ITT: autism

>fire a bullet

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Other urls found in this thread:

>play FPS

>play RPG
>save before every choice
>reload to get the best outcome every time

>posting on Yea Forums

just play games with black powder weapons

>Kill one person
>Check the score

It's called being prepared

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>reload save
>scene that you already seen plays
>you're allowed to skip it but watch it again for the sake of "not having skipped anything" on that save

>make a post
>check my 7

>fire a bullet
>remember that the game uses a magazine system instead of a bullet system and you just threw away 30 bullets

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>throw out the rest of the magazine in the process and load a new one
>stored bullet count only goes down by one

>steal it

>health is at 95%
>use full heal

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>play final fantasy
>Instead of having a tactic using attack-cure-attack-cure-attack-cure....

>shoot 3 rounds
>reload again

every time

>play video games

>fire bullet
>quickly switch weapon before reload animation ends
>switch back
>quickly switch weapon before reload animation ends
>switch back
>quickly switch weapon before reload animation ends
>switch back
>quickly switch weapon before reload animation ends
>switch back
>quickly switch weapon before reload animation ends
>switch back
>quickly switch weapon before reload animation ends
>switch back

>game time 02:34:12
>game time 02:34:15

>Naming my Pokémon.

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>Someone picks the colour you were gonna pick

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>pickup an object IRL
>start "playing" an idle animation

wow that's something else

>game has realistic ammo management and allows you to take the magazine out and check how full it is
>constantly check magazine every three seconds

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>tfw my mom told me that when I was a child it was suggested to her that I might have low key autism and that she should get me diagnosed
>tfw she didn't because she didn't want me to live my life with the label of 'autistic' hovering over my head
>Now that I'm an adult it's too late to find out since diagnosing adults is really hard due to them having developed coping mechanisms to compensate
I still don't really know whether to be happy or upset with her about it. On the one hand I didn't have to deal with being labelled as autistic but on the other hand I can't claim any form of support or assistance that autistic people get, meaning that if I actually am autistic I'm basically playing life on hard mode where navigating social situations is way harder but no one knows not even me. Also I can never get autismbux.

Nah, the opposite is true, I actually have autism and get annoyed if I "waste" hp from healing items so I'd probably say "Ehh, I can take another hit" and get killed because of it

>fan game or modded game has tons of QoL only fans would understand
>smooth FPS, no bugs, no compromises, no inconveniences, perfect control scheme, no cumbersome mechanics etc
>can't play it because it doesn't feel "official"

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>Have tons of healing items
>Wait until my health is dangerously low before healing every single time to make sure that I don't waste even a single point of healing from my healing items
True autism is wanting so badly to be perfect that you die and reload dozens of times simply because you refused to heal inefficiently.

>pretend I’m talking to an invisible audience/on stream while playing game
>explain to them the mechanics and levels that I like as well as the parts I don’t like
>talk about life and imagine their responses
>pretend that they make wisecracks while I’m playing and chuckle silently to myself at their jokes

>had to unbind my reload key when playing Gaige in BL2
It's a heck of a way to break a bad habit

+ check chamber

Just annoyed me to the point where I only name shinies

I did this last night on deep rock. Whole team was down during a wave and I was panicking why trying to reload the thunderhead

>play a game
>it’s too hard
>lie down and start crying

This does my fucking head in. Games like Insurgency and the like without pooled ammo are kino.

>save game
>Save completes
>Save again because I don't think I saved
I only do this with Pokemon and I know in not the only one

>Play pokemon
>have to make a team for both the female and male player character with no type overlap and native mons to their regions only and no overwhelming weaknesses like 4 mons sharing the same weaknes.
Kalos was a real pain.

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>playing a dungeon crawler RPG
>try to keep my party members all at the same level
>if someone is dead at the end of the battle then save and reload so their levels stay even

>remember game has magazine system
>character dump a mag with bullets still in it unless you do a specific type of reload so you don't end up wasting ammo

On the other side
>Reloading mid firefight
>Enemy pushes you in cover
>Can't switch or cancel reload

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>open world style game
>doing main quest has a few moments where you could break away for side content
>never do side quests or anything because i feel pressured by the main quest

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>RPG has multiple party members
>go out of my way to make sure they all get equal screentime
>Game lets you name characters
>make sure their names all start with a different letter of the alphabet so I don’t favor or overuse one letter over the rest

I'm sick of doing that shit every time

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Reloading before empty and still having one bullet in the breech ready to go is a legit tactic IRL. I wonder how many games let you shoot mid reload animation however.

>fight enemy 5 levels above mine
>get a hit
>get a git
>get hit

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>can't play a JRPG without a guide open because I can't bear to miss any hidden items or quests

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>currently have $123
>”how much $ will you give?”

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when you fire a musket

God I kinda wish games were still like this. Most rpg designs have become so simple you would know if you missed something or not. Persona is the only thing that comes close to getting me to look at a guide and that’s really for social link choices

This is about things autistic people do so you really could have just posted
>Play pokemon

>sidequest I wasn't even doing fails because of some bullshit arbitrary never-clarified trigger in the game
>there's only one save and it's automatic so I can't go back and avoid the trigger
>too far into the game to start over with a new save
>delete game and spoil myself on the ending so I never feel the need to play it again

I only like hidden shit in games if it's feasible that you could find the hidden shit without needing a guide as long as you were paying attention.
I like my RPG's to have hidden secrets but if you literally HAVE to look up a guide to get to half of the fucking game then that's just obtuse, shitty game design.

Yep, that's me right there

>character has some sort of flowey cloth/cape with physics
>use as many violent and jerky motions during any downtime and watch the cloth

wait, I do that

>new game
>install game
>load it up
>choose settings
>start game
>cutscene starts playing
>open Yea Forums
>never touch the game again

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>encounter a difficult puzzle and spend hours trying to solve it
>rather than lookup hints just give up on the game because you don't want to get carried

>Start playing big RPG
>Get about 50 hours into it before I stop playing for long enough that something else grabs my attention and I stop playing
>Come back a few months later
>Have to start a completely fresh new game because I just can't "feel" my previous character since I don't really remember most of my time playing as them

I don't actually finish many RPGs despite having hundreds of hours in them specifically because of this. If I stop playing long enough to break my immersion I have to start over.

