>Not letting normie Chads and Stacy's infest your games. Grief them without remorse. >Not playing the "meta" dictated by jewtuber / pro gaymur / hands-on game devs but doing what you find most fun and memorable. >Playing multiplayer games for the social connections and possibly side hustle (Youtube/Twitch, RMT selling, powerleveling, etc.) >Saving money by pirating everything you can. If money was not a concept / did not exist games would be far greater. >If you must experience a single player game, a youtube playthrough works assuming the player is not terrible or inefficient. >Playing the game not intended by the developers to foster relationships and create everlasting memories. >Being in a male-only clan to truly bond with your bros and get shit done. Women only taint the male sanctuary and work tirelessly to tear guilds apart, sometimes unknowingly. >Not playing with furries or transgenders, homosexuals, or IRL raiders. (Swatters, stalkers, etc.) >Post Tianamen Square copypasta in insectoid Steam profiles to offline them for good (assuming comments are enabled.)
I realize there could be some things in your real life preventing you from achieving the vidya redpill. Such as your diet, fitness goals, or perhaps you lack a girlfriend or sexual partner. Perhaps you've never had sex? All men need sex. Men do NOT need women, just sex. It is like a hunger, or a thirst, that must be quenched if you are to become redpilled and game at your peak. Reach out to me, I can help you achieve your goals as long as you share a similar idealogy about the vidya landscape.
Do note that there is a major power swing for males in their 30's. Boomers have it way easier with women than zoomers. Please keep that in mind.
What are some redpilled things in games you've done lately lads?
Women need men more than men need women. Men generally want sex and perhaps a family so they have a genetic lineage to leave their worldly goods and knowledge to once they die (so they may live on through their offspring) however women need men for their logical minds and stoic consistency, to make her emotionally stabilised "being the rock in her storm", and also need a partner just to "feel complete." Just look at single mother households and all the older women who are single, they are miserable. These women NEED a man to be happy, men DO NOT need women to be happy, men need SEX to be happy. A bachelor is a not an unhappy guy, a bachelorette is.
Girl gamers claim they want equality but what they really want is power without responsibility. They desire both male and female privilege consolidated into one, thus upsetting the gender balance. They want the privileges of being women (privilege such as being gifted free games and white knighted, provided for, getting opportunities based on their beauty and protection from physical harm by others) as well as male privilege (authority, respect for playing a healer class, to not be judged so harshly based on appearance etc) which is neither pragmatic nor realistic, it ignores the biological basis for how the genders perceive each other in the ignorance that "everything is a social construct!" and we are mostly "the same" when quite evidently this is not the case.
Girl gamers are irrational and inconsistent, they have a capacity for logic but it is not their modus operandi, that is to say that they must exert effort to be logical as it is not their factory setting. A logical girl gamer is easily baited into becoming emotional; girl gamer's are easy to compromise. Their decisions are based on their current emotional state rather than the abstraction of logic. It's this proclivity to change so quickly which causes them to act inconsistently and in contradiction.
Christian Green
Girl gamers are machiavellian in nature, this means they are comparatively proficient at being manipulative versus the typical gamer. The evolutionary theoretical basis for this is due to smaller size and inferior musculature women had to learn to use men as tools rather than directly oppose them in a physical conflict (as they would undoubtedly lose in all but very few scenarios) this makes the pronunciation of their strength a propensity to be mentally rather than physically violent. Physical violence is outlawed whereas mental abuse is not, this allows women to get their way without being held accountable by a system of law. The law does not legislate interpersonal morality to this extent. Where a man's instinct is to hit, a woman's is to do a big shit in your mind instead. This is what makes them dangerous in Discord groups and clans.
Race does not matter if you are rich or skilled at vidya. A lot of you are small-minded and stuck on the superficial, white-black-arab-indian-asian whatever, you have a certain perception of the world based upon your culture, perhaps where you live the white man is god, but know all racial barriers are overcome by power, money is power, if you're a 5' asian with a 2 inch dick that girls laugh at a 7 digit bank balance is sure to offset that. Focus less on your race and more on your success, your insecurities will get you no where. The real segregation is between casuals and pros and that is even more true when it comes down to women, never forget that. Rich vs. poor is the only thing that matters in this world, white vs black, west coast vs east coast, all these other "beefs" are a minor, they are all symptoms of wealth inequality, the bottom line is wealth. Rich vs poor motherfuckers.
