Post in this thread if you're happy that Bloodlines 2 is exclusively for us and not for the faggots that "want politics out of games"
Post in this thread if you're happy that Bloodlines 2 is exclusively for us and not for the faggots that "want politics...
Other urls found in this thread:
Hear, hear.
We get to enjoy a great game written by Brian Mitsoda and Chris Avellone and /pol/tards have no choice but to seethe at it forevermore. 2020 is looking bright!
>when all you have in life is a shitty videogame made by washed up hacks
>can pick between 50 different ‘genders’
Absolute state. It’s a no from me.
I just wanted a fun sequel that I could discuss on Yea Forums that wouldn't have every thread ruined by politically obsessed retards on BOTH sides
Sure. I'm also excited that it didn't fall for the open world trash meme. Hubs for life.
>"politics" being a euphemism for fags
We are on the rightside of history
>Get to play a fun game
>Get to see /pol/ impotently screeching about it
If you don't enjoy this, you don't have a soul
"Transgender people, gay people and women exist" is not, and will never be a political statement.
and you retards wonder why there are resetera regulars browsing the board spewing this shit unironically
they have literally said they want the game to be a political statement.
I'm seeing like one upset /pol/fag compared to 10 cunts writing about upset /pol/fags
no doubt there's going to be a donald drumpf joke in the game that destroys all potential discussion forever
Who gives a shit about politics. You should be worried about the fact that Cain and Boyarsky aren't involved, and that the game is being made by unknown shovelware devs.
Yes it it. Gender is as real as astrology. You are picking a social construct over biology when you give credence to gender (and thus transgenderism).
It's April 2020
You're in your comfortable home
You just spent 8 hours playing Bloodlines 2, enjoying the shit out of it, despite its jankiness
You feel satisfied and fulfilled for the day, so you exit the game
But you can't help yourself. You need to go check Yea Forums
In the catalog, the thread with the most replies has a screenshot of a line making fun of Trump
/pol/tards inside that thread are seething and coping so hard a few of them are actually having aneurysms
You leave a quick little line dabbing on them, just to remind them that we are here and we are the ones who own the industry and there's nothing they can do about it
For now, you go to sleep. Tomorrow you can check on all the (You)'s you got and get down to some more gaming
Resetera, bay bay. We always win.
They can want it all they want. It won't make it political.
If they want a political statement, they need a lecture about why right wing politics lead to the neoliberal destruction of America or something.
all meme shit aside, the fact that the devs have made a ton of garbage, it's a year away with preorders available yet they didn't show gameplay footage, and cara ellison being involved are all negative signs
I'm not convinced it'll be trash, but I wouldn't be surprised if we get another thief reboot
the senior writer is literally Anita Sarkeesian/Zoe Quinn 2.0
Holy fucking BASED
Is this a man or a women on the cover?
That will never change the fact transgender people exist. Telling them they don't exist doesn't make them disappear. Telling someone "You don't like video games, you're just mentally ill" does not make them disappear.
If you think someone can become or act "Manly" then you believe gender is a social construct. Gender and sex aren't the same thing. No amount of shitposting will make it so.
>/pol/tards inside that thread are seething and coping so hard a few of them are actually having aneurysms
>You leave a quick little line dabbing on them, just to remind them that we are here and we are the ones who own the industry and there's nothing they can do about it
The dabbing never ends. Remember: They asked for this. They told us to make our own games. And boy, have we delivered.
Yeah, I'm actually only interested on this game because it's triggering the /pol/cucks. I'm way more excited for The Outer Worlds as something I'll actually play (although /pol/cucks are seething about that one too)
I'll post my face when me and everyone else on Yea Forums (not the resetera astroturfers) will laugh after it comes out as yet another SJW flop, the same way everyone laughed about Mass Effect Andromeda
I only see you retards desperately calling for /pol/'s attention like a father that went for cigs and never came back. Nobody likes you nor /pol/, fuck the both of you.
The best part is the /pol/tardetties that are gonna pirate the game and play hours of it looking for screenshots to post here so they can screech some more LMFAO
God, I can't wait. We don't even need to wait for release, gameplay footage with dialogue is gonna be enough to send them on a frenzy.
based and trannypilled
It feel cozy knowing that it'll fail and basedboyz will lose their stupid franchise.
It's the price to pay.
>Implying it matters
It will flop hard and we'll just make another, like we always do. We'll take control of more franchises. We'll produce more sequels. They can all flop forevermore and that still won't stop us. We're resilient. We're incessant. We're unbeatable. That is what ResetEra is all about, bay bay.
>This thread
Who's trolling who?!
What /pol/ cucks havn't realized yet is that they ARE the advertisement. When they flip out about Nike hiring a football player, Nike gets in the news. When they flip out at Gillette for making a video, they post about Gillette on the internet not stop for a week. When a Battlefield game has a woman in the trailer, the game is talked about non-stop on Yea Forums for months. VTMB2 is said to have a pronoun option, and we will never hear the end of it for the next year.
/pol/cucks give away BILLIONS of dollars in free advertising to all of these companies that know how to push their buttons.
It really depends on how it's handled. It would be pretty bad if there's something in it about the in-game president winning due to Russian collusion or something.
Are you gonna keep this up all day? Because I can, yang gang tranny.
See, right here. Free advertising for Andrew Yang. He was never brought up, but /pol/ is so triggered they can't help giving free advertising, in this thread, and at least one person is going to make at least one person google him.
In your head, rent free.
>That will never change the fact transgender people exist
That will never change the fact that there are only two genders and being trans is a mental illness.
>Haha, Dragon Age: Inquisition flopped, that means SJWs will finally lose control
>Haha, Dishonored 2 flopped, that means SJWs will finally lose control
>Haha, Wolfenstein 2 flopped, that means SJWs will finally lose control
>Haha, Mass Effect: Andromeda flopped, that means SJWs will finally lose control
>Haha, Apex Legends flopped, that means SJWs will finally lose control
-> You are here
>Haha, Mortal Kombat 12 flopped, that means SJWs will finally lose control
>Haha, Bloodlines 2 flopped, that means SJWs will finally lose control
>Haha, The Last of Us 2 flopped, that means SJWs will finally lose control
>Haha, Cyberpunk 2077 flopped, that means SJWs will finally lose control
>Haha, Tranny Fighter
And so on, and so forth. It never ends. Resetera is eternal.
IT's both, it's not a descartes situation, there are people here right now who actively are trying to astro turf this and a few other boards. They've basically succeeded with Yea Forums but that place has been shit for a long time.
As if there's anything wrong with that. This site is infested with /pol/tards. I say we bring as many of ResetEra as we can to even things out :^)
i am going to make a gay vamprire and SUCC
>Free advertising for Andrew Yang.
Is that the fucking idiot that was going to debate Ben Shapiro on circumcision after writing a tweet supporting circumcision himself. Yeah no. /pol/ already knows that reera trannys are shilling Andy Wang.
You can say it all you want. Every institution, dictionary, scientist, and psychologist disagrees. You're only right in your own head.
>fun game
It's made by a game porting company from Seattle whose only own release is a free to play P2W FPS called Blacklight: Retribution.
The only info we have about it is a pre-rendered outsourced trailer and the writers saying it's going to be more political and shitting on the original Bloodlines for being a "male power fantasy".
Why would you ever expect anything fun out of this shit?
I trust Brian Mitsoda and Chris Avellone to make fun games more than I trust /pol/tards crying about SJWs.
>You're only right in your own head.
The irony. You’ve been on reera too long my friend.
Cyberpunk 2077 is not SJW in any way.
They just cucked for a stupid twitter post.
Shenmue III will be redpilled
Didn't all of those games (Except Andromeda) end up doing really well?
Outrage culture advertising doens't work forever, the comicbook industry died because of it despite comics being the biggest they've ever been since the 90s.
I just realized retsetera is invading v and v
I dunno, Apex Legends did very well for a while but I don't think they ever released any profit margins. It honestly doesn't matter. Let /pol/tards think they flopped. It will only make them even more bitter when we continue dominating the industry regardless.
>I trust Brian Mitsoda to make fun games
So you're one of those idiots who bought Dead State?
You know Mitsoda's brainchild who he spent a ton of time developing only for it to be some of the worst CRPGs made outside of Russian shovelware devs.
>and Chris Avellone
He didn't save PoE, Tyranny or Torment: Tides of Numenera from being mediocre and shit.
Eight hours after its launch, the game surpassed a million unique players,[25] and reached 2.5 million unique players within 24 hours.[26] In one week after release it had reached 25 million players, with over 2 million peak concurrent,[27] and by the end of its first month it reached 50 million players.[28]
Apex Legends was announced on February 4, 2019, the Monday before EA had reported its latest quarterly financial results, which did not meet expectations and caused EA's stock value to drop 13% the next day.[29] However, as news and popularity of Apex Legends spread, analysts saw the game as something to challenge the dominance of Fortnite Battle Royale, and by that Friday, February 8, 2019, EA had seen its largest growth in stock value since 2014 on the basis of Apex Legends' sudden success.[30][31]
>Cyberpunk 2077 is not SJW in any way
Even disregarding the fact they (rightfully) banned that twitter retard that kept making stupid controversies for no good reason, there is a fair amount of delusional /pol/tards losing their shit over it. Pic related.
