MGS 3 is kino. Prove me wrong.
MGS 3 is kino. Prove me wrong
I can't...
*proves you wrong*
It's written like ass.
The story is shit.
The main character and everyone around him are morons, which make Eva look like an excellent spy, this works because the people that play MGS3 are just as stupid, and the game expects them to be that stupid. Which makes me believe that MGS3 is purposely poorly made, so it proves the point that MGS2 was trying to make.
Snake isn't a moron, he's just a soldier that does what he's told. A thematic point that has always been relevant in the MGS series.
Why prove you wrong when MGS3 is the best game in the entire Metal Gear series?
>Kojima makes the fox engine
>leaves Konami
>we get ,a beautiful modern update of MGS3's cutscene
>it's for pachinko
certainly the worst timeline
*cobra unit blocks your path*
If he's just a soldier, then why do his superiors brief him on details he shouldn't be aware of?
Why does he keep asking questions as he's a philosopher, and all that happening during the mission instead of executing it?
He didn't even confirm Eva's identity as he's been told to, so yes, he is a moron.
>Mgs2, PO, MGA1
>Low teir
Holy shit user that's some poor taste.
>people in videogames don't act exactly like in real life
very clever
Swap Rising with V, add MGS2 to top tier, and put 4 in mid tier and this image will actually be accurate.
MGS2 and Twin Snakes weren't perfect but they're a hell of a lot better than Survive, come on man.
Hint: if you talk about the fucking story of a game more than its GAMEPLAY, it doesn't belong on Yea Forums.
i agree still the best game for me
It doesn't belong there, either. A video game is not a movie retard.
>"""god tier"""
fucking kek
MGS3 is good, but I yawned at a lot of cutscenes and did not have interest in any of the characters.
It's the only MGS game I've ever played, and it doesn't help that I talk to people either. I didn't really feel immersed in anything other than the military action and the gameplay.
Is ACID 2 really better than the first one?
I have the game but the first one was such a pain to finish I'm still hesitating.
because he's also human, why shouldn't he question things?
it seems like you want just to complain about things like the whining bitch that you are
>god tier
>mg2, mgs3, mgsv
absolutely based
>Is ACID 2 really better than the first one?
Yes. ACID2 improvements I remember:
Movement being better, by virtue of not having to end your movement to crouch/crawl
Being able to spend points to upgrade a card into a new card (some are better versions, some are entirely new cards)
Can replay missions (I think)
fuck off ACfag
>Which makes me believe that MGS3 is purposely poorly made
MGS3 felt like it had soul, which is more than what MGS2 had
Seriously, this, the entire point of MGS 2 was to point out that Snake and Raiden, as video game characters, have no personal sovereignty and will just follow your orders even if you have them fuck around slipping on bird crap or watching ice cubes melt. When Big Boss decides to break with his superiors and start his own nation of soldiers, suddenly he's the bad guy and you have to stop him, until 4 when he sudden;y reveals that he's a good guy again, and until 5 when Kojima said "fuck it, lets keep making Metal Gear games even after making the most thoroughly Metal Gear game imaginable"