>Banning most of your last remaining streamers and raiders
>Banning most of your last remaining streamers and raiders
Other urls found in this thread:
Anybody still playing wow is such a pathetic subhuman (like MethodJosh) that they will never actually quit.
Theyll just be back next month
IIRC those idiots exploited some bugs which involved exp-potions and something about cauldrons, soo it was really their own fault.
Bug-using has always been a bannable offense in every Blizzard game to date, I remember when half my guild got banned for exploiting a WQ back in Legion for AP, every one got a 1-3 day ban.
Fuck WoW btw, those people who still cling to it deserve all the shit that's coming to them.
Blizzard banned guys like Preach for 31 days and banned them from future Blizz competitions for using an exploit
>and still making a ton of money
Yea Forums BTFO
>blizzard fucks up and makes the buff from an XP increasing potion stackable
>people chug 50 potions at once, stack the buff 50 times, get from level 1-120 in under an hour
>blizzard gives these people 50 hour bans
>these 50 hour bans result in a bunch of people getting DQ'd from their mythic dungeon invitational because after getting a 48 hour ban you become ineligible to compete
>cue the salty tears
basically they made potion that gives 10% more xp and it stacked. instead admitting they fucked up simple code they banned every user lol
Using exploits has always been bannable, they fucked up by letting it stay in for 2 days
If you cared about getting into whatever bullshit this invitational thing is, you should have the fucking brains to realize that you shouldn't fuck with obvious exploits. Seems like a slap on the wrist tho seeing how you could've grinded out several alts with the trick. They're banned for less time than it would've taken to level 2 alts. It's a win.
You lose alpha access and shit too in future
>using a potion more than once
u wot
no one told them it shouldn't work like this
Unless the potion says (does not stack) in it's description you shouldn't punish the players and even then you're the ones who fucked up.
Oh look it's another World of Big Pauldron Warhammer Ripoff Gypsy Kitsch Turbofolk Aesthetic game thread.
Stop being willfully ignorant, making sure you split the stacks to be individual potions, then stacking it to +10000% exp is obviously a fucking bug
then fucking fix it, it's on you, you dip
i started in a new league in poe and there was a wrong dropsize of silver coins in one of the new "rooms" of the new mechanic, i got 80+ coins where i should've gotten 10.
they patched it after a day, nobody got banned. blizzard is just incompetent.
>free weekend
>check bnet
>not a single soul is playing
Sure they fucked up by not fixing it faster, but don't try play the "good boy dindu noffin" card. People knew they were using an exploit, even Preach admits that when he streamed it
Imagine getting buttmad people level alts faster just to get to your shitty gear treadmill right away anyway. How petty do must they be when it's their fault in the first place.
>don't try play the "good boy dindu noffin" card.
but i'm not. it's still on you though, you fucked up your code. you take responsibility.
>IIRC those idiots exploited some bugs which involved exp-potions and something about cauldrons,
that's the thing. People got banned for the exp pots (which has no effect except Blizzard selling fewer level boosts), but NOT the cauldron exploit (which destroys server economies by devaluing the only profession that's actually worth the time investment). The problem isn't them banning people, it's banning people on a retarded and inconsistent basis
how do you know that not being able to use multiple potions when they are stacked isnt the bug?
Nobody cares about the raiding scene since Dragon Soul, that's why method has gotten every single first kill since then, real competition left the game and the eternal 3rd place Method finally won something when it didn't matter anymore
>50 hour bans
people got banned for up to a month though
i always said they were going to bring up classic servers when retail is dying
Whatever happened to Nihilum/Ensidia?
the ban times were very inconsistent, some people got 31 days and some got 2 or 7.
Because as everybody who used the bug knew, stacking +infinity % exp isn't likely
Show me one potion in the game that stacks like that.
Disbanded after firelands, burned out of the game and stacking alts and putting insane hours into the game became the way of winning instead of just being better.
I was actually a trial there when it disbanded actually.
>Nobody cares about the raiding scene since Dragon Soul,
The race to the world first for Ulduar and Dazar'Alor had an absurd amount of viewership.
People who streamed it or told others how to do it got hit harder.
What the fuck?
People abused stackable buffs all the time in other expansions and vanilla without bans
Justin Bieber has a lot of viewership too, doesn't mean it isn't trash.
Most current wow viewers started playing in MoP and that's already a stretch, they don't even know how a real race looks like.
Those were bots user
its not like they need them, wow makes most of its profit off of services like race/faction changes and mounts/cosmetics shop from their casual "collector" playerbase
>Justin Bieber has a lot of viewership too, doesn't mean it isn't trash.
That's fine and dandy but it's got nothing to do with what either of us were talking about. I didn't mention the quality of anything, but coverage which it did have a lot of. Glad you agree.
>you should have the fucking brains to realize that you shouldn't fuck with obvious exploits
This is one of the biggest problems with modern generations. They have no concept of consequences., they think they can do what they want and then they are surprised when they are punished.
