Fanfest is over, what's the verdict?
Fanfest is over, what's the verdict?
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Cutting corners yet again.
Live Letter was shilling Dissidia and Daddy of Light
Cluster b healing sluts and miqomanlets on suicide watch, what a time to be alive
Who do you think the healer will be?
Something else?
No healer until 2021.
someone stop this madman
what's up with the hrothgar armour
who decided skirts would be the best look
Everybody point and laugh at redcurrant18
they literally confirmed there's no new healer for the past two expacs cause they're too hard to balance...
>its too hard so we didn't try!
The Live Letter was literal garbage but the over-all expansion looks cool and interesting. But I still need to see more before I can give a final verdict.
(Need to see those battle changes.)
>complaining about "degenerate" crossdressers when you're name is Delicous Flat Chest
lol, straight men are so fucking dumb
>heels in concept art
>flats in game
Dancer was a mistake.
I mean they aren't wrong. It is hard to make a new healer kit that is interesting cause the entire premise of a healer is "Hit button, fill HP guage" meanwhile you can make more interesting mechanics for DPS and tanks. (Also the healer's right now are currently all over the place, I rather they just fix the current healers.)
Still can’t believe DNC is DPS and not a healer. They are so out of touch, literally how did they fuck up this hard. We’d better be getting another healer on release, GEO, CHM, I don’t give a fuck. But the people who play healers and deal with playing the most stressful role in the game are FFXIV’s lifeblood, we deserve another job.
The only thing Hrothgar are going to be fucking is man ass
>They are so out of touch
Not adding another healer while the current 3 are imbalanced is probably the most "in touch" thing they've done regarding healing.
DNC has never been a healer in any FF game. They have either been full support buffs or a supportive DPS. (And no XI DNC was never a healer. They had "supportive" heals and en-drain.)
I refuse to believe the artist did this for anything but the topical points. Hrothgar look too shit for anyone to want to use them in smut. Aside from bara furfags, of course.
>But the people who play healers and deal with playing the most stressful role in the game are FFXIV’s lifeblood, we deserve another job.
If you're shit maybe.
>most stressful
literally the only people who are going to be playing this are gay fuirfags
that's not an insult or anything
that's just how it's going to be
>They are so out of touch
jp fanfest was a pretty big disappointment.
>another dps!
>gender lock!
>roe with cat heads and tails!
Seems like another filler expansion. Might actually be the WoD of XIV with the exception of the MSQ. Seems like the writers are the only ones trying anymore on their staff.
Both of these retards deserve to be gassed
>Bros we totally won! The barachads are here!
>They look like fat Charr from GW2 but with down syndrome and not the muscular dads everyone expected
Just admit everyone lost.
None of these things affect me at all so I guess I'm just lucky.
Thinking they will 'add a healer at launch' and not announce it at Fanfest is out of touch.
Name an FF in which dancer was a healer.
I won at not being a mentally ill to care about races that much.
Its not so much of a negative but that the expansion just isn't providing much value yet.
Name one where DRK was a tank. No, having higher HP doesn't make you a tank. If that were true, having support spells makes you a healer.
>They look like fat Charr from GW2 but with down syndrome
I've been trying to accurate describe the problem with how they look and that just about sums it up perfectly
I wasn’t going to play either and this brought the greatest feeling of schadenfreude so I’m the only winner in this situation.
No, I wanted sexy bunny girls and I got them. I won.
This guy is definitely gonna get banned. Cursing like that gets the mods on your ass really fast. The NIN did it better cause he kept it professional. This guy just looks like a troll
This is your healer for the dungeon.
Say something nice about him.
He's hetero.
Honestly people should just run their complaints through google translate and post them on the Jp section of the forums. It'll look retarded but they'll at least get the point.
>Not wanting to play literal Leo from Red Earth
Lol your underage is showing.
How is this person not banned yet?
>He's hetero.
no he ain't
Zones/cities look great. Music is outstanding. The only things I don't like are the reliance on tie-ins with other games and the notion of an "other world" or timeline separate from the main one. That's very late WoW bad to me and I hope that we jump back and forth between the two realms in a way that makes plot sense.
Tanking is braindead and so it DPS. The only job that requires any sort of on the fly adaptation is healers because of retards like yourselves who decide they want to get hit by everything
Nigger I am a healer, it's fucking easy
Yes, he's after that miqo'te pussy.
I have noticed that SE doesn't seem to regulate the forums during the weekends. So they have free reign till monday
Dancer as a class never really had support spells either. That was bard. Dancer was usually a debuffing class.
>He's hetero.
Don't lie
t. falseflagging dps
Viera and Ronso are nice additions but they needed more work. Limited headgear options is bullshit when 1.0 had literal tail armor. Disappointed that Dancer isn't the melee based healer I wanted it to be but let's be honest here, I suck ass at healing and we didn't really need another one when there's more people healing than tanking. New areas look good, the lore seems on point, and we're basically pulling a dragonball super and going to universe 6. All in all I'm excited but I won't be race-changing to a viera. No full-helm = no buy.
You guys are amazing at FF revisionist history
Nobody but barafags are gonna want to fuck those shitty models.
>Yes, he's after that miqo'te boypussy.
what can we expect with the upcoming hypertuned MCH?
>muh lore!
About as weak and argument as, muh sexism!
What you described sounds terrible though. Almost all media that does alternate universe arcs are terrible and half assed.
>Implying I won't be making a hrothgar to pump superior lion seed into every female I see.
It's like you've never seen hentai user.
You don't know real women.
Nah, he's not into that twink shit.
not even a furfag but I'm playing one if I can have a lion mane
Lore doesn't matter. What the players want matters. If you don't have them on your side you don't have a game for lore in the first place. You can always change the lore.
Don't worry, you can't
Holy shit baraniggers really are annoying huh
you're not fooling anyone
I don't want male viera. There.
>DNC should have been a healer!
This is the dumbest meme. There was never a reason to expect them to be healers.
>that thing being the chainsaw weapon model
I feel a tinge of betrayal, sadness, and homosexuality.
I'm convinced the only reason they exist is to be special snowflakes on top of being special snowflakes of being gay. Gotta stand out somehow.
The vast majority do. There.
Lore isn't even the main reason they're not in the game. Devs just said they didn't like the way male viera would've looked. Ingame lore is just an RP reason as to why you don't see any.
Are Hrothgar smaller than Roes? I'm going to fanta to whichever is bigger. And no I'm not gay, trust me I've checked. I have always enjoyed playing the biggest, meatiest character when given the option even at a very young age.
Different user but is right, at least when it comes to me. DPS is just avoiding getting hit and following a rotation while popping a damage CD every now and then. Tanking is just face-pulling everything while popping a defensive CD every now and then, maybe a taunt if you're shit.
