What are the
>RPGs you MUST play
What are the
>RPGs you MUST play
Other urls found in this thread:
Well Morrowind for once
Oblivion too I would say. Gothic 1 and 2, Chrono Trigger, Planescape Torment.
Pic unrelated.
contrarianism should be a bannable offense...
Morrowind is Contrarianism: The Game, dumbass.
>Morrowind is Contrarianism: The Game, dumbass.
what the hell are you talking about? It's a legendary classic to all but special snowflakes like you.
final fantasy 9
It's a "legendary classic" to retards who were upset by Skyrim being popular when it was released and so they brought up Morrowind to appear to be special and unique themselves.
witcher 3
>when Skyrim
confirmed underage, I wasted my time replying.
Dark Souls. I can't stress this enough. Dark Souls, Dark Souls, Dark Souls. Accept no substitute.
You wasted your time in general. Come back when you learn how to make a point, any point, instead of spewing shit onto a keyboard like the impulsive knee-jerk reactive fag you are.
>He actually thinks Skyrim is better than Morrowind
This should be considered a mental illness
Star wars kotor 1 & 2 (with restored contents mod)
I never said that, illiterate baby (though it is true).
Wizardry 1
Wizardry 8
Might and magic 6
Ultima 7
Dungeon master
Ultima underworld
>inb4 nu-rpgs and jap shit
Diablo 1 and 2.
I'm not arguing anything, just rightfully rebuking you for the puerile notion that Morrowind's good reputation is a hipster reaction to fucking Skyrim. You're a stain on this good thread.
*blocks your path*
Exactly, you aren't arguing anything, you're just offended by the mere notion the entire planet isn't a nostalgiafag echo-chamber. Morrowind was almost entirely forgotten about until Skyrim was released, which provided a prime opportunity for hipsters and pretentious troglodytes to suddenly acclaim that Dark Souls and Morrowind were the peak of RPG design, even if they barely gave a shit about them beforehand.
Seek help
I don't want to be an ass but is there people who enjoyed Nox without playing it in their childhood?
Don't worry, I'm positive there's some Morrowind community on Reddit where you won't have to deal with the scary bad men who don't suck it off at every opportunity.
>chrono trigger
and a ching chong a ping pong to you too, my fellow weeb
Absolutely seething
too bad the dx11 mods make both games crash like shit, and L'Hiver paired with DX11 makes G2 run like dogshit and crash even harder
>playing Morrowind, having a blast with how much it feels like an actual RPG
>become leader of one of the Houses
>feel kinda burned out since there's no benefit to it and now I've got nothing to do
>got to fill the void
>figure out how to get ridiculously OP Alchemy using intelligence potions
>now completely burned out because there's nowhere to progress from here
Fuck lads, have I ruined the game for myself?
>Pool of Radiance
>Arkania Star Trail
>Jagged Alliance 2
>Wizardry 7
>Betrayal At Krondor
>Dark Heart of Uukrul
>Dungeon Master CSB
this thread is gunna be full of bioware, obsidian, and bethesda garbage though
good job you don't need mods for it
it takes like an hour to complete the main story line, just fly around the map at 500 mph and get it over with
based and wizpilled
>complete downgrade from DeS in every way
>whole franchise is just a shitty version of blade of darkness
The problem still remains: then what? I'm at the top of House Tellvani and I have essentially unlimited power. I've killed the sense of progress that's meant to make RPGs fun.
Damn bro, you are actually so brave for saying you don't like morrowind man. Lemme suck your sweet cock bad scary men. Just a licc spooky boi comeon
>then what?
then play a better game
>the sense of progress that's meant to make RPGs fun
you sound like a retarded weeb
Not a fan of Elder Scrolls, but at least you didn't say Skyrim. Anyway, I'd say Final Fantasy, Dragon Quest, Chrono Trigger, Persona, KOTOR, and Fallout 1 and 2.
Then 99% of Yea Forums would be banned
>you MUST play shitty J"RPGs"
What's wrong with JRPGs?
theyre over represented and too popular
>popular = bad
They have no redeeming qualities. It'd be easier to ask what is right with them.
Certainly not morronwind. Baldur's Gate and Icewind Dale are a must. Then you take that experience to mod the shit out of Skyrim.
>Baldur's Gate and Icewind Dale are a must.
why? what did they do that dark sun did not?
nvm you're retarded
>a full set of daedric is so heavy you can barely carry anything else with it
for what purpose?
