You can do better than that Zhang
>old twitter layout
seething steamcels
Do you really expect anyone to believe this?
This is drawing your name on a fast food napkin with the free crayons they give so you can fool people into thinking your with the FBI
It wouldn't matter honestly.
not using the cope meme correctly, kys before v is infested with you braindead babbies
>trying to save face after such primitive bait
>haha get btfo faggot
this isn't true
What did this meme come from?
>When your store has so little going on for it you need to lie to make it look good
Feels good not letting chinks violate my tender behind.
>being so starved for games on EGS that you start faking some
>no based blue check mark
>Chinks faking shit
What else is new?
It supposedly cuts of the mainland chink’s internet when they see it
This is just literally a child trying to get attention from trolling mentally ill adults, and succeeding.
it actually does, to the point mods had to start filtering it when chink Yea Forums users started complaining
Epic is owned partly by Tencent which is Chinese
In China saying things like Free Tibet, Tiananmen Massacre and Great Leap Forward can get you and your entire family executed so presumably the people shilling Epic are Chinese and when they read that shit they will start to freak out
>even if the bait is this poor, thread will get 400 replies because blue-/pol/ can't contain it's autism
Some Jap joking on Twitter. Then someone posted that joke (on jpg format) on /pol/, so they believe is real.
China has a national-level firewall and monitor/censor/filter their internet. That's why there's no Facebook in China and why Google doesn't give the same results if you searched the same thing in the West
If the Great Firewall detects any of those words, the user's internet is disconnected. In online games, people bait Chinese people into saying "Winnie the Pooh" so they're banned from servers.
god i fucking hate chinks
and look at that fucking smog, China is hell on earth