Why are there female warriors running around ancient Greece?
Why are there female warriors running around ancient Greece?
Because it's a video game.
Historical accuracy.
Try reading a book sometime.
because its written by sjws
>Why are there female warriors running around ancient Greece?
Because there is only one kind of people in the world. That is, people who understand and value history, everyone else is not a person. The latter group makes up over 90% of all humans.
Because fuck realism that's why.
The cyclops and medusa characters seem a liiiiiiittle bit
more unrealistic but yeah no, I hate women too man. Ewww, so
nasty right?
all female warriors in the game are mercs or pirates
Going back as far as Plutarch, the legend of the amazons existed, to the point where Plutarch claims to have personally seen their burial places and various battle markers from the Athenians fighting the Amazons with with own eyes.
Because sex sells morty
The negress dreadlocks are fucking WAY over the top. How many kangz are in the game overall?
How is cyclops unrealistic? He's a one eyed bandit.
because it's not a historical game and because who cares
>Atlantis DLC late April
I'm tired of this wait.
>A FUCKING CYCLOP running around "realistic" greece
>Muh negress hair tho
Ya all fucking retarded
Cute girls over reality every time.
Also it's a game about playing as your ancestors in super VR and fighting Medusa while you're at it. At no point in its history was AC ever remotely historically accurate and if you think the worst inaccuracy is "muh stronk womyn" you should honestly kill yourself.
The same reason everyone is gay and that Greece is full of niggers
Also why is there magic and a matrix
The cyclops is a part of ancient greek mythology dumb fuck. The "stronk negress warrior" is not. See the difference?
When did mythology become realistic again
It's realistic though, Kassandra finished off all these creatures that's why they don't exist no more.
>being this triggered by the mere existence of a female in a fucking videogame
Don't play as that character then, dipshit. Problem solved.
So maybe somebody else killed all the strong negresses
Jews and mentally ill faggots.
Never thought of it that way, I see your point.
>When did mythology become realistic
You're not understanding the idea of "realsim." In...the early COD games, how many times do you see the soldiers stop to take a shit and wipe their asses? Does that make them "unrealistic?"
For those of us who come from the Greek//roman empires and know it vi DNA, our ancestors lived in a very different world where spirits were everywhere and the boundary between the "supernatural" and "natural" wasn't always clear. The story of the Minotaur, Jason and the Golden Fleece, the founding of Rome and the suckling of Romulus and Remus by 2 she wolves... these, just like the cyclops, were "REAL" to our ancestors.
Just like on the few maps that existed then, beyond known territory would be a marking with something akin to "beyond here there be dragons." My (maybe your own) ancestors in greece and rome did not live in a world with TV, GPS, the computer, or even the printing press. For a long time, the "elephant" was considered a chimera until they were brought to Rome for triumphs by a few general and then Ceaser.
the "Cyclops" was as real to our ancestors of antiquity as an elephant for most, since they had never seen either and each seemed equally unlikely. You aren't thinking like a Bronze Age Greek.
yes, i'm pretty sure you were thinking of this way back when hollywood first started bastardizing ancient mythologies.
thread should've ended here if this board wasn't full of /pol/tards
Why did Minoans cease to exist?
i don't see a problem with this. they understand there's a difference between the video game world to that of the real world, and they acknowledged it.
So you can have as close to open world action RPG Xena-related adventures as possible
Obviously because INCLUSIVE GAMEPLAY is more important than historical sexism
user, do you learn your history from unrealistic video games depicting mythological creatures that never existed? because if you do, you're clearly mentally retarded and should seek help
>i'm pretty sure you were thinking of this way back when hollywood first started bastardizing ancient mythologies.
Let's not beat around the bush-- it wasn't "hollywood," it was THE JEWS. And they did it to push a very specific agenda. I was a classics major and thus I know Latin, Greek, The Illiad, the Odessy, etc.. very well. 995 however, DO NOT. As much as recent "South Park" episodes have blown, there was an episode 5-6 yers ago where garrison was teaching "Game of Thrones" as actual history, and very few watching even knew the difference.
Now HERE is an example of true fucking insanity:
Dude, it is literally more boobs per second, i think its nice to play as a female
This tbf.
nice bait, here's a 3/10 for actually making me respond to you the first time.
>Dude, it is literally more boobs per second, i think its nice to play as a female
Yeah, you might be a cock goblin user. I even cringed in Witcher 3 the brief time I had to play as Ciri. It just feels fucking weird.
>i cringed when i played as ciri
>nice bait,
I'm not baiting you. I'm telling you the absolut truth. If you'd like proof, see the book by Neil Gabbler "An empire of their own: ho the Jews invented Hollywood." Originally, before Hollywood was controlled by Jews, the goal was to tell the stories of the European people in a concise way that sometimes mixed fantasy with reality, but was NOT pushing a (((civil rights))) agenda, as programs today are doing with a Negro playing Achilles (!!!) for fuck's sake.
They don't have any history of literature of their own since they had no writing, so they have to tr yto shoehorn Kangx into OUR fucking literature. How would the Jews feel about sticking Jews into one of the 6 gorrilion film made about their HolyCost???
To be honest I just dropped this series when I played Origins
out of all the historical fuck ups
out of all the fucking retarded gameplay issues
out of all the unfinished half baked shit
the moment when they killed Julius Caesar and making him out to be the bad guy and the corrupt retards who assassinated him the good was what broke it. How do you fuck up so badly at your own historical knowledge that you think that Julius Caesar was the bad guy.
its supposed to be a historical video game that is supposed to at least show some kind of resemblance of the real world but I guess whoever wrote that piece of shit game must have been bashing their head at a wall for 45 straight minutes before writing the game
Your ass. I enjoy fot he shit out of fucking Jen and Trish when doing so AS GERALT, but to actually be "in control" o f ciri feels gay for some reason. All females in games should be NPCs, just as they are IRL.
