You have 30 seconds to explain what is bad about the Epic Store without using anti-Chinese racism.
You have 30 seconds to explain what is bad about the Epic Store without using anti-Chinese racism
I wanna have passionate non-stop sex with astolfo-kun!
Epic Games has the same issue Steam does in that they charge you for digital goods that are obtainable for free.
The people who shilling it like traps
Bot net going through any of my files without permission
t. discord tranny epic shills
It's feature-poor and it caters to publishers not consumers
I can't move the game install without having to redownload the full game.
Astolfo is so overrated.
It constantly lies to you, is anti consumer and is inferior to nearly every launcher
Rolling this.
who cares, post more Astolfo
basically babby's first trap
Oh, I have 1 reason...
kys fag
i don't like chinese people
Why did it feel like this whole "Epic scans your Steam!"-debacle fizzled out into nothingness? Everyone was expecting Valve to sue their asses to hell and back and then ... nothing.
I'm sure Valve and Epic made a secret deal behind closed curtains that benefits them both and let the whole ordeal die out until all us little sheep forget about it.
It’s an objectively inferior service, even compared to Origin.
>claims to give gamers more choice
>claims to diversify the market
>claims to be better for devs and consumers
>actually removes choice by bribing developers with exclusivity contracts, screwing over both developers and their customers in the long term
If I wanted to see how companies get exclusive only by paying for them I would buy a console. Not to mention all the weird things that ifs client looks for on your PC when trying to import your friend lists, or the incessant pro-epic/anti-valve threads that are made daily either by a marketing company or by an autistic faggot with severe mental problems.
Also this. Felix is a better normalfag-tier trap.
Money hatting exclusivity has no place on the PC platform.
This is not a publisher releasing its own launcher to release their own games like Origin or Uplay. This is direct paid for timed exclusive deals, its wasting money to make money.
You're too much of a brainlet to understand what was actually being done by the program. You can't really sue anyone over this.
>instantly deleted
You have 30 seconds to explain what is bad about anti-Chinese racism.
It turned into nothing because whoever made it literally doesn't understand how a computer works. You'd think some stupid enough to use the phrase "niggernet exploder" would be ignored but idiots like you didn't take a single second to do research.
>Everyone was expecting Valve to sue their asses to hell and back
Only retards would expect that. At best Epic would get fined by some consumer privacy agency.
Traps are better if they are straight. Gay traps are for plebs
Fuck off chink shill.
Also, chinks are not a race, you nigger.
The 1989 Tiananmen Square Massacre was pretty bad.
While this should be a feature, you would do well to learn about symbolic links.
The money goes directly into the pockets of an oppressive dictatorship.
They encourage the concept of store exclusive games which is inherently an anticonsumer practice
It's even worse than consoles exclusives as at least there they have the excuse that the game was optimized for some specific hardware
Using shitty tactics to get "exclusives" isn't competetive in any sense.
Gaben doesn't give a shit about anything. He has his billions.
Same reason valve doesn't remove epic exclusive games from steam.
Stop shilling them faggot
Before that, exclusives on PC were just publishers keeping their own games to their own stores. Now we have those fucks from Epic hand out buckets full of money to unrelated devs for exclusivity to their fucking store.
This shit must not be tolerated.
No reviews inside launcher and no cloud saves
Origin is better than steam.
spyware and dumb gook business practices
fuck you I don't follow your rules
This. It's another bad implementation of trickle-down theory. Developers have been crying about being the working poor for awhile, and any free money that Epic gives to them will not be passed to the consumer in any way
come on 96
What about anti-communist?
Has the people of epic stated their opinion on the crimes against humanity committed by the ccp on the tiananmen square and the muslim concentration camps they're currently running?
There should be a petition for them to make a statement
>muslim concentration camps they're currently running
wtf I love china now
Literally every piece of consumer technology spies on you. People got desensitized a long time ago.
Imagine unironically using that pic to prove a point.
You retards really need to hang yourselves.
That's because it triggers an automatic 1-day ban. Some pictures do the same, while others directly can't be uploaded.
It has less features than Steam had on launch
Let that sink in
>goes to a brick and mortar store in 2009 to buy a physical copy of Empire: Total War
>this game requires a free Steam account
>open picture in paint
>change one pixel
Yea Forums upload filters are completely retarded.
Nothing, they make it more moral to pirate than buy a game, and the devs still get paid.
Now no one has to buy games ever again.
What was it?
>caring enough about the crimes the chinese goverment commits beyond simply pointing out how shit chinks lives are that you want a formal apology
yep that's goin' in the ol' compilation of cringe
Get ban evaded BTW
Guess what. That store can decide what to do with the game/key completely autonomously. If they want to give it a discount, they can, completely ignoring what steam does.
It lacks _fun_
I'm drinking Rolling Rock on the Roll n' Rocker!
Retard. It never happen,, the whole thing fake complaints against epic to start shit, and was fix almost immediately.