>beat tedious boss with one character dead
>reload because dead party member don"t get exp

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It's not OK to make a hidden item something that can be missed permanently, but so many games do it. Fuck old school RPGs for this bullshit in particular. I almost dropped FF7 forever when I found out you could only get a certain Battle Square prize on a disc 1 save.

what game?

>item/power up is drawn toward you
>avoid at all costs as long as possible

>character or enemy perfectly mimics your pathing
>overly complicate point a to point b as much as possible


>house of the dead

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>playing free for all in cod
>win and my last 3-4 kills are shown by the kill cam
>reload after every kill
>some guys mic turns on
>"i think you forgot to reload, mate"
>other guy starts laughing
>others wrote in chat xD or haha
>quit the lobby afterwards because of embarrassment

I can't even count anymore the number of times I reloaded in Etrian Odyssey because of that

haha, idiot
that's me too

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I think it was Cod4, where there wasn't a number counter for bullets left in your magazine/clip thingo. Just a series of lines. My stupid fucking autistic ass would walk right up to the tv at the end of fire fights, count each line and shoot the appropriate number of bullets, so that when I reloaded, my total bullet count would still be an interval of 30.

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>try to time movements/jumping with the game music to make it fit

>fire bullet
>that mag is stuck with 29 rounds
>eventually get to that mag
>+1 in the chamber makes it so that I have 30 again

>moving up or down during selections makes a noise
>always do it to the music
>attack to music too
>generally anything that could be done to a beat is done so

>go to shop
>buy MP restoring items
>don't use them; instead, rest at inn/camp whenever I can

I can relate to this one, I think its why I really enjoyed the Rayman Origins/Legends games because of their rad as fuck musical levels.

>play get through section haphazardly, taking note of every enemy and location of treasure while dying a lot
>reload save
>play through section perfectly, killing every enemy, collecting every treasure, without dying
I have problems playing open world games for obvious reasons.

>game has random stats on level up
>reload quicksaves/savestates until the optimal stat roll is achieved

>Playing game
>Notice button on the hud is flashing
>Click on to make it stop flashing
>Click out of the menu it brings out
>It doesn't stop flashing

Fuck you, company of heroes.

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>any action rpg game with multiple classes
>choose one class
>think of playing a different class a couple of hours later
>start over with a different class
>suck as this class
>get interested in a different class
>start over as the class
>have a sudden urge to play as the class I chose first
>start over
>wait, the second option I picked wasn't actually that bad...
>start over
>repeat until uninstalling the game without any progress beyond maybe 8 hours of gameplay on a single class
Even if I know for a fact I play as tank/berserker type character, I still keep resetting shit for pettiest reasons and sometimes regret it. Kingdoms Of Amalur and Dragon's Dogma were the best shit because of their class systems.

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I can relate to that, also:
>game only gives you mp restoring items from chests/beating enemies
>always horde them and never use them, even when in a fight and needing to use it
>would rather lose than use the item, even though you could just get more from defeating certain enemies

>Eagle Eye

oh no...

Fucking CoD 2 taught me to always reload before going into a battle and god damn it I will never stop doing it.

>Number of consumable items bought is X times number of party members

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>20 hours into a game
>look at some info about skills/stats and find out your build is suboptimal as fuck
>restart the game with a build spreadsheet open

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Yes, because
>''I gotta save them for last dungeon and boss''
>don't use them, and final boss is not that hard

>any action rpg game with multiple classes
>Pick one class
>Think of playing another class on a second playthrough
>Pick the same one did the first time

>play game
>think getting into stats and shit is autistic
>actually ends up with the most autistic build

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>Name your character
>Either put down some meme throwaway or spend the next half hour scratching my head over what to pick because commitment scares me

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>Trying to strafe around this ugly piece of shit in order to kill him with his homing missile

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i dont do this anymore, but;

>always pan camera really smooth and cinematically
>like those e3 demos
>would reload save if i did unintended/jittery movement because i didnt like the idea of my character being obviously controlled by a mouse
>eg their head wouldnt dart around the scene or do random flicks
>also eventually applied to movement
>eg would make slow incremental turns, take most optimal path
>bumping into things? reload save.

i am so, so glad i grew out of this. shit like this started to effect me irl, dunno what caused it.

>put down meme throwaway name
>get attached to it

>Forgot that I just saved
>Save again just to be safe

Should have said
>you forgot to fire faggot

I still need a meme throwaway name for games, I don't like using my own name. Could I get some suggestions?

>Use random name
>Use said name for eleven years and refuse to play as anyone else


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I like to sometimes play games as if I am the player in an E3 demo.

>choosing names for characters
>name protagonist after myself
>make sure everyone else has the default names
I'm sorry.

The Guy

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Fuck it, it'll do, thanks user

>that super cool item that has a cool effect will never be used because "muh maybe i'll need it late"

>Autism hoard all items so that I'm completely prepared for the endgame
>Wind up not using most of it

Looking at you Fire Emblem.

>fire a bullet
>remember game dumps ammo on reload
>thumb hurts from wanting to press reload button
>actually aching
>that reload button teases me like a whore
>reload button is now my purple dragon
>mfw I go into reload withdrawals

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>Will never ever ever follow meta strats/builds because I want to understand why things are the way they are instead of brainlessly aping shit other people told me
>When someone tells me the meta I immediately never have the urge to try it
>When the balancing is tweaked most retards need to wait for their epic twitch/youtuber to tell them what to do next because they're brainless faggots that don't actually understand how the game works

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>game has character creation
>can't decide between making an OC donut steel or making them look like another video game/anime character

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Yep, this happens way too much. I will miss you H8terfistin8er

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I do this, but I wish I didn't.

>racing game
>about to finish race
>not in 1st place
>even when i have enough points to win the grand prix regardless of where you place
>even when restarting makes you restart the entire grand prix

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>Hoard all of my extra potent and rare healing items for the final boss
>End up using them and cheesing the fuck out of the fight
Every single time.

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>best equipment is extremely low-chance drops
>without fail, will grind for them every single time
I spent so fucking long researching the drop rates and grinding in Wizardry 1, my party was like level 60 by time I was done.

I do this is games with percentage based choices, I didn't build a character to fail a 90% chance and lose out for no reason.

