Why does Yea Forums has no problem if the japs made a strong ugly womyn in vidya but when the west does it they flip their shit?
Why does Yea Forums has no problem if the japs made a strong ugly womyn in vidya but when the west does it they flip...
>Can't tell the difference between a joke caricature and a political statement
Japs do it as a ironically, sjws do it unironically
Because this strong ugly woman still has the heart of a pure maiden.
its about the trend
there would be nothing wrong with occassional unattractive+strong female characters for some uniqueness, but the west is trying to turn every female character into a boring, intentionally not very attractive mary sue
Perhaps because when it's done in japanese games it's done in irony, as a caricature or simply as a complete joke?
It's all about contrast and juxtaposition. In an example like your picture, that contrast is really obvious and is acceptable as a vehicle to drive some kind of character arc.
When you try to drive it with a 'realistic' womyn it gets derailed immediately because 1) It's oftentimes not interesting, 2) There is typically no contrast between their personality and looks 3) No one gives a shit about monoliths for the sake of the monolith itself.
>Implying I wouldn't fuck Sakura
Also, she has a solid character and aspect of design as well as character traits and themes that play into her appearance.
She's a borderline inhumanly strong person, and her appearance reflects her monstrous strength. Not only that, her body represents her devotion to her training and beliefs.
When the west makes a "strong ugly womyn" as you say, they do it by trying to make her "generic" rather than attractive, and then just telling the player she's really strong, because "positive representation".
I guarantee that people would not be talking shit about that one woman in Uncharted 4 or Gridlock in Siege if they looked more like Sakura and had a design that represented their personality so that you can take one look at them and get an immediate read for the character. They would still get shit, but it would be the same kind of shit Sakura gets for "only being appealing to muscle-fags", rather than "west sacrificing appealing characters for activism" as people like to parrot.
You joke but this is literally the reason. Sakura is a woman. She straight up is. Yes, she looks like an ogre, but she specifically dresses and acts like her gender. She's not a political statement. If anything, she's a play on and subversion of macho characters.
The reason the West tends to fuck it up more is because their characters are usually political statements, so they end up being cringy and underdeveloped as a result.
japs do it because they think it's interesting
west does it because of politics
everybody likes lara croft and ellen ripley, but they weren't pushed with a 'hurr durr women can be strong as well' agenda
they were also believable in that role, and had great actors portraying them
>this will be cool/funny/interesting
>my twitter followers will LOVE me for this
Who's joking? I was referencing an actual line in the game.
To go further on your point, the West's idea of a strong female character is often horrendously sexist in itself. In the eyes of developers over here, a woman can't be strong if she looks or behaves in a feminine manner. They push this idea that femininity in itself is inherent weakness, that a woman can only be strong when they look and act like a man.
I'm a fool.
Because Yea Forums is full of weebs.
They do it ever once in a while, not ALMOST ALL the time.
This. This is the main reason Eastern games are usually better recieved. They add things into games with the intention of fun rather than a political statement.
Why not just say Japanese? It's not like we're talking about Chinese games.
Nigga just look at the fucking image you posted, you need brain damage to take that seriously
Because Sakura is an actual character
>tfw DR has better character writing than some big western titles
How do you manage to fuck that up
>erasing vietnamese videogame developers
Hey, fuck you flappy bird was a landmark title.
She’s also dating Kenshiro.
Because Sakura has honor.
>traitor working for the enemy
>goes out with a suicide
That doesn’t count.
Of course
Sakura is a genuinely nice person and a normal girl aside her ogrish appearance.
I know this is a shitpost but Sakura is pretty unique as far as anime characters go, I don't even know if there's many characters like her out there. Plus Sakura in-game is pretty much one of the most reasonable and level-headed people.
In her last FTE she pretty much tells Makoto that she wants to beat Kenshiro so she can finally let him go, while also implying that she wants to confess her feelings to Makoto as well. I always got the impression that Sakura wasn't dating Kenshiro, but instead that she kinda had one-sided feelings for the guy that she wanted to get over
>confess her feelings to Makoto
Jesus Christ.
That's still reversible, right?
Difference is Sakura isn't the only girl in the Dangan
And there are worse girls than her.
Like Sayaka.
>200 page thesis about why she is good
Korea makes games, they're just all MMOs. I've saw that there's some decently rated Chinese and Taiwanese rpgs on steam now too.
Are you implying you wouldn't fuck Sakura?
Where? I want to see the mental gymnastics on this.
Yeah, no. You are just an angry Nazi incel. #KillAllWhiteMen #FuckNazis #PunchNazis #ColonCancer
because danganronpa has a lot of other cute girls like pic related, so it doesn't feel like they're forcing her
Fukken adorable.
