>play as Hornet in Hollow Knight Silksong
>when instead we could have had the mighty, fearless, invincible, glorious Zote
Gotta have them female MCs I guess.
Play as Hornet in Hollow Knight Silksong
>keep failing watcher knights
>oh wait I get it, it's just like 4kings
>just gotta kill each one fast enough before next spawns
>kill first before second spawns
>two spawn at once
welp time to cheese it with shaman stone descending dark
Did you find the chandelier?
the what now
his kickstarter campaign failed
did it after googling it, but I don't think it did much
once I got shadowstone I just melted them & had like 7 life left
Zotes a fucking gay ass loser that's a livong comedy skit. No way would a 40 hour game about him unless it's a pure comedy puzzle solver would sit right for many people.
I wanted to play as Quirrel more than anything else
Is Silksong better than original game?
Honestly it's borderline unplayable, considering that it's not released yet, dummy
It's a joke user
I'm at 101%
I will try to beat Destello Vanilla and maybe NKG and then I'll consider myself done with this game
Fuck godhome to be honest
>tfw I got stuck at Hornet
>>tfw I got stuck at Hornet
Second hornet?
Quick slash
Blue masks
Stewart shell
And just spam attack her
First one
Jesus, dude
You're just being impatient then
She has no more than 5 moves
Watch her, learn where you think you can safely get one hit in (to start) and then apply it
>wanting a game with no challenge
Playing as zote would be like playing as one punch man, it would get old really fast
>First one
Took me 20 tries to pass hornet1
Just keep at it
I'm now at 101%
well it's certainly looks to be different enough that it couldn't have worked as an expansion but who knows whether it's better or not until we play it
But zote is dead in my playthrough ;)
implying the 35rd playable character wouln't have been Tiso
That boss is relatively easy to tank if you don't tackle it early. Just keep smashing.
Trust nobody
Not even yourself
I did find the chandelier but i'm too much of a brainlet to figure out how to drop it, so I just killed them the old fashioned way
kill yourself, you fatass slag, go right a shitty fanfiction or something
Maybe then I could finally beat NKG. Why am I so retarded? That fucking downward drill dash thing. It shouldn't be hard to dodge, but still I fail.
>I did find the chandelier but i'm too much of a brainlet to figure out how to drop it, so I just killed them the old fashioned way
You literally only have a sword
You see a rope
How can you breathe without help?
I think it was the last thing I can do until I do the thing with the three faces or go through black shadow walls
seems to be almost no time to heal unless you kill both at the same time
might have been easier if I had third nail upgrade but I have no clue where to find another iron ore
What the fuck happened to Bretta? I beat 5 Zotes and there's still no sign of her in her house. Did she died or did she move to Silksong land?
Have you talked to the Elder bug since she disappeared?
nwm booted the game n got it first time
No Eyes is faggotry
FUCK that 'fight'
>No Eyes is faggotry
>FUCK that 'fight'
Get howling wraiths
I just got to Hollow Knight, which I guess is the final boss. He doesn't seem to hard but I just wanted to know if I had to do other shit like beating Hornet in Kingdom's Edge and the arena before beating him ?
>You literally only have a sword
>You see a rope
I killed her now, I was just bitching on my second salty runback
I just stood in the middle patiently, rather than playing her Goblin's and Ghouls platforming game
>I just got to Hollow Knight, which I guess is the final boss. He doesn't seem to hard but I just wanted to know if I had to do other shit like beating Hornet in Kingdom's Edge and the arena before beating him ?
Beat him once
Yes he's easy, because he's hiding the real final boss
After you beat him, the game will continue
Cheers. Is there any guide on how to access the DLCs after beating him ? I read about some pantheon or something which I'm guessing is the arena on steroids.
early game bosses have purpose, they teach the palyer something, her lesson is "don't spend more time in mid air than needed or you'll get punished.
I really hope the remove their "fun" design choise of having to both buy a map and explore the location to actually see it. Or at least put the fucking mapmaker in some hub town
Yeah honestly I hope they just remove the map altogether so I can learn the world or make my own IRL.
>actually complaining about the map
Bro, half the excitement of falling into Deepnest the first time was stumbling around in a dark-ass horror nest
Besides, Cornifer is always close-by for every zone, except maybe the sewers
this is why I left Zote in Deepnest. Hornet is my sister and we've only talked twice without coming to blows. Bretta is the only girl who wants me as I am. Salubra isn't in my strike zone
>having to spoil myself by having to look up maps to find my way around
no thanky
sling bikini is best
What's Hornet's deal? Does she have daddy issues?
hornet not for lewds
Mommy issues, actually.
looking at it I'd say it's exactly the same as far as needing to find the mapmaker since the cartographer wasn't seen in a hub town and her story suggests she wanders around. The question now is how they'll handle the compass and quill whilst I don't see them changing the latter the compass may since Charms are gone
I think it's more general abandonment issues since she may have been passed around different mother figures and also looked after by the Weavers as well before they skedaddled
She has got both daddy AND mommy issues.
Sorry you're retarded
They might make the compass a permanent upgrade this time around once you meet the map lady. The quill is probably something you still need to buy.
>Hornet has 3 mothers
So, I love the game and everything, but fucking Team Cherry are a bunch of degenerate SJW fucks.
