Why people complain about new FFXIV expack?
Everything about it looks great
>Awesome cinematic
>fat cats
>two new races
>new utility class
>cool world to explore
>Zenos will be still around
Feels like I'm the only one who happy about it
Why people complain about new FFXIV expack?
Other urls found in this thread:
>>two new races
You mean 2 halves of new races
No, I'm with you. Content will most likely be fun if not particularly different, and the most important parts (job design) will only be revealed in May. Still funny to watch fags seething though.
Stop making generals on Yea Forums, you have a general on /vg/ and /trash/.
And no, endlessly whining about races is not talking about the game.
Go tell that to the 12 Sekiro threads
As long as we don't get another monumental waste of time and resources like Eureka, I don't really care what they do.
I swear we better not be hoping back and forth between the shard and the main world, we're going in straight. Straight line, cohesion, one setting one mood i'm watching you SHB.
The worlds' got me interested, I just hope they actually put some effort into fixing some of these jobs.
That's two more halves than they were obligated to give you. FFXI has literally never added a single new playable race and it's closing in on 20 years. WoW has only added 3 new classes in 15 years.
Cry some more.
>two new races
lol also
>no new healers
no OP, not everything about it looks "great"
>>Zenos will be still around
Inb4 zenos gets cucked by MC next patch or after as seen in the trailer
Here comes the Yea Forums police.
Who honestly cares about the state of some image board
This is a 40 years old Japanese MILF that cleared all Savage and Eureka content and is probably voicing the Miqo'te you're playing. Say something nice about her.
Boy do I have bad news for you.
I'm still here you know i'm going to defend it.
>wanting another healer
Spamming 111111111 is not fun.
I'm not crying, I'm advising him to amend his statement to be more accurate
Genderlock is one thing, locking visible headgear for the new races is a new kind of lazyness.
Why are you using it then?
No point in having a 4th healer if they can't even balance the 3 we have.
As much as I was disappointed with DNC not being healer, I can see why they chose to go Ranged DPS.
Amazing how Yea Forums, the place that bitches about this game more than anywhere else, suddenly slurps down Yoshi's infected cum like it's vanilla milkshake as soon as he makes a choice that pisses other people off.
Everyone just hides their helmets or glamours over them anyway. Only cringey edgelords use visible helmets, always on DRK, always dyed black.
You haven't been here for very long then.
Because it's the only place where discussion isn't stagnated by real life social norms.
Have fun writing "Fuck viera niggas" anywhere else.
I hated clipping so for me its good
Mch glasses was the only not shit tier head for aura and cats
>Only real complaint Japanese playerbase has is no new healer and they're civilly expressing their disappointment, otherwise they loved everything else about it (Most actually think the Ronso are funny).
>A tiny but vocal part of the western playerbase are full on SEXIST RACIST HOMOPHOBIC meltdown mode over a gender of a race in a video game, retardation bleeding over into other discussion
So yes, the Japanese are concerned about a gameplay aspect in a VIDEO GAME and westerners are arguing over a cosmetic race in a VIDEO GAME
Yeah but I don't like the people he's pissing off. The sooner they stop playing, the sooner Balmung stops being a shithole full of ERPing faggots.
Give it to me straight user, I can take it.
It's not all headgear, it's just anything that covers the face, not that this makes it much better
I think the frenzy around male viera is pretty funny. Is there a word for a completely fabricated mob of outrage that'll get blown over in a month?
Only headgear that covers the head won’t show. This is probably the reason why we’ve been getting so many shitty circlets lately.
This should surprise absolutely nobody that has been following the game for any amount of time. Japan plays it, West just uses it as a vehicle for degenerate RP.
Just play WHM lmao.
You forgot
>less degenerates because they are too salty to play
Gonna be great 2 years
Zenos is a garbage villain!
I hope all those trannies and homosexuals who said they will unsub because they can't play as a male viera dancer keep their word.
>all the gays and trannies quit because of no male Viera/new healer
Dont need you fag healers anymore thanks to the Trust system
Kinda like americlaps saying they'll leave the country if Trump gets elected? Don't count on it.
There are many headpieces other than helmets.
If you're into dressing up your doll you're going to finds a headpiece you like at one point so it's a shame for these people.
So with the generic name of "Throwing Weapons" instead of something like "Chakrams", I hope that means Dancer has a bunch of different weapons like daggers, boomerangs, whatever, and not just variants of circle blades.
Kek i didnt know this was a thing
Dont mix up adding races to classes, WoW doesnt really need new classes the devs are already busting their asses over 12 classes with at least 3 specs each which makes it about 36 playstyles they got to balance and they do a shitty job at it.
It's just simply, "fake".
Though I am disappointed in no Male Viera or Female Hrothgar, though I say as much as as a fan of the series who just wanted to see the Male Viera since XII was announced. One of the biggest mysteries of the franchise that continues to be unanswered.
They're not people
Why do you think they waited till Tokyo to announce it
Within 30 seconds of the expansion download being up someone will have made a shuriken mod and a weeb fan mod.
Fans would be ideal but im not holding my breath
I'm exactly in JP's boat. I won't play Hrothgar but I think they look hilarious, and I'm a little disappointed that there's no new healer, but I prefer DNC as physical ranged DPS and I'd rather they reworked current healers before adding another healer. SB didn't have a new healer but the new skills for AST were great and kept me invested in maining it for another expansion.
The flood of shitposting locks down the very exchange of information, discussion doesn't happen anyway. The pipes are clogged with attempts at jokes for laughs and screencaps.
The major was right and we're right in it, right here on Yea Forums.
They said that's why they said throwing weapons, because they don't want to have to make every DNC weapon a circle
I want to fuck her while she wears that sadu cosplay
Actually fucking lmaoing @ the trannies and faggots so angry about Ronso. Its fantastic.
Making Dancer as slashing based physical ranged DPS is a far more disruptive change to the static meta and an actually elegant solution to fixing the issues spawned by physical resistance synergy without having to simplify class synergy even more by removing it.
We got a new tank because having 4 tanks allow them to pivot tank design into have pairs of MT and OT specialists instead of just making DRK mediocre at both.
A 4th Healer would add barely be able to change anything in the game's current state and both Healer and Physical Ranged DPS have gone 4 years without a new addition but Physical Ranged was the only class role that didn't have at least 3 to pick from.
I'm so sick of hearing entitled little healsluts whine about not having a cool new toy to play with as if we're not getting at least a WHM rework to deal with.
That is literally why they went with "throwing weapons". They knew Chakrams would run out of ideas pretty fast. Only so many ways you can make a circular blade
>It thinks this is even remotely new to Yea Forums or even Yea Forums as a whole
Return to Reddit faggot
Shitpost has our backs.
Eureka style content has been confirmed for SHB.
Let's hope they get the relic out of that shit, i sure hope so. I'll grind for items i can sell, not for relics i don't want.
>WoW doesnt really need new classes
Yeah and FFXIV doesn't need any new fucking healers either.
We have WHM. a direct heal and regen healer. We have SCH. a shielder. And we have AST, the job which can do either and was designed to literally replace one of them WHM.
There's nothing left for a new healer to do. The bases are covered and overlapped. Short of a complete remake of one or all of these jobs, the healer meta is probably not changing. Like, at all.
>No new job info and no actual game discussion until May
>as a trans asesual demiboy I feel personally attacked
>A 4th Healer would* barely be able to change anything in the game's current state.
Fuck me that's what I write when I haven't had my coffee yet. Either way any healer actually complaining without realizing the objective benefit of finally being able to free DPS slots because of the freedom of not taking a shit-ass DRG are almost as bad as the fags still whining about the lack of twink bunny boys.
Your reminder that since the Relic was tied to Eureka, any and all SB content besides Eureka is dead come July 2nd
I would bet not a single one of these fags complaining on the OF will actually quit over this
There's literally visible headgear in the Dancer video you disinfo spreading cunt
So how's your FC holding up?
Absolutely nobody in mine gave a shit about no bunnyboi, only few memesters said they're fantasiaing to gay bara lion ASAP and that's pretty much it.