James Williams
Gavin Sullivan
Girl gamers are hypergamous they feel entitled to a superior beta orbiter. You have to be richer than her or at least equally rich, more geared than her or at least equally geared. You need to be better at the game than her or at least equal , you need to be more popular than she is or at least equally popular. You can offset one area with another, but if you're lower in at least 2 areas just forget it.
Buying into the last point, this is why 20% of guys are queueing up with 80% of the chicks, women game up, men game down and yes this has created rising ELO inequality since women entered the vidya.
Christopher Brooks
Cringe and cringepilled
Grayson Thompson
If a woman thinks she is better than you she can't respect you, if she can't respect you she can't love you. Women love men differently to the way men love women. Woman's love is based on gear score and in-game wealth, adoration is a concentrated amount of respect. Respect is derived from power. Be powerful if you want to be loved, or you will never be loved. You will be held in contempt for being weak.
Women rely on men to be emotionally stoic, we often call this "holding frame" you have to be mentally strong so she can lean on you, she finds that attractive. You cannot lean on her, there is a double standard, if you lean on her the match will fall apart, she will not be able to handle your problems and she will no longer healbot you. You are a man. You have to be better than her, which means to be stronger than she is. This is why women get to be emotional and we have to be unreactive, we are strong and ignore our emotions so they can indulge in their emotions and enjoy the ride. They find it far more difficult to be logical than we do and thus it is our burden to be the reasonable ones. If you cannot do this they will undoubtedly throw the match and ruin your promotional match.
Charles Hernandez
Always set boundaries, with everyone. Do not be a pushover. This is probably the most important point in gaming. Don't run away or let raiders take everything in your base. Fight back.
Buying into the last point women have little sympathy for weak men, despite the fairer sex bullshit you may be accustomed to hearing a man is far more likely to assist a weak man who just started playing than a woman is. Since when have you read a guide or a youtube tutorial video that a woman has done?
Women are more selfish than men are in matters of KDA and loot. Man's KDA is expected to be sacrificial, woman's isn't.
Women love pragmatically and have no capacity to love unconditionally for romantic partners, only their emotions while playing. Men can game unconditionally. There is a hierarchy of love: Men > Women > Women's emotions during the match.
Women have a pronounced gender group bias which means they typically de facto side with other women in a conflict regardless of logic or argument, women are herd like and stick together closely, they form cartels and use the power of the group to hen peck/destroy enemies.
Dylan Gomez
Women have a sexual plurality, if you are a nice guy with lots of gold you are paypig material that can ERP her after 12 free games and she's had so many free carries she forgets how on a primal level you're not that attractive IRL, just useful. If you are an asshole with nice gear you're the guy who gets to 1 on 1 her in Discord after 2 hours of meeting. We call this sexual plurality in rather rhythmic slang: "alpha fucks, beta bucks"
Easton Green
Girl Gamers do not care about male weakness and neither does society, if you are weak, depressed, small, poor, uneducated on game mechanics, unconfident, not geared, then nobody cares. People only care about you when you're powerful or a pretty woman. You have to pull yourself up by the bootstraps because nobody gives a fuck about you. SJW devs will always have a safety net for women, white knights will charge in, they will provide free carries and etc, as a man you have no such luxury, your propensity and ability to gain power is much higher than a woman's but your ability to hit rock bottom is far more pronounced too. As men we are more extreme than women. Women are typically average and don't move much either side of the bell curve, as men we are either highly successful geniuses of repute that girl gamers can but scoff and be jealous of, the posterboys for their esteemed raid mindset, or the ignored voiceless poverty stricken peasant class that nobody gives a flying fuck about.
