ITT: Battlestations

not bait edition

Attached: bst3.jpg (3400x4586, 3.81M)

Other urls found in this thread:

>desktop icons
>PC on the floor
>fuckhuge mousepad
>only 1 monitor
>boring af, 0 character

>fuckhuge mousepad
>What is low sensitivity?

Attached: 1530620808558.png (498x596, 655K)

Something for old people.

Attached: 20161205_115756.jpg (3264x2448, 1.6M)

if you don't play at low sensitivity you are objectively bad at vidya.

OP your about a decade late take down that ninth piece

this board is making me lose brain cells each time i go on it

listen up here nigger, low sensitivity is objectively more accurate than high, and that's the reason most professional FPS players (CSGO for example) use it you braindead lobotomite, i'm honestly surprised your fucking brain hasn't forgot how to coordinate your organs you legitimate failure of a fucking creature

Attached: 1546877589305.png (1600x1551, 1.96M)

You shouldn't keep your PC on the floor user.

What's that crank on your table for?

>PC on the table

Attached: zoomie.png (434x327, 32K)

That makes no sense at all.
If you can't get good with high sensitivity you have shit hand coordination. You know, like really old people.

lets you make your own cigarettes

True gamers have their pc on the desks so they can see their sick rgbs

Attached: pc.jpg (4032x3024, 947K)

Upgraded some stuff the other day

Attached: battlestation.jpg (4128x2322, 906K)

You do realise that high sensitivity has no fcking benefit? it legit makes you only more inaccurate, you have no reason to let your mouse do a fucking 720 simply by moving it an inch.

And its not like people with low sensitivity only use low sensitivity even when not in game, you single digit autist, switching sensitivty with a button on any competent mouse has been a thing for literal fucking years.

Nice Ad Hominem + Appeal to Authority.
Ever have an original thought?

Attached: 1535659988038.png (300x244, 62K)

High sensitivity is faster. Never had a problem with accuracy but I don't really play FPS as they are for retards and gays, like you.

You have much more precision from your arm than your wrist.
This isn't even up for debate, almost every competitive player uses a 400-800 DPI and uses around 30-40+ centimeters for a single 360° turn in FPS games. They are all young people between 20-30 of age, calling people old is no excuse.

If you are a high sens player you will eventually hit a wall where no amount of playing will make you better.

Attached: thinkin.png (693x1243, 131K)

>high sensitivity is faster
You are probably the type of person that actually falls for mouse marketing and thinks a 16k DPI mouse must be really good

This dude fact checking you, brah.

Attached: 1537683626912.gif (500x522, 1.78M)

Just making the most out of the little corner my wife let me have haha

Attached: Battlestation Aug 2018.jpg (3024x4032, 1021K)

Interesting, if I ever want to play a competitive FPS i'll keep it in mind.
>moving the mouse a further distance isn't slower

I keep it on my desk to remind me how much money I spent to end up only posting here.

biggest fucking brainlet in the world holy shit the retardation is oozing through my screen

Attached: file.png (263x200, 34K)

>The comfy mug with its own little pad
Also what building contractor would make a corner like that


Attached: 20190324_061548.jpg (2880x2160, 2.19M)

Does OP have a link for where to get a painting set like that? Or is it custom

You should get a TKL keyboard if that is all the space you have for your mouse

Attached: WTshwF.jpg (4032x2948, 3.41M)

>Buffalo bleu cheese potato chips

So much milk...

why the gamer chair
why are you shoved in a little corner

right here user
Got the canvas prints and while it might seem expensive at first, the price isn't all that bad for 9 full pieces.

Redragon makes some decent short ones as well

Love the art on the wall.

You can get really decent mechanical keyboards nowadays for 50$, good bless china


Attached: not bait.jpg (2816x2112, 1.71M)

very much thanks

I actually found out the mouse doesn't need a mousepad so I don't have one anymore since it glides well in glass.
Also the cintiq on the right is always on front of the leftmost monitor, which by itself is slightly more raised than in the pic.

