What the fuck happened to Brian Mitsoda? Why would he let himself be associated with the faggot crowd that wants to turn the franchise into (yet another) leftist propaganda? I used to think so much better of him. You either die a hero, or live long enough to see yourself become the villain, I guess.
What the fuck happened to Brian Mitsoda...
Other urls found in this thread:
Why haven't you joined the winning side yet?
>Apex Legends is one of the most successful games of 2019 despite /pol/ screeching
>Atlus censored away the transphobic content from Catherine Full Body
>CDPR Twitter guy that made disrespectful jokes got fired
>Even Sony and Valve are censoring loli and rape now
>Hbomberguy raises 340,000 dollars for transgendered children while streaming Donkey Kong 64
>Great writers like Brian Mitsoda and Chris Avellone would rather write with progressive developers like us than shitlords that "want politics out of video games"
>Klei takes out character based on white colonizers because it's culturally problematic
>NetherRealm Studios alters the female character's designs to be classier and more sensible for the new era
>Nintendo censoring Game&Watch offensive native American mimicry
>RDR 2 sold 17+ million and makes fun of racists
>Speedrunners that are too "redpilled" got taken out of the speedrunning charity shtick
>The Witcher Netflix series has African American and Indian women in major roles
>THQ Nordic apologized after hosting an AMA on 8ch
>Ubisoft bans people for using toxic language in their chat (Including the n-word)
>We have based people making their own games, just like they were told to 4 years ago (The Last of Us 2)
>Why didn't a guy that's always been leftist and is decades older than me fall for my meme alt-right ideology?
>>Great writers like Brian Mitsoda and Chris Avellone would rather write with progressive developers like us than shitlords that "want politics out of video games"
bay baysed
My favorite part is how hurt RPG Codex feels by this. /their guys/ are completely shitting all over what they stand for.
You can always spot someone with true NPC energy by how little they have to contribute, and them always responding, never self starting.
Keep posting your stock wojaks, basedboy.
>great writers
>chris "self insert" avellone
How will /pol/tardetties ever recover? This industry is ours, bay bay. brb, gonna oppress and persecute some white men.
cringe op, based thread
you're alright sometimes, Yea Forums
NWoD just keeps getting worse.
>Why haven't you joined the winning side yet?
Because I'm not going to eat shit even if everyone else on earth is doing it.
Please stop making images if you don't know how to remove artifacting.
I know irony is lost on the generation who grew up on text based communication, but the communism bit there is -anti- communism. That's a self aware jab.
nice cherry picking nigfag, you know what you did.
based as always
>lefty fags force diversity quota
>diversity quota means women and mutts
>women and mutts can' t code or programm
>women and mutts put their hurt fee fees into the game
Wow. It seems like this could' ve been prevented by not employing any women. Wow. That is a complete schocker to me.
Skelter even says he doesn't really like "college girl" that much. You'd have to be a bit delusional to think she's a 100% positive portrayal.
there is a difference between observative writing vs representative mouthpieces.
Holy shit I love not being mentally ill. It's such a blessing having extreme political opinions but not letting them ruin your life or obsessing over them.
Thanks for making me feel good, you mentally ill losers.
The difference is that they used to include all elements of the fringe - including Fascists. Now that "woke" culture has gone mainstream and theirs is the only voice that's allowed, this all just seems terribly corporate.
nobody gives a fuck about wod, they give a fuck about a Troika classic.
We own this industry and there's nothing you can do about it. RESETERA, BAY BAY!
>feels good because of others
based and upvoted
time to gas some wh*Toids
>everyone and their grandma hyped for this
>wokeness overload
>only RetardEra is interested now
>game dead on arrival
>huge flop
>mfw I have no face
>We own this industry and there's nothing you can do about it.
So you're finally admitting to being a worse fascist than the fascists? Cool.
>turn into leftist propaganda
>world of darkness
I hope you aren't serious? You've been fighting nazis and catholic rapists in setting since early nineties. The only arguably books that aren't blatantly leftist are of books like Mummy and Promethean, maybe Demon but isn't thatbanti-religion?
Then there is The Beast but I don't think either end of of the political spectrum wants to associate with that one.
>Implying it matters
All of our games can flop and we'll still keep making them. There's no stopping us. We're relentless. That's what it means to be resetera, bay bay. Four years ago, you challenged us to go make our own games. We have not forgotten.
Why don't you just make your own vidya instead of complaining?
Spoiler: 99% of the alt-right are just liberals who don't like that modern liberals are slightly more liberal than them
For instance they are pro gay marriage, anti-christians but they don't like trannies
"Democrats are the REAL racists" is like their mating call
Hahaha, cry more, white cis gamer. We're gonna continue to oppress and persecute you. Take away all of your gaming rights. Whites will be forever erased. We're just getting started, SWEETIE.
>We have not forgotten.
>we have insidiously co-opted previously established properties because we're incapable of creating anything ourselves
b + r
v/edditors and /pol/niggers on suicide watch
That's right, fortunately all of the developers of the past games are more than glad to join our side. They know who the winner of this war is and they chose they allies accordingly.
I'll play it if Chris Avellone is kicked out. That guy is western Hideo Kojima and an utter talentless hack.
Because anything right of Antifa these days gets an injunction
>soiposter likes shit numale soiwrestler
Le Cringe
I hope Fat Larry and Officer Chunk are included in this new game
its "current year", "incel". "Go have sex".
Fact: Not a single person who voted Republican has ever made a good game
You're not wrong. But they're mostly middle-aged balding men in fedoras and fingerless gloves, so it's hardly an achievement.
How do /pol/tards cope with shit like this? Like every single one of these lines is truthful rofl
The industry really does belong to us
Most of WoD was kind of tongue in-cheek and the leftist stuff was 90s edge, mostly against 'muh authorithy' (which even Bloodlines mocks at times with the anarchs).
The new inclination is very SJW, Mitsoda went on about how 'orrible their representation of insanity was with the Malks and how they have to "punch up, not down". The head writer is some turbo-dweeb twitter SJW who talks about how she wants to "take jobs from men", spends most of her days on twitter lamenting that she's not a lesbian and spurred on that fake scandal against Hotline Miami 2. (there's an example of her terrible writing floating around, something about not fucking a married man)
>that obnoxious /pol/tard false flagging as a retardera user
Neither has a Socialist or a tranny.
Of course not, they were am*rican scum.
>W-we didn't want them anyways ;_;
Holy sour grapes!
Daily reminder that the main baddie in the game WILL be a metaphore for Drumph.
I can't wait to slurp the delicious tears of all The_Donald white fascists when my black Muslim lesbian queen Vampire smashes his fucking cheeto face in lol.
Remember to pirate the game if it's fun, but don't give them money.
In the first game the characters all had political stances but it was very laissez faire about it. The player felt disconnected from those stances and allowed to make their own choices. My concern is that they take away the player's agency in the matter.
We never had them to begin with.
It's fucking hilarious laughing at these retards fight, spamming false flags and propaganda 12 hours a day, thinking they're doing ANYTHING.
its really getting annoying.
keep filling up your cup
>leftists have gone so far off the deep end they can't tell when old media was poking fun at their predecessors at the time in equal measure to other sides of the time
Falseflagging or not, he's right. None of his lines in the copypasta are a lie. /pol/ lost.
What's her game writing background?
Are you talking about /pol/ or ResetEra?
Of course not, millennials are a generation of pussies who will never do anything, and boomers have these rabis dogs tied on a leash.
Millennials must be kept like this until their 40s, then they can be old however they want.
Its ok, Slav devs will btfo Western cucks. Already Owlcat did with Obsidian, and once Wargaming.net gets serious Paradox and Ubicucks will be destroyed as well.
>2 days after being announced bloodlines 2 is shitposted to death
Man fuck all of you. I've got better things to do than sit here and read false flagging faggots replying to false flagging trannies.
All of you are fake and nothing you type is of any value.
