What went so horribly wrong? Besides the terrible marketing that is.
What went so horribly wrong? Besides the terrible marketing that is
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It wasn't modern. They can go fuck themselves.
i've got almost 150 hours of the multiplayer and a total of 200 if you count doing the story and coop combined arms mode for all the challenges and stuff - bfv is pretty great, i'm excited for the new maps and i do hope the announced jap vs american factions coming in fall give us some new toys to play with - i think the biggest issue i have with the online is that planes feel like they are in a really weird spot
>Playing Modern Warfare Remastered, always pick a female character
>Playing Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege, always pick a female operator
>Females appear in Battlefield V, and there's a shitstorm
I don't get it. I raced to buy the game and steelbook when I seen the cover.
The game wasn't finished.
the game is optimized like fucking trash
>CoD goes semi-futuristic again
>everyone hates it
>BF goes to World War 1, a barley touched-upon war in any media
>a good campaign and map selection, along with no loot boxes at launch
>in addition to strong gameplay
>BFV comes
>essentially a reskin but slower
>ONE extra magazine to start
>banned words like "titanfall" and "nuts"
Nazi airborne jumping out of American planes
Devs made a game for themselves rather than for the fans
They wanted to make a WW2 game set in unknown battles, this is fine, but it comes across as extremely lazy when you just make it British vs Germans for every single battle.
They've also decided to shift resources into things nobody cared about, such as Battle Royale and 5vs5 modes. This completely takes away from the core battlefield experience, you can't say it doesn't matter, because at the end of the day these things take time and resources, and DICE only have a finite number of each. Battle Royale just feels like a lazy add-on that nobody asked for, just to chase the latest gaming craze, the funny part is that it's pay-to-play, meaning you won't get much of the target audience of BR, who are used to free-to-play games.
Game was rushed out to meet shareholders expectations and to fulfill the new 2 year BF dev cycle, this makes everything worse since it means there's less content and and less polish, but this also means that the previous games final DLC expansions are of low quality since most resources have shifted to development of the new game, just take a look at the final two expansions for BF1, they were split apart and of lower quality than the first two.
BF1 had actual soul and reverence for the war it was dealing with, you only have to look at the codex or even Operations mode to see this. BFV doesn't have any of this. BF1 was a project. BFV was a deadline.
There's so little content for people who were long time fans of BF. We are used to expansions packs, we are used to paying for extra content, and honestly they were worth it, but now you have poorfags that complain about having to pay something like $30 to get essentially double or triple the base games content.
I don't know many people who defend the game, but it's usually people's first battlefield or underaged that do. That should tell you everything.
The marketing was the big one.
Being a WWII shooter when those have been overdone for a decade was the other.
It's actually fun and I'm glad I purchased it.
how is it compared to BF1 I really liked that one
>game not finished
>world war 2 again
>microtransactions out the ass that ruin readability and class silhouettes
>active disdain for potential customer
>celebrating their own moral superiority after releasing a flop
ea / dice must burn
Unfinished, buggy
A new patch fixes one or two things, breaks three
Tank gameplay is garbage
Air-to-air gameplay is garbage
Air-to-ground is unbalanced
Map design is often horrible
Absolutely zero authenticity or atmosphere
Absolutely zero historical accuracy or context
Live service is a fucking joke
Literally the only good thing about the game is the gunplay which is quite good, but even that gets fucked in the ass because of the massive list of glitches, poor balancing of weapon classes and vehicles.
Its embarrassing at best, and a disgrace at worst.
I now predict your next move will be, "It's just a game, bro!"
>banned words like titanfall
holy shit I forgot about that lol
Developers take feedback from reddit and twitter.
I used to want a a bad company 3, because the first two are fun as hell. Now I hope they never touch that series again. They'd kill off Haggard in the first mission and replace him with a sassy black woman for sure.
Its not like BF1
ironically bad company is goofy enough to actually involve a female soldier and get away with it it's just that they'd never do it without it being motivated by modern identity politics
Yah. BC1 has Miss July. They could include her, but it wouldnt make sense for her to soldier up with you outside of a plot device. It's the only way I could see it working without being a force.
And they'd for sure jab at their jilted fans in random dialogue. They'd fuck it up. They can't help themselves.
Besides bad marketing, it fell for the whole SJW bullshit. A colossal failure, deservedly so.
It's a ww2 game with the least amount of ww2 related content. I mean, c'mon ! Only two factions at launch and recycled bf1 weapons and prototype crap ?
It's a bit different.
Multiplayer is more like typical BF multiplayer since the weapons are more modern.
Singleplayer Campaign uses the same "War Stories" pattern, but they really upped the writing quality.
Air to ground is, and always will be, unbalanced. Give jets limited ammo or remove them.