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Finally a new game that I have been excited to play for ages. I can't wait to finally pla-
>name your party members

>playing destiny
>super is charged save it for 3 minutes because I don't know if Ill need it
>in crucible
>either round ends, or I use it and die to blade barrage or nova bomb
>fuck you hunters
>fuck you warlocks

We found one of the 2 people who finished Wizardry 1 you guys.

Here's a tip: go for thematic names. My last Etrian Odyssey team was named after different types of birds.

Sounds like you'd enjoy Mother 3
If you attack to the beat of the music you can do extra damage

>check if the game is realistic by always shooting red barrels
>they always explore

Fuck, I do this all the time

>change audio volume by increment of 5
>always try to do it too with stats in rpg

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I agree with this post, it's why I'm really good at Hitman but the strats I use are not the best nor top 10 speedrun-worthy, because I don't actually exploit the game, I just play in an efficient way, whereas most of the speedruns rely on skips or straight up cheap and exploity tactics I don't like.

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i have this too, to a degree

>level/area has bathrooms
>open every stall and press use on every toilet
>also press use on every sink

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>playing video game
>bf lays his head on my lap
>stop playing video game
>go cuddle in bed

>die before 4/5 hours into the game
>delete character and start all over again

please tell me I'm not the only one

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I feel attacked

beingn a puzzle brainlet is suffering sometimes. i just want to kill bad guys, man

I use Brexit and Toast, Toastie for girls.

>Play online FPS game
>i'm in a battle where i just shoot all my bullets
>almost never empty my entire clip
>whenever i have some spare bullets left that COULD kill the enemy, i always decide to reload even if i know i might be in danger of getting caught reloading around the corner
i just don't like taking my chances with low ammo, i'd rather take my chances reloading and at least knowing i'd have spare ammo to blast on an enemy if they do pop up.

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Speaking of speedrunning
>Try some speedrunning on some games with timers
>Friend just wants to ape WR
>Turns out friend isn't mechanically skilled enough to ape WR strats
>Use my own strat with less risk, get it done faster than him
>Starts using the term "RNG" a lot to describe me mitigating chance encounters instead of aping risky as fuck shit to save time

>Play action game.
>make a different save before every boss
>so you can go back and perfect them all
>do this for different difficulties too.

This is suffering. one day ill finish the old fallouts and baldurs gate games

>>remember that the game uses a magazine
>Character saves mag for later

Wiki/meta/youtube guide are a cancer to video games

>watch someone play a fps
>they start reloading with half a mag or more still in their point-and-shooty while actively turning a corner

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>Great Tit
>Brown Booby
>Peruvian Booby

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You can conquer your gaming autism by becoming redpilled.

Read up on it:

>beat out WR pace for game I really like
>getting to that pace killed the appeal of the game for me
>don't want to publish the run because it relies on skips that break the game and make it look stupid as fuck
>don't want anyone else to know my skips either
>don't want anyone else to know who I am
>delete run and never acknowledge publically that i beat the game 20 minutes faster than WR
>tell everyone who asks i just "trained" to speedrun it but never considered it seriously
>someone beat my time two years later anyway with less obtrusive skips
>sleep soundly on that fact even to this day

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why is autism so hard. i wanna get off mr bones wild ride

I used to have a lot of these autistic habits but finding a game that forces you to break them is amazing

>New Vegas on Very Hard
>it's not exactly the best balanced since it only makes the enemies into bullet sponges however it forces you to use absolutely anything and everything in order to survive and win
>for the first half of the game you'll be chucking spears at people by the end of any encounter since you're always out of ammo and weapons
>eating whatever shit you can find be it plants or old food or drinking out of toilets to regain what little HP you can and then booking it to a doctor to rid you of rads
>endgame is basically unbeatable even with the best weapons in the game and all the necessary skills at 100%
>find out Unarmed is overpowered as fuck and then scour the wasteland for whatever will increase it since I wasted all my level skill points on a Sniper build
>bulldoze through the end with a Ballistic Fist (using it for the first time) wearing a Hockey mask and reading magazines about fighting every 60 seconds

I can't stop bunny hoping in every 1st or 3rd person games that I play.
Every time after a certain while of playing the game, once I get used to the controls and I'm comfortable with the gameplay, I'll just start bunny hopping around or just doing a jump at every single step I take because I feel like it makes me walk faster.

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FFX-2 has broken so many people, I see.

>play souls game
>die early on and lose some souls
>feel dirty
>delete character

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>see a game that looks interesting
>check reviews
>check reviews on another site
>look up gameplay videos
>see what kind of popularity it has
>buy it anyways regardless

new vegas is easy even on very hard

Being the 2 year reigning champ sounds sick as fuck.
I can understand why you wouldn't want publicity though, I wouldn't want someone digging through my username to look up shit I did years ago.

Not the guy, I also agree. How autistic can you be where you enjoy and only enjoy using a cheat sheet. The risk of mistakes is all that gives successes their weight. No risk, no fun. Copying builds 1:1 isn't "playing". It's cooking by recipe. "Play" is learning and expression.

start streaming you psychopath

Sometimes I groan when I take a nasty hit in a game.

>XCOM 2 Legacy Mode
>Lose 1000 points if someone is injured
>Keep save scumming until I clear the mission flawlessly

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based schizo

Some people literally never learn how the game actually works.
>RE2 (REmake)
>Dogs suck dick and can't really hit you in wide areas
>DLC has them come at you in a very narrow catwalk, impossible to dodge
>Speedrunner refuses to shoot them because "Dogs are free in this game"
>Never actually learned how to deal with them since they're easily dodgeable in the main game
>He can't dodge them in the DLC and keeps eating shit
>Absolutely refuses to adjust his strategy.

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>Skipping the scene causes you to lose percentage
>Percentage actually matters

wtf is this bullshit

Disgusting, take your L when you get one

>am a guy
>always play as a girl

>Character has 10/100 health left.
>Would rather use nine +10 health potions than a larger potion or full heal.

mad lady

Is this fucking loss?