You don't need to beat the boss first to access the dlcs, but you may as well anyway.
Grimm Troupe is started by finding the dead guy in the howling cliffs, dream nailing him then lighting the lantern.
Godmaster is found by unlocking the sarcophagus in a secret area in the Royal Waterways, you'll need a simple key.
Both are behind hidden walls.
>wanting yuri when we could be having all that ant booty for ourselves
Fuck Zote. He's fucking dead.
But for real though. A Zote DLC might be interesting. Would it be super hard mode, or a heavily-scripted thing?
Sorry, but Hornet is a strong, independent black bug that doesn't need no man and, as a matter of fact, literally fights against penises:
seems more like a foster child rather than some kind of new age family
but you are Hornet or are at least meant to insert as her
The white palace wasn't that bad, actually kinda fun
The former might be true, but was it ever implied the weavers took care of her?
Well, there are atleast 2 gay couples in the game, so what did you expect?
Man I'm just excited that we're finally able to see an HK with more vivid colors.
wasn't her room in the Weaver's Den? I'm going of Lore videos because I'm too weak and scared to get through Deepnest
potentially 3 but 2 of those are speculation
Grey Mourner x Traitor Lord's daughter
Cloth x Nola
Former Nail Master x Nail Smith
The charm with the weaverlings was probably meant for her, the dead body next to it says protect and princess
Yeah and they let you kill off both the fags.
From what we know, the thing most similar to a mother Hornet ever had was White Lady. She probably didn't even get to meet Herrah, and with "meet" I mean getting to know who she really was.
Something will click eventually.
On my first run, I struggled through Hornet, then dropped the game soon after.
When I picked it back up months later, deciding to start over from the beginning to re-familiarize myself with the controls, I was dumbstruck at how easily I breezed through the hornet bossfight.
>women = bad
>bucket of lard protag that looks like you = good
Vespa gave her the name, that sounds more close than tree queen
White Lady is a poor role model
Her room is in Weaver's Den
fuck off weeb
I think she got to know Herrah, even if for a short bit
Nope, that seal is referencing the Hollow Knight.
The unparalleled, ultimate warrior probably wouldn't make a good MC. The player would just bulldoze through everything.
There probably isn't a creature in the whole setting who can rival the peerless, illustrius Zote.
100% vanilla, 107% or 112% means something, 101% just means you randomly tackled some stuff in the updated game and then ignored the rest.
>banished the grimm troupe because it's the right thing to do
>found out only afterwards that you don't fight NKG this way
And i just started having fun fighting the dream bosses and his base form too
So the pecking order among the living warriors is:
The Knight
Grey Prince Zote
Dung Defender fits in there somewhere
she became a strong indipendent warrior bugress who don't need no man
good job, now do path of pain
After just finishing Sekiro and seeing the systems in place for the sequel I am now convinced that Silksong is going to get meme'd hard by the media and normalfags as the Sekiro to HK's DS.
the dark souls of hollow-likes
You can still fight him in Godhome.
how can she be older than the hollow knight
what do I get if I banish him and what do I get if I don't
>wanting a shitty pansy bow charm instead of an adorable little murderer companion
I don't know. Did Hollow Knight come before Dreamers and was the bargain with Hera made way in advance of the rest of the steps of the plan
banish: a worthless charm that costs way too much for what it does
complete: an ok damage booster that's occasionally useful and looks absolutely adorable
what does the worthless charm do
Extremely faster paced combat
Hornet even gets her own parry move
Hookshots fucking everywhere
Tool system that will without a doubt get compared to the prosthetic
Lots of verticality as you ascend much like how Sekiro is set in the mountains
Some eastern/oriental architecture in the preview with heavy religious undertones for the setting
And though they haven't talked about the npc/quest system much people will still find a way to get in dragonrot into that
I know what I'm saying is all bullshit but there's just enough tangentially related shit in there for people to meme it up.
I found the white palace really easy---because of hiveblood, but I eventually gave up on radiance
after about 20 attempts I see what I have to do, but I just can't make it all the way through the second phase
its just not that important to me
don't forget you also lose the ability to upgrade the fragile charms if you banish them
rarely nullifies incoming damage
I didn't spoil myself on what i'd get for each option.
I just knew that NKG was a thing and i figured he'd try to stop me from banishing them or something.
I summoned them expressly to get the unbreakable Chamrs I haven't even spoken to Grimm only Divine
It's ok lad, you can just delete your save and start anew.
Jesus I only have the energy to try Pantheon of Hollow Nest once a day. At least I am improving constantly.
Randomly nullifies incoming damage, on average increasing your effective hp by 22% and your effective rate of healing by 22%. Worthless my ass.
Meanwhile the "ok damage booster" deals 11 on hit (your nail does 25 base) and misses 95% of time.
Both are absolutely uselss in Godhome.
Well the game isn't going anywhere, just try again someday
Its more pale king had to cheat on his actual queen to achieve his goals with Herrah for a dalliance. She gets a child and he gets a dreamer. Herrah wouldnt have much time to deal with raising her own daughter because of having to prepare to become a dreamer so she probably had weavers and midwife do a lot of the raising, and the former isnt the best being for that.
>implying anyone will remember Sekiro in 2020
That's not canon.
I mean, i got the unbreakable charms, and i can still fight him in godhome, if i ever feel like doing that.