He's not entirely wrong, there are some head pieces that won't be shown on the new races, mostly just things that cover the face
This can't be real
>Let's hope they get the relic out of that shit, i sure hope so. I'll grind for items i can sell, not for relics i don't want.
I agree with you there.
>We have SCH. a shielder.
Smooth brain stuck hopelessly in ARR: "SCH is a shield healer!"
Me, enlightened cutting edge raider: "SCH is an OGCD healer!"
>AST, the job which can do either
Dumb shit never doing content: "AST is versatile!"
Me, a man of practical application: "SCH is just as versatile as AST and Noct is badly designed!"
All you need to do Eureka is a group of 8 players. It scales remarkably well in there.
My FC's been dead since BLU came out, but I imagine they'd be pissed about no bunny boys
The catboy homos in mine weren't pleased with lion men.
trannies are still playing the game retard, cope harder
I know, it was a joke you autist
No one cares in mine.
Fatty thought that fem hyrothgar would be fat?
They should make another healer with a pet but instead of the pet doing most of the healing like SCH it does most of the job's dps. This would be perfect for the idiots who insist on not dealing any damage as a healer.
From what we know from a more accurate translation, Viera and Hrothgar can only wear hats, caps and hair ornaments, and their ears will clip through.
No full helmets, and nothing that goes on the face like masks, visors or glasses, at least not at launch.
>No full helmets, and nothing that goes on the face like masks, visors or glasses, at least not at launch.
That's really funny because there's a quest early on in Gridania that requires you to wear a mask.
Why would you want to enable those shitters even more?
>run my own FC
>don't recruit lala's
>don't recruit catboys
>the one tranny that did sneak in was promptly kicked for not "fitting in"
Surprise surprise, nobody got upset over the whole race and job announcement.
Jesus Christ thanks for agreeing with me i swear everytime i mention Eureka i get told to hang myself because i'm not part of the hatetrain against it.
Everyone seems pretty chilled out about it all. They thought Dancer would be a healer but they're not complaining that it isn't. I think I'm in a strange FC though as no one was going to go rabbit, although 1/2 are going Ronso.
>gay bara lion
How dare you disrespect this man
Im the only one in my FC. It's good
It doesn't really work under the current design paradigm since even in the hardest content in the game, healers can spend 90% of their time DPSing but you still have to design them around the lowest common denominator,
Adding a new healer is only meaningful if they completely change how encounters and healers are designed to interact.
They wont all run off. No retard thinks this. But it will thin the herd as seen here
Viera/Hrothgar character will still equip the mask, but not visually wear it.
Purisu andasutando.
>the objective benefit of finally being able to free DPS slots because of the freedom of not taking a shit-ass DRG
Why would a healer give a shit about DRG?
And why would anyone but fflogs trannies care about that shit, anyways.
Just make chemist already
The 'outrage' is being manufactured by a very small group of people. Probably Blizzard shills, honestly.
>a month
Try a week or two
Apprantly no bunnyboys is homophobic and the Viera being slim is sexist
I doubt it's shills, it's just "current year"-shouting onions golems
>Is there a word for a completely fabricated mob of outrage that'll get blown over in a month?
nah you got it wrong
SCH = I never want to heal and just do damage, What you expect me to shield that aoe when its not a aoe that one shots us at full hp? OTHER HEALER ADJUST
AST = My main appeal is my cards, everything else is just filler. I am the buff bitch.
WHM= I can potentially do the most damage at of all the healers but im constantly put in 100% uptime heal slut duty
BASED Yoshi, absolutely genius move to make trannies and gays quit the game by making all the new content low-effort half-finished trash. Truly brilliant to reskin roes, make them uglier and remove their ability to wear helmets in the process, that oughta make those fucking trannies seethe! Hahah are you trannies SEEETHING that they added the most faggot job ever to the game? Can't wait to play my male dancer DPS because I'm definitely not fucking gay like you butthurt trannies LMAO! Genius to have 6 years between new healer jobs, where do they get these great ideas? Fucking BAASED that the new hub is literally reused assets from a 2005 tech demo. I LOVE that the expansion that was teased as the Garlemald expac actually has barely anything to do with Garlemald. It was BASED how Stormblood split its story between two locations and plotlines, glad to see that's happening again!
Mostly I absolutely cannot WAIT for everyone who likes this game to stop playing it so I can enjoy whining about how the game is shit and there's nothing to do in peace
Come on and give me those asshurt t. trannies (You)s then you predictable faggots. Pretend that you have a single sincere opinion in your entire miserable life.
>WHM= I can potentially do the most damage at of all the healers
Yep you don't actually play this game.
>WHM= I can potentially do the most damage at of all the healers but im constantly NOT IN THE FUCKING GROUP because parse bitches want SCH/AST
>t. tranny
I can't wait to be the only catgirl dancer that isn't dressed like a slut
don't forget your dilation at 1pm
>WHM= I can potentially do the most damage at of all the healers but im constantly put in 100% uptime heal slut duty
>gays quit
most gays are furfags though, why would they quit?
Actually whm are the mostly the only healers who dps constantly, I guess throwing stones is fun
>Can't wait to play my male dancer DPS
I am literally considering making a fem character just so playing dnc won't be gay.
Shields suck and you should be grateful I'm pressing Indom at all
Bitch gays love the big bulky beast men
>WHM= Cure III is literally the only thing I have over AST.
There's probably some of that, but I don't think those people saying SE are "Homophobic" for not liking male rabbits are shilling or trolling. Some people really are mentally ill.
Not according to all the angry fags I've seen
I dislike it precisely because relics and gear are locked behind it but I don't hate it. I can see it having potential, but even I understand that without having Relics tied to it to draw people in, its likely going to fail. They tried that with Diadem and it was dead within a month.
I personally just dislike it because as a raidfag, it seems like pointless busy work to slog through 4 versions of eureka only to end up with inferior gear. (I know some of it is considered BiS with its 5 materia slots, but its all going to be useless in 4 months so like most things, I'm doing it just for the glamours)
needed to crank out a shitpost while waiting in your dilation station, tranny?
Free fantasia with expack though
They've been persecuted their whole lives, don't you understand? Yesterday their dad made them take out the trash, can you believe that? The patriarchy must be smashed.
>limited in time event
>rewards will be easily obtainable
Cars. Flying cars everywhere.
>furfags == gays
some furry posters sperging they cant play bunbois
lore friendly btw
No there isn't.
Ill believe it when I see it. No way Yoshi will drop a FREE four player mount without a catch.
>.t WHM
Maybe spend some time learning how your counterparts actually play and you'll have a better understanding why WHM feels redundant.
A good scholar will always be outputting the majority of the HPS while spending the least amount of GCDs to do it while an Astro's oGCD kit is just flat out superior to WHM's, can do similar DPS to a SCH now because Malefic bypasses animation lock between casts while also contributing substantial rDPS.
Are there weapons?
I'm more concerned about noctis' gay ass outfit. I'd rather have ignis' gay ass outfit.
The catch is that it's a limited time event and they want people to keep their subscription up in April and May.
Not only gender locked races rock, they should be the standard, first of all, makes trannies fucking seethe like you, and second, it adds to the diversity of the game, instead of adding two genders of a race you might not like whatsoever.
The catch is that it's only free for the 1 month the event is active, and that month is in the deadest lull in the game's content cycle, the time immediately before the next expansion drops. People will resubscribe to get the items and go "well it's only 2 months to shadowbringers, may as well stay subbed". And once the event is over, they can sell the items in the cash shop a year later. 30 bucks for the car.
The catch is you have to be subscribed during the event to get it. And the event is, of course, during a period that a large portion of the populace would normally be unsubscribed.
So it's not 'free'. It's 15 dollars. Or 30, if you just forgo the effort entirely and keep your sub active for the next 3 months. Making people pay a sub to give them something for 'free' is pretty brilliant to be honest.
Doesn't look like it. Mount, armor and hairstyle.