They forgot everything that made battlefield what it is
Vehicle combat blows (having health regen on vehicles is one of the series' greatest mistakes)
Getting farmed by fuckers in bombers or tanks sitting at the edge of the map blows but there's not much counterplay since the fuckers can repair themselves and destroy most cover leaving you as a sitting duck
The classes barely feel like classes despite there only being 4 now
Also it's a 'live service' game but they added like 1 map and a BR mode since launch, I don't think EA understands how live service games are supposed to work judging by how this game and apex and anthem operate.
>War stories
>Upped the writing qyality
Almost all of them are blatant historical revisionist propaganda. Only The German one is the good part
>BF1 had actual soul and reverence for the war it was dealing with
Remember the reaction to black German soldiers?
>always pick a female character
What a faggot
>oh no you play as a girl in one mission
The German tank mission was the best one, but Nordlys was a close second, even with the unreality of playing as a barely teenage girl.
>advertise game as early war
>this is why we dont have commies or americans
>everyone is shooting eachother with that gun made in the last 15 minutes of the war and sturmtigers
Are gunfags the most autistic people on earth?
Has modern weapon attachments in a WW2 game. WW2 game dominated by machine guns instead of bolt actions. No team limits on classes etc.
It's fun
It sold millions absolutely nothing went wrong.
bought it a couple months back. reached level twenty with assault. got bored of the maps (they all kinda suck). stopped playing. willing to give battle Royale a shot (never played one before). if it sucks too, I'll trade it in for a $10 lunch.
>Only 2 factions (Germans and British) in a game about WW2
>No Pacific theater
>No Eastern front
>No Sino-Japanese war
>No M1 Garand
>Campaign is mostly shitty one man army stealth missions
>battle royale mode nobody asked for
>Staple modes like rush not included at launch
>"live service" DLC model means that you'll get maybe 1 map every 6 months
>health regen on vehicles
No such thing.
honestly, its just wasn't fun and for me its mostly due to the maps; i think they are some of the worst to date.
Second, i really dunno.. i didn't get satisfied from it at all; no matter the kill streaks etc. its just like "oh that was nice"
Somethings missing what makes battlefield that much better than the rest, but i dunno what it is.
>tfw still stuck with BF4 despite all its flaws because we're probably never getting another BF game like it or 3 again
I love it, why cant we just talk about games instead of only bait threads getting replies? I hate u all
>what went wrong
>woman on cover
makes me think
>strong gameplay
what the fuck
Talking about battlefield on Yea Forums sucks because virtually everybody is wrong but I'm not gonna mass reply with all the dumb people say and shit up the thread, just suffice it to say that what you posted in particular was especially dumb. BF5 fixes all of BF1's gameplay problems.
I wonder what these newfaggots who showed up from Reddit in 2017 would've thought of Yea Forums making swastikas as black afro men in Habbo Hotel back in the day.
Nah the writing quality in the campaign is legit awful. The black french campaign was just an abomination.
>For Honor
>GTA Online
>all of the Halo games for ages now
>all of the Call of Duty games for ages now, INCLUDING COD:WW2
>let you shoot and kill people as a woman
>video game market has little problem accepting this, all of these games sell millions
>BF5 does the same thing
certainly causes one to ponder
None of those made claims about being historically authentic except for BF5
Disingenuous post and you know it.
They slashed the sales forecast prelaunch and it still failed to meet even that. To say nothing went wrong is either ignorance or a lie.
Shitty marketing and bad first impressions, that's all.
Some of the major changes like the removal of 3D spotting, suppression and the gunplay are the only things that I Iiked about compared to the previous games.
Imagine being proud of other people on a basket weaving forums making swastikas in a childrens penguin game 10 years ago, no one cares
it sold less than freaking Hardline
Imagine being proud of other people in a shitty country making a prosperous civilization out of nothing 1000 years ago, no one cares
Imagine pretending that you're "actual Yea Forums" when you're not. Fuck off to Twitter or wherever you people come from if saying nigger pisses you off so much.
imagine copying the person you despise cause youre too retarded to come up with something new, go back to your penguin game
since when Modern Warfare 2 has playable women?
Where did BF5 do that?
I still play and enjoy BF1 on a private server on san quentin scars, the setting and theme are very fresh. No interest in V at all. whoever designed the game with women screaming in ww2 should be fired imho
imagine being this triggered by pixel women
What was bad about Tirailleur? It was the least memorable of the campaign missions, but other than "Paris edited us out of the victory photograph" (no idea if that happened IRL) in the end why did you hate it?
>has a female soldier literally called the Legendary Soldier and the Mother of Special Forces
>invented CQC
>beats the shit out of Snake regularly
>took down a 6’7 giant in seconds with ease
>literally gave birth in the middle of the battlefield with bullets whizzing by
>no one cares
>shows a female soldier for less than 2 minutes in a trailer doing nothing particularly crazy
>everyone loses their minds, complains about muh womyn, muh feminism, etc.
The maps are shockingly awful honestly, I can't think of a single map in the game I'm excited to play but I can think of several I quit the server over. But BF1 was the same way to me. The best maps of BFV are the about even with the better maps of BF1 which would have been bad maps in BF4 and it only get worse from there.