My chair is a black SKRUVSTA (IKEA), better than any standard chair I've ever used, comfier and more versatile, not to mention cheaper than gaming branded memes.

Attached: 1541094615420.jpg (2000x1500, 523K)

>gayass led's for no reason

Cost about 40$ and works like a charm

Attached: 615eoqr7gdL._SL1000_.jpg (1000x1000, 65K)

Yea, the MX master was specifically designed to work on glass surfaces, though it uses bluetooth afaik? It's more an office mouse than anything else but if it works for you neat

The den of a global elite

I use the wifi dongle, not bluetooth. It does have both.
I don't game on PC so the mouse specs are pretty irrelevant for me. I've been playing Kenshi and MTGA on downtime (PS4 has had too many releases) but never a twitch shooter or anything like that.

I hope this is a troll post

respectable adult
filthy disgusting loser

>why are you shoved in a little corner

because he's a whipped husk of a man who cant say anything but yes dear

Looks pretty comfy. Just clean up sometimes

>That remote
Do you also use it to club the bats that attempt to roost in your attic/den

Just got back from a deployment. Hope I'm not a BOOMER now.

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Attached: cuck_o_7176458.jpg (720x664, 99K)

Samefag here, autism told me wireless keyboard must be a remote

the only problem in that pic is the pleb desk you autistic mongoloid
also the chair

Why even use a 10$ membrane logitech keyboard if its a laptop, get a better keyboard or just use the laptop keyboard


I mean, there are wireless keyboards that were pretty much designed to be "the remote" of htpcs

>has a problem with huge mousepad
Imagine unironically having a small mousepad

wow this uses the same principle that I did but mine is comfy

Cringe consumerist cuck.
No wonder you're unhappy.

find the nearest bridge/rope and just end it you super fucking cucklet.

The only shitty thing about my station is the cable management cause there's no cable hole in the table thing.

Attached: photo_2019-03-24_13-52-56.jpg (1280x723, 101K)

It's actually a STAPLES tm. Laptop, my guy. Roommate spilled something on my TKL Corsair.
Also, I'm trying to get as much time out of this laptop as possible since I just bought car.

This Keyboard legit sucks, dude.

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Attached: k360.jpg (1000x1000, 69K)

Ignoring the weebtana, why does that lava lamp look empty, did you drink it user?

boomer roasted.

Attached: 1538301602573m.jpg (913x1024, 84K)

>spilled "something"
Have you noticed your roommate borrowing your laptop and returning it with a cleared history recently.

Nah, it's just turned off.

Attached: photo_2019-03-24_13-57-30.jpg (723x1280, 82K)

Attached: 9999.jpg (900x506, 105K)

it's not on dummy

Is a chair not preferable to a stool

I lock my computer. Are you okay?

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Listen user the last time I had a lava lamp it was always turned on and I had to get rid of it before it tempted me with a rectal adventure

stools promote better posture and they aren't as relaxing, you need to be focused not "comfy"


>you'll never be this rich

Attached: jmC5qpF[1].jpg (4147x2765, 983K)

is this yours? how is life?

Its a bit dusty

Attached: 20190324_081315.jpg (2880x2160, 1.65M)

poor in taste tho

As garish a setup to be expected from the bougeoisie.

I think this guy likes Halo

If he would post a picture showing the other side of the room, you'd see all the dakimuras and the wall of in-box funko pop's

I'd love to do something like this with my basement. But yeah, money is an issue. I already had to tear down a wall and part of a ceiling due to mold right after buying the thing. And a sewer issue cost 8k grand too.
Fucking save up shit loads of cash for emergency expenses when buying a house.
20% downpayment be damned.

trenn deinen müll, du opfer

You’d think with that much freedom it would look nice.
But I suppose limitations are what spurs creativity.

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What's the appeal of having two monitors? Besides reminding yourself that you're working in a shitty call centre.

Still working on it. I'm happy so far

Attached: 20190323_113029.jpg (4032x1960, 2.23M)

based game

Know of any that are like this? Or in a FPS style?

post your desktop wallpaper

Enter the Gungeon is fairly similar, although in terms of FPS I don't really know a counterpart.