Exactly, they don't because they're short-sighted and retarded. Having a new physical ranged DPS with slashing instead of piercing damage means you can finally run a proper raid group without a DRG without either cucking the physical ranged player or cucking the healers with the lack of a physical ranged to give them refresh.
With one simple addition, the issue of forever-DRGs is finally over. DNC doesn't even need to be "objectively" better than bard to break the stagnate meta. By removing the physical ranged reliance on DRG's piercing debuff inflating DRG's value groups are finally free to replace DRG with objectively better melee classes like MNK instead.
>Why would anyone but FFlogs trannies care about that shit anyways
Anyone pushing any content with a hint of difficulty is going to care about their party composition just enough to make an effort to keep their group from just being a 100% synergistic mess.
No one is going to run PLD/DRK and not at least make sure they got a SAM or a NIN to give them slashing. And any ranged player worth their salt is not going to want to play ball without their precious 5% free damage. If they're not caring chances are the content being pushed isn't anything worth any sort of investment in to begin with.
>mfw you'll hang yourself within the week
Eorzea already has modern clothes and tech that far outstrips cars. Not to mention this version of Regalia only goes about as fast as a chocobo.
Ignis's suit is stylish as fuck
I haven't played since start of stormblood. Is there any reason why the Viera are appearing now? Do you go to Golmore Jungle or is it just a massive asspull for $$$$?
Not that I'm complaining, just wondering. Would like to see areas from Ivalice.
I don't know how you got the idea that I'm mad about it from my post, but I'm not, I was just making a correction to something that was factually untrue
No, tell that to smash, sekiro was hyped for months and has been just released, we have a perfectly normal and healthy influx of threads that will die out in another week tops, while we have still rosterfag threads and just literal smash generals on Yea Forums months after the game has been released, seething nintentard.
Well the trailer has this
Fran shows up in a raid series.
After you free ala mhigo, other places start trying to rebel too, but are getting btfo.
>more of the same old shit
>even more dumbed down
>pandering to erpers and trannies
Yeah everything's perfect,don't complain, just shut up and consume!
I'm happy. Everything I've seen so far looks pretty good. Hrothgar need some polishing up and its pretty lazy that they are just turning off their helmets instead of modeling them but that's only a couple of negatives around what has otherwise been positive announcements.
I get people being upset about no new healer but I'm more likely to play dancer as dps so it's not a huge loss personally.
Can't wait for benchmark and early access.
>entire raid series titled 'Return to Ivalice'
>guys, does this have something to do with Ivalice?
Kill him, Pete.
>ironworks replicated it
Wow so fucking hard
Sure, tell Smashfags to fuck off too, I don't care, but we don't need a literal dozen threads for one game
There's an Ivalice in this game's world and one of the recent raids is set in Orbonne Monastery.
I was being cheeky, I genuinely would rather have his outfit.
Context and logic are applied to your post much earlier than your retarded "psst I was not serious eh it's just words bro" 12yo tier response and yeah, you're fucking mad son.
And now take into account what makes you mad is a retarded weeb game for mentally ill people to ERP in.
Don't @me
Cats and bunnies are cool and all, but when do we get rats?
It’s only for hrothgar you fucking idiot
Will you be mad if it's not, or will you just excuse that too?
I see. Thanks
>>Haven't played since the beginning of stormblood
I think its fair to ask since Vieras are so rare compared to the other races in Ivalice.
Show where it says that. The question was about Viera and Hrothar, the answer is about both as well.
Q: The head parts of the two new races being so characteristic and special, how will head gear look on them?
Yoshida: It will not be displayed at all. In exchange, we've implemented face features we weren't able to implement thus far. We decided that since we thoroughly designed these new races's looks, it should be fine if they did not equip helms, because then our work would have be meaningless if they could equip them. This means that no helmet will be displayed even if you equip it. That said, for caps and hats that you put on the head, we did basic support and just made them clip (laughs).
Never, these are the final races.
Literally never ever. Shame, that.
This is no surprise. The difference between something like NA Q&As and JP Q&As is also divided along similar lines.
JPs ask about game shit or lore with the occasional silly question. NA uses them as a vehicle to request glamours.
Theyre just glowing relic weapons. Infact that glow looks similar to one of the extreme gear sets
I'd preferred they made Lupin the male-only playable beast race with customizable heads that can't wear helmets.
they potentially can in theory but its redundant
SCH can shit out damage while oGCD healing
AST can buff and have healing almost as strong as whm
WHM is just not meta so it cant shine
>pandering to erpers and trannies
Quite the opposite brainlet
>NA uses them as a vehicle to request glamours.
This is the shit that makes NA Q&As so painful to watch. It's all just "gimme gimme" and now you can see how they react when they don't get what they want. It's embarrassing, and I'm kinda glad the devs don't really care about NA as much as they do their JP players. Imagine working under these conditions. I'd fucking hate it.
There was a surprising amount of stupid questions for the Scenario guy at live letter
It pissed off the trannies and homos. You aren't the only one happy about it but the FF14 community is dominated by trannies and homos so you are in the minority.
It really isn't, they're just the loudest group
>Wow Japan's lore questions are so good
>"What does a lore writer do?"
>"What is a day in the life of a lore writer?"
>"What is your favourite character?"
>"Do Au Ra nuzzle horns?"
>"Can we have the dates of the NPC's birthdays?"
My FC has actual fags in it and they were hyped for Hrothgar. Nobody really gave a shit about no male bunnies. They also really liked dancer as DPS since they're more inclined to play that over healer. Some healers are miffed but they don't seem as disappointed as the others are hyped and others don't care since they like their current job.
They're complaining because they've been cucked out from self inserting as autistic male bunnies and said self inserters are gonna actually get NTR'd in ERP by Hrothgars
The answer for the dates one was a cop out. They could give day and month without year.
Not nearly as stupid as the NA ones usually are. At most there were non-game related questions about the guy's job. I didn't care about them, but they weren't stupid, just not interesting.
It's at least a good half by now if not. It's had that reputation for the longest time and that goes a long way to actually bringing those people in.
The two new races mean two new subraces, you fucking moron. Actually have someone who can read jap translate it instead of google translating.
I don't think they are half the population, but FFXIV does have a disproportionate amount of lgbt.
The bunny boy thing didn't upset me, but it did confuse me. They've already made a really gay game, why are they suddenly squeamish now?
only the fags get NTR'd, all the "female" characters will be busy having futa x futa erp and not touching males with a barge pole
We already know the years though. The current year is 1 7th Astral Era. 1.0 was 1572 Sixth Astral Era. And we know most NPC ages excluding Y'shtola. Example: Thancred is 32, so he was born 1545 Sixth Astral Era.
It talks about 種族, not 部族, moron. Stop assuming people don't actually know Japanese and will fall for your bait.
redpilled as fuck
I want those slick Kingsglaive outfits from chapter 15.
That is a manual translation. I don't see how sub-races are relevant here.
Who here tranny?
From what I heard, it's the guy that was in charge of 12 and the ivalice related stuff not wanting to do it, so they didn't press any harder.
I'm just far more interested in the job changes and what dancer is going to do to care though.
>From what I heard, it's the guy that was in charge of 12 and the ivalice related stuff not wanting to do it, so they didn't press any harder.
Matsuno posted on twitter saying none of this is true and the decision to exclude male Viera had nothing to do with him.
>Me, enlightened cutting edge raider
>Shits on AST.
Way to out yourself fagot
>It's all just "gimme gimme" and now you can see how they react when they don't get what they want.
I wish I had the webm of Yoshi's disgust when he was asked at Vegas for mixed races.
>They've already made a really gay game, why are they suddenly squeamish now?
Unless you are constantly pandering to fags, they will turn on you. There is a reason we say that fags are bitchy.
Then chalk me up as one of the uninformed. Reasons and blame are flying back and forth between the fans mostly so I'm not entirely sure what is fact and what's just egging on.
Where did I shit on AST you fucking retard
Noct IS bad, it has terrible MP efficiency, no real mechanics to its shielding which is why it's hard to balance against SCH and you should only play it if absolutely necessary. Instant Aspbene shield isn't very valuable in controlled environments and its versatility isn't real because you have to pick a sect before the pull whereas SCH is able to shield and regen (WD) at any time it wants.