While I would never claim that old Battlefields didn't have bad maps at all I would say that some of the maps they had were genuinely good and not just the best of a shitheap.
A big part of it IMO is they seem to be designed as individual objective points that are then dropped into empty space before the terrain between them is adjusted, instead of designing the "macro flow" of the map and then zooming in to make objectives from there.
Another major problem is the complete lack of consideration for how the different lines of sight will play out on PC (where everyone has ultra precise aim always) versus console (where everyone is reliant on aim assist that stops working after a certain distance).
>BF5 fixes all of BF1's gameplay problems.
That's a good joke user. The vehicle spawn system alone is still such a massive detriment to the game that I refuse to believe anyone who allowed it had ever worked on a Battlefield game prior to BF1.
Explain to me how BF5 "fixed" BF1's high vaulting, proning on uneven ground, vehicle controls, line of sight vs obstacles, precise gunfire/footstep sounds and classes.
>b-but gunplay
Oh great, every gun is laser accurate like CoD. What an improvement!
I think it deserves the least immersive game of all time award.
All it takes is one woman to scream and boom. immersion ruined. congrats dice
bf1 - 32 maps
bf5 - 10 maps
what went so horribly wrong?
Isnt the vehicle spawn system the same as BF3 and 4, hardline?
was MGS3 called by Kojima "an authentic portrayal of cold war espionage" tho?
But I agree, the BFV shitstorm was stupid in it's own regard.
People lost their minds over Quiet. Modern conservatards are snowflakes is the problem.
No it was introduced in BF1 in the mainline. It might have been in Hardline, I wouldn't know as I never played that one. In every previous Battlefield game a specific type of vehicle would automatically spawn/respawn at a specified point with zero user input. You could customize the vehicles loadout to a certain degree, but an MBT was always an MBT, and AA tank was always an AA tank, a fighter jet was always a fighter jet, etc.
This vehicle token to spawn whatever you want is very new and has created nothing but problems.
>BF1's RNG guns were good!
jesus fucking christ, what an awful, uninformed casual opinion
I thought you meant the vehicle not spawning in a base on the map itself, what problems has this new system caused? The only problem I had with it in BF1 was people choosing the 1man artillery truck or the 1 man turret tank and camping all game like nofun faggots. But all the BFV tanks have multiple steats so it dont bother me, why don't you like it? I've only been playing a week so far so I dunno the meta, if there is one.
Not him but I thought the RNG was better because ww1 guns were generally less accurate, espeeeeeeccialy the automatics, and untrained soldiers in stressful situations cant 360 snap shoot headshot a guy 3 kilometers away like u can do on PC/mouse.
All those games are feminist faggot bullshit as well.
It's because of bullshit like this and movies like Aliens and Starship Troopers and GI Jane we have retards nowadays who actually think women should be in combat.
Bunch of fucking spastics.
>WW1 Battlefield
yeah right dude. Everyone has a machine gun the WW1 experience
>shows a female soldier for less than 2 minutes in a trailer doing nothing particularly crazy
running and gunning between explosions while using prosthetic in the 40's wasn't crazy?
it's too much choice for boomers who can't figure out which tank to drive.
almost like it's a Battlefield game instead of Red Orchestra
Im so sad they listened to the whiny faggots taht dont even like BF, I want a katana and robot arm.
feminists and sjws were the one went bananas over quiet for he attire
Because theres so many feminists and sjws posting on Yea Forums calling quiet a whore that adds nothing to the story etc. and not a bunch of neo nazis
since when previous BF games have prosthetic arms?
shit-tier gameplay
You haven’t even played the br yet you double nigger
They didn't fix the immediate problems with the game like the balance, all the bugs, etc. Felt like they just gave up on the game and that it had no foreseeable future. Generally most of DICE's games release pretty buggy but they try to work out most of the bugs and balance issues generally fast (kinda). This one as I said didn't seems to have that push to fix it, it just felt like it was dying.
Personally, I did enjoy the gameplay and I thought it was an improvement over the suppression city of hell it was becoming. The lower of spread give more control over your shots versus the tap tap rhythm game that even if you did correctly sometimes your shots would still miss. I don't understand how people enjoyed that (even myself) because it just felt like cheap deaths. So gameplay wise it was fine, just had enough unfixed bugs that I just had to drop it.
bf1 felt more WW2ish despite being set in WW1 than this
>BF goes to World War 1, a barley touched-upon war in any media
>a good campaign and map selection, along with no loot boxes at launch
>in addition to strong gameplay
lol no
E3 2017/18
They should really just release another BF1943 at this point
No unlocks, DLC, etc., with a more adventurous setting, that way it isn't an overwhelming failure if it flops
>one is not included for real world politics while the other is
>fucking reddot sights in BF1 and BFV
when will this meme end If you decide to make a game set in the past then fucking deal with it people were using normal ironsights back then
fucking codkiddies
>using RBD ever when it was created on the spot just to advertise BFV and everyone who actually knew what they were talking about had already been using spread for years
Casual pretending to be pro detected.