A better question
What the fuck are they wearing?
you're trying way too hard
Because you're a bigot.
A Bit OT, but what is best Assassin's Creed? Probably won't be believed, don't cre, but I was the one who came up with the "we wuz kangz" meme on Veterans day, 2015 out of anger at the "Jewggle Doodle" for that day whih featured a negro and stronk wommenz, which ultimately ended up being a real fucking pain in the ass of the makers and among the proudest moments of my life.
So, if i were going to buy one of the "Assassins" games, for those who have played all of them, which one has the least amount of kangdom?
pathetic incel
>you're trying way too hard
Alternatively, you're just WAY TOO ISOLATED from people who have had too much fucking shit and have sen their EVERY FUCKING ONE of their favorite Vidta franchises ruined before their eyes, to the point where it has turned me into genuinely feeling hat you probably think is a "LARP" and that "real people don't actually fel this way." HAte to break it to you, but many of us DO. and I'm not the poor, uneducated, white trash that the press tries to push as the image of people who think like I'd do. I'd be willing to bet I'm smarter and more educated than 99% of this board.
>Medieval game
>People don't just relieve themselves wherever
Fucking trash
Cretans had martriarchal society ruled by tits. It fell before the combination of natural disasters and invaders.
>pathetic incel
Gee, that makes a ton of sense. Especially given that I've had more pussy than you could shake a stick. also, why would you come HERE to bring outside terminology that the media uses to try to demonize/marginalize posters here?
okay, you actually made me laugh with this one, i'll give you a pass. also, thanks for the copypastas
>video game
>"The Spartan exercise regimen for girls was designed to make them "every bit as fit as their brothers".[13] They learned to ride,[14] and votive offerings have been discovered depicting Spartan women on horseback.[15] Other exercise for Spartan women included running, wrestling, throwing the discus and javelin, and "trials of strength".[14] It is possible that Spartan girls exercised naked, and Archaic Spartan art certainly portrays naked girls, unlike the art of other areas of Greece.[5] Girls might have competed in gymnopaedia, the Spartan festival of naked youths.[16] They also competed in running races for various festivals, of which the most prestigious was the Heraean Games.[17]"
because i'm the evil man from reddit who's come to take your safe space away.
>also: lying about slaying pussy on the internet
jesus, can you be more pathetic? you do realize you have to be 18 to post here, you underaged inbred?
I fucking really do DESPIE the rich fuckers--e.g., the Russian Jewish oligarchs-- who live on these massive yachts in the Med ( Latin: "Mare Bosturm, "Our Sea") and have zero knowledge of the history right there-- the hip wrecks, the fortresses all over the Euro areas complete with beacons that would warn those for miles and miles in every direction.
If I had "Russian Jew Oligarch money," I would turn the "yacht" into a research vessel with simply a small sleeping quarters, and spend the rest f my life looking for artefacts from Lepanto and any other wreck from T*rk or Holy League ships.
Talk about a fucking game that would sell tens of millions of cope and break ALL records? A well-made game dealing with "The Battle of Lepanto" would be the best selling vidya game of all time.
>>For those of us who come from the Greek/Roman empires
What the fuck are you talking about?
Kill yourself dotted degenerate
Ass Creed has always been historical fanfic what you should give a shit about is what they do right, the architecture and environments, exploring the world. Unity especially is beautiful but you can't even do it proper justice on Yea Forums because of the image limit.
absolutely true. exploring the environments and the crowded cities were always the best part about any asscreed
youre the minority here
except there are no cute girls
>lying about slaying pussy on the internet
I've gotten into tis duscission before. the, when I show pcitures wih faces blurred out, they are either "Shopped" or "not really me" so you can't win with retards like you. But yes, I've slept with 50+ girls in my life. I'll teach you one simple trick, een tooouhg you don't deserve it, as for how to bang very cute 9/10 type girls. Seems to work esp well on Asians.
you can't of course, be totally hideous yourself, you have to be reasonable good looking and a gym fag as i am. But anyway, you walk up to a VERY amazingly cute girl, a 9/10 or 19/10, ad you jokinging/good-naturedly INSULT her. It can't be something like "you are a repulsive cunt" obviously, it has to be where it can be taken either way, as joke, but still ballsy enough that it is unmistakable an INSULT.
For the real 10/1-s, who have NEVEr been insulted on their looks their entire life, it totally fucking circuits their wiring. They don't know what to do. A very few--very fw-- will slap you and alk away and that's it, but most will become intrigued by you, and the next day, after asking for your number, THEY will be calling YOU.
Why thi works, I don't know, have never heard anyone else try it, but it does work. Esp works well if she is with a boyfriend, and when he walks away you say something like: "THAT'S your BF? The ugly guy with those aful shoes and bad hair?" Even if the guy id rich, you make her insecure that her Bf isn't good enough for you.
the time it takes can vary, you don't want to fuck it up by going in for the kill too soon, and the goal is to remain as detached for as possible for as long as possible, making her think you REALLY DON't CRE what she does and that you aren't even attracted to her.
For those of you with trouble getting laid by 9/10 types, ave this advice, and it out/ Obviously, will NOT work if you are 5"3 and 350lbs, but if you are decent looking and a gym fag, once you learn to fo it right, it works
Because the game was made in the 21st century by neutered soibois, who unironically believe diversity and inclusion is literally more important than anything at all, including hystorical accuracy, immersion, and the potential timelessness of a game.