America has free speech and the right to bear arms but as great as that is I still recognise the country is a fucking joke, you are absurd to forgive china for their bullshit just because of how they treat Muslims.
The price isn't the problem the malware is you nitwit
Jesus I knew Epic was bad but that's just horrid
>discord trannies support chinks
>discord trannies shill for yang and now epic
what is their endgame
人權 Human Right
You just crossed the line
Where you belong
somewhere not shit please
>10 social credits have been added to you profile
Sorry, but no. If you respond to someone you better make sure your response actually is relevant to the post you respond to.
>it never happened
>but they fixed it
Might want to double check your script
Of course. They're only there to stop the lowest common denominator (AKA braindead faggots too stupid to know about post filters). The retards posting the anti chink-pasta could avoid getting banned if they were smart enough to identify the parts that trigger the filters and change it, but they're the stupidest creatures on Yea Forums, so the pasta became an anti-retard pasta.
Shirou is 100% straight tho.
So is it Hiro himself taking Chinese bribes or just somebody on his staff.
Chinese are not a race.
>less features than just about every other store on the market
>will take upwards of 6 months to add a fucking shopping cart
>pays for games already in development to be taken off steam and other stores instead of making their own exclusives or commissioning them like Sony
>CEO says that consumers don't matter
>literal spyware
>has the most annoying and retarded shillforce
in the history of Yea Forums
>already deleted
Holy fuck jannies react fast to this shit.
Calling it a botnet isn't racist if it really is a botnet. Also anti-consumer practices like trying to promote platform exclusivity.
Wow, that one is gonna be a great boost to your social credit score.
It's forced and worse than steam
I want to hug this cat
It has far less features then steam or any other platform for that matter, buys exclusives which is an anticonsumer practice, shifts through your computers data which by definition makes it spyware, amongst other things.
keep rollin'
>Nothing, they make it more moral to pirate than buy a game
This is literally what people said when steam came out and physical games died on PC. Fun thing is that Steam is now loved by the new generation of gamers and the new scapegoat for pirates is Epic Games. Give it some time and people will like Epic Games and hate the new wannabe digital store.
Tencent has ads up on the site.
They can't tolerate this.
Here come the steam chinks
>It has terrible selection of items
>no sales
>awful platform that brings nothing new and is in fact somehow worse than Origin or uPlay
>LITERALLY attempts a monopoly
>lies out of their ass at every turn'
>no modding or they'll just "own the mods"
Lad os så se
I know that you are just using the thread to post some traps but...
It reads and stores your data into some server
Some people suspect that Tencent has something to do with it, but since there isn't proof about it my guess is that they just sell them to make "mirate ads" and show minions to you when you disable ublock origin
still pretty scummy if you ask me
See It manages to trick the most retarded faggots in the site who genuinely think mods are monitoring these threads.
Astolfo would honestly be better if he was a girl
Spyware stealing your info, + it's missing a lot of features Steam has
I wish there were more Astolfo on top pics.
Also EGS has no refunds or even a fucking shopping cart
>The emotional prequel to hello neighbour
No one need that shit fffuck
I want to be a burger
The whole point of the chink remover is to trip up the automatic detectors Winnie Pooh set up to find wrongthink and thus tank the social credit score of anyone who enters the thread. Putting it in image form doesn't do any of that and thus won't catch any roaches unless the Gookstapo happens to be looking at the screen at precisely that moment.
Nigger, China is a country. This has nothing to do with individual people.
Well, Steam isn't recognized as a branch of the Chinese government unlike Tencent, so they have that going for them.
please god not cali
No refunds is a good thing in my eyes, the idea of refunds on goods that are neither faulty or falsely advertised is an insult to capatlism.
Epic can go fuck themselves for all the other bullshit they have been pulling through.
Ching Chong. Wing wing bing bing wahoo. Bok Choy, Loli shota.
Good enough for you?
I fucking hate Winnie the Pooh
Both of them
These days I could be born essentially anywhere and it wouldn't guarantee anything about my genetics. But let's do this.
Would Astolfo use Steam or Epic store to play his games?
let's go
You have 30 seconds to explain why cancer is bad without using "it harms/kills you".
I'd be impressed it people advertised their game as shit quality and lacking features promised in development or even on their store page.
T , discord tranny who hates epic and china
Fuck it I’ll roll
He would use the discord store.
I think she would prefer GOG, actually.
he would use his dick to play your ass
Let's roll.
i wanna fuck astolfolol
Lol discord store.
i want to have fun with astolfo-chan!
It’s an inferior storefront trying to buy its way to success
It is also backed by tencent which is an extremely shady company and their launcher is riddled with spyware
I want to tie up Astolgo and rape his feet!
I forget her name from Solotorobo
It's a botnet. Not a /g/ meme botnet, either, but an actual textbook definition botnet.
I'll just go by what the government here does with regards to Tencent for people with higher security clearance, and not use any Tencent services like Epic game store.