Healing requires you to be pro-active with your heals, reactive to events outside your control, and maintain MP management. At least for me, I can tank in my sleep but put me in a party of 8 people and I'm going to have a panic attack as I over-analyze split second events in order to keep 4 people who just got knocked down to half health from suddenly getting deleted.
IIRC, doesnt WoW have 6 healers? And while not completely comparable, Overwatch has 7. Part of the problem is they have too many ideas rolled into one. SCH for example can be split into two healers, with one focusing on shields, and the other focusing on the pet as a sentry type healer. They someone what put themselves into a corner with encounter design so a melee healer, which should have been in long ago might be a real challenge. They can also do a life steal healer that focuses on healing by doing damage to build up reserves, but they're too busy coddling garbage players who refuse to do so. AST is also problematic by having both shields AND regen and not just focusing on the debuffs and support.
Either way, this should have been top priority, even more so than fixing DRK and MCH. 6 years with no new healer is unacceptable, and I won't blame healers for leaving in droves
The extremely loud insufferable minority. The fact they decided not to is all the proof we need that you are not the majority. You can try to find some kind of facts or figures to prove your case but we both know you can't.
Too bad. There.
there's a general rule in japan - lions are fucking submissive sluts
too bad, you aren't a futa cat/lizard/bunny, you get nothing
They had a ton of different variations and they didn't like any of them? You're letting them feed you lies so you'll side with them. Oh no those poor indie devs!
lmao. A loud minority in some forums nobody cares about and a few discord channels. No one in the JP playerbase gives a shit, and they're the ones who matter.
Based on the run speed: yes.
Games crashing. Might be the last expansion as a result if they don't fix these. There.
But alternate universe shit is a stable and major plot point for FFXIV. There's literally nothing wrong or bad about going to a different but similar world and getting to see how everything you know and love was handled differently. Cats being literal fat cats, Lalafels moving underground and calling themselves dwarves, whatever the other races are doing, it's all super fucking interesting.
Mentally ill and twink faggots who use social media are definition of loud minority.
>and I won't blame healers for leaving in droves
Faster queue times for me
Pin Pon
You hit the mark on the head. Bara is by far the least popular gay niche fetish on the market so naturally they also attract the most annoying faggots of them all
>They had a ton of different variations and they didn't like any of them?
Yeah. Just go play a cat.
Why do people here pretend Hrothgar are remotely attractive and will get any RP at all besides other furries? Women might sometimes want big guys, but not big furry, down syndrome faced literal animal people.
Dancer being RDPS is shit. I wanted a healer
>Yoshidrones infected Yea Forums finally
>Game is crashing and this will be the last expansion because they won't let me ERP as a shota bunny boy
You're so pathetic you make me look virtuous
Just fuck off and unsub if you don't like it. This is how it's going to be and just because you're used to shitty sanfran commie game companies bending over to you won't change shit. The fact the Japanese fanbase don't give a shit means you've already lost.
>Posting proof of this in action, an entire job abandoned after a week
Strictly speaking the women I've talked to (2 in the FC Discord) have said the only male races they like the looks of are Highlanders, Miqo'Te and Au Ra. Both of them hate how ugly Hrotghar looks
Nah I'd rather bother you and work on trashing their reputation on the side.
>we're the majority so what we say goes
>here's a bunch of people that disagree with you
>y-yoshidrones infected this place your opinions don't count
t. ObviouslyNotAWoman
Should've asked for chemist, then.
>my arguments stand on their own
>that’s why I’m sure to mentioned to opinions I don’t like are banned
>Games crashing
You're larping as some kind of guerrilla freedom fighter because some Japanese guy decided you can't stare at man asses in his game. Rethink your life.
Healer balance is already fucked and what you’re suggesting will only make worse.
As bad as this is going to sound the healers are impossible to balance because they are too unique. They all have a specific niche that they fill.
Right now WHM are confirmed dumpster tier in Savage. Worse in almost every single situation.
BUT in UWU they have a 30% higher clear rate. In Ucob that jumps up to a 60% higher clear rate.
>People stopped playing BLU because Square wouldn't let them ERP as shota bunny boys
Proof read your shit, nigger
Women don't really dig furries.
I'm sure you'll get the occasional FFX fan, people ironically roleplaying as the Cheetah Men, and people who just think a giant lion man is cool.
Women generally aren't into strongfat down-syndrome lionmen
>talking to 2 fujoshits
>thinks their love of twinks applies to the gender as a whole
Oh lawd...
It's like the dev team gets lazier and lazier
>Helmets don't work on the new races, and what does work is confirmed to have clipping
>Beast tribe is lalafell + beard and helmet, probably going to do the same with other beast tribes to not have to make unique models
>Reusing a tech demo for the city
>Exploring the new areas shows how bad the game is graphically, still stuck in the PS3 era with the dev team refusing to change it
Not an argument. Keep up.
The problem I find with Blue, is that it can be a fun job to do level 50 content on, but there isn't any level 50 content that level 70 players can do that gives any meaningful rewards. If they improved the bounty system or remastered the hunt log to be something you can do over and over again, I can see more people playing Blue to do those revamped level 50 tasks. Or bring back combat leves.
>but not big furry, down syndrome faced literal animal people
Then why do they mod body hair onto mancats?
Sheer laziness. Destruction?
>bara hunchback furfags instead of based NOBLE WILDMAN Leo-types
It's shit, but since DRK is the canon class and the Light stuff sounds neat I'll play.
>Games crashing
>Second most successful MMO ever
>At all time high of subscribers
They really needed to add a healing class even if it was never going to be dancer.
>catbara's are literally just roes with a different head
>viera are literally just elezen with bunny ears
why does xiv do this to every single race
They have given up
The finding it stressful part is what makes you shit. Nobody is disagreeing with the rest but it also applies to healing.
Imagine being such a triggered fatty that you don't realize women in the world prefer lean men with six-packs lmfao
Your inability to argue isn't an argument?
Certainly, when there's no argument to be had. You're a witless cuckold for an MMO, and YoshiP is the bull stealing your race.
Wow you posted a literal normal human with long hair wow hes such a fantasy lion.
I love cheesy shit like this.
Everyone should just be forced to play hyur desu. Delete all other races.
Never seen so much delusion in one post. Roegadyn, and now Hrothgar, will get the most attention from irl women. Trannies need not apply.
this actually might be soken's worst song
I'm glad he saved it for something fitting
This. Plenty of women love the classic "bear" look just like plenty of gay men do. It's an evolutionary imperative since that look signifies strength and virility.
>>Second most successful MMO ever
You guys keep parroting this but its completely wrong. Its the 2nd largest sub based MMO in terms of population. Not 2nd most profitable, nor 2nd most profitable or largest when you include non sub games aka the other 99%.
