>2000+19 in the year of our lord
>doubting CHADcom
2000+19 in the year of our lord
Is this their redemption arc?
Not when Megaman Legends 3 is still cancelled, no Star Force successor on 3DS or Switch, no Megaman X9
time to see how they fuck it up this time
I don't have the pictures on me right now, but there was a PowerPoint presentation on RE7's development goals, and they blatantly stated they want to make a game a few people love, not a game designed for everyone. Looks like they're sticking to that new philosophy.
RE7 apologists need to stop riding RE2's coat tails, your game is fucking shit and nothing like RE2 remake.
Thanks for the engine I guess you faggots.
You could say it's their Legacy
After playing Sekiro and getting most of the endings, I can say that Capcom is completely mediocre compared to them. Each Capcom game here has flaws that I immediately recognized on replays. There are mediocre products full of lost opportunities. Sekiro, while it does have some flaws, managed to impress me with level design, story, world building and scale that every moment feels like a joy to go through and when I thought there was not a lot left gave me more. I don't know how something like Fromsoft can run around everybody in the industry while the great Capcom keep pumping out mediocre products.
Both suck. Plus, every Capcom game this gen is worse than previous gens, except for MM11.
i give you a week of honeymooning then youll turn on Sekiro for the next shiny thing.
This is when you ignore shitendo.
Nah. I just played RE2 and DMC5 and I immediately recognized flaws. RE7 felt alright because at least it tried something out with first person but it was just a diet RE1 with a way more boring cast and plot.
Crapcom are hit n miss, yes there are making some top tier vidya and listening to customers, but they are also jewing us out at every turn and doing to opposite of what fans want.
SFV is an always online grind infested, microtransaction with cheating AI to make us not earn even basic shit in game without the jewish microtransactions.
That isn't even mentioning the hate SFV gets for its mechanics, which idm as I only play couch coop.
REmake 2 OG soundtrack and costumes shouldn't have been DLC either.
Still after a handful of good games it wont take away all the years of on disc dlc and raw Jewish magic.
How can you like RE2 but hate RE7? RE2 is literally a third person RE7.
>same limb destruction
>lickers are just less aggressive 4 legged molded with more health
>same indestructible guy who chases you and can smash through one wall in the entire game
>ammo crafting
>stealth sections (Sherry's segment, Mia's first VHS)
>exact same inventory system
>same final boss that's basically a wall slowly approaching you
>grenade launcher is identical to chemical thrower, down to the crafted ammo mainly being used to stun bosses
>No Way Out is Nightmare without traps
The only real differences is that RE2 isn't build for VR, so you get into action sooner and can skip cutscenes, and RE2 has subweapons that grant immunity from attacks
When will Nintenfags learn that Capcom has more franchises than Mega Man? You're getting Mega Man X9 in the next few years anyways.
>RE7 felt alright because at least it tried something out with first person but it was just a diet RE1 with a way more boring cast and plot.
>more boring cast and plot than RE1
Lolwut. RE1 is widely regarded as having some of the worst dialogue and voice acting in all of gaming.
RE7 is objectively the third best RE game
Monster hunter world is trash.
>walking sim
>walking sim
>very excellent
Horror games are trash.
Give us a new Darkstalkers, make SFV not the worst fighting game on the planet today, and please, for the love of God, give us God Hand 2, and they'll unfuck everything.
Shut up, faggot. As a long time RE fan, 7 is EASILY in my top 5.
Can we get one good fighting game first.
Mega Man Legends 3
Nintendo Switch
Screencap this.
From hasn't learned shit despite having made the same exact game for over a decade. Sekiro still uses the same default slashing sound on attacks from Demon's Souls.
Yes but RE1 lines were memorable and there was an interesting plot with Wesker and Umbrella. It plays like a whodunit story with zombies and a lot of flavor text and files. RE7 just has the basic Texas chainsaw massacre with a twist you could see from a mile away. They even tell you at the start with the picture who the culprit is in 7. People laugh at RE1 now but it wasn't obvious for a long while if Wesker was really a bad guy until a long while when playing through the game during release. RE1 also had two characters and managed to use them well.
More like you suck absolute cock and comment on games that obviously aren't for you.
I don't like having to grind to get better gear, so I don't like Monster Hunter, you don't see me shitting on it like some queer.
>Game is designed to time gate you if you don't have good enough gear for fights post game
>But it's okay because some people find fighting the same monsters over and over again fun
See, I can make a decent game sound like shit because I don't like it personally, doesn't make MHW shitty.
>3 garbage fighters in a row
>Yes but RE1 lines were memorable
Lmao are you retarded?
>I got this.
If you read that line straight its completely forgettable, what makes it is how fucking terrible the delivery is.
There's a reason they still use it. It's good and I'll rather have them keep using it if they can keep making great games around it with the occassional different variation on the mechanics.
Glad I'm not an FGC autist then, if you faggots gotta suffer then that's a sacrifice I'm willing to make
>There's a reason they still use it. It's good
Its efficient because they don't have to do a lot of work. I guess Call of Duty is good now, and so are the michael bay Transformers.
