its almost over bros
Dokkan battle
Other urls found in this thread:
Finished him yesterday. Only SA 10 and no fucking way am I grinding him out again I'll throw some Sleepy Kais at him.
finished him this friday, now i'm farming ss3 bardock SA after pulling him and then it's waiting time till rose (i just want str rose) and 4th anniversary
>do single summon
>get transforming vegeta
Metal cooler should be next, will any of you be summoning for him? I'm gonna give it a try
>but coins!
Yeah yeah i'm aware, i don't really care
I'll wait for the anniversary because my saved stones didn't get me anything.
did 4 multis and only got a GSSR old unit as the last card.
better save up so I can feel lucky again.
going for coins seems better as well.
I got burned out of grinding. Lr Vegeta, a ton of Kid Gokus, Kais from the Monaka event, all right after the Movie event, PLUS the shitty tournament has been too much for me.
So I'm taking it easy and just doing some fun dokkan events with various teams. Just want the anniversary to come and give me coins so I can start summoning again
I spent 180 stones on vegeta banner, got absolutely nothing
>tfw lucklet
also 450 stones on Gogeta/Broly banner, not even one featured.
I don't know what to do.
Next banner should treat you better. Luck usually comes in wave for me. I didn't get anything on my summons between 250mil and Gogeta
build me a team i have the units with the green dot and lets say i would have had agl cooralead
>AGL Meta Cooler lead
>LR Cooler Corps
>FP Freeze Pop
>angel Freeze Pop
>PHY Cooler
>STR final for Frieza
you'll be good.
Dokkan Fest Coora, FF Frieza, Angel Golden, LR Cooler, Phy FF Cooler, Full Power Frieza,
Probably the best team you can make without the transforming one (who's pretty mediocre anyways and gets out damaged by a non Dokkan fest unit on the same banner)
i just wasted 400 f2p stones on the vegeta banner becasue i dont even have a pure sayian leader and the only things good i got where
2x full power ss4 goku
agl movie broly
the new int vegeta
the str final form frieza
and the str android 21
this is what I never understand about faggots like you.
the damage output for transforming frieza might not be as great as many dokkan fest units but at least he isn't a fucking glass-canon
I fucking wish I had your luck.
I am this user
>agl movie broly
At least you got a Pure Saiyans leader.
Is it really worth getting this unit?
Is this a lucklet contest? Because when I summoned Krillin was flying with me (guaranteed featured) and Goku transformed into SSG, I was sure that I'm gonna get him, but instead I got 2 Phy Blue Vegeta and Pan.
>Goku transformed into SSG
that means either 1 featured or 3 unfeatured
FighterZ gets Kid Goku (GT) with pole even though he never used it in the show.
Meanwhile in this fucking gatcha Kid Goku's attack quality have reached this:
What kind of team do you guys use for this? I feel like every team i can build can easily be oneshotted, or is this supposed to be a support item sink?
Well what do you have?
should have grinded the lr ginyu force with eza gohan leads
buidl me a full power team
The farmable U6 guys, Android 17/18, this event Vegeta at lvl 100, EZA Vegeta/Goku, Biobroly, Int Broly, the Ginyu Force, quite a lot of the farmable ones.
The problem is there's no good leader, i can take Vegeta, but he's just +30%, and relying on finding a friend offering Legendary Vegeta...
I could spam items all day long to make this, but without them i run into the problem that one bad attack by Vegeta can remove my entire health bar before i can use a senzu bean. I have plenty Ghost Ushers, but not enough for 777 medals.
I used Ginyu Force with Kid Goku lead and PHY Golden Frieza instead of Guldo. Had to use a healing item if my luck was bad, but I didn't need one most of the time.
Peppy girls is more than enough, specially if you have the STR Ribrianne rainbowed. No items needed
>agl pure sayian vegeta lead
>lr ss4 goku
>lr ss4 vegeta
>super full power ss4 goku
>new int vegeta
>transforming phy vegeta
So do I reroll?
Got her, though not SA10/orb'd... resources are far too precious to waste them on Ribranne. Oh well, i'll try to gain lvl 12 vegeta, only 8 more of him for SA10, and 2 badges for awakening.
>Awakened STR Broly last week
>People complaining about Hercule statues
I'll never talk bad about the again.
Cooler and int black are gonna get these 350 stones from me, when are they both coming exactly?
Cooler should be the next banner. Goku black after him, but they might change the banner order so who knows
I just started out about 2 days before the vegeta event any tips for a newbie? rookie mistakes that I shouldn't make? I'm guessing selling the Hercule Statues was already my first mistake but I needed money for awakens.
I'm Rank 28 btw
You have Androids category leader, you could try forming your first viable team around her. There's a number of farmable Androids as well.
Why so few cards though? I remember when i started in September i got showered in stones and free summons.
Selling is what Hercule statues are for
awaken your piccolo
You can sell those statues fine, that's their purpose. Don't use dupes of characters you pulled for super attack. At level 50 you unlock the potential system so you can open paths on them. So say you pull another one of that SS4 goku, you'd keep him so you can improve his stats
Thanks for the tipps I've yet to actually thing about what to put into my team for a viable team since I just one shot through the story missions so far anyway, as for why I have so little cards I got no clue desu maybe I'm just not doing the right missions or not using multi summon enough
For the love of god dont sell INT Elder Kais, they're the most important thing in the game. I made the mistake because they seemed "useless" and i had no character slots left so i sold like 20 of them, i could still kick myself for doing that.
fuck gregory
always missing
Start packing for the 4 years anniversary.
Try to max all the F2P units you can.
Don't spend DS on ACTs.
>used elder kais on the agl wrath broly becasue the movie event is not aviable
I don't think I've gotten a elder kai yet but I've not sold anything but the Hercule ones. I did use some of the cards to upgrade my super attack on my UR PHY trunks but only like 3.
You could've farmed the SR Phy Brolys from the Dokkan event.
Use multi summon only, you have a guaranteed SSR at the end, single summons just give you random things.
Play the missions, they give you lots of stones pretty quickly, you're not strong enough to "farm" characters such as the Ginyu Force, you can try those events if you like but they're just going to cost you STA for no gain.
I suggest you get your Android 21 to lvl 100 (dont blow the "beerus planet" training location on anything short of an LR characte) and then get android characters, that will allow you to proceed further.
On training:
-Friend summon gets you small useless units that can be used as training fodder, things like puipui, saibamen and whatever. I use the small training items to get those to lvl40 so they'll give more xp to my SSRs that i train with them.
-The second best training location, Kais planet, can be farmed, each day 1 through the daily mission, just do single friend sommon once and done, you should never have a shortage of those things
-dont raise super attack on anything you dont plan to keep though, you an do it for phy trunks, android 21, teq vegeta the way i see it, the rest is either meh or useless
-if you get a double card of the good ones (SSR) keep them a while longer, at lvl 50 the hidden potential system opens up, there you get to uses max 4 of those double cards to open up paths for improvement
people say the drop is really trash
>Use multi summon only, you have a guaranteed SSR at the end, single summons just give you random things.
I always tried to do multi but the last two days, i spent 25 DS on singles and I got Evolving Vegeta x2...
I loved reading the Dokkan threads cause the people here seemed cool when I wasn't playing it and its what got me to play. Thanks for all the helpful advice. you guys are chill
It's not that bad. Better than using up Kais.
