Do you use tobacco while playing video games?
Do you use tobacco while playing video games?
Can't smoke, lung problems
I use snus. It is great.
Only the effects of nicotine and if you brush your teeth, it is harmless, only addictive
Smoking is dumb. Now to eat crappy food and drink alcohol excessively.
Yes. Sometimes weed.
I drink a fuck ton of milk usually well playing vidya, i just love me a cold glass of cow titty juices.
t. zoomer
No, I'm not 16 anymore.
>paying real money for the opportunity to inhale the products of combustion
People are a meme.
This game does not promote smoking or the use of cigarettes
Switched to vaping about a month ago, and I've been completely cig-free for a few weeks now. Last time I tried to quit by vaping I relapsed because I smoked cigs when I drank. Won't do that anymore. Slowly lowering the amount of nicotine in my juices too.
And I didn't smoke inside because that's dumb.
>it is harmless
>only addictive
Snus causes way more cancer than cigarettes tho.
nicotine doesn't feel like anything for me and tobacco tastes mediocre
>tfw cigar fags pay money to taste cow shit
How is it "dumb"
no it doesn't
cigarettes cause cancer because inhaling smoke causes cancer
anybody who tells you that unsmoked tobacco causes cancer is a lunatic ultra radical anti-tobacco activist
>ultimate gaming enhancement from nicotine
>looks cool (and chicks love it too)
>marginal negative impact on body
imagine unironically not smoking, must be a sad, sad existence
Imagine willingly giving yourself lung cancer and paying money for it
No iam not 14 anymore i just smoke weed nowadays
How come? I thought cigars were rolled out of fermented tobacco leaves
manure is a 'taste' you might find in a cigar
Stay in denial fag and do your research
i'm not against smoking but don't do it near your video games okay.
Imagine willingly living on this gay earth and not purposefully chipping away at your own lifespan with cigarettes and other drugs.
Are you stupid? Chewing tobacco is crazy bad for your mouth and has a ton of carcinogens. Snus is only alright because it's fermented.
i mean i dont really care if people smoke or not, but inside? do you really wanna stink up your house
>yellow walls
I once smelt a gamer nerd who obviously showered twice a month, rarely changed his clothes and was smoking like a pack daily.
That was years ago and I'm still traumatized.
Not quite but I go outside and smoke on my patio when I get up to stretch and take a break from vidya. Feels good.
The tar sticks and your furniture will smell.
I don't use any tobacco. There's no evidence that using non-smoked tobacco has a high risk of cancer. You've been duped by a lifetime of psychopathic anti-tobacco propaganda from people who will not stop until every last human being on earth stops consuming nicotine. These same people are now spinning lies about vaping.
That answers that, then. You illiterate fucking retard. Go do your walking condom advertisement act somewhere else.
>These same people are now spinning lies about vaping.
I figured it's cigarette companies that shit talk vaping. In my country you can't even buy flavored e-juice. so the e-cig stores just sell DIY concentrate and call it food flavoring
this is the most fluorinated post I've ever seen
t. gum salesman
>Snus is alright
learn to fucking read you mouthbreathing doomsayer
Nah. I've only had a handful of smokes in my life. They're alright, but it's more of a social thing for me.
tobacco companies are a major concern in the vaping business, that's part of the reason that the anti-tobacco activists hate vaping. they've spent decades dreaming of the day that tobacco executives will be strung up in the streets, and the idea that there could be a future where those companies survive, and we return to a society where something resembling smoking becomes socially acceptable again, it's a moral outrage to them no matter how many lives could be saved.
same reason they propagandize against snus. if not for their lying, many smokers would be using it instead and be in better health. but that's not tolerable to the crusaders. no outcome where people are consuming nicotine is acceptable.
A whole bunch, especially playing tekken. Feels good to low parry while taking a puff.
chewing tobacco use marginally increases your chance of getting cancer. so does drinking coffee and eating grilled food. the effects are drastically overblown by activists who want to destroy the tobacco industry. I grew up being taught that if you do chewing tobacco, you're guaranteed to end up with a hole in your face, which is a lie.
smokers are jokers
BRUH I smork fucking weed bro get on my absolute level
You misread the post and made a fool of yourself and that's that. If you want me to care about you blogposting your upbringing, own up to that first, then get back to me.
non-smokers are jokers
I didn't misread. It doesn't matter than half of your post is correct when the other half is propaganda.
Can confirm it's bad but that's like 10 years worth of dirt.
>chewing tobacco use increases your chance of getting cancer
your words, you literal nigger
why is it always americans being posturing bitches and taking the internet too seriously? man, this place really went to shit with the election
>There's no evidence that using non-smoked tobacco has a high risk of cancer.
those are my words.
chewing tobacco *marginally* increases your risk of mouth cancer
I'm not posturing. You're the one who is pulling this e-argument gotcha shit. That's the definition of posturing.
Yeah I bought one of those iqos things. Not half bad.