What are some RTS with top tier campaigns?
Hardmode: no Warcraft 3.
What are some RTS with top tier campaigns?
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AoM was the definition of comfy, but also very easy.
All the AoE 2 campaigns
And for a challenge C&C 3
AoE2 and expansion except Joan of Arc campaign.
Original Command and Conquer for presentation.
Dawn of war 1 and expansion for capturing the 40k feel.
Emperor: Battle for Dune
RTS campaigns usually are weak as hell and the worst part of the game. I honestly can't think of a really good one off the top of my head. Forged Alliance and Supcom2 maybe.
Total Annihilation, Earth 2150, Hostile Waters
>tfw the map zooms out AGAIN
World in Conflict.
world in conflict is stupidly good. it's so good there's no point in living when you realize nothing will even attempt to try because>rts in 2018
Warcraft 3
not an rts
Tiberian Sun, Red Alert 2, Brood War
Rise of Nations
Empire Earth
C&C Generals
the WiC campaign is the RTS campaign that has given me more feels by far
Too bad its makers got bought by some evil canadian company and forced to make stupid shooty mcshootface games
generals campaign was mostly meh, but the generals challenges were amazing.
Red Alert 3 and Command and Conquer 3 were cash. Tiberium Series also has one the best lores in gaming history, up until 4
Also Dawn of War 2 and World in Conflict are RTTs not RTSs
The Stronghold games were quite underappreciated.
1980-1989 ??
The first rts were around 1992
>top tier compaigns
skirmish/online is where the fun is.
Rts compaigns were always carried by the epic/fun cutscenes & the lore/narration.
That is why westwood games destroyed the competition
>All these retarded suggestions.
>pic related
Actually good campaigns with good gameplay and good stories:
>Starcraft + Brood War
>Age of Mythology + Titans
>Empire Earth - Russian campaign
>Company of Heroes + Opposing Fronts
>World in Conflict
>Starcraft 2: Wings of Liberty - possibly expansions, but they take a steep dive in quality
There are many good-decent RTS campaigns, like most shit mentioned ITT. But only a few really tick all the boxes and I've listed most of them.
Star Wars Galactic Battlegrounds, specifically Gungans and Republic but I remember most being good. Except Wookiee.
>Starcraft 2: Wings of Liberty - possibly expansions, but they take a steep dive in quality
Legacy of the Void is fantastic, on par with Wings of Liberty though a different genre of story. Heart of the Swarm is trash though, so is the epilogue after all three.
age of mythology
>Not Battle Realms
oh yes homeworld too, that's a solid 10/10. not remastered though.
>age of
naw, SC has a good story but it's a shit campaign for gameplay.
offworld trading company has comfy singleplayer
>Starcraft 2: Wings of Liberty - possibly expansions, but they take a steep dive in quality
>good stories:
Jesus, user. SC's campaign are pretty fun, but the writing and the story are fucking garbage
Age of Mythology had a campaign worthy of any ancient Greek Epic
AoE3 was decent as well. Ensemble could really cram a decent story into an RTS
I want to say Mental Omega too as it's just so utterly batshit insane at this point.
All Command & Conquer games before Generals have great campaigns, even the FPS game.
Blitzkrieg is kino shit for campaign
Battle Realms has a great setting and story, but the gameplay of the missions leaves a lot to be desired.
The game was made to be played with all the option given to you and constricting them for the sake of progress in campaign severely damages the gameplay.
Similar issue plagues many games. Sacrifice being another great example.
>Dat Maus vs T95 fight
AoM was great though Titans was a bit weaker
fall of Atlantis and fighting the poseidon statue was kino
also the "survive for X minutes" Norse mission was really good as was the island raid Egyptian mission.
Island Raid was my absolute favourite level.
I just spend hours building a stupidly big city everywhere just for the fun of it
Got to love age of Mythologies insanely detailed encyclopedia as well
Was the china dlc fun I've heard bad things about it. But honestly not sure how you could mess it up.
Anyway did it have good campaign?
I never finished it, just couldn't get into it.