You actually already identified the basic problem, you just haven't thought it through yet. It used to be that maps could be balanced around having and not having certain vehicles. For instance, on certain maps each team would start with an LAV and there were no other vehicles on the map. This lead to certain types of engagements that were better suited for that specific map. In the new system, maybe one team would choose to spawn an MBT and immediately kill the other team's vehicle with their superior AT firepower. The experience has completely changed due to the whim of a single player in 64 person match.
Going along the same thought, maybe one team spawns an AA tank. Normally the AA tank would only appear on maps with lots of air units and other vehicles, so it's anti infantry potential is never fully realized and thus not a problem. But on this map, if the rest of the team is able to deal with the enemy LAV, there is nothing left to hold it back from farming infantry units from a distance with impunity. To account for this new circumstance it must be nerfed to prevent this from happening, but that also neuters its ability to defend itself during normal usage for its intended purpose.
Sort of rambling and I didn't cover everything but hopefully you understand the gist of it.
>The guy behind the marketing that made the game into one of the biggest flops considering the resources behind it got "fired" and rewarded with millions and millions of dollars.
Capitalism ahoy!
>what is self repair
just got the game. Multiplayer feels like a sniping shitfest. One-shot guns in video games are fucking garbage.
>soldiers go AWOL to search for gold in some shit arab/communist country
We've had more ridiculous shit in BF titles
Isn't RNG my dude, morphing hitboxes are more your beef. A design choice based on real-time telemetry, it helps to create a fake match regardeless of users skill and that's why we'll never have total freedom again in modern "competitive" games, because removing part of user skill as factor is the only way to control matches between human players to avoid little timmy to feel worthless and, consequently, drop the game. Sadly, the entire game design is built around this choices, you can blame EA/DICE for open their gates to cod refuggees but it's actually happening on every popular online game (Battlefront nad OW made a fortune with this).
>using RBD ever when it was created on the spot just to advertise BFV and everyone who actually knew what they were talking about had already been using spread for years
Literally what the fuck are you trying to say? That people liked the ridiculous spread until BF5 came out, or that it was added to the game later?
Performing a lengthy repair cycle to fix your vehicle during which ou cannot move or shoot=/=health regen
You may as well be saying that Quake has health regen because you can pick up medkits
Rifles don't have RBS, that was the suppression mechanic.
>soldiers go AWOL to search for gold in some shit arab/communist country
>prosthetic arms on woman soldiers in world war 2
idk m8 seems like this is the most retarded bfv ever
>its like healthkits for a veichle!
lolno and nice strawman retard
>morphing hitboxes are more your beef. A design choice based on real-time telemetry
Can you explain more what this means?
No US faction. and german women and niggas on the front lines.
you are incapable of reading
That does look difficult to parse without quotations, let me try again.
>using "RBD" ever when it was created on the spot just to advertise BFV and everyone who actually knew what they were talking about had already been using "spread" for years
you're incapable of basic logic
m8 your tank crew can still shoot
>Make a game with the selling point of it being based on a historical event
>Go out of your way to make your depiction as inaccurate as possible
I don't own the game but played a few rounds some time ago and it seemed more fun than BF1 at least. Seemingly decent TTK and less hectic.
The absolutely biggest turn off is the small amount of maps (and coming maps), considering that half of the maps in other modern battlefields are always trash. I will get excited for BF again only if it's 2143.
Literally only the marketing and the fact that the live services type games start pretty fucking bare bones until they start adding content, so people had all the reasons to dismiss it at launch.
I bough it recently because i had not played a battlefield game in years, and it turned out to be pretty fun in my opinion, surprisingly. I ended up really liking the whole pretentious omg war is so serious presentation unironically, somehow.
However, Im not hopping or expecting others who turned on the game in the start to come back though. Dice fucked up and that's on them. As long as they keep supporting what they have right now im fine with it.
Just giving me a real fucking M1 Garand DICE.
just look at it
You're the only one still playing in March...
>tfw no GIGA NIGGA 9000 on the frontlines
she looks cute
>"live service"
>no content
We wanted it to be 1942 updated to current times and we got sjw shitshow with tons of things no one cares about
but youd like it if she looked like an anime girl
Just like that exec said, players are too uneducated to appreciate that, like female soldiers, such instances are plausible
A littlebit of RBD is fine on old, fully automatic weaponry.
Yep, thats Battlefield V
All these suck too so they all belong together
It really does take me out of the game, the inclusion of the VG-15 is evidence DICE was lying about the early war setting, there was probably A LOT of cut content
>soldiers go AWOL to search for gold in some shit arab/communist country
still more believable than woman running around with prosthetic in WW2
i play lmg and they are lasers, can counter sniper snipers with them
this cant be real
Lol at the haters
I'm having an absolute blast playing this game
I also enjoy triggering retards like yourself by playing as a woman
This game has a long future ahead of itself
Stay mad
That rgn was because the guy was suppresed...