I just feel it would've been more special to fight him proper.
I'm so glad they don't listen to retards like you.
>Vespa gave her the name, that sounds more close than tree queen
This is not canon.
This time you will literally have to find and defeat a miniboss every time you want a map. Shitters not welcome.
Reddit tier humor
Id rather have a base layout of the area im in than a full map. It encourages me to explore a lot more and slice at more walls.
That's true, it was never stated, I apologize. But since the white lady and midwife only refer to her as the gendered child and hornet is hive related I don't think it's a stretch
post yfw the weavers are the true antagonists in Silksong.
most were turned into zombies and the others just died, how can they be true anything
Only the litters got infected while most of the adults moved to their original home. It's pretty obvious they had an important role in the kingdom of Pharloom.
Can Yea Forums recite the fifty seven precepts of Zote?
Precept One: 'Always Win Your Battles'.
Losing a battle earns you nothing and teaches you nothing. Win your battles, or don't engage in them at all!
Considering you use Silk it'd be like the Soul Masters or whatever that group was called being the true villains of Hollow Knight. I'd say the song part of the name is more likely to be related to the baddies considering all the bells all over the place and music being played by characters or said characters carrying instruments
Is she just outright lying or only referring to the weavers here?
I'm pretty sure every bug or beast thinks their own kind are the greatest be it smarts or fighting.
Spiders/Deepnest/the beasts were sealed off by the mantises before the infection happened, weren't they?
Radiant GPZ is more cancer than Markoth. Fight me.
>the lower tram connects Palace Grounds to a completely empty region of Deepnest and the barren wasteland that is Kingdom's Edge
Why was it even build?
>mfw imagining to play as Invincible Fearless Sensual Mysterious Enchanting Vigorous Diligent Overwhelming Gorgeous Passionate Terrifying Beautiful Powerful Grey Prince Zote
Probably. We know they were always a tribe of feral creatures that didn't accept the king's policies, but both the weavers and Herrah cooperated with him at some point regarding the creation of the seals and Hornet.
How does aging work in that world anyway,
cause HK and the knight are smol at the same time during the flashback, but apparently HK had a growth spurt after leaving the abyss or something?
White lady milk
No. I think after I killed him I had maybe 65% of the game complete.
Also he's not really the final boss
Something to do with Hornet, since the Hive can be found right after reaching Kingdom's Edge by using the tram and we all know she might have been trained there.
Allegedly it's to do with training but if the Knight didn't even become Hornet sized after all he went through I'm having serious doubts about that theory
Assuming he just got out of the Abyss once we start the game it would have just been the void alterating his natural growth.
Are you ready for the upcoming romance options Yea Forums?
of course
implying a seemingly good and earnest version of Zote wil survive the horrors sure to occur in this game. If he isn't a Myla he'll certainly be a Cloth
>he doesn't realize zotes sheer DETERMINATION and DELUSION aren't powerful enough to put him on the same level of strength as the radiance
>he thinks zote can be killed
literally lmaoing at ur lyfe
Isnt that character and old lady tho???
Sherma appears as a cross between Zote and Quirrel. Does this mean the rest of the cast's roles will also be the product of mixing different characters from the previous game?
What the fuck user. Are you blind?
That's a pretty cute sweet little boy we have got there.
Zote is a shitty character that overstayed its welcome by the second encounter. Hopefully he's dead and forgotten by Silksong.
He's only alive because you saved him. Your own fucking fault dude.
The tribe ants > queen ant
If I don't save him I miss out on content, you bet your ass I let him die when I did the speedrun achievements.
Backer character, which is why he didn't get a boss fight.
what qt
Is there a reward completing all bosses on radiant? Gave nothing for the first ~20.
I haven't got all even unlocked and wonder if the trouble hunting the rest down is rewarded.
I get the feeling that Hollow Knight had some time fuckery stuff while in development.
Elderbug is younger than Hornet for example.
go back to tumblr faggots
you first
only if you go back, redditor
If you beat all bosses on attuned you get a journal entry which is upgraded when you beat all of them in ascended/radiant. Keep in mind that it's all of them, I'm missing radiant AR only and I don't have the final entry.
so is Hornet naturally producing that silk or is it a skill she was taught. We aren't given much if anything about how Hera fought
Elderbug is a regular bug rather than being half Pale Being half one of the more powerful creatures in Deepnest
This. Hornet is born of God and Spider.
Naturally produces it by obtaining soul essence.
i don't know why but i think it's cuter to imagine Hornet without arms underneath her cloak-thing. just as an artistic choice, im not saying she doesn't *have* arms or anything
Embrace the Void and Delicate Flower don't require you to kill the Dreamers, do they?
So if you did those endings, wouldn't Hornet get her Mom back?
Maybe it's a game convention and in the canon of the story the hollow knight is small, jus portrayed as bigger to show the intricacies of your battle.
Just beat NKG in 6 tries on attuned and 7 more on ascended. Anyone calling the fight hard is bad. Anyone pretending it's comparable in difficulty to PV is fucking insane.
???? I always thought it was an old lady, even its voice sounds like an old lady
Don't you need to beat White Defender to unlock Pantheon 4? You have to kill all three dreamers to fight him
now showing her arms maintains the idea that she's wearing a dress thus making her appear more feminine despite it being in reality a poncho
The hardest fights are, in descending order
Absolute Radiance > Pure Vessel = Markoth > NKG
The rest are not worth mentioning.
