Yunie, keja sa ouin vilgehk bicco nekrd huf oui meddma pedlr

>Yunie, keja sa ouin vilgehk bicco nekrd huf oui meddma pedlr
>Rikku, why do you always have to be so cruel!?
>tet E vilgehk cdiddan? Cdneb huf un ouin'na hud kaddehk yho mipa vun ouin yccruma
>But you know how much that hurts me!
>oui caas du ryja sa luhvicat fedr cusaputo fru kejac y vilg
>Y-Yes Ma'am
>dryd'c y kuut meddma lihd

Attached: Yuna Rikku 15.jpg (1024x1449, 167K)

I love Rikku and Yuna

Attached: IMG_6873.jpg (1024x768, 122K)


I drew it

Attached: IMG_6875.jpg (768x1024, 99K)

Nice. Got link to a page of your drawings?


Attached: IMG_6876.jpg (2048x1536, 161K)

Can you dump your collection?

Attached: IMG_6877.jpg (768x1024, 102K)

Better dead than al bhed, ya


Attached: IMG_6879.jpg (1024x768, 89K)

Attached: IMG_6896.jpg (768x1024, 123K)

Attached: IMG_6884.jpg (768x1024, 103K)

Awesome. The more Yuna/Rikku the better

I mostly have FFVIII or Tifa drawings

Attached: IMG_6885.jpg (1024x768, 75K)

Attached: IMG_6878.jpg (768x1024, 79K)

Attached: IMG_6881.jpg (1536x2048, 210K)

Here's some non final fantasy ones

Attached: IMG_6883.jpg (768x1024, 86K)

Attached: IMG_6892.jpg (1024x768, 78K)

Is this one of those weird schizo /x/ threads?

Attached: 39b8ad852bc8fe226fbf561ebffb51ffbf605aed8b40046769b054a978e6f5ee.png (362x492, 94K)

Attached: IMG_6893.jpg (768x1024, 140K)

No this is my video game artwork thread

Attached: IMG_6894.jpg (1024x768, 116K)

One last Tifa drawing

Attached: IMG_6880.jpg (768x1024, 77K)

Got any from Final Fantasy IX? There really needs to be more for that game.

Just this

Attached: IMG_6895.jpg (1024x768, 81K)

great artstyle


Just wanted to say this is the type of oc i crave for on Yea Forums. Thank you so much original poster

Attached: maxresdefault(1).jpg (1280x720, 102K)

No problem

Can I post some of these in a drawfag thread and ask someone to make them better?

Why are you even asking? How can I stop you from doing that? Am I gonna go to your house and beat you up?

Theres quite a big leap in quality between your FF drawings and those handful of Nintendo ones. Did you improve over time?

No, those Nintendo ones are older

Some artist can be real drama queens if they aren't credited for their work (not to say that they shouldn't). That other user was just trying being respectful, I guess.

This is Yea Forums, not Reddit I don't give a fuck
If you wanna edit my drawing so Rikku is sucking Kimharis big cat dick go ahead I don't care

Sweet. I'll see if I can make an edit whereGarnet is riding Zidane

Kill yourself right now

Why didn't you post your best artwork for us to look at?

Attached: Pure Unadulterated Autism 2.jpg (768x1024, 291K)

These are fucking priceless, don't ever stop OP.
has me crying

Attached: 1551914231066.gif (316x365, 1.84M)

That's a really bad drawing I wish you retards would stop posting that one

How would poor little Garnet the Harlot feel if she found out you loved 2 filthy Al Bhed heathens?

I don't love them the way I love Garnet, Garnet is my wife but I love jerking off to those skanks. It's different
My love for Garnet is pure because she's pure, but Yuna and Rikku are sluts

What the fuck lmao


>Improving perfection

>Ur so kut Yunie, lyh oui pameaja ra yldiymmo bnavanc dryd teckicdehk cmid ujan ic!?
>E ghuf nekrd? E fuimth'd duilr ran yht E's y fruna!
>Ssssss, oui'na so meddma fruna
>Vilg oayr E ys. Huf ruf ypuid oui cruf so fru'c pucc.....

Attached: 1520261946566.jpg (480x360, 13K)

I can't read that shit

Here's some OC I just made

Attached: IMG_6913.jpg (768x1024, 107K)

>Ra cyoc ra mujac ic yh ra lyh'd ajah nayt uin myhkiyka! Ruf vilgehk bydradel ec dryd!?
>Dudymmo. E fuimth'd mad res hayn so bicco ev ra fyc dra mycd syh ymeja
>Sa aedran. Pacetac, ouin bicco ec seha
>Yht y dycdo bicco ed ec nekrd?
>Vilgehk tameleuic
>Oui caqo pedlr

Attached: 1461213708396.jpg (700x1050, 577K)

Yhuh, E...

*chad's videogame artwork thread

You should draw Tifa and Aeris lezzing out

Attached: Pure Unadulterated Autism 8.jpg (768x1024, 86K)

why are there so many pictures of this specific scenario? does it take place in the game or something?

Attached: 1523095570758.jpg (850x680, 392K)

This thread is pure autism
but I like it since it reminds me of old Yea Forums

>So many
>Literally like 3 pics of it
Yuna and Riku and really every FF char that isn't Tifa lack in porn

>dvf oui maynhat [Al Bhed] vnus [Barkley: Shut up and Jam Gaiden]

Attached: 4ce.jpg (584x600, 95K)

It's an utter fucking tragedy there isn't more /u/ of Rikku and Yuna

It's nice to see decent OC once in a while.


Attached: 1461338688285.jpg (682x600, 100K)

I wish when you learned Al bhed they would show you the al bhed with English in parentheses below it.

Better than what has been floating around the past few weeks.

But why? It's not like you'd ever speak the language