My FC's fine, there's some disappointment about no healer, less upset that DNC isn't one. They don't really like Hrothgar but several intend to Fanta into Viera, I think. I think only one person is maximum hype about DNC. Mostly people are hype about new zones and shit.
MNK isn't objectively better than DRG though. Litany is really good.
>Balancing within job roles only matters if it's Healer
Brainlet logic.
Can I play as a fat Miqo'te tho he seems based
Who the fuck plays shield ast
>He thinks the AI will be competent enough beyond it being a cute gimmick to use once in awhile
Oh no no no no
2019... I am forgotten
What jobs are the most complex/most fun? I tried Samurai and Dragoon and both of those make me fall asleep with how simple they are to figure out and how few buttons they use
>squadron system
I always wore the Heavy Behemoth Helm on my warrior
The most ridiculous thing is people throwing around the word 'gender locked' like a proper noun as if its something self evident or something. You actually need to back it up with some kind of argument.
I mean, if you frame it as bad in principle because it lets devs get away with being lazy then sure I can maybe buy that, but 99% of the complainers are just faggots mad they can't erp as a twinky bunny man.
By far the nicest job to play in the game in my experience.
You won't find what you're looking for, I've been there. Try Monk, if that doesn't work out, you may as well quit the game. MCH is terrible, BRD is whack a mole, SMN has a very fixed rotation like DRG. NIN is boring and if you don't like SAM you're in big shit.
There is nothing that much more complex. Optimizing healers, especially SCH, can be a bit involved, but GCD to GCD you'll still gonna spam that Broil like it's no tomorrow, it's just fixed against boss' rotation rather than yours.
WHM, AST, and SCH.
It would have been nice to be able to list a fourth job but alas....
I refuse to believe that you retards actually think that gays and transsexuals are half of this game's population or even a significant proportion. Do any of you actually even play this game, or do you just sit in these threads shitposting about it?
This website has literally rotted your brains. Do you even have your own thoughts or opinions anymore? If trannies like it, it's shit; if fags hate it, it's great. You don't even pretend to be consistent about it either. You'd cut off your own dicks if a tranny somehow convinced you they'd be upset about it. Your entire life and personality is just one continuous reaction to other people that aren't even aware of your existence. What do you even think you're discussing in these threads?
If any of you looked inwardly for even one second, I urge you to just get the fuck off this website for at least a day. Even if your fingers are already typing the ">lol expecting anything else from Yea Forums" reply, if you had any moment of self-awareness or pity, just try doing something else. You don't have to tell me about it, it's for your own sake.
proper card management/high parsing AST, bard, machinist.
Fuck man I really gotta make my own fc someday. Fucking filtered that shit, good job user.
It's funny that HW introduced jobs that actually attracted mains. Hardly anybody really "mains" RDM since it's mostly for raising and solo content. AST got swole as fuck in 3.4, I still regularly see MCHs despite them sucking mad dick, and I see almost as many DRKs as I do WARs.
I hope GUN and DNC are legit well designed jobs that stand on their own.
Remove male Lalafell
>tfw a good half of them wouldn't give a shit if viera had both and ronso were still male only
This seems to be discussed a lot since DNCs reveal, but didn't they originally state that they're getting rid of damage-type debuffs anyway?
Not that I want them to make the jobs less diverse, but I recall this being in the works for 5.0 for a while now. They just haven't said anything about it since then, which is doubly confusing since they specifically called Gunbreaker a "A tank job that does slash damage".
A lot of casuals "main" RDM. There was a reddit poll with RDM winning.
Queues for non-healers is going to be cancer
Of course not. They also didn't give a single fuck about BLU despite that actually being something gameplay related and not just cosmetic. It's entirely about them not being able to play dress-up with a faggy twink bunny and post screenshots on twitter for brownie points. And then you have the people jumping on board just because they see an opportunity to cry about 'outdated gender roles'.
Dancer will be the new shitter magnet so that's something in its favor I suppose. Easily spotted and all.
I always wonder why people don't main RDM more often when it's easy to do well on it and the FFLogs stats tells me that RDM is only slightly behind the top parsing jobs
As a healer, I say you can all eat shit.
Tanks will still have fast queues. They just might be closer to even with healers now.
trannys dont play male viera faggot
trannys just play fucking females and pretend to be girls like faggots
Litany's value is inflated due to DRG's marriage to BRD. Litany can be a rDPS gain over Brotherhood but it depends on your composition, and even then MNK overall can be a total rDPS gain over DRG.
If you had both a DRG and MNK of equal skill when you take into account the rDPS contributions of abilities like Litany and Piercing Debuff DRG is overall about 50-100 DPS short of MNK with its high damage+ the on average 300 extra rDPS from Brotherhood. However if you have a physical ranged DPS that doesn't benefit from DRG's piercing debuff like DNC, you now remove about 350ish rDPS contribution off DRG, which now gives you a gap of about 400 DPS between the two of them.
All they said was that they are "working on a solution to approach the issue on DRG's inflated relevance in the meta". Considering that they are still mentioning the specific damage type both DNC and GUN use I think it's safer to think that DNC's existence in it's current state might actually be the "solution" they were talking about. If they were going to remove the debuffs outright I feel like they could have easily fit that into the footnotes on sweeping changes being made with the battle update (Like the removal of TP, displaying shield HP, etc.)
>mfw healer privilege has literally never been realer than in Shadowbringers
>mfw instant queues for every content and raid groups and farm groups will literally suck my healer dick even if I do a shit job at it just because there won't be enough healers for every group
>mfw I have an excuse to be more pissed off Healer than usual
>mfw you better be on point, especially DNC bandwagoners or you aren't getting healed
Gonna be fun times.
>Cant discuss an expansion because you dislike game
Fuck off
if only i didnt despise playing a healer
oh well im swapping to tank so i get to laugh at all the DPS with 50 minute queues
FFXI has unique models, animations, idles and skeletons for each race/weapon/gender/job skill combination, and it was literally a PS2 game.
This is a 2019 MMO with shared animations and re-used assets from said PS2 game.
Your logic is retarded and you should feel ashamed of your existence.
I am also happy with what I've seen, but I don't really care about new races.
>tfw being able to make a Monk King Cosplay and bring bara and peace to the community
Yeah, it's like v is not a hivemind (yet) with a one common opinion
Somehow I doubt it. People are acting like healers without a new toy are all gonna jump ship, but that's bullshit, like what, were they ALL gonna go dancer? I doubt it. They'll come back to their pretty star mages and fairy mages once they see cool new skills and there's a ton of people who love to play healers because of how braindead it is in this game, even at a relatively high level. Practically, the most underrepresented job right now is tanks and I don't see GUN fixing that in any meaningful manner. I suppose there's gonna be those guys switching to hot new DNC but just like with BRD and MCH it won't mean shit for endgame because despite huge BRD numbers among casuals actually good ranged DPS are very, very hard to find, and I see history repeating with DNC as well. Frankly I don't think anything will change.
If they're going to add races without even bothering to allow you to equip certain gear if it doesn't match the shape of their features, why the fuck did they ever pretend there was a problem with adding bestial races? Why not and Nu Mou or Burmecians at this point? You're not letting us wear fucking helmets either way.
I'm surprised they didn't even try to spruce it up when replying to you.
It wont change anything.
Tank pop didn't change according to devs after the initial new shiny toy syndrome when they released DRK. Dps will be dps, tanks will be tanks , healers will be healers.
They are only adding fapbait races for low-tier brainlet pandering, user. They don't give a fuck about anything else, the excuses are just that, excuses so you stop asking about shit they have no interest in putting effort on .
>played DPS in 4.0, tank in 4.2 and healer in 4.4
Most players are obviously not fags and trannies, but they act like ones. Faggy behavior+reddit tier snowflake bullshit = very cancerous, whiny, touchy, community.
Having decent support and not feeling unsatisfying to play by most will go a long way in keeping DNC around.