Being bad is not an excuse to be terrible. They should have added a healer plus fix the balance with the others.
Healfags can either shut the fuck up about the current healers being a hot mess and get a new healer job, or they can keep making noise about the current healers being a hot mess and hope Square fixes the issue.
Loved it for the massive BTFOs, now Im going to main dancer to add on to the pain, and it looks pretty fun.
>we're getting a race of big badass lion dudes!
>see the fan fest video
Is this a joke?
Its over. The curtain falls on your act. The thread is in chaos. The thread is severed.
It's worse. At least Elezen and Roes can wear masks, glasses, and helmets. Enjoy your forced circlets in ShB and nothing else because the new pet races can't wear them and we can't have the freshly fanta's feeling left out.
Well then I'm shit at healing. I guess I'll just enjoy Dancer and my four tanking jobs.
Yeah girls were totally all over roes before this lmao
Keep fanning the flames. The more the forum mods have to work over time, the more SE will realize that genderlocking new races was a terrible mistake.
>Devs just said they didn't like the way male viera would've looked.
The player base should be the one to decide this not the devs.
I actually really like the song.
Everything about these things seems super rushed and lazy
>Roegadyn, and now Hrothgar, will get the most attention from irl women.
What is this delusion?
Lets be real here, few are quitting Or boycotting. They're all huffing smoke hoping people give a shit what they think. Smart people picked up a long time ago that new healers completely break the game for months and create a headache. Entitled children will eventually settle for less when presented with nothing as the alternative for an extended period of time; or theyll leave and go be carried cancer somewhere else.
>gay furrydaddy race released
>world server visit being implemented
>have to share data centers will fucking balmung
I honestly hope they just stay in their containment server. The gay ones are always the most annoying because they always, ALWAYS dress up in some retarded skimpy drag costume and you can't tell them to fuck off.
>Second most successful MMO ever
You need to understand a very simple fact. XIV has never generated more money they SWTOR and its cosmetic bucks.
>being so assmad that you start hating the trailer music randomly
user being mad is fine, but this is pathetic.
This thing right here, flat out should not exist. All of the resources that went into making this waste of a part time job that is already abandoned should have gone into working on the healers
I'm 6'1'', 220lbs, and rep 310lbs bench.
I'm also completely covered in body hair.
I've probably fucked more women than you've ever met.
Bear=Big muscular, tall fit man with good posture and big pecs.
Bear=/=A fucking animal faced slouched over fat furry lion that looks like it got punched in the face
XI died for this piece of shit?
>The devs should be forced to spend hundreds of hours making things they don't like specifically to cater to my degenerate tastes
Why do you whiny niggers not just download CoC and call it a day
You sound like every /fit/ poster ever
I honestly would've been cool with a big, muscle furry race if they actually looked like the left picture. Hrotghar just looks... So fucking bad.
Hrotghar = 13 year old furry's first skyrim mod
You guys think it will accomplish shit? Like they're just gonna crank out another race 3 months to launch?
>when the drk out parses the warrior
XI died because it failed to adapt to the changing market. I mean fuck you still have to mod the game just to play above 30FPS.
I don't see how its a one or the other issue. New DPS has never stopped them from addressing old DPS issues. New tanks have never stopped them from addressing old tank issues. Why all of sudden for healers, there has to be a choice.
That's just team Yoshi being lazy.
Yes? If someone wants a specific cake made and is paying you for it you should make it.
>SE will realize that genderlocking new races was a terrible mistake.
It shouldn't take a forum full of screeching fans to make them realize this. They're making dumb decisions they have no business making. 1.0 part 2 is in their future. I'm sure of it.
Why lie?
someone post that one picture of Roegadyn with a lion helmet. Looks 85% close enough.
In other words you're a fat ugly neckbeard
/fit/ gives horrible advice though
SE is a business. They're there to serve their customers not the other way around.
Day one is gonna be great.
>balance only matters when it's time to add a new Healer never for other roles
Brainlet logic once again.
I literally don’t understand the asshurt over gender-locked classes. Someone please explain. A male Viera/female hrothgar would look hideous anyway.
>TWO cat races
why do nips love them so much
>That reskin of Limsa Lominsa where the main structure is literally a copy/paste job
Yeah... the "new" zones look great...
Maybe? Either way I can bench almost as much as you weigh and get enough tail to get by.
Lazy and honestly the worst Fanfest cycle I've ever seen. Expansion is tailor-made to reuse assets. Gender locked races are EXTREMELY lazy and even worse, they didn't even bother to model helms and hats for them.
I hope whatever new MMORPG Square is putting our money towards is amazing because they're tanking FFXIV's quality hard.
It's just autism.
>literally “bake the cake bigot”
subtle b8
>continues to renew sub for 18 months
We both know that this is a stupid opinion to have.
Just look at the garbage modders spew out.
>unironically using the word tail
kek cringe
people just want more races to gpose/screenshot/erp with. The same people that also parse grey in PVE content and don't do extreme primals.
Feedback, especially gaijin feedback has never mattered to them outside of balancing which directly affects JP players. They don't give a shit what you want. They didn't care at all how you felt about BLU. You never once saw an interview of Yoshida saying "Not everyone liked the direction of BLU.." They're just sweeping it under the rug and moving on because they get money regardless.
This. It's like they were just thrown together at the last minute when they saw how many people were talking about male viera were in for sure.
>Actual OC content coming
Am I playing FF11?
yoshida even suggested he would most likely do tank+healer "in the next expansion" (shadow bringers)
and the leaker said they were planning tank+healer as well. (after announcing DNC, but before deleting his comments)
Did you ever ask yourself WHY dancer is a ranged DPS?
its because SE planned to make DNC a healer, and we KNOW SE wouldnt make DNC a melee healer.
They already made too many animations, when they decided to change their mind, so they keep the animations.
Based on talk in the "supposed" leakers other discord chats (not the one who was proven false, but the other) they thought about BLU being the gunblade tank, but felt fending gear would be weird on BLU, and DoM gear would be too much work to balance, so they went support melee.
They didnt want to balance BLU, so they swapped it to caster, so they could give the weapon to a new Bunbreaker tank.
So based on this logic, and how lazy SE is, my guess is that they wanted to put DNC in DEX gear, but then it would beawkward they couldnt roll need on gear with "Healer" in its title, so they threw the whole idea away.
Yoshida has been shown to throw away ideas solely for stupid reasoning like this before.
our "next healer" is getting robes, and we dont get a choice in the matter.
There wasn't a new healer in WoW until MoP. 4 expansions in.
There hasn't been another one since
It's not actually a problem., Especially with the mass reworks coming with shadowbringers
>its too hard so we didn't try!