Imagine having Lore as a community manager
Weird to think they're long gone.
Blizzard has been banning from exploits like this one since fucking vanilla.
It's very easy to see what's intended or not, and if you doubt, it isn't, also you could always ask a GM first if you were so sure "it's done all the time!!"
If this was vanilla or TBC, ok, but complaining about exploit bans after a fucking decade knowing how it works is pathetic as fuck.
Back when Ulduar was released, you could pull flame leviathan out of his box and it'd become a free encounter, back then we already knew this shit, spoke to a GM and indeed over 30 guilds got banned next reset for killing it on hard mode, they all acted surprised or annoyed like you're now, any non retard knew what not to do.
Honestly, using exploits shouldn't be banneable unless it actively harms other players (like the warsong flag glitch and such). At best you remove whatever items the player got through those means, but why the fuck are you punishing players for something you fucked up as a developer?
This is hardly a new practice or noteworthy compared to shit people were banned in the past for.
it fucking sucks. hes a fat pece of shit that's terrible at his job
>I have such a weak mind and morale that the slightest mistake from your part will make me cheat to the max
What about reporting the bug and not doing it?
I haven't played retail in like 5 years and this thread is exactly the same as every other thread about retards thinking they would get a cheating pass because blizzard did a mistake, and we've had this for more than a decade, stupid mong, it's even in their ToS if you're a fucking newfag to the game.
who gives a heck!!!
we're going home brehs
Remember when EXP pots was actually in-game and then they removed it when they introduced level boosts?
>Banning most of your last remaining streamers and raiders
what happened
:crab: JOSH IS GONE :crab:
Well deserved imo, and hillarious at the same time. It wasn't more then a few weeks ago they fucked up Island Expedition rewards so some people got 50k worth of AP instead of the intended.
Fixed through a simple rollback. They should just delete the characters who abused the xp-potion bug.
People did a leveling exploit instead of paying 60 dollars to blizzard
people keep thinking vanilla WoW will be some revolution that will bring millions back to World of Warcraft. I'm sorry man, it won't happen.
>getting many of their 110 alts to 120 in like 2-3 hours each instead of 20+ hours each
>we're going to pay a monthly fee for the second time
So excited, you would've saved a thousand dollars had you not been playing WoW. No game is worth so much money
Blame streamers and e-celeb cancer for hyping it up so much to their zoomer viewers
classic is coming
they banned that smelly virgin? really? lmao bet he must be angry as fuck
>Log in cause free weekend
>Kill dark shamans on my shaman, don't get the set as usual
>Camp huolon on my main
>Log off
I haven't even touched any of the BFA content after hitting 120 on my main, this expansion is fucking worthless to me.
in the last patch they implemented potions that increase stats and experience gain by 10%. It turned out that if you split the potions into seperate stacks and drank them individually, the buff would stack. A bunch of people abused this bug to level characters and after 3 or 4 days of it (including two major WoW ecelebs streaming themselves doing it) Blizz banned everyone who used the bug for random amounts of time ranging from 2 days to over a month
Blizzard has always been ban crazy when it comes to getting anything positive. Bug that prevents an entire class from doing their advertised damage? Fixed in the next expansion. Bug that gives twice as much experience in dungeons? Fixed within 24 hours and ban everyone that even walked into a dungeon during the exploit.
they are just riding the money train and once it all crumbles, they will move on to the next free money hype bullshit. people who watch/follow and give money to streamers are the ultimate retards
it was 1-120 in 2-3 hours as any non noob can get 110 to 120 in even less hours now ya fucking mutt.
>silver-coin-kun is back and is shitting up a wow thread
I missed you
I don't think it's random, the ones that did it on stream always got it the worst.
>I don't think it's random,
from what I've seen it seems pretty random. People who streamed it got banned the longest, but outside of that there doesn't seem to be any correlation between how much people abused the bug and how long they got banned
Probably banned. He used it on stream.
He's away for the weekend, so we'll see when he returns.
More OSRS then.
You’re using this word wrong. Look up “moral”. You Stupid mong.
>Game already dying in rapid pace
>lets ban some people who were having fun and not hurting anyone
lmao that must be some good advertisement for your dead game blizz
am I the only fucker who things WoW is so out of date now, that we need a new MMO from blizzard? They keep riding the free money from WoW instead of doing anything innovating. WoWs engine is such out of date garbage and people don't realize it.
>that we need a new MMO from blizzard?
the genre is dead tho
Its not that its hurting anyone that yielded the ban, it was the fact it means blizzard was losing those 60 dollar shekels from a glitch they fucked up on
>tfw you used to kill that rare elite mob in Pandaria and farm EXP pots
>could legitimate level up to max level in a few hours
>they then removed the EXP pots when they introduced the cash shop level boosts
I abused the potions as well but didn't get banned
>mfw they lost 60 dollar boosts AND a ton of subs from this
lmao good job blizz
you are a retarded dicksucker if you want current blizzard to make another mmo for you to sink money in
WoWs engine is honestly great.
