Playing Sekiro, i didn't even realize it was a nip game.
>no cringe juvenile "humor"
>no attempts at being self aware
>no long exposition heavy cutscenes
>no needlessly sexualized fap bait female characters
>no melodramatic cringe inducing "acting"
>no shrieking
All of their games seem to avoid all the tropes that plague japanese media from anime to vidya. Why is that Yea Forums?
Why are they so different?
Other urls found in this thread:
They're not the only ones, it's just that the trash that you mentioned is more popular among the Japanese.
They don't listen to vocal minorities. They just make games. Social media and devs that listen to them are far too common in the West.
You've clearly never played Metal Wolf Chaos
From has always been Jap kino.
Because the majority of Japan is still stuck within their delusional little cultural bubble, especially when it comes to their entertainment.
The nip games devs that somehow realize there are other target demographics to pander to outside of their shitty & niche otaku circles tend to see far more international success and brand recognition because of it.
Capcom's also getting the note too, if the RE:2 remake, DMC and MHW releases were anything to go by.
All From games past Demon's Souls don't count
They're trying to be us, and a lot of our best films are rather understated and thoughtful. From games are the closest we've had to arthouse films that aren't outwardly obvious about it like games such as El Shaddai.
>All of their games
>All From games past Demon's Souls don't count
nice revisionist history
>Japanese games should only be in a form I enjoy
>>no needlessly sexualized fap bait female characters
back to resetera faggot
>Because the majority of Japan is still stuck within their delusional little cultural bubble, especially when it comes to their entertainment.
good. kill yourself
It's been said before (albeit a while ago now)
Nips using western storytelling = kino
Westerners using nip storytelling = trash
being a one-trick pony is not being diffirent
>proceeds to have Lady and Trish fully naked
Gasp, anything but naked female bodies!
What's the problem with that?
Besides Macross Frontier, the mecha genre isn't known for pulling the typical anime tropes. When people celebrate Gundam, they're not talking about waifus, they're talking about their mechfus which entails a different line of thought; an admiration for the nation behind the mecha, the characters who pilot them, etc. It's little doubt that From Software, when they were pumping out AC titles one after another, was filled with these sorts of employees. Guys who like the world building, the mechas, and the idea of piloting one. There was never a need to fluff it up with bullshit. If we run with this assumption, it was the perfect environment to breed games like DeS and the rest of the Soulsborne games because the company was filled with guys who wouldn't go
>But what if we added SKIRTS
Meant to reply to OP.
and that's a good thing
>no needlessly sexualized fap bait female characters
The entire post was about how the game didn't feel like a japanese-made game, not that it didn't feel like a western-made game.
>Revered as a goddess of fertility and bounty
And it has the benefit of working plotwise because what enterprising Chosen Undead would say no to her beseeching of thee to link the fire?
99% of Japoid """humans""" are insect workers whose lives are constantly miserable. They are a nation of manchildren. Much like the people that love epic pop figures and Marvel here. The only way to stop them is another few bombs and give them to the Chinese.
>no cringe juvenile "humor"
guardian ape throws shit at you and farts poison clouds. how is that not the very definition of >japanese humor
That’s just satire.
That's just ape behavior.
Literally every point you make, aside from fap bait characters since the west can't have attractive females anymore, apply to western games. I have no idea why you're claiming Japanese games do them
Sekiro feels like an ubisoft game.
>Literally every point you make ... apply to western games
>no long exposition heavy cutscenes
Literally because of Miyazaki. There’s interviews where he describes his style and he likes his games to have class, that’s the actual word he used. Thats why there has been a shift in their games since demons souls.
The absolute state of fat murricunts
Miyazaki originally wanted to scrap that design but the guy who made it was so proud of himself he kept it.
Retarded post by a retarded poster.
>ummm your culture is delusional
>but my culture is the real deal
You are unironically brainwashed imperialist pawn
you should play it
Anime shit is cringe, but I also hate when Jap games get westernized too much. Dark Souls, The Evil Within, Resident Evil and DMCV have that perfect balance between cringy anime shit and western influences.