Hating Chrono Trigger almost feels a little... contrarian?
>why? what did they do that dark sun did not?
they are basically the only good rpgs in existence, because they pushed oldschool rpgs to the max
later games like morrowind focused much more just on 3d graphics and pandered to casuals, making them boring and unbalanced
dark souls magic system just isnt as fun though compared to other RPGs Dark souls is more of an action game like god of war but just slower and without shitty QTEs than an actual RPG
Thinking TES or any Besthesda product is good is a mental illness.
>Icewind Dale
Yeah, no
The maps in the game are literal hallways, like lazier design than even Skyrim dungeons. The combat itself is completely braindead and there is not a single moment in the game where you have to stop have a think for a good solid minute about what you are going to do. The supposed branches in story are not of any significance at all and the game is mostly on the rails. Imagine what this must be like for someone that is not a retarded normalfag with bottom of the barrel standards. You are spending hours on end going down railroaded hallways which is extended further by braindead combat encounters and broken up by mediocre dialogue segments. Why would ANYONE in their right mind enjoy this garbage?
t. storyfag too dumb for gameplay too dumb for literatur
>they are basically the only good rpgs in existence
again, what did they do that dark sun did not?
>because they pushed oldschool rpgs to the max
Ah yes, prebuff and let the ai hack trash mob to death is peak gameplay
t. too young to remember when Morrowind came out, but just old enough (probably 11 or so) to play Skyrim when it came out
Fallout 2 and NV
KoTor 1 and 2
kotor sucks and star wars is gay. why is every movie about killing your dad while fighting off an evil empire of men wearing phallic helmets
>wizardry 1
Dont play this as an intro to rpgs lmao youre gonna get diddled
this will get no response and the little faggot will just go back to claiming CT is a masterpiece at the next opportunity like some sneaky kike
>Ah yes, prebuff and let the ai hack trash mob to death is peak gameplay
On hardest difficulty you wouldn't survive anything like this
You are just another shit player who just reloads anyway
The reason you hate it doesn't change that it's still a contrarian opinion. BANNED!
i'd rather read a book.
was unplayable in 2002 when i got it for free with my 4800Ti. i don't think much has changed there.
>not a single mention of final fantasy 1
Modern Yea Forums really is shit.
final faggotry is garbage, go away
The Sneed one
Why play FF1 when you could play DQ3?
I'd say that one is more important.
>morrowind unplayable
Jesus fucking shit, kids.
I played it for the first time a few months ago and liked it a lot.
Everyone in this thread is mentally retarded prove me wrong.
Keep telling yourself that faggot
Your game is pure trash
why would i play a pseudoRPG when i can play a real one?
everyone on the internet is mentally retarded prove me wrong
I mean, at least he gave us some kind of argument and you didn't add anything meaningful to conversation
Some RPG.
Skyrim had more choice and consequence than Morrowind.
Because all things considered FF1 is still incredibly iconic, but unlike plenty of other iconic games it's also incredibly simplistic and easy to try out.
To make your party and travel to your first town is an experience in itself, and a short one, but nowadays it's as if people don't bother to even try the game.
Back in the day everyone and their grandmother had complete ROM collections of NES, SNES, GB, GBC, plus other ROMs. And of those just about everyone had at the very least tried FF1.
The decline of emulation and file sharing in general has been a true detriment to videogame communities everywhere.
Like what?
>its good because its iconic and simple
why are jrpgfags like this
So you should try out FF1 because it's easy to try out FF1 and it's iconic entry for rest of the FF games?
Not them but it's called shitposting.
>choice and consequence
everything from morrowind onwards is just todd trying to make ultima 7 in 3d, prove me wrong
Basically yeah.
I still didn't hear why it's shitposting. You are just saying mean stuff about him insted of deconstructing his argument my man
>i'd rather read a book.
you've never read a book, faggot
>>its good
I never even said this. You don't have to like it.
I just said people should at least try it.
Well, in that case you should try first minion movie because it's really easy to do so and it's iconic for the rest of minion lore.
Dark Brotherhood could be destroyed or not.
A few of the follower quests had a choice between betraying them at the end or not.
The standard main faction choice.
That is off the top of my head.
Morrowind was fairly sparse on C&C so it is a low bar to hurdle.