No, it just proves my point that you ARE the discord trannies who tried to flood /pol/ with your stale yang gang memes and got blown the fuck out so hard that you tucked your little wieners between your legs and came flooding here.
THAT is what people will research. Wow. So much ads for Yang.
DA: Inquisition, Dishonored 2 and New Colossus all made a lot less money than their predecessors to the point that the series more or less died.
I remember DA was being touted as a success because of it's first two weeks of sales and then it went silent because sales went to shit.
I liked PoE quite a bit, actually. If this is as good as PoE 1 or Deadfire, then I'll have a lot of fun with it.
Yes /pol/, Yea Forums is just populated by millions of transgender people. You're the only straight male left.
One copy of Bloodlines 2 deluxe, please.
>"Forced agendas"? Every work naturally reflects its author's politics. I'm not above enjoying perspectives I don't entirely agree with.
>>and Chris Avellone
>He didn't save PoE, Tyranny or Torment: Tides of Numenera from being mediocre and shit.
Absolutely FUCKING THIS!
That faggot is heralded and paraded around like the alpha and the omega of writing, despite bing a massive hit or miss fag with his best work dating back over 20 years ago.
I saw some "spoilers" stating jack is canonically dead along with most of the others. anyone know if their is any truth to it?
PoE wasn't anything special but more importantly Avellone only wrote the outline for Durance and Grieving Mother and both characters were changed so much from his writing that he didn't even want credit for them.
They only came out a few years ago. How did the series "die" if it hasn't had a new game in a few years? Most series get games every 10 years or so, not 2.
>Dragon Age: Inquisition debuted at No. 5 in UK in its first launch week. According to retail monitor Chart-Track, it had sold almost the exact amount of launch week copies as 2011's Dragon Age II.[102] This does not take into account direct digital download sales however,[103] which have been noted to be a "significant percentage of sales" by BioWare[104] and thus the true number of sales is higher. According to Electronic Arts' fiscal 2015 third quarter earnings report, Dragon Age: Inquisition is the most successful launch in BioWare history based on units sold.[105]
They died during Gehenna which was retconned.
Jack has been dead since 2004.
To be fair Avellone barely wrote anything for those three and PoE even edited out most of his work.
I agree he's overrated though.
>poltaku in action.jpg
you can't refute ANY of the points in that article you mentally ill Retardera tranny libshit leftypoller
gehenna actually happened? damn, that makes sense why there are so many thin bloods if the information ive read is correct.
Jack was a character in one of the splat books and died with everyone else in the Apocalypse.
Then the apocalypse was retconned to have never happened.
The guy I'm replying to was arguing that Cyberpunk 2077 has nothing SJW about it. Maybe he can elucidate you on why that article is wrong.
Good luck
No it didn't.
That is what was retconned.
Both Becket and Jack should be alive currently as of the last book mentioning them
Did Inquisition even have an SJW discussion?
I remember people hating on it because DA2 was so shit and for having an empty world.
>One of his points is that the main character is ugly
She's actually attractive. Point refuted.
>most series get new games every 10 years or so, not 2
but that's wrong you fucking braindead moron
dishonored - 2012, dishonored 2 - 2016
dragon age - 2009, dragon age 2 - 2011, inquisition - 2014
demons's souls - 2009, dark souls - 2011, dark souls 2 - 2014, dark souls 3 - 2016
mass effect - 2007, mass effect 2 - 2010
mass effect 3 - 2012, andromeda - 2017
Gay relationships. One NPC is transif you dig into their back story, and none of the other characters care.
That makes it SJW politics.
A handful of extremely popular, fast publishing games making games every 4+ years is not "most series"
Yes in retrospect but I mean was that even mentioned on here?
Like New Colossus was all about that shit but I feel DA:I was mostly ”DA2 was a pile of shit” and ”lol Biodrones” posting.
Yes, everyone was calling it "Dragon Age Cisquisition"
>Every institution, dictionary, scientist, and psychologist disagrees.
Not him, but that's only because gender is a social construct. There is nothing scientific about it. This debate over what gender means is muddying the actual discussion.
OH, got it, sorry for the misunderstanding. i did some research since you mentioned that, and this is what got retconned right?
"It is heavily implied in the novel Gehenna: The Final Night that Smiling Jack meets his Final Death. He is killed by a Nosferatu named Okulos who was disguised as a vampire named Samuel; Jack let himself be killed to ensure that the thin-blood movement he helped start and raise would continue to fulfill Gehenna."
Isn't the suicide rate for you guys at or near 20-30%? I find that interesting.
People definitely ranted about the Qunari character (didn't play the game; don't remember his name; something bull). I also saw lots of people complain about the romance options. It's like half straight/half non-straight. Honestly, I think that's fine. Apparently it makes some people irrationally angry.
>Beckett and the ever-enthusiastic Smiling Jack chronicle the existence of a floating Anarch utopia, kept secret by its inhabitants as it works to revolutionize the Anarch Movement.
>Published 2018
You will never be a real woman
you will never be white
you will never be good at video games
yes I'm excited for bloodlines 2
Happened with games too. How many Biioware studios have closed down? They used to have like 8 of them and now they are down to like 2. One of their biggest studios was killed by Andromeda.
Oh right I remember the Bull one who retconned his entire race by his existence.
>It's like half straight/half non-straight. Honestly, I think that's fine.
Sounds a bit pandering to me considering only 2% of people aren’t straight but I don’t care much about terrible biodrone games to begin with so no skin off my back.
user, you do realize that the only thing Avellone wrote in Pillars 1 was Durance and the Grieving Mother, right? And he wrote so much that Obsidian threw out most of the writing, especially with GM.
Same with Numenera, he only did tiny bits and pieces. His first actual "fully written by him" game in years will be that zombie game that's coming soon.
Why would men take estrogen? Only women and transwomen would.
Resetra trannies that will kill themselves before the game is even released?
transwomen are men
You mean men?
>They're men in my head!
no need to be defensive, you're a man and that's OK
thanks, that makes me really happy.
They meant make a original game not take old ip and turn it into some sjw trash.
No, there's a legit discord of trannies trying to turn Yea Forums into their safespace. These losers are the same ones who spammed the cringe RISE UP shit for months until they kept getting banned over and over.
you're getting trolled
I'll be the judge of that
That is most series you fucking retard, the only games that have waited 10 years plus for an actual sequel in recent memory is duke nukem forever, and DMCV. Most popular games get sequels in 2-4 years you fucking mongoloid.
I dont get it. Why would /pol/ be screeching? Are you telling me this RPG game wont have dark side choices?
Thats lame as hell, most Vampires are meant to be amoral
The only people trying to influence Yea Forums are people from /r/thedonald trying to make Yea Forums into a safespace for themselves.
BF Vagina flopped though. Keep getting people mad and they'll just stop buying your trash. SJWs are a tiny very vocal minority.
Why does this game need 3 active threads at a time? Can't you double niggers keep it contained in one thread?
>trying to make Yea Forums into a safespace for themselves.
it already is
Considering how many triggered Trump reddiers there are here, I doubt it.
I wouldn't know about that, it's primetime european hours atm
but it's true, trump derangement syndrome is global
>pirate original
>Install patch
>Go to create character
>See this in history
>can't customize character so if you want to be a Brujah you have to be a nigger
Yeah, good to know you faggots were talking out your ass when you said the original wasn't sjw. Fuck this game and fuck the nuOne.
twitter kikes, retardera fags, and reddit cucks arent doing that? yeah fucking right. kill yourself
I hope so, because there are legitimately people like them in the world, so I'd like to clear up some things for them regardless.
The issue with the gender movement is that it's an attempt to replace the definitions of male and female with social constructs, when only biological sex actually exists outside the human mind (and the dichotomy is there because of sexual reproduction), and is thus the rational choice for defining male and female, not gender.
Kill yourself tranny discord.
Okay I dont care about politics but
Whys should I care about this sequel?
The original is amazing, yes, dont get me wrong
But this sequel is being made literally 2 decades later
And what do we even know about the studio? The writers?
How are we expected to be delivered anything as good as the first when standards for writing in games has regressed so heavily?
Can I really trust this? Is there any reason to be hyped beyond the brand?
>Gets called out for being Reddit
>Starts spamming every website they can think of, and calling others Reddit
Yep, busted.
1: the homosexual stuff is mod only, all that backstory shit is.
2: he does not even look black, he looks kind of purple, skin discolored.
That's "original content" made by the patch people.
Shame Wesp became so terrible at separating his own low-quality modcrap from the bugfixes that you actually have to download a separate patch for that now.
>Gets called out for being a Reseddit tranny
>Starts spamming every website they can think of, and calling others Reddit
Yep, busted.
>And what do we even know about the studio? The writers?
same leader writer as the original and some old troika guys + avellone
same composer as the original
you're allowed to be cautiously hyped
>nuV plays the original finally
>he can't even get past the character creation screen
open wound
Oh, so it's just the fanbase who are cucks, good to know.
>Can I really trust this? Is there any reason to be hyped beyond the brand?
None whatsoever.