That's just genuine luck, not common at all
On Super attack upgrade:
-You raise SA by Elder kais, dozing ones have only 30% though i suspect it's more like 10%
-You can raise SA also by feeding the cards similar ones through training
-The same card raises it 100% chance
-The lower the level of the fodder card (LR>UR>SSR>SR>rest) the less chance there is, lowest one is 5% i think, dont bother with 5%
-You can raise SA only if the cards have the same name (title above, name below)
-You can use many farmable cards to raise SA of not farmable ones
-You can use "Reverse" to turn an upgraded card back into the basic to raise SA for example, that opens up once you reach a higher level though
people say a lot of things. Broly's really not the worst drop card ever, the f2p Buuhan, Goku Black and Zamasu are way worse then him
Still, they'll up the drop rates soon enough. I think it's with the Int Goku Black update
>-The lower the level of the fodder card (LR>UR>SSR>SR>rest) the less chance there is, lowest one is 5% i think, dont bother with 5%
Lowest is 0% were it doesn't even show up despite having the same name and before that there's still 1%
5% can still be useful for some stuff, mostly with strike characters to farm tournament characters like tien or jackie chunn. Strike character are guaranteed drops, can give you 2 per run and cost very little stamina so I never bother awakening them unless I'm only missing 1 more SA
I awakened my Android 21 and my piccolo like asked, also made Android my leader
>Vegeta banner leaves April 4th
>Heroes worldwide releases April 5th
We might not be getting Cooler next, just a heads up
>grinding for like a month on this guy
>do a YOLO on the new banner
>get that vegeta
>realize you can't use him and this guy on the same team
He's for a full f2p pure saiyan team to help you clear all the prime battles you've probably already done
You have SSR Android 18, level her as well and put her on the team. Do you have more androids? Put them into the team as well other than that you have little choice but to pick random SSRs and to go with the androids, take teq goku and vegeta, that str goku, phy vegeta and agl bardock, they will link together well enough to not be dead weight. With this team you'll have no problem even in advanced quests, though by that point you should have already viable teams build up through summoning.
My own first team was the farmable Universe survival one, those events should return in 1 or 2 months again, you can get:
-Android 17
-Android 18
They link awesomely together, every attack a super attack, but to get them to lvl 100/120 and SA10 is one hell of a farming session.
Then i pulled Jiren and SSBE Vegeta and suddenly could form 2 teams that are so much stronger than anything before.
So to end this all - dont waste stones, noly spend on good banners, and only multi summon.
That is true. I want that big titty kai
you awakened 21, but you didn't DOKKAN awaken her.
you need 35 MVP 17 medals.
I am aware I just don't have the team to farm those medals right now
He's far away from being able to do that event user.
Not him but farming up the ginyu force events would probably be a good idea. They're a fairly decent team for when you don't have much I think
You could just download nox emulator, install a modded apk of dokkan with infinite hp and high atk, transfer account, clear content and transfer back.
I grinded my account legit and had fun while my teams didn't steamroll everything, but it's kinda of a drag when you have so few options and can't do much
Funny thing is, 17's event is like the one dokkan event the ginyu force can't beat because blocks beam attacks and all of their attacks are beams. You need to get a dokkan attack every time if you want to use that team
>No transforming Vageet
>No LR Goku
>No Bluegeta
>No Broly (Canon)
Fuck this garbage fucking game.
I'd rather just farm regularly and be limited for now. I Changed my team up a bit and I get some Gregory for awakens now. I already bought all from the Exchange tab.
Either mods or really fucking perfect teams and strong units
Spend more money
stop being a lucklet, maybe?
Post fun teams
My last multi on the gogeta banner gave me all the new movie hero cards, the new movie bosses cards i got in two or three.
Since then i got shafted though, such is Dokkan life.
The daily exchange quest will give you lots of baba points, just buy the cheapest thing there is and watch your currency grow. You can finish all daily quests in like 15 minutes.
I got mine a few days ago. It really fucking sucks that you can't use him with the new pure sayans leader because they have the same name. So i can only pair him with pure sayasn leader Broly for only 120%.
Now i am farming for future trunks and the super sayanman 1 and 2 LRs, together with a few units that i ahvent awakened so far..
I am saving all my stones for the anniversary since i saw it has some really good banner plus a few new lrs and leaders. i already have 130 stones. When is the anniversary anyways?
My best team is still fucking trash and I can't beat any actually hard content
Yea I've been doing them so I'm not having problems with the points.
>When is the anniversary anyways?
You've gotta make sure your leader skill is buffing your team, goku and veggie are just giving a phy boost and they're the only phy card
>Majin Vegeta at 3.5 million with no dupes
What a beast
>tfw no good Super STR or TEQ lead
Nnigga don't use that Vegeta Goku Fusion lead for non-fusion teams show your TEQ units bdcause if anything you can have a good mono Teq team.
Try these guys. also try dokkan builder, it helps a lot although it still haven't been updated with some units. I Suppose it only refers to the global build only.
Dont buy the characters in babas store, they're shit, except krillin maybe. You can for now ignore the store except for the daily quest and if you have one of those starter things you can exchange there, like a super dragon stone or ssr ticket. Later you can change farmble items like pudding and katchin for elder kais.
he does a lot of damage on single targets but i find it hard as fuck to get his ultra because of his bad links. i cant do that even on a fucking pure sayans team. i usually have to use items and such to do so.
I gonna try my recently acquired teq Majin vegeta to see if he is any good with damage. If he does anything similar to radittz than it is already a better unit than majin vegeta.
Dabura can be a good support too
>Super STR or TEQ lead
Pussy. S. STR can be done with 100% f2p units and I pulled pic related on S.TEQ you only get to complain about Category SBR at this point in the meta
Hit is such a based unit. Everyone was throwing a hissy fit over the global celebration not being nearly as good as the JP one that they missed out on that Chad.
not that guy but the only super str leader i have is master roshi from the baba shop.
You're god damn right
I've been waiting to finally pull that full power Goku so I finally have a team that can finish this
You're not supposed to go for the 18ki with Majin Vegeta since it does less damage.
I also can't imagine the TEQ one being anything worthwhile, only ever used him at SA1 while grinding some missions where you need to kill thousands of mocks
He really is, I get the complaints about the banner and that there was only one discount when the previous year had a better banner, but fuck it I got mine with a dupe, and then got Jiren on the New Year banner and they're so fun to run together.
i really like using units that hit multiple targets on wolrd tournament, i usually make a pure sayans team with majin vegeta, radditz and any of the brollies that can hit multiple targets.
You can use f2p Lr Vegito Blue or even the 1000days Lr Goku.
Krillin from the baba shop is also an alright tank, f2p Caulifla might be decent.
And of course, Bee Pan is already pretty good to bring and is going to awaken to Lr soon enough.
Super STR SBR is by far the one you have the most stuff to choose from.
Oh yeah I don't use him in tournament, for that it's just LR Broly and Raditz doing damage, with STR Rose, Jaco and Chiaotsu helping out. Raditz because I don't have movie Broly so Golden Frieza has to lead
are the baba shop card really that worth it? i only have krillin, master roshi and nappa and only because i bought them when i started playing. i also just started playing again after a year so i dont have any of those units.
try using a pure sayans team, they usually give lots of ki to radditz and brolys to the point i dont even need to worry about ki at all.
Last tournament everyone was going with movie heroes teams as a big fuck you to any broly team though.
