Why are Zoomers so afraid of historical video games?

Why are Zoomers so afraid of historical video games?

Attached: Nam.jpg (1600x900, 247K)

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History must be ignored and forgotten for their socialist dream to remain their fictional utopia

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Because people want control and want to erase the bad parts of their plan that proved them wrong so they can have power. Be cause they're indoctrinated. They want to shitpost. They want everything to fall apart. They're stupid. They're lazy. They think that if they pretend the bad things didn't happen society will be able to move past it and move on without understanding that being unaware of history causes repeats. Pick any off this list user.

because there are no trannies in them and people back then would have made fun of them and probably use the n word comfortably

They're afraid of offending others, which is why historical games get riddled with inaccuracies.

Black people didn't fight in Vietnam, now? Who's the revisionist here?


Zoomers or the devs?


Of course it's boring for the ones who slept in school.

Because all of history clearly started when they were born.

Fucking hell I don't think I've ever seen a First Post that was such a Best Post. 10/10

Are they?
If so why did every normalfag cream their pants when call of duty went back to WW2 or when Battlefield 1 was announced?


Because they're all samey glorified movies with absolutely no creativity or effort imbued in any facet of their design.

Quite the opposite. Instead of exploring different eras of history, devs just keep ramming the same two wars down our throats.


Attached: yaaa.jpg (282x383, 79K)

Nobody in this thread said that though. Are you retarded?

>tfw no games about the Korean War

Attached: D1GAf6NX4AAri53.jpg (701x392, 43K)


>I play shooty dooty for the lore

They aren't. People on this website have a boogyman complex about zoomers. It's such a shit cancer meme I can't even tell if people are unironic about it or not, fucking embarassing desu.

You can't push a narrative with facts.