What kind of video games do girls play?
What kind of video games do girls play?
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Anything that harnesses them attention in a niche with little other female competition.
>mfw my step-sister looks like her and plays videogames with me
The cheating game
That's a guy ain't it?
mario kart
mario party
animal crossing
the legend of zelda
candy crush
The Sims
Sophie Mudd
life goes on
What does the switch even add to this? Just take off the switch and the clothes.
>Life/farming simulators
>Rhythm games
>Puzzle games
I've been playing Satisfactory and I quite like it.
It feels a bit lonely but with more players it seems like you wouldn't have enough work to do.
turn based games
The same thing women add to anything gaming related.
android shit
easy mode
the 'gaming' tag in the video
Your sister has a bad case of man-jaw
>tfw no nudes
who cares? they exist because they have holes to fuck
Whatever game she thinks will interest the most people.
yeah yeah nice tits but fucking disgusting presentation
This but with qt boys too
>Interacting with women has made me extremely misogynistic
Racism is largely bullshit but what the fuck is wrong with women? No matter the culture they are horrible.
Because humans are inherently shit
If that's true how come you haven't put your penis inside one yet?
Depends on the girl doesn't it? Old housemate of mine used to play a LOT of Verdun before BF1 came out.
they never had to be good or even decent, men have always bent over backwards for them because they want to fuck them. they get to act any kind of way because we're afraid if we're mean by holding them to any sort of standard then they won't fuck us
>racism is largely bullshit
How can a preference be bullshit?
But women are way worse. If you take some random dude and some random chick the chick is almost always worse. Even the smart women I've met just have this passionless emptiness to them, for the most part.
We are talking about what games girls play, user. As in, biological females.
>stop commenting
>tries to hide tits from camera man
>squishes her titties around in the process, giving the camera man what he wants
Who cares, the average person is garbage and nothing would be lost if you got rid of them
jesus this akward as fuck IM EMBARRESED NOW.
>no Yea Forums or date written
This isn't you
Except almost all the women
I can believe he was so brazen like "ay yo world star slut" and didn't even try to hide it.
>3rd party controller
t r a s h
Candy crush, pokemon and zelda.
holy melons
lotta smarts you got there
imagine if men acted like that
>logitek controller
>shitty games
>is ugly
No fucking shit user, id hope not too.
Spotted the virgin that never leaves the house.
Yeah but realistically, if men could fulfill their sex needs and reproduce some other way, what use would women have left at all? Men would be better companions as friends, you'd have an alternative to having kids and possibly a better way to have sex in this future. Can anyone here seriously say they really like women because they are "good friends" or "good people to have around"?
Girls don't play videogames unless it somehow gives them attention of some sort.
>red nails
why are all girls utter sluts, Yea Forumsros?
>muh virgin argument
Do brainlets have anything legitimate to say?
I think her elbows are too pointy.
>seriously say
It's only the deluded liberal sons of single mothers. The betas who orbit, who praise vagina as if it's not disgusting, talk about and would actually eat a girl out if given the chance. They're so desperate to be liked that they fool themselves, they have fantasies instead of experience so I can't be mad at them for being wrong.
Have sex
Is there any reason why you couldn't replace humanity with machines?
It’s not bitchy -.-
Haha I get it, she actually IS fucking ugly.
It's weird to think that 50% of this person was made up by a man and will carry some of his aesthetics somehow.
Imagine how Thicc she'd get with a kid anons hahahah mummy
Anyone got the IG account of the milky girl with the coca cola bottle?
Didn't mean to quote.
Only because we aren't quite there yet with tech, but otherwise it almost feels like an inevitability that only won't happen if we do our best for it not to, choosing to mostly merge the advanced tech with ourselves instead of creating "new people" out of AI
"play" they handed it to her told her to be cute.... she doesn't play shit
m- more
Says the brainlet that doesn't know how faces work.
based recorder putting roasties in their place
So we agree that it's the logical step forward
I know about a girl who loves Minecraft a lot. She even bought the LEGO sets.
gold digging
>that disgusting formless blob of fat
Such a shame, she looks like she has a cute face under all that fat.
You're obviously not from americs, that's considered thin to burgers
Holy fuck, thank you kind user.
I've been creeping threads all day looking for it.
>be publicly dressed like whore
>get embarrassed when people notice
I want to understand, without being a judgmental dickhead, why she thought this was a good idea. I want to know what her thought process was.
this pic needs an update to include onion children coveting switches
My 8/10 qtpi gf plays Pokemon, Zelda, Metroid and Devil May Cry
fuck her right now
Can confirm
>be 8/10 curvy fertility goddess
>get plastic surgery so you can be less fat
>don't change lifestyle
>end up looking like some weird, bloated mound of garbage
>creep starts filming you, saying "THIS ugly mutt's gonna go on YouTube!"
>you just stand there, meekly shuffling about and mumble
As far as slam pigs go this is top quality pork
>that smile
Even in that situation she got satisfaction from being ogled.
Is this a joke post, or is the water supposed to be that color from algae or some shit?
but why would you care when you already dressed this way to go out into public
that exists but i don't have it, sorry
B-butt I'm Aussie
Dunno who she is sadly
>not liking bbw breeders
MUMMY issues detected
Fucken a
Sucking my dick while I play Dota.
My sister played a lot of Ace Attorney, Professor Layton, and Pokemon.
Otherwise she only liked more casual multiplayer stuff like Mario Kart, so at least I always had someone to play those with.
