umm heavy you shouldn't say that
The right man in the wrong game can make all the difference in the world. So wake up Mr. Freeman, wake up and smell the Smashes.
Honestly Heavy would be dope, could incourpertae other Classes abilities like Rocket Jump and Shield rush but with most inspired by his weapons, final smash is a cutscene getting kitzkrieged by medic
It's gonna happen according to my sources. Probably 3rd or 4th announcement.
His final smash puts that characters series on an indefinite hiatus
Either start talking or keep your lies to yourself
It would be the only character in the game with no recovery whatsoever
Also he has permanent super armor
Either this E3 or somewhere around summer Valve will release The Orange Box: Fully Loaded on Switch. It contais Half Life 1 and 2, episode 1 and 2, Portal 1 and 2 and Team Fortress 1 and 2. You can also purchase any single game from the bundle in the eshop, with TF2 being free. The Heavy update will release alongside this box.
Probably in the same direct they will announce Heavy as one of the 5 smash bros DLCs
don't fucking play with us like that
This is probably the stupidest """"""""""""""leak"""""""""""""" I've ever read.
Well, it's what I heard. Allthough Heavy being in smash bros is mostly speculation from my sources, but I'm quite confident on the Orange Box: Fully Loaded happening
Did anyone find the source of that fancy Heavy render that was floating around?
>putting a great character from a great game into a shit game full of shit characters
Yeah, ok.
>Hating on Pacman
Do you even like video games?
Just wait till the Heavy update tonight
Gordon Freeman is in
You heard it here first folks