>Buggy as fuck
>Devs not given enough time so had to pad with combat
>Stellar gameplay and story for first bit
>Atmospheric as hell
>Made before outrage culture so plenty of off-color humor and nobody cared
>Swedish publisher
>Set in Seattle
>Means no Tourette, No Jack, No VV, No Deb of Night
>Probably start as a freelance blogging barista and his banjitar trio
>Blue-hairs on dev team
>Mental-illness-haircuts on dev team
>Devs can only mention one new mechanic which sounds gimmicky as hell
>Can't even answer simple "will maps be bigger" questions
>"Buy this Jeanette costume, pervs"
Fuck me. Let me preorder twice.
what qualifies as a mental illness haircut
Take a look at some crazy garbage-fire twitter profiles. They'll have them. You'll know it when you see it. Basically all of White wolf has turned into these people in the past couple years.
The only good part of this is we get Brian Mitsoda back. Let's hope he's not just there for the name.
I think you are the one with mental illness.
Ok, then look in a mirror. You probably have it too.
worth $60 just for that smug look on those bazoombas..
People like you are cringy faggots, go hang yourself because you're never going to be anything but miserable.
If you were Christina Hendricks would you be speaking to your lawyers?
literally me
Is there any info on the voice actor cast? I feel like this is what will make or break the game.
Don't be homophobic, cis scum. This game is not for you.
The only cringe here is the self insert tier garbage writing that this game is going to have. Comparing the writers and their philosophy to the people at Troika is going to be an interesting experience.
She's so... big
I don't like it.
The rebellious teenager phase of haircut except applied to supposed grown ups.
One of these
to be like, entirely fucking fair to white wolf they have always been this way, and you would know this if you ever enjoyed the dumpsterfire that was their rpgs - nevermind that nearly all of them are centered around and deal with the themes of those on the fringes of culture and all the joyous themes that shit brings.
i would be more concerned with the fact that it's fucking paradox, creators of such stellar games like stellaris - which is STILL FUCKING FUNDAMENTALLY BROKEN DESPITE YEARS OF DEV TIME, POST-RELEASE PATCHES AND SEVERAL DLCS TO FEED THEM INCOME
If comics trends is anything to go by the game will have:
>All women are friends or begrudgingly admire each other trope
>Discussing something over cheesecake at a bistro trope
>Women routinely upstage men physically trope
>All men are incompetent or corrupt trope
>Plucky rebels are led by a woman in a headscarf while the establishment is another LaCroix.
Unironically siding with the Camarilla on this one...oh wait I can't because it's the new edition now.
>2 separate gender sliders
>cara ellison's past work includes the artistic study of dickpicks and dicks in videogames
Yeah it's going to be a masterpiece. A masterpiece dumpster-fire, that is.
Shouldn't have opened it.
>and you would know this if
Good gatekeeping. They were fine during VtM: The Masquerade.Something happened leading in to Requiem.
Fuck off faggot
Paradox is only publishing Bloodlines 2
Die cis scum
is there a spoiler-free detailed rundown on the different ranks of different skills? like "at 4/5 stealth you can do this, at 5/5 stealth you can do *this*"? I'm talking about the first game btw
it amuses me that you want a sequel 15 years later to be set in the same city with the same characters
DLC out the ass
from her writing about the original and her interviews about this new one, Ellison mainly seems interested in adding sexy vampire boys to match the sexy vampire girls.
It amuses me that you got so annoyed with it that you needed to cook up a strawman in order to attack the point.
Could you make a lesbian vampire chick in the original?
>sexy vampire girls
tbf, sexy vampire girls need to go. Women should not be objectified. It's 2019.
Jack is dead.
i wish i were a big breast vampire bullying mortal chestlets
Yes. Not much point, though.
>Swedish women
never ever
yeah females could sleep with Jeanette
i laughed at that guy soon as i saw the trailer and stopping looking at the boobs for 30 sec.
That shit eating grin is fantastic.
I hope the devs include both these characters and that this guy just sits there playing piano and never says anything and just snarls and grins like this as you get quests from big tittay momma
Phew. I'm glad. We can't have interesting male characters.
Indeed, that's a very logical conclusion to make. Totally. Just her self-inserted faggotry, yep.
Her boobs are way too big. Its unattractive.
Yes. The giovanni chick will call you a dyke if you flirt with her. I wonder if we can expect something similar in the sequel.
i honestly think that guy on the ferris wheel is becket, i think the bald guy might be daddy voreman.
I know the canon is that tourrette killed him, but consider the source of that info, tourrette herself. he might not actually be dead.
my first association as well
sjw game
Holy shit this game is going to be such a dumpster fire. Great year ahead.
No I'm not a fag. Just incel.
Whitwolf has always consisted entirely of cringy left wing hipster faggots and if you ever played any of their RPGs from back then you would know.
Nonono mate. You're supposed to muh dik on literally every hint of tit, didn't you know? Fuck form and shape, fat is where it's at! We niggers now!
>tfw no sexually frustrated and overcompensating chestlet gf
I don't understand what you find objectionable about this.
What clan, bros?
whichever one lets me hunt fags and trannies
They're both new characters.
You'd have to be a genuine retard to think they're going to use Therese again, and they certainly aren't going to use her father.
>The left never changes
Imagine trying to release the original VtM today. Imagine what the gamerpress would say about it.
People get to have opinions but some time during the past 5-6 years we went over a cliff of insanity.
>being this desperate
You're going to have to work hard to get one from me, autist ;)
>old clans
I have bad news for you...
"sorry sir, I didn't see you there."