>Sekiro draws from Japanese cinema, specifically period films
>"western storytelling"
Good bait.
Waifus + mechas = based tho
I don't care about objectification or any shit like that. It just ruins the tone for me and i can't take the narrative seriously if there are half naked woman that are merely there for fap bait.
It's generally true that western games are more subtle and reserved than jap games that are more dramatic
They are not different, it's you who has shit tastes and never really explored a lot outside of western trash.
japs (and most chinks in general) are collectivist by nature and thus pandering to their own culture, no matter how shortsighted it is, is the most important thing they can do
from's devs simply understand that there's a bigger world out there
That isn't humor dumbass. Monkeys literally so that kind of stuff
holy fuck what is this
there's simply no fucking way this isn't fanmade or something
go back to tumblar fag
Imagine having this garbage of taste. Nothing wrong with japanese games on the whole, they have given us MGS, and some of the best RPGs ever made.
What the fuck did I just watch
This guy always makes me smile. The fucker deserves to have his cock sucked by a new 10/10 woman daily for the rest of his life. He literally can do no wrong in my eyes. My favorite developer of the modern day. The shits in the industry need to be following his lead whether from the west or even japan.
Kill yourself
This. I was at the zoo once and I saw a gorilla shit in its hand and throw it at someone. Fucking weeaboos
this but unironically
all of the souls, blood and sekiro are just, wow. sogood
other games have better graphics, or better gameplay, or whatever, but fromsoft games have something that makes them great, heart, soul, whatever. its art
Uh they sexualized a shota and his boy feet also the shitty art director has been constantly ruining his games with lanklets (omg they lanky means its scary) retard needs a knock to the head.
what other meaning does "one-eyed monster" have?
what are they up to now? whats the next FS game
any leaks, rumours? ps5?
your dick you dumdum
AC and dark fantasy RPG game confirmed a few years back. Sekiro will no doubt get an expansion/DLC. We'll probably get something new at TGS.
who the fuck says that? I've never heard it
dark fantasy rpg 2020 on the ps5?
Apologize right now you fucking retard
Hopefully a ps4 armored core, but I'm not expecting anything at this point. It's really depressing to me how AC will probably skip a whole generation, if it ever comes back.
Look on the bright side: If AC ever returns, it'll have more spotlight than ever given From's new reputation.
Based imperialist.
>not the very basis of western humor
>no needlessly sexualized fap bait female characters
Yeaaah, that's gonna be a yikes and a pirate from me.
>AC finally is in steam
>mech parts can be modeled by the players
>90% of the matches will be players with dicks as guns and swords
As it turns out: Both are fucking awful.
Oh i forgot one other thing, why do they have great English VA?
Great VAs put on a really bad performance in nip games and anime. Take Troy Baker for example, he is amazing as Joel in that Naughty Dog movie game but i can't stand him in mgsV and Fullmetal alchemist brotherhood. I only played Sekiro in Japanese mind you but all of Souls and Bloodborne have literally perfect VA.
japs do
hicks and texans use the one eyed snake version
Weeb shit usually has good plots and action though. Capeshit is literally the same movie made over and over and over again.
well maybe they just pick good actors because they actually give a fuck about their games
Nah just reality lmao, westerners talking about cringe and being corny. Ain't nothing more cringy than 30+ basedyboy men obsessing over superheroes and their powerlevels heh
Sekiro has shit tier english VA. They didn't go with the company that did DeS, BB, and all the Dark Souls games, it has burger anime dub voice actors instead
>sexualized fap bait female characters
You're right ugly ones are better
kek are Americans starting to represent the Amerimutt meme in their games now?
this 100%
literally the only jap game, where women aren't fap bait
fromsoft's good and it's good they're making money, and it's good capcom is good again now. three woots
what the fuck? cursed image
what game?
You don't play japanese games. You're just a tool that spends too much time on Yea Forums
Dont be a retard.
There's a sliding scale here.
Most jap games go for hypersexualised porn women, american games currently are going for hypergoblinized gross women.
You dont have to be at either end of the spectrum
Not even mad, just the truth.
Really? Claire looks like a normal female to me.