If it's for pantheons why the fuck is Markoth that high. If it's for radiants, why is NKG even in top 5?
In what, Radiant? Regular Pantheon? All Bindings Pantheon?
>All Bindings Pantheon
sounds like a My Chemical Romance tribute act lol
I meant on their own, in the pantheon I'd put Markoth above PV. Radiant is about the same ranking, though there are other notable fights like Uumuu and Collector before the nerfs. I'm not crazy enough to try the pantheon of Hallownest with bindings, much less all of them.
Using magic isn't cheesing my guy. Its just another way to play the game
Now I need the Shade Cloak for Watcher Knights, how do I get it
Pls no spoilers, that's why I don't just look it up
Do you have King's Brand? If yes, go down to the bottom of the Ancient Basin. If no, go to Kingdom's Edge.
>knows about the shade cloak before getting it
>pls no spoilers, I don't look things up!
I'm gonna need the sauce for research purposes.
I feel like the "Happy Couple" achievement pretty much confirm Nail smih x Nail Master
They're gonna turn Hornet into a silk muncher and you know it.
It also confirms that all "artists" are just a bunch of degenerate fucks.
Did you just discover that right now? Have you never talked to an artist before?
I don't associate myself with degenerates.
Have sex, incel.
but her sexuality is unknown in HK1 so it'd be more like they're revealing her sexuality
>ask in thread how to beat them
>told to use shade cloak
>still don't know what it is, just that it helps with Watcher Knights
use your brain user
>get to top of Crystal Peak
>town lights up as I walk around
>there's nothing here
>no boss
>no items
>just a dead end that I wasted 15 minutes on getting to
Tell me I'm retarded and that I missed something
>implying she wasn't dripping wet after every time she sees you fight
The statue at the top of Crystal Peak basically explains a good half the plot of the game and has a Pale Ore.
There was pale ore and a lore statue there.
Its really unnecessary for watcher knights honestly.
so far as we know she's only lost to Quirrel and the Knight and might presumably have beaten other vessels that crawled out of the Abyss as such being amazed by your strength isn't surprising considering she's one of the big dogs of Hallownest at least those not locked in dreams, dead or used as vessels
She didn't lose to Quirrel. She let him pass because she saw Monomon's mask on him.
well then even more reason for her to be impressed since the Knight be the only one who's ever beaten her
>play godslayer
>fight against the sword guy
>oh cool finally we can fight against him, but why is he so big?
>oh the fight was like watcher knights pretty good but also pretty difficult
fuck you team cherry.
thanks bros
maybe for you but I suck ass and I'll take any crutch I can get. Combine DSP tier reaction time and a shitty Switch analog stick and you'll understand why I have to beg to be spoonfed in every thread
Goddamn i already love Lace despite knowing next to nothing about her, i hope her fights are fun
I feel like with all the fan wishes of seeing more of Quirrel or the Great Knights, Zote is going to be the only recurring NPC to show up again just to piss people off.
I'm just saying if you're dashing on the ground in that fight, you're going about it in the completely wrong direction. The fight is all pogo and fireballs. The bouncing rolls are slow enough to walk under or away from.
I play with a switch controller on PC and its not that bad. Unless you mean you're playing with Joycons
It's incredible how such a simple design can work so well.
All the shade cloak does is give you invincible during the dash (with a second of cooldown), so it's basically just a dogde roll
seeing how she darts around I expect she'll either really test your grasp of parrying or she'll force you to use all of Hornet's mobility options so people used to the Knight's slow and methodical approach will be reconditioned
It's not like she's getting a definitive romantic partner anyways.
knowing how the Knight's powers work h'd probably kil her and take her Needle arts from her corpse or alternatively learn them by fighting her repeatedly
>the right thing to do.
Good job jackass, the lingering nightmares of hallownest will now never know peace.
>basically just a dodge roll
Nice, that sounds like it would make any of these fights 10x easier. My problems usually come from being stuck to close to the bosses, my shitty positioning
I'm playing in handheld mode even though I have 3 switch remotes lying around. I'm sacrificing precision for the ability to play in bed
Zote and Mister Mushroom will be the only recurring NPC's.
Neither Quirrel or most of the Great Knights would make much sense for a reappearance, except maybe Ze'mer because the Delicate Flower probably came from the new kingdom.
To be honest, I was really hoping Cornifer and Iselda would show up again except now we actually get to fight Iselda.
>the game outright tells you the ritual is bad for Hallownest
>uh oh, my gay vampire waifu did nothing wrong, he's helping everyone!
You faggots are insufferable.
But have you seen the guy?
He's got red glowy eyes, he's definitely evil.
Before you go hunting for the shade cloak just try to put Soul Catcher+Shaman Stone+Spell Twister on and magic the shit out of them.
Dream nail them as they're waking up to get more soul
The new environments look super pretty.
I'm probably most excited for the lively city though. Interacting with part of a civilization in its heyday, and not just picking through the husk of it.
>tfw when you beat your head against the mothra bitch until you win
It feels good when you finally kill her. I'm hesitant to try out Godmaster though.
Hornet is too autistic to ever be in a romantic relationship.
Godmaster sucks. Just go find the new sewer area and the cicada in the coffin and forget about anything else.