Tremere anarch if based on v5 and I can get a at pagan witch ghoul or pro Camarilla Ventrue if not
Nosferatu>Gangrel>Malks>Tzimisce>everyone else>Tremere
you forgot character pronouns
are you unaware of the existence of v5 which negates nuWoD?
Who is that on the left?
Salubri or bust
I stopped paying attention to anything WW did after Requiem was such a colossal fuckup. Ruined the game for me so my group just stuck with Masquerade and ignored them.
>Tremere that low
>have to side with the toreadors again for that milkers
She's the model for it, smart guy
yeah that's going to suck
those milkers though
Fucks sake please post more
Go home Bertram
Holy shit, she killed a guy
>its a real article
>literally praised for it
Holy shit being a woman is living life on easy mode.
what clan is she
Did you have to play a Toreador in VtMB to fuck women?
My heart says Toreador, my gut say Nosferatu using Mask of 1000 Faces
Nah you just had to be nice to Jeanette, nice to VV in cut content, and or pay a hooker
Looks like Macellarius bloodline, to me.
I'm pretty sure you can fuck whoever you want in the first game regardless of gender, might be wrong though
Where do all the clans originate from?
>you in the middle
>Christinaposting happening on Yea Forums now
Life is good
My asshole.
Caine sired some people the gen 2 vampires then they all made Enoch. Gen 2 sired some folks who then subsequently killed their masters and are heralded as Antediluvians. All calns originate from on of theirbBloodlines except for Tremere that piggybacked off Salubri by embracing Tremere then having him diablerized Salubri
What are the odds we get thin-blood alchemy in VtM2? Gender-swapping specifically.
>someone posting an article calming she might be a vampire
and it won't end any time soon
pastebin com/1n3ZJYE0
Behind you, BOSS
Members of a clan all have a common ancestor in one vampire from the first few generations. All vampires are a children of Caine, the OG vampire.
If you mean location wise, most of them are from Europe with a couple from Asia and the Middle East.
Why does no one ever talk about Redemption?
God those little blue veins on her smooth white skin... How do I get a gf like this?
because it was at its core a boring dungeon crawler with a few notable scenes and lines. Would work alright today as a Soulslike probably
Is there any evidence you actually start as thin-blood and actually change generation/gain a clan?
Because everything I've read indicates this will be an old RPG style "Play the tutorial and select the race you've been this whole time after" gimmick. Even Morrowind and Skyrim did it, your character has no race, gender or face during the intro, only gaining them later after they talk to some government fag.
Not many people played the greatest love story told in vidya.
>white gf
Your siring is stated to be part of a vampiric terrorist and attack and you can track down the other fresh thin-bloods as side quests, later. I'd say it's legit, but probably going to work how you think anyways, with only the tutorial area really being unclanned.
fuck off nigger/spic
the devs have publicly said that you start off as a thin blood
Makes sense. They force you into the role of a Caitiff and so you get a use for the gimmicky thin-blood alchemy and resonance bullshit.
Genderswapping alchemy confirmed.
>announcement trailer drops
>not a single hot chick can be seen
What clan do you enjoy playing the most in Bloodlines? I played only once before as a Brujah about two years ago and I'm reinstalling now.
fuck off tranny
Because attractive women are unrealistic in 2019, user.
shouldn't them all be from Palestine/Babylon though?
the biggest
The GOATs.
I love playing the more socially or mentally oriented clans for the early sections of the game, but it's counterproductive to actually invest in said social abilities because they just throw social solutions out the fucking window once late game hits and everything becomes a fucking shooty stabby kill everything in sight kind of game for the finale. If you invested heavily into social or mental stats and skills, everything gets infinitely harder.
Greastes character
tremere are a lot of fun to play as
toreador are fun for their social skills while also being great for combat with guns + celerity
malkavian have a lot of interesting alternative dialogue that's enjoyable during your second playthrough
Where to?
>First playthrough: one of the five normal-ish clans (I like Toreador personally)
>Second playthrough: Malkavian
>Third playthrough: Nosferatu
Remember, wherever we go, it is the blood of Caine which makes our fate. Farewell, vampire.
So no one but /pol/tardiettes incels likes unrealistic portrays of women. Can we have more people on Steam and the Paradox forums help me in demanding they reduce her breast size?
completely based
Tremere for the blood magic and use of Auspex to buff firearms. Plus you get Domination thrown in there for even more abuse
My nigga
I'd be hiring newly embraced vampires to fuck over the Russian mob
>Blood magic
Pleb. Obfuscate and access to the madness network is where it's at.
>pastebin com/1n3ZJYE0
Thank you from the bottom of my heart, user
How difficult is a ranged Ventrue playthrough?
who /nosferatu/ here
the milk clan i believe
shit taste
if you use both fortitude and presence then enemies will barely graze you while you fill them with lead
its not terrible as you have Fortitude to protect you while you gun down the room as well as Presence making sure you're too beautiful to properly attack. It also makes the Warrens a breeze and you just blow through everything in your path with a SPAS or colt anaconda on fan mode I had way more fun doing this on my last play through than as a melee vamp in the past.
I have no idea how Requiem even got tossed into this discussion and it seems to be common place online. There's Masquerade in the title. Major difference in v5 is that Gangrel and Brujah are not in Camarilla anymore.
>NTRing your dad
I dont know, my first play through was with a ventrue, and I cried when reached the sewers.
Its probably good enough if you plan in advance.
Isn't continuing the original's story kind of the fucking point of a sequel?
Why do all their vampires in that trailer, save the Nosferatu, look so warm blooded and human? Where's my pasty Vampires?
Also what's with that character's shit design?