Sakura was hot before she took all the steroids.
come on Hiro this is not funny anymore
>jap strong ugly women
a caricature of masculinity
>jap trannies
girls with dicks
japs usually don't do it because of some political agenda
He ded.
you asked for it
Holy shit.
Because Sakura Oogami is the sweetest Danganronpa girl, you retard. Did you ever play her Free Time Events?
I know it's bait. Also if you don't prefer swole version you're a literal pleb
a trap is not a tranny you autist.
>Sakura will never pick you up and princess carry you to the bedroom whether you wanted her to or not
Why go on?
Did she become swole in less than a year or what?
>duplicate image found. here
Absolutely based and redpilled
Yes, she was always stronger but her boyfriend was always stronger. So she took all the steroids she could and turned into a monster.
And her boyfriend might still be stronger than her even after that.
Good. I fear for my pelvis.
this is the concentrated autism of danganronpa "theorists"
And he’s also fucking terminally ill.
Notice how almost all of the Sakura "fans" post pictures depicting her before she became swole. They can't process the fact that she has a nice personality and automatically try to make her in a more acceptable Waifu state.
Goes to show how shallow and sexist they are, really.
It’s almost amazing how much they’ll twist just to be right.
>cute effeminate boy
>Giant manly protective muscle girl
>That size difference
How is Japan so good at this?
She's more attractive when she's not a fucking muscle monster.
>she was always stronger but her boyfriend was always stronger
>falsely equivocate Japanese franchise with sjw idea
>see! It's the same!
Why are there so many of these threads lately?
And the others want her to crush their pelvis.
That first "stronger" should just be "strong"
I got ahead of myself while typing that post.
Yes she was more attractive, but I seriously like her as a person.
That's because Sakura is cute.
Chihiro is a shit character though design and personality when they tried the reverse.
Because she's likeable and acts like a proper woman
At least we can all agree that Sayaka is pure unfiltered garbage?
Chihiro's only fans are trannies who wish they could pass.
Which is funny because Chihiro isn't even trans.
She's an esper
Take that back.
She isn't supposed to be attractive.
As long as it's understood that Leon is also trash. And Makoto has shit taste because he still waifus Sayaka years after she died.
Ask anyone on tumblr, and they’ll swear up and down that he’s trans.
He's a boy. He only crossdresses because he was bullied into it. And he was planning on putting a stop to it.
He'd still go homo on Leon and Mondo's cocks though.
But thats a kawaii ugly womyn.
He canonically isn't though. He's just so ashamed of being a male with that wimpy physique he pretends to be a girl
gee thanks Faulerro for completely ruining him in your abridged series
then again he's friends with stupid tumblrinas
Honestly she just needs to ease up on the scowl a bit, and that'd be enough for me.
Leon is bro tier.
>a man that dresses like a woman
>not a transvestite
True martial artists don't take steroids.
I'm disappointed.
But Yea Forums even complained when Watchdogs 2 had something like this with a villian who they mentioned had a horrible smell in the dialog. Yea Forums as usally flipped their shit and started calling the game sjw because it had a fat Tumblrina as a villian.
If anything most of its fans sells her for her personality, you donkey
Leon's a fucking faggot who only cares about getting pussy but none of the girls would fuck him so Chihiro is his girlfriend.
I know he’s not trans. I played the game. It’s just retarded that a lot of other people had the message fly completely over their heads, and immediately think he’s trans.
>Ask anyone on tumblr
Tumblr puts the gay label in every character ever. They think headcanon and actual canon are one and the same
Shit taste. She’s canonically worst girl and a major whore.
>They think headcanon and actual canon are one and the same
Reminds me of this place
>Sakura thread
This is why Yea Forums will always be best videogame board. God bless.
We know you mean """transsexual""", faggot.
>character made for giggles
>character made to appease screeching mentally ill harpies
Sakura is actually one of the top tier waifus of the series.
Meanwhile western strong wamyn are just "girl power" lesbians where half their lines are about not being a man but they can do said task anyway.
I do wonder who might be behind this post
Because they usually create them as a joke.
In the West, creators who shoehorn strong ugly women characters in their games, and people who support these characters, DEMAND to be taken seriously, and this is where the fun stops and the problems begin.
I can't believe she was banging Kenshiro.
Japs make an ugly character because they want to make an ugly character.
The west makes ugly characters because strong, independent womyn are terrified of attractive women.
Lies. Kyoko is best girl. Sayaka is nothing but a dead slut.
Does Yea Forums actually believe DR3 devs made this character for sjw reasons?
>inb4 Dead Rising is Japanese
DR2-4 were made in Canada by a bunch of faggots.