I could see Hegemol getting a vague mention if they ever actually want to reveal what happened to him.
Just a light spoiler free warning, getting the shade cloak it's not that easy man its behind a fight that may take you a few tries (or a lot if you are as bad as me) and you will be introduced to the most infuriating and aggravating enemy in the game
If you get frustrated you are better off exploring previous areas and geting more masks/charms/soul
Its wort playing godmaster if only for PV that figth is spectacular
>Last achievement is 5th pantheon
Just fucking end me now
How do I learn to draw like that?
You practice and experiment with different tools and mediums.
I feel you. But I am getting there. Yesterday I beat Zote but then I panicked completely against Failed Champion and got fucked
You practice and autistically focus on the tool and medium of your choice.
Alright, I'll give that a go then for Godmaster. Kinda looking forward to fighting Sly.
If embrace the void is .8% then just how low is all radiant and full binding going to be? .1% or even lower than that?
>tfw trapped in a shit job from 6am to 8pm
Fuck, where do I even start finding time like this...
So is the Knight dead dissolved into nothing or akin to god unified in the void?
I dont get the ending.
Yes, there’s a lengthy plot you have to do. You need to fully level up your dream nail and clear Queen’s Gardens (area to the left of Fog Canyon), which will unlock access to a new extremely difficult area in the Basin.
Are we going to see this nigga again in Silksong?
He's just floating around in the void with his bros.
Find a better job. Unless you have a housewife and 3 kids, you don't have to work 14 hours a day.
They don't count towards 112%
Neither does embrace the void.
I think the Knight got turned into a god of unified void at the end because of the attention of the Godseekers all noticing them defeat Radiance and finally acknowledging the Knight. They're attention and belief empowers things, especially Radiance.
isn't he dead or at least dying from all the years catching up to him.
Why do people meme this game like it was the greatest thing ever created?
It looks like a boring flash game with funkopop soulless art design
I guess that's up to you.
Whether you prefer to think that the vessels and their big bro the Hollow Knight sacrificed themselves in a moment of solidarity and can now rest in peace, or fulfilled their mission and returned to the void from whence they came.
I doubt it. I like to think that he lived in the end, but that his warrior's journey is over. His connection to Hallownest is gone, so he can go off on his own path of quiet contemplation for what time he has left.
Yeah, it's possible that the guy became dust when you leave and then return.
Our real love is Hungry Knight.
Hey guys, look what I found underneath Whiterun.
>it looks like...
play it
I thought the same thing and then I gave it a shot. It's my new favorite game of all time.
>Fighting NKG
>Can get him below 75% maybe once every five tries
>Take a break from the game for a few weeks
>Come back and try fighting NKG again
>Consistently getting him below 50%
>Beat him after only a few more tries
Why does taking a break from a game make you better?
In the Dream no More ending, The Knight unifies the Void into one giant force to consume the Radiance.
In the Embrace the Void ending, The Knight ascends to Godhood through attunement and at the end of the Absolute Radiance fight, rather than unifying the Void, the Knight becomes the Void incarnate.
>Nailsmith x Artist
The achievement is literally called "Happy Couple."
>Why ppl say game good?
jesus christ just play the game
Same thing happened to me. Except it still took me like two days to finally beat him...
>Skyrim was released almost 9 years ago
>2000 was almost 20 years ago
A couple of bros just hanging out
>Paint me like one of your French bugs.
We can play as Hornet because the Hornet campaign stretch goal was reached in the Kickstarter. The Zote campaign stretch goal was not reached.
>Bash my head for 4 hours straight on NKG
>"yes fuck this, i guess i'm just not good enough"
>Try it next day " i can see it" and beat it in first try
Hallownest is a kingdom built on daddy isssues. Like it's literally the foundation of their city.
Same shit as the tetris effect. Your brain is practicing the patterns while you're taking a break.
Which bug needs more love?
I actually did too
she wasn't that hard, I just got flustered by all the feminine screams she made and it made me lose my focus
As terrible as I am at most of the harder fights, I loved Grimm specifically for the feeling of things finally and suddenly clicking after a while.
Against Radiance I feel like I just finally got lucky and brute forced it, but Grimm actually forced me to master a style of dodging that played itself up like it was part of his elaborate dance.
>the game outright tells you the ritual is bad for Hallownest
Point me at the proof faggot, Grimm is one of my favorite characters in the game but i'm prepared to admit the Grimm troupe is bad if there's conclusive proof.
Brumm wanting to end the ritual isnt conclusive as he believes Grimm himself is a slave to it, which does not contridict my theory that they hoover up the lingering nightmares of dead bugs and put them to rest.
Glowing red eyes are hot.
Good post
Yeah, I don't want to buy a fully filled out map from the get-go, but I don't think it would hurt for it to at least show you a vague template outline of the area as opposed to forcing you to buy a completely blank piece of paper.
Friendly reminder the Knight is the Pale King.
In what way?
Grimm/NKG's fight is still one of my favorite bosses, genuinely feels like you're dancing with him.
but Hornet doesn't have daddy issues and the only significant emotion she shows besides duty is for her mother
>Hornet in the first game, "I'll not hold back. My needle is lethal and I'd feel no sadness in a weakling's demise."