Eat shit Yea Forums you are the worst board on the site.
>The head writer is some turbo-dweeb twitter SJW
She's not the head writer.
>game dead on arrival
>Only getting outsold by Sekiro
What did he mean by this.
Fascism always loses to progress. ;^)
Bloodlines in 2019, the White House in 2020!
they already do, game for right wingers
>ruin one franchise after the other in a mad mission to utilize a media politically
>literally every company you stick your unholy finger into starts to rot within a couple of years due to diversity hires and low-tier tech experience replacing the old guard
>turn massive droves of people against you by pushing a weirdly sodomite system of believe that is established on full relativity of natural facts easily observable by the common pleb
>ruin any sort of political advance within your field because you are a bunch of screeching autists weirding out normies to an extent where they'd rather have a celebrity be the president of the most powerful nation on earth than the candidate you're promoting - an established, experienced politician of over 25 years
"H-haha gotcha gobblegate!"
Yeah.... wow...
You can really be proud of yourself.
At this point it really applies to both. And the trolls, as some of the newfags really will absolutely bite on anything.
Holy shit, where did all these /pol/acks come from?
>fast-paced hack-and-slash action RPG
lol dropped
This is true. All the best games of the last decade have come from either Slavs or Japs. Both of whom have a history of being notoriously right wing by Western standards.
>b-but Sony
Sony's gaming division is based in California. The SocJust crew have nothing but rapidly plummeting sales.
>as some of the newfags really will absolutely bite on anything.
Too true look at this moron holy shit
And we'll keep "ruining" all the franchises we feel like "ruining" forevermore. We are the gaming industry. No matter how many times you shout "Get woke, go broke" developers will continue to happily feed us with what we want while turning their back to faggots like you. Bloodlines 2 is just the latest example, but you'll have plenty more to cry about in 2019. We're just getting started, bay bay.
Don't worry. You're gonna keep coping so hard you'll become a master at it.
>the autistic Bloodlines fanbase getting destroyed in in one hit
Absolutely glorious, just like seeing the MGS fanbase collapse in on itself.
Take your literally who games elsewhere.
She's a game journo first.
Then she wrote some Twine garbage about fucking everyone except married men because reasons.
And finally she was one of the external writers for Dishonored 2.
And that's it.
Yeah sure whatever homo
>God damn left ruined my gayming experience
You know it's true. You keep pointing out how we go broke and that hasn't stopped us from getting our hard-working hands on even more franchises.
And we own every game ever created before 2007.
We got the gold, you get the trash.
Fitting, isn' t it.
>politics only became bad once i grew up to be old enough to understand it
Get these fucking /pol/teens off my board
Imagine being that retarded
Reading comprehension? Both of you retarded shitflingers.
Also, imagine believing there are any resetera niggers here. It's just neutrals baiting /pol/tards and /pol/tards false flagging.
Got ya mad
This. Fuck /pol/, fuck The_Donald and fuck w*ite "people".
Yeah I also wish you were pretending m8. I really do trust me.
Except for the part where any of the games sell worth jackshit.
Lmao. Alt-right pissbabies seething so hard right now.
>will continue
They won't be able to whether they like it or not. Money isn't endless.
this x9001
>there are people ITT pretending to be resetera
Got ya mad enough to play worried
>Also, imagine believing there are any resetera niggers here.
They've openly talked about coming here for just this reason.
They're mostly normies from the election.
counting on it dear
Go back to the tranny discord.
I just hope the politics will be either fun or interesting this time.
The one before was well-written, but the jabs at the right-wingers were getting kind of repetitive "soulless, blood-sucking vampires, etc..."
You and your racist, misogynistic friends are no longer the target audience. There's more money to be made elsewhere. Just look at Apex Legends or Overwatch.
>set in modern day
I've been busy so haven't gotten much time to look into this or why Yea Forums is mad, what exactly has been said that makes it seem like this game is sjw? I saw something about mental illness but I would assume thats referring to the Malkavians, and is them saying they won't be "lol so randumb" fishmalks.
The majority of "resetera" posters are false flagging or baiting.
>Imagine being so petty that you raid a stupid anime image board to "own the conservatards"
>Imagine being so petty that you give a shit and feed into their bullshit
Fuck Resetera and fuck nu-Yea Forums.
Day-1 preorder. You lost, v-/pol/. ;^)
I'm not in the tranny discord, are you?
complaining about fucking world of darkness being left wing is like complaining about the NRA being right wing
/pol/ is currently seething at the customizable pronoun system
VTM has always been leftist propaganda. You just noticed now?
honk honk
Wake up.
Imagine breathing through your mouth.
hey guys I'm super liberal and uhhhhhhhh fuck drumpf and white people
give me replies I'm from resetera I PROMISE
>/pol/tards forced to be nostalgia faggots forever
how DARE you post on my board
That's the point though given that the other side is lead by Nines who grew up under the Great Depression, Anti-Vietnam Way Damsel and Pirate Jack that doesn't give a fuck about sides.
They're all the other side of the Prince and his desire for order. The rules that needs to be upheld and hierarchy.
Vampire politics follow human politics.
Because it's got at least one confirmed SJW on the writing team.
That's all it takes for a game to be impossible to talk about without being labelled a tranny apparently.
Why can' t you make your own vidya instead of using quotas to get hired and then slap your agenda on somebody else' s game?
Don't you know? Everything has to support my ideology and if it doesn't I have to shitpost everywhere.
Day-1 pirate. you lost resetera
>Just look at Apex Legends or Overwatch.
Apex is a flash in the pan whose developer was caught paying streamers to promote it - pathetic. Overwatch has been dead for over a year now (largely because of the incessant implementation of your care bear bullshit). Meanwhile, games like Stalker and Demon Souls are talked about reverently to this day. Congratulations. You can have whatever is left of the "AAA" industry.
Everyone needs to stop and take a look at what you're doing.
Have some respect for yourselves. Take a look at yourself from the second person and think. Are you proud of what you see? Just have some respect for yourself. Jesus.
This. The right only exist as a shield against the left.
>I love not being mentally ill. It's such a blessing having extreme political opinions
I love not being mentally ill. It's such a blessing to hear voices in my head and see the walls move
Lmao vampires are gay as fuck. What are you, late 2000s emo girls?
Is this a bot?
I never played nu-VTM, but the only thing leftish about old VTM was that it was faggy. But vampires, so that's expected.
(You) after actually reading the quotes in the articles I realized the headlines are inflammatory on purpose to get clicks.
>tfw I unironically post on leftypol and Yea Forums
communism will win, also morrowind is the best game ever made
The only successful Yea Forums bots are Barneyfag, Barneyfag, and Barneyfag. Everyone else is purely human, driven by autism.
And we will still be here to point out your degenerate behavior.
Isn't that the game where you join the radical leftist vampire organization to overthrow the vampire patriarchy?
Apex Legends was pretty successful
Discord shills, on both sides, ruined Yea Forums.
Literally, legitimately, actually, please, for the love of god KILL YOURSELVES.
>lol it's only because you grew up the modern left is the same as the old
>btw Mitsoda complaining about his old writing not being up to modern doctrinaire leftist snuff doesn't mean anything
Imagine being a /pol/tard who thinks he's relevant. You will not affect the hype for this in either direction.
This board is too far gone imo. I really want to find a decent place to talk about vidya but I don't think it exists. This hobby just attracts the lowest of the low it seems.
Pretty sure one of the original 3 troika guys that lead the development of VtM: Bloodlines was gay, I don't know which one of them though.
>this clunky, unplayable modding platform is the best game ever
What did he mean by this?
The writing team's second-in-command worked for RPS and has already come out and actively stated that she wants to make sure the game is both political and progressive. This, combined with the pronouns thing, has rightly got people to question the game's potential quality. Bear in mind that this bitch has problem glasses, warning hair, and wrote a choose your own sex adventure that included everything but heterosexual men. They've also said that they're moving away from the original portrayal of the Malks because it was "problematic".