>It's another great character trapped in a shit game thread
Kyoko is literally, unironically Worst Girl.
Complete slander.
>he's still mad about that
It's not like she had a better option available.
>every page is just hyping up how nice she is so that he doesn't feel bad about her murdering someone
You forgot to tell him to have sex
It’s pathetic.
I wonder what it's like being so dedicated to what's objectively the worst girl in any medium ever.
>joke caricature
Her whole personality and character arc was based around her strength and history as an extremely strong martial artist. Calling something a "political statement" doesn't mean anything.
You sound like a radical feminist.
Because japs makes like 90% of the female characters attractive, while the west now makes 90% of the female characters unatracctive
They're in on the joke.
Also they see it as a joke.
Also her backstory explains why she looks so buff and manly, before that she was sexy and cute.
>Jap devs
>make strong ugly woman
>either for comedy or a actual character
>he doesn't feel bad about her murdering someone
He's right not to feel bad about her murdering someone because she didn't murder someone, the stupid bitch.
I hate this series so fucking much
So who is less gay to fuck, Chihiro or Sakura?
>Makoto lies on her behalf because he trusts her to do the right thing
>she says absolutely fucking nothing as he's about to get completely and utterly obliterated despite being innocent
truly the worstgirl. she was still my second favorite because of her great design though
Sakura, because she's still a woman even though she is masculine, powerful, and principled. fucking a chick with always be less gay than fucking a dude.
*will always
Chihiro fucking Sakura
That would have to be the other way around.
I don't think Chihiro would survive.
Sakura is cuter than Chihiro will ever be.
Mental illness fags get out
He’d die happy. Or be wheelchair bound for the rest of his life.
>Fucking a girl
Also she is literally the best, most honest and chill person in the series who not once tried to kill you and always stood up for you.
She stood up for Makoto, not user.
Funny, I've never played a Danganronpa game but am aware of a lot of the characters just through seeing pictures/discussion online, yet I've never seen this one. It's almost as if the Japs don't design characters like this with the sole intent of ramming their progressive ideals down people's throats, and instead focus on making them actually well written.
That’s Sakura Oogami. She’s cute.
It wasn't a joke you coping cuck.
Does anyone have the hallway spook image.
Is this by that madlad that did the Naruto doujin magnum opus because whoo boy
what magnum opus
yaas queen slay
They aren't afraid to make fun of her. All these characters that the west makes are untouchable in this respect, outside of Ellie from Borderlands 2. Hiro and Makoto both take jabs at her appearance and don't think she's a girl at first. Her nickname is Ogre for fuck sake. She's also a well written character and it makes sense that she would be jacked since she's a high level martial artist.
why is she so perfect?
She's the Ultimate Martial Artist and Strongest creature on earth for correction so it doubles up on making sense.
Kenshiro is still stronger than her, and he’s terminally ill.
The in-depth analysis of Sahara Wataru's naruto works. It was pretty fucking autistic
I'm still fucking mad about what happened to Sakura.
No, it's this guy.
And second, what the fuck.
Whenever I see a long-winded analysis for something like this, I think to myself, "This guy is a fucking pseudointellectual who has no good arguments and hides behind long essays in order to sound smart to braindead people who don't even try to understand and think long = informative."
Fuck these guys.
easy shitpost
I actually forgot she existed
I have literally 0 idea what her ultimate power is because she's so forgettable
every single other character is memorable except for her
She’s the Ultimate Idol.
>swole Nagito
>Hope has blessed me with these sick gains, Hajime.
Imagine them comparing the sizes of their bodyparts while they're alone.
Literally why does this thought make me SO FUCKING HARD?
Sakura was absolutely cute and pure
Fuck you. I can’t unsee it anymore.
Nagito is better than Kokichi, prove me wrong.
How can you disprove a fact?
They’re both liars.
By being a Kokichifag and imagining it
Imagine the reverse stand-and-carry.
Nagito is a good liar though.
Kokichi is just bad as a character, especially in the 5th case.
Musclefags out, shoo.
>reverse stand-and-carry
What’s that
That just proved Makoto was a gullible retard, and a willing stooge to be manipulated. Kyoko was willing to throw his life away to survive/get closer to the truth, and I don't blame her in the slightest.
Who the fuck would ever disagree with that?
Even the people who actually like V3 hate Kokichi, for the most part.
Because theyre usually garbage characters in western games
Sakura is probably the best Danganronpa 1 character.
Sakura's a great character though. Also Danganronpa 1 came out 9 years ago.
That’s still pretty shitty.
>perfect strong female characters were already made in 1979 (Ellen Ripley) and 1984 (Sara Conner)
>nobody uses them as an example ever
They are used as an examples but they just make them ugly and masculine in present day.