Dismantle and a near 30s vulnerability are amazing on their own, but getting that hurt by messing up your burst window turns off a lot of people.
Yea Forums... *cough* tell my story...don't let me be forgotten...
What? They reused plenty of animations for various weapon-types, Elvaan shared the same basic animations for 1h Sword and 1h Axes or 2h Swords and 2h Katanas for example. They also reused animations for your less flashier abilities between jobs too.
Not saying that XIV is worse, I too wish they at least had racial based weapon idle poses, just saying that your comment wasn't 100% correct.
XI also reused a fuckton of assets between gear models on top of just the simple fact that it's far less time-consuming to produce PS2-era assets. There is *far* less asset reuse in terms of gear in XIV within the same span of time as XI.
You're in the pool that will switch on how they feel like on the moment, so it doesn't matter what they release. You will feel like healing again at some point and you will choose between the 3 healers we have
>Tank queues will increase due to influx of shitter GUN tanks
>Because of that, they lose their only and final defense of "kick me, I have instant queues", giving healers full control of the party
I'm still curious about the gameplay changes.
MCH will be one of the coolest job to play after rework, screencap this
Here's waiting to see if this is yet another clothing set that reduces your tits to nothing.
I would genuinely love to play Machinist if it weren't for that fuckugly box they have on their hip that NEVER MATCHES HOW THE GUN LOOKS
hahahahahah fuck off yoshi, you're not getting my money no matter how hard you bitch and cry or try to insult me
you're a fucking lazy piece of shit
Favourite trial/raid?
MCH is getting Edgar's drill and chainsaw so it's going to be fucking rad
>still play mch
>will probably keep playing it afterwords
Here is one of those tranny fags that only cares how things look on their doll.
There's an important difference though: neither Wow nor XI is played by whiny, entitled, spoiled special snowflakes. FF14 players are the literal embodiment of today's sick culture.
>Because of the even greater influx of DPS shitters, Tank queues will remain instant.
I've done this rodeo before. If DRK wasn't enough to dramatically affect queues past the first 5 levels of 30-50 nothing they could ever add will.
Do people asking for new healers even understand the situation their role is in? SE pretty much cornered themselves with their design choices as far as healers go. You have regens, shields, reactive heal, proactive heal, burst heals, AoE heals, all of that to the point of saturation where healers are already losing their identity, because now WHMs have a shield and SCH has better regen than them.
People suggest the "heal while doing damage" idea but it only works as a short duration buff and will never be successful as a base healing mechanic due to how intermission tends to work in some fights. AST was the final check-mate they did to the role and an extremely lazy one at that outside of cards. All they can do new in terms of healers is stuff outside of healing (different DPS rotation, different buffs) or maybe some Necromancer shit like reraise, passively healing dead people until they're full or sacrifice healing, but that's it.
Tanks still have some sort of niche with magical/physical mitigation, raidwide mitigations, temporary HP increase and the way parry/block works and even then I also struggle to see what GUN can do differently unless they add an staggering mechanic (like part of the damage you take is taken over time instead of instantly)
If I had to pick just one trial it'd be Thordan EX.
If I had to pick just one raid fight it'd be between T12 and A8S.
>2 melee abilities on the least mobile class in the game
The fuck are you on about?
RDM is by far the most popular caster, tyong with bard as ranged. Theres alsays 1 in every group
SAM is by far the most popular melee job
>SE pretty much cornered themselves with their design choices as far as healers go.
These are the words that tell you that the rest of the post isn't worth reading.
Thought they might do something like the Rathalos thing, but this will be more oike the FFXI and XIII events from what I read.
Prepare for the Nier Automata raid, have no fucking idea on how they are going to tie it in withlout the Omega shenanigans.
>because now WHMs have a shield
They have since ARR.
The races in XI are far more better designed than any other race in XIV or WoW you tard. XI races and gender have different animations for every weapon, attack and spell, not some copy and pasted bullshit for every race and gender.
>least mobile class in the game
>Implying this game can last four expacs without a shiny new toy.
>least mobile
No that'd be WHM. MCH is very mobile because after the opener you can cast FT into dead air and it won't really matter for your damage.
It will be just like Stormblood. Everyone will complain about skewed roles and then after a month everything goes back to normal. People rarely change their main role in the end.
That doesn't mean not doing a healer is perfectly fine though. New jobs are an important part of an expansion's appeal, they aren't just purely technical fixes meant to change queue times or metas, they're there because people want new aesthetics, new abilities, new gear and shit. It's reasonable to expect some kind of balance among the roles when it comes to new additions so after an expansion with 2DPS naturally everyone thought this one would be 1 tank/1 healer and were looking forward to that. It's perfectly understandable for someone to be annoyed when that turns out to not be the case and instead there's yet -another- DPS job and the implicit "better luck in 2 years".
>Healcucks will go dancer
>Dpscucks will go gunbreaker
Going to be a rough time as a tank
God that hair on females just scream ugly femboy neckbeard and tranny
kek! Glad I wasn't the only one. Fuck that guy.
>Implying people don't fap to Freya.
My point stands.
Tranny, you were literally seething over a fucking box. You don't get to say others are seething.
Reminder it wasn't Matsuno decision to not allow playable male viera. It was all Yoshi and his way of females can only be cute and men can only be rugged.
>men can only be rugged
Explain Miqo'te, Midlanders and Elezen
Good point here is your (you), now stay healerless for another 2 years
Which was clearly more of a buff than something you freely throw before the tank buster like you do with Benison
Just make rugged male Viera then. Literally only Yoshi's autistic mental block that prevents it. It's a win-win, no genderlock and it btfos Yea Forums's tranny boogeyman.
>he doesn't remember precasting Stoneskin on entire party one by one in T9
Blessed are the dead who can no longer know such horrors
The concept art came back faggy and instead of asking for a redo he quit immediately. Because that's what Yoshida does when something doesn't work, give up instead of forcing it down your thr-wait...
Miqo'te are the short muscular twink
Midlanders are standard muscular
Elezen are tall lean muscular guys
>least mobile
please explain, I've got to hear this one
What makes you think they wouldn't have just been lean built like elezen?
Please remove turrets or needing to keep placing them for MCH
Based and redpilled.
>females can only be cute and men can only be rugged
But femroe, catboys, male elezen, and female highlanders exist?
WHMs have always had the ability to equip shields though?
same here mch bro
I'm with you, user, and frankly, I think that's why there's no male Viera. Their way of life and existence is a mystery and Square - as a company that makes more Final Fantasy games than just XIV - want to keep it that way. People are not looking at the big picture which is that if we got male Viera, it would disrupt other games' lore in the franchise including future installments.
Barachads may win, but of course, the furfags had to show their face. I just want bara not fur shit, they ruin everything.
I'm pretty excited about it!
As someone who already has a dedicated healing class and isn't super into tanking but can't quite find a DPS I enjoy I'm happy that DNC might be the one I'm after.
I also really dislike how ugly most of the races look (and the ones that arn't ugly have bad animations) so Viera seems nice.
If WHM actually gets new skills this time instead of their entire kit being gutted out of them for role actions, stupid lilies, and stone 5: the revengence then it'll be pretty much perfect for me.
Maybe they will give us a grapnel/hookshot or jumpback like bard/RDM if they expect us to run into melee all the time. At least right now the FT damage is so pitiful that staying in melee isn't vital but if chainsaw/drill are important debuffs/damage then MCH will be a melee class.
If they really thought that they wouldn't have even done the concept art. Besides there's any number of loopholes they could have used to get around that particular restriction. Like calling them something besides "Viera".
You're pretty good.
You're getting Stone V but I hope they actually fix the rest of the job.
I'm ok with WHM having the best HPS because they're never going to push more DPS than SCH/AST. They seem afraid to go that route though.
>already has a dedicated healing class and isn't super into tanking but can't quite find a DPS
That's a pretty good spot to be in this time around. I'm happy for you.