I have yet to play another MMO where shit is this fluid and features are this fleshed out.
Everything is responsive and works as it should.
I just cant be fucked to play it anymore. The whole endgame structure doesnt interest me after so many years.
Cauldron exploit is likely intentional because it makes it harder for players to earn gold meaning they cant afford to buy tokens as frequently.
Companies like Actiblizz and EA have a metric equation which tells them the precise point which a player will quit due to unfair gameplay and they develop games at the level right below it.
>Companies like Actiblizz and EA have a metric equation which tells them the precise point which a player will quit due to unfair gameplay and they develop games at the level right below it.
If they have such metric how come they manage to fuck the game up so much it lost a vast majority of the playerbase?
>from blizzard
The same bug was active for most of the legion on some obscure zone only potions. Blizzard is just lazy
it won't be the same, classic wow was unique because of the spirit of the age and the community. In 2019 it won't be anything more than an outdated, soulless game that you have already played.
we pay that fee to keep poorfags out. Classic wow is for those of an aristocratic nature. Stay away you peasant.
Player base doesn't neatly equate to revenue. It's been mentioned before but the sub fee isn't where WoW is making its money. Sure, more players means a higher chance that someone buys something on the market place, but clearly the people playing now are spending enough that Blizzard sees no need to make any radical changes. Ultimately the blame for WoW's declining quality rests solely on the blame of its player base, not Blizzard- they're just doing what a publicly traded company is legally bound to do, maximize profits. Nothing will change until consumers realize the power they have over products.
honestly who cares, they're doing them a favor by not allowing them to play bfa
>Admit in a live Q&A that leveling needs work and no one likes it
>Exploit about leveling faster surfaces
>It didn't affect anyone negatively, all it did was make people's experience more bearable
>Ban them for it
>caring about streamfaggots getting banned
The absolute state of modern """gamers""".
People forgot that WoW is now a sub based MMO, with expansions that cost just as much as a new AAA+ game, got a cash shop, level boosts and on top of it all you can buy gold for real money.
WoW is even more greedy than the most p2w KR MMO's.
What in the god damn are those shoulders
Imagine paying for a 15 year old game
You are incredibly stupid if you think these people have fun. They play WoW because of a habit.
Yes the addiction to this game is real, and its not some fox news article about how I'm going to shoot up a school if I don't get ironfoe.
Let me explain this: you sit in front of your monitor you call out the game so many times, you put a fuckload of effort into bitching about the game, then maybe its time realize that you could put all of that energy instead playing a good game. These people cling on this boring ass mutilated shadow of its former self game and can't let it go, because they feel like they put already way too much effort into it. When a needed item drops they immediately forget about their bashing and go full Söyface and history repeats itself.
"this shit sucks ass blizzard fix it"
>self doubt
"well its not THAT bad, I mean yeah we are just on [insert patch here] things can get better. I need something to justify my retarded ass of playing an awful game, and blizzard promised it'll be better"
>excitement/completely ignoring the previous call out
*söyface* "WOW [Toilet Clogger of the Sargeras] has dropped! I need that!
"well it was not that good, thinking back it was not worth at all, in fact it was fucking shit"
And now back to the start.
The level boosts were in the game about 4 years before they removed the exp pot from that rare.
I don't like blizzard either, but fuck you
mythic Shadow Council Regalia
>it won't be the same, classic wow was unique because of the spirit of the age and the community. In 2019 it won't be anything more than an outdated, soulless game that you have already played.
I love how people say shit like this ignoring private servers exist and have a great feeling
>how like
Kill yourself.
I unsubbed after I cleared uldir the week it came out. Is there any reason to come back yet or is it still only worthwhile to login to raid?
While I agree that private servers have pretty much the same community and feel as retail vanilla and TBC, it's because theyre mostly populated by the same people who were there originally. Retail classic is absolutely going to be full of facebook meming retards.
>le akshually user
fuck off kid
It absolutely is, but it's still filling a demand. There are people willing and happy to pay in to everything on offer, and that's the problem. If a business sees a place where they can turn profit, why the fuck wouldn't they? That's how you grow and succeed. If Blizzard opened the cash shop and no one bought in to it, the landscape would look a lot different. They would have been forced to try something different to turn profit. But they tested the waters and it was a success, so they kept pushing it. Clearly it's still working because they are showing no signs of changing direction any time soon. But again this all comes down to consumer responsibility.
I don't care about the name. What the fuck are they and why do they exist.
>Finally have an easy way of leveling up Allied Race classes after annoying grinds
>Ban people who do so
Only at Blizzard.
they're supposed to look like Gul'dan's weird back spikes
If leveling wasn’t so dull in the first place people wouldn’t do cheat
It’s your own fucking mistake. Fix it and don’t take it out on people who managed to get some befit from it BECAUSE YOU fucked up. I just don’t understand your logic. You are literally punishing people for ‘exploiting’ something that was possible. It’s not like they hacked, it’s not like they cheated.