Have you tried not standing still?
Hahah welcome to November
true but each map in bfv is purdy good, at least i have a good time on all of them and there's a few new maps coming this year which should also be good - the best part about bfv is there's no premium so i got a buncha friends to join me that normally were turned off by the season pass from previous games and we play regularly - i know some players want more maps but dice just released a roadmap with a few more and jap and america coming later this year - i do like the lower map count because i at least know all the maps inside out unlike bf4 and bf1 where there was a ton and i never really got to spend enough time on them as a casual bf player to learn them
Also love how you're ignoring the plot of Bad Company and how completely unrealistic it is. I'm not even getting into the absolute historical breaking aspects of '42 and V games
No fucking content. Just adding guns is not content, removing game modes when you have no content is even worse.
Sure. The original idea belongs to epic games/people can fly during Gears2 times, despite being most rudimentary. A couple of times Michal Kosieradzki stated what I just wrote, namely a ruse to avoid shitty players to quit the game and then push monetization towards dlc weapons. Basically strecthing players' hitboxes in real-time has allowed them to control the result of many battles, especially during their first 5 levels. Once new weapons were released, TrueSkill system (they called this way) system were suspiciously favorable to everyone with the new shiny guns.
>invented CQC
>beats the shit out of Snake regularly
>took down a 6’7 giant in seconds with ease
The CQC in Snake Eater looks like a bad professional wrestling game, yeah dude I'm really offended by these 170 lb caucasoids doing fake judo in the jungle.
Anyone still getting packet loss in this POS?
I'm still waiting for a fucking patch for that. Cock suckers.
I mean, just for things that are 100% confirmed fact, there are at least two entire weapon archetypes and several gadgets that are already fully functional but not usable in-game. Not to mention campaign exclusive guns that are fully functional in multiplayer with spec trees and everything but not unlockable via normal methods like the Chauchat.
this desu
historyfags, blunderfags, BF1fags, and other shits can turn up their noses all they want
Casual BF is dead, Panzerstorm knocked it outta the park, reception to Firestorm is warm already, and there's just more to come.
>This game has a long future ahead of itself
DICE is adding too many fucking gamemodes, no one gives a fuck about co-op or these shitty "limited time" meme modes apart from rush
Semi related: Do you think World of tanks and similar games, warthunder, other f2p pvp games, use a system where % wise you get more favorably matched after subbing for a week or buying anew premium item? Cause I have always suspected it, but never seen evidence.
The V is literally her at her vagina.
>They're not gonna support it after launch, you'll see!
wow, they still exist. Do you ever get sick of being proven wrong?
I like most BFVs maps exept the aerodrome one.
My favorite has to be withe the one in the snowy mountains or rotterdam. The one with the city in ruins is also great.
DICE just released a new roadmap that promised lots of content
We have many new modes and maps too look forward to, as well as the US faction later this year. AND this isn't forgetting about Firestorm, which is sure to be a big success, I know lots of people who are looking forward to this, and we're all hyped for it.
Stay mad at not enjoying the game
lmao theres literally just one map coming in 2 MONTHS and then you are going to wait HALF A YEAR before another 2 maps come in after that it will be dead af
>EA would implode from 1 game being shit
No, but they did lose 50% of their market value.
yea i want people to buy the game i like - oh how horrible - feel like most of the people who shit on bfv haven't even played it or don't know about a lot of the good aspects - it's a great game
send help
>ignoring the plot of BC
you saw my picture? that's right, it's a movie where George Clooney and his squad find their way to Saddam Hussein's gold stash
remind you of something isn't it?
it's not completely unrealistic either since Preston's gold finding got snubbed by US army in the end
Who cares, it's free content, much better to have things for free than to be forced to pay for shit they could've released to everyone for free
No they didn't lose any market value, the game sold millions, it was a success
this contrarian:the game
>you like BF1 ? fuck you lol
>you like BF4? its nowhere near its levels fuck you
>at least 7 maps+Firestorm coming in the first year of the game
>no support! It's dead!
Compared to other live service games that's actually quite a bit.
3 large companies, click the 1 year mark if these needlessly long links dont do it automically. They all fell relatively similarly, even though they all have a lot of successful games.
Why would you need to play a game to know it's shit?
So just because other companies nearly killed themselves on SJW bullshit it means it's okay for EA to do it?
you forgot recycled guns from BF1
What does this mean? You definitely would like it if it looked like anime if u have that pic saved.
if u think ubi or capcom is dying right now, you might just be retarded.
it sold less than fucking Hardline
Sure, it may be poorly handled, but it's fucking hilarious that it still makes you snowflakes SEETHE
I like the game but it's shittier than BF1 in terms of content and leagues behind BF4 in every other aspect
That being said, obliteration being reintroduced when?
show us the digital numbers
How is BF5 not casual? The game which rewards you for laying prone and not moving at all. I have never seen so many prone MMG's in all my life.