>all the tropes that plague japanese media from anime to vidya
Have you ever read a book from a Japanese author, user? Not a comic book but an actual novel.
Sure, and a lot of american games have normal looking women.
Yea Forums jus likes to scream about it like retards.
Most of the AAA western developers don't
Bethesda - Ugly characters all around
Bioware - Ugly women
Epic - Ugly women
Ubisoft - Have you seen the feMALES in AC:O, yuck
It's intentional design, and an adequate reward for fighting your way into Anor Londo. She's a goddess of fertility, and I'll be damned to see one depicted as a chestlet.
AAA devs are lazy shits, who knew.
That said, >AC:O
Fuck no senpai, Kassandra is top tier. The random NPCs walking around are often awful, but not all of them.
Lots of jap shit is like that, I honestly don't get how people say Dark Souls isn't jrpg because the whole aesthetic feels like jap idea of what western stuff is like, let's not forget how the west can't make anything action that isn't shooting so it's not like the gameplay feels like a western game either.
Pic-related is the only pretty female character made by Bioware
To be fair, it was a plot point
Kassandra is inferior to her male counterpart tho
Sure, if you're into guys I guess.
You do you, user.
Isn't dick chinchin in japanese?
>Sure, if you're into guys I guess.
You mean Kassandra fans?
I mean if you find her less attractive than the guy, then that probably says something about your tastes.
Not that there's anything wrong with that.
I wonder why western game devs are so afraid of SJWs that they always make ugly female character these days.
Kassandra was built like a man. The real only based bitch in that game was Kyra.
No way fag
>a masculine woman is more attractive then a masculine man
Males too, I can't think of any western male vidya characters in recent memory whose dick I wanted buried deep in my anus as much as Nero from DMC5
>mfw go in expecting another 'thank you for collecting 10 bear pelts for me, lets fuck' quest
>instead actually get emotional buildup between the two characters
I was shocked
Well yes, unless you're attracted to men.
What did they get so right with this port?
The entire game it was running so smoothly at 1080px2 it was fucking sugoi as fuck
Being honest about wanting to fuck men is better than being insecure about wanting to fuck tranny
>implying Capeshit is any better than anime weeb shit
Both are usually absolute trash tbqh.
user, you're saying that fucking a man (Alexios) is less gay than fucking a woman (Kassandra).
You may have become confused somewhere.
Honestly? AoT > all MCU capeshit. Some animu is actually very well written. Still waiting on that capeshit film that doesn't follow all the usual plotpoints and tropes. Doctor Strange? IS LITERALLY the fucking Ironman movie with magic. Same mother fucking character.
>no cringe juvenile "humor
>no attempts at being self aware
Capcom also made Claire Redfield look ugly in Resident Evil : Revelations 2
I'm just telling it like it is, user. Tough shit if it bothers you but that's generally the case.
There's a reason why Monster Hunter World became an international hit, despite Capcom's laughable former attempts to restrict their popular Japanese IP to shitty Nintendo hardware for about decade. Imagine how much more money they would've made if they actually had the brains to push the IP on Sony some 5-8 years ago.
The same goes for anime, there's a reason why Attack on Titan, My Hero Academia, Mob Psycho and etc see much more international popularity than the dozens and dozens of generic SoL high school harem anime that Japan regurgitates to their niche Nip otaku markets.
Miyazaki understands the value of simplicity for the sake of an international audience.
If you look at all of the mountains of cut dialogue from any of his Souls games and realize it made the games better because they were cut, then you begin to understand.
They're both gay, that's irrelevant
>be myazaki
>study law or some other boring normalfag nonsense
>29yo, decide to make games, no experience
>git hired
>become CEO
beyond based
What game is this?
Japan generally considers anime, manga, VN's and video games to be pretty childish mediums and they're mostly treated as such. They even have a separate "light novel" categorization that's reserved for more juvenile anime'like novels.
Almost all of Japan's "mature entertainment" is reserved for books and live-action movies. Basically, if you play video games you're already childish to begin with, so why pretend otherwise?
Just goes to show that raw creative talent can have power over work ethic and connections if said person has some fucking amazing creative vision.