Speaking of the sewers, is just celerity and firearms fine or should I noclip/notarget again?
Not necessarily
The one on the right is superior because of the facial expression alone.
Not really. Sequel basically just means name recognition. Which amazes me how Bloodlines 2 is getting made in the first place considering Activision apparently owned it "Bloodlines" specifically.
American """"woman""""
What are the chances she was actually hired as A VA?
And resonance
And the fact that they had to shoehorn fucking *flying* and genderbending for thin-bloods instead of reserving that sort of thing for Tzimisce master race.
Putting such focus on thin-bloods was a mistake.
Some Lasombra and Asamite are members of the Camarilla now. It'd be neat to get to play those in a PC RPG finally.
I think GameBanshee does. Pretty sure one user also did a writeup a long long time ago.
One of the Seven Salubri as a Healer when?
Ranged in general is rough at first because the peashooter you have at first is weak as fuck and shotgun means you have to get in close. It's also absolutely best in the last quarter, though.
It reeks of self-insert fantasy. Get all the good stuff while making none of the sacrifices.
Ah come on Malkavian bro, we can be friends and laugh at the Toreadors for being up their own ass together
5% and that's only hope
She's an expensive actress, the studio doesn't have that kind of money
They had to be made more important with how natural it is for them to get more of a spotlight as the timeline continues. It's better than them just being basically human
Didn't the entire world burn in apocalyptic fire a few weeks after VTMB1 anyways?
If only they would be content with being up their own asses.
Toreador master race
>entire purpose of the ending was that Gehenna is in fact not happening
Did you catch the literal waves of blood in the trailer, brainlet?
Koldunism was always a fucking mistake.
But I don't care much about flying because it's irrelevant in most situations with it being a massive masquerade breach.
I've just done the mission in VtMB, where you tarnish the pictures. Am I doing something wrong or should I inflict 7-9 damage with this pistol? I play a charismatic hacker called Ventrue with three levels in firearms and I still feel like melee would completely dominate all enemies with bloodbuff.
they retconned it after their franchise reboot totally failed
retconned in the v5 rule book. The withering happened when Caine died and now every Vamp gen 8 and lower have fucked off to the middle east to fight the war of the elders since the Sabbat have focused their efforts on wiping out the Antediluvians
>Caine died
>The withering happened when Caine died and now every Vamp gen 8 and lower have fucked off to the middle east
But this is all fucking wrong.
Read the fucking book.
What they did was the equivalent of a soft reboot. While Masquerade as such was never needed more than it is now, due to the Second Inquisition, it completely upsets the established playing field to a point game is hardly recognizable in themes and mood.
It is but watch them preform mental gymnastics to say otherwise. If you just want to use the same setting with different characters you'd just call it VAMPIRE THE MASQUERADE: TUMBLR or something instead of 2 because 2 means that its continuing the story of those characters.
"Eugh. This keyboard is not even a Kirameki. Get a rat-muncher to do it."
To those who are updated on the codex is Saulot still alive? Last I read he recieved Golconda somewhere in not-Kashmir.
Also Thin Blood are now the majority of "vampire society" with the oldest Vampires left in most modern areas being nothing more than 150 years old, or younger. The most powerful Vampires in charge now, simply aren't that powerful. This also means Werewolves are a real threat to the remaining Vampiric power structures as a Vampire needs to be significantly older to be a real threat to a Werewolf.
Firearms are awful in the SM hub but get way better later on. Melee is fine throughout but its dull doing it for so long. You'll soon get a melee weapon that can carry you throughout the game but again it gets so boring
>Caine died
Fuck, I'm glad I stuck with Masquerade. Wtf are these trannies on.
Firearms are good against humans but melee is better for supernatural enemies.
did someone piss in your breakfast this morning?
Saulot got diablerized by Tremere back in the Dark Ages.
All according to keikaku
Tzimisce, Just thinking of the misery i can bring trannies with Vicissitude makes me smile, i will make the tape look like a kindergarten
>Also Thin Blood are now the majority of "vampire society" with the oldest Vampires left in most modern areas being nothing more than 150 years old, or younger.
But that is completly wrong outside of America where there never were real elders.
The Beckoning can be resisted and we literally have Helena back in Chicago after following the Beckoning
That game literally is older that most people here, plus the whole thing is a casual filter.
Lurk more reseterafag.
>plus the whole thing is a casual filter.
Not anymore, but I still remember unpatched Mercurio fight that was WAY overtuned for your level.
>I'm glad I stuck with Masquerade.
But user, v5 is also Masquerade. It's just the 5th edition of Masquerade. You may be thinking about Requiem which is a separate game line some never got over their butthurt for.
found the cis incel. It must eat at you that you are no longer the target market.
Is that a bobby hill tattoo?
So what's next for him? Is Tzimisce still mad?
>Caine died
>Everyone b thinbloods now
>Lasombra is Camarilla
>thin-blood alchemy so it doesn't matter
>genderbending and flying but it's still masquereade
Yeah no. this is Vampire the Tumblr. I'm only surprised they don't sparkle. At least they brought back the Camarilla
>Mercurio fight
Can you atleast stop lying straight out?
It gets fucking tiring
>The withering happened when Caine died
>Caine died
Hold on a second, what? How the fuck did Caine die?
OK that settles it she's officially my goth fu
he was with Beckett and God forgave him or something
He didn't.
He didn't even fucking die during Gehenna
The withering was a gehenna thing
>goth fu
more true than you realize
And the beckoning shit is such a hacky answer to let's-make-everyone-thinbloods.
They want all the good stuff with none of the sacrifices.