Yeah, it wasn't really challenging but I enjoyed the fact it forced me to use shit I would usually never even consider. I'd normally find one weapon I really like and stick with it, there'd usually be plenty of ammo for it, I'd heal only with Stimpaks or at doctors, and I'd never even think about re-specing that late into the game, etc but NV forced me to use bowling pins, tire irons, golf clubs, dynamite, bare arms, eat whatever shit I could find on the floor, organically cheese the ending with Unarmed at 63, whereas I usually just come super prepared and it's just tedious and uneventful.

top kek user i like you

>streamer keeps talking and responding to people despite the chat being empty
>start thinking that the chat is bugged or that he's using another chat on a separate site
>notice he only has 1 viewer

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really makes me think

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>get hit in the game
>Say oww irl

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Not everything has to be a reference to loss- Wait fuck it is

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I think you have it better. I got fucked out of a proper high school education by the autism label.

>racing game
>"I wonder if I could beat the world record time for this track"
>a month of driving the same track 2-3 hours a day later
>now holding the top five times on it
In retrospect it was dumb as fuck but at least it taught me anything is doable if I really put my autism to it, I picked up drawing and 3D modeling as a result whereas I wouldn't have even considered it before

>kill a enemy
>cry cause he probaly had a family and that is the only job that he got.

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But every time you start over it's more fun

>get spooked in the game
>get scared irl

Is it okay to kill enemies if you know they have no families or anyone that loves them?

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>Make pain and death noises when I get hit in games

I usually look up the optimal build - it saves me the time and effort of figuring it out myself. You think you're winning anything by wasting more time on a game?

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I go ooof when I hit the ground after a long fall
But I only do this in games that don't actually have fall damage.

Nioh specific
>manually unsheathe weapon before every encounter
>manually sheathe weapon after every encounter
It annoys me how you can't do this in Sekiro.

>someone's watching me play a game
>get hit
>they say ouch
This unironically happened to me once

>fps/tps has a pistol
>always magdump the enemy
>when using a rifle always use single shot

>always try to make my character look like any other normal frontline grunt/npc
>refuse to wear flashy, high=level armors because they don't fit the aesthetic i'm going for
>spend hours customizing every facet of my character's face
>play the entire game in first person, only entering third person for towns/hubs

>install almost 300 gigs of pure fucking addons to make the game as beautiful as possible, with as many different mods for screenshots
>touch the actual game itself maybe 3 or 4 times

>sometimes when playing online i'll flop back and spasm like i died, or just do a really fucking annoyed grin at the screen

>try to be a good/nice person in online
>get a friend request
>panic and instantly block that person, nervous as all hell

If the game doesnt offer a name I have to look up the "official" name of the character because I'm not retarded enough to use my own name.

Other than receiver, none that I recall outside of CSs shotguns

>Playing rpg
>Mimic the attack animations irl

Would do that too it felt fucking awesome, both animations and sounds are spot one in that game

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Because you're always ready to fuck shit up.

>playing Serious Sam
>literally only use the knife and revolvers for anything that's complete bullshit in order to conserve ammo
It helps that the revolvers and knife are ridiculously strong (especially for Kleers), but I still always run out of ammo during real serious shit. Also I'm mad both got removed in 3, the hammer is especially underpowered cinematic bullshit and I didn't use it once.

This is just what humans do, we empathize
People watching sports or even movies will do it
What gets really weird is when you think you've hurt yourself and say "ow" but then realize it doesn't actually hurt
Our instinct to call for aid isn't entirely dependent on pain

>>playing Serious Sam
>serious shit
I chuckled

>see a chest
>threw a fireball at it and nuke it in case it's a mimic
>it always works unless the game makes them invincible before opening/spoiler]

Attached: 200% vult.png (610x966, 356K)

>xp shared between party
>kick party members before turning in quests to level mages quicker

Then it's especially wrong, it's like killing fellow Yea Forumsirgins

>constantly fiddle with my mouse's DPI buttons
>get surprised by an enemy coming around a corner
>try to flick my cursor to them and instead spin to face completely away from them
every time

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>exp not shared between party
>kick members out of the active party so that everyone is the same level
>someone new joins the party at a different level
>alternatively, someone leaves the party and then comes back at a wildly different level

Attached: birb dog.jpg (750x707, 84K)

>playing TFE HD
>learn that the revolvers reload themselves if you switch to another weapon and back
>use this any time bio-mechanoids appear to save ammo
I liked Sam 3's pistol, I just wish it had more ammo.

>different characters require different amounts of exp to level up

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>when your starter pokemon is level 75 by the end of the game and none of the rest are above 40

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>can't help but minmax
>start steamrolling everything 25% in
>game becomes boring

>play free MMO
>need to shit
>find an empty area to hide my character as I lower myself onto the floor
>begin sweating profusely as I hold it in
>making sure to move my character once in a while to avoid kicked out for afk-ing
>resume playing once the pressure calms down

I can't be the only one? right?

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>someone picks a character/class you wanted
>can still pick it anyways
>don't do it because you want everyone to be something different

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>You accidentally press quickreload when you wanted to quicksave and viceversa

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>Play any game
>Think about a challenge
>Can't play the game unless I'm doing the challenge because it feels too easy.

I fixed this by making myself a list of few male and female names to use when I don't want to jsut use my usual nick.

>topping leaderboard in FPS
>have to use shittier weapons until everyone is having fun
20+/0 doesn't feel good

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My computer desk, bathroom door and bed are all withing 1 meter of each other so I just bring my keyboard with me into the bathroom and leave the door open.

i keep restarting my games for insignificant reasons. there's a very high chance that i don't beat a game on very first save file. if at all, once i get tired of it. i won't use cheats though.

>Didn't you just save?
>Are you saving AGAIN?
>My grandmother can beat this game if she saved as often as you do

what a bliss

>no enemies around
>swap to knife because I feel it makes me run faster

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I do the exact same thing. I wish I had the bandwidth to stream but with upload in the Kbps range I can only dream.

>play game where you lose whatever bullets are left in the mag if you reload early
>fire a bullet, reload
>internally scream

this, but the opposite order
>buy shitty guns
>don't buy armor
>don't buy defuse kit
>still wipe the floor with the opposition

Fuck I do this

why did they have scissors to begin with?

>jump like a retard the entire game in hopes of bunnyhoping

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For cutting boxes apart to make them take less space in the recycling bin.

yeah that's me

sometimes it feels like it's almost working

>play a new game that I haven't played before
>get really mad that I'm bad at it even though logically I should expect to be bad at it

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Never understood this desu.