How did he do it?
And in the west, comic movies are now oscar winners KEK
he wanted to, thats why he belongs in the literal league of legends in history, proof that you can do whatever the fuck you want
yeah pretty much he went in there, told them he likes games, and that he wants to make games, and has a few ideas. beyond fucking based. and they believed him and hired him why? because he believed in himself, thats the truth. he wanted to and did it, fuck the haters, fuck mom and dad, fuck the normies, fuck law school, and fuck working for shekelstein
took control of demons souls when it was already thought to be a huge flop and turned it into something great. Realistically the odds of anyone ever doing this are like 100 million to 1 but he pulled it off somehow.
Most of Japan's standard live-action movies are fucking garbage though. Just as trashy as anime to be honest. Though this doesn't just apply to Japan, but the west as well obviously.
Doesn't help that their actors can't act for shit either; they're almost always either too wooden or too over-dramatic, I can't take most of their movies seriously because of it.
The west has lots of manchildren.
>made by Bioware
Nope. She was based off this qt. Which is a good thing btw, but Bioware deserves no credit for that.
1. he just wanted to make games, not to be famous, not to make money, not to make a huge game, not to work with leaders in the industry, not even to succeed at making a good game, just to make games
2. he made demons souls into what HE considered to be good, ignoring everyone elses opinion
the man is a legend. honesty will take you far in life
Forgot pic
Damn. Wish he'd do more interviews and shit, seems like a very interessting man
Go back to /d/ faggot
>All of their games seem to avoid all the tropes that plague japanese media from anime to vidya.
Yet all of those games canivalize each other because they are carbon copies.
The only true poster
10/10 bj lips
about demons souls, he said that it was already a piece of shit no one cared about, so if he failed at it, then it'd just remain a piece of shit, no big deal
took a big risk and went all in
As expected of someone on Yea Forums who has no idea what he’s on about.
SJW shit is worse than anime shit.
he's famous for being a recluse, and not in the taro yoko way, in the practical way. He just never talks to the PR people, never goes to TGS, always working on his games even though he's the president of fromsoft and could easily just relegate everything to somebody else.
Yep, this guy has the right idea.
Too much "western" influence and it becomes generic and forgettable as fuck, too much "Japanese" influence and it becomes cringey and unbearable as fuck. A mix of "western" grit & realism & "Japanese" wackiness & charm can go a long way and this shouldn't just apply to Japanese games, but to western games as well.
I'm still really surprised that Demon's Souls just exists out of nowhere. It's really strange that some people just made a game like that one day, and it wasn't even big budget or advertised highly in the slightest.
it's too bad the days of AA videogame production is basically over now. 7th gen was really something special.
It was already pretty much over during the PS3 era. PS2 was the last truly creative era for non indies.
demons souls looks kino, I wish I could play it. remaster when
That’s how monkeys are
Do the Japanese even like the Souls games/Bloodborne? Or is it a mostly western fanbase? It doesn't seem like the type of the game most Japanese would like.
>7th gen
7th gen marked the beginning of the decline for the game industry.
6th gen was the last, true great generation for gaming.
yeah you're right. we need more niche console games, enough of the spider-mans and whatever the fuck, red dead redemptions
Damn, you've missed out if you haven't played Demon's Souls yet. I dunno how much PS3's are worth these days, but it's worth getting alone if you can find one for cheap.
God I can’t wait till capeshit goes back to being seen as dorky and socially unacceptable to like all those movies suck so much and I’m sick of hearing about them
>do japanese like souls games
>sekiro literally played by majority japs on twitch
Japs like engaging combat, hence why most western games flop in japan.
Jap games have absolutely terrible writing. I quit RE2make after about an hour because by then the plot had already devolved into running through a dev test room consisting of running thing A to point B with no narrative reason for anything to be happening at all.
i think the game was about to be canceled so they gave it to some new programmer they had at the time to manage the project, as luck would have it, he was an autistic westaboo so he made it good.
Imagine believing that being against cartoon porn makes you a SJW. I am pretty conservative and you are fucking faggot if you jack it to video game girls.