>When millennials make RPGs
>Caine died
Not true
>Everyone b thinbloods now
Because they're the 15th generation, what do you expect to happen idiot?
>Lasombra is Camarilla
So? The Sabbat were fucked
>thin-blood alchemy so it doesn't matter
It isn't that powerful, a regular vampire can still absolutely body a Thin Blood. It just stops them from being entirely useless
>genderbending and flying but it's still masquereade
Are you implying Masquerade didn't have genderbending?
Firearms don't do jack against vampires and magical beings unless you've got some heavy shit like a shotgun
>Because they're the 15th generation
Because that's what you're shoehorned into. I'm not arguing the internal consistency but the choices of the designers you fucking spastic monkey
>Are you implying Masquerade didn't have genderbending
You want body horror, you go Tzimisce. You want to fly, you can get fucked.
The thin-blood alechemy power list reads like some blue-hair went all a la carte on every bloodline's disciplines.
It's fucking stupid and lazy trash for people who think they are vampires instead of playing them in a game.
The beckoning opens up positions of power in the camarilla without having to kill ancillae or elders.
Not all elders are affected and a lot of them are resisting it.
Having thinblood options that aren't just regular vampires but weaker makes far more sense lorewise because they are still weaker than regular vampires but different.
And the game is still expecting you to be a regular kindred in most cases.
>calls other trannies while shilling niggers
It destroys the Jyhad politics and makes everything Vampire hills 90210, though. It should be subtle moves by power players over decades, not millennial vampires bitching at each other over twitter and becoming bishop.
Your obvious personal bias against Thin Bloods is incredibly strange since almost all your criticisms seem to be about who you imagined to be writing it rather than the actual abilities. You realise that Thin Blood campaigns aren't the default still? Of all the Disciplines why is flight so ridiculous it shouldn't be in the game?
>went all a la carte on every bloodline's disciplines.
That's the point, they get a small selection since they have no actual Clan.
> people who think they are vampires instead of playing them in a game.
What does this even mean? Why do you seem so personally hurt by all of this?
>Am I doing something wrong or should I inflict 7-9 damage with this pistol?
guns don't do anything before you hit hollywood which is like 2/3rd into the game
so your options are avoid combat as much as possible and focus stealth/social stats which isn't hard since the gallery guy is the only must-fight enemy before snuff tape quests
you also get extra skill points for completing most quests stealth mode as opposed to killing everyone, blowing up the warehouse gets you extra 4 I think, Elizabeth Dane and that one retrieve the suitcase does too
>typical French women
But vampires that young aren't in these positions of power. The ones in power are still a few centuries old. You seem to have an incredibly patchy knowledge of all of this.
lmao this nigga looks so happy to see you
I've been a fan since firefly mate believe me I know
Also a huge fan of my irl mum who's got a bigger arse but same tits and she's also a fan.
It's that monk you fight in ye olde times. I don't remember it being that tough, but it's been some time since I last played it.
what's the most effay clan and why is it Toreador?
>Also a huge fan of my irl mum who's got a bigger arse but same tits
Gonna need some pics
It is. Only zoomer cucks think the average woman can be attractive, because they're that desperate and thus disregard all standards.
What an ironic post.
>ywn have a malk gf
>I only played this game to fap to in the day
>then they released this trailer
They knew exactly what they where doing but I bet the final game will be shit
Which one should I replay first?
Nope she's old asf and all mine go away reeeee muly munmy
Big nipples yaaay
I always replace the Malk with the Dark Alice in Wonderland style, white dress wearing, Goth Girl from the first club. That Goth Alice look just seems fitting for the Malavian.
>ywn have an insecure nosferatu gf that used to be a stuck up stacy, got spite-embraced and learned her lesson as a result
>Nope she's old asf
I don't mind user
>learned her lesson as a result
judging by Imalia that is very unlikely to happen
you notice the bobby but not the dale and bill....
Not everyone is the same user.
I mean her interpretation of the lesson was pretty valid
She's 70 tho bbw
He mission is also a fucking nightmare unless you're already a stealth character.
Lorelet here. What kind of vampire is this guy?
sounds good to me, I don't know what you're worried about
how the fuck do you even do it unless you use obfuscate or have 5 in sneaking
Mostlikely a Nagloper a Laibon bloodline.
It's pretty easy when you recognize how bad the AI is at detecting you
She won't go beyond heavy putting
Oh well least I have her and she's basehbu
>anglo want to commit incest and inbreeding
Literally can't make this shit up. No wonder the island gobbos look so nonhuman
>who would want immortal vampires in a game about immortal vampires
Pretty sure that's fan-canon
But he's probably still Laibon, the African version of vampire.
me in the back
Yes it's fanon but he's using Vicissitude 6 power in his boss fight so it's a decent guess
In a tightly made game it would be impossible, but you can game Bloodlines easily with how wonky AI is by staying away from direct line of sight. That other Nossie mission where you have to go unseen through a music shop/warehouse/whatever with patrolling guards is the real difficult one.
>Caine died
>God forgave him
If that were true, the vampire curse would end that instant.
You're still getting immortal vampires, you're just not getting the exact same immortal vampires you got last time.
>game gets released
>gets a 6-7 in reviews
>mass shitposting and nitpicked images decrying the game
>5 years later anons will remember it fondly
I played it. Don't wanna talk about it.
This, plus petite women or chestlets with wide hips and delicious thighs wins any day of the week.