>Hornet in the second game works with a non-combatant like Sherma and learns about music
Hope Silksong lets her come out of her shell a little bit, so to speak.
I don't know if she'll get any character development, but I'm all for a definitive rival.
Next incarnation.
considering there's a quest system Hornet may be acting as a mercenary to finance her quest for answers and she has to keep the customers happy and alive
The protagonist was already a vessel when the hollow knight was chosen no?
Vessels =/= Actual living bugs.
Wake me up
Before you pogo
Don't leave me hanging on like a yoyo
Wake me up
before you pogo
git gud fagget tonight.
They have the same movements, you only have to check on the one far away, cause that's the one that most of the time rolls towards you.
It's interesting just how many vessels managed to make it out. I think there were at least five other than The Knight?
I still can't belive I fall for that coraline level shit.
1. the one at the first Hornet fight
2. Broken Vessel
3. the Knight
4. however many Nox captured
Roughly that yes, i think pic related features them all + a younger hornet.
Of course. After all, it's a vessel.
a bit sad to see these threads have slowed down, but oh well
see you all when silksong gets released and there are atleast 7 threads every hour
you know it's going to just be bellyaching about the changes with shitposting about how we're being charged full price for an expansion. This'll then be followed by complaints about difficulty and maybe score posting
More like after Silksong gets released and the potential fifty+ hours it takes me to finish.
Isn't it a full game with a unique map? If the map is approximately as big as Hallownest, I don't see how anyone could complain about being charged full price for it, especially if it uses mostly new visuals.
this is Yea Forums there will be complaints
you'll be on here on release day like the rest of us
holy shit Sisters of Battle is such a great boss fight
its completely fair without any random bullshit and you just have to have good perception and reflexes. its kinda addicting
>drawing your own maps
>cracks open Monster
Ahhhhh, now Zork, that was a game.
I'll never finish Godmaster, but I appreciate the option to be able to bring up old favorites whenever.
And Zote. Maybe. Probably not.
the elder tells you not to trust them too
>not bumpanada
slugbros and hollowfriends unit
guys im hard stuck on the path of pain...
ive on the pit with the spikes that extend and retract...
this shit is painful on switch with no dpad. i've been on it for the past 2 days now and seriously considering giving up
Question: If both Radiance and Grimm used to be the ones in charge of the dream realm, does that mean they also acted as king and queen at some point?
Is anyone grabbing that artbook that TC will release?
They weren't in charge of dream realm
>Yes, there’s a lengthy plot you have to do. You need to fully level up your dream nail and clear Queen’s Gardens (area to the left of Fog Canyon), which will unlock access to a new extremely difficult area in the Basin.
How is the abyss extremely difficult with just one enemy that does nothing ?
In Silksong I hope they show off more arthropods. I like a lot of the bug variety shown in Hollow Knight but I wish there was more. I wanted to see scorpions and crustaceans, and I would've like more of the spiders too. I also appreciated the "Trilobite" shell in Deepnest even though it looks more like a Horseshoe crab or some sort of Marella. Guy in top left of 's pic looks like he might be a hermit crab. That's what I wanted more of.
I keep hearing about this art book, but can't find any info. I'm very interested so I'll buy if I can
play im bed while using detached controller /joycons
It looks pretty cool. It's only 25 bucks if you buy it alongside the collector's edition.
I'm really tempted to buy it, though I'm afraid of the shipping costs to Europe and the import tariffs...
Oh, that's the artbook? I though it would be like a notebook for you by the name
Crustaceans i think will show up, you can see barnacles in some scenes of the trailer, and one area looks a lot like corals, so the likelihood of crustaceans showing up is high
The Radiance isn't in charge of the Dream Realm, she's just the most powerful being that inhabits it, it's entirely possible she had a physical form at some point too.
Grimm himself isn't a higher being, he and the Grimmchild are vessels for the Nightmare Heart which holds the Nightmare Realm together, it's less in charge of that realm and more the literal heart of that realm.
Is Baba friend?
We'll need a third game that takes place on a stony beach, where lobsters are treated like deep-sea cosmic horrors.
The third game will be the one that finally lets you play as the Hollow Knight.
the trend continues
>Crustaceans i think will show up
They already have, although I'm not sure if the aussies know that.
Cat and Slut so it's a Slut
You're missing Ori.
These are the bane of my speedrunning attempts
I keep forgetting that pillbugs are terrestial crustaceans. I liked the Baldurs and I hope we get to see some of their aquatic isopod cousins in Silksong.
Jonathan Blow, is that you?
Hornet didn't seem like she hated Herrah at all, she even asked for time alone to mourn. Where are people getting this from?
If anything she probably is less fond of her father and the state he left shit in.
Man you retards are thin-skinned if fucking bug family dynamics can trigger you. The bit about Hornet being raised by three separate queens is one of the coolest things about her backstory.
Zote is 100% a vessel, given the identical appearance and cryptic references to bad fathers and mothers, and leave the nest immediately, there is nothing for you there. He is an early, incredibly flawed vessel that managed to escape. None of the evidence to the contrary has been compelling enough to override these considerations in my mind.
hopefully all this is delved into in Silksong and they don't only explore the Weaver parts of her backstory
>Hornet's memories are partially damaged from her trek out of the kingdom
>to unlock new combat abilities you need to find some way to trigger a recollection
>like the little blacksmith/weapon arts cutscenes, we get brief animated training segments of her time sparring at the Hive
He seems absurdly weak for a spawn of the Pale King and White Lady.
