How come more people played sekiro during its peak over dmc5?
Dmc is an established series while sekiro is a new IP
How come more people played sekiro during its peak over dmc5?
Dmc is an established series while sekiro is a new IP
They're both good games and not related besides being action games, but I'll have a crack at it.
From games appeal to people who love a number of things. Exploration, atmosphere, a dark and underplayed narrative, etc.
DMC is a very weird game in terms of designing for an audience. It's an action game with a campaign tailored for normies, but the top-end of the game is about styling, s-ranking, and the optional difficulties—two of which are buried under grind components of beating the game multiple times and grinding out moves. I really wish you could start with all difficulties and moves unlocked.
I played the first 3 Devil May cry games and I thought they were trash whereas I enjoyed the first 3 Dark Souls games.
May be wrong but I would think Fromsoft is a lot more popular than DMC.
dmc5 has nothing going for it outside the excellent combat
everything else: level design, enemy variety and moveset, story and pacing, lenght etc. are overall subpar
Theyre about the same. 3-6m range.
Fromsoft has built an audience and they make basic mechanics that are hard to adapt to but anybody can learn. DMC has just returned after a controversial game and it isn't as challenging as you want it to be.
13213 vdfaedfaedfaedfaedfaedfaedfaedfaedfaedfaedfaedfaedfaedfaedfaedfaedfaedfae
Character action games are niche, Souls-likes aren't.
Simple stuff, user.
>while sekiro is a new IP
Literally everyone sees it as Samurai Dark Souls
Not since Dark Souls 3 or arguable Dark Souls 1. Fromsoft exploded since then while DMC's best selling is only 4m which was 10 years ago.
2 mil two weeks,that's more than the Souls liftime series and 3 had and even bigger launch, Sekiro will be lucky to reach that goal.
>not niche
>games only sell about 2 mil lifetime per game.
DMC's last actual game was ten years ago.
>variety and moveset
Sekiro is only popular because everyone sees it as another Souls game. Dark Souls is the normie ''hard'' game and its what everything gets compared to.
5 outsold all the individual soul games and bloodborne in only two weeks.
A better question is why are you fags so obsessed with starting a war between two games because they came our in a similar window? They're both good. Play them both and get over it.
babby couldn't handle combat that isn't r1 roll r1 roll
Because Devil May Cry 4 was over a fucking decade ago.
In between DMC4 and DMC5 the entire Souls franchise was born and From Software became a household name with a massive fanbase and a bunch of copycats. The fact that DMC5 is as successful as it is after being gone for a fucking eternity is amazing in itself.
DMC5 is easymodo for babbies, Sekiro is actually a fun and challenging game.
DMC was dead for a decade while Souls games have flourished in said decade.
I think you should first play a game before voicing your opinion on it.
simple as that
How come brazilians always use "how come" instead of just saying "why" ? :-^)
>dmc5 is a sequel to an almost forgotten niche series
>sekiro was an already hyped to the heavens game because it was instantly labeled as a new dark souls-like game
Bait thread.
from software has been releasing games consistently for 8-10 years and this is the first DMC game in about the same amount of time?
Sekiro is a souls memegame which means twitch memelords will play it and get mad at it and there's some prestige factor in beating it.
DMC wasn't hyped? What? There was fucking music videos and shit.
Everyone literally forgot about Sekiro until Game Informer and the literally didn't even advertise the game until after DMC came out and then Activision started pulling out all the stops last second.
They both have their audiences, they're both damn fine games, and they both had damn fine and comparable sales.
Sekiro wasn't hyped up everywhere because there was nothing to talk about. Everyone was just waiting for it to come out to talk about it. DMC5 was incredibly hyped because a passionate fanbase was finally getting what they wanted after 10 years.
DMC5 is a nostalgia vomit that's why
That's what I said.
Music and music videos that were incredibly divisive for the fanbase and faces that felt like they came out of DmC. It basically splintered the whole fanbase over DMC5. Demo came out which just splintered it more. Enemies were so umaggressive even in DH and Nero was able to enemy step into snatch into the skybox like Donte had. Basically DMC4 but influenced alot by DmC.
Because Sekiro is Souls game the same way Bloodborne is.
Actually, The problem was the nostalgia was in wrong place. People wanted Tetsuya Shibata music and old DMC level design. It decides to take the worst out of DMC4 and DmC instead and makes the story conclusion fanservice bullshit.