You shouldn't fuck married men if you arent the one married to them... you make this sound like a really out there and not majority accepted opinion. Honestly it's kind of a weird pick for an SJW.
it really does bro
>Overwatch player base down by 40%
Ooopsie, doesn' t fit into your narrative now, does it?
I wish Brian had done that before he hired miss gets offended at pixels.
I don't have high hopes for this game. It's based on the new ruleset and "updated" setting, in which the first vampire power a new character learns, no fucking joke, is how to change their gender. New characters are thinbloods, and the 1-point ability in the new thinblood-restricted discipline is called "profane hieros gamos," which allows characters to change gender at will.
It's symptomatic of how the setting has changed. It used to be about players' struggle against the byzantine schemes of these ancient, impossibly evil monsters. But the millennial mind can't handle old, pale people being on top. Being a thinblood used to be a bad thing. They were weak, and represented a sign of the apocalypse. Now they can make up whatever new powers they want, are the most powerful generation, and the methuselahs are dying off due to stubbornness and ignorance. It's practically a DIE BOOMERS wish-fulfillment fantasy with none of the oppressive atmosphere that could generate existential horror.
>leftist propaganda
Cry less you irrelevant retard
they targeted heterosexual men
>customizable pronoun system
Seems like pretty obvious pandering but okay, not that big of a deal.
>Mitsoda went on about how 'orrible their representation of insanity was with the Malks and how they have to "punch up, not down".
If that means less fishmalk shit then that's not a issue. The shit about one of the writers being a big sjw is a bit concerning though, what exactly did she do in dishonored 2?
>The writing team's second-in-command worked for RPS and has already come out and actively stated that she wants to make sure the game is both political and progressive.
Thats very much a red flag though.
That's right. We own the industry top to bottom, /pol/ is a bunch of jobless incels thinking they matter.
We won, conservashits. Deal with it.
Idpol will win. You're just a useful idiot.
> to make sure the game is both political and progressive.
So like the original then.
You're thinking of Tim Cain and I don't think he had much to do with the creative side of VtM bloodlines although he did work on it but more notably the guy gave the world Fallout.
It's over, bro. Just play vidya and compartmentalize it.
He married twitter.com
yeah it's a shame more people can't be cool like you and just go along with the crowd
Yeah, that guy
The original portrayed and made light of all sides. There was no agenda pushing; its goal was observation as opposed to "representation".
Man /pol/ will literally never stop seething if they target Republicans even half as much as in Bloodlines 1, it's going to be glorious
Did the yang gang discord trannies shift their focus on Bloodlines 2?
Looks like these threads are being spammed by actual disgusting trannies.
>Apex is a flash in the pan whose developer was caught paying streamers to promote it - pathetic
Resetera always wins
More or less all of the known writers, and all of the stated changes they're putting emphasis on, is SJW shit like choosing your gender pronouns. They're even setting it in Seattle.
Most telling interview quotes so far:
“She also said that they’re trying to broaden Bloodlines 2 from the more masculine power fantasy of the original, so that it appeals to way more people this time.”
"We identified what we needed to do, things we really needed to improve. Obviously combat was one of the things from the first one that was really not very good. But also the tone of the game - it's 2019 now. We have to update the tone, we're not going to make a 2004 game in 2019, we're going to approach subjects a little differently and with a lot more research and respect than was done back then."
B-but I thought it was the leftist who where the snowflakes.
>Implying I don't want you to keep coping on this image board
It's really funny.
This is the first thread I've been in about this game since I heard of its announcement from a friend who talked with me about it on the phone.
Is this game even out to cause all this shitflinging? There has to be something here.
>gender pronouns mention before we even see gameplay
how can anyone not see this as a red flag already?
>everyone's an asshole but me
>i'm not part of the problem
>all of the stated changes they're putting emphasis on
You fucks are the only one putting emphasis on it. They were asked a specific question and they answered it. It wasn't something offered unprompted.
The really funny thing is the tranny suicide rate before 40.
THAT is comedy!
>There has to be something here.
Just the usual brand of USA gamer political sensibilities.
If you don't think that's relatable get ready to become a transexual my friend.
>40% of us kill ourselves
>And we still dominate the industry while you impotently screech about it
Feels so good
Remember what happened to Torment?
Ready to see it happen again?
I'll bite. You've got one reply to explain your logic here. If you fail you have to stop posting forever though. Fair?
>Pretending to be liberal for replies
>Pretending to be liberal to push people further right
At what point have we gone too far?
No, I literally forgot that game even existed.
stop being a nigger
Shouldn' t you discord trannies be producing some dank yang gang memes?
Oh wait a minute, that failed!
>There has to be something here.
Just the usual response to some ameriSJWs co-opting and destroying an old classic.
>which allows characters to change gender at will
Complete with bodily function and organs and shit? Are other characters able to see through that?
nice try resetera faggot. At least the trannies just flat out admit they're from resetera now.
until people actually talk about video games
Do you want them to finish the gameplay before working on the story and themes?
Retarded /pol/cel
It's rather telling that themes of existentialist dread and the futile struggles of man against nebulous forces of unfathomable power and the virtues, victories, and defeats found within that have been common in human story telling since at least the dawn of recorded history are being replaced by more options to display your exact sexual and gender preference while stomping out a father figure strawman and never being offended or challenged along the way.
then why has fascism effectively subverted America and is on the rise again :^)
The faggot is actually from resetera, it's not pretending.
>what's the gameplay gonna be like?
>we'll show you in a year ;^)
>are you gonna be like, super inclusive?
BASED ResetEra wins again.
It's gospel at this point.
If you see assholes everywhere you go chances are you're the asshole.
>leftist propaganda?
You trannies freaks are less than 1% of the population. Now 41% yourself.
I dont like them fucking with Malks. But the pronouns thing doesnt really bother me? It basically will just choose which audio track you get and isnt out of place in WoD either. Seems like an easy feature for them to implement.
/pol/ actually does not give a fuck. Falseflagging liberals that seethe that they cannot hurt Trump's presidency latch upon it and project their obessions on them
>sick and lonely
>mostly came for the Yea Forumstmb threads
>the threads suck now
>can't make offline friends with similar interests
>I dont like them fucking with Malks
If they don't make the Malk a fishmalk this time it will be one of the greatest improvements of the game
>shitter whining about metacrap in a shitposting thread about a game that has had ZERO information revealed about it outside of political horseshit
>hurr why can't I just discuss vidya I just don't understand
Fascist cheeto is out next year. ;^)
Maybe stop coming to Nazi websites to make friends if you don't like Nazi discussion
I don't particularly hate transsexuals or gay/black people. What political orientation am I?
How many /pol/fags here are aware you could make your character homosexual in 2004?
where should i go then
That's nice but I don't see assholes everywhere I go. I only see them in places that have to do with videogames aka the most juvenile pastime of the 21st century.
Sound logic on my part but not on yours. I expect you to honor our agreement and never post again.
Reddit, where you belong
Far right because you imply trans people aren't their actual gender, and have called african american's "black" people.
Enemy of the white race
>Original Vampire t M: B = Had politices, but nobody gave a shit and mentioned it
>New game (which isn't even out yet and we know nothing about) = Already has several thousand posts about politics
I really hate this timeline. The funny thing is the way people on Yea Forums "argue" nobody will change their opinions and views. Its basically the same thread over and over again with the same arguements and insults.
btw. In case you actually want to convince a person in the real world about your points of view at least make sure to accept/see theirs. Sadly, "convincing" and "winning" an argument don't really go together.
btww. I will never understand why people argue about politics on the internet. While you argue about female pronouns, the new female teacher and elementary school teachers are actual teaching children how to use these pronouns. Your entire "work" here is basically pointless as fuck hell.
Alt-right Fascist because you don't use the correct terminology.
>ZERO information revealed about it outside of political horseshit
That's just you being uninformed or willfully ignorant.