To be fair, the Pale King did everything he could. It's just that all his attempts ended in failure.
>4. however many Nox captured
Were those really vessels though? I'm sure most of them were just bugs.
Probably servants of the king who fled from working on the tram station, picked off one by one.
well considering most of the stuff she's done is stuff she did in fight intros, during fights and in cutscenes it's perfectly reasonable to assume the majority of her power ups will simply be her getting back to where she was in HK1. New stuff culd just be her having access to more resources because if she could use that buzzsaw and lifeblood in the first game no one would have ever beaten her
I'd love some subtle little flashbacks of babby Hornet.
they dropped him on his head
Your brain does that.
I was getting S H R E K T by Sly.
Left. Returned. Nohit his first phase.
Still can't get PV because I have an unfortunate case of incompetent.
Nah, he's the same species as the elder, look at the structure of his face and his big ass mouth. He just happens to be a buglet,
I bought it a couple of days ago andI just got the dream nail. Loving it, even though I feel like I should, at this point, understand more of the plot than I actually do.
Just use keyboard.
>can't give delicate flower to Hornet after making her appear in the temple
what were they thinking
The plot itself is pretty sparce, but you get more of it the further you go into the game.
Winged Nosk is enough you don't need any more than that
Probably a fear of people romantically shipping half-siblings more than they already do.
Also what did she meant by this, aren't we born from void and god? or is it just about the resilience?
whats the punchline?
The Knight came from outside of Hallownest's borders at the beginning of the game. It's seen what lies beyond the kingdom's edge. Somehow, that made it stronger, stronger than any other vessel.
She was flirting with a mimic.
oh, I thought the 2nd panel was him doing a confused dog
I thought it was just a stab at dear old dad.
Born from the void and one void of heart.
Ok. It's very intriguing so far.
(You) lost your memories when you left the kingdom. The area outside the kingdom is the second void.
I wonder tho. If the Pale Wyrm is the thing that maintains bugs' minds, then what's the deal with Silk Crucible or whatever it's called?
Or is the Pale Wyrm a big fat liar, and what he does is erase memories of anyone returning from outside the kingdom?
Wouldn't be the first memories he's erased.
but there is absolutely nothing hollow about him
It'd be a lot funnier if the knight didn't say anything, as he would, and then Hornet said something like "Don't ask!"
Yeah, the best thing about the game is how fascinating the world is.
is just outside the black egg with infection spewing out really the best place to be flirting
The reason the hollow knight failed is because he wasn't perfectly hollow, so vessels are not inherently hollow. That's why PK had to try so many times, hollow knight was the closest he could make. I imagine when PK first began creating vessels he was not very accomplished at it yet, and so they would be even further from hollow, thus zote.
Here is the plot:
At the start: You are jumpy boi.
A little later: You are jumpy boi. Kingdom is declining.
After that: You are jumpy boi. Kingdom is not just declining but is straight goddamn rekt by some right menacing shit.
Slightly later: You are jumpy boi. Kingdom is straight goddamn rekt. Desperate measures were taken to unrek it, and some of those desperate measures are now turned against you.
A bit later: Zote is a cockface in addition to all the other bullshit.
Halfway: You aren't jumpy boi. Someone else is jumpy boi. The fuck are you?
After the halfway point the game gets into exactly what you are and you can't even discuss it indirectly without it being a bit spoiler.
But screw it I'll do it anyway
Yeah, there are definitely other kingdoms or at least populated settlements out there if we go off what other bugs say, so maybe it's just the Pale King's subjects specifically that risk losing awareness/knowledge that he granted them if they leave?
It's probably meant to be a "before the final battle" style confession.
The infected vessel is slightly taller with longer horns so is just normal growth or infection related, since that makes bugs stronger and bigger. I imagine getting used to the infection was part of the hollow knight training and that cause him to grown too? just a gay theory
What boss fight is this?
Laughed harder than I should have.
>love of his life stolen from him by the Radiance
>could have gone on a suicide mission against a near omnipotent foe
>instead holds back the Radiance from his mind and protects her grove from those that would do harm with grim joy
Dung/White Defender is truly the best of all bugs
Literally Zote.
so I've been looking at this screenshot and the trailers and I'm convinced the middle right item are not this games Mantis claws but yet another throwing knife. I gather this from an ant throwing similar looking items and them hitting a wall at 01:40 during the trailer. This means Hornet has 4 types of throwing knives
>The reason the hollow knight failed is because he wasn't perfectly hollow
Is this based on any info inside the game? Is this canon or one of these things people make up just to fill the blanks? I can't tell. I imagine that HK could have failed for other reasons.
>I implore you, usurp the Vessel. Its supposed strength was ill-judged. It was tarnished by an idea instilled. But you. You are free of such blemishes. You could contain that thing inside.
The White Lady implies that the Hollow Knight thought or felt something when he wasn't meant to.
A lot of people speculate it was evident in the fact that he looked back, perhaps regretfully, at all the other vessels that were left for dead in the birthplace when he alone was chosen to become the Hollow Knight.
all I can see wrong with him is he didn't go all in on the Void part of his nature like the Knight
The White Lady says that the Hollow Knight was "tarnished by an idea instilled".