It wasn't terrible, there just wasn't much to draw you into it. The characters were bland with no personality, and the story was just uninspired.
I also found it didn't look that great. Was hoping for lots of bright green bamboo forests but I just got sludgy coloured dreary grasslands everywhere
It's functionally fine, but it really misses the quality touches you expect from an AAA game.
It's made by an AoE2 mod team and it looks and looks just like a mod. Something that was added to the game through the existing tools instead of being an iherent part of the whole.
SC/BW has top tier writing
SC2 is cringe
Yeah, I was talking about SC2, sorry.
Sacrifice has the best campaign I ever played in an RTS.
New expansion that doesn’t suck when
Goblin commander
Does AoM need another expansion?
Fall of the Trident and A New Atlantis were both fantastic campaigns. Can't we leave it there?
Metal Fatigue, Milagro's in particular
Unironically SC2:WoL campaign. Story was garbage but I had a lot of fun playing it. Hell of a lot better than the generic "destroy enemy base" missions of the first.
I just want more cultures really. Mesopotamians, Celts, and Japanese would be really cool. My dream is an expansion with just those three factions.
A mesoamerican one could be interesting granted.
Seems Skybox is off doing other projects now so no more AoE for now.
Age of Empires 4 never it seems.
How was 3?
Shut the fuck up dweeb before I give you a wedgie. RTT can be mentioned in RTS threads.
Company of Heroes' first campaign is pretty damn good. Good mix of stealth, defensive and offensive missions. The later campaigns aren't nearly as good, but still enjoyable because the game is so good.
Starcraft 2 campaigns are pretty good.
Go play Reign of Chaos' undead campaign now and marvel at how fucking dull it is. If they have to change anything with Reforged they'd better make the 3 fucking "dude elves lmao" missions not put you to sleep
Ensemble had a rule to not include any living relgion, so Japanese and Mesopotamians are out. Not that Ensemble is around but it's not a bad guideline to abide by.
Celts with AoM mechanics and a dash of mythology would be cool, though. AoE:Online already did that to a T, "only" missing the myth units.
Very comfy
>Mesopotamians are out
yeah because people totally still worship anu, inanna and enki
Nobody worships Marduk and Ishtar though. Japan might be fair, even though the Shinto population is very small now.
Great game. Nice variety between factions and plenty of customisation possible with your home city faction
pay to win
How was Age of Empires 3 pay to win?
you could unlock more powerful units on an account level
Caesar III
>Shinto population
>Very small
Yeah, that would explain the bajillions of shrines and offerings everywhere. Along with ancestor shrines in every house you visit. Or the funeral ceremonies, customs, shitting on you for using the chopsticks wrong.
Japanese are religious, they just get asked if they attend weekly mass, routinely pray, etc. To which they respond, of course the fuck not. Not because they are really irreligious, but simply because Shinto + Buddhism they have going on is something incomprehensible to the averga Bible-humper from Korea or USA doing the polls.
Might as well go around Rome asking if people truly belive there are invisible cthulhu-style monstrosities all around them as the Bible says and then come to the conclusion Vatican is just a really big tourist destination and not even the Pope himself believes in the religion, he's just doing it for show.
You're going to be walking on needles all day long to avoid hitting a diety/story that wasn't copied by Abrahamic or Zoroathrianistic faiths.
I'm trying out Ashes of the Singularity and i'm having some problems with it. The basebuilding is set up like a normal RTS but the game itself plays like a naval sim. How the fuck do I do build orders and shit like that when the game has 2 different speeds? Like what the fuck even is a build order? Do I spam more factories or more engineers on fewer factories?
Why does everyone seem to dislike the Homeworld 1 and 2 remasters? Whats wrong with them?
they removed all the mechanics that makes homeworld 1 unique, while shitting up the artstyle and sound design that made homeworld 2 so beautiful, while making the multiplayer this unholy fucking abomination of both combined into one.
I could go into detail but the list is so long I get a headache just thinking about it.
Don't even play the classic editions they're bugged too. Pirate the OG disc version.