Not saying Skyrim has a ton of choices that effect the game just more than Morrowind.
why should they try it if its not good
Wizardry 4. It's the best entry game of the series
Well yeah, of course it was unplayable.
Earthbound, Mother 3, Shadow Hearts:
Covenant, FFVII, Kingdom Hearts 2: Final Mix, Battle Network 5, Mega Man Legends, that's off the top of my head.
This is why I run a a shit tonne of content expansion mods along with a mod that slows your exp gain to a tenth of normal.
I think good choice is based on effects it gives you after and from the ones you mentioned none had any because from what i remember you can rebuild dark brotherhood base and do quests from the statue anyway. In morrowind if you were certain race or faction member opposite faction members wouldn't even talk to you so faction actually ment something.
Maybe you are right overall tho, it's been a long time since i played these games
The FG/TG conflict wasn't even a choice in Morrowind.
It only matters when you do a certain quest.
You never get to make a choice.
If you choose to destroy the DB it is destroyed.
That is the end of it.
Even Cicero leaves if you do.
yes lets hivemind, fellow lebbitor. how do i downvote on this site?!
edit: wtf dont downvote me
edit2: thx for the gold and free vasectomy coupon
OpenMW 0.46 fucking when?
Everytime this gets posted I have the strange feeling that I have already seen the full pic and she has very big titties. Can't remember if it's true or not
She's making that face to the guy pinching her nipples.
Morrowind and the first 2 Fallouts
>unplayable in 2002
you fags aren't even trying anymore
Neverwinter Nights, vanilla and the first two expansion packs
Great suggestions. If there are brave anons who are true RPG fans and can stomach retro, I recommend Eye of the Beholder, Crysalis, Wild Arms 1, SaGa Frontier in addition to this list.
would you like a mod list?
Is anything with an apex phallic to you? Stuff your vagina.
Funny. At the time FF1 entered the arena, there was literally nothing like it. Regards, from a person who played it on release, bought by based mom from Toys R Us.
Humans are mentally retarded prove me wrong.
How can you form an independent opinion if you don't try it, though? Intellectually dishonest, otherwise.
Literally nothing matters in Morrowind unless you want to distinguish between the Tribunal Temple and the Imperial Cult, or the Mages Guild and the Telvanni House. These choices affect initial reactions, not the game at all. Without mods, no one will acknowledge your position in any House, guild, or other rank.
Get the latest Nightly. Works pretty well
Daggerfall, Morrowind, Oblivion, Dark Souls, DS2, Diablo, Diablo 2, and Diablo 3
>diablo 3
>At the time FF1 entered the arena, there was literally nothing like it
thats wrong though
I owned morrowind when it came out on xbox as a kid, it was and has generally been well received throughout the years. You can't blame hipsters every time you have no argument user.
unironically skyrim
But it isn't that time any more and anyone can see the game is built on grinding to keep the player from cruising through.
There's little enemy variety and what does exist offers no tactical challenge. Just have your white mage healing while your warrior and black mage face roll every fight.
Give us examples; a refutation usually includes examples.
if i took a shit on a plate and handed it to you, would you eat it? by your own admission FF1 has no redeeming qualities, so how can you recommend it to anyone?
That is the basic system even now? Didn't you just describe "fill in the blank"?
Deus Ex
Deus Ex Human Revolution
Mass Effect
Mass Effect 2
Fallout 1, 2, New Vegas
KOTOR 1, 2
Chrono Trigger
Suikoden 2
it was preceded by dragon quest, which, by the devs own admission, is literally a rip off of older western rpgs for people that are too low IQ to play them. i really don't see how you liking a game when you were a dumbass kid is an argument for it being good.
That's a false association; by that metric, you shouldn't play any videogames due to the laughably bad, and often irreconcilable, events in them.
And I've heard Ultimate Underworld is good too.
Underrated post
Dragon Quest? Nice game, had that one as well, and its systems are nothing like FF1, nor is it even remotely similar in any regard.
this post makes no sense, take your pills
I forgot Fallout 1 and New Vegas. Maybe 2 as well. Arx Fatalis is good as well.
Play Oblivion GOTY Edition.
Are you ESL? Playing a videogame for yourself, if you've never played it, and only have some no-name shithead from "undisclosed location" on Earth, should give you a personal opinion. That is, unless you like everyone not yourself to give you the guidelines for your personal choices, you defunct robot.
you can play it in various forms but it's the original pure dungeon crawler
Niggaz need stonekeep in they lives.