This team is the dumbest shit I've ever seen, almost no event takes long enough for the gogeta to transform
>Do discount + 100 stones with no featured units
>Decide on one last multi
>Super Saiyan
>Agl Blue Kaioken (not actually Kaioken) Goku
I guess they always miss, huh
Apparently pictures are hard
You could definitely use LR Goku Black & Zamastu with
UR GOkU and Frieza
Ssj4 Gogeta
SSB Vegeta
And if you level him up SSB Goku
They're ok, better then nothing since you can at least run the teams. But the krillin I meant is the str one you get with treasures. He reduces dmg by 50% if he has type advantage, which he always will have on sbr
How good is this team?
It's fun tier. Giant form is really underappreciated.
Awful. Giants are a meme and only get acceptable after Cooler and Lr Baby are out
true but i didnt have any problems. i even won 34 times in a row. i only lost once because i forgot enemy suppers could also hit all your targets.
thats interesting, thanks for the advice.
it is an alright team but i doubt it links very well. i have that kid goku on 100%, with dupes and everything and he isn't very good.
someone build a me a pure sayian team i just started playing
>just started playing.
the duality of man
Str Vegito for gems is godlike, but getting enough for 5 of them is a real pain.
these usually don't last outside of celebrations
i might get that krlling for later.
but i have no one else to talk to about htis game and the reddit is so for facebook faggots
R8 my Androids
wow i didn't know the invisible man was an android
>was recently fired from my job
>CAnt talk to the one guy who also played dokkan battle
shit was really cash, we talked everyday about it.
it is a pretty alright team.
what job did u have
Remember to grind medals for LR Beerus before the event goes away!!
front-end developer at a start-up company.
I started as a full stack developer to learn the ropes but i shifted more to front end development because the company was in need for ore of it. however this was a mistake since the company just fired a bunch of people and the majority was related to front end development.
Now i am looking for a new job and studying other programming languages and framewoks while playing dokkan battle on the side. i might even spend stones just to play a bit more because it is taking too long for the stamina to replenish.
>rank 401
>1 dragon stone left
the amount of people who don't prefarm scares me
How do i even get the nimbus medals? I tried beating some of the events but fuck me they are too hard for the units i got. i was only able to get like 2 or 3 because my super phy team kinda wrecked shit on gotenks event somehow.
i am already farming for other shit at the moment so i'll just get what i can for now while the weekend even ts are on. i need to finish that phy super sayanman 1 and 2.
Pre-farming would actually be a good idea, instead I've farmed up about 400 LR Super Vegito medals that will never awaken any other units.
Don't know why I did, he's just a fairly easy fight to finish off while I'm bored.
For some of them, for example against Gotenks, you'll need the special units that do more damage like Piccolo or Super Buu
Why is the ss3 bardock dokkan event so fucking long? how many phases does he have, it makes farming super tedious
Fighter Z gets the better kid goku. His a combo of the GT style Kid Goku and GT Goku.
Better than the prequel goku.
Do you have Turles? He benefits from Cooler's secondary leader skill, he's a must have on the team
>AGL Meta Cooler + PHY FP Frieza
>STR FF Frieza + FF Cooler
Are the rotations you'll want to run, with AGFrieza, Turles and Friend AGL Meta Cooler rotating.
Which of these 3 teams am I best off sticking to for general use content?
Can't decide if I should swap out the SSJ3 Goku for UI Goku or not.
Five stages on the hardest difficulty, with a turn limit on the final part (AGL)
>Piccolo or Super Buu
Can they even be on the same team? only have lr piccolo that does fuck all damage and eza piccolo. i believe i ahve a super buu or 2 bu they are not awakened yet.
your movie bosses team is already good enough.
Use what you have + Omega, EZA SS3 Goku (better consistency than the LR) and then EZA Full Power Frieza or Cell
I don't remember if Super Buu is on resurrected warriors or not, otherwise the best bet would be using them under Caulifla I think
that's way too many
will there be another Extreme-Z Battle but for Paragus/Broly?
it'd be neat to see that unit EZA'd alongside INT SS Broly and PHY Golden Frieza.
then a complete set would be complete, know what I mean?
99% chance no.
Paragus/Broly is close to useless
So, how much did it take you to farm these 777 medals for Vegeta?
>He doesn't know how to play the game
The 40% attack boost for allies is incredibly useful, you can add on upwards of 1,000,000 attack depending on the unit he's helping out.
Currently tied with the UI Goku event for having the most stages. Unless you dun goof and find yourself sitting through all six phases of the Transforming Buu event (which probably doesn't count since all forms share the same health bar).
A while. Barely got the LR on Friday, and I'm about 100 medals into the grind for the dupe.
Tried experimenting with a F2P Pure Saiyans team for a change of pace, but that fell through.
How in the fuck do i beat ss3 Goku EZA, i am at level 30 but fuck me this dude just doesnt die.
it took a long while. More than he is worth it actually, you can't even use him on the same team as the new PHY vegeta.
HE Ultra is pretty fucking cool though. Now i am farming that trunks so i can use him on Brolys EZA, i ahve zero decent agl hybrid sayan units.
Supreme kai of boobs when!?
I hate prime battle so goddamn much.
Resurrected warriors stacked with as many extreme teq units as possible
>tfw no AGF of my own so I'm stuck at lv. 18
>SDBH coming out next month internationally
>They put out a Dokkan festival with top tier SSJ4 Xeno Goku and SSJ4 Xeno Vegeta cards
>LR Xeno SSJ4 Vegito card a few weeks later
How many of you would pull on those banners?
i dont have many extreme teq units so i guess i'll have to wait, i do have bio borlly and agl golden freiza but that aint enough since i got no damage.
hw long can i keep goin bros?
>mfw cumber
>mfw revived zamasu
>mfw grand priest ultra instict goku
You mean Punished Zamasu?
How good is an ss3 team, bardok lead no lr goku?
LR SSJ3 Goku hits like a wet blanket most of the time anyways, as long as you've got the EZA SSJ3 Goku you're fine.
>dropped 600 stones on the new Vegeta banner
>only new card is the INT Vegeta
>3 SSJ3 Bardock dupes
I love hate myself. The transforming Vegeta, Goku and Frieza are the bane of my existence, more so than Golden Angel Frieza
Anyone finished this season's Ultimate Clash yet? Zamasu's being an annoying cockroach and my AGL team is a bit short on firepower, any chance a category team can whittle him down a bit?.
All I want is to awaken my stupid super Broly but I can't beat him because he is too damn strong and I don't have Gogeta or any good super team.
I dont think so. Which one is that, agl?
>Grande Padre goku
Man i really hope we get a Dragon ball heroes banner with these crazy ass units.
Yeah, but STR got an EZA as well. It's not anywhere close as good though.
>get paragus with broly during the Broly summon
>now it's nowhere to be found
fuck me
he would be perfect
I can't beat anything on level 3. My units have almost no dupes on them nor i have enough units to make multiple optimal teams.
just mod
He's just Paragus by himself before you dokkan him, so set your filters to only show Extreme INT and you shouldn't have too much trouble finding him.
Just dobthe easiedt difficulty and remember to use items like baba, ghost usher, whis, icarus, and princess snake
user... I...
He's gone... I forgot to lock him...
but beating it fair and square is half of the fun of this fucking game.
i might try modding story mode though. that shit is actually quite tedious
>Baba-ing random SSRs
Why, user?
Little sad I never tried pulling for Hit, but it took me nearly 1500 stones to pull PHY Broly, and I ended up getting every DBS: Broly but SSG Vegeta.