There is very little I can be sure of World of Tanks but sure as hell is adopted by the vast majority of competitive games, especially those who need to push lootboxes and premium currency. EA is the one get the better part of this (Fifa games, thanks to adrew wilson for having developed a similar system). Sadly there's no turning back.
Giving the option to chose your character made it more fun.
>regular white dude as Assault
>white woman as Medic
>big black dude as Support
>asian woman as Sniper
>regular white dude Support
>white woman Medic
>strong looking white dude Support
>white woman as Sniper
Im adding Asians to Axis after the Japan America update.
How can you not be on the ropes after losing half of your market value? Are you actually clinically retarded?
Historical revisionism. Same with BF1
click the 5 year mark to see
It's still a casual shooter but it's gunplay and overall gameplay is more """hardcore""" than BF1. Sitting prone with MMGs has been around since 1942 so either learn to counter it or stop playing.
Oh so being set back 5 years in 6 months isn't a financial crisis. Jesus Christ
Think whatever you want, friendo. EA is gonna keep making games whether you think they are dying or not.
>asian woman as sniper
white men are a lost cause
My point is, you can't just lay prone and not move whilst racking up kills in BF1. Soldier visibility is MUCH better, so as soon as you set up your tent, you're going to get your head blown off. This promotes better movement, and the constantly shifting style of defence where you only set up your MG's for a few seconds before repositioning.
I never said they were dying you dumb fucking nigger, I merely stated the FACT that they lost 50% of their value. Kill yourself
When are games gonna let us make obese characters? I dont care if I get a bigger hitbox
>nearly killed themselves
>TrueSkill system
the irony
Wait, how many new maps have they released again? I know BF4 had 8 by now, BF1 had 5...
He's most likely complaining about the fact that the end-goal in Nordlys was accomplished IRL by a team of commandos who weren't even acknowledged as the inspiration for it.
why are you saying that?
>losing 50% of their value isn't nearly killing themselves
>nearly killing themselves is dying
>losing 5 years of value in 6 months is good
>gain 1 trillion dollars
>lose 500 billion
>U R SO DED!!!
I stand corrected
it's barely passing Hardline
>retail in the title
Show us digital sales
>BE overvalued company
>release contrived garbage
>people start realizing how overvalued your company is
>lose 50% of value
Digital is first party and EA hasn't released any data. You can assume they would release data if they were doing well. Until they release digital sales, we can only compare retail.
and matchmaking was dead for those maps soon after for all gamemodes except conquest, because a fuckload of people only buy one or two DLC packs or don't bother at all.
Click Max, they were most in trouble in 2009-2012, BF3 and 4, the beloved game of Yea Forums, came out in that period.... Hmmmm. Seems like BF3 killed EA. How will they ever recover? What blunder games.
So in other words you're a complete liar and a fraud
Why are you so afraid to admit that BFV was a success? Why are you so invested in making it seem like EA failed? Why do you even care about how much it sold?
Does it go against your narrative? Are you upset that other people like the game and you don't?
>Previous BFs
>4 maps every few months
>4 maps over 1 year
>lots of content
>another bad royale mode
>big success
>defending this shit using PR speak
No fucking way, call Wall Street
So in other words you're a complete liar and a fraud
Why are you so afraid to admit that BFV was a failure? Why are you so invested in making it seem like EA failed? Why do you even care about how much it sold?
Does it go against your narrative? Are you upset that other people don't like the game and you do?
Woah! outside forces have influence on the market?? Good thing that wasnt my entire point in my OP by linking 3 different companies with similar current trends.
>drawing conclusions based on objective data is fraudulent
drawing conclusions on incomplete data is fraudulent
if it was a success, game journalists would released the news now, wouldn't they?
and I never claim to show digital sales report, you did.
if anything, you show us the digital sales figure of this game
brainlet post
bitch it's the only data we have. To assume other factors without proof is fraud.
No mods.
>WW2 game
>2 factions
>4 maps over one year
untitled urban combat map
and a new theatre in the fall, containing new maps. That sounds like more than 4 to me.
Besides marketing, I think they are going in the right in terms of gameplay. Removing spotting, faster ttk, and building fortifications made sense and made defending an objective more dynamic. The negatives which standout are the low map count, it doesn't feel like a ww2 game, reused assets, and just really bad map design. It was bad at release but it is decent now. It is nowhere near as bad as Yea Forums makes it to be. It's a fun casual multiplayer shooter.
can you link me this roadmap? i like the game but i cant find what youre talking about
Over-saturation of the Market COD just released a successful WW2 game with Black female Nazis
And by fall we would've had 12 maps in previous games
the game is fuckin' boring. No variety whatsoever, bf1 remains my most played and favorite bf game.