>Landing causes you to lose some momentum so you're actually moving slower
Yet I do it.


why would there be that many boxes so that atleast five students would need scissors in order to cut them up?
couldn't the teacher do it? what about leaving them behind for the cleaning personell to take care of?

S-Schizos unite

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Is it possible to kill those fuckers without using walls and without taking damage?

The teachers and cleaning personell aren't allowed to carry scissors though.

Fug this is me
Spend like forever on a fight
It’s okay I can take a few more hits
>enemy lands crit
>I die
Ughhhh why didn’t I use heal T..T
>repeat process
This is why I can’t into rpgs

Same fag

but the students were?

>Consumable items
>MUST have them in multiples of five
>Alternatively, always the maximum amount if I played the game long enough.

Based crybaby
But haha that’s me
>emotional scenes
>plot points get completed and everything makes sense
>actually having fun
>game is to hard
I’m a river of tears

>enter area
>search area for items
>spend 5 hours looking for items
>quicksave after finding enough items
>go into next area
Fuck you postal 2

Fuck, are you me?

Did you get the catnip on top of the big sign at the gas station?

This was me with maplestory after they added in a few more classes
Except it was usually like at halfway through second job
I can’t imag it now with how many classes there are basically the one reason I don’t play it anymore

>I still don't really know whether to be happy or upset with her about it
If you're high-functioning enough to go about your daily life without an official diagnosis, I probably wouldn't worry about it.


hitmans easy as fuck just shoot everyone lmao
t. beat season 1 and 2 on professional gunsl only

>play jrpg
>heal between every battle

If ur not going full donut steel ur doing it wrong

>Pistol bullets count: 6/24
>Shoot a bullet
>Reload animation has all the bullets fly away from the loader
>Bullets count: 6/23 instead of 6/18

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Mines unironcally
:/ I don’t even like naurto but I will keep using that name forever

>hitmans easy as fuck just shoot everyone lmao

Bad bait but someone will fall for it

>spend all game playing stealthy while updgrading the big weapons
>finally get to the last mission
>all the enemies are incredibly weak and just crazy civilians so I don't want to bother shooting them.

>its deathmatch
>someone else has 24 kills

we should make a schizo streaming event

For some reason when I play pokemon, I only catch and use certain genders of certain pokemon otherwise I wont use it

>Time trials in a racing game
>Scrape the wall a little
>Stop car and wait for ghost to pass because i don't want a fouled ghost replay that only I will ever see


Stop being me

>any RPG with a weightless inventory
>keep a copy of all weapons/armour including the absolute trash starting gear "just in case"

>play minecraft

>audio isn’t on an even number
Immense uncomfort

>can't play JRPG without cheats because I'm too lazy to grind

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helo user would you like to sign my petition?

Shit could save your life in REmake 2

I wrecked a train.

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fuck I do the exact same thing

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user, you might be more schizo than me...

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>used a move to confuse enemy Pokemon
>Wears off the very next turn
>Enemy used same move on my Pokemon
>Takes eternity to snap out of confusion

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not being able to grind through shitty jrpgs is literally the opposite of autism

Another tranny I see

>he likes staring at a guy's ass


>tfw i do this for hours straight

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Me saying ouch

>don't teach any of my sword users magic cause it doesn't make sense for them to know magic based on the story
>only teach my magic users one type
>makes the game a lot harder but i just refuse to play it any other way

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>keep asking a cop to sign my petition
>cop gets fed up with it and whacks me with a nightstick
>nearby marching band suddenly all drop their instruments, pull out automatic weapons to gun the cop down
>some civilian gets caught in the crossfire and starts shooting back
>now literally everyone is shooting at everyone
>only person not getting actively shot at is me
>everyone dies except a fat nigger with a pistol
>fat nigger with pistol agrees to sign my petition

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>stealth game
>don't kill anyone because I don't know the circumstances as to why they're guarding the area or trying to kill me so I can't judge if they should die or not

me in eu4

>Npc giving an item I've already hacked in
>Toss it away because I'm petty and its a late game item

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>keep using objectively worse weapons after getting better ones so that they don't feel useless

That’s literally ever Rpg ever

>80% time I just deposit the Starer soon as possible
Am I retarded? Only ones I kept were balbasuar chickorita and treeko

>play dressup with my characters
>boy or girl
>any game genre
>will try to do a mishmash of style and stats to challenge myself
Everyone i play as has to look fly or else

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>use weaker weapon to chip off enemy HP because I'm too OP and I really enjoyed the battle system

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>stealth game
>spend first level carefully avoiding patrols and only knock people out when absolutely necessary
>spend second level onward just slitting everyone's throat and leaving the bodies where they are

>playing HL2
>reload save every time you dont retain maximum suit energy
>reload every time you lose suit energy to headcrabs
>reload if you lose suit energy in ambient levels

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he.. hey it's not autism ok!!!!

Ligma Ballz

>play nuDoom
>take damage
>restart level
>repeat until I complete the level avoiding all damage

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>only use underrated and niche guns
>save up money over match
>buy super expensive shit for whole team at last round
i never got a thank you from anyone

>get rare item/limited ammo for powerful weapon/whatever
>keep it for emergencies
>emergency happens
>refuse to use it because there might be a bigger emergency in the future
I say I'll use it, but I never do. I just use common items and say "nah, might need it"

not bait but its incredibly sloppy and you loose a shit ton of points. but it gets the job done

That picture is stupid. Eventually, enough ladders would make a big enough pile.

are you me?

>be me
>panic and google most multiple choice prompts in games
>because i'll feel guilty for the characters meeting their undeserving demise
>choice doesn't matter in the first place and ends in the same ending
>the one time i don't look it up everything goes to shit
Every time

i actually only play games with furry characters
But those mental gymnastics
What do u tell urself when ur putting on ur dress

this but in half life 2 with the energy balls

Damn it
This is the worst autism there is and i hate myself for having it

i cranked up the difficulty in dying light to do this
the story always tells you that there's really no fighting the zombies, all you can do is run
on max difficulty all the zombies get shitloads of health and a lot of easy crowd control like molotovs are made completely useless, so it becomes really challenging to fight them without getting surrounded and killed from a simple mistake
also boss fights are aids but it's worth it

in a normal playthrough you become an unkillable god by the end but i couldn't stand it
muh immersion

Clear the whole world map before continuing the story, so I end up ridiculously op

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>borrow it


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In RE4 i reload accordingly with the reloading animation:
>with the shotgun and the riot gun, i always shoot twice then reload
>with the Red9 and the rifle, i won't reload until i finish the entire load

>inventory full of potions
>go back to latest healing spot in case i need these potions later
>finish the game and never used them

I do the same with any kind of trivial shit, like enemies I've killed, useless stuff I've taken. I do it all again every time just to make sure the new save is a perfect copy of the old one.