Genre enthusiasts will overlook a lot if particular elements appeal to them whereas the mainstream is more impressed with production values and buying into hype. Vampyr is basically an average game, for example, but the whole district health, weighing feeding vs keeping people alive, etc interests RPG fans enough to recommend it.
are these things fake? they look too fucking huge
this is the only one I played, I never managed to get into bloodlines and the fact that everyone kept saying that the game was an unfinished buggy mess heavily discouraged me
>game get's 70-80% metacritic
>weeks of GET WOKE GO BROKE shitposting
>game get's 100% best game of the world award
>weeks of RESTERA WINS AGAIN BABY shitposting
There's no winning user.
So just like every game made in the internet era from the 80s till 00s?
Reminder that Ventrue males get every women
>> people who think they are vampires instead of playing them in a game.
>What does this even mean? Why do you seem so personally hurt by all of this?
user, I think he's a real vampire
Keep telling yourself that loser. Toredor are the true chads.
Wrong country, guess again
ventrues are literally elliot rodger tier
brujah get the girls, ventrue cucks get to cum blood into their own mouths
You get used to it by quicksaving every five minutes and trying not to break the game.
Yeah fuck me if i don't want to give those commies an inch. I should just accept the creeping political propaganda everywhere. No, sry. If i say nothing i comply and that i will never do.
Yeah just like Vampyr right
why wont they leave us alone
How strong would this guy even be in the 2010s as an 8th gen vamp?
>he has to see the Brujah of today
Needs more mommypire lewds.
Canonical hipsters. All you get is decaffeinated coffee.
Vampyr's mechanics are a shit show. It's a fucking time/resource tax on leveling up, that's it. The combat is a clunky mess with some abilities far overpowering others. The game pacing is all over the place, making you spend hours traversing dialogue before pitching you towards another awful combat section for all of ten minutes until you hit another wall of dialogue to climb over. There may be something interesting in the feed/spare mechanic, but the game is so heavy handed with how it handles its characters and plot and the bonus experience is never really necessary.
Please go march over DC or whatever. You're just being annoying for the sake of it.
kek what is Mr Bean doing there
Didn't Christof diablerize several Vampires during the run of the story to boot? I can't remember how many of these are a chocie and if there were some you had to do to continue.
anyway in old VTM he would be of considerable power.
In the current 5th edition, his Blood Potency could potentially degrade over time.
T. Works for his Ventrue masters
>ooga booga we wuz civilizations n shieet.
Rebel some more against the rules, chimp
>his Blood Potency could potentially degrade over time.
That's the opposite of how blood potency works.
Unless he's been in Torpor for ages and even that's vague
>I'm dominating y-you! Why don't you respect m-me?!
take a walk in the sun
jesus those are hentai-tier
doors were your biggest enemy
Brujah are sois, Tremere are the real chad clan.
He was already playing on cheat mode when he was a human, and Ecatrina feels so pleased with herself when it got better/worse when he was Embraced.
He was a 9th gen, and there's an option to diablerize a Setite to jump to 8th gen.
>Didn't Christof diablerize several Vampires during the run of the story to boot?
He did but the only choice that mattered was diablerizing the Setite, which lowered his generation.
The clan you prefer reveals a lot about you
>tremere = intelligent, nihilistic and a wicked sense of humour trenchcoat wearing faggot
>brujah = like, fight da power maaan. *sips starbucks soi latte*
>gangrel = I'm such a bad boy rebel! Look at me tagging this forgotten tunnel wall!
>ventrue = bloated ego and unwarranted self important asshole
>toreador = never got laid so I larp as a PUA faggot to lessen the pain
>malk = LOL penguin of DOOM XD XD
>nosterafu = heh, my mind beats all chads, I am the real alpha male
Jesus christ.
True, Christof was a fierce fighter as a human.
this nigga's blood's boiling even without thaumaturgy
>look in reflective surface
>can't see your reflection
lazy game devs
Mitsoda was ruined by marrying Anne.
His idea of writing now is "we have to punch up, not down" and "Bloodlines was too insensitive about insanity".
The writers have also shat on Bloodlines for being too much of a "masculine power fantasy".
What a lad.
will there be third person mods
One on the right is shorter and I can actually see her face, so she's better.
>too much of a "masculine power fantasy".
It was though?
They literally removed the gay content at the last minute. Gay dialog choices were still in the code, just disabled.
dont vampires not reflect on mirros/reflective surfaces?
White Wolf in the 90s was just 90s edge.
It wasn't until pretty late-in, and particularly with Onyx path, that the politics overtook the metaplot content.
I went with Gangrel on my first run of VTMB, but apparently they aren't a option in 2 so likely Tremere or Venture.
>tfw I actually get laid with my goth gf who loves arthouse films and classical antiquity
Only if the vampire in question was Lasombra, if I'm remembering things right.
it would most likely release and be a success because 90% of gamers don't actually pay heed to the retarded clickbait articles posted online specifically to attract people who hate the news site that published the article.
>everyone focusing on the writers
friendly reminder that the devs are a rebranded shovelware studio that went bankrupt over how shitty their games were
Goddamn it what the hell do her boobs actually look like?
There's practically no difference between brus and gangs. Both are smelly hobo tier
Anywhere but here.
Fuck off Yea Forums, and take your mommy issues with you. Nobody finds that old wrinkled hag pretty but you
lmao. I'm a dude (165 pounds and 5'10) and my man boobs are bigger than middle girl
And here's the larp, right on cue
This guy seems like a chad.
lmao what a faggot
My 4 inch erection says otherwise
What the fuck?
Don't tell me they're not in.
shitposting is a mistake
seems legit.
How the fuck do I get a gf like this Yea Forums?
that's zombie studios, not hardsuit labs
that's actually why I picked Tremere in my first run.
they made blacklight so at least they know FPS games. They're just going to be the manual labor for coding anyway.