>Don't even play the classic editions they're bugged too
Goddamn it. I was just about to play them too
Empire Earth 2
gearbox quality™
it's a shame really because they actually did really well on the animatics and new ship models.
i remember that faggot Bannon lmao. That moment was pretty epic for an tactical/rts game
>implying i dont take the wolf knot erry night dragoncuck
Zoroastrian religion was developed east of the Euphrates. Dualism, fire worship, and prophets are not features of Mesopotamian religion, the connections between them a pretty weak. There might be some ties between Judaism and Mesopotamian religion, but they always tend to distinguish each other. The Jews literally demonized the neighboring gods, and Assyria nearly destroyed Jerusalem in its cradle. Inevitably the religions overlap, but not to a blatant degree.
Early game, you generally want your engineers out in the field locking down territory or building more structures in your base. I think it's four engineers needed to double production speed, so for all the cheap, low-tier units it's usually better to just plunk down another factory rather than tie down four engineers to achieve the same production rate increase.
you even have a german campaign that was really well written.
Age of Mythology and Company of Heroes.
I liked the king arthur one.
>good game
>original ideas
>top tier campaign
pick 1
>Ensemble had a rule to not include any living relgion, so Japanese and Mesopotamians are out.
cant tell if underage or just retarded
>even the FPS game.
Have you ever asked the local priest about the Epic of Gilgamesh and other random funny paralells between Christianity and these provably older stories?
You might as well try heiling on a public square in Jerusalem.
Absolute shit genre, along with aRPG, GS and MOBA.
go back to your anime teddies game zoomer
Everybody fucking loved them
>Unit schematics downloaded
big up men of war
just played through darwinia. comfy game
How is the Cossaks series?
Vastly overrated. American Conquest is better.
Could you elaborate on why?
Lotr bfme 2 evil campaign
Not him, but the newest Cossacks is basically just American Conquest with a graphical upgrade (but a downgrade in terms of graphic design). The first Cossacks game was 1 or 2 years before American Conquest, so it lacked AC's polish. Cossacks 2 was a bit too fixated on getting you to build and deploy armies so the gameplay felt a lot more restrictive compared to AC.
Basically AC hit the sweet spot in terms of making those kinds of games good, and had a solid art direction and sense of scale which later Cossacks games lacked.
Just really spammy and poorly balanced. You have basically infinite resources and the only limit you really have is that each additional building is exponentially more expensive than the last. So the meta just becomes to capture an enemy worker and outproduce the enemy with your new free buildings.
Cossacks 2 is different but has a really nice
musket formation system. Probably the best musket simulator desu.
American Conquest is more similar but fixes a lot of the problems that cossacks had.
Cossacks 3 is just a straight up remake of 1 with no changes at all.
singleplayer AC is horrible though, the AI is crazy
The casualty rates always annoyed me. 30 peasants garrisoned in a blockhouse were basically a 18th-century machine-gun nest.
I remember really enjoying the campaign for Age of Mythology when it came out. Almost every mission had a different objective that kept things fresher for longer. One of my complaints with RPG campaigns is that every level more or less plays the same way with 1 or 2 outliers. I particularly enjoyed the "tug of war" level on the Egyptian campaign
I remember enjoying the campaign for the first Warlords: Battlecry game.
The Egyptian missions where you are playing tug of war with the caravan thing was fun too. It really helped to get flying transport units to constantly send reinforcements.
are there any mods that attempt to restore the remastered campaign mechanics to the original?
it's still fun, 3 is ok. It won't make your balls fly off but it's a good rts
Myth 2
Yes but it's not possible to restore more than a token few things because the engine is different.
OG homeworld had ships pivoting and drifing and evading in 3D which is not possible to restore
I think they fixed the issue for homeworld 1 remastered. Downside, it has now affected homeworld 2 remastered. Still great though.
>I think they fixed the issue for homeworld 1 remastered. Downside, it has now affected homeworld 2 remastered.
not even remotely, they just fucked up both games even more.
Tzar: the burden of the Crown
Settlers 2
Tiberian Sun
Ground Control
Dark Reign
Kingdom Under Fire
Total Annihilation
Great taste