They are willing to sacrifice absolutely everything in the altar of diversity.
The only thing you can do about it is not buying and playing their games, which shouldn't be hard at all.
it was supposed to be historically accurate tho so your argument kinda falls apart
historical fanfic, yes, but not historical fantasy.
Odessey is a fantasy game, like Prince of Persia. Thats not a bad thing, in fact its the best one they've made, but its a significant change.
Future games are hardly going to be set in 19th century Italy or whatever the fuck now are they? It's going to be orientalist fantasy, maybe even go back to Persia.
>historical accuracy in a game filled with mythological beings
>learnimg about history from video games featuring mythological beings
>game can't be good if it has an x group in it
Kill yourself
I hope this is a pasta.
>historically accurate
You sound even more pathetic now
Odyssey might honestly be the most soulless game I have ever played. It's just terrible. Nothing in the game feels like it was made with love or intent, just a collection of trending mechanics played out over a sterile backdrop. Nothing in the world can be interacted with beyond being climbed on. Everything, including most NPCs, is just set dressing. The writing is atrocious. The level scaling restricts any kind of exploration. And fuck me the exploration mode that they put in STILL boils down to following quest markers, just with the added step of using your bird to spot them.
Just garbage.
>video game about cyclopses and other mythical shit and a cult controlling everyone using alien magic is supposed to be "historically accurate"
are you ok?
When I ask ubishills what's the main appeal of asscreed franchise, they all claim that the games are like historical trips. And what's even the point of a historical trip, if it doen't represent history accurately?
>I hope this is a pasta
Douche bag, it's the BESt fucking advice you will ever, ever get for banging the 9/10s and 10/10s that perhaps have been eluding you. If you are short, fat, and disgusting, the advice isn't for you. But if you are decent looking and a gym fag who just seems to have issues with "confidence," this method 100% works. Works best in Korea, Japan, and with the wealthy girls of the American South.
the targets have to be 9/10s or 10/10s who have never in their lives been insulted re: their looks in any way, shape or form. It works. NO, not for 5 foor 3, 350lb slobs, make that clear again. But for decent looking, gym fag guys? his type of thing, done right, COMPLETELY short circuits the wiring of the 10/10 type of girl, to where all their norma; defense mechanisms fail, and they become putty in your hands...
Even if you are fat an underage now, SAVE IT. Promise, if you ever get decent lookng and into gymfag shape, it WILL co,e in hand someday. On this, you may trust me..
Kill yourself.
Underaged as fuck.
go back to elementary school
Do you have a single source to back your claims up? Also, what historical trip in games filled with mythological beings and high-tech aliens?
On Christ, you’re that cringey faggot med school LARPer who wanted to fight people in New York, aren’t you?
Go away, kid.
A lot of things in those games are historically accurate, not everything though because it's a fucking video game
>waa they used to rape kids on the streets but I don't see any in these games made for teens so it's historically inaccurate!
That's how dumb you sound
The ancient aliens stuff used to be on the sidelines to the main historical setting.
Cringed so hard I pulled a neck muscle.
>Kill yourself.
>nderaged as fuck.
>go back to elementary school
>Cringed so hard I pulled a neck muscle.
Well, good. probably the first fucking tie you've used a muscle on your body in a decade, you fat sweaty pig. happy to be of service. :)
refer to
came here to post this
Go away, kid.
To be murdered by you. At least they made them killable
Go away, kid.
LMAO, here we have another genius and my favorite kind, who truly thinks he knows everything! He has no fucking clue about the 300 year old plus german communities of south America--esp in Argentina-- didn't bother to even check, but he's now lecturing me. a true ma of the world!!!
That text comes from the history tour mode made to teach you about REAL HISTORY from the time period. Fuck up trannies, you have no clue what you are talking about
>Go away, kid.
LMAO, I've found my friend AGAIN the door-to-door vacuum, err, pill salesman! How's life! judging my the time you have to engage in this, not very well. Every consider suicide?
Go away, kid.
Removing historical events is not the same as replacing historical events that I wanted to happen faggot
so, you don't have a single source to provide? cool
literally mad on the internet
>refer to
Work out noodle neck
Go away, kid.
What would you call this asshole? And this is only ONE, in Brazil, when Argentina is the main area for German settlement. This is, of course, not to even mention the Italians..
you have to be 18 to post here
Go away, kid.
Because it's 2019, incel.
>you have to be 18 to post here
Really? you don't say? Did your girlfriend write this for you, grandpa? Those are some big words for a seven year old.
you have to be 18 to post here
Go away, kid.
Go away, kid.
i don't care if girls can only self insert by playing females im fine with that, it's a video game not a historically accurate retelling of events.
Filtered, once and for all.
All the assholes ranting against me, yet noot a single one has argued against anything I
ve said or told me what they think I'm not correct. It's just individual dickheads trying ti pay the part of corporate censor, since they don't agree with what you say. They don't want to debate, argue, exchange ideas. Simply: "Oy Vey, SHUT IT DOWN!" THAT is what the Zoomer retards are learning from our jewish corporate masters are going to end up being even WORSE.
Leave, child.
>being this mad on the internet
Raping kids isn't an essential trait of any historical setting and avoiding it won't break you immersion or sense of believability. Compeltely disregarding national mentality, gender roles and ethnic composition will inevitably drop a historical value of your product down to zero
Jesus lad don't take life so seriously
Because Nubia and Ethiopia were in contact with Greece.
Good thing it’s a videogame and not a textbook, then.