I mean.....this is literally the same excuse they used for BLU so we shouldn't really be surprised?
>Right now WHM are confirmed dumpster tier in Savage. Worse in almost every single situation.
>BUT in UWU they have a 30% higher clear rate. In Ucob that jumps up to a 60% higher clear rate.
What does that even mean? Like I understand what it's saying, but as far as the balance and encounter design goes. WHMs who are worse at savage are somehow better in the much harder content? Like how is that even logically possible? Is ultimate tailored to the WHMs or something? I've only cleared this tier and not the previous two so I dont have any ultimate experience, but that boggles the mind
Oh hell no. We're getting male Viera and female Hrothgar in 6.0 at the earliest, and nothing is going to change that. I just want the devs to feel shame in the mean time.
You wish
I know it'll never happen, but I wish they would make some system to let you set people's glamours to their default race clothes, so I don't have to look at yet another "so fahnny xD" memeRoe
To be fair its the most relevant comparison. I don't necessarily want to force them to bake the Viera cake, but its in their best financial interests to do so.
I'm 33, boy. Suck my dick.
On my...
>Food analogy
The consumer buys what catches their eye. You've paid for something, and have the option to stop paying for their service when they stop making things you like. They're not under any obligation, moral or contractual, to go out of their way to make things you like.
And consider for a moment that they are a business, and do research into the demographics of their game, one could assume they make their decisions based on their findings. Certainly someone higher up the chain would tell them to make playable hares if there were reasonable demand for it, but there wasn't and continues to not be a demand.
Keep screaming.
Only neckbeards are into that shit it's obvious
>comparing amateurs to professionals
the legend
They have shit taste then because male miqote look disgusting.
>We fight demons but light demons now
>herp derp we're Warriors of Darkness!
>ok I'll go collect 10 eggs for you
What a cop-out cowardly story turn.
so like never? unless the WAR is afk of course.
>user said I had no power
>Already forced the thread into a standstill that can only discuss the issue
Reality can be whatever I want it to be...
>We're getting male Viera and female Hrothgar in 6.0 at the earliest
Are you retarded?
yeah ... sorry
IF there is a next healer.
Imagine unironically being on fucking Yea Forums at the age of 33 bragging about how much pussy you get IRL
Oh, you're more than 320lbs?
My bad, I assumed no one bigger than that had the ability to type on human keyboards.
This guy is probably a troll but it's understandably hard to tell since I've seen these types of people argue like this with a straight face
If only more people remembered they should be bending over backwards for the players, not the other way around. Too many turn cuck for big corporations these days.
I think there was a mod that does this.
Why couldnt they make it a ranged damage healer? Not all healers in all games have to be strictly casters.
>we want the xenoblade 2 audience
based Seros.
>Pure healer
>shield healer
>mix of both healer
gee, i wonder why they cant balance the healers when there are only 3 of them...
yoshida already explained why he's adding a 4th tank, was because of this. DRK was intended to be a mix of both WAR and PLD, and that design doesnt work, and is the main reason he struggles to balance them.
do you honestly think yoshida was telling the truth when he said the reason is because they couldnt balance healers?
you fucks are so fucking dense.
You're a gay faggot of course you have shit taste compared to real women
Because dps and dmg income are vastly isolated issues. Dps is fixing numbers to level out an encounters difficulty. Dmg on bosses is fixed or adjusted via specific shit to ease mistakes from the one forced to take it by system requirement.
Hp, the way the system determines if you're dead, is a complex string of problems. Its why you see a healer go into the cuckshed occasionally when something is nerfed just a bit too harshly. Youre not fucking over the healer alone in a fix like the other two get, you're fucking the entire party thriceover.
Eternal Wind/10
Keep sucking that corporate dick, you fucking cuck. Maybe SE will give you a special minion for defending their honor on internet image boards.
>player base should decide what gets into the game
>shows an example of what the player base wants
>no not that player base it doesn't count
No way, fag
Is the problem with the catmen the armour they're wearing in the announcement? Have they showed them wearing some pally gear or something?
Were not getting them at all.
You do realize that only PC players mod their game and that even on PC only a small percentage of people mod their game?
The body mods on XIVModArchive only has about 2000 downloads
dps dancer was the best possible outcome since now we can have chemist
They get "robes of healing"
thats why yoshida is going to be stubborn on this.
he probably feels its too confusing for new peopel to be a healer who cant roll on gear named "of healing"
leaker even said DNC was planned to be a healer.
so this is the only explanation.
even yoshida seemed hesitant to announce they use DEX gear, which makes it sound like a last minute decision.
>Straight males get to live out their--
No, I get to be surrounded by a bunch of loud and obnoxious snowflakes trying to out-snowflake eachother with such horrendous outfit coordination you'd think they strolled through a wardrobe covered in super glue.
>The consumer buys what catches their eye
And who is Hrothgar for? Those 1% of Roegadyns that are already 1% of the population that said "Man I wish I could be an even uglier furry Roegadyn." Its not a sound financial choice. They clearly DIDNT do the research on demographics or dont care.
>new race, the Bless bara
The problem is they look fucking shit. The only way armor could fix that is if it hid their face. But you'd still have those shitty animations so, I guess now.
>straight man
>caring about what others wear
>progressive image
Literally what even are they talking about?
That's what I call "art.
that means I won't have to resub
>leaker even said DNC was planned to be a healer.
This is fake and gay. Blufever never stated roles, only jobs.
>even yoshida seemed hesitant to announce they use DEX gear, which makes it sound like a last minute decision.
What? No. They said it's DEX in an interview to a JP magazine.
>the Bless bara
It's an insult to bless' beast races to compare the two. see
I'm not sure, he/she probably missed out on refugee and nanamo story.
DRK best MT
GUN best OT
fuck light and fuck cavemen
read what yoshida said about balancing the tanks, and you'll know the answer to that.
i think this as well, but the only counter argument i can think of, are guys who wanted more aggressive looking males, but were of the larger roegadyn size. (they see roegadyn as goofy giants, not aggressive savages)
A friend who love bara furry shit wont play roegadyns, and picked aura male instead. but wants to go bara cats even more.
so MAYBE the difference is if its perceived as a furry, more than the muscles.
Not being a flaming faggot is no reason to excuse a visual assault
See you in 3 months lmao kaboom
WHM are much more mana efficient and heal per GCD efficient than Astros. They can output an absolutely insane amount of HPS, the issue is no savage fight will ever call for that because it’s just too much to have a healer AOE check that can be upwards of 300% of everyone HP over an 8 second period.
Also Ultimates tend to have pretty lax DPS requirements. They’re described as more of a marathon rather than a sprint. If a group can make it to the the end, they can clear so the value of cards tends to be pretty low.
