Dwarf Fortress is about to include transexual dwarves. Anyone expressing mild disagreement with this addition immediately block and banned.
Dwarf Fortress is about to include transexual dwarves...
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gotta get that money for dem medical billz
>Mentally ill people are real and should be in this game
do you have any evidence besides what looks like a tweet dodging the question of adding them into the game.
>more sjw trash like vtmb2
When will it end?
>dwarf fortress prioritizes realism
>dorf is now casual shit for trannies who will never even play it, but will use it for self-aggrandizing political statements
Star Gay Lily seems like a nice, normal person with a good grasp on reality. I'd like to hear more from Star Gay Lily.
>DF prioritizes realism
u wot m8
Why would you care? Toady is pretty autistic about modelling how a person's brain works, and that includes mental illnesses like dysphoria
He's clearly dodging the question, he just says it's possible to do but not that he will actually implement it.
It won't be presented as a mental illness and you know that, don't be dense.
but that's what it is.
Are you by any chance mentally retarded? That whole answer was sarcastic.
This is a good thing, as we would have lots of transexual dwarves to feed to Forgotten Beasts or test lava flood traps on.
Dwarves going "stark raving mad" is already a thing though.
>People complaining about transexual dwarves
Hey, if you really hate them that much just exile them. Jesus Christ
The saddest thing is you'll never be able to have a comfy DF thread again without it being fucking overrun by shitposters throwing this around now.
So what you're saying is I can run a fortress where I oppress trannies.
Sounds great, gonna give them shit clothes and force them to live in smaller rooms than everybody else
>Blocking anyone who disagrees
Wow what a dick.
this is the one case, where modding will literally fix it, so there is no issue here unless it breaks the game completely when removing it, in which case i hope that Toady succumbs to that sickness already and passes on so modding community can take over, also Dwarf Fortress prioritizes realism, and nonces are real and have been for a long time, so do you think we'll ever see some surprise sex or diddler dwarves in our fortresses?
>add transsexual dwarves
>people make dungeons where tranny dwarves are tortured to death
You know this will happen
I am still failing to care. It won't have any effect on actually playing the game whatsoever
Will they REEEEEE when someone dumps tranny dwarves into the lava or something
yeah i do know, because i'll do that
i've always had my gay dwarves be slain by guards with a script, so i guess i just gotta do that for trannies now too, not a big deal
Then why add it when other things could be added instead
Hey, more monsters is always good for the game.
In The Elder Scrolls it wasn't bad. Just saying.
Leftism can' t coexist with nature, so they have to snibbety snabbety nature in order to fit somewhere it.
I take it you've never followed the development of DF at all until now, then.
Longer than you most likely. There's tons of stuff to work on. Letting male dwarves wear dresses should be very, very low on the priorities list.
That's a hate crime
Itll include a new building: the dilatation station.
Female dwarves already had beards though? Why would he do this?
I highly doubt that, considering Toady adds all sorts of shit that are arguably low priority.
And even if that weren't true, there is no reason to assume this even is a high priority for him, judging by a single tweet that basically says "it's doable but I haven't put in the framework for it yet"
Why the fuck do you even care? How could you possibly be bothered by it? I'm so fucking sick of you screeching /pol/tards complaining anytime a game shows even a hint of progressiveness / inclusiveness.
Post your face when 40% of tranny dwarves kill themselves by age 40.
They already wear dresses though. Clothing in DF is not gendered in any way. Dwarves just pick up whatever's available.
Considering toady it absolutely will. Expect increased suicides.
Tranny are attracted to autistic shit so it's not surprising they play df
tfw being able to make miasma gaschambers for gay dorfs.
based toady.
I haven't played this shit in ages, does it have gay dwarves? If so I could easily see people having already done this.
i never really got trannys. youre mentally ill if you wanna mutilate yourself. but for a video game? ehhh, theres plently of guys that go around playing as females or even pretend to be girls in general. not even that bad desu
pretty weaksauce oppression for df desu
Everything you love will burn
>incels cry about male suicide stats not being taken seriously
>yet laugh at transgender suicide stats
Imagine the smell
Why? I dont actually care about trannys but this seems pretty pointless.
Kek'n hardy over here man
>does it have gay dwarves?
>Urist McCheese felt extreme distress after having his pronounce disregarded
>Urist McCheese has fallen into melancholy
Why do trannies and faggots care so much about 'inclusion' in their videogames?
do they have a 40% chance of suicide?
To be fair there's several mechanics for dwarves going crazy in the game already. Adding one more to the list isn't that special.
No wonder, why would you disagree with trans dwarves?
now some of your dwarves can kill themselves randomly
this game only gets hareder and harder
Seething basedcuck.
What's your point?
>a fantasy game based on a fantasy generated world with fantasy generated creatures prioritizes realism
They are desperate to see other examples of their unfortunate mental illness, in order to cope with their condition by hoping they are "normal". Because "normal" people are almost all of what they see around them.
I'm happy for dwarven trannies just don't ruin the game with them
Because it will ruin gaming for everyone.
Become a redpilled Yea Forumsidya contributor.
>alt-right make fun if their own countrymen getting tricked by the media and perverted doctors
So much for nationalism
Coprophages are real too.
Why don't they include them?
They always did that, did you ever even run a real fort?
I forget, is the 40% chance before or after surgery.
>can set dwarves to be asexual and then they'll just die out in world gen
Huh. I wonder if you can do that to elves
As long as they have a setting for how frequently they appear, I don't care. It makes sense, because people who play the game just for this feature probably want more than the realistic 0.01% percent chance to see it, while others may prefer sticking to that number, or lowering it to 0.
Good, more things to specifically target in adventure mode.
>Toady implement this shit pls
>Well, I dunno maybe seems doable, most thing are in place already *proceed to never mention this thing again*
Classic Toady.
Of course they fucking haven't. Anyone complaining about this tweet is either shitposting, or a retarded reactionary who has never even played DF
>implying autistic trannies dont play dorf fort
> you think we'll ever see some surprise sex or diddler dwarves in our fortresses?
it doesn't seem like that terrible of an idea tbqh
>Wanting dwarves that have an almost 1:2 chance of killing themselves
>lmao2cat replaced by lmao1tranny
Tantrum spirals are already dangerous enough without random time bombs in your fortress.
>misgendering dwarfs is going to be a grudge in the book of grudges
trans people are more mentally stable that cis
I'm okay with it if they are rare and have signifcantly higher propensity for depression and anxiety, you know, just like in real life. Maybe strictly heterosexual dwarves with high lust factor could become anxious around them trannies. People who don't see this potentially leading to more dynamic and fun sandbox and instead whine about their mere existence are hugboxing retards.
Interspecies fetishism, when?
like all steam games should!
Man they are always hideous why can’t we have fun attractive trannies like Thailand
Aren't dorfs already eccentric clowns bumbling about with shit they shouldn't be? This doesn't sound too terrible considering the shenanigans they keep doing to themselves on the regular already.
They dont deserve to be tortured, user. If they can't be fixed, they should be put down quickly and mercifully, like a horse with a broken leg.
He probably gonna work on justice and magic systems first. He already added villians and religious coflicts, so by the time Urist McTranny will try to stir shit up, you'll be able to order guards to throw him into the dungeon with zombie lesbian elves and giant cave crocodiles.
>Implying that would ever be a thing in any high fantasy setting
What the fuck, does nobody at all actually plays DF here? Trannies have been there for some time, but were so fucking irrelevant you only saw this trat it in Dwarf Therapist list.
No because trannies dont actually play games like DF, they just look for places to bitch about inclusion.