Isaac without the D6
>Still working on it.
Indeed you are

The only non-gay person in this thread

In terms of room-to-room dungeon crawler/shooter Enter the Gungeon, Nuclear Throne, Hotline Miami
In terms of rougelike games or permadeath item collecting, I can always fully recommend RimWorld

post butt

>keep having to move house every couple years
>want to set up a nice comfy room to live in but sometimes we move house before we even unpack the old one

it hurts

Holy fuck you're a twat - wrong or not.

mach nochmal das maul auf und du faengst dir eine
isch warn dich


sorry, im not a faggot

Attached: 1479178230928.png (1920x1080, 1.93M)

Thanks user, I knew I recognized that art from somewhere.

that's a lot like what it feels like to rent

That was me back when i moved in into a new flat. No furniture, just a bed and a kitchen table.

Folding mattresses are pretty comfy, only like 40-50$ for a full size single person one, easy to move around

I play the video games.

Attached: 20190324_131412000_iOS.jpg (1008x756, 231K)

How large is your penis to have a keyboard that small

Based Yea Forums user

I tried the whole mechanical keyboard meme, but I found I typed better with that thing. I would like a number pad, though.

post a pic of that figure on the left

Is that rainmeter on the right?
What theme?

Attached: file.png (1920x1080, 2.7M)

Attached: autism.jpg (225x225, 7K)

>8gb ram

Fuckin' tell me about it.

Attached: 4373567.jpg (1037x767, 84K)

Damn OP, first Battlestation I've liked from these threads. Not one piece of gay anime shit.

how do single monitorlets live with themselves

Circuitous Two
The character is Charming Drossel. They friggin' worship her over at /toy.

Attached: 20190324_134306000_iOS.jpg (756x1008, 642K)

What sucks is when you finally start getting by and they raise the rent on you.
I'll keep that in mind. There's a bunch of shit building up in my room that I want to get rid of but haven't been able to, I wouldn't mind downsizing to a really cheap bed since I share it with a dog; no point in a fancy one if it's gonna get covered in fur

desu I've got three monitors, but the only reason I ever turn even a second one on is for movies while I do something on my main.
Thank you very much, yours is much less tacky than mine.

Post wallpaper

I like the artwork

So many people got their setup in the bedroom, you all still live at home?

Attached: battlestation.jpg (2048x1536, 863K)

>why are you shoved in a little corner
His wife's children need room too, you know.

Glad this was near the top of my slideshow folder, here ya go.

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Attached: IMG_20190114_155721.jpg (900x1200, 593K)

seething esport trannies

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rate my setup bros

Attached: razersedge.jpg (2448x3264, 1.84M)

dank shit bro, dank shit

I never wanted to punch a kid in the face as much as right now

we're all losers here

>razor shill

clean your desktop

>he only has ONE monitor

Attached: 1553393374353.jpg (921x640, 100K)


Comfiest setup ITT

If you play at low sensitivity you're most likely a cs-babby. Real men have great control with high sensitivity.

>professional FPS players (CSGO for example)

Attached: 1553222169156.png (640x480, 442K)

I didn't ask if you were a faggot, faggot.

why would you need more then one monitor?

no fox motorsport leads me to believe this pic is ironic

Attached: 1535146878688.png (750x750, 118K)

Why would you limit yourself to just one?

Because of sweet wallpapers

Attached: IMG_20181105_224048.jpg (4608x3456, 616K)

to shitpost and play video games at the same time

horrible desk


Attached: 67be8175b4a97cb3016c19abb74ad73e.jpg (721x744, 93K)

I often like to play low-stress games while watching something on the other monitor. Aside from that it's generally useful in cases where you want to type or work on something while having something else open for reference.

wie viel % fettgehalt

Quake pros also play at low sensitivity
L I T E R A L L Y everyone who is competent does

stop defending your shit tier aiming style, use your arm you weak faggot

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the edgy flag was just what i had on hand to cover the worst of the shitty walls.