You're mental ilness is showing
why do girls pretend to like anything besides chad dick and money
Eh, I'm actually less horny than usual even though I'm on day 5 of nofap, the longest period of no orgasms in over a decade.
>Is this a joke post, or is the water supposed to be that color from algae or some shit?
have you literally EVER gone outside, user? what the fuck
fat acceptance retards should be euthanized.
Same reason uggos go outside, fully well knowing people will stare, but not even they expect to be filmed by a stranger who laughs at them
She was probably going to a exclusive dinner you piece of shit, have ever stepped outside of your home? Ever been in an office and needed to go a fancy dinner after work? Women bring their extra clothes to workand decided that they need an even more fancier getup.
The real question is why would this woman who evidently must have some form of income, decide to take a filthy smelly train, instead of something more private is beyond me. Literally uber / cabify exists even in third world countries.
Why do people on Yea Forums pretend to play video games?
Steven Universe; Save the Light
it's called dirt dumbass. have you ever been outside?
>we're afraid if we're mean by holding them to any sort of standard then they won't fuck us
me under the covers
life is unfair
>fancy dinner
>who evidently must have some form of income
she's wearing some cheap whore dress, probably going to a nightclub lmao
i don't want to understand the thought process of battered incels and thankfully never will
So fucking cringy. Do they not know they're watching a work of fiction?
No, fuck off, that water is clearly yellowish-amber. Streams don't normally look like that.
Sims. But basically anything that has relationship simulators.
Leanne Crow
>fancy shit
>Xboxhueg cleavage display
No, dude.
Parallels to "that" webm
this is a poor argument. I get what you are saying and agree but this argument is bad. I, an uggo, don't go out with a giant frame around my head and arrows pointing to my face saying "Look at me! I'm hugely ugly. I'm fucking monsterous. Plz don't stare silly boys :)"
>She was probably going to a exclusive dinner you piece of shit, have ever stepped outside of your home?
yeah but she still had to go on the fucking public transit system. if she has the cash she would have opted to NOT be around the bums and poorfags who would leer at a fresh slice of white meat.
>her tits grew 3 times bigger from age 15 to 18
We need to isolate her genes and make clones.
That's the color of the dirt, clean water is transparent you absolute retard.
cheers user
Me too
She's the best waifu there bet she's the best in the bed as well.
Based calm gf
She looks much better at 15.
Those have to be fake or that is an excellent sports bra.
This was true at the time this picture was made, but in the past decade, "men" do this just as frequently as women do.
>what is weight gain hormone levels and breast stimulation
Hell I tried out this man's method on my mum and her dds swelled to almost e cups
Based peirce
the state of neets
>we're now arguing about water
Jelly Splash.
For hours.
can I get a rundown on the peirce method? may be handy in the future
Now that's what I call a situation
Where can I go that people photograph an object with their feet in view
>Hell I tried out this man's method on my mum
>on my mum
Feed her until she pukes.
Step 1 get brapmom/gf
Step 2 feed
Step 3 tease her
Step 4 fondle breasts 24/7 and don't stop till they are sore
And u have thiccbbw
>he doesn't molest his mom
why are you even here dude
Oh shit what secret knowledge is their for giving chick bigger tits? Is this some form of article he wrote about it?
> not practising everything with mummy
Do u even vm sandbox breh? Fucking console gf fags I swear
>not knowing the get a chick pregnant breast expansion method
Apparently pills work too but too dangerous to their body and fucks male test
>not having your mum molest you then you molest her
I'd rather have it go the other way around
preciate the spoonfeed user
Huh, that's actually kinda true it seems.
My ex in 2006 played Ragnarok Online.
>doesn't realize that DD and E is the same cup size
>nobody corrects him
Yeah, I'm on Yea Forums alright.
homie, I was legit trying to help
woah i don't want to play the video games with her!
Well thanks then.
To be fair, most people- even women- don't know that.
There is different cup sizes depending on country dickhead
>he knows what cup sizes really mean
Found the tranny
Let's say you go out, and someone puts a camera in your face and starts bringing attention to your face. it's just your face. Nothing weird about it. But the attention you're receiving is excessive. Wouldn't you feel a little self conscious about your face?
Oh yeah everybody knows that silly. I thought you guys were referring to a different method? Sort of like how other people say about fondling tits=bigger tits. But hey thanks for the info.
>954. Oasis – Don't Look Back In Anger
no, we get accused of gatekeeping and the entire world supports them.
She obviously has a child in a stroller. She was checking to see if she's ready to breast feed and is pulling the blanket over to see if it will cover anything so she can feed the child
Jesus, you man-children really don't know anything, do you?
>wear low cut outfit
>act offended when people stare at your cleavage
I don't get it. Isn't the point of the outfit to show them off?
Fucking roastie is not even playing the damn thing
if you like/dont mind a little hair go to /hgt/ and ask Athena for feets, they nice and she is good with requests
>a deal's a deal, user!
>What kind of video games do girls play?
Anything thats popular or Nintendo for a grand total of 10 minutes a year before going back to their social media of choice
>brown nipples
i hate it when my aunt does this to me every time i visit her
Asian women > White women > Black women > Latina women
Mal was amazing before she let herself go.
>WW2 war gaming table top
>Rogue likes
She was from Hong kong, Asian
I play a lot of video games.
What did she do to her face? She looks about 20% bogged today. But she looked so natural then.
Asian women drop down a rank when you see their offspring
mal has yet to peak
No worries fellow boobie bro
Apparently according to some old natural breast exhancement boards there is other ways but it kinda enters x = bigger dick territory it's all bs