>players start building gas chambers
Because they are just as mentally ill self loathers as those trannies
You outed yourself as urbanite bourgeois scum by using the word "inclusiveness" tell me how you aren't biased though, I agree it can get annoying with people always complaining about especially since the companies are always gonna go with whatever is in at the moment
I thought DF already had mental illness
>on average, people who feel excluded or shamed by society tend to have higher suicide risk
No shit, Sherlock.
>high fantasy
If anything isn't gender swapping a high fantasy theme? In hentai it usually involves magic or """science""" magic.
I am trans and I have played dwarf fortress for years. My existence is not a political statement
I was rounding, it's more like 44% so you are technically correct they are slightly more stable than 1:2.
We could have had hoverboards, but twitter had to exist for this purpose.
>Yeah! we are in fact working on it
>dodging the question
Pick one you illiterate retard
Trans characters in TES are all fucked up. Vivec is a turbo hedonistic narcissist freak, Daedric princes are literal rapist demon degenerates, Sloads are fucking disgusting and are eating their own children and Argonians don't count since who gives a shit about literal lizards and what the Hist does to them.
Unless you mean that one trans character in TESO in which case fuck off. It was so painfully cringy it makes me glad TESO isn't canon.
>this thing that happens IRL could never be a thing in someone's fantasies
Nuke california
And that's a good thing!
>A study by the Mayo Clinic in 2000 found the rate of suicide among patients with depression was between 2 and 9 percent, while older studies using stricter definitions said it was around 15 percent.
>I made a game!
Discord tranny:
nice platitude reddit
there are too much people anyway
mentally ill please seek help
Why the fuck would you consider hentai a good source for high fantasy?
Also yes there are gender swap things but stuff like the gender change belt in DnD was via a curse and had negative effects as well iirc. It was rarely regarded as a good thing except by future trannys and trapfags.
because like furfags they want to be obnoxiously in your face about how their life choices are normal and should be seen as normal so they try so hard to shove this shit down everyone's throats.
You've never seen Toady answer the questions about things he doesn't want to add to the game, have you?
"Fantasy" has always been just a ploy by the same people who invented tranny shit, to destroy our culture
It's so pathetic, you guys are literally crying that your favourite childhood brainwashing machine was "tainted" by a different brainwashing machine
>on average, people who feel excluded or shamed by society tend to have higher suicide risk
Trannies are put on a pedestal in mainstream society. If anything they should be killing themselves less than regular people.
If we want that we have to kidnap children for sex slavery and force hormones on them earlier. These retards starting after puberty will never look human.
>Play game
>First thing that comes to your mind is if the game trannies or not
So he released it on steam to make money because of his brother's cancer?
And now is doing what he can to piss off the other people that just donate money to him, so he could please the mentally ill? i guess brother doesnt matter to him as much.
>Urist McTranny cancels task: Triggered
This but without irony. Nuke California.
>on average, people who feel excluded or shamed by society tend to have higher suicide risk
You have no proof for this claim.
I think it might have something to do with permanently mutilating your genitals to indulge in a mental illness though.
I did
This entire thread is people shitting on trannies, how is that putting them on a pedestal?
>mental illness causes high suicide rates
oh shit who knew
So one of the most oldest and talked about games on Yea Forums is now off limits because of culture war right-wing fascists from /pol/. I wonder what games outside of right-wing horseshit like hatred, kingdom come or postal are allowed on Yea Forums now.
Because they have massive egos and think the world revolves around them and that everyone else should bend over backwards to please them.
>take HRT
>still mentally ill
>to piss off the other people that just donate money to him
Yea Forums doesn't donate money to him though.
Maybe seeking the "help" that leads to 40% suicide rates wasn't a good choice.
Fantasy is fucking fantasy the source doesn't matter. Toady isn't obliged to pander to autistic DnD players. You've only proven that even trash like DnD features magic that does gender swaps, so it's actually a must have feature in a high fantasy game with magic. Thanks for proofing my point, I guess.
Magic will be generated during world-gen like everything else and such spells could be negative or positive, also dictated by civ values and such, so you might end up in a world where everybody freely changes gender via magic and everybody is cool with it or people who do it end up in the dungeon or it might come with a vagina that's growing tentacles. It's just an option and he will and must include it.
It's a mental illness. The only people pretending it's not are trannies themselves and their disgusting enablers.
but the bay12 forum does
It's off limits because no one on Yea Forums actually plays Dwarf Fortress. Low-quality bait, m8.
>Yea Forums is representative of mainstream society
so this is the power of mental illness!
>indulging the mental illness
lol what a fucking nigger
Why dwarves and not elves?
Gender dysphoria is a mental illness, being trans is not a mental illness. Please look up the definition of mental illness.
Eh, going to remove it from my wishlist. Not that me not purchasing will make a dent because the game has quite the reputation, but still.
Dissapointing really
Poor attempt at hiding your scat fetish, off yourself you degenerate.
you don't feel like all the Hormones they've shot up + Bodily mutilation of key organs also had nothing to do with it.
And they don't care.
>People become trannies because of gender dysphoria, a mental illness
>therefore trannies are not mentally ill
The majority of trans suicides are pre-transition, no hormones or surgery
really activates those almonds
the game is free you fucking retard
His patreon bucks surged considerably after the Steam announcement.
bay12 isn't full of alt-right kekistan retards that worship mass-shooters or celebrate right-wing terrorism
>cutting off your dick is totally normal bro
this fucking clown world
>Transexual dwarves
Ignoring politics, that sounds fucking hilarious.
liar liar pants on fire
it's a fetish pushed too far
How new are you at df?
kill yourself
Yeah, what are you trying to argue there, clown frog? Of course sexual deviants will have higher suicide risk. Actually, 5 percent doesn't even seem that much of deviation, considering that those that aren't depressed due to shame or exclusion are probably depressed mostly about death and nihilism, which probably doesn't lead to suicides as easily.
It's pretty fucking obvious that people who go through massive shame are prone to massive anxiety, which gives a higher chance for suicides, subhuman retard.
>not wanting there to be trans dwarves you can weed out and sacrifice at whim
Reminder that trannies were a huge thing in Weimar Germany, along with child brothels.
Then a special event got rid of them all.
Less than 1% of trans people get sex reassignment surgery
>complaining about less than 0.01% of the population voluntarily modifying their sex organs when millions of men have their penises systematically mutilated the day they enter the world
>this mental illness is not a mental illness
Where's the 40% suicide rate in the afro-american population?
Because elves are already faggots.
They're put on a pedestal for virtue signaling, they know the people "championing" for their rights don't actually give a shit about them and are just using them for social credit points.
>I'm having a lot of issues where I feel apathetic, no longer enjoy anything, and want to kill myself
>Well there is an issue with the chemicals in your brain, here are some ways that might help
>Don't give in to these thoughts and with some time and effort you can probably get better eventually
>I'm having a lot of confusion with my body and I wish I was the other gender because the grass is always greener
>This is perfectly healthy and normal and not only should you not take some time to reflect on this
>Also we should start giving your hormones for the wrong gender and cut bits off you that you will have to actively keep as an open wound all your life
>This should be done asap, ideally before puberty is began if possible, or finished at least
Trannies do not deserve hate, they deserve help. They should not be enabled in the same way you do not enable depression, schizophrenia, or any other mental illness.
Go dilate your hatchet wound.
I bet those pills really made you feel better and you're not lying to yourself at all
Being tranny is a physical condition, not a mental one. Learn to read and interpret correctly, child.
What made you think that trannies, if they will be implemented at all, will be exculsive for dwarves? Every single race will probably have a certain percent of trannies.