People that can't git gud already avoid DMC. They love souls like because every time they die is a meme moment for them, and they love memes and die a lot.
>It decides to take the worst out of DMC4 and DmC instead
I don't see dice puzzle anywhere.
>old DMC level design
Nigger, only DMC1 had good level design. Half of DMC3 levels can be considered as "it's that level". DMC5 makes the best choice by making it a pure action game.
DMC has always been seen as a low brow button mashing game.
That's objectively false.
What they took from 4
>Shitty story
>Sharing play tim with other characters when Dante should have always been a lead
What they took from DmC
>On rails level design that is basically hallways
>Shitty story
>Donte but now it's Nero. Nero barely swore. He was punk but he was a silent cool type.
>Shitty music
To top it all off. Yes. DMC1 had the best level design but DMC3 still tried it's best to emulate it. DMC5 decides to take the lazy route and say it'll rather have hallways.
>Donte but now it's Nero. Nero barely swore. He was punk but he was a silent cool type.
Denial isn't healthy.
>he was a silent cool type
Did we play the same game?
>bait thread that is also extremely dumb
>tons of replies
Don't deny it user, even if it's not true, people always think of DMC as a button masher
That is a lie and you know it. Ds games have sold 3m on pc alone. The best selling dmc game is at 3m on all platforms.
You sound like a child.
You're in denial, revisionist. God of War was always considered what you just described.
actually this
Also his personality is still way different than Donte's, and the shitty story in 5 is nothing lile DmC's
That's my point. Thank you for proving it. He was a punk but he was barely a loudmouth like 5Nero is. He also never says "Fuck You". He says "Rock You" in 4. If that wasn't such a giveaway that Itsuno liked Donte and inserted him into Nero, I don't know what is.
Isn't sekiro the fucking same then ?
Yes. Thank you for showing me a buster animation from 4 against the final boss of that game. See how he never says "Fuck" and is actually clever because it's against a leader of a religion. These are the few moments in 4 where he actually swore and I saw that as a flaw then for both Nero and Dante and I see it as a flaw now more than ever when the forefront of the final fight has somebody saying "Fuck You".
I chose Sekiro because Capcom had been fucking up for a while (selling literally the same game 3 times over, ridiculous dlc etc). I didn't like 4 too much because of the way they split the campaign, plus I hated Nero's whiny bitch ass, like him better in 5. After 4 we had been so long without a DMC game I thought the series was dead, then they do the same shit and split the game between characters. Why "fix" what isn't broken?
DMC games are fucking niche as fuck dude. From's games on the other hand are as popular as CoD
Geez how embarrassing. Not only are you going on unrelated tangents, you are wrong too. GoW was percieved as an edgy game, at least until the last one.
Anyone who fails to perceive this is retarded.
Doesn't change my point, and even he was known as "fouled mouthed" which is said by agnus in 4, that was the intend of his character to separate him even more from Dante, and swearing doesn't make the character better or worse, in 5 Nero's personality is made more similar to Vergil than Dante while also being a more angry type to show how different he is next to the more calm brothers
Soul series vs 10 years niche series.
What? 5Nero has more in common with Dante in 5 more than 4. He even trashtalks like Dante does. 4 didn't trashtalk like Dante. Remember how he passes by Berial? He mocks them but not in the way like Dante does. He's farther away from Vergil in 5 than in 4. Swearing normally doesn't make a character worse but it is in a DMC game where characters didn't need to swear or smoke to look cool. It also doesn't help that he kept swearing throughout the whole campaign that it takes away the impact of saying "Fuck You" to his own father. Now it just feels like a throwaway line crammed in since Donte used it.
seething dmcuck
It just proves that modern FROM games are normie tier the equivalent of Japanese Call of Duty but for autist
While DMC is still it's same self with the same fanbase
FROM made masterpieces before while DMC was always just edgy unfunny shit
Are you genuinely retarded, you revisionist?
I was waiting for the dust to settle for DMC5 like most of my friends, before I knew it they'd sold out on my base for physical copies. Bought it digital and I cant put it down.Shekerios combat seems boring to me and I feel this will pan out like Nioh were it'll blow up for a while and fade away.
Dante is power crazy on 4 and 5? Cause that's what Nero kept crying about throughout the game, bim having enough power, being strong enough to be able to protect his loved ones, he even blames himself for not being strong enough to save Credo, all things he shares with Vergil, just because he doesn't act as calm as Vergil doesn't mean he isn't like him in a deeper level
What's edgy about DMC?