Most of it is going into the hidden saturation bar anyways.

Stop it, this is getting too accurate.

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I will not rebind keys or a controller because I feel like I'm playing it as intended (unless the developer specifies otherwise)
I clean a clean task bar in any game I play. Stardew in particular I'm always sorting it because I don't like to see empty spots in it.
If possible I want my JRPG party to level up evenly.
Back when I was a teenager and got Pokemon Platinum, even if the DESCRIPTION of the Pokemons nature irked me I'd spend tons of time catching another one

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You're small time
>Do the no overlapping type thing and mons from that region/generation only (cross gen evos are fine)
>Inject entire team immediately at level 5, maybe with some egg moves if the level up movepool is awful, with a beneficial nature but random IVs
>Team "leader" must be 5 levels ahead at all times
>Must get every item in an area
>And capture all Pokémon in said area
>AND fight every single trainer
>While not using repels, therefore I have to fight all wild mons I encounter
>In later games move order goes as follows: primary type, secondary type, random 2 moves arranged to make the colors spread out

I've actually developped this thing where Todd Howard lent me Bethesda Studios after dying, and I have to develop ES6. Being the cool dude that I am, I often stream talking about it with the fans, etc.

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>Refuse to use any kind of Pokéballs other than the basic default ones

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The worst part of Dragon’s Dogma.

>developing scenarios to talk about
>apparently i'm not alone in this
Oh god Oh fuck

Just read the wiki and turns out i completely misunderstood how that works, guess im double autistic

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>acquire weapon with a limited amount of uses
>never use it

>stealth archer
>also use magic when head canon is character doesnt use magic but i dont want to create a new character just for a few different skills

>play rpg with deep character customization and spend hours creating character
>come up with extensive autismo backstory for the character you made
>play halfway through the game, think of another character and restart all over again

When were you born?

Kids really have a strange idea of what playing video games is now.

Foods really easy to get in Minecraft anyway first started using meat but made a farm after like 10 hours into my world now able to make like 64+ stack of pumpkin pie easy

>fire the last 5 bullets on the magazine to th air so I can change it without "wasting the bullets"
why am I like this?

Last week.

>check magazine right after just to make sure
Not autistic I swear.
Fuck I do this with games that have ammo pools. I can't stand having some uneven number of rounds left.

Me except on earlier games were it doesn’t show what ball they were caught in

Are you legit THE h8terfistin8er

I think the idea is to keep moving to avoid getting hit by the missile and then go behind him in an attempt to make the missile hit him or another enemy on the room.
Hard but that's the other alternative I can think of

I only ever do this in badly written games, in NV and most of witcher 3 everything was logical and I was satisfied with the outcome.

>play fps
>dump entire magazine into enemy
>another one pops up
>cancel the reload animation and switch weapon
>second gun is also empty and needs reloading
>cancel reload animation again and switch back to first weapon
>oh wait i just emptied this one

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>only ever heal out of battle
>switch in the backup healer and spam the lowest level heal repeatedly in the field to get everyone topped up
>never use items either

having to leave items behind in SMT4 was killing me

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I wanted to like Sveta, but GOD DAMN

not him but
>What do u tell urself when ur putting on ur dress
he wouldn't know, but the character looks cute in it

git gud

ez fix

>game has character customisation
>make the same character you made in previous games
>make up lore why this character is going through time
>rp as character would act ingame

>Will actively avoid something op/broken if it doesn't fit with the theme I decided for my character
>Won't use ugly weapons

>war fps
>if i'm a russian soldier, i only use russian weapons
>if i'm an US soldier, i use only american weapons

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>restart game 1000 times because you want to change one or two things about your characters look

>play GTAV
>change play style completely depending on the character I'm using
>listen to different radio stations depending on the character
>use different weapons as different characters
>basically roleplay as I think Michael, Trevor or Franklin would act

Hi, me. How's mum?

fuck, same as me

>be high ranked/skilled in general
>notice my opponent has run out of ammo
>corner them and aim my weapon
>don't shoot and watch them squirm
>start shooting limbs or using melee
>they panic even harder as im killing them slowly
muh fuggin dik

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Use it then retard

I do this when I'm on a motorbike

This is really autistic

I do this.
You'll never know when you might need it tho. Gotta save it for the perfect moment

>get extremely powerful but limited use weapon
>game stresses how it's only to be used in a pinch
>oh cool
>end up literally never using it because I keep thinking I'll need it even more later

>save up powerful items
>never use them

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Well fuck, it's not my fault they make the ammo so rare.

>don't rename or edit character experience
>cheat myself enough skill points to fill a tree and then some
>use remaining skill points from leveling to fill trees
>pretend that save file is the "real" character

>Party member is healing me
>I heal myself anyways

Attached: Wait a minute, that's not a Snickers Bar.jpg (1280x720, 63K)

I literally cant bring myself to use anything that isn't completely renewable

I just do something childish like Ass Nugget

fuck, man, i do this every time.
being a story-fag has broken me

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>never use items because "I better save them for when I REALLY need them

I beat the armored knight in sekiro and never used a buff candy thing or ash

>health is at 2%
>save full heal and use multiple small heals

>spent like an eternity to create a character in sims 4
>Rarely play again

>do this with new vegas
>have only completed the game five times and have started over 20 new characters
oh god oh fuck

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>download 200+ mods to play fallout 4 again
>spend hours making a character and picking their stats
>get bored the second i get into concord
fuck todd, this game is awful even with mods

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>Get hit in game
>Say nigger irl

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>spend hours setting up the house just the way I would want it
>get bored quickly afterwards and forget about the game

>Make CJ an air pilot
>Pilot planes from airports to airports
>Wait between flights by going to eat and doing what the different cities have to offer
>Respect traffic lights and drive at normal speed
>Do the money cheat code to get CJ's salary
>Go do activities like ride motorbike in the woods, ride bike and things like that in the weekends

Attached: liru_aut.jpg (1280x720, 120K)

>someone shoots your friend on a bridge
>call him a nigger irl

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>team mate is at 199/200 health
>heal them

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>install game
>play it for a few hours
>lose interest
>a few months later, be interested again
>play it for a few hours
>lose interest
End me

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Good healslut

Imagine if people who watched movies/TV panicked over not doing it enough like this
Chill the fuck out

>buy something from a shopkeeper
>say thank you irl

>play some sport game on xbox with kinect (can't remember name)
>playing golf, ask caddie for a different club
>say thank you irl
>she responds with "you're welcome!"