I would say even the brand isn't good since it's based on a tabletop franchise that has really gone down the drain in recent years.
think you replied to the wrong guy friendo
Name one modern game that tried to be all "OH WERE POLITICAL, WE'RE PROGRESSIVE WE'RE CHANGING THE WORLD" and it wasn't CRINGE AS ALL FUCK. Name fucking one.
When devs say that it means their logic is completely unrepeatable to 99% of the population except trannies in American coastal cities. Because really when they say they want everyone to feel represented that's what they actually mean, as someone from eastern Europe these people and their "values" might as well be from another planet
>same leader writer as the original and some old troika guys + avellone
One of the six writers (who incidentally wrote a terrible game called Dead State on his own) + some Avellone contract content.
AFAIK none of the Troika guys outside of said writer are working on it.
I'm glad that Avellone is working on it and many of the original guys, but they couldn't be the only ones making it right? The presentation seems too high for a small studio, Are you sure they're not a minority within their own team?
Not him but does the plus patch add much to the game? Already played it using the default version which is just bug fixes and no restored content iirc.
the studio is responsible for a lot of F2P garbage and has 0 experience with RPGs. The writer is pic related.
im concerned about the game as well, i feel like even if the writers are good, im going to step into a game where i then see the option to spend cash for in game skill points
i highly doubt you are ever going to see something like jack bitching you out for cheating again
Tons of changes from what I recall. Even modded weapons, different locations for them, terrible original content and so on.
Was a long time since I last looked at it but that's the kind of stuff I remember.
Avellone is probably just a name attached and "advisement".
Considering how all the characters look pretty pale I assume he was a nignog.
yup you were found out. now go dilate with a spiked metal dildo.
the writer of those ``articles'' is a writer on the sequel, but that's not a picture of her at the top. I didn't watch that part of the stream, but anons in a previous thread said she's just a ui monkey
to be honest no one has any idea how it's going to turn out, so better to stay cautious. (We don't even have gameplay yet)
But on a surface level you could say it's an interesting situation
Too bad, sweetie. It's too late now. You can't stop us.
She says on twitter she's a narrative designer
Does the default version of the patch just keep the actual cut content restored for the game and bug fixes, or is it only bug fixes?
>excelled in school
>studied Latin
>talks like a typical nigger that never saw a day of school
I thought we was just collaborating on that one too.
>Gets caught for being Reddit
>Can only reply "No u"
Imagine being this triggered. I can literally hear you crying right now from here.
>that light beard and moustaches
lmao they actually nailed the nuances of a sheboon
That's not cara ellison, you retard. This is.
Doesn't matter how many times it flops. We'll keep making based games for ourselves and you can't stop us.
Let them inject politics into their game, I say. If they do, the majority of the gamers will stop supporting them and won't buy the game, leading to them realizing that they can't simply antagonize their consumer base that way. Mark my words, the game will fail
i suppose he might be, but i doubt it. a problem with the old game was that despite having a lot of races and they naturally had armor that matched them in terms of theme, the game did not offer you a great deal of customization from a cosmetic perspective. most of the game had you in first person though, and it was not as big of a deal for the time.
if you are using the wesp "patch" its much more like a overhaul of the game. restoring "cut content" and such, and while im all for that, some of that content may have been cut for a good reason. the original game had no homosexuality that i remember outside of sleeping with Jeanette as another girl, the most you are going to find is jokes at the expense of the bush administration.
mostly just bugfixes, but some of the cut content is in there because the modder is a retard who made the basic patch second by removing his changes.
In your mind maybe.
Boyarsky and Cain are working on The Outer Worlds instead. They were the leads of the original.
>Gets caught for being resetera
>Can only reply "No u"
Imagine being this triggered. I can literally hear you crying right now from here.
women like this make me feel significantly better about my own looks.
And yet you still can't stop us and we're gonna continue making diverse games. Is it frustrating to be this powerless? It must be.
>he's still doing it
It's okay, you can always go back to your echo chamber.
So I should go with that over the plus for a second playthrough?
In real life, tranny.
Not if studios keep closing, like all the bioware studios.
Boyarsky was also one of the six writers for it.
Mind you i'm not hyped about Outer Worlds either, it seems like they dragged out every single subpar twitter writer Obsidian has ever had contact with and it looks Borderlands-inspired. But at least TOW is doing it's own thing rather than shitting over an established IP.
I can hear both you fagboys crying lmao
The game will fail and then we'll just make more like we've been doing for the past 4 years. You haven't realized it yet? We can't be stopped.
cringe. The game will likely fail anyway due to being a cult classic normalfags don't know shit about.
>he's still doing it
It's okay, you can always go back to your echo chamber.
oh they can do whatever they want. but a preorder one 1 year out means they're fishing for nostalgic suckers.
>2: he does not even look black, he looks kind of purple, skin discolored.
Are you serious m8? That's because he's dead. Vampires are dead, so they have the skin colour of corpses. This is why white vamps are pale. He's a dead nigga so that skin colour is spot on.
Delusional. We'll just open new studios. The ride never ends. We're ceaseless. It will be 2025 and you'll still be crying that woke games keep getting made, even though they all go broke.
it's up to you, really
there's some interesting stuff in the plus patch but the issue is it's not modular and it's made by an autistic German who won't stop adding shit to it
Why are you browsing cuckera?
>Bloodlines 2 might have Gamergate references
Except new bioware studios aren't opening.
Not only you don't know that that marketing move gets old fast, but you post battlefield V as an example.
With the woman in the trailer they try to make the same move to trigger /pol/tard that they did in Battlefield one with the black guy in the cover.
But Battlefield V sold way less than one and EA says that they didn't meet the sales expectation...
Like I say, any company who center their product to trigger one groups of people is doomed to fail in 99% of cases (see marvel comics under Axel Alonso or Didio trying to erase the legacy character in DC comics).
>Free advertising for Andrew Yang
I like how Yangposting trigger so much the stormfrontfags because they're doing what they did in 2020 lol
Someone give me the tl;dr on why /pol/ autists hate this game now?
They're going to reference gamergate. It's about ethics in feasting on humans.
very bigoted
It panders to SJWs
>''politics out of games''
who wants this? why not have current themes and politics but done in a interesting and cool way, try to be objective and make interesting commentary and observations or show us what pushing any policy to an extreme can produce and make of a society, some of the best games ever are about 'politics' and social commentary in general, deus ex the most prominent example
Well do both add the unused music into the game? If so I'll take plus.
me and my brother are very excited for it, and were happy its on GOG, we both gonna split the cost and get the blood moon edition on GOG.
I don't know about /pol/ autists but I hate it because it's some shit-tier F2P dev using the opportunity for a Bloodlines sequel to shit out some unrelated "streamlined" trash and trying to sell it on bashing the original for being a 'male power fantasy' whatever the fuck that means.
this, jesus christ
/pol/tards should be hanged and quartered to purify this site, along with the SJWs they hate. What a shitshow.
They might do that, but since there's a sjw on the writing team and Mitsoda is apparently one now as well, anons are expecting it to be very one sided.
>reddit screencaps
You have to go back.
because the vast majority of game developers are incompetent retards who have shown time and again that they're incapable of nuance, so they should just not try at all
Those aren't politically correct anymore.
If you're neutral you're an alt-right fascist who is on the wrong side of history.
Not even joking, they're talking shit about the original game for being insufficiently woke.
Avellone is in it and trigger some /pol/autist.Also, non-binary pronoum bullshit.
I'm more worried that the other writer is retarded and said that the game would be about "punching up and not down" when in the first one it was normal to drink whores and hobbos blood.
And Paradox's DLC policy.
there's a difference between social commentary and being topical
deus ex was not topical
>trying to sell it on bashing the original for being a 'male power fantasy'
They didn't even do that.
This, every game with a story has "politics", /pol/ is just so uneducated in real world politics and history that they don't recognize even the most blatant of political metaphors unless it has to do with gender.
the base version doesn't add any music, just some dialogue lines that were cut.
man reading this brings back memories, sometimes I wish I would still live in the same house or even neighborhood with my brother
have fun user
/pol/, not even once
>muh sjw bogeyman
That term became meaningless years ago.
They did. In fact 'male power fantasy' is the exact words they used.
>“They’re trying to broaden Bloodlines 2 from the more masculine power fantasy of the original, so that it appeals to way more people this time.”
Male Power Fantasy.
Broaden the Appeal.
All it's lacking is the word "streamlined" and it'd be a buzzword bingo.
>That term became meaningless years ago.
According to you? lel
based and wholesomepilled. I'm concerned about some of the shit being brought up in these threads but I'll wait and see until there's more info, and maybe some actual gameplay.
>''politics out of games'' just means "Make something specifically for me, a straight cis white male, and never mention any other type of person except as objects"
We have a whole group of people who's entire life revolves around their identity as white men, and so EVERYTHING is politics to them, because anything that isn't cis white male is perceived as "anti-them"
fuck off SJW, that's your home.
Absolely this. They're the most useful of the useful idiots.
We have whole group of peoples who's entire life revolves around their identity as having vaginas or being a tranny, and so EVERYTHING is politics to them, because anything that is white male is perceived as "anti-them"
>the personal is political le marxist conflict theory
>Twinbee is political because the last boss is an alien thus xenophobia
>Mario is political because there's a princess thus monarchy themes
>Monkey Island is political because of ghost repression
Neck yourself you pseudo-intellectual halfwit.