It is weird how they all look like shit, aren't gays supposed to be good at fashion shit?
t. Salty Blesscuck
>It's an insult to bless' beast races
Bless is an insult to Bless.
Do you not remember the disaster that is 1.0 by the devs not listening to the customers?
Sad thing Yoshi is becoming one of those corporate people.
I hope the zones are better than SB.
Outside of the new races which don't affect me anyway things are looking strong. And the music seems to be on point 110%. Now we just have to hope they don't end up screwing some of our jobs.
My oh my whatever shall we do?
it's like a hideous fusion between skyrim cats and roegadyn
I unsubbed in november, never coming back after these news lmfao, got countless games coming out this year anyway
>Gender locker races are lazy
>They made two completely different races for each gender instead of one race with both
>Each has completely different features, animations, etc
It’s stupid, unnecessary, the races are ugly, nobody wanted gender lock. But the one thing you can’t say it is, is lazy.
>Joined for a race that never existed and has lore reasons to why it doesn't exist.
>Throws a paddy because no one implemented his headcanon
Fucking idiot gets everything he deserves.
cant wait to purge the edgy Dark Knights as a rightous paladin.
I was hyped before Tokyo FanFest, was looking forward to Tokyo FanFest big time. Now I'm not really excited at all anymore. Only thing I'm looking forward to is the benchmark to play around with Viera creation since I was thinking of switching to one.
I would never play a male Viera but I think what we got instead of them is pretty lame. Would maybe be less lame if they had females that were hot like the Bless cat girls but SE also doesn't wanna do anything other than sticc girls so they wouldn't have the big boobs butts and thighs anyway.
Disappointed that we got no new healer even though I haven't enjoyed playing healer since they removed/changed Cleric Stance, so basically since Stormblood. I'm triggered that there's going to be an unequal amount of tanks and healers now, it's gonna make my class buttons hotbar all fucked up looking now.
I'm also triggered that we're getting another DPS, even though technically speaking Dancer being a DPS is more faithful to how it was in FFV.
Everything else was just underwhelming too. The only thing I really liked was I thought it was cool that they made the new city the one from the project rapture demo way back when. I recognized it immediately and thought that was pretty awesome, but I think it looks worse than it did in that tech demo. I guess because the surrounding area clashes with it's aesthetic. The blue glass/crystal domes looked better against the orange sunset background without all the clutter and bullshit surrounding it. It was like an elevated city like Limsa in the tech demo and I think that fit the aesthetic more.
Who does this game cater so hard to furries?
shb endgame hub is already looking way better than rhalger reach. it's the size of kugane if not bigger
yes he did, he said it in the forums, but the pastbin was made right before he said it, and he deleted his posts in the forums as soon as mrhappy brought negative attention to him.
only a small number of people saw it, and i saw it as well, and seen other people say they saw it on the forums (not pastebin) as well.
yes, i know he did, but he was hesitant to answer, with a sort of "um, i guess DEX" (paraphrased, as id have to go find the link)
Do you think hrothgar look good?
SE was never known for making good races, just look at the Au Ra. That said, this Hrothgar looks amazing and you'd have to be an idiot to think otherwise.
On the one hand he said a healer's not likely but on the other I think he's lying out his asshole and we're getting GEO.
It is furry thats the problem.
Expectation: A Roegadyn with the muscle definition and posture of a Highlander. Maybe some fur patches glued on. Would still be appealing to females and 'normal' baras.
Reality: A fat furry slouched GW2 Charr with a downy face that almost nobody will play.
But you already have an established parameter of what a healer can handle. All you need to do is make it so obsolete and new healers can fit within that parameter one way or another.
Even Japan knows that all furries have an obscene amount of money to their name.
Just look at the art they shell out for, furries have low standards and even lower tastes. And they change up their "fursona" by the week, for fucks sake. They're opening up a brand new fantasia mine with Hrothgar.
See you in 3 months!!!
>this Hrothgar looks amazing
You have to be blind to honestly think that. It looks like a fucking second life avatar.
He's hesitated to say they use dex gear because he assumed people aren't retarded enough to need to be told that the ranged physical dps uses the same gear as the other ranged physical dps
You act as if this game isn’t full of fag couples.
>you'll know the answer to that
That they are lazy and barely know what they are doing in some areas? Everyone already knew that though.
>that were hot like the Bless cat girls
DRKchads where we at, this is our expansion
>Tfw gonna blast edgy shit like this
>people automatically assuming that the male viera would be twinks/shota due to that one concept art
>said female concept art didn't match the final product at all
Only people to blame are themselves.
Imagine paying money for any of the fanfests this year. I feel sorry for the Japs that got totally lackluster info.
>all furries have an obscene amount of money
they actually don't, they just manage money very poorly. should have since that one fur con where a couple of people literally went negative in their bank account.
maybe so. i also thought it odd people would even ask.
but maybe its a translation thing, because the only other exception i can think, is scouting vs aiming. (which i think scouting is a better fit, despite being a ranged class. but mostly to do with what to dance in seems better from scouting gear, than aiming gear, even if aiming gear is more flamboyant.)
Character creation is out early. Hows mine look?
They're turning into the SE that made 1.0. It's honestly kind of sad. I remember from the documentary they were asked if they worry about that happening. Well it's happening now.
Plus all the rape, murder, beastiality, slavery, and multiple other shit that's present in the game.
The animations are garbage but the intent behind their designs is hot. I get it though, you're SE defense force or a paid marketer.
>fanfests over
>no info on Nier raid
T-thanks YoshiP.
News flash dumbass, everyone in this game looks like a Second Life character.
You're a slow in the head if you think they would look anything like the Bless race when even the humans in Bless look better.
I often regret my edgy preferences and how much I enjoy DRK, because of all the other DRKs I see.
Yeah, Rhalgr's sucks ass. Honestly I'd rather have 1 city for everything than split it between two like Kugane/Rhalgr, Ishgard/Idyllshire. But I guess thats too much traffic in one place
You know what has to be done.
do you honestly think Yoshida was telling the truth when he said there'd be no new healer?
when they announced it they said that they just started development. so nothing to show or reveal yet until they actually make the stuff.
Yes because if there's one thing you can count on it's the absolute laziness of Yoshida.
>want to use big ass sword
>have to play edgy teen class
feels bad
>but the intent behind their designs is hot
the entire fanbase are mentally ill freaks, so they have to in order to keep the game afloat
just wear Chad of Light armor and Greatsword of the Round, and be a Bright Knight
Yes, you are.
Not surprising considering they haven't even started when they announced it.
Only thing we know that Okabe might help out with the music if they ask him.
That's a better animation than what they showed in the reel. Fucking SE.
>hrothgar look like second life rejects
>even if they had females, they'd look just as bad
Hrothgar is just making me mad that bless failed all over again.