Sounds like what my therapist would say, thanks man, I think I needed to hear that. I just hate not completing something I've started.

>Play RPG
>See a new boss
>Scan it to know its elemental weaknesses
>Fight the boss again
>I know its elemental weakness, but I'm not "supposed" to know it at the start of the fight, so I scan it again

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Playing Hollow Knight now and I can't bear myself to walk around with so much geo. Have to go back and visit the banking lady

Games that don't have consumables are a god send, even if it's behind a long ass cooldown it's infinitely better than losing it forever. Bastion has an amazing weapons system in my opinion, it's literally only up to your preferred playstyle, you can make pretty much any combination work and nothing is ever wasted.

Fuck, are you me?

Attached: when your having a good time but your reminded of a bad experience out of nowhere.jpg (400x300, 42K)

this is adorable

>try a new mmorpg
>spend hours in character creation getting hyped
>play for 30 minutes before I'm reminded this is just another generic time waster and uninstall

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>find health potion
>potion inventory is full
>drink one and replace it with new one just to not leave it there

I mean it makes sense with overheal

>sometimes imagine multiple responses in my head like in a Telltale game when I'm having a conversation with someone
>[ Glass Him ] comes to mind as one of the options when I'm in an argument

How autistic am I?

Attached: is it really so far fetched that I thought glass him meant give him a drink.jpg (211x239, 7K)

>pretend that they make wisecracks while I’m playing and chuckle silently to myself at their jokes
This is the exact moment it delved into schizophrenia

we truly do live in a consumerist nightmare

My current name is a spin off of a spin off of a spin off of a shitty name I used in the Halo 1 days.
To this day my inability to move on daunts me

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>open game
>windowed mode
>window size isn't adjustable
>refund on steam

>witcher 3 everything was logical and I was satisfied with the outcome.

>shove dijkstra

This one's kind of hard to explain but
>game has odd method of interaction like holding a button as a door opening animation plays
>character has a distinct movement pace which is well animated or has a set momentum
>incorporate these into my own movement when I stop playing

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>Makes sure total ammo count is divisible by 5 or 10

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I do this when buying consumable items in RPGs.

What's going on with that scorpion?
Is that a pistol grip where the mag should be?

>have amazing healing items
>never use them and save them for "important" bosses
>never even use them in the boss cause i go autismo and overgrind
>items still there
every fucking time

I do this but I never reload, I just like to have the option there.

>>if i'm a jihadi, i use only american weapons
>>if i'm an israeli soldier, i use only american weapons

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>Magazine is over half full
>Shoot a single round
>Magazine is over half full

I dont know what I expected desu

>never actually play Smash
>fan of Mii Swordfighter
>play him for the first time with friends
>wow this character feels like shit
>pick Peach instead and toss turnips.

There's nothing wrong with it.

>1 result
damn shame

>hey guys check out this quirky video bame habit of mine. Isn't it amazing how you don't use items because they are valuable XD
This is the bottom of the barrel of "relatable" shit i've seen and i've watched ProZD. Shit thread for shit people.

Attached: 1356730982654.gif (406x270, 1.96M)

The pistol grip is infront of the magwell. There's no mag loaded you moron.

lol gunniggers

>hey guys check out this quirky video by ProZD which I watch
Why did we let normalfags in again?

>literally, t.noguns

Attached: 1487280999954.png (560x400, 221K)

>Not exclusively using Premier Balls

>Fire bullet
>Quickly switch weapon before animation ends, and immediately swap back.
>The weapon is now full, and I saved 0.1 seconds.

You can have guns without getting triggered by the word clip or using them as a masculinity crutch

I do this with everything. I don't actually talk out loud but I think it.
Watching a movie? Talk to someone in my head about it.
Watching an anime? Same thing.
Playing music? Driving around? Browsing Yea Forums? All apparently need me commentating to an imaginary person.

>rock back and forth while playing or watching anything

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>don't reload
>next encounter you lose because you didn't have one extra bullet
fucking scrubs

I always tell myself it's not my fault I do this it's a flaw in the game's design


Attached: Don't do that.png (178x209, 95K)

Whatever you say, noguns.


That's more ADHD than autism, though I feel it'd be just as detrimental to your video game experience depending on the game.

>posting common video game mannerisms to try and worry people

Doesn't everyone do that?

To this day I open doors like Batman in arkham city, One sweeping motion

>Playing Sekiro
>Boss slashes at me
>jerk back in real life

Just use themes. That makes it easier. Themes I've used:



That's cute, I became a millionaire after creating my dream game, before putting it all on the stock market and becoming a billionaire who livestreams vidya.

>game has partial mag/empty mag reload animations but has an ammo pool system anyway
>shoot out all of my bullets instead of reloading during pauses to see the empty reload

>I can't play a video game without staring at ass
Damn dude I play as girls too but that's the worst excuse

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>set a spot on a map that I want to go to
>instead of following some road I just go there in a straight line

If you nickname a pokemon you will regret it eventually, no matter what you named it

I like reloading because it looks cool and gives you a good feeling of readiness but I do get a little carried away with it.

>get Elixirs and Megalixirs in Final Fantasy, and similar items in other turn-based RPGs
>save them all for when I might need them in the final battle
>final battle comes
>still use shitty High-Potions and such instead of my full heals

>get legendary weaponry in Fire Emblem
>save them for the final chapter so I don't waste the durability
>final chapter comes
>still only use iron and steel garbage and leave everything else in storage

Attached: 1.png (732x709, 553K)

>Kingdom Hearts
>no way to shut up the flashing icon indicating something new because it logs every little plot detail

>play a game
>forgot if I saved
>save again
>repeat 5 fucking times before I'm sure
>save again 10 minutes later because I'm uncertain if I've saved in the past hour

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Why would you ever have a moment in your day where you did not want to stare at ass? Like what would the benefit be? Like "oh man, look at all this stuff in the world that isn't ass, whoa this is great mhmm, wow"
Like really, what the fuck are you expecting?