>Japan America update
wtf source on this? are we really getting pacific theater maps?
>4 maps every few months
It's funny to me because the complete editions of bfbc, bf3, and 4 still have less maps than bf1942 and bf2 did on release.
Woah! All 3 of the companies you linked all had massive campaigns to alienate their consumerbase??? Must be another depression!
>still no player tracker
Got woke, went broke.
>WWII game about the lesser battles and factions
>the only lesser is that it features the least important primary ally vs the most important axis
Was the gameplay that much different from BF1? I was excited initially for BF1 because I thought bolt-actions would finally be the centerpiece of a triple A game, but that obviously didn't pan out. They basically made a WW2 game and called it WW1, so what could they have really done differently for BF5? I'm asking genuinely, since I didn't play 5.
>the worldwide digital revenues for games actually jumped 17 percent over the previous year, totaling nearly $10 billion. This is between the PC, console and mobile markets alike, with a ton of offerings for gamers to choose from.
>The PC market attained the most from sales, with a 28 percent increase from the previous year, but consoles were close behind with a 27 percent boost.
Now Im not the user who said it was a success, I'm abit torn because it depends what the megajews at EA consider a success. But I seriously doubt it is hurting the company in any way.
Hey look, cdprojektred looks kinda similar, did they alienate their customers too? Pick a game company user, lets check it out.
people are speculating pacific theater, but nobody knows for sure whether it's pacific or eastern front
The pacific theatre was teased by CMs already anyways
>went broke
>but sold 7 million copies
b-b-b-but they projected 8 million!
Do you create a character? I wouldn't mind playing as a yass queen nazi who looks like she fucks white guys.
No it doesn't, they barely even noticed a change. Are you being retarded on purpose?
Tell that to dead space
I really wanted to see normandy, sicily, and german maps, flak towers and shit, in frostbite. Would've been cool but no, basically just a bf1 expansion with most of the weapons I already had service stars for. Woo
>BF1 had actual soul and reverence for the war it was dealing with
>2/3 of the Triple Entente in DLC because you had to make room for burger who believe they won WWI all by themselves.
Game companies shouldn't be allowed to include shipments into their sales until they're actually purchased by consumers.
Click the 1 year mark, there is a major drop in the same time frame.
Pick a company, and lets click on 1 year together.
No shit. But this is even worse then 3, 4, and 1
They haven't been publicly traded for very long and the bump was over like two months. You're really grasping at straws here.
literally why do faggot eurotrash always get so fucking mad about wars especially, The American Revolution
So pick a company user.
Heres Squeenix
Woah a similar drop. This is a strange coincidence. Oh FFXV alienated you, right?
Every BF after BF2 is shit
>skipped over Normandy invasion
>no russians
>no french resistance
>keep putting resources and man power into combined arms despite nobody liking it
>another mode that gets dropped immediately
>still using that shitty ToW system
>people still get hyped with lower standards
user I'm afraid you're almost 40 years old! get a life!
>bf1 expansion
opinion discarded
The game was released in 2005
Yeah you're right. BF1 tried new ideas even if it was ultimately less balanced and more casual. BFV sold its soul to chase trends.
Mercury looks like its going to be nice
The best thing about BFV is the spotting change.
I'm so fucking glad I don't have to spam q to spot religiously and shoot at doritos
>skipped over
how do you know its being skipped?
more like, game discarded haha!
>don't worry guys the geonosis maps are coming for swbf2!
Yeah dude see you in 3 years with that no season pass deadlines
but that map already came out
More like Battlefield 2.5
im not saying its coming, but im not saying its not coming either
the maps in the game are so bad it made me uninstall. after the br mode flops they'll abandon this game by august and we'll never see another faction added
How the fuck is GTA 5 still selling
the only "new ideas" BF1 pursued were garbage, meanwhile BF5 overhauled gun mechanics and customization, vehicles, spotting, etc. while adding a lot more new features. Anybody who thinks that BF1 and BF5 are even remotely comparable is just a salty BF1 babby who can't accept the fact that BF1 is even deader than BF4
I bought GTA5 just this past month. I had ignored it because Yea Forums said it was shit. That's what I get for listening to Yea Forums I guess.
>BF game isnt comparable to BF game
haha it sure did, that one map
that. one. map.
map and gameplay wise it's pretty good, but there are a ton of issues.
>character visibility
>attrition system
>tank vs infantry balance is the worst it's ever been (as a tank you die instantly as soon as you get into close combat but are practically untouchable if you sit back and spam shells into a choke point)
>air to air combat results in minute-long circling around if the players are of even skill
>Tides of War is utter dogshit, locking weapons and even vehicles behind a weekly grind is bs (though you can buy them now with the ingame currency)
>game has been out for over 5 months and we got 1 (one) new map
>certain game modes are time limited, such as Rush
>no rental servers
t. 138 hours played
They had stated they were releasing content in the order it happened in the war. If the new theatre is pacific it means they skipped over Normandy or changed their long term support plans. Russia was supposed to come out too.
they stopped using LEVELUTION
This. Who the fuck still cares about WW2?
and they replaced it with lazy ugly fog filters that just block plain sight out.