I for one am very miffed about the distinct, glaringly historically inaccurate lack of eremenos relationships.
well then, thank fucking god it was never meant to be a history textbook
Where is is all that love of "historical accuracy" when history doesn't line with your /pol/litics?
>it’s been 10 minutes
I think this faggot finally got banned.
I beat AC:O and absolutely loved it but am kinda burned out. Is the DLC good enough to dive back in? Or just skip it? (I already know how it ends, plot-wise.)
Because it's made by beta faggots.
This is all true re: spartan women user (I read aicent Greek, a large part of my thesis was on them)-- however, they were NOT warriors. Because fo their physical fitness, they were considered the most beautiful women of the ancient world, an a term often used for Spartan women was "thigh flashers" due to the revealing garments they wore.
They were trained in equestrian pursuits to be able to run the farms and keep their helots (slaves) in line when their men were away at war. Spartan women NEVER took up arms in any actual "war" though. They were famous for having sarcastic mouths and for demeaning their men, since it was thought the shame urged the men on to greater acts of bravery and to die in battle when necessary.
The word "laconic" comes from the area "Laconia," where the Spartan lived. The word comes from the ability of Spartan women to shame their men with a single, sort phrase i they believed they hd not performed well-enough in battle.
for anyone genuinely interested, I can provide names of books. But for those arguing that mixing traditions from Greece/Attic Peninsula with element of their religion someone takes from the "realism" of the game really fo not understand the culture of antiquity al all.
>muh thesis
>writes like a retarded grade-school dropout
Fuck off, LARPer.
you mean niglantis
I'm guessing you are a black or liberal, correct? how much complaining about the "historical accuracy" of the awful movie "Black Panther" did you do, when the sub-saharan negro had not even invented the wheel or written language before their contact with le ebil White man.
I'm going to take a wild guess and say you hnever studied ANY Classics at all, have never read Homer or Plutarch or Virgil? would I be correct? If you had, you'd understand that since-- unlike you're VERY realistic characters in "black panther--" did not have cell phones, computers, and other technologies that relied on satellites.
I know your ype has a VERY short attention span, but simply listen to a few chapters of Plutarch, and notice how the real and the supernatural, myth and history, gods and natural events all tended to intertwine in a way in Rome that people in le current year + 4 cannot understand. A well-traveld man like you has, I'm sure, has toured the excavations at Pompeii. What impression did you come away with?
It's not so much about "realism" with games get thousands of years ago as it i about a true FAITHFULNESS to the culture and people of the time. For many of the average citizens of Rome who had not traversed the Empire extensively, these monsters existed as "real" in he same way..."Elephants" existed as a chimera for the vast, vast majority.
What's wrong with working in the ideas of the avg Roman citizen into a game, so long as they stay true to the culture and ethnic makeup of the people?
Leave the area, child.
begone from thy place underling
>>muh thesis
>>writes like a retarded grade-school dropout
LMAO, I'm deeply sorry. Clearly, you are a failure in life who never managed to achieve anything. But, rage as you may, I did indeed major in Classics (as part of a double-major) and did write a thesis, also spending my Junior year in Italy studying Italian and Latin.
Is there any sort of proof you would like? If I can find my thesis, once the sin comes up would you like me to post it, or at least parts of it with my name redacted? What, exactly, is your problem with my writing style? I assume you are familiar with E.B. White's manual "Elements of Style" of course, no? So let's take White's manual as the exemplar -- according to White's rules as lain out on his book, where exactly do you find fault? Please be specific. Thanks!
ahhh spicy copypasta
Leave, kiddo.
>spicy copypasta
you fucking retards so so amazingly dense, you can't possibly imagine someone writing anything even middle coherent just off the top of their heads. It HAS to be "copied," since one can guess this is how you got through the negrified school system.
remove thyself from the premises, person who is not of age
Wait, so now you’re LARPing as a Classical literature guy? I thought you were LARPing as a genius med school student who’s also a pilot and goes to the gym six days a week and fights people in New York?
Get your shit straight, kid.
I'd be interested in books on that user.
Get thee gone, young offspring.
>Leave, kiddo.
It's gonna be a hot one tomorrow fatty. Shouldn't you wash your one cheap suit so that the doctor's offices dob't chase your traveling vacuum selling ass out of the office even more quickly than they usually do? Just fucking imagine it-- with ONE sht=ot, one post, I head the heart so perfectly, you've wasted over NINE HOURS of your miserable fucking life no...arguing or even writing screeds against me...but simply posting the same thing, which I simply filter.
But then when it comes up again, and I see it's simply THE SAME THING with slight changes to avoid the filter, I actually feel kind of sorry for you. How low must your IQ be? And how close to the truth most I have been after just one post to enrage you to this extent? You're fucking pathetic mate.
Literally everyone in this thread is laughing at you. I’d tell you to stop but your autism is actually quite entertaining.
>I'd be interested in books on that user.
On how the Spatans lived? O, first let me show you the Bettany Hghughes video on the Spartans. she was very pretty and fit when young, but she VERY QUICKLY got old and fat, and they couldn't fir eher so...now she's old and fat. She wrote a book on the spartans, but supposedly, the word is it was a ghost writer. Let me first give you the Bettany Hughes video mate...
a human not of the required age to be on this website should see to it that they are no longer on the said website due to rule violation.
Hey kid.
Go away.
>I'd be interested in books on that user.
OK, here is the Bettany Hughes documentary, the full one on the Spartans. Let me get you my list of books I keep, some from my time in Italy. You don't, perchance, speak Italian or read Latin do you? I'm going to assume not, so will look for ones with English translations for you:
Why yes, I do — perchance — speak fluent Latin and Italian. I picked it up when I was a world champion F1 racer who invented the internet between performing multiple open-heart surgeries at the Vatican.