Pretty much in the same position as you, except I stuck around to clear Heroic Uldir. I don't think there's anything worthwhile in general we haven't seen, no.
truth hurts
Imagine doing the most unfun type of content to get a reskin.
At this point you can't even call out blizzard since everyone who still plays retail is retarded.
cheating should never be given a pass, user.
Engine's fine, art and sound is fine, but the game design and content is completely, ineffably fucked.
>From Blizzard
>Read: from Acti-Blizz
Would replicate the same problems WoW has, except exacerbated by a decade of innovations in nickle-and-diming and timegating customers. I have no faith in "Blizzard" as they exist today to create anything of enduring value.
Hush little goymin, and give us that 60 dollars so we can make the acceptable leveling move a tiny bit quicker
So why is Blizzard still cheating people out of their money?
I watched Dazar Alor and it’s a good raid by what I’ve seen but I want something to do besides raid and grind mythics. That’s boring
So how come it's "an exploit that gives you an unfair advantage" to be able to level up too fast with those potions when you can straight up spend real money to buy a boost to max level. So it's only an exploit if they can't profit from it?
because they love the goblin race the most
because they let them do so.
Seems to be most of what there is. I'm sure there's a bit more "content" in the main storyline by now, but I can't imagine it'd take over a day or two to clear all of it and be back at just the raid/mythic+ grind. There's another mini-raid coming in a few weeks with only two bosses but yeah, I don't think there's a lot else new.
-Roulette Progression
-Static Outerworld
Remove these and WoW is fine
Why can’t we build bases around certain places in Azeroth that contain cool loot that we can raid and shit
Why can’t we have world events with bounties in the old continents?
Why do we still not have divergent dialogue ?
Why do we not have multiple public brawlers guild events around Azeroth?
Why can’t we have some token based rewards and remove titanforging?
Why can’t we make classes fun again and remove the shitty gcd slow ass skill queue change?
Dazar'Alor is good (outside of Jaina, which is one of the worst final bosses in the game) but it's the only thing actually worth doing
WoWfags btfo
Yeah timegated linear autopilot war campaign quests with no payoff are fun
The answer to most of those questions is because Blizzard is too incompetent to even keep a basic level of balance and sometimes to even proofread these new quests before releasing them. Each of these features you are asking for would be something they'd only implement individually, make it the big point of an entire expansion and still fuck it up and only mostly get it right by next expansion, IF it proves it keeps players subbed, not if it's actually fun.
>Why can’t we make classes fun again and remove the shitty gcd slow ass skill queue change?
Because activision was probably getting blizz ready to release WoW on consoles
As someone who hasn't played since Wrath this all sounds like the dumbest bullshit and I know it's only the tip of the iceberg. I recently saw a video of the dumbass farming minigame from MoP which I learned was sharded in a single instance - literally everyone goes to the same single farm and no one sees each other.
I want to fuck that bun.
How good is it compared to Uldir? And how painful is it in PUG life? As in, I know it's always gonna be painful, but is it like Uldir where there's lots of mechanics where you pretty much need voice to coordinate otherwise you'll destroy your team?
Fuck you’re right. They’d be lazy and only put in one of the 5 things that could fix the game and do it half assed if it got people to resub. I’m thinking order halls.
>Preach's wife had to spend 12 months "fixing" his relationship with Blizzard because he was critical of the game direction
Why are they so fucking thin skinned, christ.
>Preach just goes full scorched earth and calls Lore a smug piece of shit
I don't know what you mean by static outer world. Could you clarify?
It's easy as shit
>giving a fuck about raids when I get free gear and the story by doing lfr
>blizzard fucks up
>punishes people that play the game instead of taking responsibility for their actions
>people cheer them on because of schadenfreude
I haven't pugged it at all, but the first few bosses should be fine. Opulence and Blockade are tough because it requires actual team coordination with taking gems and balancing DPS, Mekkatorque is the pug breaker because EVERYONE needs to be on voice comms or the robots will fuck you
Blizz needs to make other forms of content you can progress through while removing the levels of rng in others like raiding and m+.
I want to build tower defense strongholds around plots in Azeroth and can go around the world doing challenges to earn units, buildings, cosmetics, etc.
It would be a big feature but can be like animal crossing and wcIII
Old world that doesn’t evolve or offer engaging content. Hell, it doesn’t even offer one time content at 120 outside of rehashed holidays. Give me a reason to go to Feralas or Howling Fjord aside from the places looking nice
Compare that to FF14 or GW2
>EVERYONE needs to be on voice comms
Oh boy. Because coordinating strangers to all follow instructions wasn't bad enough. If only this game was good enough that I'd stick long term and actually be in a good guild.
Gadzetzan evolving the way it did in Hearthstone would be very nice
What's really amazing is no one new plays the damn thing, it is only still going because of the addicts. MMOs are a dead genre, no one new is picking up this trash. WoW literally lives off the dregs who never kicked it at all the previous points in its history where it was total shit.
