*permanently fucks your game*

>*permanently fucks your game*
heh.. nothing personnel..

no seriously, what the fuck were they thinking?

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Use Dragon Blood

What's dragon rot?

I didnt buy it
I dont get it

They were thinking git gud you fucking casual

Dragonrot does literally fucking nothing. I’m sick of you cunts whining about it. IT DOES NOTHING! You are shit at the game, stop blaming dragonrot(WHICH DOES FUCKING NOTHING) for your shit gaming skills.

Shut up you gnome, it prevents you from doing some sidequests

It kills the sculptor :'((

when you decide you want to do a sidequest use some blood, problem fucking solved.

I have 5 dragon blood drops sitting in storage, how are you dying that much?

Just dont die?

Just don't die.

I'm up to the final area of the game and I've only had to use the cure twice

Death no longer had a real punishment, repeated death in a souls game meant you'd lose currency and progress towards your leveling up. In Sekiro you lose some items? Wow it's fucking nothing, so they also made it so it effected your ability to do side quests which in reality just meant you'd use an item to be able to do it but it still means more than no punishment.

If you want no consequences for death you're playing the wrong game.

do the NPCs actually die after leaving them sick like that?

I just beat the dude on the horse which was a fucking easy boss because it was one where I could calculate his moves and defend.

What the fuck is this bull

From games haven't had any proper punishment for death since dark souls with humanity.
Here they just reworked it around a game that has no online functionality.

i just ran away when he charged and waited for him to calm down

So why exactly did she betray Hirata?

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He just charges around and when he goes to butt me I can't get out of the way

So, from what i'm gathering apparently the npcs don't die permanently? They just remain "unavailable" until you use the cure (that you can buy from a certain point of the game)
So was the perma death of npcs a massive ruse?

>They just remain "unavailable" until you use the cure (that you can buy from a certain point of the game)
>So was the perma death of npcs a massive ruse?
There are limited uses of the cure. Like 8. You aren't told there are limited uses of the cure. So if you use them all up quickly, you permafuck your game.

some people wrote that sellers of drops restock them??

I'm still confused.
I'm told that resurrecting spreads dragonrot.
What happens when you don't resurrect and you respawn back at a checkpoint? Does that spread dragonrot as well?

Use fireworks and he is piss easy

It's a complete death that actually causes it from what I heard, ressurection doesn't cause it

>FromSoft game
>actual consequences for fucking anything (beyond a throwaway line of monologue)
Choose one and only one.

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It's worded poorly. Using the in-combat rez does not spread it. If you rez keep fighting and die again there will be a % the desease spreads. If you rez and run away to the statue there will be no spread whatsoever

Yes. The game straight up fucking lies to you and tells you resurrecting is what causes it. They lie, resurrecting has nothing to do with it at all. Dying is what causes it.
There is never a reason not to resurrect.

On the spot resurrection does not cause Dragonrot. Its using your own internal powers of resurrection. Dying twice or not just resurrecting yourself results in Dragon rot.

Can I see all endings on one playthrough? Like reload a save before certain choices?

>It's worded poorly.
Sounds like From games in a nutshell.

>Can I see all endings on one playthrough? Like reload a save before certain choices?
just copy your save to another folder

oh wait you're a consolebabby
maybe ask mommy for a PC this christmas

what the hell, that's retarded.
the bitch in the hub area told me that I consume other people's energy by resurrecting. she was actually referring to respawning at a statue?
why has it got to be so cryptic and misleading?
it seems like every reviewer and journalist got mislead as well as they all say "you can resurrect but it spreads dragonrot".

He is nuts. I jump to the side when he charges, dodging is unreliable. You have to sprint and stay glued to his ass. That way it's easier to see where his swing will go. He will try to melee you more than charge. Use the firecrackers when he is still to scare him and get in some shots. Bosses have too much health.

she's a woman

based comment bro

So if your at a boss and feel like you have no chance you should just die?
Got real spooked once I saw the mention of dragonrot here and have not resurrected even once.

>tfw just backing up your saves right next to the boss areas on steam

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I don't think so. You just can't do their quests.

You can do that on consoles too it is just far more annoying.

>tfw not dying to bosses anyway

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If there is no punishment for using the in combat resurrection, why do they even have the option of dying? Is Myazaki retarded?

Because it gives players a quick option of just going back to the idol if they want to.

>waking up at the idol ruins the world
>but if you just resurrect and still pretty much teleport to idol is a-ok
it's retarded lore-wise and gameplay wise

But since it increases dragonrot wouldn't you want to resurrect anyway and tp home?

Who knew that from the people who made shitty games that only got praise cause of the "get gud" shitters who pride themselves on video games would make another shitty video game

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