Sea People fukked em up
go on after your finish i will screencap your meltdown and spread to for the lulz.
>I'd be interested in books on that user.
Ok, a few: "'The Spartans - An epic history" by Paul Cartledge's
"The Parallel Lives" by Plutarch. Ok, this is from ~ 2,000 years ago, but still contains much great info on the spartans. you can find the audio version on "YT" and the writen version on "Arhchive" and really a bunch of places since obviously the copyright is worn out.
"Helen of Troy: The Story Behind the Most Beautiful Woman in the World"
by Bettany Hughes | Jun 3, 2009
'''recall Helen of Troy was originally "Helen of Sparta," so even when you are heading Homer and "the Iliad" and "Oddesey," you are still reading about Sparta. There are others were the story that was made into the movie "300" comes from. Let me know if you'll actually read these and want more.
I play as Kassandra because I don't want Alexios's backsack in my face every 2 fucking seconds. If you could actually get pants in that game I'd play as him.
Thanks user.
A cyclops is apart of Greek history and mythology though, negresses aren't, besides as slaves.
>Why yes, I do — perchance — speak fluent Latin and Italian
Typical nigger, does not realize that unitl the 1930s, it was MANDATORY for every graduate of Harvard and Yale to speak both latin and greek. I'm embarrassed to admit i don't speak greek. I began learning to read latin (big difference in Latin between "Reading it" and speaking it" fuckface" when I began leaning it as a kindergartner in Catholic school:
-us, i, o, um, o
-i, orum, is, os, is
Nom, Gen, Dat, Acc, Ablative (Ablative of Means)
From the time you are 4, these are seared onto you r brain you go to a good catholci school. Italian, I picked up in high school and then during my year in Florence and Pisa. you fuckers really are fucking white trash.
There are pants, dummy.
>The cyclops is a real fake thing but black women are fake fake things.
Jesus Christ, kill yourself.
Ask yourself that, since North African couldn't be further away genetically from blacks. Observe where west and east africans plot on this map, now look where North Africans and Arabs are. They're not your kin buddy.
you degenerates never cared about mythos being fucked up by hollywood and earlier games, but all of a sudden you care because of some women and black people. neck yourselves you inbreds.
>Jesus Christ, kill yourself.
no, Jamal, kill YOURSELF. to the Greeks, the Cyclops WAS VERY REAL. It was part of their culture, part of the fear in the collective unconscious. Th idea of their ancestors being displaced from THERI OWN STORIES bya race of semi-apes was NOT part of their collective fear.
Until you've done EXTENSIVE reading on the Greeks, and preferably speak at least Greek OR Latin (one of two "lingua Francas" in the ancient world), you really have no fucking right to comment on the mindset of these people, since you haven't a fucking sue.
The gods weren't either, yet you'd still bitch if they chose white people to portray....well jamaican gods or some shit since Egyptians weren't black.
see this also: get out of here kiddo
Harvard? Hohoho, how embarrassing! I received twelve Masters degrees from the University of Atlantis where I graduated at the top of my class(es) and no fewer than four professors quit their jobs and went insane because they could not teach a single thing that I did not already know.
And you can’t even speak Greek? Goodness, I’m impressed you can show your face in public. I leaned Greek from a wise Sherpa while I was climbing Mt. Kilamanjaro (for the third time) and was fluent by the time I BASE jumped from the summit. I landed in my Ferrari where my supermodel girlfriend was waiting for me and she gave me nine blowjobs while I sped along the Autobahn at 205 MPH to catch nine of the ten most wanted criminals in Europe, which earned me the Nobel Peace Prize and I was also promoted to Commander of NATO forces. Then I cured cancer.
Kid, away thee go.
>go on after your finish i will screencap your meltdown
Have you already screen-capped fuckface? Or do i have time to add in more recommended reading to get my message out further? The truly funny part here is that you seem to genuinely believe I'll be "embarrassed" by screencaps of this discussion, when the discussion contains probably one of about three things I literally know EVERYTHING about. And...this is going to "embarrass me?
LMAO, on the contrary, you're simply s[reading my ideas and my reading list without me doing a single goddam thing. Ohh, let me get another one in:
Herodotus, Battle of Thermapolye:
Spartans at the Gates of Fire" "=Another excerpt-
Blacks must be included. or feel left out because not much history or culture. Hilariously they always bitch about cultural appropriation, but it is always mostly them appropriating Mediterraneans, Arab, Indian, Amerindian and asiatic cultures.
engage in intercourse
>Harvard? Hohoho, how embarrassing!
i didn't say i went tto Harvard retard, at least not as a UG (doing a year aboard there is very tough) , though 2 of my siblings did. I did my UG at Williams, which actually has a higher admit rate to most graduate programs than Harvard itself while having FAR less Jews and communists: example in ic, the girls I went to UG with. Count the niggers, Jews, and spics...
Don’t care if you’ll be embarrassed. It’s fucking funny watching retards flail.
i don't debate screeching children.
Williams? Good lord, sir, you’re digging the hole even deeper. That is beyond humiliating. When I was 12, I was a guest professor at MIT lecturing on the ethics of artificial intelligence (which I created, by the way). After I earned my pilot’s license (you DO have one, right?) I dove to the bottom of the Marianas Trench with nothing but some goggles and an inhaler.
After my divorce from the Queen of Spain, I traveled the world and set a Guinness World Record in every single country I visited. Right now I’m building a space station in my backyard as a hobby and I just received a check for $3,000,000,000,000 for my part in terraforming Venus.