I want you to also never post again. Thanks in advance.
a LITERAL nazi because you post on the terrorist site know as 4channel
Jesus Christ
Is this that "gaslighting" I've heard so much about?
What was wrong with Malks in the first one?
The occasional funny moment between them making nebulous comments that hinted that they were getting glimpses of the truth under everything without them even realizing it themself from all the noise in their madness?
yes, just how there was no way he would have been elected. We will see each other at the execution field :^)
I recall a user saying something about how Tremere essentially fucked the world when they made themselves kindred.
This image misses the point
This one has nothing to do with the games and White Wolf getting their books cancelled already says a lot about state of WoD
How do you keep falling for it Yea Forums?
What do you expect people to talk about when the people making the game have done nothing but talk about their personal politics so far and showed a CGI trailer that essentially said nothing?
The article literally talks more about gameplay than the latter even though it's obvious the author cares more about the gender shit. If you think this somehow means the developers are deprioritizing gameplay, you're retarded.
>/pol/teens have literally fallen to complaining about "gaslighting"
And you wonder why people call you the right-wing SJWs
> I will never understand why people argue about politics on the internet
we must oppose fascism in all its forms, be it in the streets, on the beaches or on anonymous internet boards. Ignoring them before lead to the hate movement known as gamergate and the alt-right
It's almost like kids can break their public school indoctrination. whoa
>Original Vampire t M: B = Had politices
like what, a couple of optional dialog choices and damsel who was the butt of multiple jokes?
Why are resetera faggots repeating this when it shows they've never played the game?
nice reddit image by the way.
And then they leave school and get mocked by friends, lose job opportunities and face real society who don't buy into pronouns and learn the reality of things.
Hell I was indoctrinated into Soc Dem propaganda in school and most of my part of the country has switched to the nationalists since then.
leftist propaganda is my favorite propaganda. You aren't embarrassing yourself by being a deluded right winger, right?
You've never played VTMB you SJW faggot.
Another good game for leftists like us to enjoy. /pol/tardetties on suicide watch.
ResetEra is more your speed if you want to backseat mod and pretend to discuss the game while praising it's politics user.
this, but unironically
also, seek help, how many posts have you made here, like 25?
Yeah same tired shit. Heard it all before. All you faggots make the same posts on repeat forever.
Tiresome is all you've ever been.
I'm sick and tired of people saying that the first game was also political.
Right, the first game made references and occasional jabs at contemporary politics but that wasn't the point. That was only a side dish.
The main story had nothing to do with politics. It was more about the setting, the vampires, the clans, WoD.
What I fear is that the new game will fuck things up by putting the shitshow that is modern politics front and center.
Be honest, if you read this in an email in bloodlines 1 you would think its satire. Just play the new game through that same lens and you will enjoy it.
you will never make that a thing you vacant headed regressive twat.
just like resetera
What do you even like about VTM if you hate the "degenerate" parts?
Ventrue boardroom meetings?
Or did people just like the sluts with their tits hanging out?
>literally criticizing the sexual revolution and fucking around
You'd think /pol9k/ would love her
Somebody has to stand up if you fag lords don' t have the guts to do so.
Oh dear.
Sure I guess. Never been there, you clearly care more about it than me so I'll take your word for it.
I bet you're familiar with people not caring about you.
yeah, except I can understand e-mails in VtMB while being non-USian
this, I don't even
damn, there's almost 0 chance this will be good. SJWs ruin everything.
There's nothing to understand in that picture.
It's dribbling nonsense from someone who can't understand people can have different opinions.
Also, someone without a solid grasp of the English language even though it is their native tongue.
Hey resetera, 41%.
Wow Yea Forums is a fucking joke now. Politics in any media shouldn't you drive you into fucking hysterics.
You care more about it more than I do*
Doubt you actually didn't understand my post but here's some assistance anyway.
>that one WOD novel about gay vampires being imprisoned in gay vampire concentration camps in Chechnya that caused an international scandal and almost got the company Snackbared
Nothing good will come out of this game, just replay the first one.
>It's dribbling nonsense from someone who can't understand people can have different opinions.
>Jews pretending they're not white
One might say that stuff is still pretty much tongue in cheeck and trying to be edgy. In old WoD you had schizo oracles, evil catholics and BDSM mages, now you have a "heroic" Gay Bear Muslim who beats the shit out of anyone who disagrees with him and NSA Inquistion.
dude, really, get some help, you're faking tweets of literally whos right now
what are you doing with your life
What the fuck how do you even hear someone talking during a concert she sounds like a bitch to be around
>no why are people criticizing us SJWs it shouldn't be allowed
There's a difference between politicized dialogue that fits into the story in an organic and natural manner, and post-modern leftist propaganda that has no place in-universe being shoehorned into it.
There's a massive difference between the two, hence why nobody had any issues with the image you just posted, but why everyone is going to have a problem with the second game, except the people who are into the whole post-modern leftist propaganda talking points.
I'm so sorry that you have too low IQ to understand and appreciate the difference.
>smarter sex
I love women - the non-feminazi non-batshit kind, but holy fuck. This is yet another nail in the coffin and reason to stay as far away from this putrid turd as possible.
The signals are all there. You have been warned. This game is made by and for a certain demographic that doesn't even play video games.
>/pol/tard talking about IQ
Lmao, you can't do shit with incessant whining on the internet
We already passed, faggot!
Me ne frego
>yeah but that's differeeent
nice cope tard, can't wait to see you seethe hard once they make fun of the trump administration in an "organic and natural manner"
user, the dumbfuck here is only (You) since you can't tell fake texts apart from reality anymore
This is satire, right?
The former are all bad guys or people that just were around.
The latter is described unironically as The Good Guy And If You Don't Like It You're Part Of The Bad Guys And Cognitive Dissonance Is Met By Fists Also Copenhagen Danes Are Evil Whiteys. He also takes up like 1/5th of the book.
Not that Rudi matters as much considering the company nearly burned to the ground due to the Chechnya debacle.
leftists are incapable of satire, so no
I'm so sorry that you have too low IQ to understand and appreciate the potential difference.*
I'm sure a man as well versed into nuance and context as you most certainly are will understand why your reaction seems a tad bit unreasonable considering the state of all bloodlines 2 threads at the moment.
The entire post is just someone bitching that all men don't want to happily financially support whores while never speaking a negative word against them.
Great, now us based and redpilled folk can't enjoy morrowind.
Eh that pic was made up by the Codex precisely because Annie is the kind of retard who would post something like that.
Even they were fooled and she used to be a forum regular over there.
Low IQ.
>low IQ retard talking about IQ
lol SJW
>masculine power fantasy of the original
Pretty sure one of the interviews mentions they intend to show both sides or some shit.
For a discord tranny you got a very vile mouth.
Because its talking about customization.
This. Even women were happier during the 2000 and 90s
Yeah I reacted to that too.
Like what was the masculine power fantasy about it?
Being a scrub manipulated by everyone throughout the whole thing only getting minor restitution at the end by saying fuck off to everyone if you go for the unaffiliated end?
Just feels like they're playing madlibs with their jargon at this point.
He is married to a fat SJW feminazi who loves muslims, what did you expect?
I hope you guys will enjoy your new muslim gender neutral vampire clan
The combat in VTMB was bad?
>She also said that they’re trying to broaden Bloodlines 2 from the more masculine power fantasy of the original, so that it appeals to way more people this time.
I took that more to mean they'll have hot guys for gays/women to get off to while also having hot girls there for the guys/dykes to get off to.
Yeah, that's all i needed to read.
Why do they hate the whites so much? The world would be awful without us. Maybe they reached a status where they can't feel pleasure anymore? Even gods can be jealous
It is even quoted in the article. These articles are just written to create controversy and get clicks.
t. mentally ill tranny
the thing with you mentally ill subhumans is that at this point it's not even possible to tell apart what is made up and what's real anymore. your mental illness spilling over daily life, affecting normal human beings has reached critical mass that makes it impossible to distingush between what used to be hyperbole satire and actual ludicrous outlandish remarks and actions of freaks of anture like you.
you erased that line yourself.