>press push-to-talk

>get enemy to low health
>start to melee to save ammo

>press push-to-talk

Spoken like a true 15 year old in puperty, careful that you don't get banned talking about waifus and shit for being obviously underage.

>game lets you date your party members
>can't date more than one girl per playthrough because I'd feel bad about it
>get angry when other people do it

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stop attacking me.

Exactly what you said big fella. Why would staring at ass in a vidya be beneficial? Like yeah it's nice once in a while to look at but the overall picture is way better. Look with your eyes and not your dick

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I color code my Pokemon with matching pokeballs, bonus points if the unique effects the balls have match the pokemon

>Want to take a break from the game
>Save game
>Save game again
>Save game again just to be sure I saved it

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>i actually only play games with furry characters
Name ten (10) games that do this.

Tried to platinum the first NieR, meaning I had to do that damn flower sidequest.
In the end I did everything but there was a bug that didn't register the trophy for ending B.

I felt that one to my soul.

Is your Lucario proud of its power?

Based and russianpilled

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I'll raise you one
>Bioshock 2 at full health
>hacking and destroying a health station can get you two (2) medkits
>go get intentionally hurt twice and use both medkits so I'm maxed out on health and there's no free medkits floating around

>always slow walk inside cities and towns
>never sprint or jog

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I buy things in groups of 5s.

>waste data downloading 30+GB single player demo
>launch it
>terms of use pops up
>disagree, close, and delete without a second thought

>Self insert
>If game has an option to name a weapon, usually name it after movie or other vidya.
>Something thing about crossover between two last games i play not long ago

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I've done that but only really with driving. With Trevor I'll try to hit everything, with Franklin I don't hit anything, with Michael I do whatever

>recently turned over an entire region in S4 into touhous
>play my Hakurei Shrine household for an hour and never touch it again

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This but only when playing games for the second time onwards

>game has important weapon
>will break after number of uses to discourage you from using it needlessly against trash mobs
>will automatically repair itself after a certain amount of time because it's important to the plot
>end up using it mostly to break rocks and shit since it will just repair itself anyway when you break it

>weaker enemies stop giving exp
>grind to that point as soon as I have access to them before moving to the next area
>eventually disproportionate strong enemy
>wind up wasting hours and be overlevelled as fuck until they're considered weaker

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did you mean *botw master sword*

Literally why I don't use emulators. Can't say I feel bad for it either, I'm just that deluded

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>talk with someone in chat
>while humming the sentence irl

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You figured it out.

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>always make my character look like a cute anime boy twink
>always like to play as a heavy tank class
>have to keep telling myself in my head that "it still works, the lore still works, he can be cute and tough its ok, ok?"

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Whenever I play a single player game, one of the first things I do is try and break the game, either by going out of bounds or by getting to places I'm not supposed to be at.

I remember completely fucking up my Talos Principle playthrough because I managed to skip a few puzzles by doing lots of pixel walks, hard jumps and stuff like that.

Any games that allow me to do that but not too easily?

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>play JRPG
>simply can't skip any side quests even when I'm getting burnt out on them and want to do the main plot

Nothing builds stamina and toughness better than getting rammed in the ass all day by fellow sex-starved warriors.

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Toughness? it builds wisdom

Don't be foolish. You gain wisdom by being dominated by wizards, not warriors.

i usually name my characters after my builds, so for my bloodborne strength build, i called my character axeguy, or in my ds3 dex build, i called my character dexington

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>look up Smogon to build up my teams
>Cackling every time I win online

I smell a videogame concept

>enjoying a video game
>suddenly remember I'm autisitc and get existential over what I should be doing in life
>stop playing

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Simple is best

Now is a better time than ever to make a porn game, user

I name my souls characters after nhl goalies and do calls at appropriate times. I yelled BIG SAVE BY BANNERMAAN! after parries on bosses.

Fuck I do this retard shit now too

Especially the whole "I chose to remember this" I say that retard shit in my head and it actually helps

>no vidya I feel like playing
>try and do something non vidya
>want to play vidya the whole time

Heh, have fun never killing shaper, kid.

>sometimes they do tricks instead of checking ammo

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246 Chiwawyrms defeated in Dragon quest 11, everyone level 46 before act I ends. Veronica and Serena started not getting any skill points on levelup

>Fallout 3/NV
>decide it's time to save the game
>walk up to a nice high spot
>holster weapon
>find a nice view
>save the game like I'm taking a picture
>save/load screen is now like a scrapbook of my adventures

Yippy yay, there'll be no wedding bells today

I got spurs
that jingle, jangle, jingle
(Jingle, jangle)

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sounds very comfy and wholesome

>enter building
>make sure all doors are closed

>accidentally joined an xbox party
>panick and can't figure out how to leave cause I never get invited or use the feature
>pull power cord from wall

Why can't I talk online anymore?

>do anything my character is ordered to do unquestioningly
>can’t physically push myself to do evil playthroughs
>refuse to steal on principle even if the game doesn’t judge me for it
>go to ridiculous lengths to avoid killing dogs if they’re enemies ingame
Having morality beaten into me fucked me up

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>certain genders
Just say female, you degenerate

I wish I could drink that.

I used to be an epic weed gamer so I named all my characters after weed references. For example Dan K. Dabs. I got attached to it and still do, even though I don't smoke any more.

>playing FPS
>make slow, deliberate movements as if I'm showing off the game for an E3 audience

>change mags
>gun full + 1 in chamber
>fire round in chamber, gun still full
>can't reload until you fire again
Devs thinking they're trying to be smart.

He probably means he sees certain Pokemon as certain genders. He'd want a masculine Pokemon like Tyranitar or Gyarados as a male, for example.
I do the same thing where I always get males unless the Pokemon is clearly feminine.

i have this 9/10 desu, but there are a few names that i name a specific pokemon everytime i use it

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>beaten into me
what do you mean user ?

I did this when I was a kid, or pretending how I would explain it to a friend or whoever would watch, but now I don't, which I find ironic since we live in an age where you can make money from that