>Compare that to FF14 or GW2
terrible fucking examples lmao
Because corporations don't like it when people point out the emperor has no clothing.
I don't know about FF14, but when I play GW2, I sometimes have reasons to visit old content. This is never the case in WoW, unless you want to collect transmogs or some shit.
I understand many of the players want this to be good, yes they need justification and the nostalgia is strong as fuck. The reality is however more complex: the guys who made the game which you people cherish so much are long gone. This is Activision clizzard now, not the blizzard you guys remember.
>Gypsy Kitsch Turbofolk Aesthetic
The fuck are you talking about you loon?
>It's the people playing the game's fault that there are exploits like this to begin with
Nice logic Yea Forums
What this really boils down to is
Good to know where Blizzard's priorities lie. Even after losing a majority of both their fanbase and playerbase they still try and act like arrogant assholes.
>race gets added that isn't just human with x ears
>screamers nearly deafen the internet about wanting a male option for mi'qote 2
>and still no endgame option besides raiding announced yet
FFXIV is better than WoW but it has its own set of problems.
>Zoomers actually surprised that devs punish people that exploit and cheat in MMO's.
>Complain when they ban streamers for exploiting
>Complain when they don't ban streamers for exploiting
Nobody is ever going to make a good mmo ever again.
Why make a good mmo that takes lot of effort and dedicated people when you can have a 15-20 man team make games like hearthstone and make billions in profits.
MMO's are dead because they are "bad" products. Not worth the investment and work
Exploit =/= Cheating
Dumb retarded animeposter.
What's the max amount of concurrent players vanilla WoW pservers had at its peak, 15k? Maybe 20k?
Now reduce that number by taking out all the bots, the multiboxers, and thebpoorfags. What are you left with?
>but boomers who haven't touched pservers will come back
Yeah, and most will quit within 3 months. Classic will be lucky if it breaks 100k on release and have more than 50k three months in.
Zoomer mentality, Jews grew them with no morals.
Why not
I want to play a male bunny
>Except there are tons of good MMO's out and the MMO market is more healthy than it has ever been.
The problem is that WoWfags have not really tried anything other than WoW and still cry there's no games out there.
Just play Mi'qote.
Like poeple on Yea Forums?
>le falseflag king
you have no way of proving this unless you're a time traveler you seething retailcuck
How cucked do you possibly have to be to actually try to defend Blizzard at this point
I used to be a huge Blizzdrone before WoD, but there's literally no excuse how much of a fucking disaster BfA is
>people ask Blizz wether this is a bug or not
>they basically just shrug shoulders
>people use the exploit/feature
>Blizz leaves it in for TWO DAYS
>"yeah, anyone who used this exploit is getting bans, fuck you :)"
It was incredibly poorly communicated and a fucking dick move.
>Every MMO has a pay to advantage cash shop
>Good MMO's
Live in denial idiot
There is no really good mmo on the market
They have maybe one or two aspects that are decent or better than wow, but they are all still shit
is Bfa worse than WoD?
They actually love trolls, which I'll never understand.
>people are genuinely excited for a game they haven't been able to legally play since 2006
>i-i'm mad for no reason!
get fucked
Blizzard has banned people for stuff like this since vanilla, it's even in the ToS, you retard.
>Nobody is ever going to make a good mmo ever again.
We're gonna take 12 steps back this summ.. autu.. winter, hopefully!
Going home, brehs!
By far
>TFW Did the legion prepatch power leveling frenzy on 8 different characters
>TFW Seeing people get banned for equivalent effort but unintended by blizzard
Legion prepatch was a magical even. If it wasn't for my desire to have a max level iron dwarf on moonguard I would never level again.
The only popular MMO other than WoW is FFXIV and that game is literally an even blander WoW clone with weeb aesthetics. ESO is a good game (combat shittery aside), but no one plays it. Everything else is either dead or garbage.
>we need a new MMO from blizzard
Honestly, I would say that it is. WoD was bad, don't get me wrong, but I would rather take time traveling Orcs than the shit we're forced to deal with in BfA regarding the war.
Story wise yes.
Gameplay wise, it's a close tossup.
Ignorance of the law is not a valid defense in court.
>WoW clone with weeb aesthetics
Have you ever taken a look at the aesthetics of WoW even once? WoW looks like a cheap KR cartoony MMO with over the top weapons and armors.
BfA does nothing new, but the stuff they copy pasted from legion still works ok.
Raids are good
m+ is decent
PvP is average
Wod only had decent raids imo
Each night I pray 8.2 sweeps the war under the rug and we just get some surprisingly decent Naga and Old God content.
BfA had the unfortunate circumstance of being the expansion to come out after Legion. Blizzard literally reworked a bunch of specs and classes centered around their artifacts, and then they just took them away with absolutely zero compensation. Some specs were completely fucked over by having their artifacts removed, and Blizzard didn't address them for months. In Legion they were trying to say to bring the player, not the spec, only to do a complete 180 heel turn and say that people should bring the class, not the player.