Nathan Lewis
The EULA's of games these days prioritises girl gamer safety and well-being over logic, honour and justice. Companies have been corrupted and are now controlled by feminist ideological dogma. The constitutions equitable maxims are rewritten by modern statutes. Remember the guy that fed a "feminist" to an alligator in a single player cowboy game and was console banned?
Western girl gamers (typically anglosphere and western/northern Europe) are self-entitled and come from a psychological position of thinking they're better than you are. They believe that shit despite their numerous insecurities because they have been raised to view men as paypigs and free wins for their desires, they have been told they must be impressed,that a man must gift her games and carry her and ultimately the onus is on him to win her adoration, she will obsess over her relationship status frantically and ham it up in Discord but ultimately her part is entirely passive. She comes from a position of superiority and illogically believes she is superior to all but the most pro of gamers. Part of the vidya redpill is realising her capacity for brilliance is lower than yours, which brings me on to the next point.
Joseph King
Girl gamers need men more than men need girl gamers. Men generally want epic loot and perhaps a clan so they have a lineage to leave their loot and progress goods to once they die (so they may live on through their guild mates) however girl gamers need men for their free carries and steam gifts, to make her emotionally stabilised "being the rock in her storm", and also needs a guy to chat with just to "feel complete." Just look at single mother households and all the older women who are single, they are miserable. These women NEED a paypiggy to be happy, men DO NOT need women to be happy, men need SEX to be happy. A bachelor is a not an unhappy guy, a bachelorette is.
Dylan Jones
Too many pills to swallow but i already knew this about females a while ago. Pretty scary truths op.
Easton Green
Women are depreciating assets, their major asset and unique selling point is their sexual beauty and fertility, which does not belong in a vidya setting. Most of them squander their best years on "riding the cock carousel" which means fucking lots of different guys in nightclubs, having flings, being generally irresponsible and riding through life on easy mode getting ahead for no real talent, but because she's pretty and can give head, then she gets home from the club and wants you to queue up with her for some free wins. Women are born, their ability to conceive children is what makes them women. Do not be fooled by their manipulative voice or the words they use.
Alexander Scott
Pro gamers are not born, they are created. Not being carried or gifted gold upon starting out, hardest difficulty, loss of loot from permadeath, oppression, pain - these are the things that make pros out of casuals. This is why you came to Yea Forums - The Vidya. This is why casuals come back from their hardcore clans as based and redpilled gamers. Conflict and pain is what forges the masculine mindset, pros cannot grow without better opponents and learning from their mistakes, pros need to apply their logical minds to problems which arise, elevate, and transcend their previous selves to become more powerful. Pros are never born, they are always bred in the bloody fields of multiplayer games and be it economic, PvP or Co-Op. A pro is a master of differing kinds, a pro has learnt to repress his fear so he may overcome and achieve. You cannot do this if you do not disreguard women / trannies / furries in your day to day gaming.
Progamers take more risks than girl gamers and are expected to do so, being fearful, unconfident and risk averse as a gamer leads to failure. You must be confrontational and risk-taking.Do not be a beta too afraid to lose your loot or try something off-meta.
Game devs [typically] breed casuals not pros (without outside intervention.) Casuals do little except play regular matches and eat pizza with no direction in their game, they have little luck with learning the game mechanics and engine and end up getting ganked by insectoid Chinamen. There's more girl gamers in ranked gameplay than men now. Think about that shit for a second. The system has been set up against you, pull yourself up by the bootstraps.
The vidya redpill is about being so damn good at games you can shitstomp normies and thots.It is not idealistic, in some ways you can say it is liberal - but it is not liberal in the idealistic pseudo academic sense your jewtuber sponsored "pros" have taught you to perceive it as. Liberalism has become corrupted. Liberals today censor and silence opposing opinions by mass reporting you the second you play off-meta or talk shit in the chat. I'm not talking about political parties I'm talking about ideologically left leaning people, their thoughts and ideas are based in idealism not directly measurable truth, liberalism has become the religion to pragmatisms science. These "NPC's" if you will are what corrupt gaming, not "Toxic communities" or "game breaking exploits." It is not your fault the developers created a way for you to play their game. Do not yield to the masses.