The first one gave Malks the reputation of "haha so wacky random xd le meme" (as seen by a "le stop sign funny meme") instead of being an actual intellectual clan. Imagine Stephen Hawking talking about his theories who doesn't even know shit about science or is an actual retard is what Malks should be imo.
>what exactly has been said that makes it seem like this game is sjw?
It's alright for the most part.
I would only consider two to three parts of it bad: sewers, andrei's lair and xiao ming's temple and mostly because they were dungeons full of nothing but filler combat. (end ventrue dungeon gets a pass since it's the climax)
That is what broaden means. For some reason people are pronouncing the word as "re-place" instead and getting confused.
probably just merely the strip club, fucking jeanette, the pics of the girls, picking up chicks in bars and taking blood from hookers.
SJWs/feminists are really weird in thinking that anything that's sexy and may appeal to men = evil sexism power fantasy. Feminists are not smart or rational.
Joos can't stand other people being happy.
They did the same to the north african Berbers and almost every other time they got kicked out as well.
What the fuck are you saying, Trump got elected that must mean we are governed by literal fascists. (that's what the media told me!)
That's level design, not combat.
Guns shoot like they were supposed to, swords and claw combat was also okay and magic was easy to use as well.
>muh islamophobia
Literally the only reason why I want Islam to rule and see all these whales too scared to spend 5 minutes in the streets.
Also more taxes, you are so free now women!
please don't encourage retards on this board to harass a game developer's wife
Seething /pol/tards are so amusing to read. Keep it up.
I'll be sure to send some tweets her way
No, its because you are a worthless millennial who will take anything, even being ruled by a foreign people who hate you, only because its what doesn't requiere to get off your ass.
Slacktivists are scum.
>Not wanting /pol/tards spamming Brian Mitsoda's wife twitter with le ebin libcuck trolling so that she gets even more vocal about shitting on them
Let me guess: that Vianna has 4 kids and she is living on gibs
Why does Yea Forums hate game journalists and not trust them except when they try to paint a game as bring progressive? They did that with far cry 5 and then the game turned out to be nowhere near as political as people originally expected.
It certainly has room for improvement.
seething resetera tranny will kill himself in a month or 2.
Because "broaden the appeal" is game buzzword jargon for shit all over the stuff people liked in search of a new market.
Are you so new that you haven't heard that exact same spiel millions of times before?
Because i've heard it at least 40+ times since the early 2000s.
>muslims will murder trannies and homos
I won't help you. Enjoy your muslims
>ITT: /pol/ got BTFO so fucking hard they cannot cope anymore
Lmao blessed thread
The really funny thing is that the left are the REAL facists and without your constant interfering into our video game culture, a lot of us would' ve enjoyed a quiet life.
The toxic left created the right. There is nothing you can refute about this.
But just keep going. Keep your head high and use your whining and quotas to get into jobs you do not belong. You WILL be at the top and we all know what happens to the opressive abusive top when the revolution begins.
French revolution? Heads off.
American revolution? Heads off.
Civil revolution? Lefty/Commie/Tranny heads off.
Have fun. I will.
It really doesn't matter if they try to portray the characer as an anarchist fighting the good fight if everything he does is tyrannical.
Remember that The Beasts are supposed to be heroes in their own book and the soccer moms fighting to expose the stalker pedoes are the bad guys with lower integrity than 500 year old mass murdering vampire. That didn't go down so well and the V5 stuff isn't taken at face value either.
So true...... Us gentlesir gamers really are the most oppressed race on mankind. A rise up is inevitable.
>Why do they hate the whites so much?
In every civilization that grows large enough, a certain portion of the population is going to inhabit qualities which makes them parasitic, since it is one of the strategies which could be applied successfully in order to advance one's own groups self interests, The Jews happen to be the group that came to apply this strategy and those amongst them who didn't posess the genetic qualities that made them excel in the parasitic strategy were wiped out genetically, and so The Jews that remain today in 2019 are all the descendants of those who managed to successfully apply and follow the parasitic strategy.
I believe the answer to the Fermi Paradox may be that the parasitic people of each civilization, much like The Jews in our world, manage to gain economic and political control over enough of the planet during a critical enough time at some point, inevitably leading to the self-destruction of that planet either through destruction of the eco-system, nuclear war, genocide of the most productive/intelligent sub-race etc. .
Sounds more like retards are the problem.
based. more people need to use the left's own stupid bullshit against them. Trump should say he's a woman and therefore the first female president.
>This is satire, right?
Unfortunately not: unwinnable.com
Lmao Islam will destroy you
>every Vampire thread will be this from now on
She's a game developer herself.
Gypped me out of money for Storm of Zehir and Dead State to boot.
> Oh no art might reflect the views of its creators
You retards are hilarious, what ever happened to "make your own games"?
This, and only this.
The enemy are not SJWs, or nazis, it's millennials.
It's this generation if incompetent manchildren with no jobs who think they can save the world with internet shitposts and watching stupid superhero movies for 5 year olds.
It's these 10 year olds in the bodies of unhealthy 30 year olds who are smothering the world.
It's millennials who are such a generation of thin skinned pussies that they are fighting over which stuff should be censored.
It's millennials who think typing something on the internet is brave, just because they are lazy and want to jerk themselves off on how what they do matters, even though it doesn't.
Execute everyone born between 1985 and 1995 and you will have saved the world.
Millennials, in only 10 years, have caused more harm to western civilization than any terrorist band in the past 100 years.
These "idealists" are the enemy.
>IIT: yang gang tranny pushing it' s dilated flesh wound thread, because nobody else will
Lmao blessed thread
If you're a private individual who chooses to flaunt political views in public (not privately), then you are inviting all sorts of reactions that other human beings are capable of producing. Is this so hard to understand? You don't live in a fucking bubble, you live in a world filled with other people.
We are still waiting for them to do that instead of co-opting other games and trying to raise corpses to get people interested in their shit.
The problem is going to be what these faggots find hot.
>their views
If millennials want to make a game about their politics, then how come the main character in those games isn't a fatass who spends 10 hours a day glued to a screen typing shit on the internet?
>that image
Absolute madman
Bloodlines is Troika's game.
I don't see Troika making Bloodlines 2.
These people fascinates me, its like they are enjoying it. This has to be a mental illness or something. Maybe peace is driving them crazy?
This is not a true sequel to the fantastic VTM:B, it is made by a different dev and studio. They only got one writer from the original team and he is not the one running the show. It seems the devs are more focused about pushing modern political agendas, than actually making a great vampire game like the original game.
“It’s fifteen years later and things have changed,” Mitsoda said. “We have to be very sensitive about how we handle things like mental illness and that was a concern for us and for Paradox, in how we can make a mature story but if we do anything, we do our homework and make sure that we are punching up and not punching down.”
"The World of Darkness can be fraught at times. The original game traded in careless depictions of sex work and some tired writing about mental illnesses like disassociative identity disorder. You could play as a member of the mentally-addled but prophecy-gifted Malkavian clan, with altered dialogue that, while humorous, danced a fine line in terms of taste. There was even some racial stereotyping for good measure."
She also said that they’re" trying to broaden Bloodlines 2 from the more masculine power fantasy of the original, so that it appeals to way more people this time."
Cara Ellison wrote drivel about Hotline Miami 2. She stated she did not like the original game and that it had a lot of problematic issues. A person who should not be touching a sequel at all.
The game is being by Hardsuit Labs, who only been around since 2015 and created..uh..Blacklight.Seriously, how did a no name newish studio get this IP to work on?