I described any number of shitty JRPG's because the genre stagnated through the 90's, became obsessed with aesthetics over gameplay through the 00's and has spent the last decade serving as a vehicle for anime tropes.
If you want to recommend a game with action you've got Diablo, you want tactics you've got X-Com, you want lore and world building you've got Arcanum.
There's no reason to play JRPG's unless you genuinely enjoy grinding, in which case put down FF and play Disgaea.
>its systems are nothing like FF1
First of all, FF and Dragon Quest do not have "systems." They are bare bone auto attack grindan games where you have little to no control real impact on character progression or even combat. Secondly, they are extremely similar, to the point of FF's creator saying DQ was his main inspiration.
If you can't name a single positive thing about the game, but defend it to the death anyways we can safely conclude that:
1) the game is shit and has no redeeming qualities
b) its popularity is propped up by retards that played it when they were kids
you've had ample time to come up with a defense for the game. you clearly have nothing positive to say about it.
Eye of the Beholder
The Lord of the Rings Vol. 1
that is not a good game and the only reason to play it is for the novelty of badly designed, glitchy, proc-gen'd labyrinth hell. i beat it and literally felt nothing. there are at least a hundred rpgs i'd rather play.
Why not just play Deus Ex?
Quick run down of some of my favorite RPGs on consoles-
If you never played a phantasy star game, I think phantasy star 3 (sega genesis) would be the best one to start with. (It was my first try in this series and where I had no idea about the story/lore of the phantasy star series, it really blew me away, from the generational gameplay to realizing what was really happening and how the reality of their world was shattered as the storyline progressed) After playing 3, go back and play 1, 2 (1 and 2 are on the sega master system) and 4 (on genesis).
>Ogre battle on snes (very odd strategy RPG with tons of secrets) Colorful and fun.
>Tactics Ogre on PS1
>Vandal Hearts series on PS1
>Final Fantasy Tactics (any version)
>Shining force (any and all for the sega genesis/sega cd)
>Lunar 1 and 2 for sega cd/ PS1
>Dragon age and final fantasys (up until final fantasy 12 (13 and beyond sucked)
>Chrono Trigger on snes and Chrono Cross on PS1
>Wild Arms on PS1
>Skies of Arcadia on dreamcast
>Secret of Mana (snes) and Seiken Deitsu 3 (snes) (sequel that we never got here in the US to Secret of Mana) You can find the rom translated on most rom sites, very good game.
Fallout 1, 2, Arcanum, Baldurs gate, Planescape Torment.
in the unity port you can hang off any ceiling now
why is it when someone makes a list of tons of jrpgs it turns out they have only played baby's first crpgs? are jrpgfags just people that have never played a real crpg?
Blay Sdalger
Probably because Crpg's (that were worth playing) were rare when I actually had the time to put into them back in the day. Unlike now, when I don't have the time to play everything that has came out over the years that might be worth playing.
Good taste extends to every genre.
>Probably because Crpg's (that were worth playing) were rare
CRPGs were coming out by the truckload from the early 1980s all the way up until 2004, briefly died, then came back in 2012. Not really sure what you mean by this.
>has shit taste in crpgs
>likes jrpgs which are all shit
adds up
You keep calling it Dragon Quest. Well, where I'm from, in the "contemporary time" it was called Dragon Warrior. Also, here's a comparison:
Dragon Warrior: you fight one enemy at a time, max level is 30, spells use MP, gear progression is extremely barebones and usually follows your progression from town to town, with notable exceptions for dungeon found loot, final boss has two forms, high-level enemies are outright immune to magic, fixed spell list.
FF1 has: multiple classes, class change tied to a proto-quest, multiple tiers of selectable-on-purchase vancian magic, a plethora of different gears, more equipment slots, spells can be cast using certain pieces of gear, a huge overworld, a canoe, a ship, an airship, four party members, multiple enemies at once with specific weaknesses/immunities, recognition of undead vs. living, evasion mechanics, inns, multiple races, translation of languages, talking brooms, and a minigame.
see my reply at
>FF1 has
None of these have any real impact on the game. They are all shallow as a puddle window dressings. Don't pretend like being arbitrarily given a boat through plot progression is on par with randomly hunting down pirates and commandeering their ship in Ultima 4 which came out years earlier.