I would like a game that is ABOUT politics, rather than one that is a PART of politics.
Like, if you can show both political positions and most people that have those positions don't feel strawmanned by your representation of them, then I think politics are fine.
The problems happen when your game world is no longer trying to be representative of our world (at least in the way of issues that exist in our world as well as the game's setting, and even then exaggeration is fine as long as it is applied somewhat equally to all sides of an issue) and is rather just a world created to further ideological goals outside of the game.
I'm not even saying that that is what this game is going to do or even that this is really common with other games. However, I have noticed that some people think that I'm scared of any politics at all in videogames, when in reality I just don't want a game (especially one that I'm supposed to be able to roleplay in) to put the realism of it's setting and characters behind the messages/culture that it is trying to push in the real world.
I made a 50x70cm print of that picture last month, put it in chrome frames too. Aesthetic af desu. I'll hang it up on a wall later.
>twitch reveal was based as fuck
>but oh no game has gender options for homos, it is finished, sjw trash!
>its okay when Japan does it though
why do I still read these horrible threads
No lmao, it became meaningless when idiots like you started using it as a brush to autistically paint and dismiss everything from people who include political shit in their games to people who have a black dude as their MC.
That's not how I use it though. Nice try kiddo.
>expecting different
>from Yea Forums
This place went to dogshit eternally back around the time gamergate happened (and got laughed off the site) and hasn't recovered since. "SJW" these days is a term mindless NPCs here use to label anything they don't like.
No turboslut Malks for you.
The SJW lead writer is anti-sex.
The narrative lead says they have to "make sure that we are punching up and not punching down.” so don't expect to interact with hookers and hobos.
That's a fucking great idea
I know, I'm a genius. It looks fucking sick.
Why are trannies still butthurt about gamergate?
>based as fuck
>literally an outsourced rendered trailer
Are you the kind of jackass who gets hyped about E3 "reveals" too?
>tfw no Malk gf
What nipshit had gender options?
Fuck both /pol/lacks and you resetera tranny niggers
With 4chanX you can filter out the /pol/ posters.
my phone camera is atrocious though
>most people that have those positions don't feel strawmanned by your representation of them, then I think politics are fine.
And we have no idea if the game will actually be like that or if it will be entirely one sided. You can make assumptions on if it will or not based on the devs and writers but that's all they are, assumptions.
>he missed the LARP segment
Your loss
Imagine being so hysterical that you can't even consume media that contains opinions that differ from your own. Sad
get ready for nerfed tiddies. feminists are insufferable retards.
the same sourcebook that lncludes the gay muslim as an example of a gangrel includes jeanette and therese as an example of a malkavian.
they're including jeanette's costume in the special edition of the game
The "lead writer" you're referring to (not actually the lead writer) is as far as possible from anti-sex.
Can't wait, quite enjoyable to see the same seething spew that get their social and political education from youtube personalities whine about a videogame
need a nickname for the sort of person that reads Peterson's book, watches Sargon and the rest of the brainlet pundits and believes Western civilization is threatened by sjw's and their agenda's.
I dropped any hype the second they dissed the first game as a "male power fantasy".
It's clear they don't even like the first game so why make a sequel?
smells like Dragonspear
M-Muh dick.
>it's an episode of "everyone I don't like is a discord tranny!"
Spot the NPC.
The first game clearly was designed to appeal to men first and foremost. In the game you're working with consecutive line up of vampire and human babes who are all largely helpful towards you and who you can have sexually charged dialogue with. Meanwhile you're competing with a lot of aggressive men both in the Camarilla and the Anarchs and ultimately come out on top, and with them that dialogue is absent. They even gave us a ghoul barbie doll you save from death like a good virtuous man would, who you then influence into adopting whatever clothing style you prefer, who then lives to serve you and clean your house.
The game doesn't offer much to a heterosexual woman who wants to play on the predisposition of men. For the most part you can't take advantage of the rampant male chauvinism. Which is ironic because pretty much every female character in the game is explicitly doing that to get what they want.
t. tranny
>male power fantasy
id like a quote on that
/pol/ here, I don’t care about your tranny game
>the same sourcebook
Already had it's people be let go over the Chechnya thing.
>they're including jeanette's costume in the special edition of the game
Same old "deluxe items" all people trying to cash-in on old games do while fully knowing that the end-result wouldn't appeal to those people at all. Same deal as with Thief 4, Diablo 3 etc.
>The "lead writer" you're referring to (not actually the lead writer) is as far as possible from anti-sex.
Ellison is very anti-sex despite what her shitty twine game would make you believe about her "sex positvity". She's almost stereotypically in-line with the anti-sex feminists of the 70s, except she's not enough of a bulldyke to swear it all off. (a fact she constantly laments on twitter)
You literally are.
Otherwise you wouldn't have said that.
Only leftists defend meme journalists giving good reviews to their friends.
Prove you aren't a tranny. Post your dick, timestapped.
Until otherwise proven, you're just a tranny projecting on everyone.
Maybe I'll play it, but I won't give money to those people, that's for sure.
It's quoted here:
So they should fix that, as it would strengthen female playthroughs.
>post dick on SFW board
Nice try tranny. I'm too smart for your transsexual trickery
link please, i would love to respond to that one.
>“She also said that they’re trying to broaden Bloodlines 2 from the more masculine power fantasy of the original, so that it appeals to way more people this time.”
It wasn't really a diss, more them saying they want to appeal to more people.
>inb4 "muh buzzwords"
>tranny faggot trying to get nudes on Yea Forums
Why, because you got your panties in a bunch over it? Most people I know who love the game are women. Funny how that works.
Censor it then.
The fact you are so resistant proves you're just a tranny.
>princess thus monarchy themes.
Well you tried, thanks.
enjoy getting mad at video games then dude
And what is wrong with not going with the male power fantasy model?
So what's the problem with appealing to chicks as well by I assume, putting hot guys in?
If it's censored how will you know it's my dick? Not only are you a tranny but you're retarded too. Go back
>Saving this many pictures of tranny posts
Wanna know how I know you're a tranny?
>reddit spacing
About politics, do you mean like Democracy, We. The Revolution or CK?
Masculine power fantasy is an inherently negative statement. That's obviously a diss, it'd require you to be deliberately obtuse to miss it.
And on that topic appealing to a broader audience is a stereotypical way of saying it'll be dumbed down for retards who don't like those kind of games.
>And what is wrong with not going with the male power fantasy model?
Yes, just a regular comment on 2019 Yea Forums
Totally normal
>They did. In fact 'male power fantasy' is the exact words they used.
>exact words
>masculine power fantasy
you whiny faggots need to learn what words mean before you go cry
>Doesn't know how to use pixel censoring
Well, if you're that low IQ, just post your face then and prove you're a man.
kill yourself tranny fucktard.
If that's reddit spacing, then so is your post
>All the women I know LOVE IT
That's a pretty useless claim, how many women would you possibly know who played an underselling 2004 Vampire game?
Most of the people making AAA videogames absolutely hate videogames.
I will.
I doubt you'll enjoy trying to deflect criticisms of their PR with "u mad" posts tho.
Most things have political reflections of the author, but the best works keep it to a minimum if it's not relevant, or it doesn't detract from a work overall if it does.
>doesn't realize the point of cencoring
>Is a member of every single discord with transgender people
Ultimatively this.
Most of the newer generation of gamers would be dumbfounded finding their way around if the Quest Log just goes "Find strong painkillers" without it clearly stating "go to the hospital durr, its in the head docs office"
Reddiers always pres enter between every line, not just when talking to a different poster.
Like this guy. Reddit spacing.
Of course it's going to have politics.
Human politics - no. Vampires outside of Ventrue and Toreador don't care about human politics, humans are cattle.
Ventrue care because they exploit it for profit.
Toreador care because they're basically hollywood propagandists.
No one else cares about petty human shit.
try 'em
I think you're blaming journalist criticism on gamers.
kill yourself you tranny faggot
Games are designed by men, for men, yet despite that women still enjoy it in the minority. Why should we the millions who already enjoy games, have to make way for "femenine power fantasies" that alienate the core demographic, furthermore what IS a female power fantasy and could you demonstrate it in a game.
Most people I know who disliked the game were women. Funny how that works.
Poeple still not accepting the fact that Trump is the president?
Bunch of crying babies. Lmao
>Masculine power fantasy
its literally "male hero saves the day and often grabs a woman along with doing it" trope, its not a negative connotation, how dumb are people on this board
How many screenshots do you have of the discord you are a member of? Do you just post in that discord all day?
A good handful, especially around the more goth/emo kids back in those days you had many who owned this game, plenty of women.
That it barely appealed to the muricah normie crowd is not a shocker to me.
So in your opinion anything that isn't directly pandering to a female power fantasy of a dark seductress is inherently a masculine power fantasy?
How do you actually think along such simplistic binary lines?
>So anything that isn't X is Y? Why are you thinking in binary terms
Ironic, no?
You'll get it.
This thread is full of idiots who think the game will feature human politics.
It won't.
Humans are cattle, why would vampires care about the political system their food has?