This game is not made for the rabid fans of the original, it sounds like they are making some stupid agenda pushing fanfiction when they are supposed to be making a game about vampires and the only politics should be VAMPIRE POLITICS. The original WOD vampires do not give a shit about real world politics, that is beneath them. (Do not get me started on the trash on the new 5E).
That's the best part.
After whitey disappears into that long, cold dark, these "people" will be left with their pets, the kind that rapes little girls as a punishment for being raped and throws gays from a 7f building.
It's gonna be beautiful.
How am I supposed to build a Malk? AM I a stealth character or speech or ranged wtf?
>the absolute state of this post
>But only tumblrinas get triggered!
They are hiding the hot women in the game pretty well so far then.
Pretty much. Even if you try and just talk about the 1st game you know there's going to be someone shitposting about the nuGame no matter what.
>Maybe peace is driving them crazy?
Genetic trash is disposed of rather quickly in a natural society. But for some reason, rather productive and capable people who have control over our societies today, are choosing to enable an artificial situation by allowing these people to get away with their genetic deficiencies.
I'm neither a /pol/shitter because that's just yet another extremist view on the insanity spectrum, nor am I seething. You are projecting hard. But that's a given with freaks like you.
I will simply not buy the game and you will be dead way before you reach 40. Lmaoing@your life and god giving you a broken brain.
Dementation + Firearms works best. Dementation is pretty strong and can be used in dialogue too. You can do stealth, but they aren't built well for melee since their other Disciplines don't benefit melee and they're like glass cannons.
Why did you write up all of that when you haven't even seen anything from the game yet?
Just calm down and stop working yourself up over a video game that you imagined in your own head.
>Whenever you're depressed, sit, take a deep breath, close your eyes, relax and think of the Swedish Chef singing the Spider-Man theme
Fucking cringe. Why are Xoomers like that, anons?
Wasn't mitsoda the main writer behind bloodlines?
leftists get highs off of virtue signalling. they think they're heroes in their own stories. It's narcissism.
I'm going to play and enjoy this game lol, loved the first one. Hated cucked leftist shit but hopefully I'll be able to make """"""bad and evil"""""" choices in the game.
>who don't like that modern liberals are slightly more liberal than them
More like they don't like the fact that modern liberals are authoritarians, who wanna control how you think
>not wanting to fuck vamp mommy and suck on her milktanks
one writer isn't the entire dev team.
>The original game traded in careless depictions of sex work and some tired writing about mental illnesses like disassociative identity disorder.
It is, it's exactly that.
A human is an inherently violent being.
Humanity has grown for millions of years in a state of constant threat and violence.
These politics are nothing but our psychology in complete shock at peace time.
We are not meant to live peaceful lives.
We do not know how to.
Why do you think most of humanity now is on anti-depressants?
Why do we need constant medication to not go insane?
It's because we have nothing to fight for, no purpose.
War is inherently human, war is something that other animals don't do. When a tiger hunts, he's not at war, he's just trying to feed himself.
War is humanity at it's fullest.
>implying it won't be as neutered as dragon age Cisquisiton in terms of letting you be evil
That woman is brave. This is what needs to be done to stop transphobia.
I love it.
Whenever I speak to a leftist I always have this in mind and I get a fucking boner everytime.
Can you imagine this?
I don't know if it's going to happen in our lifetime or just shortly after but the fact that muslims are overbreeding leftists and these guys being totally oblivious to Islam – probably for being so ignorant in not having read the Quran – is amazing.
They welcome their own new masters and murderers.
They want to doom us all, then so be it.
Islam will make your wish happen. The religion of peace shall save us from the degeneracy of the leftists.
Imagine thinking this is true
He was one of five writers for the game.
Chad Moore, TJ Perillo, Jason D. Anderson and Leonard Boyarsky had an equal amount of writing in the game.
It's not like Planescape Torment where Avellone wrote 85% of it.
What the fuck is that file name?
>say this while celebrate that someone killed people for the lolz
Both /pol/ and lefties have tons of mental illness and do it for self reasons
Someone needs to nuke those two spectrucms already but sadly murrika is so STUPID that can only thing on binary
>believing in god
Seems like you are on yet another insanity spectrum ironically
is there a spoiler-free detailed rundown on the different ranks of different skills? like "at 4/5 stealth you can do this, at 5/5 stealth you can do *this*"? I'm talking about the first game btw
That dude with the melons taped to his chest?
no argument from the SJW
gfycat just gives random names like that
>Islam will make your wish happen.
It won't, you millennial subhumans are old and busted.
We are going to fix all the clusterfuck we've made, and when we are done, be glad we aren't actively lynching all you millennial activists on the streets for what you've done in the 2010s.
You start sperging out for no reason, you start fighting, and now you are both actively wanting to fill the west with muslims.
To be a millennial is to be an enemy of the west, it's to be a terrorist.
You didn't present one either fucko
>npc waddles up
>yo bro i'm trans hehe
>no option to say 'fuck off'
>can't attack them
>only agreeable dialogue choices
I can see it now
>They only got one writer from the original team and he is not the one running the show
He's the lead narrative designer.
I have no idea what your shitpost is trying to say. try again retard.
>someone needs to nuke those two spectrucms already but sadly murrika is so STUPID that can only thing on binary
>80% of the thread are twitter screencaps or arguing about said twitter screencap
Just fucking nuke this site already
That guy said leftists are authoritarians, which is true. Just because it triggered you doesn't mean it's not an argument.
The alt-right at literally just as retarded as pink-haired SJWs. We should throw all of these useless fucks in ovens.
>public school indoctrination
Okay gayboy.
>That guy said leftists are authoritarians, which is true. Just because it triggered you doesn't mean it's not an argument.
Making a statement devoid of anything to back it up isn't an argument you retard
> I don't understand licenses, but I am angry
So is your problem that the concept ownership over intellectual property is stopping you from making your own game?
But probably not, games without source material have attracted the exact same criticisms about the evil SJWs
What the FUCK is going on?
Original Vampire was fucking full of jabs at republicans, government, Bush and was anti-capitalist as fuck, Literally nothing changed from the first game.
What the FUCK are going about this time you niggers?
>no! kids MUST believe there are 100 genders!
kys resetera
Who else here from the reddit raid?
You losers outright want to repeal the first and second amendments. Feigning ignorance won't work, fascist.
this is now a Islam thread. Praise Allah
It was also full of jabs at everyone else too.
>Resetera faggot doesn't even realize he's as far away from being liberal as Mussolini
>/pol/tards in charge of actually playing vidya
God that reminds of if the scene in inquisition were that happens. All of your dialogue options are addressing the fact the tranny is trans, with the worst you can do being "Wait, You're..!" and no option to ignore it because you don't care or act disgusted, all so they can have your faggot party member go on about how they are real men.
I like to imagine you aren't this fucking retarded but hey what do I know
Show me an example of public school teachers telling kids that there are 100 different genders.
I will wait.
this triggers the bitter atheist tranny. I knew I would get a reply out of (You) just by naming god.
And we have no clue if this game will do the same or not, you're just jumping to conclusions.
It just goes to show that incels got tricked into a political ideology based on their alienation. Russians preyed on these poor incels' fear of blacks and hatred of women and now they wear it like some badge of honor.
Incels/alt-right losers are literally the Joker on repeat: "Do you know how I got these scars?"
Again the SJW has no argument. Just kill yourself.
I think the worst that can happen are vampires not being monsters and the dialogue being stiffled by newspeak. There are ways to handle political themes so that they mesh well with the fiction but just making it about defending about the illegals and opposing guns makes no sense. Vampires want a large transient population so that they can feed without risks and they don't give a rats ass about guns.
cringe but holdenpilled
Vacuous claims don't require legitimate responses you clown
The SWEET SWEET JOY I get knowing that these stupid empty-headed brainwashed liberal women will submit and go down. Stupid cows believing they love everyone in the world and the world should love them. That perfume, that fragrance of knowing what's coming to them is ecstatic.
I get high reading these cunts.
I orgasm to their delusions about minorities, muslims, blacks etc.