Sakura is and always will be best girl
She didn't fucking deserve it bros...
Ne ne~
She was a traitor that got what she deserved.
Who is Kotoko at B and Monaka at C?
Sayaka belongs in her own tier way below everyone else.
Aoi should go in S-tier if the bad ending didn't make her a complete slut.
now THIS is shitposting
But muscle girls are hot.
>Ellen Ripley
>Never used as an example by tumblr psychos
Gee, I wonder why
It was non canon. Aoi is perfect.
discord trannies
But Junko is the sluttiest of them all. How come she gets to be on S rank, despite being a slut, but not Aoi?
Kotoko and Monaca are not for sexual.
Based, fuck Ibuki
If this reply gets a 0, Ibuki is worst girl
>junko at S
>tsumugi at C
It serve to confirms the opinions that sjws is a big mistake in gaming
That was real fucking cute. Thanks user.
Guaranteed replies
It was going to be him or literally anyone else that was going to die. Why kill your friends when they can just kill you?
like many others said, japs dont do it to virtue signal, they just do it
plus japs have a TON of weak cute girls, strong cute girls, medium-strength cute girls, so the occasional ugly woman is no problem
They're both little shits without friends and purpose, though. What means they're equal.
There's another little shit who's in need of being bullied! Because I want to bully Saionji so much. I want to scold her to tears and throw her into pool. I want to take her gummies and eat them in front of her. Then I'll force-feed her with lemon-flavored gummies, palm after palm. I want to call her a stinky and take her panties so she has to going commando for the rest of the trip. I want to mock her inability to put her kimono by herself, so I'll strip her every once in a while, yelling what one day, she'll be glad to be able to dress up herself. Also, I'll take her kitty hairpins, making her long blonde hair cover her private parts. And when I'll give kimono back to her, I'll make sure to put Mr. Ants in every single pleat and Mr. Crab in her panties.
And when finally she snaps and try to bully me by any means possible, I'll spank her in front of everyone until she'll like it. And when she'll come to me, begging for another spanking, I'll mock her again, then spank her as if my life depends on it, laughing on her moans full of pleasure. Mere seconds before her climax, I'll throw her into pool once again, leaving her in her aroused state.
You're actually supposed to think she will be a joke character and is in fact one of the most developed and heroic characters in the series
angie deserves to be in the same tier as miu
Sakura is cute!
Sakura is not a joke wtf
There’s nothing ironic about Sakuras presentation of character. Her actions and dialogue are 100% genuine.
Komaeda's hope and despair rants were obnoxious as fuck but it was all worth it for his role in Chapter 4 and the ultimate payoff in Chapter 5.
Kokichi's personality was far more tolerable at first and he peaked as an antagonist in Chapter 4, but he crashed and burned thanks to his stupid plan in Chapter 5 and was completely upstaged by Shuichi in Chapter 6.
Basically the lying little shit had some good points but I'd agree that overall Hopeman was better.
Hello Bully-kun
How was your day?
I love Ibooky!
Who is worst girl?
isn't the whole reason she's called sakura because sakura is a very delicate feminine name? isn't there a scene where the hero goes like "i didn't expect someone named sakura to look like that"
Yes goy it's just a coincidence
Don't think about it
>Danganronpa came out only 1 year after Amagami
>English patch for PSP almost immediately
So why is it taking so long for Amagami?
The writer makes his characters by plugging descriptors together and then something that would make it interesting / different. Sakuras were strong and heroic so the extra descriptor was girly girl.
>traitor working for the enemy
>does absolutely nothing to help the enemy
Because Sakura was a great person, and if you didn't feel bad when she died, you have no soul.
Yes, he does say that, but I wouldn’t classify Makoto as a hero.
It's a sunny comfy day today! It's a good day!
>"Radical feminist" wants women to look like women instead of butch dyke Tumblr users with a manitude
I prefer Kokichi. Nagito is the better villain though.
The better the series the longer it takes.
Do people still feel fine talking about V3 plot after watching that ending?
but he was mocking said radicals
>I prefer Kokichi.
Which style of homo are you?
Ibuki, Angie, or Tenko
Tenko is definitely the worst.
celeste, mikan, angie
Silly user.
Best girl in that game.
Because I want to fuck this
But western stronk women are ugly
That's what american stronk women look like user
Cute and wholesome
>ugly womyn
You take that back kneegrow
It was a do or die situation. The choice was to get herself killed or get him killed. Even from a purely unselfish moral standpoint, she was the only one who was actually making progress on finding the real answers and making an escape, picking herself to survive over Makoto gives everyone else the best chance for survival.