Hell, even animals probably will. Imagine starting a fort with two horses, and one of them is gay, and other is asexual tranny.
it's considered mentall illness in my country and your kind is seen as freaks and usually put in to asylums, so you don't kill yourself
but you westerners went so full on degeneracy, you think schizos are perfectly normal people
fucking clown world
>All fantasy has to be exactly the same
>It's pretty fucking obvious that people who go through massive shame are prone to massive anxiety, which gives a higher chance for suicides, subhuman retard.
>I still have no evidence for my claim but maybe if I say its pretty fucking obvious I wont have to prove it!
>Reminder that trannies were a huge thing in Weimar Germany, along with child brothels.
Delete this post, Hitler got in power because of economic reasons
Antidepressants have no effect on gender dysphoria user, please do some basic research. Transgender people are not confused, they know exactly what is causing them mental distress.
SRS is not an open wound
Let's all think about this logically. It's perfectly logical that a healthy animal born of one sex thinks it is the other sex and wants to cut off it's own dick oh wait
>physical condition
>i belive i'm a women
lol nigger
Cool, I can make Auschwitz actually happen in the dwarf world.
Imagine living in a world where everybody you used to like turns out to actually be a giant faggot.
>encourage children under the age of 10 to take hormone blockers and groom them into undergoing genital removal surgery
>wonder why people hate you
really makes u think....
why do you fucking care so much
Schizos are perfectly normal people you psychopath. Most people with schizophrenia are treated with medicine and therapeutic support and are completely functional, healthy, productive people.
how is thinking and believing you are born as the wrong sex not a mental condition? The only thing that becomes a genetic malfunction physically are hermaphrodites. Maybe you should do some more homework on your gender studies m8
>mfw the AI ends up gassing the tranny dwarves in the name of purity and efficiency
>SRS is not an open wound
>body is trying it's best to heal the damaged tissue
are you braind dead or just pretending?
>Priorizite realism
It's a little awkward when they don't play these games in the first place.
Good for Toady for hopefully getting some bux finally, if there's anyone who deserves it, it's him.
>Less than 1% of trans people get sex reassignment surgery
prove it
I just told you that it will be part of the world-gen and could end up in a billion different ways depending on all the other circumstances every time you generate a new world, so it would be different for every generated world, just the concept would/could always exist like murder and lifespans exist in all generated worlds. Seek help seething retard.
>300 years from now
>white people still existing
>Schizos are perfectly normal people
If they were normal and healthy, they wouldn't need to take pills, no?
>Transvestites in Sweden and other such emasculated countries still kill themselves
lol what now trannies?
Who gives a shit?
>Anyone expressing mild disagreement with this addition immediately block and banned.
Do you have proof of that?
I wasn't saying give antidepressants to trans people. I'm saying they are both mental illnesses, but one we treat as best we can and the other we enable.
MTF SRS is absolutely an open wound. If it was not, they would not need to manually keep their body from closing/healing like a normal wound tries to do.
>schizos are normal
HAHHA there we go
>mentally ill are perfectly normal
no, they are mentally ill, and are treated as such, most of them cannot function properlly in normal society
that is why they doctors don't indulge ther illness and tell em everything is ok with them it's just the world that is wrong
>Transgender people are not confused
Yes you are. You are very confused.
apparently not having 90% niggers in a medieval setting is "right wing"
go away tranny
All you are and all you ever will be is a bloke in a dress, sorry you're on the same mental health tier as my friend who thinks he was in iraq after 9/11 as a child soldier. I didn't start calling him soldierkin, he's now my ex-friend because people like you and him are a waste of effort and resources to fix, euthenise yourself for society please.
>schizos are perfectly normal people
I don't think you know what the word normal means
The point of medicine is to make you healthier what the fuck
cope harder tranny
Considering it's Toady we're talking about, he'll probably either forget to add trannies, they won't show up in game, the system will produce characters who think they're a different species instead of different sex, or something else entirely.
Read the book I posted, subhuman trash. It gives pretty good cases of extreme public shaming that have lead to massive anxiety and depression in most subjects. Think you can look up the data on if anxiety and depression leads to higher suicide risks yourself, filthy mongrel.
Arrogant animals like you should be beaten to death. Don't breed, trash, I don't want you shitting in the gene-pool and making humanity weaker than it already is.
that only works on normal people
for sickos, it only helps containing their condition
Thanks for validating me as a man, it's been a rough journey but I appreciate your support dingus
>every time a trannie dwarf dies you receive a fortwide mood debuff and a rep reduction with your chosen faction
>if a trannie dwarf goes without constant psychological help it will kill itself
>every 5 days one of your dwarfs will become a trannie
>attempts at modding this out will result in a forum ban and "accidental" file and hdd corruption
medicine isn't magic so despite schizos taking pills they still sometimes act out or have shitty lives
the severity of schizophrenia can also differ between individuals
burn it all down.
But when you become healthy, there's no need to take pills anymore, no?
be my gf (male)
The point of medicine is to make pharmaceutical companies richer.
Why do you?
A mental health condition is not a virus or bacteria that you can fix. It's literally a faulty brain that needs extra chemicals and shit to not go completely haywire.
>i hate trannies so much that chronic conditions don't exist
you people are absolutely insane
no. it's a mistake.
>don't breed
>wants trannies to exist
at least we don't have to worry about you, you fucking genetical dead end
>Trannies are in SS13
>Nobody cares
>Trannies are in Dwarf Fortress
>Suddenly it’s a problem
Wow, make up your mind autism sim players
>put in tranny dwarfs in your game
>nazi dwarfs appear
>act completely abnormal and mentally ill in public
>blame other people for avoiding you
That's kind of the problem with everything becoming political.
NONE of the people pushing for this shit in games actually play the game. They use it to put another feather in their cap about how many 'Victories' they're getting.
It's exactly the same as the CoC tranny bragging about how many projects uses its CoC already. They don't code, they don't contribute to them, they had no involvement or any intention to be involved with any of them.
It's just a matter of "Winning" to them. They "Won" because they got a bunch of people in unrelated things to bend to their will and everyone else lost.
You're also .001% of the population so stop expecting the world to bend to your will.
wait dont tell me you're ftm lmao
if thats the case then all you'll ever be in a chick with a horiffic built in strapon lol thats even fucking grosser dude what a moron
the correct treatment is anti-psychotics. not hrt.
Are you able to kill or otherwise remove specific dwarves from your fortress?
The point of medicine is to get the goyim addicted, easily controlled and to make lots of shekels in the process
adding intersex is fine, it's uncommon but it happens in nature.
adding trans is pushing it, rather than realism it's more of introducing real world culture in a fantasy culture
Just stopping in to say I'm loving how hard non-progressives are getting pozzed lately by the world continuing to move on without them. Keep on losing the fight, /pol/cucks
Yeah no idea either, in both you can/you will murder trannies without much scrutiny from twitter mob or tumblr.
Im gonna take screencaps of this entire thread and share them on my secret antifa gamer discord where we organize raids on Yea Forums like BLACKED posting.
>add trannys
>yeah but *insert a bunch of pretend issues*
yeah dude there's no way that that's not dodging the question
Chronic condition implies you're always sick and therefore not healthy, no?
Triggered, trannie?
Having someone bend to their will by complaining at them is the only ounce of power they'll ever get in their lives, and these 'people' like to abuse power like super-heroine
oh you're in that discord too??
This is a fantasy setting right? Why don't make dwarves just cast a spell to lose their dick and gain female organs or some shit
>game about dwarves
>prioritises realism
>/pol/ cares more about a game they'll never play then trannies do
You are aware that, "Yeah! We'd have them already if I hadn't overcomplicated my thinking on what additions were needed" is Toady Talk for, "Sure, but never gonna fucking happen and i'll forget about it in about a week"
>spiraling downward to abyss
I guess it it's a form of movement.
