.


Chad reply

>less GoTYs than God of Onions


>showing ACuck, of all posters, in a good light
Fuck you

BotW can't touch OoT's 99 either. But that doesn't mean BotW hasn't drawn a line in sand for all other open world game's to be measured against.

>I'm just saying that Terraria is objectively a better game in every single way.

Yeah and TETRIS is better than everything. So what?

>calling others cucks while defending multi-billion dollar corporations as they turn your games into cinematic experiences and glorified visual novel pornos
>all while still charging you 60 bucks ontop of DLC and microtransactions

And another -10 for empty af open world

Why do Terraria fags keep dragging their shit into BOTW threads? Fuck off, no one cares about your pixelshit game.

Once the bigger and more filled out Zelda comes out, BotW will be forgotten, GotYs or not. It’s the Fallout 3 of Zelda, and I mean that in most negative way possible.

Its a shame nobody else in the world agrees with - not even Witcher 3 devs. Its okay bro, no need to be upset about it. You're allowed to like other things.

Hey Doug, still a chck living in Canada I see. :)

So what? I'm just saying, I think Zelda has much to improve, and Terraria showcased how it can improve. That's why I even brought it up in the first place. It's a good example to learn from.

For example, this postHe says that BOTW drew a line in the sand, but guess which game actually lets you manipulate sand?

Attached: Terraria_Desert_Background_Scenery_Landscape.jpg (1279x966, 141K)

In years to come, BotW will be remembered alongside ALTTP and OoT and one of THE quintessential Zelda games.

Okay so you're just an autist, got it.

You're comparing 2D game design to 3D game design.

Thats like comparing sailing to interstellar space travel.

Get over it.

People said the same about Fallout 3 until New Vegas did everything it did, but better. BotW halfassed everything those did for the sake of the OPEN WORLD meme.

day 751 and Yea Forums is still butthurt

Except many people agree with me. And the Witcher devs didnt start making BOTW style games. In fact, no one has. Because they know its an idea with terrible execution.

Those things can be comparable. It's silly to assume that they both exist completely seperate from eachother. You can still compare combat, crafting, exploration, progression, and overall content from biomes to items and enemy variety.

IMO Terraria benefits from being 2D because it can run at a silky smooth 60 FPS. It's not pulling a korok forest every 5 minutes.

No one would ultimately care, its just a cycle of insecurity from BOTW fanboys that have no games on the Switch and people who humor their retardation.

These threads ARE ALWAYS made to bait, because the game is easily forgotten and no one would care otherwise.

??? The Witcher devs haven't even released anything since BOTW came out.

Cuberpunk is coming.
Ubisoft has, and NOTHING has translated over from Shit of the Wild.

Cucksterling make a 7 note
Shitposting aside Breath of the Wild it's at least an 8
Fucking Jim cuck

>76 posts and 12 image replies omitted.

>le skyward sword is bad maymay
Yikes, the snoy's are on maximum cope today.

>He actually thinks you need to be a fan of anything to think Skyward Sword is shit

It’s up there with WW, a literal unfinished product, for worst Zelda, and I say this a dude whose first Zelda was LA on GBA.

Anyone else notice how Nintenkids overrrate games on their consoles because they haven't played any of that genre?

>Open world Zelda comes out, is completely mediocre compared to the last 10 years of open world games

>Xenocringe 2 comes out, is one of the worst JRPGs ever releaed
>Since the Switch gets no JRPGs they scream "NOOOO IT'S AMAZING IT'S THE BEST JRPG EVERRRRRRRR"

Hey. Nintenkids. Go out, mow your grandma's lawn, go and pick up a cheap PS4 and play Red Dead 2, Horizon Zero Dawn, Witcher 3, Far Cry 5, Assassin's Creed Odyssey, Final Fantasy 15, Persona 5, Ni No Kuni 2, Tales of Berseria, etc. etc. etc. and get out of your pathetic little bubble. There's so many amazing games to play yet you limit yourselves to the worst developed in videogam history who panders to children.
Grow up.

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Isn't gameplay first a Nintendo thing?
Why would this btfo them?

I dont think you realize how reaction images work, Captain Autism. Why do all of you argue like High School kids?

Far Cry 5 completely abandoned 4's locked world structure and has the same "do whatever you want after the tutorial island" intro.

seeConsole war garbage aside, he does bring up a point that Nintendo games emphasize muh waifus over actual gameplay. That's why every single Nintendo discussion is nothing but a porn dump. Blaster Master has zero gameplay discussion because they're too busy talking about their watermelon plant waifu, BOTW discussion is nothing but people jerking off to Zelda and Urbosa and the loli gerudo queen whose name escapes me at the moment, Xenoblade is nothing but dumping porn of Mythra and Pyra, and I can't even tell you the horrors that have befallen metroid threads.

Back to the point, both sony and Nintendo fans have forgotten that good gameplay transcends everything else. If you would sacrifice good gameplay for more waifus, or more cutscenes, then you've missed the whole point of the medium. For example, ask someone to play Uncharted without the story, and they'll call you an uncultured manchild. Ask them to play Xenoblade without any of the waifus, and they'll call you a "fucking leftist SJW".