I hate myself
>Spent 1000+ stones pulling for Gogeta Blue
>Get annoyed and go for my first fiew pulls on the Broly banner
>Super Vegito
>Had gotten Super Vegito twiced in a row in the summon animations for the Gogeta banner only to get jack shit
>So expecting trash
>Get the new PHY Broly immediately
>AGL Broly on my next pull
>These are my first Broly cards
>Still don't have the old STR and PHY Broly cards, or LR Broly
Not even bothering since I got the phy onex at least until the campaign comes
Also is the eza for global tomorrow? Excited to use the trunks in my time travelers team
So what's the most underrated category? Giant Form seems to be overlooked to the point that the category leader was thrown in the discount category GSSR banners.
I've beaten every season while f2p. You don't need to use mono type teams if you don't have them, just category teams mostly of the typing you want will do.
And for this zamasu, you have the f2p whis, strike Tien, and Lr Tien who are all agl and can stun.
RNG usually doesn't work for me with that enough for me to kill him, but I get a couple of hp bars off and the time runs out.
Then the actual team I used to beat him was
>Teq Vegito
>Int Lr Goku
>Agl Gogeta
>Str SS3 Vegeta (the redstone one)
>Str Bee Pan
>Phy SS Gohan
>Str Jiren
Despite type disadvantage, they all have a high chance to stun for 2 turns and can tank for the most part. So I just have one rotation trying to stun him and another of Vegito and Gogeta pushing his shit in.
I also spent 400 stones and all I got were 1 phy vegeta, 2 gogeta, 2 int ssbe vegeta
All I wanted after vegeta was fucking ssj4 goku God damnit
Zfags need to die.
what is the new EZA? The vegeta + trunks EZA? isnt that related to realm of gods instead of time travelers?
>Save for NuBroly banner
>Ignore Hit
>Take the bait and do New Years (get LR Trunks and Cell)
>NuBroly banner arrives
>PHY NuBroly drops right and left, no sign of Paragus or AGL Broly
>Get everyone on super side except for the Gogeta
>Meanwhile, friend continues his lucky streak of getting all the hot shit off of single pulls
I have since begun reconsidering my hoarding habits
Yes, and it is RoG weakness I'm just excited to be able to use the trunks in my TT team after.
What LRs did you guys get off of the New Year banner? I snagged LR Cell and LR Bojack, but I'm not sure if I pulled decent options out of all of the possible LRs in that pool.
What I really dislike about giant form is that the debuffs reset each time one of them go giant, if they fix that they would be much stronger.
Zamasu in general is annoying because of that regen. I've only ever beaten him by getting lucky stuns but I have no stunning AGLs
can confirm, modded most of category battle road and now I get bored during the weekends. Some might say it's better than getting frustrated every weekend but they're wrong
>Fail to get PHY Broly on the first discount summons
>Do the Gogeta discount summons
>Pull both Goku and Gogeta on my second pull
>Spend the rest of my 800 something stones on the Broly banner
>Get Paragus, AGL Broly, Shenron, Janemba, SS3 Broly, Janemba, but no PHY Broly
>Do story missions so I can keep doing multis
>Keep pulling Paragus enough times to rainbow him
>Keep doing story until I've essentially farmed another 600 stones in total
>Right before the free 4th multis go out I manage to pull PHY Broly
>Dokkan everyone and revel in the fact I have every Broly in the game
Vegeta and Black. Then I spent some stones on the rising dragon banner and got trunks, mighty mask, and trunks and mai. Very happy with that. Still want bojack though
>Take the bait and do New Years (get LR Trunks and Cell)
This is where you failed. A true hoarder only hoards for the pulls they're striving for, usefulness be damned.
how do i even mod it? i just want to finish story mode for gems and LR Super Vegito.
LR Bojack was a real shitty pull back when I got him, didn't have a single leader for any of his categories until Broly dropped on global.
Is Dragon Ball Legends a worse grind than Dokkan Battle?
>download nox
>install modded apk from dbzspace
>transfer account
>do the laundry
>transfer back
Mighty mask and lr black dupe
i only got back into the game recently but i did get lucky and pulled Bojack and Turnk+Goten LRs.
Aside from the not pulling for Hit part, are you me
yes, that's why I stopped when the hard version Raditz event dropped.
Trunks and Cell. If they hadn't swapped in the Cell, I feel I probably would've gotten Bardock because my luck is shitty like that.
Cell and Mighty Mask, pretty okay with it actually.
Cell and Trunks and Goten who really need to be in the fusion category.
ill look into that. i isntalled nox once but for some reason i couldnt find dokkan battle on play store.
>dokkan battle on play store.
don't even bother with that, it's just going into dbz space, going to the apk section, glb or jp, get the mod you want, download it to your pc, double click and it should show up on nox
Reminder that Cell was supposed to be Bardock but got swapped for the GLB version
LR Bardock is trash
S, what other cathegories are they going to add. the list is fucking huge right now.
Broly. I only started playing a few months ago so that's the only gacha LR I have.
Did you not go through the second cycle?
Nope, sadly.
Z or S+ or SSS
Exactly Glb saved them all from getting shafted
I already have him anyway
>play the game on my phone
>want to emulate it too because I'm addicted
>can't clear the SS3 Goku EZA
Fucking hell. Not having the LR Coora hurts more than I would expect since I effectively only have 4 good-ish units, and many of them don't link well.
>that KO screen in the dragon punch
thats fucking fantastic
To everyone wanting for coins. Are you planning on using them to buy any particular unit?
I'm conflicted between saving them to dump on dokkan fest celebrations and eventually buy a copy of Kid Goku or going all out for LRs and buying whichever one I miss
I remember how long trunks took and I just dropped the event.
No clear plans until I get a better idea of what specific units I'll be able to get. With my luck, I'll buy a unit only to get him to drop from the banner soon after.
If I can get some of the non-Dokkan LRs, that would be sweet.
>Are you planning on using them to buy any particular unit?
I might get Turles since I can't seem to pull him.
playing the game without the gacha part is boring AF
should be an ez pull on ss4 vegeta's banner
No adrenaline rushes until big celebrations you junkie
Probably just save up for lr vegito. But I'm still pulling on metal cooler, for him, and black for him, rose and ssj4 goku
trips confirm. Turles for all
Oh shit you're right. I completely forgot about that.
finally build that peppy gals team for prime battle
Take the waifu Mai and she makes a joke out of Zamasu.
Awakening for superior waifu Chi-Chi when?
Next year probably. Together with Ribbrane awakening.
build me a team for phy vegeta event and a team for pure Saiyans
peppy gals or what?
right now she isnt in any class
You phy vegeta is pure sayan leader as well so go with:
>PHy Super vegeta(when you awaken your Phy vegeta)
>PHY Broly
>Your LR broly
>Int radditz(when you 100% his ass)
the hit mutiple targets with their awakenings so everything else is kinda of irrelevant but i would consider
>STr kid gohan
>Teq kaioken goku(his awakening is comming soon)
>Agl turles(the movie bosses leader one)
>Agl super sayan 3 goku especially if you eza his ass
>Teq vegeta and agl goku( after you awaken them and fully upgrade their EZA
that alone is a pretty fucking strong team. it is what i used on wolrd tournament, the only difference is that i used agl nu-boly and i still kicked major ass, still do in the majority of events.
also use dokkan builder to know about links and shit.
Do you guys think I can beat Potara SBR?