Funny, this is what jews were saying during Weimar right before the Nazis appeared.
If/when I make a fantasy game I will include trannies. I will also make a point of showing off how fucking mentally ill they are.
>have a mental illness that makes you want to change your skin color
>patient paints himself blue
>"Huurrrrr, being painted blue is totally a mental illness, guyse!!! "
Like said, learn to read and think, stupid fucking idiot.
seems like a good solution
Could you retards just say "I think being transgender is a mental disorder" and stop fucking lying? "Waste of dev resources" my ass you've been playing the same for 13 years at this point that is all about tiny little details just like this, it's pathetic.
can you play as a kobold slave on adventure mode?
dude what is wrong with you, you have to be outrage by anything
>implying /pol/ actually plays DF at all
Come on now.
What now? We are in a global right-wing uprising at the moment, right wing thinking has never been as mainstream.
We need a second coming of H*tler.
umm video games?
Oh boy, it's THIS thread again!
>have a mental illness
all you had to do was to stop there
Also notice how every single one of them violates their own standards at every opportunity? They're just looking for an avenue to attention whore, they don't actually care about the rules they insist everyone else follows.
They want to have the feeling of power by forcing 99% of the population to follow rules that they don't have to.
Literally, the only reason trannies care is because they think that they can get another group of people to ask 'How high' when they say "Jump".
Instead of locking themselves into a room with a crafting bench, you give them a a knife and a stick
This way if your tranny dwarf gets injured in just the right place they wont have to take time out of their day to dilate since the goblins did it for them.
>Trannies are in SS13
stop playing the faggot fetish servers
>patient think he is basketball youth
>paints black
>gets killed for blackface
self solving problem, just like trannies
Are you reposting from Twitter or something? Because no one here said anything about wasting dev resourses.
>puts DF on steam because he needs money to pay for his brothers cancer treatment
>bends over for trannies who will never buy the game
>shits on the people who would
>now no one will buy it
Great job, Toady. You killed your brother.
>identifying as "transsexual"
I still don't fucking get it, how do you identify as the transitory states during a treatment for a mental condition?
Just stating a fact
White people are unarmed, refuse to have kids, and open their homes to millions of alpha male, heavily armed invader hordes
300 years from now the only white guys left will be called 'berg and 'stein
like that user said do some basic research. there is no open wound at any point after the surgery unless there are complications maybe. there's skin lining the vagina. a neo-vag can't grow together just like two fingers can't grow together. dialating is for making the skin smooth and flexible and helping the body adjust to having a new cavity inside. it's mostly just depth preservation and having regular sex is more than enough after a couple years.
Yes, but I thought supporting the 2nd steam release would do Toady good.
Hard concept to grasp, I know!
It's more than a waste of resources though. It's experiencing a thing you like being corrupted and made worse.
>be mentally ill
>do something abnormal
>why they think i'm mentally ill
>The point of medicine is to make you healthier
The point of medicine or to re-stabilize your parameters to normality you fucking retard.
no you won't, you'd be too afraid of ruining your reputation with friends/family when you're not anonymous, that's why you're bitching about them here
people get hrt and srs today for the same reason we used to give people lobotomies. disgusting in either case.
>injecting yourself with hormones and chopping off your dick
>normal parameters
I'll just mod "them" out desu
me too, fuck you Yea Forums can't we just exist and have autism fun too?
>Everyone who doesn't want liberal politics injected into every video game is a right wing fascist from pol
Whats the matter? Resetera not doing it for you anymore?
>no open wound
>have to do dildo exercize so the "not wound" won't close
no matter how much you scream IT'S NOT TRUE, it won't change reality, i don't have to agree with your delusion
Just make a mod that removes them/dont update?
Whats the problem?
you know when they announce that this was coming to steam...i said how long do you think it will take before he gets called out for diversity...apparently not long..
they think it makes them special.
it doesn't
That's the thing, I don't.
I think the transtrenders are a mental disorder. If you are transgender and can't operate under the same rules that 99% of the rest of the population operates under, then you have a fucking mental disorder that probably existed *long* before you tried to transition.
But that's the majority of these fucking people now. The people who were actually transgender never cared about getting as many people as possible to follow their whims. They just wanted to be left alone.
Now you have these fucking people who bring it up like a big stick at every opportunity because they want to bash people over the head with it. These people are insane. These people are legitimately deserving of put in a mental institution for the sociopathy completely unrelated to them being trans.
They need to fuck off
It's a new creature token you overly dramatic retard, just fucking mod it out
This is factually wrong. Two fingers don't grow together because the body has coded for them being separate. A piercing hole is akin to an open wound even though it's skin covered, and piercing holes will grow together if you don't have piercings in them, because they are abnormal holes in your body, much like a neo-vagina
>inb4 removing it causes your system to get formated
Not even any of those things but identity politics has no place in video games.
it's to cure an illness. disguising the symptoms is not the same thing
It just shows how is not about feeling like you belong in the opposite sex but rather feeling like a special snowflake and wanting as much attention as possible.
Dwarven sexual reassignment surgery is just cutting off the patient's cock with an axe.
don't worry he will soon
>Urist McTranny has been struck by a fey mood!
>Urist McTranny has created Fauxcaux, a dwarfskin figure of phallic nature!
>Urist McTranny has died: suicide.
It is always the right that is told to "suck it up". Where are the neo-nazi dwarves that worship Hitler?
dwarves constantly stopping work to dilate multiple times a day.
no. you are a mistake, one that cannot be allowed to accumulate.
Are you implying my friends and family like or even care about trannies? lol
>They just wanted to be left alone.
Not true.
Every time
But now you know the corruption that resides within the designers mind, and the whole game is suspect
Yeah, the only acceptable identity politics in games are white male identity politics.
>My existence is not a political statement
See, but that is where you are incorrect.
The very nature of transsexuality as a concept is a sociopolitical issue, because it questions gender roles. Which is a central element in society and has been forever.
Whatever your stance on traditional gender roles, it is undeniably a political issue.
Because it's an easy fix for anybody with half a brain in their head
No, I didn't. Being transgender isn't a mental illness. Gender dysphoria is. Being transgender can be an indicator of underlying mental illness, but it in itself is not such.
That said, pretty much anything can be classified as mental illnesses these days. Having one doesn't mean you need to be hospitalized. I think that in most cases being operated to look aesthetically more like opposite sex doesn't solve gender dysphorics' problems, but I don't really see why I should be offended by it either.
Hmm, user, sounds like you might have some anti-social tendencies. We should probably get you categorized with the latest DSM and get your medicine prescribed. We can't have ticking time bombs like you poisoning our society, can we?
Dwarves are already have a pretty strong totalitarian\fascist streak. If you look at RAWs, you'd find that they value obedience, laws and traditions far more than ethics or other shit. It's even more or less okay for them to torture people, if there's a good enough reason.
Then go make your own games
"normal" for short.
I found the most retarded person in the thread.
That is your prerogative not mine incel.
have you ever thought about how most male video game characters are just variations on the white guy power fantasy?
Wouldn't more diversity in male characters be nice?
What are you even talking about? What games have white male identity politics?
But I am
not even those, no identity politics at all, it shouldn't even be hinted at.
Only turbo nerds make games.