Then there are scenes where the Hollow Knight seems to be feeling some emotion.
Kinship in Birthplace, Sorrow and Regret in The Abyss and the father-son bond in Path of Pain.
On top of this Pure Vessel has cut Dream Nail dialogue:
Do not think...
Do not speak...
Do not hope...
Do not...
He's desperately telling himself not to think and feel because that is what the Radiance takes advantage of and he has to tell himself these things because he knows he isn't pure.
Doesn't make sense to put a movement item that works all the time, like mantis claws, in the same section of the equipable subweapons, so you are probably right.
My guess is that the game will use a system similar to Castlevania Aria of Sorrow: 3 class of equipable tools, can equip one of each class at time, plus the ability tools related to game progression that works all the time and don't need to be equipped, like mantis claws and wings on the first game.
The idea instilled was probably the king getting attached to it
It's also possible that the pale king cared him, as evidenced by the path of pain cutscene where the king and HK seem to being having a father son moment. It's given further evidence because the pale king went to such incredible lengths to guard that memory because he was so ashamed of it. By caring for the hollow knight he failed his kingdom
>That one time when your biggest flaw really is "I care too much".
>"Curse my capacity for love!"
The vessel needed to be empty and he gave it feelings
He should have treated it more coldly, but I guess he couldn't bring himself to. He tried desperately to be a cold, unfeeling king who would do anything to save his kingdom, but at the very end he fucked up because he couldn't help but love his child.
>a system similar to Castlevania Aria of Sorrow
Fuck yes unless you have to grind for abilities like in AoS
>he was too kind, he cared too much
Yeah, about that one vessel. He didn't bat an eye about discarding all the thousands of other vessels.
He did care. That's why he sealed the Abyss away, in grief and shame. He tried not to care about the Hollow Knight too, but he couldn't help himself. His constant chanting of "No cost too great" seems like he's desperately trying to convince himself of that more than anything else.
Nah, you will probably unlock the tools in the same way you unlock charms in HK.
I only said because the itens are obviously separated into three different categories: red, blue and yellow
Wouldn't the White Lady also be guilty of this? I thought that was the point of the room with the baby crib you can find in the White Palace.
Yes he did, he cared. Thats why his dying thoughts are No cost too great. He understood what he was doing was wrong and was trying to convince himself what he did was right.
That's why she shackled herself. She'll never produce another spawn again out of grief and shame.
pale king = wurm
wurm = bad
What fight had the best overall aesthetics and why was it Broken Vessel + Lost Kin?
I like the Mantis lord a lot, cause you can see the others in the background and after it you gain all the respect, wish there were other regular mantises watching too to justify
> Obama, finger you
For me, Mantis Lords was the one where I really started thinking "fuck, this is a great game"
I wish there were more bugs you could save to repopulate dirtmouth, even if they don't have any usefulness or special dialogue.
I think Mantis Lords are the real test of whether the game is "for you" or not.
It helps they have one of the best battle themes as well.
>that sisters of battle fight
PURE kino
>tfw Hollow Knight will never get all those live orchestral performances of the OST like Undertale did.
Fine with me. It's both successful and not obnoxious.
There was a game journo who got stuck at hornet so they just enabled infinite life
The title was something like "I enjoyed hollow knight more when cheating"
Immagine if Anub’arak was a boss
>tfw the third one stands back up in Godmaster
This game is easier on keyboard than controller I've found
>Getting bootyblasted by the first pantheon.
Jesus Christ user, I'm so sorry that you have to live like this.
nevermind, wrong game
Same thing happened to me but I beat the fifth one
second pantheon was piss easy tho
Is The Knight completely unthinking and unfeeling? Driven only to consume The Radiance? Does the Void Heart only work on a truly pure Vessel?
I doubt it. It has a will, hence why it was able to "unite the void under its will". Also, some of the things the game allows you to do seem pretty strange if the Knight truly had no thought or emotion.
The hollow knight's only purpose was to be a vessel for the radiance (and he failed).
The Knight's only purpose is to be a vessel for the player.
It’s stated in the description that the void heart can only be wielded by a vessel that has a will, which would make him impure
>no will to break
>no will to break
More like
>unbreakable will
fixed your knight
>The Pale King's really just a deviant species of Worm
You must suck if you cant handle them. Just follow the one tap rule.
Since nightmare king Grimm and the radiance are the only bosses to have full title cards and they are considered to be higher beings, would it not be wrong to consider Zote a higher being thanks to his own title card in godmaster?
this might make me a furfag but I really like this style
>Team Cherry are a bunch of degenerate SJW fucks.
Someone is a little mad desu
Zote is a higher being in Bretta's dreams.
And NKG isn't technically the Higher Being, the Nightmare Heart is.
I would say that since NKG is effectively channeling the heart during the fight he is a higher being at that moment. Though the heart is the true higher being in essence
She said she still wants to breed so I'll just fuck that tree pussy
He didnt give it feelings. He just judged the vessels incorrectly. Vessels are built with a certain hollowness to them. He chose wrong when he was judging who would be the hollow knight
room temperature IQ post
Hornet is made of void and if you disagree you're a degenerate mouthbreather who drinks through straws
It's shit.
in Kelvin
Hornet is made of god and silk
Incels please leave
take your shit somewhere else, faggot