Technically speaking, are there any reasons why he couldn't get in?

Technically speaking, are there any reasons why he couldn't get in?

Attached: udgigael12621.jpg (960x540, 52K)

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Really, at the moment he's quite possibly one of the closest to getting in.
>Company that owns him is already involved.
>This year is the 20th anniversary of the anime that made his franchise famous as well as the first installment of it's mainline console series (Digimon World).
>The legendary "Pokemon Vs. Digimon" rivalry.
>Would fit the whole "Established characters rivals" group IE Sonic, Megaman, Cloud etc.

gamefreak has sakurai on a leash and wouldn't allow digimon in, for they are a competitor

>This year is the release of his next console game Digimon Survive

>for they are a competitor
Not too sure about that

But the competitors of various established characters' IPs (Sonic, Cloud, Joker etc.) are already in.

/vp/ fears masuda for a fucking reason

Attached: masuda.png (336x418, 236K)

if masuda had his way on everything, this would be your pokemon roster in smash:

You do realize that in every game since Brawl we've gotten a shillmon for the newest generation, right? Especially those that Masuda likes, and Masuda fucking loves Incineroar.

i don't see based roar on that list, user.

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nice outdated article lol
this was said to fans at a meeting after USUM was revealed

Attached: masudu.png (1089x433, 37K)

If we're getting Digimon then I want this guy over another fire lizard

Attached: 300px-Terriermon2.jpg (300x225, 18K)

Personally, I'd rather have WarGreymon seeing he'd be more unique, but Agumon is the series mascot and not using him is like not using Pikachu for Pokemon or Ryu for Street Fighter.
Hell, the reason Cloud got in over other Final Fantasy protags is because he's essentially the "face" of the RPG/JRPG genre.

>a literal who on twitter said it, so it must be true!
when will smashfags ever learn?

Attached: EF507AE3-F27C-4012-9EF6-4DCBC18EC934.png (307x279, 116K)

i really want beelzemon in smash, but there's no way any other digimon would get in before agumon. that would be like if mighty got into brawl instead of sonic.

He'd probably be the third choice after Omegamon.

>Really, at the moment he's quite possibly one of the closest to getting in.
You aren't actually this delusional are you?

And those pics are noice

I mean digimon games have always been hit or miss and most people attribute the series as an anime rather than the games
So if a digirep did get in, the amount of retards begging for goku will skyrocket even harder than they are now

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And even if we did get another Digimon, it would likely be Gabumon in Smash 6 with Tails, Eggman, Shadow and Squall

Hell yah edgelords rise up

Let's see here:
>Company not involved yet
>Disney copyright on his ass
>Company not involved yet

Except goku isn’t vidya games
So it doesn’t matter how much smashfags cry about it

To be fair,
i doubt Gokufags know about the v-pets, so they'd think an anime character made it in.

Bandi namco also developed Poken so obviously they are very close to them lately anyone who thinks they aren’t getting another character is actually retarded I’m sure they helped on other Nintendo ips besides smash to lately
Why not digimon is a long time series that’s still going and they would fit perfectly in

Did you even read what I wrote you trog
Most people think digimon started as an anime and the games were based off it
Getting a rep from digimon would just encourage goku begging shit even harder

Attached: n.jpg (955x424, 80K)

I don’t think anyone actually thinks of digimon as an anime first people probably view it the same as Pokémon where it’s more of a tie in

What if they base Agumon on the games?

Except most people don’t see it as an anime first same with things like yugioh where it first I think started as a manga but everyone just thinks of the card game first

>I don’t think anyone actually thinks of digimon as an anime first
Well you think wrong, most people don't know much about Digimon besides the first anime, so naturally they wouldn't know where it originated.

Oh :/ I always thought people viewed it as a counterpart to Pokémon
Were it was the games first anime second

I too am digital, my fellow digimans.
haha let us C++ together.