Poz is whipepo frivolity that won't outlast that accursed race.
gender dysphoria and being transgender are literally the same thing
okay, you just stay in your corner and keep denying easily researchable facts and i'll stay in my corner and believe in real world facts and studies. is that a deal?
that is a very interesting take on biology lol two fingers can actually grow together if you'd do something similar with them as piercing a hole through your ear. damage the outside of the skin significantly and then tape the fingers close together until the healing process is over. the difference is that the skin that is touching each other in the neo-vag is both undamaged and the outside, the side that is exposed to the air. the damaged side of the skin is touching your insides and will heal together with it. that's why a neo-vag can't grow together. it can lose depth due to the internal pressure of the body but even that is minimal after a while.
Hope Toady really is just going like yea sure sure
Why even give them a response?
Like it or not that person is among the top in implementing policy in the Linux Kernel now. They ask for something? It happens. They asked for a complete asinine code of conduct policy to be implemented? It happened the very next week. That's where we are right now. Where saying that you want to transition is enough to give you power over people who have put their time and energy into a project for years.
They literally can go and violate the code at any time and nothing happens to them because they have more power than the fucker who made the Linux kernel in the first place. That's where we are.
This is what they really want. Every project, game, site, community they sink their claws into they want to treat them exactly. like. that.
it's not me who thinks mentally ill are normal
>telling traps you're helping themby making them work as your maids
Based and redpilled honestly.
There's no such thing as "white male identity politics", unless you mean neo-nazism, and that isn't acceptable
i already give a 150z drop to all immigrants that don't have any useful skill, this just mean i'll have to drop a couple of dwarves more each wave
The only real way to win is to out-autism the tranny autists
>You're also .001% of the population so stop expecting the world to bend to your will.
Not that user but I do not expect it. What I do is appreciate the gesture.
It's on the top of my wishlist though?
That'n not enough, they literally need to worship Hitler or else I'm triggered
If society/life is nice enough people will create their own problems. You dont see this happening in the shitty places/times because they have actual problems to worry about. Once transrights is "solved" these people will just create and move on to the next thing.
>my political views make me more qualified to talk on mental health issues and treatment thereof than trained professionals!
Those cunts go mental if they cant consume beer like every other minute
It's ok user, soon everything will go to shit and your metally ill bullshit will end.
The more trannies try not to cope with the fact they have a mental illness the more they hurt people that recognize it as such. They only hurt people that want to get legit help. They need to fuck off.
Being a tranny is the definition of mentally ill
>my brain tells me i am biologically female when i am biologically male, therefore i must mutilate my dick and drill a hole in my taint
Yeah people need something to fight for, its no wonder this shit only happens in places like california where no one needs to lift a finger
Stop spouting bullshit. Your fingers will not grow together if you tape them to each other for a week. A piercing hole will because it is literally a wound. Jesus Christ dude.
basically every video game from the 80's to the early 2010's before more non-whites and women started making them
>Just throw your life's sanity under the train, that'll show them
Yeah, what a win.
That's his default reaction for 101% of these suggestions.
>Toady plz add katanas
>Eh, I'll think about it maybe sure
>Toady magic plz I want fireballs
>Eh, I'll think about it maybe sure
>Toady add the ability to marry beast people
>Eh, I'll think about it maybe sure
And so on.
They are donating him money. Doesn't mean he will implement the shit they want, though.
it doesn't question gender roles. some trans people fall within them, some don't but in general gender roles have nothing to do with the diagnostic criteria of gender dysphoria and thus trans people. gender dysphoria is as much of a political statement as having fucking cancer. you faggots make it one because you got some issues with people getting the only functioning treatment but this isn't something where an opinion or a political statement has any place in.
>(((trained professionals)))
nice try Goldstenunderainberg
Eh he needs to pay medical bills. Pandering out of desperation is understandable.
no they will give attention to the next thing.
Literally just like my Japanese doujins.
>shit on streets
>cut the penis
Why is California so shit, bros? Is it the intense heat melting the brains of its people?
>Not that user but I do not expect it. What I do is appreciate the gesture.
Why do you want to be treated differently than the rest of the population? Why do you think you deserve this 'gesture'?
Because if you didn't mention it, no one would have known. It would have been your secret forever and you would be treated just the same as every other person who used the product.
So when you get treatment that sets you apart from the other 99% of the playerbase, why do you go "Wow, I appreciate the gesture!" like a fucking psychopath? You should be saying "I just want to be treated like everyone else" unless you're doing this for attention.
>And its a dead husk
Bravo, victory.
Piercing holes will grow together even after they have 'healed' (as in: become skin covered) because they are wounds, they are not supposed to be there (like a faux vagina)
>you can now give your favorite dorf a harem of cute trap dorfs dressed in frilly outfits
>tfw tranny and just want to play video games and talk about video games but fucking everything has to be about us nowadays
fuck I just wanna get drunk and forget that I'm a mentally ill freak and play games but even here I have to be reminded of it constantly
we truly live in the honk world
>have an open fucking wound as if someone speared your dick
the sign of mental illness, right here
Drag queens are often men that are transgender but have no dysphoria that prevents them from accepting their biological gender as male.
I didn't say that mentally ill are normal. You are strawmanning and intentionally diverting the argument, which are typical manipulation tools of sociopaths.
You mean, you don't see it ethnically homogenous societies
Asking for pandering for any reason just because of something unrelated to the game completely undermines your statement about not 'expecting' it.
You should be fighting being treated differently. It's everyone treating you like a child but you liking the attention it's giving you.
Is this the resident autism thread?
alright, you tell that to the doctors and the people who have went through srs and have lived with it for decades already. clearly your astonishing medical knowledge trumps real world facts!
I don't get it. If a tranny identifies as a woman can't it just play as a female? What is the point of making a third option?
>gave trans people jobs, mostly as "maids"
I think I have read that comic
I'm feeling physically sick. Imagine castrating yourself and then drilling a fucking pus leaking hole in yourself.
Now imagine fucking that. Literally shoving your dick in a bleeding infected wound.
stop watching porn
who cares? Are you forced to play as these new characters? Options aren't bad
then what is your point numbnut?
all I said that trannies are mentally ill
then you go around projecting, a sign of someone in big distress who cannot express his issue like normal person and has to project his problems on to others, it is as if, you are screaming for help
Why does it even matter? A dwarf is a dwarf, it helps the colony (unless it's a kid). So what if it feels "trapped in their body"? If Toady were to implement it into the game, he'd obviously do something smart, like add a magic book or some other magical item to change a dwarf. You can obviously tell some /pol/faggot made this thread for shock value. Do you fags ever think? Then again, you all live in basements.
>he thinks Muslims are going to let kikes live
lmfao berg and stein are going to be the first to go
It does question gender roles in the sense that they are supposedly immutable and decided at birth. "People do not have to comform to what is decided for them at birth". This is a political statement.
Having cancer can also be a political statement. For instance having lung cancer after long term exposure to asbestos is undeniably a political issue. It is not only an issue of personal health, but it is a symptom of a systemic problem.
Because the entire point of being a tranny is inflicting your mental illness upon others.
It is a spreadable disease.
to be fair drag queens also tend to exaggerate feminine aspects to an absurd degree, looking more like a peacock which funny enough the bright coloured ones are male than a normal woman
not all drag queens are transgender, you are mixing up a mental illness with crossdressing
>Dwarf Fortress
Autism The Videogame, now is popular wtf?
I dont mind trannies in real life
They are beta males that are saying "I surrender" and as a manly male the less competition the better
This shit they push for in games doesnt really bother me that much either, its just sad and you have to smirk at how pathetic they are, like a dumb nagging woman.
The topic is transgender politics. It is autism by nature.
Needs to increase to 100%
some Slaanesh shit
if people tell me Satan is not real, then what is this shit?