Hahaha seething dmcfag
Because DMC5 was shit. Sekiro was pirated to hell and back too, it's a big hit.
>He thinks I'm talking about the opinion of autistic genre fans and not the general public
Oh I see. You are retarded. That explains that
>I wish all the moves had been unlocked form the start
That’s a terrible idea, on your first play through you would be overwhelmed, you need to be eased into it
You don’t need to grind unless you’re autistic about playing the game, you will have enough orbs to get a decent amount of moves, most of them by the end if you manage your orbs well
Dark Souls meme.
Pretty much everyone agrees that DMC5 is better
Japanese Dark Souls streamer youtube walkthrough death counter bait game, that's how.
That's been there since 4 but now you just make him more whiny about it. Remember when he threw a bitchfit after Sanctus took Kyrie away? He's even more pathetic here if Dante calling him deathweight is enough to trigger him. Him caring about Credo's death wasn't brought up in 4 and only before he transforms in 5 which inadvertedly caused his DT transformation feel shallow and rushed. There is barely any reason to care for Vergil. His abadonment issues in 4 or 5 is also never brought up so why would he care about finding about Vergil or want to spare him.
>that post
>that spacing
Oh, I see.
From Soft is more popular while the last actual DMC game was years ago and the reboot put a bad taste in everyone's mouth.
>O-oh no. The boogieman wants to say my f-favorite series is dumb.
Whatever you say, normalfag.
After DMC4 was released from software released 4 souls games
capcom really took its time instead of churning out mediocre games
Souls games are streamer bait. I actually wonder how many people are playing for themselves or because they can stream it.
I don’t think it’s too much of a stretch to say he misses Credo because he was raised in the same household as him
both of those statements are wrong.
DMC is a way more recognisable video game IP than any From Software game.
I was going to play it, but all of the negative reactions are keeping me away. Not watching it either since I'll probably get it anyway when the price drops. Don't care about the difficulty level, but people are saying the level design and world design are mediocre, and that's all the reason I play Fromsoft games.
Anyone saying the level design is bad is absolutely retarded, from what I've played so far. I was wary as well but so far I've been impressed.
level design is great what are you talking about, it's better than any souls game imo
It's almost like people screamed that Donte was closer to Nero than he is to Dante.
Maybe back at 2015 or something, zoomers nowadays will most likely know FROM games from their retarded streamers rather than DMC
DMC, while not niche, can definitely be called at least a cult classic on some level, it blew up quite amazingly with everything considered.
Sekiro is riding the coattail of the Souls series plus weeb attraction
Variety and moveset goes to DMC
Sekiro story, maybe, if you are into it.
Well playing Sekiro after DMC5 is kind deflating.
That's not my issue thought. My issue is the storytelling is dogshit and did nothing to allude to it. For all the banter her and Nico had, They never bothered to even hint at it.
Sekiro's story is pretty good until Miyazaki decided to bitch out again from a definitive ending, except this time it's worse that it feels more sequel bait than the all the other endings of the souls games.
literally 95% of the enemies are bugmen variations who stand there doing shit
any souls shit has better enemies, or rather, it’s really sifficult to do worse than dmc punchbags
He's right. Even if it isn't true, people do think they're button mashers.
>punching bags meme
Why do you fags need to talk about a game series you just jumped into? And DMC still has more variety combat wise
That might have never been the case before but it's showing how far DMC has fallen to the wayside when you can play on DH and the game barely tries or challenges you. Even Vergil in DH felt like a joke version of himself from 3 compared to the improved cast. It's going to be continued being called a button masher because it's afraid to challenge or even frustrate the player.
There are only like, 4 bug enemies in the whole game with one that serves as a literal red orb bag, which brings it down to 3
Sekiro enemies are pretty shit. Probably the worst enemies is all of soulsborne , even worse then BBs shit. I'd say DMC5 at least is better then those 2
Shut up the fuck up. You're not helping for criticizing DMC5's flaws. There are only 4 variations of bugmen in DMC5 with a cast of 19 enemies.
The button masher meme didn't happen until 5 where everyone played on devil Hunter mode on auto. Case in point downward thrust
There are more souls fans than DMC fans
DMC is boring, the combat is trash, it's just a fucking braindead "BIG NUMBER GOOD" simulator. Keep juggling until the game tells you how cool you are and flashes pretty lights on the screen.