Which Frisbee should I replace for Coora when he comes out?
either teq freiza on the right or int cooler right below him
Probably, redditors have done it so I'm sure you can too user
The int cooler one that has the same name and can't be used on the team regardless?
int cooler obviously. They both have the same name
Trying to figure out how the fuck to actually beat the SS3 Goku EZA. Just Dokkaned the Coora, so this might be the best shot I've got right now, assuming I use the transforming Frieza as a friend. Any ideas?
But TEQ Frieza is the tankiest fucker alive.
I guess I have to replace Coora since they do share the same name. Shame, INT Coora is a great support.
Replace that nigger lip cell with AGL Bojack if you have it. He activates all LR Bojack links if I recall correctly.
i tought agl golden frieza was the best frieza tank.
Why would you even need LR Cooler? What you really need is the Angel Freeza leader.
He is, he reduces by 90% while teq is just 70% or so but teq does more dmg.
Wonder what their eza is going to be like
I unfortunately do not. The only other RW unit I have that applies to this team is either TEQ Majin Vegeta (undokkaned because I have AGL, so why the fuck would I bother) and or the Demon King Piccolo from WT tickets, and he has NOTHING but a Dokkan, no investment.
See , I have them but my links are absolute garbage for most of the team, and they would at least provide SOMETHING where I don't have anything going for it.
>Agl freiza EZA
how do you even know they are going to have EZA events.
that would be really fucking cool thought.
Why don't you have a fully EZA Cell?
Do you have android 16? He's great here. Teq Tapion too. Barely take any dmg.
Also if you finish eza cell he'll carry you easily.
Thanks friend, any suggestions on team I should use?
They just eza'd ss3 gotenks who's in the blue stones toghether with friesby.
It's a matter of time till they get to him, and they have been giving out minor eza to units with the same name, like int cell and agl kid buu.
So it's pretty safe to assume
I'm pretty sure I relied on a friend transforming Tapion to beat lv30. I would bring either TEQ 16 or Tapion for tanking. The F2P Bio Broly is also a good option.
Use Bio broly, he'll tank the fuck out of goku
>Lr Vegito Friend
>Candy Vegito
>Int Zamasy
>Lr Goku Black
>Agl Vegito
>phy Blue Vegito (or the f2p LR once you get him)
remember defense is most important in sbr. Hope for dodges and pray
Was too flimsy at the time. I've only been able to get by some EZAs recently because I've actually been taking the time to work on some other teams, plus not having FS leader kinda blows.
Nope and yes, but I fail to see how TEQ Tapion provides much for tanking, other than maybe him just having that +80% DEF buff? I suppose that with cat lead would help him tank for sure.
God damn. TEQ G. Frieza with an EZA would be lit.
Disregard not having Android 16. I have one copy of him but two copies of Tapion. Not sure which one would be the better option to tank.
>Nope and yes, but I fail to see how TEQ Tapion provides much for tanking, other than maybe him just having that +80% DEF buff? I suppose that with cat lead would help him tank for sure.
The type wheel has 2 layers. One is the colour thing, the other is Super vs Extreme.
There less dmg being made both side when they are both Super or both Extreme.
Really, try him out
Thanks! I appreciate it
16's the better tank but Tapion's great too. I'd bring both and dump 2nd form Cell and Cooler
You don't need a Future Saga leader to beat Cell. Hell I don't even have INT Vegeta Blue or INT SS Trunks and I managed to clear lv30.
Is the Ginyu grind worth it?
I currently have a pretty garbage roster and need a way to beat challenge missions
I got that nigga rainbowed, shit is going to be crazy
As much as I'd like to as it turns out I can't even do that right now. Tapion's event is currently closed, and I've no Warrior's Marks for Android 16, unless the drop rate is 100%, in which case I might dump a few keys to do so.
I'll keep it in mind at least - when I did it before my team was just garbage as a whole, but it might be a bit smoother now.
It's absolutely worth it. I still use a Ginyu team for clearing lv1 Battlefield stages.
It's tedious and takes a week, but they can clear most dokkan events without too much trouble
or you could just mod
get all the units, they are the most useful f2p units, especially if you dont ahve any useful leader.
just remeber to get the STR kid gohan for free during his event. he has his own orbs, an EZA and is the current leader for the namek saga, then you can use an entire decent f2p on most events, with either the ginyu lr or the gohan eza as leader.
>and I've no Warrior's Marks for Android 16, unless the drop rate is 100%, in which case I might dump a few keys to do so.
Warriors mask are guaranteed 2 medal drops per run. They will also return in a couple of days if you want to save keys.
>They will also return in a couple of days if you want to save keys.
Then I guess we're putting off the EZA a bit longer. Plus side, this gives me time to get other units ready.
Tapion's event is on mondays (agl day) or saturday (extreme day)
16 is on wednsday (int day)
>int day
I assumed he meant the FighterZ tie-in 16, who needs medals from PHY 17's event and the warrior's marks.
Correct, and I'm working on those medals right now as I also have 2 other units who need them.
>warrior's marks
which you get from int 16's strike event on int day, yes
I would've assumed they were from the hero extermination event or something like that, I can't even begin to understand why they put them where they do.
better from strike events then the weekend events. Guaranteed drops are the best
Nah, sometimes game is dumb. Speaking of dumb and HEP, for whatever reason despite me having every stage open before now they're all locked again. Maybe I dreamt I cleared it. Annoying as fuck though, since now I have to go through EVERY GOD DAMN STAGE to awaken LR Trunks, who I'm gonna need for the Cell EZA when it comes back.
I fucking hate the weekend event medals for what they do to a card as well, all of the units that dokkan from them should require dokkan event medals.
It's bullshit how cards like LR Majin Vegeta are marred by that piece of shit shattering the limit limit.
I farmed two LR Vegetas for SA20 in a week.
LR Goku Black, LR Mighty Mask and I got LR SSJ3 Goku out of nowhere in the second guaranteed category summon.
My little sister just pulled the new Vegeta off a multi before she went back cross country, can I make a decent team to clear his dokkan event?
>Try to farm medals for LR Saiyaman
>Drop rate is so shit I stop after 5 runs
Fuck this game. Anyway, who managed to pull the new Vegeta?
>pull PHY Vegeta on the first, 30 stone summon
>have 100 stones left
>do some missions
>summon again because I'd like dupes from the other cards and SSJ4 Gogeta, which I don't have
>get another PHY Vegeta and STR SSG Vegeta
>get the 77 stone pack since I had 23 stones, felt like it was a sign
>pulled PHY Vegeta again
I'm afraid of summoning with the stones I get with the EZA, the 3rd and 4th dupes are pretty much useless.
He is really fucking good but i never managed to get him to his last transformation.
there is something worth for GT in the story?
i mean every f2p card look like shit
I did. I haven't actually used him yet
I finally got him yesterday.
The events are 2 years old, they are old as fuck.
Only farm them if you are autistic over having all cards.
Managed to pull two myself. Tried a couple more times and got this...
If I hadn't needed more paths I would have hated this fucker.
Just wait for the LR SSJ4s, LR Goku, Pan and Trunks and LR Baby. There will be a F2P LR Majuub and a TUR Universal Spirit Bomb Goku around that same time too.
They'll be coming up around July if you play Global.
I think he's just talking about the F2P cards from the GT story events up now.
When is the 4th anniversary for global?
I lost my old Dokkan account and decided to just play legends instead so I don't get upset.
We don't even have Blue yet.
8th of July.
I'll start playing Legends once they have guaranteed SSR per multi.