Finally a game where you can throw trannies in lava. Fucking based.
because they're shallow and have nothing else interesting about them, thus their sexuality becomes their whole identity
>Your fingers will not grow together if you tape them to each other for a week
Yeah they will, if you slice enough skin off them. Look it up.
What is your opinion on trannies going after children
Can I put those in a concentration camp?
Tell what? Tell a doctor that piercing holes will grow together? Tell a trans person that they don't need to dilate?
>Dilation is a necessary process for trans women who lack the constant sloughing and lubrication that accompanies a natal vagina and keeps it from annealing together when at rest. There is also a tendency of the neovaginal graft to contract
Of course they will, sunni muslims are totally controlled by them, the saudi family is entirely jewish
Wrong, everyone will be called Jian or Xin
Muslims will remove jews, Chinks will remove muslims.
Cultural Marxism
Every single imaginary or real space must be free opresion
So taking hormones that disguise your body instead of actually converting Y chromosomes into X chromosomes is a valid treatment?
That is pure evil.
Because the entirety of the appeals made to trannies is manufactured by people who do understand what gender dysphoria is about.
>constant sloughing and lubrication
Stop caring about it, love who you are, and your life will improve.
The people listed in this thread as being mentally ill are only doing it for attention. They're doing it because it puts them in a big spotlight.
Hating the spotlight is the normal thing a normal person would do because it's highlighting something they find embarrassing. The people who are parading it around with a big "LOOK AT ME! EVERYONE SERVE ME AND MY WILL!" sign are the ones who people actually hate.
You're probably a pretty cool guy/girl unlike pic related.
Yes, but that's not what we are talking about, since neo-vaginas aren't literally open bleeding wounds, they are skin covered (as are piercing holes after a week or so)
Its another form of parental abuse, if the kid has good parents they wouldnt allow it to happen.
If they allow this they probably allow many other nasty things, I dont think its adding to the problem but rather another face of it.
So it's about being a special snowflake that needs all the attention, got it.
Surprise, nobody knows shit because researching it has been deemed offensive and isnt allowed.
The point is moot when people are doing this to fucking children who cannot say no or stop them. That is objectively, morally wrong and people are potentially ruining a childs life in order to make themselves feel better with no regard to what the child wants or if they've even grown to a point where they know what they want. It would be one thing if it was a solely adult thing but the fact that is not only done but recommended to be done before puberty is cruel and should result in the child being removed from them.
They think being trans makes them a superior version of the gender they become, like the difference between a wolf and a dire wolf
what do you think periods and arousal are?
I can't pinpoint who (you) specificly are, but lot of people were saying that being transgender is mental illness, which is factually wrong. Also, correct claim would be saying "lot of trannies are probably mentally ill".
Don't see it.
other people are making it a political statement. that does not mean it is one. it's a medical issue that has research and experience behind it.
having cancer is not a fucking political statement. it's not something you have any agency over. just like being trans is not something you have any agency over.
of course they need to dilate. what's wrong is all the bullshit that Yea Forums makes up for it and the purpose.
It's about pretending that you care about trannies, even though you don't care understand the issue.
Vaginas are honestly a bit gross, yes
Can't you read? That's what actual vaginas do.
For someone accusing people of playing the victim through "white male identity politics" you sure do like to play the victim. To highlight your stupidty:
>Basically every Japanese game, one of the largest manufacturers of video games, between the 80s and early 2010s pushes WHITE MALE identity politics
So that means I can torture gays and trannies and drive them mad with hunger and make first response trans militia squads with wooden weapons? BASED.
Most people with mental illness function in society, you fucking brainlet, it's retards like you that don't.
Well, dont even watch porn so okay.
>Stop caring about it, love who you are, and your life will improve.
I'll try user, thanks for the kind words.
They need to dilate because otherwise their wound will close. That is what this whole chain of conversation was about and what you objected to.
>what's wrong is all the bullshit that Yea Forums makes up for it and the purpose.
Do you need pictures? It's horrifying.
someone tell the faggot that trannies aren't real.
of course person who projects doesn't see projection, that is why it's getting called on it
in my country, trannies are considered mentally ill and it will stay that way, especially after the fall of the west, you are doing great job at it btw
>who cannot say no or stop them
How do you think prescribing puberty blockers works?
I actually in some small way admire there trans-activists and feminists.
Being so single-mindedly, almost laser focused on fighting the windmills gives them purpose, validation and joy that most normal people will never experience. Yes, they're basically playing pretend, but at least in their mind they have something worth fighting for in life. Even if it all boils down to attention on media.
Meanwhile most people are stuck seeking the meaning in their lives.
Honestly when you put it like this I'm on board
>Not kitting them with weapons made from previously killed tranny bones
How is that "factually wrong"? I'll wait. Generalizations are not factual evidence
i have seen a lot of pictures, that's why i know how good it actually is outside of complications and right after surgery pics.
and i still object to it because it is factually wrong.
>that's why i know how good it actually is outside of complications
Literally every case has "complications" BECAUSE IT'S A FUCKING WOUND
If realistic suicide rate will be implemented i'm okay with it.
>DWARF Fortress prioritizes realism
emphasis mine
>it's not something you have any agency over.
The case of asbestos-caused cancer is undeniably political, because others caused it through their neglect. You can point to the cancer and demand politicians to take action based on it.
And this did happen, as you recall. Asbestos is banned in most civilized countries and restricted in the rest.
I would find it admirable if it wasn't a direct call to action against other people and the things they love.
Picture if they put these energies toward something useful. Like, for instance, making their own games.
Which part of function properlly in normal society you don't understand?
Sure they "function", but they don't fuction as normal as Bob over there or Jim who is such a hard worker.
I mean you're literally playing as a dwarf lmao
bone weapons are great, I wish more games let you make weapons out of your enemies remains.
I remember playing DnD I dismembered a goblin and used it's arms to beat another goblin to death.
You didn't say what I was projecting, though, so unless you make a solid argument for it, it's just another feelings-based accusation.
Also, slavshits, mudskins or chinksects like you are fucking subhuman garbage and don't really have anything to brag over white civilization.
>all sandniggers will be obediant to the saudis
lmfao dude read a book. muslim numbers hit critical mass and they're going to make what hitler did to the jews look like a relaxing hotel spa. you can already see the left starting to distance themselves from kikes under the pretense of muh palestine
>and i still object to it because it is factually wrong
How is it factually wrong?
>that insane blacklash
Im pleasantly surprised.
Transitioning lowers the risk of suicide of trans people significantly.
>Why don't they go into gender politics
>all I said that trannies are mentally ill
Please provide source. When has the medical authority changed its mind about it. must have been fairly recent, because last I checked, they still considered it wasn't.
Do you think a child young enough to be prescribed puberty blockers can stop their overbearing parents that have been telling them they're a girl since they're old enough to remember? Even if they weren't gaslit as fuck they're still a young child vs an adult who clearly does not care about their wellbeing.
>>my brain tells me i am biologically female when i am biologically male
This isn't how gender dysphoria works btw
How would Warhammer dwarfs deal with the tranny epidemic?
gonna end it at some point
Riddle me this: Why don't actual women need to dilate their vagina? Why do trans women need to dilate their vagina?
>dwarf fortress proritizes realism
yeah, just the other day i had to giht off a magma man when coming back from work
all those goblin sieges are getting tiresome too
Sunni muslims will
You might not have noticed but the muslim immigration to Europe is 99,99% sunni
Only the shiia are anti-semites, and guess what, they get deported just like middle eastern christians
Bob with anxiety and Jim with OCD function perfectly well, you just don't know they're unwell.
This is why I support transgender rights. They don't breed and just kill themselves anyway. Eventually they will run out of people to convert and all the degenerates will have killed themselves. Same reason why I support abortion since only Democrats seem to get them.