None of the things you listed are uncommon in games outside of Japan.
None of the things you listed are inherently bad.
Some of the things you listed aren't even common in Japanese games.
None of the things you listed are actually true for any of Fromsoft's recent games.
All you did was frame your tastes as inherently good and western, while everything that isn't your taste is supposed to be bad and Japanesey.
When you really observe what you're saying, it comes across as extremely ignorant and bigoted.
People who like capeshit should be branded and outcast from society.
kill yourself faggot
I was asking about the Souls series and Bloodborne.
you say that now, but when 9th gen rolls around and makes videogames even worse than they are now, you'll be begging for 6th and 7th gen again.
>western games don't have terrible writing
kek Fallout 4 and Mass Effect Andomeda were two of the worst written games of the generation
DMC literally has a michael jackson scene, retard
Yeah, they do like it, obviously. It has an appeal where semi-normies and hardcore fags also enjoy it. People don't seem to know that in Japan the really hardcore fags are the ones who care about Western or PC games like Wizardry and stuff like that which helped lead to Souls in the first place.
you need the shit kicked out of you, faggot
I believe that's shadowtower abyss
The last western game with love and cared put into it was RDR2
Desu cutting the Queelag dialogue was a shame.
>another rockstar rehash
>>no needlessly sexualized fap bait female characters
That's because the dev has a foot fetish. He sexualizes the feet.
You don't play any games other that triple A shit if ME:A and FO4 are your basis for what constitutes bad writing.
yeah next one will be gta6 probably. what else?
I couldnt care less about cd projekt and cyberpunk to be honest with you my man
hopefully gta6 will be on the ps5 so they can blow me away
some anime is good. all capeshit is terrible.
RDR2 released just 5 months ago, user. What are you trying to say?
>we want the Dark Souls audience
>b-but we also want Tokyo Ghoul, shonentard and waifufaggot audience
Most Jap devs are just too caught up in trying to pander to otakushitters and waifufaggots. Just look at pic related, NBG is being like a fucking chink by trying to release low quality Chinese bootleg Dark Souls, but the company also wants the horny otaku bucks, judging from the character outfit. How the fuck are you supposed to take this game seriously when the characters grimly spout some convoluted exposition while shoving their tits in player's face?
>I was unironically hyped for this weeb souls clone
>see this image
Fucking yikes
japan still makes tons of aa games every year. most of them just get dismissed by nu-Yea Forums as "weebshit" because they have an anime art style.
Oh i'm sorry, outside of the AAA, it's mosty early access shite.
>settings is YOOOOOOO BABAM
>main default language is weeb
the usual western traits tbqh
im still going to buy this and hate myself for it
Blame the otakus who refuse to buy anything unless it looks like softcore pornography.
this but unironically
I hope they make ACE:R 2, with Franxx in it for shitty fanservice, so you can eat a dick.
At least AC is more likely than ACE
>low quality Chinese bootleg Dark Souls
> souls series is just a edgelord Zelda clones with no dungeons souls games are for fags that want to pretend they're hardcore
> muh white supremacist boogey man
although all the "complaints" in the OP and post in this thread seem to just hate hetero focused designs or just attractive designs in general and disguise it as "japanese humor". I'm not saying you shouldn't like dull sterile nonsense scared of sex appeal or personality just dont try to pretend it is superior because it lacks it.
But white people are better than Asian people, right?
Subjectivity is implied. I don't have to preface every opinion of mine with "in my opinion" or some autistic shit like that.
How am i bigoted? I obviously like Fromsoft and last time i checked they are very much Japanese.
most of this shit happens on western games tho?
The best Japanese games are the ones created by people who like Western stuff more. In the NES era this is true. In the PS1 era this is true. It's true universally.
Fuck off and stay where ever you end up as long as it isn't here.
You should try the Yakuza series. It has drama, humor and sex but not in a cringe way, even side characters feel like real adult people. People smoke, drink, curse, cheat, fuck. Feels real
The one japanese game where they are not ashamed of the japanese features, unlike other games where the ''asians'' look like white people with weird colored hair.
Don't forget Vanquish and Bayonetta
Was that statue commissioned by Quinten?