Blizzard cannot for the life of them write a war story involving the Horde and the Alliance, so they honestly need to quit trying. They will never be able to give one faction an edge over the other because of the playerbases and their whining. The Horde war campaign is quite literally the most pointless shit ever, where we steal some magic bullshit wand over the course of an entire questline, only for the Alliance to steal it back in 5 seconds. It's seriously like there's no proofreaders for any of their fucking bullshit.
theyre probably saving it for the next epac.
WoW died when blizz realized they could just stop updating expansions after a year and then charge a fresh $60 for the new one.
Look at WoD, Legion, and now Bofa.
Can't make people buy $60 level 110 boosts if they can level up a character in under an hour
>BfA had the unfortunate circumstance of being the expansion to come out after Legion. Blizzard literally reworked a bunch of specs and classes centered around their artifacts, and then they just took them away with absolutely zero compensation. Some specs were completely fucked over by having their artifacts removed, and Blizzard didn't address them for months. In Legion they were trying to say to bring the player, not the spec, only to do a complete 180 heel turn and say that people should bring the class, not the player.
Imagine unironically defending artifacts
>tfw also used to be a huge blizzdrone
>mfw seeing what they've become
It's undefendable. It is completely and utterly undefendable.
It's even worse than that. People running around with angel wings like in Korean F2Ps, yuck.
Now come one, I'm pretty sure the only angel wings are a temporary combat animation for paladins.
Recently started playing (as a prot warrior because tanks are always in demand) and I can't get kills on my fucking quest mobs because there are so many players leveling. How is this game dead?
The genuine sad part is this is honestly what the issue is/was. It wasn't that people found a fast way to level after Blizzard intentionally made it slower. They're really desperate for people to get tired of leveling and then buy a boost. Activision is desperate to milk them for every single penny before the well's dried up.
It's just sad. I can remember when WoW was literally the only thing I thought about, and how invested I got into the world and lore and how big it used to seem to me. MoP was the last time I truly, genuinely cared about WoW, and after that it's just been a complete mess. It seems so unreal just how bad it's gotten. It hurts my soul.
Not the goddamn point you fucking stupid faggot.
blizzard out of date now and won't be able to bring anything good ever again
Ridiculous how much I genuinely miss MoP.
Private servers usually have a community, you go ahead and enjoy your classic wow with retail players bro.
>Imagine selling heritage armors as extensive content
Do keep in mind it's a free weekend. Try it next week and see how full leveling zones are.
He was probably referring to the darkmoon faire ones
It's an effect that lasts for 45min
>Blizzard cannot for the life of them write a war story involving the Horde and the Alliance, so they honestly need to quit trying. They will never be able to give one faction an edge over the other because of the playerbases and their whining. The Horde war campaign is quite literally the most pointless shit ever, where we steal some magic bullshit wand over the course of an entire questline, only for the Alliance to steal it back in 5 seconds. It's seriously like there's no proofreaders for any of their fucking bullshit.
The problem is that writters are walking stereotypes about Human players (aka most uncreative people) + californian views on "how protag should".
>Blizzard intentionally made it slower
Hold the phone. People are literally crying about vanilla and how leveling took time, how you couldn't pull more than 2 mobs bla bla and now that leveling is kinda slow, it sucks?
I know it's the free weekend, but I also think that people are not realistic about how many players are playing the game, the game is certainly not dead.
>TFW Starcraft 2 Nova was a more interesting story than BFA
Turns out making the good characters into angry assholes and having a villain that embraces being a saturday morning cartoon makes a better story than BFA's sterile stereotypes.
It was the last time Blizzard actually put genuine effort into WoW, but sadly people gave them shit for it because "lol kung fu panda xd" so they took the Pokemon route and decided to try and pander to nostalgiafags with WoD, and sure enough they saw results, but they had no way of keeping said results, so interest dropped off immediately.
>californian views on "how protag should"
People who live in California fail to understand that the entire world doesn't function like their state
This is the reason why the people in California are some of the worst people you will ever meet in your life
>people are not realistic
Shut the fuck up, shill. The game is dead and the only reason you may see people is because of cross-server bullshit.
>Make leveling shit
>Introduce level boosts, remove exp potions
>Make leveling EVEN WORSE
>Ban players who find any way to make it bearable rather than giving daddy Blizzard another full price AAA game in money.
Blow your brains out you faggot shill.
"Dead" may be an overstatement, but you can clearly tell it's suffering a slow death at this point with declining interest.
I unironically think that Game of Thrones is the worst thing to happen to western fantasy storytelling. Now everyone feels the need to pointlessly kill off their characters for shock value, but in Blizzard's case, they don't bother actually replacing any of the characters they kill off, so we're just left with a bunch of characters with almost zero development.
>WoD is rehashed BC
>Broken Islands are rehashed Tauren, Rehashed Demons, Rehashed Vrykul, Rehashed Elfzones
>BfA is Rehashed Gilneas, Rehashed Theramore, Rehashed Trollshit, Rehashed Silithus, and Rehashed Swamp of Sorrows
Oh my god, you're right. There hasn't been even a single original zone since Timeless Isle.