They were memorable. It's why Capcom still tries to use the Jill Sandwich meme when they want to give fanservice and who forgets Wesker being upset that Chris is laughing at him for being delusional.
>forgetting Mega Man 11 in that line of titles
not a true CHADcom
That's fucked up, man. I like fighting games and I'm happy that Capcom's doing well besides their fightan fuck-ups.
>Not memorable
Look, I love RE7, but you're making yourself look like a fucking idiot now.
Well, it's possible to have long time shit taste, too.
Now when Suckiro flopped I’m pretty certain RE2 is GOTY. Seem like Memezaki should learn from his mistakes as well.
What happened here though?
Ah, I was under the impression you ONLY gave a shit about fighting games.
Either way, their next fighter is bound to be good considering the pace they're going, they just have to move passed SFV
What are your favorite Resident Evil games, then, user?
Nah, I bet that other guy does only care about fighters, though. Capcom is just knocking it out of the park, so I know they'll probably figure shit out going forward.
CoD barely changes though as a FPS and Sekiro is way different. If you played Sekiro, You'll understand how different it looks and feels. Why would you change something so much just for the sake of changing it? Using them as base to focus on other stuff that'll improve the game more than a different slashing sound.
desu RE7 and RE2 are Bloodborne tier
Sekiro did 124k peak on Steam while RE2 did 70k. Sekiro didn't flop.
That's what happens when you outsource to chinks and gooks. Just give the dev work to arcsystemworks on aesthetics but get someone competent and knows about grounded footsie gameplay to do the battle design. They already did the psrtnership before with sengoku basara
But SF5 is good now except for vappa hating on it
DMC5 is way better than Sekiro
Nah. I can accept that it's maybe less shit, but it'd need a MASSIVE overhaul for it to be "good". It'd need a Super/Giant Attack AT LEAST, let alone a SuperTurbo/Third Strike.
Why "dark" arisen? I never actually understood what made it dark.
dont worry, sf6 will be fine, they've learned their lesson with 5. they did many many things right in 5, but the gameplay was shit. We've entered a capcom era where they are now fucking listening, and they are giving people the games that they want now. don't be surprised if street fighter 6 is the best installment ever
Nigger its still the same and arguably worse. Everyone feels same-y and everyone's interesting tools are locked behind V-triggers. There's no insentive to improve since basic target combos are the optimied combos. Its the same shit with DBFZ, its boring as fuck.
Apart form DMC5 those games are shit.
Actually, The faces in early SFV was made by Capcom. They had to outsource most characters from the future seasons to get better ones. Seeing the faces on the RE Engine with RE7, RE2make and DMC5, I say that report was accurate.
> he doesn't know about refunds
Not with those enemies and level design. I'm a huge DMCfag since 1 and I would be the first to say if DMC5 is great but Sekiro bosses blows DMC5 bosses out of the water. I felt more Nelo Angelo 3 and Verg 3 vibes out of fighting late game Sekiro bosses more than fighting Vergil in DMC5.
I'd rather them have the Arcsys partnership on Darkstalkers which ISNT SUPPOSED TO BE DEAD, Jesus christ Capcom.
no to both of youse
Unless they focus on style, speed and footsies the game will be trash. They also need to have a good aesthetics.
Because you fight a corrupted arisen in BBisle
Give it to me straight. Chances of Phoenix Wright return to glory?
>Just imagine a god tier Dragon's Dogma 2
This would be too much for me to handle. We would be really going home...
If only their current fighting games weren't so dogshit.
Still sounds better than slowly walking through corridors for 10hrs.
Ryuzo is in charge of the fighting game division now. Ono got demoted last year. Probably won't see the impact until SF6 though.
Remember to ignore these obvious baits by retarded Nintendo fanbabbies. They were responsible for shitposting recent multiplats like RE2MAKE, DMC5, and Sekiro and inciting fanbase squabbles. They organize these shitposting jihad against multiplats from their Discord groups and Resetera, all because they are seething that those multiplats aren't available on Switch.
I just like Sekiro more and I want Capcom games to be held at great of a standard as Fromsoft. I'm a huge Capcom fanboy so you can't fucking understand my frustrating when another company is basically running around and making great games while Capcom is eating glue in a corner in comparison.
Aftee playing dmcV sekiro plays like a clunky ps1 game
It's less console war shit and more MH regulars who got used to a massive roster and a jank that served a purpose when it comes to difficulty
Will Iceborne finally put the MHW shitposting to an end?
It might feel clunky to you. I admit that it plays like an earlier game because of how tight it is and how it asks from the player to learn. This was after I played DMC5 too.
>people shitposting about DMC vs Sekiro
>meanwhile MH is a better action series than both
in DMC5 you can just cancel your moves and spam whatever the fuck you want without getting hit once. You don't even have to use combos to beat the game.
In Sekiro once you commit to an action you can't back out. Fuck up one move and you get punished hard. That's the biggest difference between the 2 games.
that isn't saying much
Whoever keeps comparing Sekiro to DMC is desperately trying to be the next XV-kun.