How come Yea Forums talks about pic related more 2 years later than Red Dead 2, which only came out a few months ago?
How come Yea Forums talks about pic related more 2 years later than Red Dead 2, which only came out a few months ago?
Red Dead was boring.
Red dead more like shithead
Because it's not nearly as overrated as BOTW is.
morel like Zelda Brapp of the Wild, am I right?
imagine botw with rdr2 tier visuals/complexity/polish/whatever you want to call it you know what I mean
Rockstar need to do a fantasy epic while the time is ripe. Elder Scrolls is dead and the Witcher 4 wont be out for a decade
and some actual fucking coherent content instead of a bunch of thrown together minigames and 4 small dungeons.
I don't think rockstar could pull it off because their mission shit sucks honestly, I just the way rdr2 world looks like
if rockstar did a botw like thing it'd consist of following some stupid NPC to some stupid goal while he babbles about some shit and you kill a few enemies for the next cutscene
Because it's effective shitposting bait.
its called The Witcher : Wild Hunt.
Not on Switch or PC.
and BotW was a much bigger thing than "Rockstar makes another open world crime game", especially here.
>red dead
What's there to talk about with Red Dead? Game plays itself.
tendies don't have other game to play only the fart of the shitch and poopoodysey,
>70% Shitposting
>20% YouTubers still talk about it
>10% It still has an incredibly active modding scene.
one game has a bunch of assblasted, defensive fanboys who can't accept so much as one word of criticism about their game without having a meltdown. the other game is rdr2.
>Still seething
switch fags had 1 game to play for almost 2 years, and lots just played on wii u or PC. Most overyped/rated game in a long time.
7-8/10 at best game
I own a switch
poor kids who only had 1 game have to defend it to the grave for their lack of game selection and 60 dollar price tag for nintendo games.