Get cancer, corporate tool.
neck yourself tripfag.
If you are White, smart, and athletic, Williams really is a fucking paradise. And since we don't have nearly the level of negro AA bullshit, our avg SATs are actually the highest in the nation-- including Yale, Harvard, Princeton, MIT, etc..
If you are an underage fag, have younger sblings, or have very good grades and are looking to transfer, advice you to takea look at the campus.
But keep in mind-- EVERYONE is tall blonde, handsome (boys) aand cute (girls), and athletic. The girls are NOT sluts, tey know whhat their pussy is worth, but if you are well behaved, you can meet an amazing girl there (met my fiancee there).
almost everyone comes from money, and this place is where you make your connections to see into whatever LS or Med school you want, or whatever company you want to ork at. Famous alumi include: George Steinburner, the shah of Iran, etc..
Keep the school quiet and this info quiet, lest it be overrun. NESCAC is the FINAL WASP rampart in a land overrun by scum. AND, I
m OT and will say no more. Other than, if oyou are White, athletic, ad have very goof grades, consider the school. :)
the only underaged fag here is you.
>women can be as strong as men in the game
>lots of female mercenaries and pirates
>no women in Spartan and Athenian armies
the game is incoherent, why would not they use women in their armies? biology plays no role in the game so Greek should have hired women in armies
Get cancer, jew.
Jesus, ha ha, your fellow friends at the Phamaceutical/Pizza Delivery comcomany mst tell yuo CONSTANTLY just how funny you are! You could be like, a comedian. Like eve, the guy Ray Romano! You are like, totally lke, really funny! Look how you just roasted that guy who goes to some some shitty school called "Williams?" Like, Williams? It sounds like a tiny liny little no name high school. The U of Alamaba was named TOP party school, And the number one football team, all in the same year!
Like, what do those dorks have? i bet their football team even has a losing record! Thanks for showing what a LOSWER that guy is. By the way, would you mind stopping by Fr. Weinstein's office tomm with the Zyprexa sample since, it's like, a bnch of long miles of of my way? You will? Great, knew could count of you. You're a great friend. Reminder me tomorrow to hug you.
>the only underaged fag here is you.
I wonder if I could get a count on how many time you've typed that in the past 24 hours. Jealousy is a very ugly thing. and so are you in that cheap, tight, sweaty suit. Learn to respect your betters fato.
>historical sexism
Just stop LARPing. You have no idea how clinical trials work despite googling a bunch of medical terms.
Leave, child.
>go on after your finish i will screencap your meltdown and spread to for the lulz.
Hey fuckface, where's you and your big tough guy "Threats" go to? According t you I am, as YOU say, quote: "Underage, retarded, wrong about everything..." And yet, curiously-- and I doubt anyone would dispute this-- I am, by far, the most knowledgeable poster in this thread, and also the one with the most professional writing style.
does anyone seriously disagree? So, you plan to "embarrass me: by...spread my well-written, informed posts even MORE for me? What can I say, thank you!!!
kill yourself tripfag
lol you're a whiny kid
>playing as your ancestors
it hasn't been since 3, why are you here?
I think the more glaring issue here is ''why is everybody in ancient greece speaking english''
those aren't dreadlocks that's an assassin hood
I don't think AC was ever supposed to be realistic. You can turn invisible and teleport in this game, but it's the fact you can be a girl that's surprising?
>Just stop LARPing. You have no idea how clinical trials work
Og really Why don''t you test my knowledge of neurochemistry? It's fucking hilarious after a time. Talk about "denial." I've spent 2 fucking days proving my medical credentials, and the very best you can do is scream "LARP!" regardless of how many times I make you my monkey. I' not sure whether to laugh or cry.
I adit, I've sort of "let off" since I think you may be close at this poin tto killing yourself and I fee sorry for you, but Jesus Christ, it's fucking funny. I've been thinking about looking for my acceptance packets to all the med schools, then take a package and and post it it, but you'll simply claim i "make it" anyway since you are utterly incapable of accepting that I am smarter than you are, got into a t-5 med school, and you are peddling drugs from office to office in a cheap fucking suit.
And it has gotten to you so fucking badly you've spent fucking NINE HOURS on here, trying to somehow proved I'm a liar and a "LARPER." and the more evidence I present to discount this, the more you simply dig in. It's sad more than anything. you sr a suicide waiting to happen based on all my clinical experience, since you display a complete and total inability to deal with reality as it is. Oh well.
Silence, you aren't making any sense.
Ass Creed was always pozzed garbage with gameplay for 5 year olds and you should feel bad for playing it.
Is the collar on that cheap suit getting too tight? Maybe you should loosen it a bit, go to the freezer (if you have one) get some if\ce and take vey deep breaths to calm yourself down. Regardless of what I think of you, my oath still requires me to render aid when I can and when I believe it's necessary...
>spent two days “proving” my credentials
Show me where.
Ok, here’s an easy one.
Name the hospital/university you’re at. Then tell me whether they use an institutional IRB, WIRB, or something else. Also, tell me if they have an SRC or not. Does your site use the ACTA, or no?
This should be incredibly easy for a doctor at a site to answer. No googling. You have two minutes.
That’s what I thought, LARPer.
Leave, kiddo.
Fuck off already you larper shit
Is this game any good?
Because its fictional, and fictional ancient Greece had female warriors. See: The Amazonians.
Haven't even bought the game yet. Waiting for all DLC.
Is it fair to say we treated this game too harshly. Red Dead hype was at a pitch, and we all shat on this game. 5 months later, I'm still playing this and got bored of Red Dead after like 30 hours.