Just go on a Sven-Coop server and just observe. Retards nowadays are too dumb to follow light/sound cues and then wander around like idiots for 30mins.
spot on
>coping mechanism2
Here we have prime examples of coping mechanisms done to virtue signal and hope to align with validation from peers. Most pathetic anons on this board who copy the same drivel over and over again in their thirsty attempt to gain word from peers. This shit is the attention whoring you would only see in plebbit mindset, but now on this site. Good job outing yourselves as cry babies who don't belong here.
I don't try to get nudes from people on Yea Forums or kids in discords like you, tranny.
you don't suppose it'll be human politics disguised as vampire?
Trannies aren't women, cupcake.
You're literally posting discord screencaps of you and your friends getting nudes from kids.
Prove you're really a male.
"Guys, we be turning too many straight white males, you gotta turn some of those weird people with mutilation fetishes into vampires!!"
Except Bloodlines doesn't do any of that.
First of all you can choose which gender you want to play (of the two that exists).
Secondly there's no "saves the day", at best you think you're saving the day for a few moments more but in reality you're all in the end days of the apocalypse and even the thing you thought you were saving you from was actually just a trap.
The best ending out of all is literally just telling all the factions to go fuck themselves, complete with the MC giving the finger to the "good guys".
But of course you ignorant fuckwits will still keep on defending ignorant statements like that because you're obligated to.
What about those who don't give a shit about either as long as the game is good?
ctrl + F
>all 10+ hits
nuke this thread
I'm just telling you to stop advertising your Tranny discord. We're not going to join you there.
>thinking that there is an imaginary enemy around every corner just like an SJW
>I'm an independent thinker!
The absolute state of /pol/tards
You're already in it though.
By the way, there are only 2 genders and chromosomes determine your gender.
Never said a male power fantasy should make way for a female power fantasy, and even if I did, why would that alienate you?
This game better let me be a Sabbat...
Fuck Cammies
Fuck weak cowardly anarchs.
You can't deflect now and pretend you're one of us. You're just a shill advertising your discord until you prove otherwise.
>thinking that there is an imaginary enemy around every corner just like an SJW
>I'm an independent thinker!
The absolute state of trannies.
Can't mods just delete porn and really off topic stuff? It's not that hard to keep your inadequate ban hammer in your pants
>seething at your tranny discord exposed
I love it. 2 genders 2 sexes.
>this dense
We were talking about the phrase and not the videogame, the videogame is more nuanced and is more than a male power fantasy adaptation,argueably male focused, but then again what could you expect, its a video game from 2004.
>More no u posts
Is it literally just one guy this entire time? Holy shit get a life faggot.
see:You belong neither in this thread nor on this website.
No? How the fuck could you possibly interpret that from the post? The only thing I pointed out is that VTMB objectively appeals to male fantasy over any aspects of female fantasy. They're not exclusive of each other.
Because if games are made by men for men, why would you change anything to accommodate women when they are biologically and mentally different than us.
Games as of late have already used this rhetoric to disastorous results and given us things like wolfenstein 2 which absolutely did alienate it's core without bringing in a new audience, or overwatch, where at best it's just a tacked on afterthought.
You'd also need to first define what a female power fantasy is in contrast to the VTMB to see if the two were even remotely compatible.
You got caught, it's okay. Just close the thread and go to another one.
That defines resetera. They come here wanting to turn Yea Forums into a safespace shithole like their website.
It won't. V5 Vampire removed the Sabbat, it's all Camarilla and Anarchs now.
The former is being portrayed as le white conservative establishment dying off from old age, the latter has a whole metaplot about the Thin-bloods who are now unbeatable and OP that are increasingly becoming a migrant stand-in.
says the resetera faggot.
>exactly 1 minute apart
Now the tranny is samefagging.
Can't wait to create Sarina Valentina in this game
The History tab doesn't even exist in the original game you fucking retard.
You aren't allowed to post more than once in the same thread
Not really. Just fuck off from this thread, you won't buy the game anyway nor due you have an interest in video games at all.
And by the way, as nuts as the meme sounds, but you should try to put time into finding someone to have intercourse with. Then you will drop off your virginity flexes ;^)
>allowing poltards (sjws * -1) to ruin enjoyment of a game
fuck no.
fuck sjws and fuck poltards.
>Doesn't even know what samefagging is
Leave now, and never come back.
I never understood this gay meme.
>shitposting is shitposting
No shit and shitposting is the only goddamn reason anyone pays attention to this shit heap of a website.
>game gets dissed as a male power fantasy
>lol it's not a diss it just means that it's [clearly negative tropes]
>game that got dissed doesn't fulfill any of that, in fact it's nearly the opposite
>we were talking about the phraaaaase and the game is male focused anyway it's not from the current year
Step in front of a speeding truck you disingenous moron.
>le both sides stupid
gr8 b8 m8
gay and aids.
I just wanna dominate the cattle.
Based era
>he thinks tits will be allowed in a Seattle-made sex-negative game
The titty render was from an outsourced company user.
complete retard
fuck off resetera faggot and seethe more
>no videogame can even be discussed on Yea Forums without politics bait ever again
this is why everyone just moves to discord.
Women have been in the industry for decades now and the amount of influence they have is only growing. You'd change to adapt to them because you have 50% of the population as an untapped market that shows a clear surface interest in the concept. Why the fuck wouldn't you change to appeal to them when you're only conceivable loss for doing so is insecure fags on Yea Forums?
Neither wolfenstein nor Overwatch made meaningful changes to appeal to these audiences. That's precisely why the failed to draw a new crowd in. They didn't change anything about story, character, or themes, they just inserted footnote gays and sassy womanz.
Why would I need to define a female power fantasy when it has nothing to do with my point? They're supposed to dismantle both so the game can have an engaging and sensible dialogue.
Cope, big jugs will be in the game
I hate intellectual moderates as much as the next guy, but there are times where both sides are legitimately retarded. saying that they're both equally as bad is also retarded, but it's not wrong to say that both sides are annoying as shit. I'd say the one angry gamer and that fat guy who got banned from mtg shit are about as bad as restera fags. there's no comparing the scale though. there are way more insufferable resetera types than there are oag fags
So what is it you want to discuss exactly?
Because the only thing we know is what the devs have told us, that it'll be more 2019 political and that the old game was too much of a "masculine power fantasy".
based and bluepilled
You have more in common with retera than anyone on this thread. Leave Yea Forums.
unironically report that discord to the feds if there's cp or pedophilia involved, you also get the bonus of clearing out some of these trannies from the thread.
fair enough, i say fuck it all i just want a punk gf and a good pay as a repo man.
Would you stop accusing people of being from every website you can think of? You look schizophrenic.
Why would he report his own discord?
Damn it what the hell im at the part where you have to put the french name of The Gates of Hell in the Tender game but it wont accept it. Just kept bringing me back to the same video
seething fagera. go back
>one website youre from is all websites
I’ve got some opiates to sell you
Are you sure about that?
resetera is just the new lib boogeyman like tumblr used to be.
Where's the problem It's la porte de l'enfer
Wrong one
nice deflection tranny
You're delusional, it's over bro.
>The World of Darkness can be fraught at times. The original game traded in careless depictions of sex work and some tired writing about mental illnesses like disassociative identity disorder. You could play as a member of the mentally-addled but prophecy-gifted Malkavian clan, with altered dialogue that, while humorous, danced a fine line in terms of taste. There was even some racial stereotyping for good measure. Meanwhile, White Wolf’s management of the World of Darkness setting has not been without controversy. Last November, the Paradox subsidiary drew criticism forusing the real-life persecution and murder of Chechnya’s LGBTQA population as a plot-pointin the setting’s vampiric politicking. Paradox fully integrated White Wolf after this incident. When asked about their approach to the setting, the team outlined how they wanted to handle the World of Darkness in 2019.
>“It was very of its time,” Ellison said of the first game. “It approached certain topics differently. How we look at stuff has matured since then.”
“It’s fifteen years later and things have changed,” Mitsoda said. “We have to be very sensitive about how we handle things like mental illness and that was a concern for us and for Paradox, in how we can make a mature story but if we do anything, we do our homework and make sure that we are punching up and not punching down.”
“We talk about these issues constantly,” Ellison added. “Because we care about including people, we want them to feel powerful and sexy, and we don’t want them to feel like it’s not for them.”
lmaoooo holy fuck
that's what it looks like to live inside a bubble
I’m excited for the release of this spiritual sequel to Mass Effect: Andromeda
that was anthem, retard
Just leave Yea Forums for good kid.
>Women have been in the industry for decades now and the amount of influence they have is only growing.
Yes, but the amount of sales tehy bring in is a negative, most women don't like games, and when they do they don't like the "female oriented" games, they like the regular old stuff.
>You'd change to adapt to them because you have 50% of the population as an untapped market that shows a clear surface interest in the concept.
And yet whenever they try to tap that market they only lose sales, because most women aren't interested in games. It's like saying you have to change the product of condoms because 50% of the population can't use it, it's a retarded sentiment.
>Why the fuck wouldn't you change to appeal to them when you're only conceivable loss for doing so is insecure fags on Yea Forums?