>already have a dedicated dps which I love and adore
>they keep adding more dps
I kinda accepted WHM as my healer job, but can't quite agree on a tank. Let's see how gunbreaker turns out.
still wish RDM was a tank instead so I could've gone BLM/WHM/RDM. It would've been perfect.
Original content, or the next slew of bosses copied from old FF's?
An entire 24-man raid series is from a completely unrelated game so what do you think the 8-man will be?
New but all designed by Nomura.
I'm expecting some originality this time around, even if Eden itself is taken from FF8. If the bosses are actually tied in with the world/story somehow instead of just "nostagia bait tournament" that's all I really need, I don't care if they're from past games or not.
mostly original with Eden prime at the end being an updated version of Eden itself
Seems to be original.
>but Eden was in FF8!
Have you all heard of THE BIBLE
This, just like the Bahamut we got was an original based on Arabian mythology instead of the classic FF dragon summon, and Alexander was an original based on Alexander the Great and not the mechanical holy fortress we're all familiar with.
Have you ever heard of Tetsuya Nomura?
Oh jesus she looked okay on the stream but I didn't need to see the full resolution of that art ever.
Fuck me that face is awful
No, unless they completely rape it I'm still gonna main it in 5.0.
I've been having a blast playing it, too much for me to drop it.
please please PLEASE don't break its flow
>BLM use this on my party in frontline
>Suddenly 5 aoe marker under us
>Absolutely obliterated
I miss 3.0 PVP so bad, shit like this made it fun.
I miss caster LB actually dealing damage too.
How do I be a better tank?
Play tank more
Push DPS without sacrificing too much survivability AKA press more buttons and rotate defensive cooldowns
Guys, what happened to Alisae and Alphinaud??
Did he let an intern draw that or something? Looks really fucking bad, especially the face.
ayy le gobline
Take initiative, map out your cooldown use over the span of an encounter, don't sit on them "saving" them, stay in dps stance whenever you can but don't be a greedy retard.
How do I target individual enemies better?
Mt Gagazet area or we riot Hrothgarbros
Check out options and specifically keybinds, there's a plethora of targeting options. You can make tab cycle enemies per enmity order, or proximity based.
>Gordian katana
You're alright user.
I'd still fuck em.
SAM is cool and all until you realize its the tard class and you can get better performance and satisfaction out of playing DRG
More like DEADso, hehe
Literally how is static DRG rotation more satisfying than highly adaptable SAM gameplay?
tell that to BLU players, who seem to scream at anyone who suggest spamming 11111 (WHM playstyle) on a DPS is "fun".
Why am I getting FFXI Lion vibes?
how will ronsofags ever recover?
So who did the cosplay contest better, Japan or westerners?
>DNC femlala
It will be hard not to smash them
you're a spiteful little man aren't you
Westerners, only the Sprout girl from Japan is pure.
Why the fuck do people think that adding a new healer is going to do anything about queue times? People who refused to play a healer up until now aren't suddenly going to decide to start playing one. It's just going to be the people who play healers now switching to a different job.
>Clunky BRD
adding DNC suddenly fixes ppl wanting BRD over MCH (It doesnt. In fact this solidifies the meta to not include casters, way to balance the game...)
>DPS tank,
>utility tank
>a bit of both tank
Adding 4th fixes this (it does)
>AoE healer
>Mitigation Healer
>Bit of both healer
4th Healer wont fix this. (it would)
Something tells me you dont quite get what the problem is.
Hope they add the mashed potato dance.
Looking at this makes my wrists hurt, I can't imagine these kinds of weapons being useful in any way. Cute belly though.
Are you saying that final fantasy isn't realistic
I want to shove my dick through the chakrams like a glory hole.
I mean, it doesn't seem like they've really shown off all that much. Even storywise, which might be cause the last MSQ isn't until Tuesday. Still feels like a lot is missing.
Because it's going to be the exact same shit we've had for three expansions.
They're thrown with magic user
You too user, it's the best looking katana by far. It's striking that fragile balance between simplicity and decoration.
Most of the katana in the game are gaudy chink shit and I don't like them.
I'm glad it won't be healer since now we don't have to deal with dumbass dancing healsluts that can actually hold up progress. At least this way, if a shit DNC dies because they're playing with their dick too much, you're not immediately boned. And you can kick them for another of the thousand dumbass DNC in line. Maybe one of them will eventually be able to play decently one-handed.
If they don't intend to remove physical debuffs, the potential for a slashing ranged dps has more potential to mix things up than another healer within their current job and encounter design philosophy ever would.
They're not even finished with the expansion yet. Fuck they JUST got the trailer finished. I think half the problems with this expansion is that shit's clearly not anywhere near done yet and they're having to cut corners.
>tfw I can't equip blindfold on my Viera Bunbreaker
When I play healer I literally pull for the tank if he's slow. Who the fuck lets the tank dictate the flow of progress?
Great start.
How are those things sticking to her arms when she clearly is not holding them.
There is no way she could be spinning them either since the inner sides of those rings have pointy stuff for some reason.
I'm not going to play SCH for another expansion, so I'm quitting.
I believe everything but glasses and full helmets work on viera. hats and stuff like that will still work, along with facemasks.
When it comes to "tanking" there's a lot more options.
>You're usually removing X% of damage from existing, with different methods of triggering or activating the effect, and on which targets.
>You're redirecting X% of damage to another source, with different methods of triggering or activating the effect, and on which targets. (This is staggering, redirecting it to a buff, Utsusemi redirected it to a buff as well, damage MP redirects it to MP, overshields redirect it to temp HP)
>Using "physical" means to avoid damage, such as kiting (not a good fit for FFXIV)
The middle option of the 3 is the best way to keep making new ways of tanking.
There is a 4th option, also not good for FFXIVs system, which is just making it easier for the healer to focus on healing u, instead of others, but not making u take less damage. (Such as convalescence. But essentially a reward to the healer, for healing u, rather than someone else.)
As for healing...
Burst healing is "burst" because it cant be maintained.
All healers need to have a burst heal, because otherwise all they have is cure1 spam.
They need to alternate between min heals, and max heals, to have depth. (Not that all encounters are designed to actually do this, which is a flaw in encounter design)
Burst healing needs to be designed so its needed to win, but too much, and u lose. (A balancing act on the healer)
AoE healing is something all jobs need for 4man content, but I do agree, having AoE burst healing is the exception, and any 4man content designed with burst healing in mind isnt going to go well for endgame balancing.
We barely scratched the surface of shields, regens, and proactive healing.
Mostly because shields, and proactive healing were lumped into one.
Regens werent really developed further.
Healers, as a role, are essentially a tank, who can target other allies, while a tank can only self target.
(people see tanks as lesser DPS, rather than selfish healer, vs support healer)
the only person in my fc was the single black guy who plays female elezen
What if they give us more RDPS tools?
Adding a 4th tank fixes nothing if they fuck the kit.
Adding a 4th healer would fix nothing if they fucked the kit.
They will fuck the kits.
Gee its almost like most men dont want to be faggots
The core of the job will remain the same, so no.
People are misremembering what we got at fanfests for HW and SB.
We don't really get an overdrive of info and visual stuff until the month before the expansion.
Look at the date on this.
It'll start with the benchmark late April, then we'll get the May liveletter with a first ShB story trailer and job actions trailer, and early June the launch trailer.
4th tank lets them design classes to fit roles better. My bet is you'll see PLD and DRK as MT and WAR and GUN as OT
why would that change anything? its just now DNC above MNK/SMN/MCH.
you dont pick SAM before MNK for the meta build.
So theres no reason to remove BRD. Its too much of a raid DPS increase.
Unless buffs somehow cant be stacked, nor alternated to be kept up more often.
so Yea Forums are you ready to come home again?
BfA has ready 2 fully races to you
fuck that Yoshida man, Japanese people can't make raids and dungeons like Blizzard, you know I'm right mr. Yea Forums
viera would still just end up using elezen models.
I just want my big forehead dildo. Summoners aren't Summoners without one.