You dont.
Same studio, different name.
Hard to say. She didn't "fill out" until she was nearly 30, so if you're going for a woman younger than that its all up to chance.
I like the idea of the neighbor character, a coward thinblood who want's nothing to do with the fighting and just spends all day chilling in his apartment drinking blood on from bags.
Nope. Different studio founded by staff from the former.
He would be OP had he not spent about 1000 years in Torpor.
It's a kind of deadly combination of bad.
>game needs to be played on HARD so whether you sacrifice or spend experience actually matters
>combat is extremely shallow and cumbersome to deal with
Tremere are frauds. Not real vampires. A FRAUD!
>In the current 5th edition, his Blood Potency could potentially degrade over time.
Why are you mixing Requiem and Masquerade? v5 is the fifth edition of Masquerade which uses Generations, Requiem is a different game line which uses Blood Potency.
The Virgin Clan Tremere vs The Chad Order of Hermes
The Virgin Bloodsucker vs The Chad Technocracy
>bomb civilan targets 24/7
>industrialize the killing of civilians and POWs
>cry like the biggest faggots on the planet when you're getting a taste of your own medicine
Nazis are retarded
a gay, black, muslim vampire? say it ain't so
Look ma! I posted it again!
>Kenshiro of vampires
would be pretty op
>getting mad that muslims, who you hate, are being protrayed as gay furries
You'd be better off spreading that image to muds online to make them upset
Generation alone is a pretty notable leg up, especially his which was Gen 9 which enables you to burn TWO blood points per turn instead of one.
you wish
>she has huge tits
>that means they must be full of milk
Did you skip sex ed? That's not how it works
How do you pronounce tzimisce?
Is that really her?
I have a laptop. I bet I won't be able to run it
I pronounce it zi-mee-chee.
I'm sure that's wrong, but lmao they should just get American names, dumb foreigners.
There won't be. Innuendo is male toxicity dontcha know.
zee mee see although Gary pronounces it as zuh meat zee for some odd reason
>combat is extremely shallow and cumbersome to deal with
playing optimally versus playing whatever *special snowflake* way you prefer when it comes to combat is the biggest pleb filter there is
I am a straight, cis white male who doesn't check his privilege and think about sex with women.
I am the gaming communities worst nightmare
It's not really that as much as you have to sacrifice story to get experience to build your combat skills.
This. Can't believe people are drooling over an antique Jewess, bitch has got to be pushing 50 now.
yeah that was bullshit
felt like devs didn't think that one through
I’d succ on that Caitiff if you get what I’m saying
Shes fat, but i fuckin like it, damn.
This is what i'm worried about. Fuck all the MUH POLITICS shitflinging, the dev has an awful track record.
How to do that?
mods, there's like gazillion texture mods as well
I kinda want to be a raging homo toreador with an army of twink ghouls terrorizing people around LA.
Tzimisce. I'd become a super hot woman and let Anons from Yea Forums fuck me
That's a big glass.
>we have to punch up, not down
What the fuck does this even mean? I'm serious, I have no clue what he meant by this.
Criticize and/or mock people in privileged positions.
It's a progressive value. Don't mock obese she-boons on welfare, mock the hu-white people that pay the taxes to feed the worthless-
I'm calm.
There's no way they're allowing us to be Tzimisce.
We need to mock targets that are safe to mock like white Christians. This is "punching up"
So would Tzimiche be the go-to tranny choice? They could fleshcraft a real vagoo.
Now we need to find out if it's a man or a woman. You never know with these pandering devs.
Why do you type like reddit?
>white christian persecution complex
Every time
Don’t make fun of “unprivileged” groups. It pretty much means you can only make fun of white, rich, or male characteristics. You can make fun of a women but only by laughing at her whitness or richness. You can make fun a poor person but only if they are white and male and only by commenting on those characteristics. Ie have a poor white homeless man, you can make fun of him by having him blame minority’s for not haveing a job and letting your character mock that he is only poor because he is a privileged idiot that is only still alive because he is white.
Ok samefag
I doubt Tzimisce would embrace trannies, Nosferatu and Malkavian maybe
>So would Tzimiche be the go-to tranny choice?
Yes. Tremere might also be able to do it with the right Path in the tabletop game
He isn’t saying that white Christians are persecuted just that they are safe to make fun of, which is true. You can shot on Christians all day and no one, not even Christians, will bat and eye. I personally thing this is fine, they should be allowed to make jokes about them.l, the problem is the double standard when it comes making fun of other religions.
For you
>race non conforming
>he "doesn't see race"
kill yourself bigot shitlord
its because we've matured as a culture and are ok with making fun of ourselves.
Yeah, why aren't they ripping on taoists, jains and dualism in a game taking place in America?
Gangrel: "I wanted to play Werewolf the Apocalypse instead."
Nosferatu: "So, I get Potence and Obfuscate to insta-gib and somehow my clan flaw is that I have a built-in dump stat with Appearance!?"
Brujah: "No, NO! We're not all biker ravers! Did you even PLAY VtM: Redemption!?"
Malkavian: *snort-laugh* "So, haha, like what if my character, haha, has two personalities, both a guy and a girl? And like *snort-laugh* they have sex with each other? Haha!"
Ventrue: "I'm not going to play if I can't have Resources 5, Majesty and four dots of Generation out the gate."
Tremere: "You said this was like Mage: the Ascension. This isn't like Mage. This isn't the Order of Hermes. Can we play Mage? I already have my paradigm written."