Attached: memes.jpg (1600x1200, 188K)

>zoomer pretends to know what he's talking about

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>dance with the dead
Get out, eyes of madness, the man who made a monster and riot are fucking kino songs.


Don't think they've produced anything I haven't loved desu. Go! is one of my favourites along with their remix of Neo-Tokyo.

At least it doesn't have cringey otakushit. It's an 8/10 from me because it doesn't look like a NEETs room.


Money can't buy good taste

mehr gibts ned

that fucking sideways monitor kek

aber weniger du hund

Not a fan of your desk but your floor is very nice, and the area rug is comfy

ich wette du twink laesst dich in den arsch ficken

this is my shitty bedroom

Attached: plz no bully.jpg (1920x998, 120K)

>quake and cs are zoomer
kys armlet

i know this is a meme repost but i havent seriously looked at it before but
>that mouse space

Attached: 1543873208157.png (202x206, 46K)

>that monitor arrangement
for what purpose

Attached: wat animu.png (620x640, 260K)

this is the best one so far

I'm sure this is bait, but the thing is, this setup exists somewhere, regardless if it's user's setup or not. How fucking embarrassing.

big one is for watching shit the topmost one is for PC games, browsing, file management etc then the bottom most monitor is for my switch/ps4. Its actually really comfy user and it allows you to focus on the one you want while still half interested in the other

what do your parents think about all of the anime stuff? does it not embarrass you?

kys faggot


Imagine being that underage faggot who has his tower on the desk.

inb4 muh dust buildup, muh temps, muh easy meaintenance

Attached: 980d02f0c2e941778e580841b5c2cb6b.jpg (442x460, 125K)


It's nothing special

Attached: 455219964_236706.jpg (1280x960, 133K)

>Those disgusting Lolis


Attached: 1550011039492.gif (220x293, 148K)

dont bully her

Attached: Battlestation.png (2016x756, 3.05M)

Kinda old pic, haven't taken the time to get a good pic of my updated shelf/setup.

Attached: setup1.png (1500x1123, 2.32M)



Attached: ULTRA4.jpg (1462x1462, 411K)

What exactly is "rich" about that? Its fucking toys from Gamestop, Wal-Mart shelves, and a few leather chairs. Projectors aren't expensive either. You could probably renovate your basement like that for

i dont see many 32 inch monitors here, why do you all go for 24 or 27?

why 2 360s

Imagine being a senslet

Attached: bstation2019.jpg (2667x1995, 2.24M)

this looks familiar

That orange controller looks pretty slick.

Adding some kind of bias lighting soon

Attached: IMG_20190320_012430.jpg (4032x3024, 2.22M)

Better deals on those sizes with 144 Hertz

Post battlestations from vidya.

Attached: haven.jpg (1920x1080, 1.16M)

nice cat bro

Attached: DSCN2092.jpg (3648x2736, 2.11M)

shes my wife and you will treat her with respect


grandpa desk



post butt

>all these waifufags who don't have vr


kys too faggot

Attached: jeremylmao.gif (297x212, 473K)

Original thought? On the internet? Surely you can't be serious.

this looks terrible i feel bad for whoever lives here

i posted this is the last thread. i would shill my twitch stream but you faggots tried to get me banned

Attached: 20190323_213915.jpg (4032x3024, 1.11M)

Why is carpet flooring so fucking nasty. Just get a wooden or tile floor with a freaking rug. Disgusting muricans.

>perfectly clean minimalist living spaces
I don't understand the appeal. Looks like a hotel room, no evidence a human being lives there. Is it autism that makes people live like this?

Attached: 20181209_103135.jpg (4032x2268, 2.31M)

>So many people got their setup in the bedroom, you all still live at home?

Once you have kids you move to the basement or bedroom.

It's an apartment

clean your fucking room

Attached: peterson traps are gay.png (520x597, 204K)

>6 chairs
for what purpose

It's called not being a manchild

Do not bully me :^)

Attached: 20190324_111322.jpg (4032x3024, 3.12M)

Look at the manchild getting all mad. Mommy forget to make your tendies?