Ah yes, fat humans and taller trolls. truly the most bestest races ever
>this tranny trying to pretend like Miqo'te aren't twinks
>this tranny trying to pretend like Viera males would be prissy femboys
I absolutely agree. But they cant fix the kits w/o a 4th. but adding a 4th doesnt fix the kit.
You need to add a 4th 1st, THEN fix the kit (technically at the same time, not an expansion later)
Id imagine this, sadly, since PLD should have been the support tank. (Cover being the most broken support option of them all)
MTs should be selfish, and OTs being support. (Taking slashing debuff from WAR and giving it to PLD, etc)
>wtf why do men want to look like men? this is sexist and homophobic
I fully support wow player going back home to world of warcraft, good luck guys and let it be great. I sincerely hope classic is everything you dreamed of and may you stay there for long years having your fun.
I don't want more ERP races and I want dancer to be a support.
Fuck off shill, 14 might be shit but it's still leagues better than the abortion that WoW has become
>Hrothgar fulfill straight cismale fantasies
Imagine being that out of touch.
Mine is fucking lit
They were ready to waste cash for fantasias
>men dont want to look like effeminate faggots
they do want
>men want to look like masculine faggots.
dancer is more or less going to be like bard,that being said i want a melee support,sitting in the back like a faggot and blowing on a flute all day long isn't fun
I'm still mad about the implementation of RDM and the purely superficial differences between its "white" magic and "black" magic.
But adding a "Muscular male with bunny ears" fixes the problem?
you are truly blinded by those japanese developers with their obsesion and fetishes.
this is realism, warriors can be fat or tall, you stupid animevision can only be saved by buying the new expansion every year and putting 12 dollars in blizzards account every month, if you cant deal with perfected mechanics i will prefer that you stay in that anime mmo without skill or soul mr. Yea Forums man
What is it with the last few years and people using "current year" as an argument.
>PLD questline
>takes place in one of the new zones
>Jenlyns is there with a group of paladins to help with the war effort
>many of the PLDs mention how much stronger they feel since getting to the first shard
>some start making strange comments "maybe these people are wrong about the light" "maybe they're just sinners..."
>eventually some just start going crazy
>one of them turns into a heavensward style giant knight
>the last quest has you fighting one the knights after he turns into a sineater
>Jenlyns mentions how he has new outlook on things since getting there
>last ability you get is almost DRK-ish in either style or function
Yay or nay? Or will we just be getting the usual garbage from pld quests?
Two players are unhappy about no new healers. One is a little unhappy about no male viera. All of them will keep playing and are generally still excited for 5.0.
See you soon.
no one is stopping a caster or ranged from staying in melee range.
i always stay at melee range, unless mechanics require otherwise.
(makes it easier to dodge cleaves anyways)
Imagine if DNC was a healer and people started to pity ranged dps for still only have two options. Oh wait, they probably wouldn't since they think DPS is some umbrella term when each role plays fundamentally differently.
Sorry, I'm not as addicted as you think I am.
Does he not realize Viera would be a muscular male?
Then stop posting here.
But they do?
nigger shooting someone with a bow up close still isn't fun i want to hit something preferably with a flail
Looks retarded.
Yes, yes. Sorry. I didn't know I need YOUR approval to post anywhere on Yea Forums. I will make sure to not make the same mistake again and ignore you next time you post.
>OF are blowing up with hardcore and retarded sjw crap
Vieras were a mistake. It's nothing but trash.
>i want a melee support
Isn't that NIN?
Lucky for me I've been unsubbed since 4.1. I still have to do a ton of shit.
I hope they continue. Every time this team slacks people complain, but only for a few days and then its forgotten. Hopefully they eventually hold the devs accountable for their obvious slack.
you sound like an official forum shill, neck yourself.
He died for our sins.
w-why the fuck can't viera wear masks?
they have a human face
hrothgar, while lazy, i can understand
but viera literally have a face that's the same as the other races
i main nin,shifting around aggro isn't really that fun or something i get to do that often
i never get player commendations. is it because im a dragoon?
Did they finally get him?
isn't hrothgar the guy from beowolf
i dont disagree, im just saying ranged wasnt the issue.
its why ppl want a sword job in melee.
they like the idea of swinging something with a strong forceful blow.
SAM feels like its trying to be dexterous, and precise, rather than aggressively forceful, and similar with NIN.
DRG and RDM feel like pokers, and also dont get the feeling quite right.
this is why ppl blow a gasket when tanks get all the weapons that give that "feeling" thats hard to articulate.
I like that as well, but im a tank main, so im not complaining much. But I wont main a DPS until they get such a class.
(I also hate blunt weapons, so I know the 1st DPS class to get this, will just get somethig like a hammer/mace, and i still wont play it.)
If you would stop being dead you might get some
Im bashing Yoshi and the team's decisions left and right. I just realize nobody actually had the guts to leave over it.
i never die
>He became more powerful when he took the mask off
>neither Wow nor XI is played by whiny, entitled, spoiled special snowflakes
you have clearly never been to the wow forums
Calm down, I know you post here.
Bullshit, you're a DRG
because their ears are literal hats.
thats how they made the customization.
hats have additional on/off models for ears on the other races.
masks do not.
seriously, no one in this thread seems to understand how game design works. you guys need everything fucking explained to u, w/o even thinking about it for a damn second.
yes, and?
My understanding is that both new races use a new kind of headmorph that allows greater customization, like ears, faces and hair being seperate compared to au ra horns/faces for instance.
The donwside to this is that they had to compensate for those slots by removing the full helmet and face-covering visual slots that are hidden/shown through the ./visor command.
Basically, 1.0 spaghetti code strikes again.
I hate that I can't tell if this is serious or not
I get commendations all the time as a dragoon.
Stop taking my posts. I didn’t write them for here despite you spamming them a couple threads back.
>ears are hats so they can't use them
>miqo'te are not affected by any this
ok retard
>google image Housamo
I need some bleach for my eyes.
am i just a shitter then? all i literally do is cast blood for blood and do combos
But the ears will just clip through hats like bard hats, so it can’t be that
idk, it looks like it was designed for females and noctis was just a twink imo
He's rusing hard.
Your fault for not containing your power level.
Miqo'te, Elezen, and Lalafells when wearing hats all have their ear slots adjusted to a single length. It's not that the hat is molding around their ears, it's that their version of the hat just has ear pieces modeled. Viera can't do that for obvious reasons, so they would have to find a way to have everyone's custom ears poking through each individual type of helmet. Not that I'm defending the laziness.
>tfw no amon hat for my dancer viera
>tfw no bunny ears for my hrothgar
He didnt make the rules dumb shit. Thats literally what Yoshi said. Blame him.
but yoship said this later in the interview
Why would trannies want to play as male Viera when they want to be real women IRL but can’t? Wouldn’t they be female Viera? And fags now have not one, not two, but THREE new races to choose from!
Use your party buffs.
Viera can wear hats, just nothing that goes on the face
the trannies were the ones pushing for the "smol n soft bunny bois" mutants hate men but they love traps
It still doesn’t need to be spammed on Yea Forums as if it some Ben Shapiro tier lib owning.
Yeah, there are already some head decorations and caps that don't cover ears. I get the feeling the restriction is just for any full helms or other things that totally cover ears. But then again if that was the case, how would Viera and Hrothgar wear hooded robes? Will they just have the hood down? The language barrier makes it hard to figure out exactly what the fuck is going on so hopefully he'll do an English interview soon.
Can they wear helmets that cover everything but the face? I'm using the field commanders helm and I won't change to viera if they can't wear it.
as said hereits literal hats.
>makes limited blu
>makes limited races
>reuses ffxi, ffxii, ffxiv models for most of the expansion.
they are too lazy to actually make shit, so this is the work around.
thats why they arent making an option for masks, despite how easy it would be.
the hats have ear pockets and shit for them, so you didnt counter anything i said. as this person saysthat doesnt disprove it. (you sound like the peopel who argued the pronouns in french proved both genders were playable) learn to know what does or does not disprove something.
same to you they "clip through" due to those items being programmed for an additional effect being on them.
masks are not designed for an additional effect being placed on them.
stop thinking of the ears as ears. they are hat models, in the shape of fucking ears.
all current hat models will just have the current hat model clipping through them, but those ears will be built into all of those hats. they wont ptu any effort to line them up.
masks dont allow for an additional component, so they arent going to bother with that, or at least not now.