Guys the voice actor for bulma and beerus cancelled there visit at kamehacon because of that disgusting rapist vic mignogna
It's not like I'll be going to Kamehacon, so I don't give a fuck.
fucking based Vic
Most we have is tickets and events that guarantee SSR
Still the rarest thing we have is SSG Goku and SSG Vegeta.
The thing that makes it funny as fuck is that the Japanese VA for Vegeta is going to go and keep ignoring everyone from Funi telling him not to go because "Its just American drama"
As always sub > dub.
Have they ever gotten Norio Wakamoto though? I'd drop everything I'm doing to see that man at a convention.
why is everybody dumb but me
I'm way smarter than you, dumb faggot.
Never post in Yea Forums ever again.
His jap VA is based as fuck, he's super nice but he's also like Vegeta because he openly admits he ignores the foreign side of things when they try to boss him around. He clashes with Sabat a lot.
As far as I know, no.
>tfw Nintendo casted him for the Bayo series in japan as Balder
*Why is everyone dumb but, me?
This good for full power?
Might wanna toss LR Bojack on there.
>the average giant form user
You did get the INT Future Gohan, right?
What is the next wolrd tournament reward anyways? are we getting double rewards in global? I ahvent played in a while.
good. vic seems to be innocent so fuck those guys.
Btw if you guys want to see a lawyer manslaughter some twitter guy that pretends to be vic friend watch this:
But to sum it up
>Some internet wiki lawyer watches Rickie's video on Vics situation
>Say Rick doesnt know a thing about law
>Goes on stream to debate Rick
>Twitter fag makes an absolute ass of himself, acts super retarded while doing it and quits the stream when the chat shits on him.
This shit is gold.
only having hard hitters is not a good idea, besides, what rotation would that team even have?
Replace who though?
Tag team LR Yamcha when
next WT
I don't know, but for my team I just do this. Might help.
>Rotation 1: PHY Broly, AGL Broly
>Rotation 2: LR Bojack, AGL Bojack
>Floaters: Second PHY Broly, PHY support Golden Frieza and PHY Final Form Cooler
Possibly the purple #18 unless something new is tossed in or switched around. One thing that is certain is that it will be the first tourny to give global the LR Yamcha.
do i ahve any chance of getting lr piccolo or tien ever again?
It's so far away. Fuck. I can't stop myself pulling between now and then.
Yeah they're on the WT banners
You'll be able to pull them from the SSR guaranteed tickets, off of the banner that only gives WT cards.
Don't bother though, LR Piccolo is complete trash. Can't say anything about Tien, but he's probably trash too.
What about this? I have phy cooler but like the ki gold frieza gives everyone
On JP they gave a total of almost 1000 stones during the anniversary, so it's not like you have to save hardcore for it.
yamcha LR
Are there are good team building guides or video? I got a decent team but team chemistry seems nonexistent
>have over 300 stones
>will probably have around 600 by the time the anniversary comes
>get all the free shit and stones they will give
>over 700 stones
I will roll all the shit there is to roll.
The attack boost he gives is much more significant.
use wiki
So the lines and numbers are the links they share?
Thank god we can now get WT units by getting 23M points.
I'm mad as fuck that the last WT I missed that PHY Bojack because of 1 or 2M.
yes, if you hover your mouse in the line it will brighten up a bit and show what your links give between your characters
honestly after forming a team that is good enough to beat WT with my pure sayan units i only care about beating it 20 times in a row and them playing enough to get to 23m. It is much better this way, i dont even care about spending stones to refill stamina because being able to summon mutiple SSR, getting tickets for possible SSrs and being able to get a guaranteed WT SSR is well worth the or 4 stones i spent last WT.
God bless the "mass damage to all enemies" units.
Fuck I'm jealous of JAP, lads
How in the hell is a Namekian team possible!? I just want that free leader goku!
>How in the hell is a Namekian team possible!?
You need piccolo leader and namekian cards are an actual minority in the game.
>When you find out PHY broly brings his own ki
What a polite young man
SSJ3 Goku and Beerus
600 stones deep and only got the new INT Vegeta. 2 Full Power SSJ4 Goku and 3 SSJ3 Bardock dupes though
>King Piccolo
>Old King Piccolo
>Piccolo Jr.
>Piccolo Jr. (Giant)
>Giant Slug
The fun part comes in finding stuff that works.
Is it even possible for him to not super? Outside of additionals in his transformed state not always being supers.
>not only that but he also brings ki to radditz, which also gives ki to majin vegeta.
they make a good team.
This was a while ago now but I'm still shocked it is still possible to get summons like this. If it weren't for the GSSR I would've though I was in 2016.
Looking at it again though if it were 2016 and there were no GSSR I'd be happy about that Frieza.
I get shit like this all the time.
This was my standard pull for the last few banners.
Is it just me or does that INT Vegeta look like he should be the base form to some LR Vegeta? I always think that's what I've gotten for a brief second each time I see him.
>this is what I got when I went for an TEQ LR almost a year ago.
>It still haunts me
i actually agree. tat art is kinda good.
>Someone tells me not to pull on a rising dragon carnival banner just prior to when Gogeta Blue and Broly dropped on Global
>Do a multi anyways
>Get LR Majin Vegeta
Was it worth it?
Yes. That Rising Dragon Banner was worth it for the increased LR rate. It had one of, if not the highest chance to pull an LR on the banner.
Well, I'd expect that from those type banners. They've never been particularly good unless you're hunting a specific featured SSR. And hunting LRs on those is something only whales should do.
I got the new LR Trunks and Mai, a dupe for my other LR Trunks, and LR Broly.
Rising dragon is the shit. Just wished I got LR Goku and Frieza instead of the dupe.
Shame the one with the highest chance was the shitty lr trunks and may one
Should I set aside some stones for the legendary summon coming up after the LR SSJ4s on global?
Bojack twice, but I got my first SS3 Gotenks, SS4 Gogeta Jiren, INT Ultimate Gohan and some good dupes so I'm happy
>can't for the life of my pull new transforming Vegeta
>looking through box and see I've owned the transforming Goku for a while and never dokkaned him
Okay I guess.
The one with Baby and the GTrio? That one's pretty nice too, but I'm personally going to wait until another double rates banner after that one.
I'm also kinda waiting for a meta shift, LRs are nowhere near as rare as they once were so they're probably thinking of adding a new rarity sooner rather than later
I dunno, seems like it'd make any time spent summoning for LRs feel like a complete and utter waste of time.
They'd be better off EZA-ing the older ones.
>TEQ SSJ3 Gotenks EZA appears to shit on PHY SSJ3's
And so another falls. Happy though TEQ SSJ3 Gotenks was one of the first units I ever rainbowed.
PHY is still better on fusions.
SSRs used to be like LRs are now when the game started. They've been pretty good at keeping the meta from making stupid high jumps like it did with the original SS4 but they're starting to get there
Peppy Gals LR lead when?
y'all fags with your transforming Vegetas 'n shit, meanwhile I just got an INT Vegeta from my discount roll.
PHY isn't dead. Each of them work better on different teams. TEQ is better on SS3 and PHY is better on Fusion. I think their both equal on Boys & Girls. I don't know what other categories they have but they both still have their uses.
At that point we'd have to get guaranteed LRs for the balance to make any sort of sense, because having an even rarer, harder to get rarity on top of LRs is just stupid.
Besides, what would they even look like? LRs are already animated, so they'd need to do something on the same level as having clips from the show in the card art.
I got Goku's dad off of the discount.
Then I did a single and got an shitty SR Vegeta
After doing some checking, apparently the TEQ and PHY ones belong to the same categories.