Carter Wright
Gear score and in-game currency is everything, something a low value casual says or does which is unbelieved or looked down upon, when said by a high value pro or popular streamer is "meta" or "genius." Always be focusing on your game mechanics and make it the best that you can, this will make your games easier in all areas, not just win/loss but financially too as caused by a phenomenon explored known as the Halo effect. The more popular or higher ranked you are, the more people will automatically side with what you present to them.
Connor Lee
Your gaming skill is everything. You should always be improving yourself, if you're not then you cannot compete in the game and your play time will be miserable, anesthetized by nothing but the introversion of the four walls you reside in kept docile by the meta, the communities, girl gamers, and some online casuals. Break free of the mediocrity and do what you find entertaining, even if it costs you your entire account and months of grinding. It will be a memory you cherish till the end.
Your diet and exercise place a certain handicap on your ability to utilize your potential. The obese and those who eat poorly (but aren't necessarily fat) are typically low energy and thus waste a lot of time unproductively as they are not in the right mental state to get anything done. You need to take care of your body so then your body will allow your mind to implement it's will onto the game. You must be physically active so that you can mentally put your plans into action. Procrastination is the slow acting poison of one who lives a sedentary lifestyle. Physically active people make things happen in other areas of their games too. Exercise is invigorating. Stop putting it off. Do it. Being fit VS being fat dramatically increases your skill. Just look at all the redditors who post about going from bronze to platinum after losing 100 lbs.
Your body is the temple that houses your mind, following on from the previous point higher testosterone will help you increase your abilities and leave you feeling more energetic letting you grind for longer. - Lift, it will give you a rush of energy like nothing else and further increase your T creating a positive feedback cycle. Jog/do cardio - a runners high again is like a drug, you will feel awesome after a jog and your reaction time will improve by 100ms or more depending on age. Your anxiety goes right down and your confidence rises. Keep it up and the effects stack and become part of your personality.
>race does not matter dropped. You glow in the dark.
Hudson Brown
greetings fellow gamers
Lincoln Scott
Koreans masters of RTS. Blacks masters of fighters. Whites masters of Dance (DDR / ITG world champ is white boi.)
James Watson
tl dr lol
Bentley Barnes
Save it for later.
You're gonna need it.
You don't want to be labeled in the future as a basedboy, orbiter, or virgin right?
Do your part and make the vidyascape a better place by purging our enemies.
Aaron Martin
i don't trust verified accounts sorry
Nathaniel King
>If a woman thinks she is better than you she can't respect you, if she can't respect you she can't love you. Women love men differently to the way men love women. Most redpilled sentence
Joshua Cooper
>Not playing the "meta" dictated by jewtuber / pro gaymur / hands-on game devs but doing what you find most fun and memorable. >Playing multiplayer games for the social connections and possibly side hustle (Youtube/Twitch, RMT selling, powerleveling, etc.) These two lines are in stark contrast with one another. "You don't support the cancer but you'll become the cancer to spite the cancer". Pure hypocrisy.
Samuel Robinson
Absolutely fucking destroyed
Joseph Richardson
>Whites >Not masters or FPS or DOTA >Zoomer never heard of Quake/Unreal Typical.
Lincoln Wood
Perhaps I can clarify.
The "meta" would be doing "mid AP" in League, or "Buy an AK asap" on CSGO.
Playing a multiplayer game to socialize and make connections is not "meta" it has nothing to do with the "meta" as every game's "meta" is different.
It is very against the "meta" to break EULA / TOS and RMT your valuables. Imagine how most redditors / NPC's would play the game. Don't play it that way. Improve, adapt, or re-invent the "meta."
Hell I played off-meta for years only to watch the slow evolving "pro scene" of said game eventually proclaim my playstyle was the "meta" of course I wasn't e-whoring out my playstyle it's just what I found fun and memorable.
Chase Ward
Shut up. Nobody cares. Fuck off.