All in the name of Battle Royale.
its 2020 already, gee
They reworked the whole leveling system (needlessly, shoulda just reduced the retareded grind, instead they put a new system that still has a retarded grind) and released Crait, and i think... another map for Galactic Assault but it might just be Crait and geonosis. They also did Ewok map/mod, added a bunch of heroes, a push game mode, a jetpack game mode for a bit, a starfighter map, a couple small mode maps like the map with the millennium falcon on heroes and villians, hero showdown game mode, and hero starfighter game mode. As well as some arcade crap.
Pretty good imo. But I do want more GA maps. Another new mode coming soon, someone said its like titan mode in 2142.
hey amigo you're bad at the game
>1 giant map = 10 individual maps
battlefield is dead
I hope you get what you want because anyone that has stuck with that fucking game for this long deserves it, I would blow my brains out if I had to play naboo again for a single second
>playing any BF after 4
>not realizing the last great bf game was 2142/2
Yeah but consider this
>64 v 64 on that map
Kek what a shitshow
>what people wanted
1942 frostbite edition
>what we got
BF1 fortnite edition
Get woke go broke
Too bad its only 32 v 32
It's fun for me. Anakin players are little bitch faggots tho
I was surprised by how good BF4 was after Yea Forums shat on it so hard. I have no doubt BF1 and BF5 are also good but I haven't gotten around to playing them yet.
Thats giving too much credit to V since it had only 2 years vs BF1s 3 year cycle
I loved rs2, squad I would like to try but unfortunately like arma I refuse to listen to some armchair general yelling in my ear at all times in military jargon and grid references.
Yeah but with the size of that map they could experiment with 64 v 64 and with Tides of War doing all these limited time meme modes they could easily put it into that
It's been dead for over a decade
>zoomers have to wait for a year to get even 1/10 of a battlefield game
>one captured B-17
I'm surprised this bait didn't get more bites.
the dumb zoomers in here dont know that.
Ya, that does become a problem. Squad depends entirely on how fun your mates are. Some SLs and teammates can be a real treat that gives you the best experience in gaming, running through poppy fields make (good) jokes and coming under enemy fire and getting actual good orders from a bro casually calling it out. And other times theres a power tripping faggot ordering you to sit in an empty corner of the map for 15 minutes instead of attacking the point and all the other squads are full and you cant make your own and take a vehicle yourself so ur fucked.
Flip of a coin, but to be fair, i havent played in months.
But I thought 100 player battlefield wasn't fun, Dice?
Battlefield 3 ruined Battlefield. Fuck this franchise. Fans of it are as tasteless and stupid as COD or Fortnite fans.
bf3 was crap compared to the earlier bfs but it is still 1000 times better than bf1 and bf5 god damn these games suck.
everything has to be pleasingly designed now, even the menu of bf1 feels like walking into an apple store while employes clap.
I'm sitting here with a code for the game I got for free. I've had it for months, now I'm trying to decide whether to redeem it or not. Can't get shit for it if I sold it. Even though I paid nothing for it, I just don't know if it would feel right to play and therefore show support for a game designed and sold by people who clearly hate my guts, accused me of being a mysogonist Nazi, and stated outright that they didn't want my business, just because I had some legitimate criticisms about the tone of the game.
Lack of dev time, loss of the old devs that knew what made Battlefield great? Who knows exactly? Overall, Battlefield 5 is an ok game. I've put 200 hours into it, and the more I play it, the more I realize how much more fun my first 100 hours of BF4 and BF2 were compared to it. There are definitely some things I like about V, like the tougher recoil, and crouch sprinting, and the lack of health regen, but for the most part BF4, 2, and even 1 were all around better balanced gameplay wise, had more content, and felt complete the moment I played them.
You were suppressed.
The truth is BF1's RBD mechanic is actually a really really tame version of BF2's (yes, the old school one) bullet deviation. All that BF1 asks for is that you don't spamfire you gun and learn its spread increase pattern in order to get around it. All the casuals complaining about bullet deviation don't care to time their shots so they get situations were they spamfire high rof automatics/medic guns and hit only 1/3 of shots
Try it and find out if you were right or wrong. If u cant sell it, go for it. Your support has already been given be getting it tangentially with your purchase.
>remove them
Maybe go play CoD then.
Oh, I didn't buy anything. A friend bought an Xbox One back during the holiday sales, and the only bundle they had in stock was the one with BFV. He had no interest in it so he gave me the code.
Acknowledgement of the IRL in an afterwards or a codex would have been nice.
>better balanced
BF2 was cool in some ways, balance definitely wasn't one of them.
then ur conscience is clean my son. Go in peace
I wasn't talking about online you dummy
t. Discord tranny
>single player