Unironically an 80IQ series.
People on the outside always viewed character action games as such. This was the chance to prove them wrong and DMC5 decides to take the safe route that doesn't offend anybody but doesn't satisfy anybody either. Not the first time I've seen a stupid decision from Capcom and Capcom devs.
>95% of the enemies are bugmen variations
Same could be said about the fanbase.
This, Souls is downright normalfag tier. The fact that there are reddit tier t shirts of this series at the mall and nerd stores is honestly kinda cringe
Leave and take your wojaks with you. You don't belong in a thread that actually wants to compare and contrast.
>It's going to be continued being called a button masher because it's afraid to challenge or even frustrate the player.
You do know that you can unlock SoS and DMD right from the start right? You just need to beat the first "unbeatable" boss.
stop trying to pit them against each other you autist, both games are great
Only beginners care about ranks.
>on rails level design
As opposed to 10 on rails levels and some shitty dice game, and for the next 10 levels you back track.
>Shitty Story
Strongly disagree
>Donte but now Nero, Nero was a silent cool type
Oh my god, you're literally retarded and have never played 4 if you believe Nero "KYYYYRIEIEIEIEIEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" fucker was the slient type.
>shitty music
more like you have shitty taste, except subhuman is garbage.
>He hasn't even played the game
Why make it so obvious?
There's only 4 bug enemies you fucking retard, the rest are skeleman, demon goats, lizards, and nelo angelo sword and shield dudes.
dmc got ruined by the previous game while sekiro is the game that ruined the from soft lineage
Sekiro is riding on the Souls coattail.
dmc is pretty irrelevant actually and it's current community is a bunch of vocal underage morons. Wish you all were more self aware.
DMCfags can make all the excuses they want but the truth is that Sekiro is simply a much better game.
Are Soulslike games the most overrated pieces of entertainment in the medium?
What makes a game better than another?
>That’s a terrible idea, on your first play through you would be overwhelmed, you need to be eased into it
If you are brainlet, sure. It really isn't that hard to remember combos.
Currently? yes
Of all time? I don't think so
Playing the game isn't "grinding" you fucking loser.
>Shitty dice game
I didn't say the level design of DMC4 was good. I was looking at DMC1 and DMC3 for competent level design with enough puzzles and variety to entertain without burning you out of the combat while still supporting it.
Wow it's like showing how the silent type only screams when he fails something important to him
>Shitty music
Devil Trigger sucks. Crimson Cloud is alright in game. Subhuman sucks. The only tracks worth are Cav Angelo's track, Nico's track and the Goddess Statue's track. Everything else is trash. I can even compare it to the past. I don't even have to look further than DMC5's Vergil vs Dante theme and King Cerberus' theme and compare them to their counterparts in 3 to know that DMC5's OST sucks.
Because you're only looking at a minority group with steam numbers you dumb faggot.
No huge number of underage faggots plays dmc5. Its mostly the older fans playing it. Quit projecting underage faggot.
Having fun is not the same as being immature.
In a few more years you'd probably understand that.
honestly, they are not even comparable. dmc is nothing but juvenile trash.
>How come more people played sekiro during its peak over dmc5?
Sekiro's simple combat and mechanics appeal to the modern gamer's sensibilities. Whereas DMC5's skill-based gameplay requires that you learn it in order to gain a true sense of enjoyment.
Nobody will care about Sekiro in a year. People will still be playing DMC5 in 2025 unless we're lucky enough to get a DMC6 before then.
what's the matter faggot?
Can't do anything more than mash melee?
Basically this. The games don't even appeal to the same crowds. One is a relatively non linear exploration heavy punishing game, with a focus on precise execution and a very back and forth style of combat. The other is basically combat arenas chained together by nice looking corridors and with combat that revolves around freedom and very potent movement options and combos, both in terms of built in combos and linking different moves and weapons together.
>incredibly divisive
Come on now, that's complete bullshit and you know it, people have been calling ALL stylish action games button mashers, I've seen it happen to Bayo, MGR, and DMC.
DMC is the opposite of edgy. Its themes are all very wholesome and relatable. Themes of family, humanity and the value of emotional connections. Souls games aren't exactly edgy either but their themes tend to be a lot more grandiose and also macabre. The inevitebility of death, the illusion of grandeur and life. That kind of thing.
