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Oh my god I can't not fuck this guy.

Based sonychads just being chill and smoking wood bongs during e3

the outrage around this dude was hilarious


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there was a entire campaign by sjw's to get Sony to apologize for this

Makes me wonder how GoS is going to be received now after Sekiro. It's open world, right? That paired with stealth kinda worries me.

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I remember thinking during this presentation "it can't possibly get worst next year".
And lo and behold, it got worse. They're not even fucking showing up.

>western SJW faggots got really mad because muh cultural appropriation
>the japanese crowd loved it because he's one of two people in the world who mastered the instrument
good ironing all around

>He's watched his wife with her boyfriend enough times to know how to handle the big one in his mouth.

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>proot :-DDDDD
based Snoy

I think most just found it funny because it sounded strange.

dumb dot poster

Sekiro's stealth is garbage and Tsushima seems more like assassins creed than dark souls.

Why do all snoyboys have a vore fetish?

It really showed some serious racism against white people. He got shit on by SJW's simply for being white allthough he really mastered that unorthodox instrument.


yeah, still hilarious that the loud minority outrage bubble on twitter tried to get sony to apologize

I don't care how hard they rip off Bamham, there's no way Ghosts of Sushimom will have worse stealth and dumber AI than Sekiro.

Why was he pink though?

Because they're all gay trannies

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Ghost of *TOOT*shima GOTY

There's no way on earth it could be worse than the flaming trash heap Sekiro

>sucker punch doing grounded parkour shit in early feudal japan
Nah man, I don't see it

Nice walking simulator, snoyboy.
Only reason you like it more (despite there being jackfuck known about it) it because 'muh exclusice'.

I'd like to see the option for a letterbox aspect ratio so it looks more like a kurosawa movie

>Samurai game made in the west better than one made in Japan

yeah ok my fellow basedboy

It's going to review well despite being shallow

I can respect the guy for mastering the instrument. I also feel sorry for him because of the shit he got from racists. But I still thought his performance was still funny. Gamers just want to see gameplay, but they cart this guy out for a dog and pony show to get entertain people who don't play video games. Just seemed pretentious.

Fix your fucking chat moderation, Steve.

GoT is about a Samurai-Ninja kicking Mongol Ass
Sekiro is about a Samurai-Ninja getting his Ass kicked around

>nintendies are still seething that Sony won e3

guy's probably stoked to get paid for his stupid hobby. we should all be so lucky

>All of E3 was dubstep tier garbage
>Sony has an actual master musician play an eloquent song
>Plebs mock something of actual substance

No wonder they're skipping E3, nothing but philistines.

Some people think State of Play makes it okay somehow.

>Mongols don't even sound like Mongols

Unplayable baka

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No, they're skipping E3 because their last conference was fucking terrible. They clearly have nothing new to show after 2016 and they've announced the same games since then. If Sony were smart they should've announce the game a year perior to the release of the game instead of announcing it 3-4 years too early.


most of them are obese

>t.t.they are quitting because you were MEAN to them
>totally not because most games from last year will still not be out this year, and new projects are on the next system already

Seethe Snoygger