7th gen apart from the jewish shit was pretty cool, the handheld/console/PC games delivered enough good stuff, who knows what the fuck happened to console gaming because it took a long ass time to get interesting again after 2012, handhelds definitely suffered with the failure of the vita in the west too.
>Westerners using nip storytelling
westerns using western storytelling are shit too
>out of nowhere
spiritual successor to kings field
>no advertising
that was sony's choice. yoshida said the game was shit and refused to publish it anywhere outside of japan. atlus saw that and picked up the slack in the us. bamco followed in europe. then dark souls and it's remaster happened cause bamco
What if everyone in this world is a kid in an adult body?
I wouldn't mind them sucking if they didn't all felt like the same movie, Infinity War kinda broke the formula and it was a success why the rest don't follow.
You are right for the most part however
>no cringe juvenile "humor"
They tried but they ultimately couldnt escape their japanese nature
>giant monkey farts a poison cloud in your face
>giant monkey takes a shit on his hand and throws it at you
Demons souls and maybe vampire the masquerade bloodlines too are prime examples that if a game is good, no matter how big the pile of shit hiding the quality is, it will ultimately succed
You separate Fromsoft as essentially "one of the good ones". Plenty of bigots recognize what they deem to be exceptions. What you said is bigoted, because you over generalized. Claiming a culture tends to work in ways that you deem bad. When in fact, there is no good reason to make those general statements. Like I said, when you really observe what you say, it doesn't hold water. But you still treat Japanese games as this other unworthy thing.
>couldnt escape their japanese nature
well if it's part of their fucked up japanese lore there's not much they can do.
You only play bad jap video games and watch bad anime and think everything that comes out of Japan is like that
>watch bad anime
This is still all of it.
A lot of people on Yea Forums hate V for being different
>Still no info of 2019 rerelease
Fucking hell
Ask Sony
My favorite western game is Okami
Nah, I'm not a zoomer who grew up on games while the industry started going to shit, I know better and I know what kind of quality gaming experiences they missed out on.
6th gen was the last truly good gen for gaming, and I'm well-aware of the fact that things will only continue to worsen once 9th gen rolls in.
its all the same shit, fag. theres good and bad games on every gen
I don't think having bad writing makes a game bad. Gameplay is king after all. I rather have cringe but fun games like MGS than something like onions of war.
Mostly because you are a faggot, OP
>not cringe weeb
ok lmao
If you think that's what makes japanese games then I bet my ass the xbox 360 was your first introduction to gaming.
Japanese devs have ALWAYS been the ones who actually knew how to make the best games with metric fucktons of replayability, high skill ceiling and fun exploration, while the west was busy pumping B tier books and calling them games. From fighting games through rpgs to horror, japan has made it all and 90% of the classics from the golden age of vidya (nes-ps2) were japanese games.
There's a reason gaming went to fucking shit circa 2007 with microsoft taking the leads of the industry and pumping generic dudebro military circlejerk trash nonstop, it's because the west doesn't know jack fucking shit when it comes to making games.
This on consoles Japan will always be king, they didn't get used to HD as fast as the west but now it's the opposite, all American companies except Rockstar can't keep up these days since they don't know how to make single player games.
The high-quality pre-7th gen games were better than the high-quality post-7th gen games on average though. DLC bullshit wasn't a common practice, for one thing. Devs had to release completed games on release, that aspect alone should automatically put pre-7th gen games on a higher pedestal.
Never understood self deprecating Westerners. What compels Amerifats to step on a soap box and screech how evil Western society is?
>all American companies except Rockstar can't keep up these days since they don't know how to make single player games.
The west doesn't even know how to make good multiplayer games in this day and age anymore.
I don't disagree that japs make better games overall, absolutely agree in fact.
>no needlessly sexualized fap bait female characters
Bruh you gay if youre not fapping to Lady Emma
Yeah but that's the only thing they do so they are at least kinda competent at it, can't say the same for single player since they don't even make them unless it's indie. This is what happens when you let jews take over so they only do the stuff that will get the most money (online shit)
Based self-aware poster.