What's your go-to snack for gaming?
What's your go-to snack for gaming?
None, cause i'm not a fat piece of shit.
But you are an arrogant piece of shit instead
Some tasty carrots
I'm not fat either, the only weight I got is when I pound your mother
My BF's semen
I don't eat at my desk.
I don't play video games
chewing gum and alcohol
Graham crackers or cheese nips and lemonade
Natural sunlight
A big mug of sour milk along with whatever candy i ve got left,usually a milka chocolate or biscuits with orange jelly covered in chocolate
>easy to pick
>lots of glucose
grapes give me stomach pain, idk why
Ge wek.
Are you a dog?
>What's your go-to snack for gaming?
I feel bad for anyone who doesn't live near a Popeyes.
anyone here on that /poverty/ lifestyle? so c-comfy right?
>go-to snack
>fried chicken
Here comes the lightning.
FPBP, who the fuck eats while playing games??
tranny or fag?
sell the gun and buy some groceries, nerd
I like goldfish and arizona iced tea
>this is what fat people actually believe
when was the last time you drank water, fatty?
You must ration carefully, stalker
unsalted peanuts
That is not poverty lifestyle. That is just disgusting. Pic related is poverty, for breakfast, lunch, and dinner.
Chili frito twists
>sell the gun and buy some groceries, nerd
I need my gun in case my housemate gets drunk and tries to get into my room to kill me
I feel attacked
These are the cookies from Hot Fuzz
Sorry, i dont like my controllers all greasy and sticky, i may drink some apple cider or pepsi but I'm not stuffing my fucking face in while playing anything.
Eating healthy isn't expensive
Learn to cook
Golden apple
Not going to add any sauce to that? Orange duck atleast
you're a beta if you don't get hungry playing your video games
>hot food for every meal
What the fuck, I wouldn't do that, European watermelons are full of seeds
I find fungi interesting, but not between my keyboard please.
we go Turkish watermelons too, they're super sweet and like 3 times as big as the normiemelons. It's truly a sight to behold.
Holy fuck, please tell me you're being ironic, user.
Mostly fruit salad or jam sandwiches, all homegrown. As for drinks just water or iced tea in summer.
user, you know that the bits that fall between your keyboard will facilitate fungal growth, yes? That's as gross as it sounds. I do applaud you on your choice of food though.
okay, this is based
I'm representing someone AND on hiatus, the place I come from is the most Detroit general you can imagine. if that trip bothers you so much, just ask and I put it off.
or you could clean your peripherals once in a while
can semen grow fungus too?
im asking for a friend
>multiple slices of ham on a sandwich
>panini press
It really depends. Here is just a short list of what I would eat and when:
>Pizza, if i already have some at home, and I would not eat while actually playing.
>Coca cola, usually in a glass. Again, not while in the middle of a game.
>Biltong slices. These I am happy to nibble on while playing, as they don't require me to hold them while eating.
Could in theory? semen is mostly protein and fungi are reductors.
I take a couple steps back from my battlestation when I eat, I barely ever drop anything and if it happens it's on the floor which I can clean right after.
Nothing while playing because I don't like having my hands even slightly dirty/greasy when handling peripherals.
I wash my hands with soap every hour or so.
well that works, high-salt food can fall between your keyboard as that enviroment is too hostile for conventional decomposition. I don't clean from the ground as my doggo vacuums for me. Fucker eats anything, from plastic to apples to petroleum jelly, yet olives are beneath him.
>I wash my hands with soap every hour or so.
That's not good for them in the long run, user.
Eat your water and celery, you fat fuck.
Try rubbing alcohol? it degreases really well and you can stay seated to keep yourself clean.
True, but neither is my suggestion. look up ''eczema'' and ''colony resistance'' if you want to know more.
Their bars are something else. The oreo filled one was dope. Wouldn’t eat more than one and maybe a half though, shits too sweet.
>I'm representing someone AND on hiatus, the place I come from is the most Detroit general you can imagine. if that trip bothers you so much, just ask and I put it off.
This sounds stupid. Go away.
>look up ''eczema"
I have it, user. Not fun at all.
Go fuck yourself.
>going an hour without having something to eat
>especially while playing something as exhausting as gaming
You fags must be europoors
yeah I know, got it on feet, but feet kinda are pathogen hives. The idea is, if you wash too often, you was away Streptococcus epidermidis. That bacteria has free real estate in your pores and plays neighbourhood watch in return. wash too often, they die, and the nigger-bacteria move in. (or fungi) thus eczema!
peperami and single malt aged whisky
Hey, don't shit on our African bros! Both of them…
>doesnt buy big mac and large soda
wtf is wrong with you?? you must be european
This is
this is what I like to eat while gaming
It's never not a good time
>highest in nutrients of all meat
>letting that fall between your 'board
user, soon you'll get fungal tentacles that try to pull you down into the world that is your keyboard. The detritus-underworld of your communication device that you created!
go back to /fog/
Ive been eating white rice and boiled chicken for the past month.
No. I may represent them, but that hellscape gave me 10 grey hairs already. I like it here.
>when you think its all gone when suddenly a loose skin flake appears and the URGE to pick cannot be ignored