Don't pull out that old fallacy, Yea Forums's the standard consumer. In fact, games sell in the millions of units and they've been doing that fine without women. Why risk what you have while purposely putting out alienating marketing just to get that mythical 50% untapped market? Hasn't worked for any other make centric games, you think sports would've lasted this long if we had concessions made to let women play in them?
>Neither wolfenstein nor Overwatch made meaningful changes to appeal to these audiences. That's precisely why the failed to draw a new crowd in. They didn't change anything about story, character, or themes, they just inserted footnote gays and sassy womanz.
how disingenuous can you be. Wolfenstein changed it's entire narrative to empower and flaunt women at the expense of Blaskowitz's character and the gameplay all for this hypothetical market while doing just what you did earlier and decrying their detracts as something unwanted, "Yea Forums" in your case. You've also failed to illustrate what would appeal to females in that case, which only serves to highlight how full of holes your argument is.
>resetera seething that Yea Forums isn't their safespace
>Why would I need to define a female power fantasy when it has nothing to do with my point?
It has everything to do with your point, because if you can't demonstrate what a female power fantasy is, how could you ever hope to integrate that to appeal to this mythical demographic. Since the male power fantasy is what moves the games coupled with good gameplay, art direction, music, and storytelling.
>They're supposed to dismantle both so the game can have an engaging and sensible dialogue.
If the game is devoid of either, than what does it need to change? Then we're back to square one and it just seems women are less inclined to like videogames and any attempt to change it has only drove sales down and led to no significant increase with women.
>they like the regular old stuff.
Based women
>/r/thedonald seething that Yea Forums isn't their safespace
Why does resetera need Yea Forums as a safespace anyway?
Are they coming here because they finally realize how shit their own moderation and social disease is? Because they can't actually post on resetera for fear of being banned for saying anything - so they come here to post instead?
No I mean, ME:A also was announced with a prendered trailer, took way too long to develop because of internal studio politics, and was a steaming pile of ass dumping due to the same internal politics. I’m calling it now.
Also you’re dumb
this will never be Yea Forums. seethe more resetfaggot.
Do you have a single source to back up literally anything you said in the first part of your post? You sound pretty sure of itself I assume you must have seen a Business Insider article about it somewhere at least
Yes, probably
as bad Yea Forums gets from time to time it will never look like that, luckily
>caring about /pol/ at all
That's the REAL mental illness
Yea Forums will never be your reddit channel. You will never get an upvote. You will never be awarded gold.
>how could you ever hope to integrate that to appeal to this mythical demographic
I explicitly said I don't multiple times now.
>aggessive dismissal of diversity concerns
you can't make this shit up
you mean the leftist safespace?
Oh no the game will have Anarchs that spout Anarch bullshit and probably meet every night under the Lenin statue to circlejerk.
>Why does resetera need Yea Forums as a safespace anyway?
They literally just can't handle the bantz or any kind of wrongthink. That's how pathetic those estrogen-filled losers are
He will get an upvote though, that's what (you)s are
(you) are doing good work, user
Never mind I had to enter in the english name
Yup! Fuck all the righter winger scumbags. While we play Bloodlines 2, they can play Notch's memekraft.
Fuck Drumpf!
>conservatives are the only people who dont like transvestites
>calling a game something actually means nothing!
Ok retard.
You can literally compare any modern title of a game that's tried this to selling less than it's predecessor, like battlefeild V, wolfenstein 2, dragon age, etc. Any attempt to pander to these ideals ends in failure, and again, the games that do best pander almsot exclusively to males like COD, FIFA, madden, etc.
Unless you'd like to explain more in depth exactly how you'd pander to female gamers or broaden that female demographic to tap that market.
So then you've got nothing to say of any value then, just more ideological nonsense?
Why does it have to be like this.
Why can't the writers just write a story for a game for people to experience.
Who cares how the players experience it.
Isn't that part of the fun?
I just want to suck blood in a dark alleyway and groove to goth techno club anthems.
Why can't they just fuck off? It's like going to a foreign country just to bitch about its laws and culture. Just leave and go somewhere else for your internet holidays
Because Chad didn't ravage their assholes like they fantasized about in Highschool and they probably also have daddy issues.
Look, boy. It's getting clear that you use Yea Forums to vent your teenage rage. Now all you did is clog up a thread about a game you don't have any interest in, on a website you clearly don't belong to. Why did you come here? Only to vent? To say nigger? This website doesn't need another faggot like you who eats pol/stormnigger infographics and spouts shit all day. I get it, these cool red pill infographics look super convincing on a young mind, but it is all fabricated shit to steer you away from actual problems in the real world. Do yourself a favour, and stay away from this site for some time.
It's 2019. Everything is political since everyone's politics revolve around their identities. If your character is white, it's politics. If it's non-white, it's politics. If you get to choose your race, it's politics. If there's alien/non human races, it;s a political allegory for modern day politics.
If there's no race at all, it's a bad game because you can't see your hands/feet when you look down.
seething resetfaggot
You should hire a better ghostwriter that shit was nonsensical
im happy that this game series that was always for redditors will now be shunned as such and i can stop seeing your posts about reinstalling this *classic* gem
>It's 2019.
what does the current year have to do with anything? Fast and the Furious came out in 2001 and that movie is full of diversity
I remain convinced that people just don't quite understand how the setting works and that SJWry is woven into Anarch culture in the western United States. It's inescapable.
>exclusive as streaming service for Google Stadia
I distinctly remember having to enter the french one
yes, that's exactly why we're here
Let me rephrase his post in meme form:
>Why are you still here? Just to suffer?
>If you're upset, leave. You aren't contributing by complaining.
Welp, its official. This is officially a hell planet, if there are any aliens browsing this board, please glass this cesspool.
>teenage rage again
NPCs will never change then, I guess. Stay pleb donald/reseta or whatever page you came from ;^)
>need a nickname for the sort of person that reads Peterson's book, watches Sargon and the rest of the brainlet pundits and believes Western civilization is threatened by sjw's and their agenda's.
I call them "/pol/tards"
You're conflating the removal of the male power fantasy with the institution of an unestablished female one like what Collusus and Battlefield 5 could be assumed to be trying to do, with seen results. Neither of those had to do with ideologies, they had to do with execution. Both diverged from their established formulas.
Now that's excellent. Although as not the origional user I would argue that I'm 100% sure that 99% of the traffic to this site is people who want to complain
>tfw you preorder the game and get hyped and there is nothing Yea Forums can do about it
Zoomers will never understand this feel.
but /pol/ hates those fags for being willfully blind to the real problem
There isn't an enter between every line in that post though. So, again, your posts use reddit spacing to if that's reddit spacing.
Only the last bit applies to /pol/tards and mostly as 'useful idiots'.
Sargon/Peterson/et al appeal to another part of the brainlet population.
seething resetera fag
Ultimate based
You wish, kid.
only a zoomer would preorder a game before they see game play
>he preordered a game that's a year away
>he preordered a game that we haven't seen any gameplay for
>he preordered a game
>he thinks he isn't a zoomer
Specifically though, he's telling people to leave if they are posting off-topic shit to complain about like race and gender. You can stay to complain about video games.
what are some games that were strangely forgotten the day they released?
Zoomers are the only ones young enough to not have been burned doing that.
Every game thats ever had to sell itself on twitter politics has been trash and this game will be trash too.
Deal with it faggots.
Based as fuck.
Fair enough, as someone who hasn't been on this site long it appeared to me that board doesn't matter, only being angee does
>on BOTH sides
Imagine being this much of a cuck. Just image, for a second, that you live in a peaceful spanish village in the early medieval ages, and muslims come and rape all your women and turn your village into a muslim settlement. Imagine, you survive, and get turned into a slave, and years later a christian army lead by the castille king comes in and saves your village, but in the process, you whine "wow this is so noisy I just wanted to live peacefully as a slave mining copper without having my village ruined by religiously obsessed retards on BOTH sides", this is you, right now.
We didn't ask for the sequel to be choke full of degenerate progressive SJW shit, they chose to do it themselves. And if you just sit and take it and support this game in any way, you're too far gone.
Literally no one cared about Far Cry anymore after 5. The entirety of it's "Discussion" was just /pol/ crying about niggers.
>muh /pol/ boogeyman
It you think that what they intend to do to the franchise is only going to be displeasing to /pol/tards, you are delusional.
Can't wait for all "/pol/ btfo, resetera powa" posters to play the finished product and come whine here about how it's soulless, has nothing to do with BloodLine 1's spirit and has lost all comfy/kino/whatever-meme-equivalent-in-2020.
>Either you're with us or you're against us
>You're being LITERALLY RAPED right now, omfg I can't even
This is why I'm a based centrist
video games
than they start talking about pedophilia and cubporn instead.
that wasn't /pol/, that was ubisoft viral marketers. They do it with every Far Cry game and they did it with Watch Dogs too.
how can one man be so wrong (and retarded)
>e didn't ask for the sequel to be choke full of degenerate progressive SJW shit
Actually, a vast majority of the fanbase did. Vampire players have been pretty much universally liberal, and overwhelmingly female and gay.
The people who like VtM are the same people who read Anne Rice, Twilight and 50 Shades. Even the lead designer for the system said Vampire helped him deal with his homosexuality.
says the whining resetfag
so you mean what will happen with this joke of a game like every other time this happens
Far Cry spin offs always pass into obscurity.