>Buu Saga
>Hybrid Saiyans
>Boys and Girls
The SSR STR one breaks the mold by being the only one not to be part of Buu Saga (which makes since due to it being part of the Copy Vegeta story event)
I just want a dokkan awaken event of Ribrianne, so she gets a greater leader boost, she is nice, sealing SA and stuff, too bad she will become fat when she actually gets the dokkan awakening.
i am almost doing a single just for the heck of it. last time i got an lr
They could make her a transforming unit. The real tragedy will be shattering the limit because for whatever reason akatsuki does not want Fierce battle on peppy girls
>too bad she will become fat when she actually gets the dokkan awakening.
i hope she doesn else we wont be able to use the other str lead on the team, together with the phy transforming one they basically give each other full super.
They'll just gradually keep getting more common, eventually all new DFE will be LRs, not just Celebration ones and afterwards they'll need a new super rare thing for people to chase.
I don't know how other gacha games do it since I only play Dokkan, but I guess they'll just make them even more animated? Higher resolution? They're already adding voices
Then again, it's mostly just speculation. But I can already see f2p people babaing Lr Vegito and Gogeta if they show up again next year and beyond that they'll end up at SS4Gogeta status where nobody wants him on banners anymore
Hopefully soon. I really want LR Kale & Caulifla that fuse into Kefla. 170% Peppy Gals and 150% Universe 6. Just replace Jiren with her on JP's Hit banner and introduce her to GLB through a Legendary or something.
You still could if she gets Ribrianne as a name like the pre-dokkaned form of the PHY one.
>170% Peppy Gals and 150% Universe 6.
it will probably be the opposite.
Also having a bulma or a launch as the 120 or 150 leader would be cool.
>LR Kale & Caulifla that fuse into Kefla. 170% Peppy Gals and 150% Universe 6.
That sounds awesome. I also want them to do a Piccolo and Gohan Namekian + Hybrid Saiyan Lead from the ToP.
They were making tons of units from that arc but stopped with Goku & Frieza
could LRs potentially get an EZA in the future of Dokkan that improve the SA animation when SA is maxed and card art?
I want my special suit wearing, Final Mission Beam firing, cheesy talking space hero card.
>when ribrianne gets 3 cards before katopesla gets added in even once
>randomly changes mode every appearance
>gets crit/evasion/defense/atk/etc depending on mode
Could be great
I wouldn't even care if Katopesla only had F2P cards as long as you can create a whole "MODO CHANGE" team with him.
They have assets for full power Jiren, the universe 6 namekians, some other fat chick from ribrianne's universe and Anilaza in the game already.
They'll make more ToP cards eventually, like how int Kid Goku's art has been in the game for ages before it got fully realized as a card
Power of love bitch, but seriously they should add pepsi man.
>Changes typing every turn
That's something that would fit him and they haven't done anything like that yet.
Any endgame fags that only login to do the daily missions?
All of Sbr and battlefield done, such an empty feeling.
Yeah Launch will get a good card, right after Garlic Jr. and Oolong. But seriously they need to do a Transforming Launch.
I don't think he has enough modes for a whole team. Though we could assume that he has access to the entire alphabet, they're not allowed to make up new forms for Dokkan.
They're actually really good on a time travelers team. They dodge, stun and have good damage
can only really work well on that team though
>mfw nox speed after enabling VT
Yeah but it's a fun team and a really good one as well. They're also useful for str SBR because of their stuns and LR stats
I guess I'll have to try that
Garlic Jr really needs a card. He could be a transformation boost and giant form dual lead
why she have to be a fat ass?
It's the epitome of beauty. You wouldn't understand since you're not from Universe 2.
Too much love made her fat and also blue for some reason.
and who should i awaken next
>could LRs potentially get an EZA in the future of Dokkan that improve the SA animation when SA is maxed and card art?
I hope so
Awaken PHY Broly.
Pure Saiyans
>PHY Vegeta
>PHY Broly
>UI Goku
>AGL Turles
>SS4 Vegeta
>Gosh Vegeta
>Gosh Vegeta
The red one he dokkans into red hair Vegeta.
Meanwhile, I just finished Turunksu. Now I just need 7 more copies for his SA. Maybe will work on Vegeta next. Waiting for one day a week sucks.
best team would be
>>PHY Vegeta
>>PHY Broly
>>UI Goku
>>AGL Turles
>>SS4 Vegeta
>>ss4 goku
Now if only they where awakened
It's not. I even farmed it for SS Broly instead of the movie event and it was not only less resources but far faster. Got all 9 units needed in one stam bar.
Defensive f2p units rainbowed
Units that can stun and seal
Hard hitters who aren't a liability on defense
Good items and smart item usage
Or you can just wait it out. There will come a point where SBRs will be easy like what happened to Dokkan events.
>broly and gogeta banners drop
>only have 50 stones
>about to do a multi on Broly's
>accidentally do it on rising dragon
>pic related
Man, is it just me or is Hybrid Saiyans a shitty category? Maybe my box is just ass, but it's a very LR-heavy team, huh.
yeah, the cathegory doesn't seem to be that good if compared to all the other cathegories.
You depend on LRs to have a proper team, and it doesn't help the fact that STR Ultimate Gohan is trash.
Just got him today. Too bad I got transforming Vegeta last week.
It's great, but unusable, since nobody ever runs the leader
Kind of balls, because I really want to get through Broly's EZA, but I just can't do it with the shit I've got on hand.
Just do an agl team with as many hybrid saiyans as you can. Lr trunks and goten friend and if you have one as well you're golden.
Use a Super AGL team, choose LR Goten and Trunks friends.
I used that along with the LR AGL Trunks and it was pretty easy.
try using lr trunks. you dont even need to dokkan him to lr, just get him trough one dokkan awakening and you are set.
Never bothered to grind out any of the F2P LRs, but I guess I've got no choice. Hope he'll be enough to drag my ass through this.
How does one team build on such a large category such as Pure Saiyans? Just go for ki boosting links?
Or just use the modded apks if you are lazy
the way you build on every other category
>Ki boost
>Atk boost
>DEF boost
prefereably atk and def boost in %.
>No AGL Goku
>No TEQ Frieza
>150 Stones and no PHY Vegeta
I'm banking on those EZA Stones tommorow bros why do these units evade me.
i feel your pain.
wait for the anniversary
Just wait for the anniversary and then you can take out a loan and buy 2k stones whenever there's a featured unit you want, bro.
JPbros, how many stones do you have to spend to have enough gacha coins for an LR?
>2500 for LR
>2000 for DFE
>1000 for 120% lead
>750 for RedStone EZA unit
>no brolys
Into the trash it goes
>2500 for LR
>28 big stone packs
fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck. Good to know though, thank you
It's not that bad, they usually give a bit over 3500 f2p stones per year, and it seems they've been getting more generous as of late. 4th Anniversary by itself gave out like 900 stones.
So you're going to be able to purchase something as f2p.
That's why you should save stones right now.
I have 830 stones, plus the ones from the anniversary I'll be at 1730, plus what they're going to give over the next 3 or 4 months up until the celebration, about 300 stones per month for 2630 total, and I'll be able to get any unit right off the bat
thoughts? thinking about sa 10/10 lr vegeta prime batle or the ui goku
unrelated with dokkan
just bring back radish toriyama
>2500 for a single featured LR of your choosing.
I rather just gamble.
I probably spent less stones than that and i already have
>Majin vegeta
>vegito with a dupe
>goten and trunks
>kid gohan
fuck that noise.