>That's why every single Nintendo discussion is nothing but a porn dump.
>every single Nintendo discussion is nothing but a porn dump
>every single
>If you would sacrifice good gameplay for more waifus, or more cutscenes, then you've missed the whole point of the medium
Hey Doug, you're a faggot.

think it was an 8/10 game tbqh

Skyward Sword having a 93 on Metacritic shows that Zelda reviews cant be trusted. Skyward Swod was a 6/10, BOTW was a 7/10.

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Oh I'm sorry, how could I forget the threads where they substitute porn spam for politics and metacritic shitflinging? How silly of me.


Faggot :)

I've played all them. BotW is miles better.


Okay. Whatever you say.

I've played them too. I found Terraria to be a bit better than BOTW. The consistent framerate, actually functional hard mode, and actual genuine freedom helped it pull ahead. BOTW can't advertise true freedom until you can literally destroy mountains and erect monuments to yourself out of dirt, clay, and rock.

I like the game for sure, but since the shrine puzzles are kind of lame, it's difficult to set satisfying goals for my exploration, which affects my motivation to continue playing. I guess I could just go do the main story, but the main story seems kind of whack for a zelda game, so not really interested in that either, and would probably just do it as I happen to decide to explore the area the story objectives are.

Overall I probably won't finish the game. I would have liked it a lot more if it didn't have the zelda label stamped onto it, but I'm aware they did it so they can get the free zelda bucks.

Nope. Another thing Nintenkids do - lie all the time to make it seem like they actually play anything more than their children games. Instead of buying Mario Maker 1.2, save up for a PS4. Trust me. They're cheap as fuck now and have so many great games on them. You'll be blown away. Whenever you eventually pick up a PS4 just ask for a list of the essentials and everyone will be happy to help you.

I have two PS4s. A launch one and a pro. Both are in a box in my closet. How many Nintendo systems do you own? None I bet.

Waifuism seems more like an issue of the fandom rather than the developer.
You use Metroid as an example, but barring Other M, none of the games focus on Samus as a character over their gameplay.
I've played BOTW and while i didn't think it was the masterpiece people make it out to be, i did enjoy it more than something like the Witcher 3.
It does have somewhat simple gameplay, but it does allow you to do more stuff with what you're given than other open world games.
And in any case people are always going to focus on the female cast, regardless of their actual presence in the game.
People keep jerking off over the fish girl, yet i barely remember her because she was in like 2 cutscenes.

You're mentally ill.

>Both in a box in my closet

>How many Nintenedo systems do you own
I'll own a Nintendo system when they actually put out decent games. Hopefully next console.

You're talking to ACfag, known shitposter.

Metascore means nothing and I say this as someone who liked the game.

I am sorry if you feel that way.

>You use Metroid as an example, but barring Other M, none of the games focus on Samus as a character over their gameplay.
You had to bar Other M though. That is precisely why waifus don't belong in video games, because it leads to that kind of ugly filth. First you defend it by saying "oh it's just a little fanservice". Then it becomes alot of fanservice. Then it becomes the focus of the game. Then they throw out the game and just make it a glorified porno/cinematic movie. And that's what happened with Metroid. And it will never not piss me off. Instead of the fandom realizing this, every other thread is "haha I wonder what Samus' farts smell like hue hue hue". Bunch of sickening dgenerates.

>And in any case people are always going to focus on the female cast,
The focus shouldn't overtake the actual gameplay. It's why it's so hypocritical that BOTW fans talk about how amazing their game is, but never actually want to talk about it. It's always a combination of porn spam and metacritic shilling.

So you don't own any Nintendo system. Wow. Just wow.

You should know what renowned for making the best video games in the world.

7 (SEVEN) of the Top 10 greatest games ever made are Nintendo games.

> Highest Rated Games Of All Time
> 1. Ocarina of Time (1998, Nintendo) (374)
> 2. Chrono Trigger (1995, SquareSoft) (358)
> 3. Breath of The Wild (2017, Nintendo) (302)
> 4. Super Mario 64 (1995, Nintendo) (275)
> 5. A Link To The Past (1991, Nintendo) (272)
> 6. Super Metroid (1995, Nintendo) (266)
> 7. Super Mario World (1990, Nintendo) (262)
> 8. Final Fantasy VII (1997, SquareSoft) (259)
> 9. Final Fantasy VI (1994, SquareSoft) (256)
> 10. Super Mario Bros 3 (1989, Nintendo) (256)
> 11. Resident Evil 4 (2005, Capcom (256)
> 12. Metal Gear Solid (1998, Konami) (255)
> 13. Street Fighter II (1991, Capcom) (252)
> 14. GoldenEye 007 (1997, Nintendo) (246)
> 15. Metroid Prime (2002, Nintendo) (246)
> 16. Half-Life 2 (2004, Valve Corporation) (246)
> 17. Castlevania: SOTN (1997, Konami) (245)
> 18. The Legend of Zelda (1985, Nintendo) (242)
> 19. Super Smash Bros Melee (2001, Nintendo) (241)
> 20. Tetris (1989, Nintendo) (240)
> 21. Shadow Of The Colossus (2005, Sony) (237)

As a video game enthusiast, you should really branch out. You're really missing out by being salty and jealous.