>its better because it has more equipment slots!
lol wow
So you played them all huh.
All the JRPGs in his list? Yes, but I played Arcadia on Gamecube not Dreamcast, that's about it.
This is really boring question in 2019.
If you want to call yourself an real RPG connoisseur you have to play
BG1,2,VtMB,Torments,Arcanum,old Fallouts,Morrowinds,
basically all from golden era of Black Isle,
maybe(huge maybe)Neverwinter Nights(3d & convoluted AD&D ruleset fucked up that game),
maybe KOTOR 2,Echalon Books Trilogy, maybe even Lionheart(that poor game was victim of being released in the wrong time and had some strange design choices),
as far as new generation of RPG came about POE1&2,Tyranny,DivOS1,2, maybe Wasteland 2, Bard's Tale IV,NumaNuma,Witchers, maybe first Dragon Age(as in really first one, isometric one),Undertale,,Age of Decadence - maybe I missed a couple but these are like mandatory,mind you, they are not perfect, they all have some flaws but
they are backbone of almost every fucking modern game, even Driving, corridor FPS and Sports games are abusing concepts that were invented by these games.
And, as far as JRPGs go, JRPGs are for younger audience but if you are kid, you should check some FFs(6,7, maybe 8, fuck 9, 9 is for furries and 10< is when FF lost it's path), Suikoden, maybe Chrono,Mana...
I honestly dont know any modern JRPG worth playing, it's all gay bullshit.
>CRPGs were coming out by the truckload
not him, but that's the issue with CRPGs, way too much shovelware. Compare to the goldmine that were 90s JRPGs, I mean holy shit just on Nintendo hardware alone...
>he didn't play the gold box games
those are all bad though, except smt 2 which is kind of ok
>i bought FF1 at release
lmao underages actually posting on Yea Forums openly these days
translation when?
Fallout 2, Deus Ex, Dark Souls
Morrowind might be the most overrated game in history, only undertale and dark souls comes close
>Lufia 2
Then you kill the boss, finish the game, uninstall, rest from it and roll another character in couple of months, it's not as if you saw everything.
Try different approach, maybe there is something in that game that will entertain you for months and you are not even aware of it .
I agree, i forgot to mention this little gem, great
nonperfect game,as a matter of fact, you just made me reinstall it :)
What is good about them? Hell, Lufia 2 is even fresh in my mind because I just replayed it like 2 months ago at Yea Forums's request and it was complete dogshit.
This list has to be updated,
also even back in 2016 some of the stuff was put just to be "edgy".
While I agree with most of the stuff , I dont agree with putting Top100 lists.
Yes to top100 gamed but do not enumerate them because in those 100 games personal taste comes into play so Morrowind is not GOAT to majority of people(it's probably in top10) , but insert fucking Bloodborne and say to some dimwit that Morrowind is better than BB and you will have second #gamergate on your hands...
Darkest dungeon and vampyr
I agree with you but Daggerfall & Morrowind were flukes.
Even a broken watch is right 2 times a day.
Honestly, most if not all RPGs are a let down.
I get better "rpg experience" by reading an isekai manga.
I really hope some day someone comes and literally goes crazy with depth and good quests where choice could lead to destruction of the world or you ending up with a harem of big tiddy elves.
Spellfroce 1 - with expansions - is also great game. A mix of RPG with RTS. And it has aged well - the views are beautiful sometimes
Jesus Christ, we are at almost full circle
Member when nVidia were good guys with Riva TNT2 and VoodooFX were pricks..
How times had changed.
they all have different aspects that makes each terrific, in Lufia 2's case it's outstanding level design. I could write more, but it's pointless for the doctor to commence a lengthy operation when the shit taste is inoperable.
I am the OP you were talking to, and many are like me- didn't have an actual computer until around 1992. Around the mid 90s was when every household in the US started really getting into the personal computer markets. By the time computers started becoming mainstream because of the internet (which was still shit in most rural areas in the US until a few years ago) hell the top speed I can get with DSL right now is 12meg down 1meg up. In the major cities I can understand why more people had PCs in the 80s because. We also didn't have a lot resources at our disposal other than game stores like babbages or software etc and reading about the games on the shelf because the pc magazines were kind of shit back in the day. So if we lived in a rural area, and started pc gaming in the mid 90s, with all the shovelware (like said) that was out there and how some games would launch that wouldn't even run on certain systems because things were not at all "standard" back then. It made you careful in what you purchased.