It's cumulative, so you'll get it eventually as just a fail safe. Obviously don't just try to buy it all at once
Teq frieza was the point I spent money on this game. I got him but I do regret it, haven't spent since. I wasnt able to get goku though. Luckily got vegeta.
Reminder TEQ Goku and PHY vegeta beam struggle become leaders for families
man this game fuckin sucks and is unfun
how am i suppsoed to play without a collection like this
Call the Ginyu Force
>become leaders for families
yeah, it's true. I'm on jp and let Goku do my taxes and he just handles everything
Start during big celebrations. Namely anniversary and X million download ones. New years are ok too
>yfw we can realistically get suit broly now
What's the recommended way of watching super? Just 10 episodes until I'm done with all of Z and haven't watched any of super yet but have been playing this for over a year now lol
Watch the movies Resurrection F and Battle of Gods after Z, then skip the beginning 27 episodes of Super where they adapt both those movies
Whose better? I don't have the AGL Goku or TEQ Freeza but I did get lucky with back to back Super Vegito summon animation and pulled the PHY Vegeta with two dupes.
As do the Agl SS2 Goku that heals a ton and the STR Majin Vegeta
And they all use medals from the weekend extermination events. Fuck. Except Phy Based Vegeta, he just wants easy to get strike medals, that's why he's based
Watch the Battle of Gods and Ressurection F movies. Nothing is changed in the retelling of those in the show except for a few locations,a couple of insignificant cameos and Piccolo dies and is immediately brought back so it doesn't matter. Then skip to episode 28 if you care about watching everything. Skip to episode 47 if you care about watching the good stuff faster.
Vegeta's way better. Not only does he hit harder, he has double leader skills one which is a proper category 150% boost and the other which is just 20% behind Goku's sole leader skill
what said and remember the quality drops a ton from Z but it gets better at the end. Watch the Broly movie afterwards
>Piccolo dies
wait wut?
both are really good but i personally prefer vegeta because he is a double lead for pure sayans and only looses to goku on super allies by 20%. This lets you have a more versatile team.
They reenact a scene from DbZ where he steps in front of Nappa's blast. But instead of Nappa it's 1st form Frieza who Piccolo and Gohan should be able to fucking stomp at this point. The moment isn't earned and all it amounts to is useless trivia. Instead of saying Piccolo died thrice, twice in Z and once in GT. Now you have to say he died 4 times because they needed nostalgia bux.
Man I'm torn on doing one more multi to hopefully finally nab teq ss4 goku or wait for the possible heroes banner. Either way, I think I'll wait until the data download that will tell us what's coming and judge from there.
Why is SBR so easy bros? Even f2p blows past them
not recommended
i can't wait for the trunks and vegeta eza. i really need something to do.
Super pulls this meme like every other episode in late ToP.
>teq ss4 goku
I'm after him as well, guess I'll follow your plan and see what's head since it sounds nice
Time to grind for an entire week user.
>b-b-but are they even worth it
Asolutely worth it, they will do most events just fine, just don't push them against big shitters like UI goku or Super Broly etc, they could do those but with items and some luck.
>Super Saiyan Vegeta Jr. has a fucking EZA
what the fuck is that all about?
This is not true.
I saved 1000 stones for gogeta/broly and didnt get anything that banner or anything this banner when I used 200
100% all the ginyu force and you will get a team that absolutely shits on most events. than you will get all the f2p cars you could ever want.
At least they made Gohan be the meat shield that time.
Yea, we'll get news of the next banner before this one goes away, and most likely get see see exactly which cards and their info with the data download. If it's anything but Heroes, I'll do another multi on this one though.
4th anni is probably the last time we'll see new GT shit for a while. They went all out and gave us EVERYTHING.
They still didn't give us good shadow dragon units and we don't have a baby saga.
But yeah, they dumped a ton of GT things all at once so we don't have to put up with it for awhile and good riddance
>give into the temptation to drop my 50 stones on the vegeta banner
>get exactly what I deserve
I prefer doing it like this. Occasionally swapping Lr Droids for another orb changer droid for shits and giggles, but then I feel bad since they have no other team to call home and I just end up putting them back in
Extremely doubtful
And Heroes is probably coming up next which is probably gonna add more SS4s.
SS4 category soon?
Hopefully, would be the coolest category.
Ok so goku, vegeta, gohan, who else?
Dont sleep on teq 16.
Broly, Gogeta. Who knows, new Heroes might add more.
SS4 Adult Gotenks
give me your best truth impression
PHY Vegeta makes his existence moot outside of Prime Battles.
>missing PHY 17
>have LR Cell and 16
>running either requires breaking up the TEQ 1718 duo that continues to save my ass
Decisions, decisions.
amn it ahs been a while since i played teh game. i didnt even know super sayan 3 vegeta had an eza event, not even beerus or that adult gohan had mroe units added to his eza.
>lr bee pan comes on
>unit barely scratches 1mil
>That's uh... uhuh... That's pretty good! HAHAHA!
Can pan go super sayian?
What’s the best team I can build for EZA Broly?
I'm sure at some point she will, but so far, no.
awaken all those agl units, especially that lr trunks, + the hybrid sayans leader and you might stand a chance.
>Spend 400 Stones ok new banner
>Grind EZA all weekend for last one
>Vegito animation hype
>It's INT new Vegeta
At least I got my first dupe if SSJ4 Gogeta, especially since he's in my main team.
girls cant go super saiyan
now that turning super sayan has been degraded to a tingling sensation of the back i am sure she will be super sayan god at the age of 5.
It would be fucking hot if she did. That's very long term though, Super's been stuck in the same time period for a while now so Pan might never grow up.
She is like 1/4 part saiyan, I guess she could, all she had to do is to almost die a couple of times so those saiyan genes kick in, that or get beyond mad.
ive been running dokkan on my emulator and playing wow for the whole fuckin day and did the event everytime 25stamina regenerated
If only freeza was the category lead instead of cooler, hopefully theres a 150% unit down the road, not my most powerful though but god damn is it fun
Caulifla, kale, kefla
>girls cant go super saiyan
Goku jr is even less sayian
What would happen if Goku let his hair long and go SSJ3? will his hair get even longer?
the dragon ball card game has a super sayan 3 radditz and his hair is basically a carpet.
ive been watching this super dragon ball heroes promotional anime and shit was so fuckin fun
god i love when there is some sort of a prison where the evil op villians show up
Is this team looking good? anything I should change?
It's cannon Sayains Goku can't change their hair naturally. See when Vegeta and Trunks get out of the time chamber for the first time.
Worth 30000 trade points?
that gogeta is fine but since you are going for a ss3 team i would suggest trading him maybe when you get another ss3 unit.
the baba shop cards usually go on sale for 21k. wait for that.
also trade ginyu force card on baba shop, each extra card gives you around 1000k point.
>Worth trade points?
The answer is never.
oof super sayian 3 is such a shit team they are so fuckin paper
That they did this makes me care much less about getting the new SS4 LRs
I want a SSJ3 Nappa.
Who should I swap for Pandel?
The only other LR's I have are the Bojack one and the Cell one should I just make a team with them instead?
I don't know, I got him anyways because I'm retarded and need INT characters.
What else do you have?
If you ever buy these, get it when it's half off for 15k points. 21k points is during celebrations where it's actually more expensive the the normal deals during non celebrations.
1000 points
that k there was a mistake
Can they make more hybrid saiyan leads already?
Goku has damage reduction tho.