I cannot wait for the day of reckoning.
For finally, they will embrace the final taste of defeat. Crushed and vanquished for eternity.
This whole "feminism" trend was a whole social experience that was bound to be a parenthesis in human civilization. And soon the natural order will come back at full force.
inb4 reeeeeee centrist replies
We do, since we have seen the people working on it.
Troika should have spent more time actually finishing the game rather than using it as a vehicle to spread their propaganda.
RIPiss Troika.
You were a shitty company and deserved your fate.
Nice blogpost faggot nobody cares.
>haha im so nihilistic pickle riiiick
Get a load of this guy.
Yes, "make your own games" just like "make your own comic books" which also came about because talent-less idelogue spouting far left candy bars started co-opting characters they didn't create just to spew their diatribe.
They should take their own advice, and have games that stand on their own merit. Instead of taking something that isn't theirs and slapping a sequel on to it.
user I agree with you that it's always been political, but people are worried it will be thrown in their face with no option to disagree or tell the NPCs to eat lead
must suck living in perpetual opposite day.
You sure are butthurt over more and more people hating the left's fascism. Maybe work on not being nazis who whine about free speech and want to ban guns.
They will also do the most degrading shit ever while spewing this stuff, it's great.
Nothing like pissing on them after plowing them with no care to how they are feeling, while they are projecting this defensive identity.
trannies exist = trannies are objecively bio-women
this is your brain on retardera juice
>Why does Yea Forums hate game journalists and not trust them except when they try to paint a game as bring progressive?
Unfortunately a "game journalist" is one of three main writers for this game, responsible for most sidequests.
>mfw incels are so easily manipulated into breaking the rules and getting themselves banned
>mfw incels consider an image board with a "no racism outside of Yea Forums" rule as an alt-right safe space
Absolute lmao
>B-but mom the LEFTISTS are the actual nazis *snorts*
>samefagging SJW still has zero argument
And yet you haven't seen the game itself. Until that comes out we won't know for sure if this game will be shitting on just one side or both, you can make a guess that it will based on the writers but you are again jumping to conclusions.
Feels good to be on the winning side. To play a fun video game about vampires while /pol/tards seethe at it non-stop.
>SJW NPC still has no argument
B-but mom BAN FREEZE PEACH make all da guns go away
That is what I thought.
Can't find an actual real world example because that shit doesn't happen. Teachers aren't oblivious to society dumbass, they are not going to risk pissing off half of their classes parents by teaching something so politically charged. At most they will do a 10 minute segment during Sex Ed in High School.
>mfw conservatards are so assblasted about not living in a coddled safespace in all media consumption that they have to bitch and moan on the internet
Imagine unironically liking vampire-shit.
Did you also like Twilight, faggot?
Back to 2010 with you, you gay fag lmao.
imagine cutting off your healthy organs
you do realize the IP counter doesn't go up showing you're a mentally ill samefag
Ah yes the *shuffles cards* NPC meme. This retard totally got me!!
why is every lefty meme always just "no u"?
That just means I posted in this thread before. So have you. Does that make you a samefag? Seethe more, /pol/cuck.
>freeze peach
Is it a millennial thing to talk like 5 year olds or some shit?
Can you pretend to be adults for once in your empty lives that revolve around media consumption?
I mean technically Mage was basically always ambiguous. Yes, the main villain was a bunch of greedy fucks hellbent on controlling mankind and whatnot to control reality using stuff like capitalism and whatnot, but then you realize that the Technocracy also was portrayed as by far the most sympathetic antag faction in World of Darkness, and the Traditions opposing them were frequently thrown under the lens as not quite as heroic as one might think, despite everything. So yeah, Mage doesn't exactly take a clear stance, since it tried to see the good and bad on both viewpoints.
That doesn't answer the question. Yea Forums distrust game journalists all the time except when it comes to political shit.
Trump had to send an executive order to protect freedom of speech in campuses (which consider themselves liberal)
Keep denying reality
This NPC is short circuiting. It hates the right to bear arms and free speech...but also says it's not against the right to bear arms and not against free speech.
Yeah and as we all know buying something from it's creator means that you made it in the first place.
Was Troika the first known case of GET WOKE GO BROKE?
Millennials are inherently manchildren, yes.
Even more if they are activists, because a modern activist is just an insecure manchild trying his hardest to look like an adult.
Friendly reminder
Nah i agree with you that both spectrums are mentally ill and im not a tranny.
But the religious are also mentally weak.
Good thing Trump will never send an executive order to stop us from oppressing you white male right-wingers in video games :^)
Why are you posting a image of the Oh yeah yeah yeah guy?
Work on your mental health or you'll be part of the 41% in no time.
Never forget, little nazis: This series has never welcomed you.
Dilated flesh wound trannys got laid off from spamming stale yang gang memes.
Now they were directed to do this.
Free speech isn't going away you fucking mongoloid
I know conservatives love to repeat shit that isn't true because it makes other retard conservatives make it feel true, but you are a fucking moron
How do we stop the millennial menace?
The religious created the sistine chapel.
What has atheism created?
>But the pronouns thing doesnt really bother me?
Why are you asking me how you feel?
Literally already a law on the books, kiddo.
this is from the newer editions.
It's already starting in the UK: twitter.com
Good riddance.
Simple: we draft them.
War will either turn them into respetable people, or it will kill them.
I would prefer if they died since they have been a cancerous growth on humanity for a very long time, but hey, if they actually survive it means they were something worthy.
War always straightens people up.
Even if I kill myself, the 60% (or is it 59%?) will continue oppressing you and there's nothing you can do about it. Bloodlines is yet another conquest of ours in a long line of them. It's far from being the first and it's even farther from being the last.
The revenge is near.
It does not matter what we do.
The future of females in the West is over. Literally over and/or bleak.
Either they submit to Islam and invaders, and so they abandon feminism completely as a result and bear muslim children and forced to become the property of men.
Or, the sexual revolution will now benefit men with sexual robots and pods to reproduce meaning that females will become absolutely USELESS to men.
If women aren't needed to reproduce and for sexual pleasure. Evolutionary speaking, they become archaic objects. Now only belonging in the past.
It's done. we live in the last generation of roasties hahahaha.
>Free speech isn't going away you fucking mongoloid
yeah because people who hate you fascist leftists are making sure of it. You faggots want guns banned and free speech banned. Free speech is actually a controversial topic in colleges now due to you retards.
t. someone whose never played Bloodlines.
Contrary to the expectations ResetEra has given you from a few cherrypicked screenshots the number of Bush-era GOP jabs in the game can be counted on one hand and the number of "anti-capitalist" themes are non-existent if you don't count the walking parody that is Damsel.
Incidentally the game also features conspiracy theories, hookers being used as disease vectors and ebonics spouting gun-dealer street niggas.
> brb let me attack the point nobody's making
Way to address the point, man
Saying those things over and over don't make them true user. Are you mentally ill?
but they will end up in the 41% eventually
They actually are mentally ill.
No piece of modern media has welcomed nazis though, its not like they aren't used to it
Are you still pretending leftists aren't against the first and second amendments? Why bother? Or are you just baiting?
>All 100% will be part of 41%
/pol/tards are as bad at statistics as they are at stopping us from taking hold of the gaming industry LMFAO
>Free speech isn't going away you fucking mongoloid
The argument was that modern "liberals" oppose it
which they do
It's not cringe, he's right, we're naturally inclined to violence and dominance, it's why we like games so much. It's also why women barely understand games with involved combat or disdain violence in videogames because they lack the testosterone and genes activated by those masculine chemicals, and instead seek to destroy violence in the most passive way they can because they do not understand it.
It's fucking retarded, try talking to a puritan mom about how violence has always been a part of human culture an be prepared for the dumbest conversation of your life.
you mean killing the gaming "industry"
These threads are great to contain the schizo discord trannies, keep them comming kek
oh nonononononono
Are you mentally ill user? Continually saying those things doesn't make it true.
