Really makes you think...
Really makes you think
Do they have vegans in china
Goodra is female
No as only developed nations can afford a vegan diet
go eat insects china man protein is good for you :)
It's actually easier to be vegan in asian countries.
But the biggest problem is milk and eggs, especially eggs, used in asian recipes essentially all the time.
It's easier to be vegetarian including eggs and milk in your diet, aside from that you can avoid meat pretty easily.
Yeah, I'm sure that's why asian countries invented beans, lentis and tofu. Because meat is so cheap and poor countries eat less meat.
Fucking idiot creating narratives to suit your own bubble.
I don't understand why the avoidance of milk. Is it a protest against the milking process? I understand not eating eggs because they're animal embryos, but milk is just milk
Chink bugmen autists on my image board? Really makes you think...
it's just any animal byproduct. I guess the reasoning is you're supporting the keeping of livestock in general? I don't know
Well okay
To produce milk, you need to forcibly get a cow pregnant, then take away the calf from the mother and take the milk, and then continue to milk it while injecting it with hormones and antibiotics to get it to produce milk for unnaturally long lengths of time.
How is this not more annoying then epic store tribal wars
Nice shilling
this is a board for english speakers
giv cute roastie
>statutory rape
it's just like one of my doujins
Vegans don't drink milk because the cows are forcibly impregnated and kept pregnant as often as possible because cows, like other mammals, only produce milk when pregnant. Calves are then taken away from their mothers prematurely and male calves are sent to slaughter. Eggs aren't embryos either, they're unfertilised so basically chicken period, and vegans don't eat them because male chicks are killed 'cause they can't produce eggs. Also most chickens are kept in tiny cages and "free range" eggs aren't as free range as you'd think
Kimberly get
bless me prophet
So its confirmed now that pc gamers are the most obnoxious cunts on the planet.
Consoles win again
Illegal twerk on 43-45?
What's that mean?
>removed tattoo on abdomen
How did she get done for that?
>Cows only produce milk whilst pregnant
Not much point in producing milk pre-birth tbqhlad
Imagine identifying yourself as a "Epic Store gamer" or "Steam gamer"
Hey chinaman, do you know any chinks that look like this sketch, or did you all successfully innoculate yourselves to the effects of $oy at an early age?
Get v& chink
Free Tibet
Tiananmen Square Massacre of 1989
Winnie the Pooh
Great Chinese Famine
Cultural Revolution
fable 2 > fable 1
You gotta do what you gotta do
>2 social credits have been added to your profile
I've not found them annoying at all though.
>5 times wasn't enough
gib Cassie
welcome to Yea Forums
That spot belongs to furries, always
They ruin everything
Rollinh, first degree murderfu plz
t. vegan
rollan for the sake of the mighty green earth
Oh boy . . .. this shit yet again. I can't wait for a new one of these tomorrow. yay.
This is fucking true, I saw them shit up a Sekiro thread earlier with their bullshit.
There is no REASON to be against another fucking store!!!!! YOU JUST HATE IT BECAUSE LMAO FORTNITE!!!!