The problem is most of the really good ones aged horribly.
>Fallout 2
>Planescape: Torment
>KOTOR 1&2
>Gothic series
>Ultima series
If you remember them when they were new, you probably don't mind but to suggest them for new players who haven't is misguided.
Zoomers would take one look at Morrowind's levelling system, go "I dun geddit" and chuck it in the bin.
Let alone trying to get anyone to appreciate Ultima. Their time has come and gone.
You know, if someone would put me in front of fiering squad and said that I bet my life on best 3 RPGs of all time, I would probably go with these 3, maybe I would replace F1 with Planescape or Arcanum, not because they were better but they brought so many new and cool(for the time) stuff, no one even tried to catch up until CDPR with TW1.
>I honestly dont know any modern JRPG worth playing, it's all gay bullshit
Demon's Souls
Morrowind's levelling is fucked, though.
The 2011+ hasn't produced a single RPG that will go down as a classic.
>in Lufia 2's case it's outstanding level design
lol fuck no, the entire time i was playing the game i felt like i was solving 'puzzles' designed for 6 year olds.
You'd better chuck it in the bin then, zoomer. Enjoy Kingdom Hearts 2.
Underrail and Age of Decadence
These are the ones, I would consider essential for RPG fans;
Planescape Torment
Fallout 1/2/NV
Witcher 1/2/3
Stalker SoC/CoP
Yes Stalker is mainly a shooter but SoC has small RPG elements and CoP has full on story choices, faction alignment, character progression, etc. even fucking ending slides like a Fallout game.
O, boy, you are wroooong..
Evolved WCRPGs are actually an mutation of point'n'click adventures and AD&D ~tactical games(Pools of Radiance) and dungeon crawlers(Eye of the Beholder),
you can say that FIFA,COD or MADDEN is RPG at this point.
But real CRPGs were in full swing from around '95 to '03
>CRPG = infinity engine garbage and bioshit dialogue choices
okay buddy
Man, Daggerfalls box alone makes me want to play it. It looks so cool.
why are you so angry my dude? sucks that you couldn't enjoy one of the best RPGs of all time, but it's cool. they're just video games.
Nah, they are good games but they wont be played in 15 years, for sure.
Only game I see that could possibly be played in 15 years are Cyberpunk2077 and Witcher3.
>inb4 CDPRshill
These games feel like they could actually stood test of time( with a bunch of mods, of course)
why would you put so much work into something that is pretty much just a visual back drop? there is never any reason to walk anywhere in daggerfall outside of dungeons and villages
I dont mind it, spinning 2d trees do kinda break immersion.
>hey are good games but they wont be played in 15 years, for sure
They will, though. They are what the autists that actually like CRPGs and keep them alive play.
>Only game I see that could possibly be played in 15 years are Cyberpunk2077 and Witcher3.
There is not a single AAA game with staying power. Every single one will be forgotten.
might and magic 6, 7 and 8. Don't play 9
its kind of dumb how people drool over it, gives me the impression they have never even played through the game.
Trees are climbable and so are their limbs so making them 3d changes gameplay as well as looking nice.
>high-level enemies are outright immune to magic, fixed spell list.
Was this changed in the GBC version? I played through it a few months ago and remember sleep being the best way to cheese enemies who hit for massive damage towards the end.
there is no reason to climb trees
Theres no reason to play games either, retard. You do it for fun. Its fun.
A good open world.
>Only game I see that could possibly be played in 15 years are Cyberpunk2077 and Witcher3.
imagine actually thinking this lmfao
I MUST eat these eggs?
You're describing a problem with the genre, not the game. You also don't have a real argument; in fact, you're simply being argumentative. The original question was simply whether or not the user should try FF1. I am saying that the user should, if they are interested in trying rpgs that haven't been tried. The Ultima games aren't anything special, either. I've played them all.
I wouldn't know, I haven't played the game since I was a kid. However, at that time, higher-alternate dragons, axe knights, drakeema, and especially the Dragonlord are immune to various/all spells.
Jesus Christ, why do you force me to write Skyrimjob
There are many quest in towns.
This is what makes me not like JRPGs.