Attached: Normal-Porygon-Family.png (440x304, 86K)

Does anyone else see them as retarded ducks?

Never touched a digimon game. What can agumon do without digivolving, fire attacks and claws?

if they did add a second digimon, beelzemon would actually have a great chance because he's popular in japan and a fan favorite. it would probably be between him, dukemon and alphamon for that spot:

it's a canon fakemon

Attached: 726402091bf5003a95c1ed5435a6ffb3.jpg (1280x1753, 386K)

He's irrelevant and ugly. In fact all monsters from that shitty series are. At least Pokemon has some good designs

>Would fit the whole "Established characters rivals" group IE Sonic, Megaman, Cloud etc.
Digimon rivaling who ? Pokemon ?
You don't really believe that right ?

pokemon will NEVER EVER have an official crossover with digimon

We'd sooner see Dig Dug than Agumon

Terriermon is the secondary mascot though.

Pokemania hasn't been a thing for 20 years now, and Pokemon designs have been consistently trash since gen 3.

Attached: MetalGreymon_(Virus)_b.jpg (320x320, 76K)

That just looks like fan art to me


it is, but Porygon is in fact considered outdated and common, yet the only place to get them is by gambling in Rocket's establishment. He's a literal scam.

>t. Pokeshitter
Actually false
Pokémon designs have looked like shit sense gen 4 actually 80% of designs suck or meh and the Pokémon are useless

This is a Digimon.

Attached: 1553435933881.png (1280x800, 675K)


is that a motherfucking gorilla arm dragon?

it's belphemon.

tri attack is breddy good so, I agree, but 9999 coins?
Come on bro.

whoops, forgot the picture.

Attached: E4070E7F-7C21-40F3-8FB6-7793DAF8CB9D.jpg (1280x720, 56K)

so, a gorilla arm dragon

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No you fag

Attached: belph.jpg (578x490, 108K)

Why are u looking at its ass

>they can’t get 9999 coins at the game counter
Pfftttt imagine being so dumb

digimon hasnt been a competitor for over a decade

God those designs suck especially the last one the colours make it look like a kids toy

>durr the arms are monstrously large that means its copying these specific pokemon
the absolute stupidity of pokefags

I love Lugoa but it's still a gorilla arm dragon

Attached: 1200px-249Lugia.png (1200x1200, 411K)

nobody even implied what you said, moron.

belphemon isn't a dragon at all, he's a weird goat/bear hybrid.

>"is that a motherfucking gorilla arm dragon?"
>"so, a gorilla arm dragon"
at least own up to your stupidity, retard

it's a meme you dip

keep crying

it's a meme that makes no sense when the digimon in question isn't even a dragon.

you got memed, chum

Lugia wasn’t in that pic
But yah lugia is definitely in the top 10 best designed pokemon and definitely top 4 for legendary
Gen 2 has the most good designs from one gen out of all the gens

Why aren't u?

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breloom best boy

Attached: Klc4r7FL_400x400.png (400x400, 186K)

For me it’s lanturn
Also Rain Dance, Thunder, Surf
Top moveset

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>Technically speaking
On a technical level there is no reason you can't have literally any character in the entire universe appear in the game, you illiterate muppet.
The real question a cultural or legal aspect.

Spore, Giga Drain, Leech Seed, Mach Punch

Pretty much yeah, if he got added to smash he'd almost definitely be able to digivolve as some kind of install with B.

lol this coming from the same guy who never learned to use more than the same reaction pics of Incineroar just to try to make people mad

I'd rather have Wargreymon or Omegamon, desu.
>inb4 "he should digivolve during matches"
too much effort

FUCK this guy. I was a Pokémon fan before I could read and I have knowledge of fucking everything before the last gen or two but its this asshole absolutely fucking up the franchise that had me disown Pokémon entirely. I actually hope he fucks up and gets banned from video game making ever again.
AND I hate his teeth SO fucking MUCH