>The option of playing as a female is very important to me.
The option of playing as a female is very important to me
Deal with it faggot
fuck off with your shit memes
You guys know there's a lot more than onions in onions, right? The guy who made it is in autistic programmer who got sick of cooking his own meals, so he made a drink which combines all the essentials + plus more + mix with water/milk powder. What exactly is wrong with that?
I just want to play as a cute girl with big tits
Next time try to make sense, retard.
Who are you quoting?
that grinning goblin
lot more than sóy in sóylent*
>having cute girls in the game (to identify with) is very important to me
>Virign Jew vs. Chad Christian
Guess he's gonna get his room cleaned.
>being so homosexual that you want to stare at man ass for the entirety of the game
>Canadian Kermit
>Don't talk to me or my kike's son ever again
But RetardEra doesn't want cute girls in games, you faggot. They want some knuckle-dragging shitskin ape with a 5 o'clock shadow in a skirt.
Onions isn't even the same as the feminizing onions, it's from fucking plants.
>I randomise the appearance and sex of my character whenever possible
>>having cute girls in the game is very important to me
Yeah, that's the average Yea Forums poster.
>the option to play a woman is oppressive to me
trannies would never play as an attractive female, it would just remind them they will never be like their characters. straight males on the other hand, would love to see some good looking girls on the screen, preferably naked
>trannies would never play as an attractive female
Why are they using "cute" anime profile pics and draw themselves as cute anime girls then? Also in FF14 they always play as oversexualised, "cute" characters.
furries are not cute or sexy, get help
people i dont like drink it
It is literally nice to have though.
>option implies choice
>choice most often implies character customization
Imagine disliking character customization.
All the reddit members are awake. Which is why Yea Forums is currently full of unironic wojack and frog posts.
I like it when games give me the option to play as cute girl who also happens to be funny.
Because they sexualize themseleves to put themselves on a pedastal and want to drag everyone else down so they feel even higher
>I can't wait for the new VTMB game, /pol/tards BTFO!
yeah fuck pol
>time to call out the sjw tranny discord on Yea Forums again!
Why is retardera so afraid of that guy?
nobody's afraid of a guy who got btfo by boogie1488 of all people
just a reminder anime is what has feminized an entire generation of young men, not onions
This but unironically
what the fuck is this filename
>not jewish
>some literally who? board with less than 7k posts on infinitychan is an accurate depiction of /pol/
>>some literally who? board with less than 7k posts on infinitychan is an accurate depiction of /pol/
Imagine being so insecure that even the hypothetical possibility of playing a female character triggers you.
Everyone knows it's /trannypol/ larping as /pol/fags you mongoloid.
I think I had a stroke
it should have won...