Sooo much of same shit
give it time, kind of hard to die when it releases on every possible device it can even somewhat run on
Hmm, I'll look it up but I know the gbc version is based on the SNES version which tweaked balance and exp so I wouldn't be surprised if they made other stuff easier.
>What are the RPGs you MUST play?
Skyrin and Fallout 4 of course.
Help anons.
I wanted to replay Morrowind for the millionth time but my work allows me only to have enough time for a couple of assfaggots every day and I cant spend a week modding.
Should I get HoMM3 ? I hate turn based for the most part but XCOM EU was awesome.
Any other reccomendation on which I can spend 3-4 hours per day and have actual fun would be great.
inb4 >fun
>CRPGs were coming out by the truckload from the early 1980s all the way up until 2004
What are you even talking about? Everyone even remotely familiar with crpgs knew the genre practically died out after the early 90's, and made a brief comeback in the late 90's/early 2000's, and then died out again, reduces to two devs (Bioware/Bethesda) who transitioned to console.
In general, there are way less crpgs than there are jrpgs. For every 100 jrpgs, there are probably less than 10 crpgs.
>the Ultima games aren't anything special, either.
they actually are and i dont even like them. 4-6 are very weird and unique. 7 spawned that whole plague of vapid vaguely open world "rpg" games we have today, todd howard sucks that game off hard any time hes asked what his favorite game is. pretty much every shitty open world AAA game is at least somewhat influenced by ultima 7.
>mfw nobody brings up new vegas
get openxcom
because its a dumbed down version of baby's first rpg
>You're describing a problem with the genre
Then I guess the whole genre is shit.
what game is this?
Listen, just download Morrowind GOTY and MGSO_3.0_Final , it fix graphics and all small bullshit, but it's totally lore friendly and wont ruin your gameplay and its literally 5 minutes 1-click wonder.
Nothing is ruined, all the small shit is fixed, you have your game Remastered without wasting 3 weeks of your life downloading every fucking mod.
They say OWM, but I say nah, just MGSO 3.0 and GO,play..
I really wouldn't be surprised if Toadd releases TES3:Morrowind SE .
>Funny. At the time FF1 entered the arena, there was literally nothing like it.
FF1 is just an Ultima clone with a simplified world design and with simplified Wizardry-style combat. Ultima did the whole overworld (with boats/airships) + recruitable party members + turn-based combat years before FF1 came out.
Every time I installed MGSO I got yellow triangles for tables and other shit and its fucking annoying. Also it takes a year to load a save file for no reason. I could put it on my ssd but then again I think it causes for annoyance that it offers in fixes.
last time I was using BTB's mod list and OpenMW but the faggot took it down and the archive is missing most links
>died in early 90s
>came back in late 90s
that does not sound very dead. hell, world of xeen came out in 1994. 95 was kind of shit but there was anvil of dawn, albion, and stonekeep. 96 we got diablo and daggerfall i think.
>reduces to two devs (Bioware/Bethesda)
bioware and bethesda were not making actual rpgs at that time, no
Thats not elderscrolls.
elder scrolls is not a rpg, but honestly daggerfall and morrowind are much more complicated than fallout 1/2 which is to say not complicated in the very least, but a literal retard could make it through fallout within a reasonable amount of time
The only people who say morrowind are good are simply blinded by nostalgia
can you do this in your dipshit weeb game
>that does not sound very dead.
Every crpg developer from the 80's and 90's went bankrupt or closed down for some other reason, with the exception of two: bioware and bethesda.
By contrast, the same is not true of jrpg developers: Square, Falcom, Intelligent Studios, etc. are all still active.
>combat is so bad somebody just makes a run where he doesn't fight
not helping your shit game here
>By contrast, the same is not true of jrpg developers: Square, Falcom, Intelligent Studios, etc. are all still active.
have you ever considered that is because they market their garbage to the lowest common denominator (like bioware and bethesda)
Using nostalgia to avoid articulating an actual argument is pretty sad dude.
Wot mods?
>every jrpg is about killing god with the power of friendship
>but if you do it in morrowind thats bad
I love Morrowind but it is heavily flawed. The beginning of the game when you are poor and weak is God tier. But it spins out of control and never recaptures that magic after leveling a handful of times.
Gets too easy and a lot of the quests become 'go here do x and come back' and you end up running or flying in lines more than anything else.
But those first few levels and the starting area is so great.