May God make your tribe and bloodline perish, kike.
kill yourself tripfag
Because it is a video game where you have literal superpowers, can jump off tall buildings and take no damage, explode shields by stabbing them, ride pegasus, hunt the medusa and multiple cyclops, and find atlantis.
It says 'inspired by historical events' user, not 'this is an actual historical account'.
>Name the hospital/university you’re at. Then tell me whether they use an institutional IRB, WIRB, or something else. Also, tell me if they have an SRC or not. Does your site use the ACTA, or no?
Oh Yes. I don't always dox myself, but when I do, it's to obsessive psychotics who have been stalking me for 48 hrs straight. Sure. Accept, it fatty/door-to-door vacuum salesman-- you are NOWHERE NEAR as smart as someone who went to WILLIAMS as a UG (I'll give you that, good lock to dox with that considering the number of Dr.s we produce) and majored in psychology and the Classics, and spent a year abroad in Italy.
And something even better, fatty? Im a White guy who DID NOT COME FROM MONEY! All on my own! I had an offer from NYU, based on my SAT being over 1450 out of 1600, to do my UG in 3 years and automatically accepted in med school. Turned it down.
you already lost kiddo, get out of here.
p.s. nice overhauling of the line from fight club faggot
The insane arrogance and narcissism of that statement astounds me. Like the idea that the every other society in human history did what they did because of “sexism”. However, the 90 IQ bluehairs our clown public schools produced are right and they’re all wrong.
remove yourself you zit.
How did Ass Creed go from templars and popes to this shit?
They were invaded by the Greeks and taken over
From what I've seen 2, 4, post patch Unity, and Odyssey are considered the best.
Becuase the formula got a bit stale, so they mixed it up.
Besides, it was always this way. We were running around murdering templars over ancient alien artifacts.
Going back to mythological times to find out that medusa was a 'real' creature created by said aliens isnt really that much of a stretch.
>you already lost kiddo, get out of here.
>nice overhauling of the line from fight club faggot
hvae literally never read the book or seen the movie, since it was created by a pole smoker. Again, it may be hard to be believe for you, but...some of us in this world have something called "creativity." Do you know what that is? It called "not repeating one one over 200+ times in the course of 30 hours, as you did. independence of thought.
you fucking feigned concern over Me as a "potential mass shooter" yesterday, but let me be quite honest with you-- your pattern of unstable communication makes YOU a genuine candidate for such an action, particularly your repeating of the same statement over and over and over.
>Huge panty fetish
>Love Upskirts with panties
>Everytime I go into the water with Kassandra, I get nothing but bliss
Why can you only dual wield
Why does the combat have 0 impact
Why is the voice acting so bad
Why is there no ancient Greek or at least Latin VA
I think they justify it with the animus translating for the character.
turn off the capslock, it makes you even more autistic than you already are
finally, that asshole is gone. Is this game worth getting? I've always avoided Assassin's Creed Games since i've found them inherently anti-Western. How is this one in tone? Not sure if it's worth getting this when I could get lie 3 VR games for same price. What do you all think, those who have played the game?
btw, you were responding to the wrong guy lol, i was just calling you a retarded child.
>i was just calling you a retarded child.
well, you're equally a piece of fucking worthless filth, so the show still fits. No great loss.
Spoiler alert: One day literally every value the ancients held will be retconned to conform with modern values. Hard labor will be retconned because it's classicist, eating meat and owning pets will be retconned because it's non-vegetarian, any lack of racial diversity will be retconned because of non-inclusivity, any nuclear families will be retconned as relics of patriarchy, etc. If you think virtue signaling spirals have an emergency brake, you need to read more about Mao's China. Pray that it eventually reverses, but harden yourself to the strong possibility it will only get worse and worse, culminating in the seizure of every last chokepoint of cultural expression by a single corporate-political power bloc.
lmao, you're so angry.
>you're so angry
Nah. If I were angry, people would be in jail and prison. No real purpose getting "angry" here when you can't reach anyone. I simply hate you and the rest of the newfags who began trickling in back in ~2014-15, and now it's at the point where one literally cannot discuss a FUCKING GAME without it spiraling into a total shitshow, and I'm fucking sick of it. REALLY sick of it.
Politics used to be left for other boards, this as STRICTLY for gaming. Now, it's just one big shitfest, and it gets tiresome.... on a VIDTA GAME DISCUSSION BOARD, ad there is NO DISCUSSION OF VIFYA anymore these days.
i'm not the one who discusses politics here dear user. i'm the one laughing at the retards discussing politics here. also, wow, you're so edgy with the whole 'if i were angry bla bla'. a real hero. the whole purpose of you being 'an oldfag' here is quickly diminished when one looks at your post. now, begone edge mcedgson.
>2, 4, post patch Unity, and Odyssey are considered the best.
So "Odyssey" is the one being discussed here, correct? The one with the Kangz is called...? Just how bad are the negroe s in the one with the Kangz? Are they fucking EVERYWHERE or is just the servants that are Kangz? The graphics actually look cool, they'd probably hate made a ton of shekels id they could have just left out the Kangdom.
Same wit the recent battlefield games. Games themselves look cool with the tank fights and last stand in Berlin, etc... but you can't even a fucking swasi and the soldiers-- even English and French-- are all kangz, arabs, and stronk woemnz.
If they fuck up Cyberpunk 2077, I'm completely fucking done with ALL goddam games,
>if I were angry people would be in prison
>uses quotes for angry
I was entertained
>'if i were angry bla bla'. a real hero
Dumbfuck, I didn't say I was a "hero." I said "someone would be in jail, someone in hospital" since tht's where my temper is right now. I didn't day who would be where. also,, I DID NOT bring politics into this fucking thread.. Or to any other fucking thread on this board.