I would have been happy with at least a mention of it and a new peice of artwork.
unless u misunderstood what i said, i m not saying there wont be a new healer.
i know there wont be a new healer for the launch window.
if it comes out in patch or next expansion, is to be seen.
actually its more lazy to make another healer, so he can stop worrying about balance, and never make another tank/healer again
(plus healer is the easiest role to design for. even if u reskin a WHM, its "good enough". I doubt he'd make a fun new UNIQUE healer. no one thinks that)
>pre Stormblood
>we aren't adding a new healer because we want to balance the existing three
>years pass
>pre Shadowbringers
>we aren't adding a new healer because we want to balance the existing three
SE really is trash lol
Reminder THIS is the kind of person that is getting angry. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA
You guys just don't know how to the game the forums (and the bar for 'harassment' ingame itself for that matter). Nothing in the post you picked is grounds for a ban, you can't be banned for being snarky and sarcastic while btfoing people as long as you don't actually use any slurs.
Most people who cry about getting banned on the forums are just shit at framing an argument and can't help but let an insult or two slip. At that point it's not really harassment you're getting banned for, you're got nailed for being stupid.
lol blesscuck
>he actually believes this
What is it about FFXIV specifically that attracts so many fags, trannies, and their libshit allies?
It's only the edgy teen class because edgy teens mistakenly think DRKs are nihilistic and apathetic antiheroes. Get a good fashion going that doesn't use AF or casual clothes and dab on the retards
>The only way armor could fix that is if it hid their face.
>Q: The head parts of the two new races being so characteristic and special, how will head gear look on them?
>Yoshida: It will not be displayed at all. In exchange, we've implemented face features we weren't able to implement thus far. We decided that since we thoroughly designed these new races's looks, it should be fine if they did not equip helms, because then our work would have be meaningless if they could equip them. This means that no helmet will be displayed even if you equip it. That said, for caps and hats that you put on the head, we did basic support and just made them clip (laughs).
cope harder, my dude. hrothgar look like garbage.
Ahahahahaha what the fuck
we live in a western society
>the only reason why viera kids are androgynous was so they didn't have to model males
who actually finds this attractive? I swear thiccfags are mentally ill
Are you still clinging to the insane notion that their will be another new job in the expansion?
there's no challenge, no chance of failure, no competition, no chance for a player to lose and feel bad about anything, so it brings in the limpdick brony freaks and lets them have a furry/little girl avatar to indulge in their denegerate fantasies
I think most things have this community, they are just the loudest and cry the longest. Go on twitter and you'll see all of them have "He/him" or "She/her" and rainbow flags on their bio. And then look at people that think its cool, it will be normal. Its fucking wild.
What could've been, bros...
they're nowhere near as numerous as you are led to believe. they just live in Yea Forums's head rent-free.
it's a MMO
Low test fagot
A lot of trannies have decided to use anime as a vehicle for their illness, which I guess extended to weeb games
That's very interesting, thanks user. Gonna mull over that one for a while, I'm not exactly sure where to go with it. I guess this is the problem they've made for themselves
no matter what there's always going to be 1 or 2 jobs in a role that's better than the rest.
t. Blesscuck
kys fag
WoW had just as many, you just didn't hear about them as often because social media wasn't a thing. They got used to keeping their shit in their server or private channels.
XIV came when social media was widespread and so being a loud cunt about things that trigger you has become the norm.
Most entertaining of the fanfest. Watching the community destroy itself over a class and race was probably the best thing Yoshi has done since the reboot of the game.
Going even further with the live letter and basically just saying nothing about the patch was also just as funny since more people expect a healing class reveal.
Plenty of ways to play a non-edgy DRK
You're imagining them. You called everyone who disagrees with you a tranny to the point where you actually believe in the boogeyman.
Hrothgar will probably be at or around the same size as roes, Kimahri was a manlet compared to other ronso and he was something like 6'8" while roes in general top out at 7'6".
To be fair, YoshiP has straight up lied about things before. But of course never like the situation the healer ruse fags are grasping out.
>le edgy eyepatch
>that dress
what a tasteless thot
imagine if eureka had world pvp
Dodger still thinks anybody gives an ant's fuck about her opinion?
Whenever I get a shit DF with a macro spamming DPS, a slow-pulling tank, a netflix healer, and wipe to the same boss for the same reason multiple times, whenever that one drop I'm trying to get eludes me in favor for the bottom of the barrel DPS, chats flare up with discord drama bleeding over into other social networks and everything is going wrong, I remember that at least I'm not playing Bless.
>OF is still in full meltdown mode
Also I'm surprised you haven't been banned yet DFC you fucking glorious asshole.
Well that settles it, if you think these two proportions are anywhere alike you must really be mentally ill.
>You're imagining them
uhh.. sweaty...
yeah, he's never teased something by saying "huh that element in this art is weird, it probably doesn't mean anything ;)"
This is outrageous -the amount of sexism in the game community is well know and documented so it doens't come as a surprise that the community might not perceive it as this, but the decision to make "sexy woman with bunny ears" and "powerful macho lions grunts" genderlock is extremely extremely sexist and I didn't expect this from a world-known company like SE.
it's not the point or not of male Viera or female WhateverLions - I mean a much as deluded it is to make such a step, it wasn't a race I wanted to play - but it's the decision to cut out genders based on the worst possible stereotype about feminine and masculine types, reinforcing again the already present sexism in the game aesthetics.
I understood the "male bunny" costumes as a funny thing, but at this stage I am convinced is was there already purely a sexist take: the intentional will to don't make "sexy" males if not in a uber-stereotyped machist way.
I really am still shocked about it
I'm not creative, so I've just been using this set for my tanks.
Which is exactly why it's a garbage excuse, classes will never be perfectly balanced nor will they ever be 100% unique. No new healer is just laziness on SE side
you said 'thiccfags', not 'anyone who likes these models' nigger
>literally nothing in those posts that points to being a shemale
lmaoing @ ur life
so when are they going to update the mentor requirements? they're still stuck in with the heavensward requirements. you can literally buy a level boost and solo grind ifrit to become a mentor.
This style of dimension hoping/time travel is usually done so that devs can reuse assets and call old areas "new" again. What I'm digging about this expansion is that, despite going to places like Alt-Mor Dhona, all the areas appear to have been made from the ground up.
it's a pretty good set
No user, they definitely are. The reason I asked is because I actually did step out of Yea Forums to gauge the reactions on other forums and there were a fuckton of self-proclaimed “LGBT”s.
No user you dont get it if you have an opinion other than mine you MUST be one
Would have made more sense to go with Lupin. Why two cat races?
Desire and need are two different things.
Dancer is what it is because BRD needs competition. Gunbreaker is what it is because tanks are in a shitty deadlock meta that it will hopefully shake around. The healers as a while need a rebalance and thats all.