Toreador: "No, my characters aren't ALL the same! This one only has Appearance 4! She was in a horrific accident, which is why her concept says FORMER super model. It's like you STs don't even read the character sheets."
Lasombra: "huahuehua shadow rape tentacles huehuahue"
Ravnos: "I watched Snatch, I think I have a pretty good grasp on who the Rom are."
Giovanni: "My character's sire is his sister-mom who he has children with. Also, they're all Mafia dons."
Caitiff: "So I can pick ANY core Discipline? Okay. Potence, Celerity, Fortitude. Also, I want to max my dots in Melee and Dexterity."
Tzimisce: "I fleshcraft six extra arms that end with rocket launchers onto my Zulo form that I never leave and encase my heart with steel-laced bone and move it to be in my left foot while adding three false heads to avoid decapitation while the real one gets mushed into my stomach as a disembodied face."
Baali: "Yeah, but I thought you meant no one ELSE could play a Baali. You know I won't disrupt the game again."
Assamite: "Do I see the other players? I do? Okay. Spending a blood point to celerity, roll initiative."
That's a nice way of saying "we're spineless cucks who let anyone walk all over us"
because no one fucking cares about niche asian religions.
People wouldn't if even 0.1% of Christians did a Charlie Hebdo when you took the piss out of them or Jesus. They're actually safe to mock, the number of Christian extremists is absolutely tiny
why aren't they ripping on Jews, the wealthiest and most privileged race in America?
Don't criticize anyone but whitey because everyone but whitey isn't fair game because of "intersectionality" and "privilege".
People even pretend it's about money but white trash is easily one of the most free-for-all targets around while rich minorities are taboo.
>guns are temporaty pick ups.
Because there's not a lot of material to work with
>huehue he's greedy, and have a beard!
>implying jews don't get made fun of all the time
have you even watched south park?
There was an androgynous Tzimisce in old Vampire.
He was also a disgusting monster reviled by all but a few Sabbat politicals.
>being so new and worthless you can't even correctly identify Reddit spacing
Lurk moar.
Jews only get made fun of when the writers are Jews
What can you say about Christians though?
>huehue he believes in God and the Westboro Baptist Church did X!
They do though? It's just they can't go too far or do too much before the MUH 6 GORILLION gets thrown around.
>Means no Tourette, No Jack, No VV, No Deb of Night
How do you know? The narrator of the new trailer sounds kind of like VV's voice actress
They also specifically mentioned that they want to do another Deb of Night style show
Tzimisce, gotta be
Shouldn't we wait, you know, until the game's out before arguing about what it "punches up" over?
Lasombra or Tzimisce.
....Which clans will never be made playable to the game.
So Tremere I guess.
No, we should be pre-ordering it right now because it's going to be so woke!
The surgeon.
Holy shit nice catch, the dude must be a Lasombra
Malk forever.
Regular Malk or Fishmalk, I don't care, they're both fine to me.
Go on.
I don't like Rudi and his loresheet is probably the weekest together with Descendant of Zelios but it's not a lot of text
Should be in the WoD mega
The ground he's on sure reflects him.
Nosferatu is the comfiest.
Other clans don't give a shit about you 99% of the time. The 1% they do they come for information so you get to squeeze their balls and be smug.
You can craft illusions and looks like a normal person for a while. Later on, you can turn fucking invisible.
Talk to animals, control animals, become animals. If that isn't cool, what is?
Oh, and you have superman strength.
Only downside is that you're fucking ugly. Boo. Hoo. Doesn't even matter as soon as you take some levels in Obfuscate.
And bonus obscure merit: Tzimisce can't fuck you up permanently, because your clan curse returns you to your "normal" form anyway.
If you think that anything could be cooler than chilling in the sewers with your ghoul alligator, posting on Yea Forums, /d/ and Yea Forums on Mondays and stalking some hot chick on Tuesdays just to wreck her nerves a bit, then I don't know what to tell you.
>living forever
>hacking all the shit
>shitposting on schreknet
What's wrong with penguins?
>i get mad when people make fun of christianity because i've mindbroken myself to care even though im secretly an atheist
toreador because I like playing the game as a film noir where I bang the femme fatales
The first has a special place in my heart.
>Tzimisce can't fuck you up permanently, because your clan curse returns you to your "normal" form anyway
That's only true regarding their facial, and generally outwardly, appearence.
If a fleshcrafter Tzimisce with high levels of Vicissitude and knowledges as a surgeon decides to chop you off and stick you sideways, you can be damn sure that not even the Nosferatu's curse can do anything about it.
Tell me it ain't so.
If you watched batman returns you would know doom PENGUINS are real
Probably Gangrel. I like how the Clan precedes faction loyalty and being one the more physically imposing clans while having a swarm of animals to do my bidding is a pretty good deal. I could honestly live perfectly happy in some city park or conservation area somewhere if my means of nourishment were as simple as a Vampire's. Maybe get a few ghouls to bring some animities to my cave. Dealing with all of the Jyhad's bullshit doesn't really appeal to me like it would have to in order to roll with the Nossies or Venture.
Maybe Brujah depending on my mood, preferably one of the more Biker Gang themed ones, as opposed to social movement advocates. I don't dislike it, I just think I would naturally be more concerned with what immediately affects me because I'm a fairly selfish person and I really doubt becoming a vampire would help with that.
dat smug grin is hot
>I want a wealthy, classy, educated woman
>Gasp! A JEW though? Heavens no!
I think you have conflicting priorities, mate
but user i've had a healthy sex life, toreador is about pursuing your passions not just fucking every make believe girl you see
it's about living a free life where you pursue what fundamentally defines you. other clans are jealous of toreador because toreador don't care about politics and the mortal world; only their passions
God forbid he doesn't want to give his seed to a fucking demon worshipper.