What about the hats which have masks? Does this mean no Thavnarian Turban, Even the AST hat has a mask over it.
So I can’t wear say, an Alexandrian Visor of Fending? Or will it be locked in the only visible part being frame position?
Most trannies are just autogynephile fetishists who got into it all because of traps. They don't want to be women, they want to be degenerate anime trap waifus.
No one wants dragoon in dungeons, I don't even know why you would want to play dragoon in dungeons with dumb BotD timer always running out.
Well there's also a case of you leveling up new character, no one actually cares about your performance in dungeons, people usually automatically give coms to tanks or healers.
does it cover any of the races ears, and have ear models sticking out of the hat?
except every single wow class has three completely different playstyles (with dozens of sub-playstyles within them with customizable talents) and up to three roles, so the static jobs of ffxiv dont even compare
Reminder that this expansion is less of the same while trying to repackage content you already did as new.
Why make new content when you can do ARR all over again. Hell now you got Trusts to truly get that single player experience.
>Daddy of Light
Reminder that the money in the XIV pool is being used for a movie version of their show. Reminder that the LL was pretty much all about Daddy of Light with no real game info outside of the XV crossover and Zenos in Dissidia.
>tank stops to pull a single fucking mob like the one halfway along the cliffs in the first section of the burn
Usually I'm patient enough to deal with it, but holy shit doing that is an insult to my intelligence.
All we know so far is Yoshi said that hats will be normal, and things like glasses won't be seen
He stated some hats will be useable, just expect major clipping, everything else will probably not appear but they can probably make stuff that reveal the face easy to work with. Theyll never model the helmets to your cool lion faces.
The glasses thing hits my one friend hard. He's like me and was semi-interested but like full-helms, we've lost interest in playing them. We can't wait to see them in-game though.
>can't wear event glasses from moonfire faire
I think those would work though, they're on the head, not the face.
36 "classes"
so what if they added "3" (actually 8 added)?
before added classes, they had 4 healers, and 3 tanks (and 4 others that could tank endgame raid bosses in the right set ups/gear)
they added 1 more healer, 5 more tanks (took 2 away, and made them DPS)
and 5 more DPS (took 1 away, made it tank)
so whats ur point? that FFXIV has more to catch up on?
>Official Forum users grew a spine
Never thought I'd see the day
>We will never get full helmets ever again
I hope everyone enjoys circlets and beads.
Assmad mnk detected. Drg Nin Dnc and Brd will be the new meta, watch this space. Brotherhood provides fuck all rdps compared to Nin, Drg and Brd.
>play DRG
>do everything right in terms of rotation
>struggle to get 5.5K DPS on 385 ilvl while other DRG in party is almost 1K DPS above
I can't do it bros, I really tried but I can't
That Edda glamour you bought can't be used because it has an eyepatch which counts as glasses.
they can go on face too because /visor
>Chainsaw and tools MCH
You'd have to be retarded to think that MCH won't be one of the best jobs come ShB
All the best equipment in the game is from HW anyway.
>buy something from the mog station
>money stolen
ur probably clipping, and not doing things that me might be able to do, to put his shit on CD quicker than you. (such as triple weaving, as some DRGs are capable of doing, but most cant)
post the unironically based catgirl dabbing on bunny twink fetishists
Why do the dev team hate you so much, oh sweet sweet MCH. You had so much potentially originally and then you launched hitting like a wet noodle with a gimped toolkit.
back in HW, our DRG was doing 1k less than he should, and after a talk with someone who played DRG, his DPS shot up the 1k missing, and he said the rotations the same, but he stopped clipping stuff, since he couldnt always double weave stuff w/o clipping.
Do you? Always delay first nastrond, so it lines up with your 2nd bfb.
If you're running savage you can always put your logs into xivanalysis.com to get slight idea about what you're doing wrong.
Her right foot is fucking wrong, has Nomura learned nothing over the last couple decades? Fucking hell look at it
MCh was literally perfect after 3.2-3.3 ish. Then they forced some stupid overheat gague that no-one asked for and ruined it worse than it was on launch. Now it's a chore to play and they just gave it big damage thinking people would suffer through the shit gameplay.
I'd rather have HW MCH than SB MCH.
I don't know why Wildfire didn't work similar to Ammo you have and have a "your next 10 hits 25% of most damage you inflict upon the target is compiled, then dealt at the end of the effect's duration." this would remove the need to spam it and have low ping
So no full helmets or glasses, but stuff like caps will show up just with ears clipping through them?
the fan community is a fucking joke and the wretched trannie filth populating front pages of brothel articles are even bigger jokes
whats wrong with it?
seems about right.
heel is just high enough
bend of the foot in the right place, calf roughly comparable to the rest of the leg, roughly in a similar spot as the left leg, based on assumed angle of the camera.
Apparently this piece was rushed for the fanfest.
Just like about everything else.
Nomura has only ever been good at monster designs.
That seems to be the case going by Yoshida.
The "gunmage" barrel worked fine for MCH. They didn't need to change it to match BRD because wanderer's was ass.
I'd also rather have grenado shot than spread shot and miss the extra off globals to pepper in between the casts.
>no mch goggles
The perspective. He drew the foot as if it were turned by 90 degrees but if you look at where her knee is facing you'll see that it's only turned 45 degrees
>march 2019
did someone buy another account just to shitpot?
She's right you know. This is literally twink fujo's getting mad because they got bara gays instead of femboy gays.
It's an old joke. How sad to see it be forgotten.
No, I'm pretty sure I saw him in Odin few times before. Hard to miss that name.
I haven't played since heavensward. When should i get back in? should I start fresh instead?
they wouldn't hate it if the bara wasn't also a furry
We're at the stagnant point between an expansion end and anew expansion launch. Now's the perfect time to catch up.
>start fresh
For what purpose
>When should i get back in
Any time. Expac releases on July 2
Im mad because the Ronso look like fucking shit.
>flatchested catgirl DESTROYS libtards with facts and logic
I'm not a fan of Hrothgar but there's a dude on my server called Kimahri Ronso and I'm just happy for him.
I love em. They look like goofy furry Jojo characters.
Where were you when Captain Ninchad and his Catgirl(female) GF destroyed the Official Forums?
Can I get a based & redpilled for these legends
The faces look like rubber masks and I find it fucking hilarious. They're so goofy and they've caused so much asshurt
If you see me pls say hi and carry me through Ucob.
Pls and thanku.
I have no idea, I was in one of those FCs with nearly 1k people and I only joined it for the exp buff.
It's what Noctis uses for his Armiger in XIV-verse as opposed to the Royal Arms he had in XV-verse
Based & Redpilled
Smn is the only job that can blow everything depending on the fight with minimal fuckery to your rotation
They look terrible. If you're going to make a beast race, make a beast race. Don't just make Roes with masks.
>Implying bunny twinks can compete
Give me more.
I really hope DNC weapons aren't downsized for Lalafell and they're basically using hula hoops
cope barashitter, the only thing you'll be fucking is other lion men.
yeah you're right, he did draw the knee being turned, but not as much as the foot is.
something id be inclined to do by mistake as well.
i have a hard time keeping track of things ive already done like that.
Why does everyone make it sound like they were committed to the twink body style? Femboys was like one of four or five concepts they threw out.
Oh god I just realized that all the crossover art now is gonna be the Viera version of BLACKED.
Viera women filled up with beast cock while their mates are out fetching the food for the camp.
Viera males and their fans will be stuck in a never ending cycle of cuckoldry.
Because of
they'd be stuck with that anyway, just with endless futa art instead
the reality is that Male Viera most likely looked similar to this. People really wanted to latch onto that shota shit though.
No, I hate sams.
Honestly, I was 100% expecting Chad Bunnies based on how pretty their women are and how aggressive the males are supposed to be.