>Nintenkid telling me to branch out
I'm just going to ignore you from here on out, thanks for exposing yourself.

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>The Jim Sterling review dropped it from 98

This actually isn't true. Metacritic themselves dropped it from a 98 because they gave Jim's scores more algorithmic weight than a lot of other review outlets.


>plays video games
>has never bought a Nintendo console even they though they are the most celebrated video game company in history

Yeah you need to end your life you pathetic jealous baby. Otherwise you'll continue to wake up everyday in a world where BotW is considered one of the greatest games of all time. I don't know how you can stand the pain.

>nstead of the fandom realizing this, every other thread is "haha I wonder what Samus' farts smell like hue hue hue".
Because you make those threads, Doug, you literal cuckold. You're the fucking reason why we can't have good Metroid threads.

Get it all out user. If you have anything else you'd like to say, I'm all ears.

Why do you pretend Other M isn't the most hated game in the franchise?
It had other many issues besides the fan service you know, like it still would be shit if Samus never took off the armor.

>you make those threads

Attached: 4db.png (680x514, 72K)

Don't talk to ACfag

Factorio got a higher score.

>Why do you pretend Other M isn't the most hated game in the franchise?
It's a bad game, but to say it's hated, let alone the most hated, is silly. Do you think the fandom actually cares about the atrocious gameplay or the story that's constantly shoved in your face? i think maybe you and I can agree that it's a steaming heap that disgraces the whole series, but you'll need to convince the torrent of waifufags who often infest and destroy metroid threads. Certainly you've seen them, right? It's not exactly something you can easily ignore, as they'll just spam the thread until 404. And then they'll do it again not even a few minutes later in another thread.

>Summary: Ignore Legend of Zelda

Attached: [Laughs Externally].gif (290x189, 2.9M)

I don't know man, Federation Force was a thing.

>retards in this thread replying to Doug, the ACfag

Attached: acfag.png (1046x346, 32K)

You mean all tears, crybaby.

Personally I like to egg him on just to see what kind of stupid shit he'll say next.

I enjoy watching him suffer. Every day is a trauma for him.

What do you consider good games then?

>calling someone a faggot because they don't like cutscenes in excess

I can smell the resetera on you fellas.

You cruel bastards, picking on the handicapped is considered a crime in some parts of the world lel

I don't think i've ever seen someone talk positively about Other M.
And as far as i can tell, the internet's obsession over Zero Suit Samus, stems from her inclusion as a fighter in Smash Bros.
Like how Wii Fit Trainer had single digit numbers of porn before Smash, and is now in the thousands.
I really don't think Metroid fans are to blame here.

>I don't think i've ever seen someone talk positively about Other M.
Just go into a zero suit thread and they'll talk nothing but praise about it. Not even about her attire, but they'll admire how she's a submissive waifu who listens to her name and never questions him. They literally applaud her character being assassinated because it appeals their dicks. I know for sure that her being a submissive doormat wasn't introduced in smash bros.

>I really don't think metroid fans are to blame here
They allow porn to overtake every single one of their threads, so I can't exactly say they're innocent either. Oh, and pic related is what happened the last time I tried to stir up a GAMEPLAY discussion about Metroid.

Attached: the state of metroid threads.png (1360x466, 84K)

>Wow. Just wow.
fuck off
you can emulate all of those on pc anyway

Like i said, i haven't seen it so i'd have to take your word for it.
But the amount of porn definitely stems from Smash, you can tell because it's the smash zero suit 99% of the time.
And considering the number of smashfans to metroidfans, i don't think they have much of a choice in the matter of thread focus.

Sorry, the GOAT is still this

Attached: AlttP.png (1040x2280, 428K)

Regardless, I just think games should have a better focus on gameplay, which is my entire beef with fanservice in the first place. I wouldn't mind it so much if the porn and waifufags didn't destroy every thread they touched, but that's wishful thinking.

red and basedpilled

lel doug is such a cuck

would someone who absolutely hates puzzles enjoy this game?

old shit for boomers

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Maybe, there's a lot of them but they're all really simple

Absolutely, this game was made purposely for people who do not like Zelda.

In all honesty, fuck ALTTP. I say this as a boomer whose first game was LoZ. It took this series in the wrong direction and didn't get a course correction until 26 years later.

Not really, no. Nostalgiafags will deny it, but BotW has better designed puzzles than anything else in the entire series. If you don't enjoy them you'll hate this game even more.

why do people care about metacritic in the first place when games that don't even hit 90% end up having far more influence than games within the top percentile

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>thinking Dork Souls has ANY major influence outside of a few niche games and a tedious currency loss mechanic

Attached: giphy (1).gif (341x321, 2M)

>brought difficulty back to mainstream games and showed developers/publishers that there's still an audience for players that enjoy challenge
>compared to every major release under the sun
it practically defined 2010s vidya, easily

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