>This is why I'm a based centrist
AKA leftshit Yesman.
Please, stay there and never come back. We won't miss you
It wouldn't really be possible to have a Masquerade game without politics, though. The entire point of the Masquerade itself is how to blend into the population and deal with social changes so that the vampires aren't discovered. Not having that there would be like a stealth game using the Camo for desert, arctic, urban, etc. and not requiring you to actually hide or anything, just walk around. To keep the wool over the sheep's eyes, you must understand the sheep.
Well whoevers doing it, I want them to fuck off.
It's not a matter of being with us, it's a matter of fending for yourself, defending your right as an adult to be treated as an adult and not a literal child who has to be told what is good and what is bad by the left. If you think it's okay to have political leftist garbage shoved down your throat in a product YOU'RE BUYING, then I don't know what to tell you.
Blood Dragon was dope tho
Thats what you get when the devs themselves are political retards.
nostalgia and politics are a bad recipe for games
>>Masquerade game without politics
There is a difference between
>"Vampire use politic and societal change on humans because it keep the cattle under control"
>"Cattle's politics and societal change is somehow a big deal on vampire's everyday life"
That's the problem with the direction Bloodlines 2 is taking.
Vampires should laugh at this kind of consideration, not embrace it (bar some cases like Toreadors trying to fit in or Ventrue actually abusing it).
Fucking based. Looks like /pol/tards are the real snowflakes, lads
Games shouldn't be either right nor left. Just games. It's not that controversial topics and politics can't be discussed in games, it's that most developers are too mentally infantile to discuss such topics. Take american history x for example, the movie doesn't tell you outright that racism is bad and should never exist nor that racism is a good thing and whites are just defending themselves, it merely paints the full picture of why some people chose to be racist and why sometimes that racism is misguided, that the world isn't black and white. On a videogame you would just have your standard "PUNCH nazis" narrative and show a one sided picture. If a game is just going to be political propaganda for one side, then it is infantile garbage.
>”hahahahaha libcucks are so easily triggered!!! Mmm I love leftist tears”
>someone replies “incel” or “have sex”
>15 guaranteed seething replies
Hmmmm... really makes ya think!
>discuss on Yea Forums that wouldn't have every thread ruined by politically obsessed retards on BOTH sides
Here's the thing, when we're strictly talking about discussion on Yea Forums, liberals and left wingers rarely bring up politics. It's almost always some right winger complaining about shit they read on twitter, facebook, reddit, resetera, polygon, kotaku, etc. Or complaining that the game has a gender slider. Or complaining that the lead isn't a white guy. Or false flagging and making sarcastic threads making fun of SJWs. It's not like when someone posted a thread about God of War 4 that liberals complained Kratos is too white. Or that there's toxic masculinity. It was right wingers whining about walking simulators and that kratos was taking care of his wife's son.
Claiming to be in the middle, and wanting BOTH SIDES to stop talking about politics is ignorant of our board culture. And BOTH SIDES shit usually only gets brought up when a left winger actually does bring up politics. Suddenly everyone wants to stop talking about politics. But a 300+ thread on a roman soldier being black in Assassins Creed doesn't have any complaints about political discussion.
Have sex
And no one cares because ugly obongo women on the cover punishing a random white dude doesn't sell. No one will outright say "wow this is racist white genocide blah blah" but a huge majority of people who buy these games (that are mostly white) will groan and buy something else. It is that simple.
That may have worked in the past, but it doesn't anymore. Does it feature the black character's point of view? It's SJW trash for making blacks seem like people. Does it feature only the white character's point of view? It's white nationalist recruitment propaganda and perpetuation of white privilege.
Except, take it to the nth degree. Now it's "Is there a black/gay/athiest character period?" if so, people will be mad for politics in the game. If not, different people will be mad for politics in the game.
>You're conflating the removal of the male power fantasy with the institution of an unestablished female one
So then what is the male power fantasy prevalent in Vampire the masquerade, and why is this something women can't insert themselves into. How is the male power fantasy exclusive to VTMB, and not any other game of it's time.
One day you’ll become a man user and start taking an interest in politics.
It makes sense for Methusalehs and Elders to not give a shit, and they don't. But younger generation vampires have always been just as invested in their humans ideals after being Embraced as they were before.
Cute false flag, but you will never be anything but a butthurt pol-cuck
Fuck off with this shit. You people killed Yea Forums.
>have a black person in a video game is the equivalent of becoming enslaved to a /pol/tard
nobody respects "centrists" and you stand for nothing.
post yfw you never played this trash series and get to sit by the fire while it burns
thanks, ill post in it once im done here
just because the sequel might be pozzed doesn't mean you're not a zoomer for not having played the first bloodlines
>on Yea Forums, liberals and left wingers rarely bring up politics
Literally any criticism of a game or mocking of a journalist is met with "go back to /pol/" by offsite retards.
I mean, what you’re saying is right due to how crazy immigration is getting but you guys come off as brain washed retards.
You and redditors are a curse upon the internet. You guys still manage to be more bearable since you exercise free speech; but the cancer is present nonetheless
>That may have worked in the past, but it doesn't anymore
Actually, it does. Ever wonder why western devs are closing down left and right and stocks are dropping like rocks? the western industry is collapsing because contrary to popular belief, most people out there do not care about politics, you can shove down political crap and they wont catch up at first, but eventually, even Joe McNormie will go "wait..." and stop buying that garbage. Japan is doing fine in comparison. At the end of the day, videogames that don't shove political bullshit will be what people buy. Sure you'll have 1 or 2 massive developers who still get away with infesting their games with political propaganda, like naughty dog, but they get carried mostly by good graphics and storytelling, most developers will think their success is due to being "woke" then close doors when people don't want to buy shitty mediocre games that on top of that are fueled with leftist garbage.
At the end of the day, the people who buy the games are a silent majority, they do not get triggered on twitter, they simply stop buying games and play what's fun to them.
If you're talking about journalists on a video game board, you should leave.
the centrist recoils
Your hormone tablets fucked your brain up
>the people that want blatant agenda pushing out of games are the faggots.
Riiiiight ...
I've already explained that in my first post. You're disproportionately helping hot chicks while fucking over other guys
Leisure Sweet Larry- Magna Cum Laude was released at the same time.
Hardsuit Labs is literally a re-branded shovelware company formerly named Zombie Studios.
>posts videogame review
>people respond by mocking the gamejourno for being shit at games
>g-go back to /pol/!
Yeah nah you're a faggot and your shit's all retarded.
If art doesn't have anything to say, it's not art.
That's not a male power fantasy, that's you injecting your bias into the subject matter. And again, what about other games released at the time like Halflife, or Resident Evil 2? Surely by those standards RE2 was a male power fantasy whilst playing as Leon since you help out a number of women on the way.
I can't remember a time when I cared that there were politics in my games
For everyone here who wants to talk about video games. Never go on Bloodlines 2 threads. It cancer and full of faggots and shills that would just shitpost. OP is the reason Yea Forums is the worst board on Yea Forums. Fuck you all.
Literally what's wrong with wanting politics out of things that are meant to be fun?
You don't understand.
EVERYTHING is politics, no matter what you do. If the main character is female, that's politics. If they aren't that's politics. If the haircut is wrong, that's politics. If there is a picture of someone's husband, it's politics. You can see a characters' ass? Politics.
It doesn't matter what you say or do, there are so many people who's lives revolve entirely around their identity, that everything is political to them.
(Also, western stocks are dropping because of Fortnite draining the playerbase of every game)
>you stand for nothing
drown in your ideals and die
Don’t listen to these faggots. The reddit leftists/antifa sympathizers and the /pol/ extremists are literally unable to cope with common sense or reality
Nah, we just have the balls to talk about it. You can't give the left ground otherwise they will think they own the internet, which just makes them go hard when they see someone/something that isn't on their side, they will think "you're telling me we own all this land, but not this tiny patch? unacceptable". If you don't speak back against the loud minority, developers will think they're actually a majority, and that's when your games go to shit.
>You're disproportionately helping hot chicks
I can remember two in the main storyline, Velvet and the Malk, and the club owner sidequest.
About the same number of hot guys like Nines you help out.
That sounds like censorship to me stormfront chan.
your shit reddit vampire garbage was always shit.
and now thanks to pol thats how it will be remembered.
im glad its over
remember politics are okay if I agree with them
Yes, for anyone born after 1995
I’m not disagreeing, but you have ideas in line with an extremist. How you communicate it doesn’t really change that
Why can’t you just apply common sense to your life instead of being blinded by a group?
>EVERYTHING is politics, no matter what you do.
Super mario odyssey wasn't politics, sold fine. Resident evil 2 wasn't politics, sold fine. Monster Hunter wasn't politics, sold fine. Hell even fucking ace combat 7 wasn't politics, sold fine. No, everything isn't politics, stop thinking that the west = the world. Western developers chose to make everything politics, because they think a few loud vocal retards on twitter are the majority.
>It doesn't matter what you say or do, there are so many people who's lives revolve entirely around their identity, that everything is political to them.
And japanese devs do not care about that, and they still sell great. You CAN chose to ignore politics and still have an audience, it doesn't matter what the loud retards say, they make a tiny portion of the market.
