2019... I am forgotten

>2019... I am forgotten.

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Other urls found in this thread:


What game?

It's pretty established as a modern day classic

It was forgotten a week after release.


On par with Brap of the Wild for worst single player game of all time.

You sure you ain't falseflagging there?

Game of the year. Game. Of. The. Year.

Just started a second playthrough with my friend. It's still a lot of............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................fun.

Galaxy 2 > 64 > Galaxy > Odyssey > Sunshine
Not ranking 3D World because it's a 2D Mario with a Z-axis.


>Not ranking 3D World because it's a 2D Mario with a Z-axis.
user, do you not know what 3D is?

I know what 3D is you dunce. I meant that 3D World checks all the boxes of a modern 2D Mario despite being 3D:
>same health mechanic
>only hubworld is the overworld map
>the goal is a flagpole
>the objective is always the same: get from point A to point B

I tend to severely shit on brap of the wild, but this mothefucker takes the entire cake. A monument of boringness.

this game was too fucking easy even by mario standards. at least sunshine and galaxy had levels that required SOME sort of challenge. this is borderline a walking simulator

Remember Mario tennis?
Remember octopath travellers?
Remember travis strikes again?
Remember that boxing game?
Remember labo?

What a piece of shit console LMAO fuck nintendies

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It's better than Breath of the Wild. I'd rather no threads than daily complaint threads.

oh shit I remember that game....


What is there worth remembering?


Not even memeing and unironically, it’s no masterpiece

When you have no games, you rely on memories.

ITT a bunch of people who have never played a game talk about that game

Mario Odyssey isn't even good enough to complain about. It's just thoroughly mediocre

I’ve played it and beat darkest side of the moon or whatever it was called, it’s very mediocre

You must have forgotten the full year of its not masterpiece spamming.
Sonyfags were mad as fuck

Yeah, nobody believes you

its not you're just a faggot

Just sold it to GameStop for $22 the other day. Never finished it, got bored. The game play is fantastic, but the worlds just didn't do it for me. Too big, and largely forgettable.

I'm a massive Mariofag and he's right. Darkest side was an alright level and the game in general had its moments, but overall the game felt like a very well polished proof of concept.

Gameplay is tight, Mario controls the best he ever has but the levels and music are very unmemorable compared to 64 or Sunshine. Also, it should’ve taken more heat for that absolute cringe fucking fest that was that final song while you were escaping with bowser. Holy shit that was bad

unrionically I only have like 3 hours in this game. Shit is boring!

>Bloodborne 92
>BOTW 97


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Not even that user but
>critic scores matter when it suits me
>bringing up a random PS4 exclusive unprovoked

This board is sonygaf, just the way it is


Eat shit you fucking drone.

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Oh just shutup

>Not even that user but...


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>new super big marring ultimate switch 3d land bros 64 nº 731864135125641212
>wonder why nobody remembers after a day or two

Still selling quite a lot of copies.

This reads like a Trump tweet.
I wish Trump shitposted on Yea Forums

>"I know how to use MSPaint, so I'm not a shitposting faggot!"
You're never gonna make it dude

sonybros need to be shot on sight i say this as an idort

Can't handle simple criticism.

idk man I’ve been enjoying my Switch a lot more than Steam lately. I don’t get all the hate Yea Forums has for the console. I think the problem it has right now is being flooded with too many garbage-tier games on the eShop, similar to Steam getting overloaded with shitty games.

Ok even if I was him does it even matter
>metacritic scores matter when games I like get good scores but don’t matter when they don’t
>muh Sony

>not inspect element
If you're gonna shitpost, shitpost properly you flaming faggot.

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I almost bought a Switch at Costco bsgore realizing it has no games Lmao.

Look at the time stamps, faglord.q

No one mentioned Sony fool.

Keep seething. :)

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These guys are still alright

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The time stamp that gives much more than enough time for the 10 second effort it takes to get rid of the You?
Or are you trying to embarass yourself by claiming to have cognitive deficits?


Oh now I remember.

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this game is mind nummingly boring due to how dogshit simple it is to collect one of those moons every 30 seconds

Cute, but PS4 still outsold Switch in 2018.

One of the best games of the generation. Cry more kids.

Everyone just post favourite screenshots you took

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Nintendofag lies.

Not even the best 3D Mario game.

Am I getting any of that cash Nintendo is winning? No.
Are you? No.

So why should I be happy about this you drooling retard? Because "my favorite company is doing good"? Fucking imbecile. Give me good games instead.

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>PS4 still outsold Switch in 2018.

Nintendo dominating Japan.
Nintendo dominating America.

>it-its ok guys! Sony sold 300K more in Tunisia!

Finally 100%ed it yesterday. Fuck the assholes who think putting balloons in Balloon World out of bounds is funny, fucking Cascade Kingdom sucks to farm coins at due to this. Seaside a best.

woah, a 1 year console managed to outsell a 6 year old console that everyone already has

wow, just wow

Balloon World really improved the post game economy of odyssey, getting the costumes is so much less painful

>>PS4 outsold Switch in 2018
>a console that has been since end 2013
>most audience buys games like soccer/eggball 20XX
>big amount of people buying the good exclusives
I wonder how.

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I only ever considered the game boring when it got to the point where I already found all the in-game moons and had to grind for the 999. It does open up a few cosmetic differences and a “thanks for playing” image but I mean it’s not that worth it for some various gold balloons

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>fifa bad
>bing bing boing boing good

I liked it but I guess I was kind of expecting more out of the post game, a lot of the moons are fairly dull to collect at that point and it feels like there's no real reason to go beyond the Darkest Side (which I wish was as hard as say Grandmaster Galaxy)

Rest was fun tho


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>Darkest Side
People still get this wrong, huh
I wonder when someone will get it right

Haha, that's funny cuz I just finished playing it yesterday. It's cool, but I liked Hat in Time better.

goty 10/10, makes you feel like Bushman


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They're both mediocre and sub-par compared to the rest of their respective series. Both of them follow the same quantity > quality approach.

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Yeah Nintendo should start filter system to remove shitty games no one is gonna miss.
I say a quota to stay system
If you’re game doesn’t have say 5,000 sales per week of being on the Eshop it’s removed