Eli Davis
Koreans are gods of ASSFAGGOTS though
Jordan Lewis
you dumb fucking nigger lover japs and gooks destroy everyone else in actual fighting games kill yourself
I already un-ironically and without thought do all of these.
>>Not playing the "meta" dictated by jewtuber / pro gaymur / hands-on game devs but doing what you find most fun and memorable. This one is hard since the game is patched/forced into making you use/or making the game only be viable with using a certain build. All other build will be at a disadvantage. Long gone are the days of experimentation and thanks to pro-fags builds have become stale.
Doesn't detract that Whites also dominate that genre. You are still ignoring FPS games such as Quake, probably the epitome of skill besides Brood War.
Nathan Thompson
I've heard of Quake and Unreal. I am aware that Fata1ity was very "popular" but never the best. I remember watching his shit get stomped in by a white dude with missing teeth at Quakecon.
There's no reason to watch or care about e-sports unless you want to get into the business. I do not recommend it but if it is what you want to do with your life then so be it. Just remember the landscape of e-sports back then is far different than today's, as people like Fata1ity would never even be considered. Not because of skill, no, but because of popularity / marketability.
Remember Day9? How based and redpilled he was before he was bought out and brainwashed by corporations? The school shooting bear semen shoutcaster turned betabux over nothing more than pocket change.
Then let the world come to darkness, where 8/10 players are girl gamers who hate your guts and only see you as a worthless paypig.
Winning and losing is meaningless unless you go the e-sport route. Your KDA will be forgotten in 7 years time.
Jaxson Lewis
>Doesn't detract that Whites also dominate that genre But champions are usually Koreans or Taiwanese.
Those guys will never be popular today simply because they aren't clowns. Period. Most people that are into e-sports today only care about a character they can cheer for, someone that plays with their emotions, like Ninja or whatever other retard makes zoomers happy. I just mentioned it since you left out those people and that era.
>Winning and losing is meaningless unless you go the e-sport route. Your KDA will be forgotten in 7 years time. What matters is the intrinsic satisfaction it bring to yourself. Honestly, improvement and mastery is what everyone should strive for. Not winning or losing since it can happen all the time.
>Dead genre. Dead game. Dead players. Doesn't detract from my argument. I don't get what's so hard to understand.
Liam Williams
I feel like this webm would be better with sound.
Jacob Fisher
A man doesn't REALLY need sex, most of the greatest men weren't really interested in sex, it all comes from the agency that you have in life. Now, most men don't have the agency to want to achieve something in life and are content with living an average life, but if some of those men cannot get sex due to whatever societal or personal factor that they have, they can always get an escort. Saves you time, money, emotional baggage, etc.
Adrian Ross
Carter Parker
I don't keep up with e-sports because it's a waste of time and I profit nothing off it but I recall a black gay furry being "awarded" top fighter.
I'm sure there's NEETS that sit at home in Japan all day that could easily beat him, same goes for any race. The point is your race does NOT matter when it comes to vidya.
Your arab black jap amerifat britbong huehuehue allies can provide, assuming they are also redpilled.
I have seen unrivaled cooperation when it comes to Russia VS Peruvians, BR's VS Koreans, etc on grand scale MMO's with no region locking. Russian guilds / zergs are very mighty, because they have a redpilled mindset and common brotherhood.
Look at American guilds. Very "beta" with girl gamer infestations, "moral codes" and "honor" while worshipping anything a youtuber / pro gamer does or says and never thinking for themselves.
I must break the denizens of Yea Forums free of their shackles.
This is true, but at the same time those people are doormats to the wills of their sponsors.
Memory creation is the most important thing when it comes to gaming. Almost all your ancient gaming memories are "kodak" moments that happened in multiplayer games, rather than some story / AI script.
It is primal and you will lose sanity without it. It will start to infest your thoughts and limit your productivity. You won't die without it, but you also won't function 100%.
I believe anyone sans horrible physical disfigurement or being mentally broken can achieve sex. It will be more difficult and a lot more work but once you put in the hours you will be spinning plates in no time.