I miss it so much.
It's such a shame that players were sperging about it non stop.
Easily my favourite expansion.
It was so charming and lovely, it really felt like they cared about it that time.
All those people who complained abound pandas that time don't even play this game these days most likely.
The second largest mmo on the market at its peak had 750k players, it now has about 500k. And somehow Wow is dead? I mean, you can tell yourself that, but it's objectively not dead.
wow look at the edge on this one
The only major issues the expansion had were the 13 months of SoO and the daily grind, other than that it was a great expansion filled with a bunch of neat characters, interesting lore, and awesome environments. The stuff with the Sha and the Thunder King were legitimately fantastic.
>MoP pvp
Crafter player here, Warcraft has been shit since pandaria.
Why can't we get pandaren cooking again? That was literally the best in the game. It was so good players tolerated doing the farm dailies and halfhill was the most comfy town in the game
The story in and lore in MoP is the only good addition they've ever done to the WoW universe.
You're a fucking idiot. Part of gaming is understanding game mechanics. If a mechanic makes it into the game then it is part of the game. This is all on Blizzard making a shitty product and then blaming players for their mistakes. Where was the testing? Where was the quality check?
They're making the players the whipping boy for their incompetence.
Honestly my favorite thing to do was leveling for pvp, wanted a max character of each class/race for both factions.
It was easy enough in legion and didn't feel like to much of a slog but in bfa I only got 3 characters to 120 before I couldn't stand it, tried pvp on each of them and just couldn't get into it again. Haven't given them money in quite awhile at this point. Probably going to ask my friend who fucks with the ah on our server to buy me next expac and some time and just give him money when I see him irl so I don't have to pay blizz.
It was great in many aspects.
I also really like monk class.
The game has become a shell of its former self and keeps becoming more and more casualized. It would have a lot more subs, like FFXIV, if it was fun to play. You are going to have people that continue to play until its last dying breathe. Sunk cost fallacy is a thing.
Same here dude. I used to be a gigantic lorefag, I loved MoP to death for doing something new and fresh with an already get setting. Now it's just ran into the ground, completely fucked. I haven't found a fantasy world yet that fills the void Warcraft left and I don't think I ever will.
Agreed. MoP has some of my favorite environments and characters.
Female Pandaren are also top tier
>MoP was the last time when classes were allowed to be fun and not extremely streamlined.
Just check out Warhammer fantasy, Warcraft got nothing on it.
the only thing BfA has over WoD is it being the south seas expansion people wanted for years. but they fucked that up so it hurts even more. there's so much soul put into zandalar but then they fuck that up too with shitty storytelling and killing the king for yet another stronk female lead that came from nowhere.
Californian here, we don't like them either.
u wot? that's the first time i posted in a wow thread in years
I've tried and I hate Warhammer fantasy, grimdark shit isn't interesting enough for me to get invested in.
never mess with my bottom line ever again paypiggies
lmao blizzcucks could get banned for a year. they'd bitch on a forum, make a new account, boost every class for every faction, and ask for more subraces to do it all over again.
enough of this shit. full libertarian policy is needed. if you're bad with money, the govt should step in and jail you.
The worst part about newer WoW lore is the more you sink your teeth into it the more you realize all the characters are absolute fucking retards that are obviously controlled to fit the game which has really killed lore for me and I was a huge lore faggot.
I know this has always been the case but the newer expacs make it really obvious, ESPECIALLY BfA which even amateur writers could write a better story.
FF14 does not have a lot of subs, 500k is not a lot. FF14 is still kinda alive only because of glamsluts, erp and housing. Its patch cycles literally revolve around casual pve content and new glam. 90% of the playerbase does not raid, they just afk in cities, take pretty screenshots and spends dozens of millions of dollars on race change potions.
WoW is the one dying, not FFXIV. Stop trying to defend your shitty sinking ship by trying to make FFXIV the problem.
I'm shocked 3 characters was doable in BFA for you. I could only stand legion's leveling 3 times, but BFA I was fucking tired of it before I finished one.
WoW won't suddenly just die because of brand recognition at this point, but it's slow demise will be worse for Blizzard than if it just suddenly collapsed. They're in the habit now of responding to criticism of a thing by either: Charging you to bypass the thing or not giving a shit if they can't. Modern Blizzard are so creatively bankrupt they couldn't revamp leveling if they wanted to, but they have a $60 incentive per character to make leveling a slog.
>mfw reading lore on Kael'thas and I get to the TBC section where he becomes a raid boss and irrevocably evil out of fucking nowhere
It hurts so much. WoW should have never happened.
>use expliot
>Get banned
>Blizzards fault
They're both objectively shit MMOs based on tab targeting, tiered raid releases, and an endless gear treadmill. There are so many better video games out right now that respect your time, your attention, better than any MMO on the market.