Bought DMC5 on launch. Still going through SoS mode, and won't stop till I'm done DmD. After that I'm going right to playing Nioh before I even touch Sekiro.
This should have been Dante's Theme
I'd say I'm about halfway through Sekiro, maybe a bit less, it's started snowing. Pretty much all the enemies I've fought so far are various humans. Big humans, midgets, humans with a sword, humans with a torch, humans with an axe, humans with a glaive, humans with bows, with guns. They're all pretty much the same kind of enemy, and you fight them the same way. DMC5 gives you a ton of variety with different enemies that work drastically different to one another. Maybe Sekiro picks up in terms of variety but given the art direction in this game I kind of (sadly) doubt it.
Sure. Whatever you want to believe. I was in those threads and I looked at the general reaction of DMC fans I trust to know how they felt about it to know enough. Most of them never bought the game and those that did said they want to play it even if they don't like the music. Subhuman and Crimson Cloud were even more torn apart than Devil Trigger was.
>epic metal cover
Fuck this guy he's got a reverse midas touch, just use the standard lock & load it's good enough.
>juggling helpless enemies
ahahahaha, funny
You need to get your eyes checked, user. Yea Forums has been full to the brim with like, multiple DMC threads simultaneously a few weeks ago with people cumming all over the game.
Yea Forums liking DMC so much is an oddity, the genre of Godhand, DMC, NG, etc is super niche and more arcadey for casuals to handle. While Sekiro is a title from the most common normalfag game known to man, dark souls. Dark souls has way more casual appeal than DMC.
Why talk about games you haven't played?
Yeah because everybody who had criticisms or didn't like the music either stopped going to the threads or lurks.
>laughing furies on DMD.jpg.
oh user you...
LMAO yeah, that's how Yea Forums works. When someone dislikes something here, they just stop posting about it, right?
DMC5 had pretty good marketing though that devil trigger was really popular with normies
Liking a song from a game won't make normies instantly like and go buy games like DMC or Bayo
No matter how popular you think DMC is most normalfags won't buy it. Just a fact.
Pretty much, especially on threads that are dedicated to a specific game. No reason to voice your criticism when 30 other fanboys would jump at your throat with excuses on how something shitty and a departure from the past games is bad. DMC threads also did this for 6 months so none of those would have anything other shitposting, waifufagging and occassional discussion when footage is shown. Look at the threads from E3 and the threads from when Subhuman released to show to divided it became.
Why is everyone so hell bent on lying about DMC to prop up Sekiro?
??? When Subhuman was revealed everyone agreed it was shit with maybe 2 dudes liking it, it's only later that people started memeing it and making a bit more appealing, non the less most people still think Sunhuman is shit, so what's your point?
I think what you don't understand as a non fan is that people in dmc threads can have disagreements and won't get shat on, without it turning into a giant shitfest. When you say that enemies are brainless and easy to juggle it's just obvious you don't know what you're talking about because it's not the case in higher difficulties. When you say the combat is easy, again, you haven't had a DMD playthrough.
However when you say V is shit, some people might agree with you, and some won't. You could have an argument without it turning into a SPLINTER like you're saying. The community is genuinely positive and I can understand why that might be confusing to the average Yea Forumsirgin.
Because Soulsfags are inane creatures who froth at the mouth
They're both good games. Sekiro is From's newest and latest, and From has a mostly positive reputation. It's a new IP from a trusted and popular developer. Capcom's slowly making a comeback as well. Hack 'n slash will always be niche though.
ITT: seething FROM zoomers
oh nononononon that doesn't count!
To a soulstards any combat that doesn't play out like a back and forth where the enemy constantly has the upper hand is easy and brainless. They can't envision anything else being challenging.
>it's more popular so it's better
Yes I too love fortnite and league of legends. The pinnacle of gaming!
A lot of casuals thought it was going to be "a ninja action game, high quality like Dark Souls which I never played because it was too difficult, except easy for casuals like me!"
Literally who is this person in the picture
A celebrity youtuber influencer
Are you trying to say that Call of Duty and Fifa are good?
>implying I care what others play
confirmed zoomer in constant search of approval
they don't even care about the game itself, they just want to let the other zoomers know they play the last dark souls, just like underages who in the past boasted about playing mature games for mature players like themselves™
those guys now evolve into fromfags