Assassins Creed Odyssey is 60% off on Steam. Is it worth it?
Assassins Creed Odyssey is 60% off on Steam. Is it worth it?
Your PC can't run it.
No. The only AC games that aren't dogshit are 1 and Unity.
Pirate it first to see if you can run it / like it, and then decides if you want to buy it
>1 and Unity
I pirated this game. it's not very good. feels like an offline mmorpg
Why does everyone pretend this game is demanding? It just has shit optimization and awful CPU usage
Unity is good though. The only reason people don't like it is the bugs that have long been fixed. It's the best AC without Ezio in it
Keep spamming Circle/B and you win
Sure if you liked Origins
If you liked Origins, yes. Its basically Origins 2. I think Odyssey is alright, not as good as 2 but not as bad as Rogue or Unity.
Personally I thought 2, Brotherhood and 4 were the peak.
I'm not saying it's particularly demending, I just feel like most people should pirate AAA pc games first before buying them.
it gets boring pretty fast , and if you are concerned about the req i have a ryzen 1600 and R9 290 i can run this game on mixed mig-high settings 1080p 60fps . the only game i have install on this pc that doesnt run at ultra settings and it deosnt look that good to desu
The leveled enemies hurt the game alot. its not that they are hard, they are hitpoint sponges. Also you outlevel quests so fast it makes them feel redundant. The loot is really bad. The female hoplites are jarring and world breaking and ahistorical. The templar old world tech sucks as always.
The art and visuals and combat are beautiful tho, and the family story is somewhat compelling for a game narrative.
Rogue is the best AssCreed game. Nothing after Rogue is worth playing.
Currently playing it
Its fun. Not fantastic, but fun
Buy it from Uplay if you are going to buy it, one less drm and it's cheaper there when you use your uplay coins to buy.
It's fun but not fantastic. Combat gets boring pretty quick and there is no variation in enemies. The world building tho, is pretty great. If you like exploring and talking to people it's pretty neat. Voices and facial mimic are done really well imo.
Its visual noise to pass the time. I found it not really engaging after a few hours as you become a broken god walking amongst peasants and bandits. The AI loses track of you running in circles which lets you just abuse it to heal in combat and get free Rush Assassinations. The quests aren't nearly as interesting as reviewers or fans make it out to be. The locations for said quests are always boring ass outposts, fortresses, a single red square off-limits zone in a huge town, or a cave.
My version of this on xbox 360 had the save shattered. how is the ps4 version?
loved it. bit of a watered down witcher 3, but it's fun. honestly people complaining about assassinations being invalid now just can't into armor specialization