But according to resetera it's not. The same way the developers of Dead or Alive 6 didn't "censor" their games by giving their girl characters less revealing outfits.
We'll get over it once a nice chunk of gameplay is shown they should do a 45 minute demo :D
Japan doesn't have identity culture like we do.
The point is even if you think youre centrists you have political beliefs that land firmly or closely to one side or another, if you don't then that means you're too much of a coward to expose your ideas to the world.
I only got political because I was forced to, these faggots won't let me have games, comics, movies, or anything anymore, fuck them I want them out it was better before they were here.
Psst...Vampire Masquerade is literally shovelware that got lucky
>Resident evil 2 wasn't politics
Are you kidding? Did you ignore thousands of threads calling the game shit for making Clare too ugly because of SJW pandering?
You think they're not going to notice a rise of racial segregation and inciting violence towards minority groups? You think they're going to ignore a new trend seen at clubs where they do a lot of their recruiting, especially with an at risk population, their main targets? They may not participate in any of it, but they're sure as shit going to learn about it and use it. You can't manipulate the cattle politics if you don't know about it. There's a ton of gameplay possibility to use with adding it, so why not? Snowflakes who only want to see 100% lily white people in their games?
Maybe you stir up a white supremacist mob to attack a rival clan stronghold? Maybe you isolate a trans teen who already feels marginalized, and convert them? Use a corrupt pastor to spread doubt and fear, or bring in a fabled vampire hunter but set him into a trap? Get a mayor elected that will ease crackdowns on the clubs your clan controls? There's a lot of possibility to get both sides fighting each other, and thus leaving the Vampires alone, or making it harder to find them out.
Quite honestly, fuck /pol/ and FUCK restera.
No, fuck you, I'm sick of "liberals" and I'm sick of people like you telling me to eat this shit up.
>dude just do nothing
I'm not saying I don't get why you're annoyed, I'm saying being indifferent is far, far worse. Hell I'm barely a /pol/tard, I don't go to twitter to debate degenerate leftists, make memes, etc, I'm more of a lurking Yea Forumstard like you, I just have enough common sense to realize "these people are doing a good service, I'll let them continue for my own benefit", and you should too.
We have lots of different groups of people here and a comfortable lifestyle mixed with a hyper competitive capalist system
They’ll complain and whine about oppression every day and be rewarded for it by interest groups that benefit off of them; and at the same time breed right wing people who are very pissed off at this and feel threatened and become radicalized on the opposite side of the spectrum
vtmb is and always has been essential Yea Forumseddit core
it's the bloodborne of pc
deus ex is the dark souls of pc
Troika was never a shovelware dev you absolute fucking retard. you subhuman rat. you gaia VIP member. you ebaumsworld-sucking faggot. you goon-let.
leave through the nearest window you waste of air, space and atoms
That's objectively a male power fantasy, which are tied predominately to sex. The game is continually holding the reward of sex with various babes over the players head for doing a heroic act when such opportunities are non existent for a female who might have interests in men, either by social interaction or accomplishment. The game is romantically geared entirely towards what men prefer.
Leon never actually gets any, he helps Ada who helps him. Morgan Freeman never even encounters a woman except for some Spec Ops who try to kill him.
This thread honestly belongs on /pol/. It's got more baiting than your average /pol/ thread.
And those people were retarded. Claire wasn't "ugly" on purpose, it was more due to capcom's incompetence and wonky facial scan technologies. The game has zero politics in it.
I don’t think I’m anything or try to identify myself as such. I just do what’s common sense and apply statistics to what’s going on, regardless of how “racist” or “anti-white” it may seem.
Being in a group can and will blind you to practical ideas, and in this day and age being in a group just makes you extreme
Did you pick 95 because you were born in 93? Because I'm 5 years older than that. Fuck your game.
Way to ignore the point guy, RE2 was mostly jsut a good game aside from Claire el goblina, apprently ti was the fact that they scanned the original actress too young and aged her up. The story didn't suddenly become a policitcal shitfest. DMCV wasn't for that matter either.
Shovelware dev studio.
You're an idiot if you have any expectations of this.
>if you disagree with me you’re a liberal or some kind of other extremist opposite to me
Come on now
>They're men in my head
and in reality. I don't know what you're getting at, user.
There is politics in Bloodlines too, the story contains a strong eulogy of leftism because the anarchists are depicted as the (relatively) good guys, who believe in a parallel society based upon the principles of communism and socialism, even Cain, in your last taxi ride, tries to convince you to support their cause, and somewhat pity you if you don't, not to mention that the worst ending possible is the one in which you choose to fully support Sebastian LaCroix, whose ideology is antithetic to Nines Rodriguez's, but the real senseless complaint is about the the pandering to faggots and queers, if you know the vampire and goth subcultures you know well that they're literally full of them.
>practical ideas
Not quoted but I only hear politics being called "practical" when it's about not stopping immigration and there "being no alternative" to migrant re-distribution quotas out of the mouths of neolibs here in Europe. (which is why I stopped voting SocDem and started voting anti-immigration nationalist)
I just wanted a good game that could compare or dare I say surpass the original. Why does everything have to be a stance on shit or a pushing of ideas? Why can't video games just be video games and that's it?
I don't care about faggots and queers. Trannies should all kill themselves though like the mentally difficient self mutilators they are.
By your very definition then you're falling more towards the right wing than left. Left and right wing are essentially two overlapping circles ona map, just leaning more one way than the other doens't make you only ascribue to their policies, that's what I mean. For example, I'm for abortion, but I also think that women should be less careless and shouldn't amke this a regular thing so I'm also of the mind ti shouldn't be legal because the reality of the act is abhorant, it's a lack of personal responsibility and conciousness.
That means on this matter I'm left leaning with a slight right bent. But in order to voice my opinion on the issue I'm boiund to fall into one or the other section.
I don't know why you're lumping me in with the other guy, I'm not saying you're a liberal, just a cuck who has given up and accepted his fate. It takes zero effort to ignore /pol/tards, think of them as spiders cleaning your room of disease carrying pests like ticks.
seething redditors lmao
time to face the music boys
Not even that, cara ellison is a downright weird and creepy feminist. Her entire identity is tied to her feminist delusions. She is gonna be a head writer to this game.
>The story didn't suddenly become a policitcal shitfest.
Then no game is a political shitfest. Every time a western game has a female character, Yea Forums throws a shitfit, but it's okay when Japan does it. Every time there's a single line about a character being trans, Yea Forums throws a shitfit, but it's fine when Japan does it.
There is absolutely no games that "Force politics on you" (except possibly metal gear solid). Having a trans character isn't politics. It becomes politics because /pol/ makes hundreds of threads bitching about the fact there is a trans character.
lol the absolute best ending in Bloodlines involves you giving the finger right in Nines face, gloriously animated as you walk away from their faggotry, and all the Anarchs like Jack don't give a shit about their supposed "cause".
LaCroix doesn't have any ideology,talk of traditions or not, he's just all about power as is made clear within the first 5 min of his dialogues.
clean your room ;^)
>Having a trans character isn't politics. It becomes politics because /pol/ makes hundreds of threads bitching about the fact there is a trans character.
Actually it does considering the way things are handled and how they try to make you think a certain way about them, like Vempyr's "DUDE TRUMPO BAD MINORITEIS GOOD" bullshit.
>Then no game is a political shitfest. Every time a western game has a female character, Yea Forums throws a shitfit, but it's okay when Japan does it. Every time there's a single line about a character being trans, Yea Forums throws a shitfit, but it's fine when Japan does it.
Notice how you completely ignore everything I said and throw out the previous user's points because you cna't help but be disingenious to support your point.
>Having a trans character isn't politics.
>most if not all politicians on the democratic party make "trans rights" a part of their agenda
I for one won't mind politics if only we won't get fuckheads like Rudi spouting exposition.
I can totally imagine some brujah black lives matter asshat behaving exactly the same way as a vampire as when he was alive.
Or Toreadors who adore trannies and gay people and whatnot, as that would fit their stories. Nosferatu would be probably comfortable around all sorts of freaks as well. Not to mention some Malkavians. Vampire world really would be quite a home for all sorts of missfits and social crusaders.
I just hope conservative players will get to play Tremere and Ventrue.
Basically and unironically world of darkness can really house both SJW shit and super conservative shit at the same time. I just hope that players will get a story that lets us interact with this world however we want, be it purging deviant trannies, or fighting those CiS white ventrue.
vampireniggers gonna be so letdown lmao. Post this shit in every thread.
>Or Toreadors who adore trannies and gay people and whatnot
lmao bro what the fuck
I doubt it'll be as bad as people on here are making it out to be. Remember, you can't actually discuss video games on this board.
Except you're only gonna be fed one side as the right side while the other side is vilified and won't get to play as it because "why would you EVEN want to, nazi?".
>they try to make you think a certain way about them
>"They exist"
See, like this. All a trans character has to do is exist, and it's politics to these people. There are absolutely no games that have a Metal Gear Solid style 2 hour cutscene about how trans people are morally superior to everyone else and how you have to exterminate all white males.
So they're aiming to be realistic, what's the problem?
Toreadors are about aesthetics though.
Trannies and Gays are pretty anti-aesthetics.