It already doesn't protect all speech you fucking retard. Are you a high schooler?
Are you claiming every single tranny at the time of the study can never ever suicide after the study?
Correct. We're killing the gaming industry from making games that interest you. With every new step we make, we take control of more franchises and keep taking a bigger and bigger percentage of games that side with us. We are unbeatable. All you can do about it is to impotently cry on 4channel while I harvest the salt.
oWoD also included stereotypes about thieving gypsies, scummy egyptian street merchants, handsy incestual necrophilic wogs, inhuman transsexual monster rapists etc etc.
It was 90s edge, not 2010s "woke" jargon-spouting.
You must be jewish.
Disgusting heathen
how the hell does that even help? they're so focused on fags they're smearing countries with them.
>no, don't talk about politics in video games even though the developers keep talking about how they're going to be putting politics in video games
>"She also said that they’re trying to broaden Bloodlines 2 from the more masculine power fantasy of the original, so that it appeals to way more people this time." - Cara Ellison, senior writer.
>“It’s fifteen years later and things have changed,” Mitsoda said. “We have to be very sensitive about how we handle things like mental illness and that was a concern for us and for Paradox, in how we can make a mature story but if we do anything, we do our homework and make sure that we are punching up and not punching down.”
Kiss your cute vampire grills goodbye, its tranny time. Wanting attractive characters is basically rape after all :/
They really can't help but inject real world bullshit instead of just vampire politics that never concerned humans
>It already doesn't protect all speech you fucking retard. Are you a high schooler?
Oh look, now the argument is "there never was a 1st amendment in the first place"
What salt?
You spent the last 2 hours repeating the same nonsense like a 5 year old kid. Go outside and smell the air. Your brain needs it.
inciting violence should not and is not be protected by free speech
if you rule that it is, then suddenly hiring an assassin is protected by free speech, or organizing a lynch mob
Guess what group did you invite to your homes in masse that hate your guts.
Conservative snowflakes sperging out never gets old lmao
>What salt?
The salt you're providing me with right now.
>muh samefag
lmfao, exactly what I'm talking about
Bloodlines 2 is a made made by us for us. You are no longer the target audience. Gaming has evolved past you.
That's from V5 and the writers were fired by Paradox for offending Chechnyan muslims and NGO homos.
>It already doesn't protect all speech you fucking retard
It protects everything but libel and threats of violence. At least you're finally admitting you're against free speech and the right to bear arms though.
Protip: not everyone is a mentally ill leftist fascist like you that thnks people deserve to go to jail for teaching a pug to do a nazi salute, or "misgendering" some mentally ill tranny who identifies as an slimesexual otherkin cosmic horror.
>Ineffective ninja.
is that a leftist trying to do modern art with memes or what?
Thats your counter argument? Why do you project so hard ?
Protip: not everyone is a delusiona righty retard that thinks the white race is currently experiencing a genocide, or that the west is falling
Because the "left" aren't allowed to make jokes that don't slander the right or the "right", because that might offend somebody and your status is descerned by how hard you felate the ideals of the movement or whatever the fuck they are. So since it inherently requires you to be more and more inclusive and treat any slight dissent as an attack well you can't very well make jokes because people will find that offensive to them.
fascism is incompatible with comedy
just like trannies killing themselves
This game was being made at the same time V5 was
>shittalking Fat Larry
Go fuck yourself /pol/tard. He's great
>inciting violence should not and is not be protected by free speech
Nobody said otherwise, yet it's mostly Antifa that burns free speech signs, while inciting violence
free speech is already gone, freedom of speech has been privatized with the notion that "freedom of speech doens't equal freedom of consequences" when in fact that's exactly what it means outside of very specific situations outlined in our constitution. You helped do that with tmbblr, twitter, and all social media platforms by the way.
I can't buy that. Sometimes I go to /pol/ just to "trigger them with facts and logic" but I never stay for too long because I don't enjoy talking with those morons and I think discord resetera trannies would feel the same way on Yea Forums
lmaoing@your life mentally ill brainlet. you didn't even adress and try to refute any of the points he raised in his post
What makes you think I don't love him?
He's politically incorrect as all hell.
and he wouldn't be in VTMB2 because he's a offensive stereotype to all those WOKE people
jesus christ you people are so pathetic and delusional. i almost feel sorry for your sad existence
Posting dumb strawman just makes you look like even more of a retard. You faggots oppose free speech and the right to bear arms, which make you authoritarian. You yourself even think "offensive" speech shouldn't be protected, which makes you against free speech. You fascists deserve the rope.
maybe a mild cringe
I think it's more of an autism
What's going on in this webm.
As long as the government isn't interfering you have nothign to worry about :) Does the marketplace of ideas curbstomping your conservative shitstains hurt a little?
What a fucking mild statement to get mad about.
> "society has changed, and we'd like our game to appeal to more people"
> fucking roasties coming to steal our vidya REEEEEE
Maybe if such lukewarm takes as 'time has passed' didn't get you retards riled up, devs would be happy with you as their audience
you being a retard makes you look like a retard
keep being delusional and posting on an anime image board you stupid faggot. nobody cares about you and nobody ever will.
>and ebonics spouting gun-dealer street niggas.
That sentence.
They always say they're "going to cover both sides". It means nothing.
>You faggots oppose free speech and the right to bear arms, which make you authoritarian.
Imagine posting this over and over and over again like a little autistic child who lacks any sense of nuance. I know conservatives don't understand nuance at all but thats to be expected when you guys are generally so poorly educated
>> "society has changed, and we'd like our game to appeal to more people"
The change only occurred in a few western countries that are already collapsing.
Even there a lot of people still disagree with it.
>Get BTFO so hard you have to damage control with disinfo
Nice try, nazis, but this is post paradox.
>leftist propaganda
respecting people and their diversity is now leftist? geez you sure fucked up things for yourself, rightist.
>99% of the alt right are pro gay marriage and anti-Christians
ok bud
Can't you see?
It's a guy killing another.
>Hate speech isn't free speech
I've have heard this so many times from the left
More non arguments from the mentally ill fascist. Don't be surprised that more and more countries have rising right wing beliefs, it's just the natural reaction to opposing fascism.
Imagine getting so triggered by people allowed to call a tranny a tranny or a black person a nigger that you become fascist lol.
>Implying /pol/ aka reddit actually plays video games
it is
racial diversity is fucking cancer
trannies are mentally ill faggots
jews will be gassed
and you will be dabbed on
You're such a newfag it's not even funny.
Broaden the appeal is buzzword slang for "we're making a new game using your old IP, suck it".
It's what they said about Thi4f, Fallout 3, Dragon Age 2 etc.
It's such an old trick it's a fucking cliché at this point, how can you go on Yea Forums and not know this already?
you mean the site you came from and want to turn Yea Forums into a similar leftist safespace?
>Maybe if such lukewarm takes as 'time has passed' didn't get you retards riled up, devs would be happy with you as their audience
I'm the customer, the more real world shit you put in my escapism, I'm not going to buy your game.
> the left are oversensitive and have to neuter themselves not to offend anyone
> meanwhile this thread exists because some leftists are involved in a videogame
You're laying the irony on pretty thick, user
Paradox still owns WW and they practically dismantled the company after the Chechnya incident.
>Imagine getting so triggered by people allowed to call a tranny a tranny or a black person a nigger that you become fascist lol.
I hope you get help friend, I'm sorry you grew up in such a poor household but i know you can break out of your conservative brainwashing and learn how to actually view the world a little more intelligently
May you find peace from whatever pains you :)
What makes you think ebonics spouting gun-dealer street niggas aren't great?
It's one of the few examples of realism I really like.
>back then
>either a short quip or just a trait of the character that has no bearing on its personality as a whole and is just a minor detail
Spouting is not exactly a word you ever see anyone use with a positive connotation.
>the brainwashing is real