>this is the one case, where modding will literally fix it, so there is no issue here
kys you fucking shill cuck.
Do you seriously think anyone believes this
>white civilization
Exactly, you had it all and you fucked it up and I'm fucking astonished by it, you had it all you fuck and then you ruined it by babysitting mentally ill, niggers and sucking up to jews.
You poor sod.
It's so tragic I'm not sure if laugh or cry could express how it feels, maybe both would do.
I don't get it.
Dwarves don't have genders. They have sexes and sexual orientations, but there are no functional gender roles in dwarven society.
How can you have trans dwarves if gender doesn't exist in their society?
A male dwarf feels more comfortable acting like female dwarf? They already do act like female dwarves because they act exactly the same.
Dwarven society has no room for trans people. Not because of bigotry but because sex is borderline irrelevant to behavior and gender, as a set of differentiable social behaviors, doesn't exist to them. I don't understand the reasoning behind adding differentiated trans people in a society where the trans label doesn't exist and trans people are just normal life everybody else. It just seems like it's not got much thought put into it.
Can one of you fucks please tweet this at the guy because I don't use Twitter and I'm legitimately confused here
>its made from the ivory tusk of an elephant
>it is covered in blood
>pictured is a dwarf on a screen
>the dwarf is grinning
The word "transgender" doesn't referr to a concept that is a mental illness. This has been talked over ITT.
>Blue-Checkmarked grudges being dealt out by the hundreds
I'm European and the muslims we have here hate jews with a fiery passion
In this case they unironically should.
The real concern is if they cuck out on the portrayal. Will we actually get 40% suicide rate, increased occurence of mental disorders across the board, extreme physical ugliness and so on.
If you don't want to believe in the recorded statistics you have only yourself to blame.
>provide source
>im gonna cut my dick
>it's totally normal
when i see shit, it's shit not a fucking rock
when i see a thug, it's a thug, not a running individual
no matter how hard you try, trannies will always be seen as mentally ill to most people
The trannies we see today are the end result of a sick, decadent society where people really don’t have to worry or want for anything (so they make shit up -this is the essence of modern liberalism). A fortress teetering on the edges of survival in a hostile climate has no space for narcissistic lunatics like Star Gay Lily.
and it's still not a political statement! do you understand the difference? being trans is being made a political issue by other people trying to interfere with science and medicine. that doesn't mean that anybody suffering from the issue is making any political statement by just existing. that's fucking ridiculous.
reread my posts. there is no open wound, it'd be very irresponsible of a surgeon to leave an open wound. the wound is covered by skin that quickly heals on top of it and can't, because that's not how skin works, grow together.
cis women also get neo-vags. theirs are actually way worse because they don't have a penis with lots of homogenous material to resculpt so they often use a part of the colon which constantly produces a lot of lube.
Where EVERYTHING is political, even NOT being political is political.
Even telling politics to fuck off is political.
You can't be not-political anymore. That makes you a white shitlord!
Your video games! political! Your image board! Political! Everything! Political!
Welcome to current year where it is impossible to tell these people to fuck off because they have mentally convinced themselves that everyone and everything is part of their shitty little twitter culture war.
And your source that it all comes from the parents is...?
Will dwarf trannies have coin flip suicide rate? Gotta have realism you know
Do you think you're helping people by spreading this lie? Or just coping for your own actions?
They love it.
But you know them so fell do you.
Bob just recently lost a wife in car accident, so give him a slack, and Jim really wants that promotion, he is working hard on it.
there's two kinds of trannies: transvestites who want to be the other gender, and trans that take pride in the act of genderchange and being inbetween
But that was not what we were talking about. We were talking about faux-vaginas trying to heal like a wound unless they are dilated
My guess is it won't have much of a gameplay impact for now. Things might get more interesting once gender-flipping magic is implemented.
>being trans is being made a political issue by other people trying to interfere with science and medicine
you mean similar to how asbestos was made a political issue by other people trying interfere with business?
Get some help
Go ahead. Post one statistic or study that indicates this. I'll wait
When people say gender is a social construct it is a huge oversimplification. Having physical dysphoria over how your body develops or your genitals is something entirely different than disliking the societal gender stereotypes / gender norms.
how does it feel to be bent over by us the superior jew race? hahaha
>Star Gay Lily
>Trans people are real and have been real for a long time
Guess I am going to have to install a suicide mod so I can accurately simulate trannies
Wrong line bucko
There is no cure for cancer.
Well, yes, you're absolutely right. Still, it's intresting to think about, you know? Interesting and sad, because, like you said, if only we channeled this energy into somthing constructive.
At least trannies and feminists gave /pol/ somethingreal to bitch about.
But the Taiwanese just have a third gender and if you’re a flamer that’s where you go. They’re also not fat disgusting mutts so being pure Taiwanese probably makes it easy to transition because American FTMs look pretty good. We just have the most disgusting FTMs.
this is getting pretty ridiculous, user, you can't pretend to be this dumb.
God trannies are so disgusting.
Looking forward to making a volcano exploration team comprised of them.
How is this a response to what I said, dumbfuck?
Seek help from someone who isn’t a quack
>cis women also get neo-vags
What the FUCK are you talking about? Are you actually insane? Or are you talking about freak cases when women are born without vaginas? Why the fuck would you bring that up?
Why don't NORMAL WOMEN THAT AREN'T DEFORMED need to dilate, while trans-women do?
>Can one of you fucks please tweet this at the guy
no because you get istantly blocked and tweet deleted
Slayer oath.
I have no problem with trannies but Ruby devs are actually mentally ill
I thought we were both memeing but I see you hate fun.
nice larp
you are just a women's cloth fetishist
>reread my posts. there is no open wound, it'd be very irresponsible of a surgeon to leave an open wound. the wound is covered by skin that quickly heals on top of it and can't, because that's not how skin works, grow together.
It's not open but it IS a wound, like a piercing hole, and it does try to grow together, that's why dilation is needed. You can't refute this because it is 100% factual
im going to make the most gratuitous fan service game staring a female...and then at the end of the reveal they are trans...you think the gaming press will explode?
Will your inevitable suicide be political?
>sunni muslims like jews
like i said read a book
>people still believe this meme
also any chink that is on Yea Forums is using vpn so even if it was real it wouldnt work on them
You should support abortions because anti-abortion propaganda is one of the reasons the nigger community has so many broken homes.
If black women has easier access to abortions and they weren't so stigmatized, there would be a lot fewer fatherless niglets running around nigging up the streets and communities across the country would greatly improve.
After a generation or two other black people might start to be less fucking insufferable.
>When people say gender is a social construct it is a huge oversimplification
It is not a huge oversimplification. While gender had a very major impact on society as we know it today, in the current urban world it is largely irrelevant. But the aftereffects of this history are causing issues today.
This is what it means when people say "gender is a social construct".
>Having physical dysphoria over how your body develops or your genitals is something entirely different than disliking the societal gender stereotypes / gender norms.
That is of course true. But it obviously questions these norms, because it is now valid for people to go from one to the other. Therefore invalidating the firmness of these rules.
Of course the only true solution to this problem is the destruction of gender as a whole.
This should improve things for everyone.
Are you cute? Post butt if so.
>all these fucking cucks defending this shit
You should go to the Vampire cucklines threads as well, you faggots would fit right in.
>Yea Forums hating trans
Remember transwomen will allow development artifical womb to allow erase women for humanity.