No idiot would fuck up their game more to listen to a base of loud and whiny children who wont play the new healer unless its the new meta.
It was fine, the retards who believed a leak about dancer being healer are the only people upset and have only themselves to blame
>Healer using a 2h Hammer
>earth smiting and manipulation for healing
Could be pretty awesome
better question is when are they going to remove the mentor system entirely
The leaker never said Dancer would be healer.
Lmao I see this guy on my server
why make a new thing when you can just copy and paste old thing
>not edgy
>Fanart already coming out that makes Hrothgar look super sexy and chad when it looks nothing like the actual model at all
but Lupin would also be copypasting old thing
But why on earth would you think that would mean a new job announcement instead of something much more mundane?
Just look at what happened during the live letter last night. "Oh something big is happening. They're clearing the stage. This is a huge deal! This will make FFXIV the number 1 trend on Twitter! It's... Daddy of Light!"
Love that set. Gonna make my man dude alt into a Ronso in 5.0 tho. Cant wait to see them in armor.
Lupin wouldn't be new though
>literally nothing in those posts that points to being a shemale
fags, trannies, and their libshit allies. back to your discord
Most people just assumed it was healer since double DPS last time. its logcial but they were SO invested in DNC healer that they tricked them selves into rolling the class before it was even announced. They bought into there lies so hard they cant actually have fun which is hilarious.
Hey man, fags have never let reality get in their way before
You can say the same thing about all fanart. Elezens in art have smaller necks, Au Ra in art have less obvious skin cancer, Miqote in art don't capture their dumb as fuck idle stance, people that draw Lalafells never capture the part where they don't have kneecaps.
Yoshi mentioned taking it to the gameplay designer instead of just saying "so we gave DRK and WAR a hammer skin"
>They're clearing the stage. This is a huge deal! This will make FFXIV the number 1 trend on Twitter! It's... Daddy of Light!"
literally turned my stream off at this moment
So, fanart in general?
I wouldnt be surprised at all if we get another class later in the expansion that heals
Yeah that was cringe.
I love my skallic coat and Nothung glam. I hope gun keeps to fending so i dont have to farm a maiming version. With some good gloves and greaves it looks pretty nice as a whole
>how will helms look on the new races?
>they won't, haha
jesus christ. they really are on the road to another 1.0
Yes and I hate it. If people are going to do fanart they should at least try to make them look like it. Ive seen Roe art that I swear was a Highlander but they claim otherwise.
>I hope the tank uses tank gear
Well, I hope so too, because it would be retarded if it were otherwise
>I hope gun keeps to fending so i dont have to farm a maiming version.
It definitely will. I don't know why people would think otherwise.
Same could be said about straights. Look at these abominations.
aside from the textures, i think Hrothgar look better than most highlanders or maybe i'm becoming a furry
IV and FFT:WotL, though that doesn't really matter since Bard wasn't ranged DPS before XIV, and Scholar, Red Mage, and Summoner were more jack of all trades than one defined role.
>can't wear Gordian/Allagan/Lost Allagan/Elemental helmets
I'm glad I didn't have a horse in this race and am staying Hyur
wait i thought gunbladers where the only new class
My wife is small, rich, and thicc.
Then you have no reason to reply to my original post, never talk to me again.
Fuck, im definately making a Nia DNC glam with my Miqo
Because people are fucking stupid in this game and build themselves up thinking all different things.
Yeah, after posting I thought I should have said, people who make fanart, instead of fags
This one is so much worse than any wrong genderlock does.
What they've essentially done is remove face-covering headgear slot and replace it with a slot for muzzle for Hrothgar and ears for Viera. So you have more possible combinations than Au Ra, who have faces locked to horns.
The result is that full helmet gear isn't visible, anything with a ./visor part or covering the face isn't visible, and everything else just have Viera ears clipping straight through them.
Instead of fixing their damn 1.0 spaghetti code that only allows for a fiinite amount of parameters, they just removed two parameters required for headgear and replaced them with more face customization options.
>or maybe i'm becoming a furry
Even worse, you're becoming a furry with absolute bottom of the barrel taste.
Everyone looks better than Highlanders. They look like actual neanderthals.
you must be fucking joking
Summoners were usually primarily damage dealers, though.
If healing is stressful for you, you're a shit healer
I read this and all I'm getting from it is they can no longer do anything involving disguises or similar subterfuge during the MSQ
Dumb healsluts, it makes a lot more sense for Dancer to have more in common with Bards than any other class.
Because square has made other questionable decisions regarding classes before.
>another 1.0
If it leads to another ARR down the road, it would probably be worth it.
Nigga what? This bitch looks delicious. Those other pieces of garbage do not, barring the one on the left
You must find Wack-a-mole stressful as well
>Said the netflix healer
>Limited race
>Limited helmets
Was BA testing the waters for a limited raid?
Healers have it the worst in Ultimate content by far.
Just unlocked blue mage. Should i go with the line where I ask if I can use something other than these piss poor spells?
Same shit goes for official art of all the races. Yoshida’s designs are gorgeous but they haven’t translated well at all.
Now you're sliding into redundancy. All furries have absolute bottom of the barrel taste.
Major Protip: people that play Miqo'te, Au Ra, and Viera have much less skill level than people that play Hyur, Lalafell, and Hrothgar.
I really wanted a support DPS but I have zero interest in bard. Dancer mite b cool
Is that really surprising? The problems over at SE that led to 1.0 are not gone. You could almost use that powerpoint slide from back in ARR abut the mistakes of 1.0 and use it as a checklist
The japs were happy. They got evertything they expected, and Dad of Light is actually popular over there.
Nah, the actual truth is, most people of every race are fucking trash at this game
>Needs people to make their illusion of choice for them
It doesn't matter. None of it matters.
Same here. I really cant face leveling up Ranger in order to play BRD. Having access to DNC at 60 is the answer I needed
>add a bunch of face features
>playerbase all pick the same idealized 'face' for their character because they're a bunch of porn-hungry teens.
you can once you hit 50 and get someone to carry you through the ARR primals
>but I think it looks worse than it did in that tech demo
Of course it did. The tech demo was just a video that took 4 months to render and it would be a stretch to do it even on current hardware. They said this during dev panel. SE likes to publish smoke and mirrors and claim they're tech demos when in reality it's implausible to implement.
>tranny by association
>world falls to light
>get those unholy abominations
>world falls to darkness
>get pic related
should've shacked up with zodiark from the start desu
They're pretty upset about no new healer
The biggest underrated crime of this entire Fanfest is that the Dancer AF gear in-game doesn't have the high heels like the Dancer AF concept art. We got false advertising yet again just like how they nerfed Lyse's boobs in-game versus CGI cinematic.
