ITT: we get anons to reinstall a game
ITT: we get anons to reinstall a game
Already did with shifter mode.
>get anons to reinstall a game
>instantly reminds of me3 failure
I hate that image
mass effect is boring AND shit
As if you needed another reason.
Too bad the PC port sucks.
I fucking hate that track. It's such a fucking generic sad track. The whole of Mass Effect 3 was generic trash, in fact.
Fuck the idiots who say only the ending is bad. No, motherfucker, nearly 100% of the game is utter shit.
Wrong track
Wasn't there a meme on v many years ago when a certain game was mentioned everyone said they were reinstalling?
I can't remember which game
>implying it isn't on my hard drive at all times
I see you too prefer the silent approach
This, sounds like it belongs in some generic uninspired Hollywood movie "epic". It's even got the shitty "BWARBBB" sound effect like 20 seconds in, complete trash.
>All those vests
>Flamethrower instead of GEP gun
>No lockpicks at all
Lots of bad decisions going on in that pick
faggot using ME3 track, not superior ME1 track, you got some nerve.
Alright, alright, you got me... Reinstalling it now.
>Wants me to reinstall a game
>posts title screen from the first game
>with the shit music from the mess that was 3
What did user mean by this?
I hated academy. But I am reinstalling Jedi Outcast right now.
>I hated academy
What? Why?
Better start training for Evo 2019 because it's happening.