>tfw finally managed to scrape together enough husband points for a gaming day.
Is RDR2 any good?
Tfw finally managed to scrape together enough husband points for a gaming day
Marriage really is a scam
>Hang out with wife
Jesus Christ, imagine living like this
Is it really worth living a life like this just to be married
ah shit, thats what it means?
>10 PM - sleep in the cuck shed
thank god i remained a virgin
We had this same thread just a few hours ago. Die in a fire with your family you fucking faggot
This is why you don't marry a woman.
>2 AM - consider just ending it all
ITT: incel central
have sex
Its a cuck. Any decent man/husband would have laughed in her face and thrown the notepad at her
Sex is a rude word user, delete your post
Sex in one hell of a drug. The vague promise of "free sex" can easily blind people, especially when your instincts starts to demand you to impregnate a specific target.
>gaming day
>eating and drinking all that cancerous crap in one go
americuck spotted
>wife fucks off for a day to let you enjoy yourself
>will bring you beers or snacks when you tell her
Sounds great to be honest
>Retards ITT can't tell that this image is the opposite of what they think.
This is obviously a man in a relationship with a highly submissive woman. No sane woman calls her husband daddy.
>mfw married oldfag
>mfw I'd rather spend time with my kids while they're awake instead of playing moviegames or BING BING WAHOOs
>mfw I enjoy all the video games I want after they're napping or down for the night because I'm not a manchild with fucked up priorities
Not really the point of this thread but I cringe when I see shit like pic related. Epic """gamers""" shouldn't be allowed to reproduce, especially those that haveno other identity and have to spam the fact they play games at you all day long. I hope you younger anons don't do this when you're older.
Yea Forums- incel feels guys and their cuckold fetish fantasies
Imagine having to ask permission to play vidya.
Not everyone spends all their day at an anime board you fucking loser
It’s not really about sex after a point. Whe. You’re with the same girl for years you just become best friends. She knows what makes you happy and you know what she wants. A healthy relationship is really just about having a companion.
imagine living as a neutered male because your shrieking autistic wife was able to make you feel commercial-guilt
get laid like 5 times and get the fuck out forever
your semen will still be good in late life while they dry up. that's why you think you care so much now, you don't.. you just think youre being left out
this man has just taken a pic of his neutered ballsack for the world to see but who am I kidding... the wife took this. couldn't be more proud of herself thinking shes the 'cool wife'
Hell on earth and I pity none of you sadsacks
It's a beautiful thing to fuck and fall asleep talking about video game lore together.
Oh wow its a real life soiboi
You're supposed to be the captain of the ship, not BE the ship
onions bait
>imagine being so beta you have to ask your wife for a "gaming day"
The absolute state of onions cucks.
Don't do this to me. I'll never find someone like this to discuss Morrowind's lore with
Go away, incels
Why do you faggots keep reposting garbage from leddit? And dont even try to fucking deflect, where else would youfind this shit unless you actively went looking on normalfag sites for it. 10/10 yes im mad its kikes like you that should stick to lurking
Women do it when they have really young kids
I won't reproduce
>Father of children
>eating candy and drinking sugary beverages
Who is really the child here?
A woman calling her partner daddy is the ultimate sign of submission.
lol sex ! lol
xD its gr8 !
except ive fucked more chicks while I was in highschool than you ever will and that shit was prime and still not worth whatever hell youre living in
you fuckin idiots are fine. just take that shit else where and if I hear it defended, my balls want to try at least to shout over your way to see if yours are even still around. or has the wife gottem locked em up in the kitchen until you learn how to behave better?
How else will I troll Yea Forums epic style?
>Daddy's special day
>No mention of kids in the itinerary
100% got a vasectomy at the behest of his wife who will dump him to be a guy who can give her children when her clock draws near
Those brave souls go into the heart of darkness to bring back treasures such as OP's image
Commend them for their bravery
Nothing wrong with that, user.
What's with this sudden surge of American men getting vasectomies?
Who's pushing this cancer or is it just a /pol/ meme?
acquire copulation
Married life is pretty good as long as you don't marry demanding roasties. Too many people get in relationships they hate, and never leave because they are either afraid they won't find someone else, or don't want to put in the effort. My wife and I split all the chores 50/50 so house work goes super quick, never argue about anything, play co-op games like Divinity together almost every weekend, and have sex 4-5 times a week. Its fucking great.
High schoolers fucking each other isn't prime. An older man fucking and being with a young woman is prime.
>not eating junk food with your son
>Who's pushing this cancer
Gee, I wonder
>that means watching the bull impregnate her
absolutely seething