I looked it up and she isn't actually Jewish. You scared me for no reason you fucking faggot.
Oh yeah, I'm sure she's positively wet thinking about anons tiny chub. Thank God he won't give in to her
>blonde is thick while having small arms and defined neck.
Why the fuck don't I ever see girls loke that? They all have fat arms and fat necks.
actually she just married Jewish
She pushes them up way too much. It looks like how an actual retard dresses.
what actress is this?
Her husband is a paki on his mother's side, not a Jew.
This man is getting breastfed blood every night
How does that make you feel
>being blood bound to a soulless toreador roastie
A fate worse than death
You are going for natural tits on fat chicks.
Too fancy, bitch is a Ventrue.
I want to make a lot of babies with her. And I will take full responsibility.
Got a name or any kind of source user?
>Toreador can't be fancy
Being rich is not something exclusive to Ventrues. Toreador is about human pleasure. Music, wine, sex..it's toreador. Rich or poor.
>generic inbred briton face
>fake big tiddies
wow preordered 100 times
shut up tranny you will never be a woman
Bad news. She's barren.
It should be legit fucking criminal to have such big natural titties and not have any kids. Though her husband is half-Paki so it's at least somewhat understandable.
I meant the cosplayer's name user.
It's ok. This has its benefits too.
For me, it's Tremere.
Not an actress but it JK Rowling.
Wait for it to show gameplay first you absolute faggot.
I'm not a tranny you fucking idiot.
Impossible for it to be worse than Vampyr.
>tempting fate this hard
I'm a superstitious person but that pile of crap set new lows.
JKR looks like that!?
>developed by literally whos
>published by some of the greediest nickle-and-diming cuckolds out there
I'm scared
on the grounds that you're denying your children nourishment for years? could get behind that
Ventrue, I just want to be the immortal ruler of some shitty little nation as I guide it through history like another Paradox game.
I get it, you're a woman now, and tranny is a derogatory term anyway. Sorry milady.
no way fag
Guess I have to finally play the old one so I don't miss out on the full big titty vampire experience. Any character creation tips? Like a useful thing to put points into and what to avoid?
Yeah, it was so terrible it sparked an international incident.
Oh..., did I hurt your feelings Jim?
this nearly made me choke on my pizza
>only decides to play bloodlines now
>please spoonfeed me
Yeah, well I don't have a lot of time to fuck up and replay at this point so I'll make this run count.
Fuck this game, post more big titty mommies!
Ok, the last section of the game has a lot of fighting. So while you can talk your way out at the first half, be ready for the last section.
Pick the clan that fits you best.
>All those skeletons.
This abuse of gamers has gone on long enough.
So according to this most of /pol/ is Lasombra.
Nah...they don't deserve such a cool and badass clan.
It says that
>nosferatu = 4channers
So no. Also, /pol/ isn't catholic nor Christian, they just don't like the fedora tippers that overtly-criticize Christianity while giving every other religion a pass.
yeah, the game has them already
if you hover over each rank of your vampire skills, it will outline what that skill level does
the only one that I had trouble understanding was celerity, but that's just because you think about yourself going very very fast, when it's more of a bullet time mechanic; same result in principle but presented differently
Lasombra are also full of mexicans and other south americans.
So probably not
I want her to smother me with her fat cowtits
Tremere or Gangrel for my first run, then probably Malk for my second
though if Lasombra is in the game, I might pick that for my first run
She said she hates kids.
>not even trying to hide their reddit faggotry
>implying only Anglo/Nordics can be racist in this shitty world
It fits them as a glove. Don't forget also that the Lasombra are basically the darker, edgier and even more ruthless version of the stuck up Ventrue and their polar opposites. They share as many similarities as differences with them.
> tfw obese and harismatic with a huge wallet
> tfw big head with sparse hair
> tfw got married to one perfect woman - a literal Jackie Kennedy that loves my kids
> tfw I have two perfect kids who all love me
> tfw I'm the best mob boss ever and every henchmen in the world is trying to lick my ass, whatever it takes
> tfw have my name on the board of one of the biggest police departments in the world and can come and go into jail as I please
> tfw Uncle Ben's
> tfw make over 350k a year currency adjusted
> tfw a billionaire, currency adjusted or not
> tfw made 3 million from selling the Vespa scooters to Gervasi (15 million in today's dollars)
> tfw living in a fancy mansion on 14 Aspen Dr, Caldwell
> tfw driving a brand new Chevrolet
> tfw every woman in the world wants to suck my dick from the first moment they see me, even the one legged russian immigrant
> tfw everyone loves me and wants to spend time with me
> tfw other men respect and/or fear me
> tfw I had 100 guests at my father-in-law's party that was a surprise from my perfect submissive MILF mouse wife
> tfw traveled to Italy and stayed in 5 star hotels on other people's dime
I never did anything. I hate my fucking life. I want to just walk to the fucking light and die.
̶K̶e̶v̶i̶n̶ ̶F̶i̶n̶n̶e̶r̶t̶y̶
Tony Soprano
Lots of cosmetic surgery and injections have shaped that face. I'd love to see it all sag down if you undid everything
luckily, the game practically vomits xp points at you, so you can focus on social and still have enough to do decent damage left over
t. toastie roastie
>he likes slags who alter their appearance
Literally the mark of big roast beef flaps from fucking multiple cocks all her life. I bet you jerk off to the thought of that you beta bitch
you literally see his reflection on the ground
he screams ventrue
Anything on the curly haired guy ?
Lasombra it is then.