The 'medical community' changed gender dysphoria to 'something that isn't a disease but you still really should get treated for it like it was a disease'. Don't forget that this same 'medical community' decided 100 years ago that cutting off parts of dicks would stop the problem of niggers who rape pure white maidens, research that was spearheaded by a guy who thought spicy foods were degenerate because they heated your blood and made you horny.
I dunno, it's pretty much what you're saying. But I am applying it to a historic issue.
>How can you have trans dwarves if gender doesn't exist in their society?
You just say that you can implement them so twitter faggots fuck off, then completely forget about it. Easy.
>why do sick people exist and get treated?????
>why don't people without cancer get chemotherapy?????
>everyone is a freak but me!!!!!!!!
what a reasonable and clearly very well educated person you, glad i was able to talk to you :)
it does not grow together, user. and yes, surgeries leave wounds, no fucking shit. and they also heal again, in the case of srs it's pretty much completely healed after a year. so what you're saying is completely fucking pointless and has nothing to do with the reply chain.
Well now I know who to use as elephant bait.
First study on that page:
Conclusions: Transwomen have diminished mental health-related quality of life compared with the general female population.
Society will collapse way before that happens.
That's unsurprising.
go woke, go broke.
No tranny is actually useful, theyre just shitty web dev code monkeys
Yeah, they do? If you're looking for a perfect infallible solution you're living a naive dream.
>gender is a social construct
gender was coined by a sociopath who tortured 2 poor kids which later killed themself
it's funny to know idol of trannies is a psycho, so ironic
whatever you say man
Good to know, was planning on buying this when it released on Steam but I'll save some money now.
wait what?
>However, surgical treatments (e.g. FFS, GRS, or both) are associated with improved mental health-related quality of life.
Ok retard.
I am not the one wanting to have an open wound
>child that doesn't even know multiplication spontaneously decides to defy nature and biology
>parents dindu nuffin
>implying anyone with options is attracted to western transwomen
You’re even more disgusting and degenerate than the actual women. Learn from your betters.
is trained professionals code for correctly indoctrinated agents?
That's just a weird inverse appeal to authority "the guy who came up with the term was pretty bad so the term is bad".
You are not making an argument here.
Jesus fuck you are insane. Sure thing, go cut your dick off.
John money
and you still don't understand that you can't make a political statement with something that you have no agency over, wether it is a political issue to some or not. and the difference between asbestos and gender dysphoria is that gender dysphoria happens without any wrong doing of anybody and only affects the person actually affected by it. so the two things are not comparable in the slightest. i know easily triggered snowflakes on Yea Forums think otherwise and that people they don't like existing is an insult to them or whatever but that's not reality.
I don't know. Blacks only make up 12% of the population yet commit 30% of abortions. It doesn't seem that anti-abortion propaganda is keeping them from getting abortions anyway.
Were we supposed to be talking about video games?
delete this
>mfw trannies in this thread
>mfw trannie defenders in this thread
you know you will off yourself soon right?
you know you are indulging the mentally ill?
> Improve is the same as resolve.
Not quite. Basically saying that catering to a tranny's delusion makes them slightly less suicidal. Doesn't resolve the issue.
We all know what’s going on with the (((medical community))). When they can just take something out of the book on mental illnesses based on a vote, it’s not science and it’s not medicine, it’s just politics.
The point I used to compare the two is that you can take issue, point at it and demand politicians to take action. You can use it as a political statement.
So can we consider a second look at eugenics as well?
the Gender Identity movement is the dark-transhumanism 'evolve into ants' movement. it's about pushing a neotenized, sterilized form of 'hermaphroditism'. it's about attacking masculinity and making everything 'girl' (NOT 'woman', GIRL, not capable of reproduction). their vision of the future is "little black girls"
>nature and biology is completely infallible
I can't believe people like this really exist, and are taken seriously by video game developers.
>associated with improvement
>reduces risk of suicide significantly
quite a leap
I'm not making an argument, just an observation.
You know a little jab, a small THONK, because it takes a psycho to think other psycho is right.
t. Has not played Dorf Fort
Not him but the basis of your entire theory of separating sex from gender is based on torturing kids to death.
How can you claim that it is sound scientific theory?
If the game tried to make one it'd just crash the goddamn buggy-ass game anyway.
I've never gotten to even try that game because every time I try to run it, it crashes.
>baww your computer is shit
Everything else runs 100% fine. Don't blame my computer for shoddy coding by a bunch of dwarf-fuckers.
>you can't make a political statement with something that you have no agency over
Let him put it into the game. Can you imagine the shitfit on social media when some tranny's self-insert dwarf gets bullied or killed by the rest of the fortress?
that guy sounds like a psychopath, why would anyone substantiate his research?
You're missing the point. The "study" is an internet and paper survey. It's literally useless
I want to see someone enact this GEM in dorf now.
Autists pls.
>it’s just politics
And money. Each transition is worth tens of thousands of dollars.
>nirvana fallacy
Okay, what perfect solution do you propose?
>When they can just take something out of the book on mental illnesses based on a vote, it’s not science and it’s not medicine, it’s just politics.
user, if you vote on what goes into the manual and what doesn't, it's also politics.
The way to circumvent this is to have different people with different opinions publish different manuals to avoid a monopoly of thought.
>professionals don't exist because they disagree with me
works on my machine lol
Okay just click on any of the other dozens of studies on that site lol
Personally I'm waiting for the graphical interface, I'm really put off by the ascii interface.
I don't know if you bumblefucks have developed critical thinking skills, so let me walk you through it.
Transsexuals are people with a metal illness that makes them hate their body. It's a measurable chemical imbalance they have that makes them feel like they were born in the wrong body.
Hormone replacement and sex reassignment surgery are TREATMENTS for this mental illness. Medical science isn't quite as the point where we can actually perform competent male to female surgeries because that's basically biological heresy and is hard to work around, so the current treatment options that make dudes look like goblins are all that they have to feel better about their bodies.
There are quite a lot of people who claim to be trans but aren't actually mentally ill like transsexuals are. Imagine an otherwise mentally normal person doing hormone replacement and chopping off their dick to participate in what is basically a trend to them. THAT'S what contributes majorly to the trans suicide statistic.
more like
>professionals don't exist because agenda is far more important for them than actual research
Because it’s subversive
Game is free anyway you brainlet.
>When they can just take something out of the book on mental illnesses based on a vote
How the fuck do you suggest changing the DSM other than by professional consensus?
Watching moderate conservacucks get everything they like taken away from them by the extreme left is a guilty pleasure of mine. Wake the fuck up and realize your moderation has only lost you every battle since WW2. is a good example: you can whine on Twitter as much as you like, but they are winning and mostly have won, because you tolerate a homosexual, a tranny, a leftist, but they don't tolerate you at all. Even in this thread you see them: preaching a middle ground, looking for "the truth", and trying to negotiate. There is no negotiation, the opponent does not want truth or diplomacy, they simply want to win. Either adopt that mindset, or you lose.
They never will tolerate you, they will never leave you alone, and you'll never win a single battle staying on the defensive. The only way to start winning is to be as intolerant as they are, if someone even as much as mentions anything leftist, you need to oppose it strongly and immediately.
yeah, so much money compared to the billions that cough medicine and flu vaccations make every year.........
okay, that doesn't make anyone simply existing a political statement though which is what this whole reply chain started with.
just because something is subversive doesn't mean it's good.
I'm impressed and happy you even responded. Gonna take me a little while to read through but the summary isn't very convincing and the first "study" is just a survey taken on the internet.
I won't discount the other studies just yet and I'm reading through more but you and anyone else should be careful of reading echo chamber sources that just find what they want to find. Actually make sure to convince yourself of the findings instead of just believing it
this fucking thread
How do you know that?
No one simply exists. Everyone has choices and actions.