it will never fucking end will it?
It will never fucking end will it?
>Nov 2015
OP what are you doing?
do you think it'll show the scene where she sucks off reviewers for bonus points?
Honestly, good, Gamergatefags deserve to be mocked, I remember the threads turning into some elaborate LARP where people unironically thought they were saving the future of video games for children or some shit.
>>Nov 2015
oh shit sorry did not check the date
Are they gonna give her shit because she is not a man and IS playing a man?
Who cares? And what did Quinn even do? I can't remember because of how dull the gamergate story was.
>posting fake news from 2015
Here’s an update. Games aren’t just for kids, grandma
It's funny because giving dudes head for good roles is standard procedure in Hollywood.
Yes they are, manchild.
mite be cool if they showed her hypocrisy of doxxing people on SA years before she got a taste of her own medicine.
>. Games aren’t just for kids,
but they are.
5 sex scenes?
Fuck gamergate and fuck white supremasists
>a bunch of LARPers
>media giants with actual power that constantly tell lies
Who's the bigger problem, hmm?
it never would have been anything at all if you morons didn't sperg out about it
eat shit, a thread died for this
delete your thread 1000 day old bait thread
movies are trash though
only capeshitters care.
Fucked some judges for a videogame award so her shitty game would get picked IIRC.
ok jew
he was hoping so bad to get laid after this speech
Hey it's Mr.shitface
Based. Fuck niGGers and fuck white niggers
Nathan Grayson (kotaku reporter) was in a relationship with her, and was a tester for her game and didn't disclose either of them when he gave the game coverage as a journalist.
>Community of people fleeced by false advertising and paid reviews of $60 products revolts against the multi-million dollar industry lying to them
>Magically, a bunch of new members spin the positive movement into non-stop misogyny and eventually /pol.
Gee, I wonder who is responsible? Considering the media literally made articles and news stories targeting GamerGate long after it was dead, just to demonize the movement even more.
So why does he call me a white supremacist when I'm not?
Umm sweety, its not a crime to have sex with someone. Also her game is free.
sucking dick for a better review is considered despicable, skank.
Do you have any proof that the sex was payment for good reviews mr incel?
It isn't. But it can be a crime if you don't let people know that your opinion as a professional isn't free of a conflict of interest.
>If you speak out against corruption in game's journalism you're a white supremacist
>>If you speak out against corruption in game's journalism you're a white supremacist
you pretty much are
since journos are jews
And what law exactly did Zoe break exactly by not telling readers that she fucked some dude who reviewed her game? I'll be waiting.