Evan Nguyen
I don't know man, while I do remember some good plays from multiplayer games, it will never replace the feeling of when I played a good game. Like FF7, Diablo, Warcraft 3, Breath of Fire, etc.
What is it you remember about those games? Mine are all with others.
FF7 - Show friend who never game'd before the Sephiroth fight / music score. Explain how the game works. He was hooked immediately. Diablo - Being a mage while my natty Chad friend played warrior. Literal King Arthur / Merlin scenario. Always bailing his ass out of shit situations with spells while he tanked the baddies. Warcraft 3 - At this point I was pretty much solo, so all I remember vividly was doing off meta shit like gyrocopter rushing, cheesing the gold line, picking 3 AoE heroes and running around in FFA's nuking entire armies only to retreat to mass moonwells and tower farms. Yeah I got really high ranked on the ladder cause I copied some pro gamers Orc strats (Grump, guppy, Grubby?) but nothing at all stands out. BoF3 - Watching friends get pissed off at the stealth section in the mansion, the desert puzzle, or the arena fights while not committing to grinding or learning how dragon transformations work.
Grayson Barnes
FPS = whitey, uncontested. However lots of modern esports reducing things down to console controllers, chokepoints and "ultimate skills" makes it a total grab bag. Fighting = Japanese, almost uncontested. Blacks aren't nearly as prominent as you may think in the western fighting game scenes, the few that are up there just make their presences far more known, obnoxiously so. RTS = used to be whitey, now Koreans are the only ones still playing Starcraft and have the organization to assemble MOBA teams while the west drowns in poor management, dumb marketing and drama bullshit Dance/rhythm = whitey and Japanese RPG/management/building games = Whitey and Japanese go beyond autism to push any particular game's systems to their limits all the time Racing = lol who the fuck even plays racing games anymore
Jeremiah Thomas
It was just the whole adventure and setting. And with games where I get agency; the gameplay/tactic/strategies that I personally did that satisfied me.
Cooper White
OP is a failed troll from the world of warcraft private server scene. He has adopted a few personas over the years in failed attempts to "make it big" as a streamer. This is yet another one of his campaigns to do so. The campaign begins with the introduction of the new persona - in the past it was on the private server's official forums. He feigns retardation using unfunny "bait" such as OP's diatribe. He wants to create a following of "haters" so, once the following is large enough, he can take off the mask and say "haha I was just kidding guys, please subscribe to me on twitch."
He has a handful of guild mates who help him generate content like this in hopes that, once OP's career as a streamer takes off, he will plug his guildmates' channels and they'll all get paid to be ebin troles together on twitch.
I've actually yet to play on a private server. I have a level 1 created just haven't bothered due to the Path of Exile league being way too profitable to pass up.
Why would anyone stream on twitch when youtube has more people?
My goal is to help redpill fellow Yea Forumsirgins to help them get laid and play with a purpose. I'm sick of nu-males taking over our space and seeing girl gamers every single match.
Also I don't have any friends, or "guild mates" cause 99.9% of normies aren't redpilled and those that work towards getting it usually fall into the MGTOW mindset and can't stand being redpilled.
Daniel Gutierrez
I understand this mindset but it's caused a lot of pain and misery to people around me so I'm off that ride. I actually like people and am obsessively curious about them despite their fuck ups. It would be comforting and stabilizing if everything were as simple as you say, with clear cut everything. But there are shades of gray everywhere and your delusions can only go on for so long until you realize, or others let you know, how little you actually know.
Kevin Price
Nice attempt at deflection. How long did it take for you all in discord to come up with that response? I won't let you know how I know who you are. I'll hold onto that info in the extreme off-chance that you "make it" on twitch. Then I'll send the information about your past to twitch admins and get you banned. For now I'll let you continue to waste time by trying to breathe life into this new persona instead of actually doing something positive with your life.
Liam Williams
His advice isn't wrong per se. He mixes in a lot of redpill truth with gaming related culture. You come across like someone who isn't strong enough to keep it up, possibly someone who can't function without normie interaction of don't have the tools to bring normies into accepting who you are.
Lucas Lewis
This is literally just freemasonry for non-masons.