This. Yoshi will literally deny everything after the Hrothgar fuckup just to keep the element of surprise
I'd be using this if I didn't have the diamond set
Post the ultimate clears by race chart.
Factually, according to actual clears, lalafell of both sexes are the best at the game, with female elezen and male miqo'te being the absolute worst.
Its going to be literally Bard but with a new coat of paint. Expect almost all the same buffs as BRD/MCH.
i always laugh at this fanbase begging for things like races or jobs because the only thing of those they make use of are the races in shit like glamour screenshots.
every job gets additions and often radical changes each expansion, and if you casual fucks actually played them you'd realize you can have played the same job since ARR and still gotten something fresh every expansion. all you want to actually do with a new healer is level it to cap to make a reddit post saying "i leveled all jobs guys!!!" like it's an accomplishment (it isn't).
none of you shitters play any of these jobs at a level that's respectable and you just want something to sate your ADD for awhile because you can't commit to a job and get the most out of it possible. i'm happy there's no new healer; go learn to play the other 3 you've neglected to do anything but hit level cap and spam GCD heals on for the last 4 years. that's where you'll find content equivalent to half assing an entirely new job like you want to.
shadowbringers will have the most subs of any expac so far and there is nothing you can do about it. just because you can't have one strain of faggot races doesn't mean the game is dead. if it is, unsub. one less entitled netflix player won't be missed. do everyone a favor.
City looked worse because they replaced clear windows with opaque crystal.
>We'll fix DRK!
>Gunbreaker announced as Tank
>We'll fix MCH!
>Dancer announced as Ranged DPS
It does for Viera
There's a difference between furries, and furries who like neon colored furs.
This was all I wanted from this keynote
you're a retard if you were expecting heels, even based on the concept art
You would think by now they can do high textures since the game got rid of dx9/32 bit.
Thats fine. The main reason I'm not interested in bard is I just don't like bows/their theme.
>Yes I do indeed look at my character's shoes the entire time I'm playing!
based and truthpilled
TLDR of this retards post: Hur dur you cant complain about wanting more jobs unless you minmax yellow parse raid with them
Good thing there's a great modding community.
>like ffx
>oh shit they're adding ronso that's so cool
>they look like they have down syndrome with a tard strength form
I'm tempted to go DRK and rock pic related for ShB
LMAO, even in fanart they look fucking stupid. Hrothgar was a mistake.
>Literally "We want the western audience" the race
Except it'll be slashing damage to stack better with WAR.
He didnt say healer is stressful he said it's the most stressful compared to the other roles.
Heal is a full time dps + having to heal, don't be retarded.
AST's questline for Stormblood was out and out a GEO questline and they even showed the artifact from XI with the Swallow's Compass enemies, I'd legitimately be surprised if Geomancer was not on the table
fat cats
No, there really isn't. They are all equally disgusting and shouldn't be allowed within three meters of an animal.
spotted the netflixer
please leave my game
no they aren't, they're also disappointed about genderlock races but nothing about dancer being healer
That 'retard' is right. The only people who are this mad about a fucking race are the people that spend their game time almost exclusively on glamslutting, taking screenshots and erp.
I'm glad it took this long for people to realize how bad the devs are.
>Implement BLU
>Too lazy to balance it for raids
>Make it a "side job" with shitloads of RNG
Its gonna be WAR/GUN/BRD/DNC/MCH/DRG. Unsure about healers till we see more.
The best thing about DNC being a dps is that it might mean there'll be more than one meta comp
Yes, there really is.
You cant care how your character looks unless you ERP?
stopped reading there
>world ending
>heros who once saved it fucked off and died for no reason or gain
>"Fuck it, lets just laugh and grow fat in our last years of existance"
These guys are based.
Unbased and bluepilled. This is gonna be the biggest expansion yet. You whinybabs cant stop based Yoshida.
Not that dancer isn't a healer, but that we aren't getting a healer
DNC being a DPS would be fine if there was a healer at all to go with it. GEO, CHM, Green Mage, anything! Now we DID need a new ranged physical, but it was less of a priority than healer. Especially when BLU wasted a caster slot.
Is Garo any good? Those armor sets are obsurd in a way that I really like.
>15.2K fem Elezen
>140K cats
>107K lizards
How are clears even remotely an indication of actual skill?
they're removing damage types
Glamour is the endgame though.
You mean the same modding community that constantly splinters every month?
The same modding community that pulls their tools because lol its a joke
The same modding community that literally just ports assets from other MMOs even lazier that how SE ports assets from previous FF games?
The same modding community that literally encourages paid mods?
>glamslutting, taking screenshots and erp.
That's literally half of what the game is. Everyone gives a shit about what their avatar looks like to some degree, even normies.
The sentai armors are all pretty good on the whole
>Now we DID need a new ranged physical,
When the excuse they gave for no new healer is because the current healers aren't balanced enough we definitely don't need a fucking new ranged physical with the current state of mch.
>This is gonna be the biggest expansion yet
I'm honestly worried if this is the case because they've shown fuckall.
new meme race
Why do you need an extra healer when the three we already have are still in need to tuning and proper development?
>lalas and cats are the most likely ones to be degenerate discord users who have the means to do tough content with a static
sky is blue and fags deserve the rope. news at 11
3 Support DPS, 1 Real DPS, and the two Tanks. Heals will probabl be AST and SCH/WHM since AST can boost dps.
Now the real question with this setup is:
Who gets the DRG tether?
Why are female elezen so shit at the game?
>how is clearing the most strenuous and mechanically concentrated fights a sign of skill
i dunno user
they've showed the same amount as they did with HW and SB, in may we get all the battle system changes, quit being fucking stupid
thats my point retardo
JP doesn't use statics or discord. They pug and type in-game.
The only people who lost are the gays who wanted male bunnies and the female furries who wanted fem ronso
You demonstrably need to be good at the game just to enter Ultimate, much less clear it.
>I recognized it immediately and thought that was pretty awesome, but I think it looks worse than it did in that tech demo
Yoshi said in the dev panel that that tech demo would barely be able to run on a modern system. The lights, for example, had light bulbs with filaments modelled inside them. And the light actually came from these filaments. That, along with the clear windows on the dome, would've been very resource heavy on PCs. Remember, this is a game where a city like Limsa causes fps to tank. Now imagine Rapture in game unaltered.
nobody plays them
proportionally that means every femezen is a god tier player
this is our new reality
if we are getting more of the same bs, then that sounds like user was right, shit expansion.
they're doing a media tour in may where they travel across the world talking about the new stuff.
Oh I agree, all those japanese voice raid videos I saw during progression were deep fakes manufactured by the state. Japanese have telepathic abilities and can clear any content without voice coordination you absolute fucking retard