Well yeah because in BfA we have obvious protag as Alliance (who literally babysitted and protected from acting bad in even little moments, like one of invasion quest in Vol'Dun or Genn quote to Rastakhan) who is goodly good who can do no wrong, But absolute teethless, literally even after great victory over the Horde and Zandalari trolls they wouldn't stop mumbling about "we must always be goodly one, let zandalari mourn their king" (despite back in Battle for lordaeron their leadership claimed that they are goind to finish this war ASAF and once and for all).
Horde on the other side, not allowed to touch Alliance plot-armor, so they will spend all possibilities to win the war and instead will act like saturday cartoon villains, but without going full villains and rebelling in the half of the expac
Keep licking those boots
They banned them for the exp pot exploit because that's people circumventing using the store for quick leveling.
I wish I was being sarcastic, but it's likely their thought process.
Any released this decade?
XIV is dying. Sorry you had to hear it here lad
>It's technically possible so I must do it
MMOS are dead and never coming back. They were conceived during an early period of the internet when it was practically the only way to have an online experience. Even Facebook wasn't around so it served as a community too. Now almost every game has an online component, and there are thousands of online communities. This is why WoW's dying, and it has nothing to do with whatever ideas vanillafags have come up with. If vanillafags don't accept this, the failure of Classic is going to sucker punch them a couple months after release.
I honestly still love WoW, but I'm only interested in the PvP. It's abaolute bullshit that you can't gear up through it like you used to. You need a high arena rank to get good drops, but if you aren't geared, you'll just get shit on. Wish you could grind BGs like in the old days.
ff14 is not the problem. The problem is that people shill ff14 as some mega fucking successful mmo while Wow is played by 5 people. Meanwhile, ff14 players are busy arguing about the devs not implementing a male rabbit race into the game, the thread has more than 400 pages. Also meanwhile, there are 100k players on the EU datacenter and only 200 people interested in raiding.
Assign any random 20 games from the last 10 years (Ones that got say 80+ on Metacritic just to filter out shovelware) to a dart board and you'll have about 90% chance of hitting a better game than WoW on any dart toss.
MMO's are more popular and healthy than ever before...
The MMO market is not = WoW
>tfw uninstalled last week
the world is so beautiful bros
keep on gobbling that corporate cock
>How dare they ban my favorite e-celeb for exploiting the game which has been a bannable offence since the start!
I dont play WoW. I just think you're a faggot. I literally was so disgusted by you I came in this thread for just that reason. To let you know of your faggotry
>click a potion in your bag a few times
>get banned
Cool, kys.
>y-you are supposed to exploit the system like our jew overlords and niggers on welfare
Fucking zoomers m8.
You mean:
>Split your potion into seperate stacks (only 1 stack only)
>Click each individual potion 1 time
>get 500% XP
>click in a video game
>get banned
>First raid of expansion
>about 50 guilds raiding in mythic on my realm
>Second raid of expansion
>about 20 guilds raiding and the ones that have cleared the raid have disbanded
The game is fucking dead. All the small to medium realms are dying out.
>ban drone cucks
>they buy more accounts while apologizing for your mistakes
>make profits, feel better about yourself
exploiting bugs has been a bannable offense forever in WoW, but only true retards would be dumb enough to do it on Stream.
>casually aim the liquor shop owner with your gun and point a empty bag
>get arrested
WTF the police is racist!
God, Prot Warrior was so fucking fun. Shield Slam hit so hard it obliterated anything it hit.
this is nothing new really the realm merge happened because the game was on steady decline. If it remained the same it would be even more barren.
>Casually walk into a mosque and shoot down some people
>get arrested
WTF I didn't even do anything.a
>Game is declining at the fastest rate ever
>Ion still won't lift a finger
Is he an insider trying to kill the game for good to release us all?
Appearently the game is the most popular sub based MMO that makes millions and millions each month, yet there's barely any content added for the game ever or changes.
Even f2p games with thousands of players get more content and updates than this.
How are people ok with this? What's the point of paying a sub if the game does not even frequently get updated?
How about if you ask a cop if it's legal for you to do something, he doesn't respond, then watches you do it for days before moving to stop you?
WoW-drones only play WoW, they are too deep in the sunk cost fallacy to change games or quit.
For other games, is basically a dead/niche genre right now, so they, at best, get subs numbers similar to pre-WoW MMORPGs.
It's pretty sad how leveling only exists in WoW for the sake of selling boosts as 99% of the content in that game is to be found at endgame.
But they never "asked the cop". In fact they knew it was wrong and yet streamed it. Like some retarded zoomers doing something illegal and uploading it to some social network.
MMO's are more healthy and alive than ever before...never before has there been this many MMO's pulling big numbers
>free weekend
>realize bnet and WoW aren't installed
>don't install either
Playing WoW feels so much more like a chore than it is a game anymore anyways.
People were asking Blizzard about this bug for days and got no response. Blizzard knew about it and did nothing until they decided otherwise. In the past if an exploit arose and they knew about it they would warn the community not to abuse it before it was fixed.