IF you read the thread, you clearly saw ONE SINGLE MOTHERFUCKER "stalking" me. If you look up the OED definition of "stalking," there is no other way to define it. I just wanted to discuss Vidya.
/pol/ pls go
I was considering answering your question, but I don't give advice to /pol/.
>actually admitting being mad on the internet
>thinks he's got a stalker. on Yea Forums.
an anonymus stalking another anonymus. that's a first.
however, since of the recent events, i will actually take you seriously when you said you're mad, and advise you to go to sleep and not go on the internet for some time. you clearly have a problem. seek help.
>I was considering answering your question, but I don't give advice to /pol/.
So you admit you're a hugbox loving retard who disregards opinions that don't align with your own?
Thanks retard.
>deflects all criticism by appealing to as screeching minority of blue haired Twitter users
Nothin' personnel, OP.
>/pol/ pls go
Eish, the irony....when some other motherfucker brogought politics into this. So, the fact that I want some semblance of historical accuracy in games makes me /pol/? Curious, are you one of those who says "only Whites can be racist?"bGo find an Egyptian board, I think a few are still left where thy are allowed t post.
I assume you think I'm a "racist?" Talk to modern day Egyptians as to what they think of negroes playing their ancestors, who DNA has shown, based on the dumb shit who runs the Cairo Museum accidentally revealing it, that King Tut (and thus that entire line of pharaohs) was more European than anything else.
>mfw this isnt resetera and I cant hit the complain button until all posters I dont like are banned and my hugbox remains unsullied
Because Ubisoft is full of sjws
You are not fooling anyone newfag.
same goes for you retarded faggots. whenever they throw in a woman or a non-white person in a fucking video game, you morons start screeching as if it's the end of civilization. fucking crybabies the both of you
>inb4 hurr retarded centrist.
is this game good?
leftypol fag detected.
Your historically blind bigotry is just as disgusting as historically accurate bigotry, without the benefit of being honest.
Women in games are fine.
Women in historically inaccurate roles in a game that mostly tries to be historically accurate is NOT.
>I was considering answering your question, but I don't give advice to /pol/.
Oh God, please, no, I can't handle that sort of loss. How about if I beg you? Give the "sonic" picture you posted, you are, without any doubt, among the most intelligent people on the board. if you don't give me an answer, I'll be just devastated!
>historically blinded bigotry
>in a game with medusas anc cylcopces running around
tell me user, did this historically blind bigotry came to your mind when hollywood and some earlier games did the exact same thing?
fpbp, based and redpilled, and /thread
fuck faggot OP
Anyone notice the females are usually much higher level too?
It's history, sweatie, Ubisoft did there research maybe try reading a book sometime?
well, thank fucking god that AC is not a historically accurate game now is it?
>inb4 'tries to be'
now, it doesn't. a game 'trying to be historically accurate' does not throw mythological beings around. the game is INSPIRED by history, but INSPIRED =/= trying to be historically accurate or IS historically accurate
>Sexism is bad
>let's pretend it never existed until present day where we'll bitch about it
This game being so SJW and having that totally cringe worthy splash screen when you boot it up make me not want to play it. Why does it matter to ANYONE that the game was made by trannies and niggers?
why is this thread still going
Basically dumb bearded western children believe they're changing the world by making a character in their fanfic a minority while their toxic bodies rot from eating so much captain marvel popcorn and hotdogs
you just proved that it mattered to you though. you can't play it because trannies and niggers helped create it. would you be able to play it if it splashed 'this game was created by white americans only'?
in the mean time, based basement dwellers are saving civilization by posting on a taiwanese cooking forum under an anonymous pseudonym.
but when big tits or a piece of ass is shown, nooooooo, ban it, me no likey
The point is it shouldn't say anything like that at all you fucking retard. It sounds pretentious. Just give us some skippable logos like every other game ever
where did i say i did not like ass or tits? i want ass and tits in my games, i hate the censorship around that, so your argument falls apart.
answer the question: would you play it if it said 'this game was made by white americans only'
>now, it doesn't
It does. It's set in ancient Greece, stars historical places and names, attempts to be a "what if" story based in reality etc. etc.
I mean, if you want to change the definition of words to win arguments then go ahead, but don't expect anyone to think you're anything but a retard.
>no u
Good talk
>It's history, sweatie, Ubisoft did there research
You know, as someone who has done "research" for some of the biggest superhero movies of the past 20 years to try to see to it that things lined up logically, I can tell you firsthand that even a sympathetic director will be overruled by executives in the name od "diversity," so don't hand me that fucking shit. And as for anachronisms, they don't bother the executives ONE.FUCKING. BIT.
White Americans wouldn't have to promote the fact that they made the game by using an unskippable splash screen. Retard.
Doesn't work this way.
For a second I thought that was one of those like "data logs" shit you get in ass creeds, like Ubisoft was saying the fictional game company that makes the in game shit was admitting to rewriting history.
yes or no. answer the question. don't circumvent it.
What if there a a strong female warrior that needs no man until the DLC.
does this same thing applies to movies from the 20th century and games pre the 'sjw' era which also bastardized ancient mythologies?
You retard, that's to stop criticism FROM those groups.
They changed it for Syndicate becuase it had a trans character in it.
The original AC talked about 'various faiths' so no one would freak ou on them for 'misrepresenting' Islam / Christianity / Judaism as you ran around the crusades fucking shit up.
Syndicate had a trans character so they head off complaints from SJWs about by saying 'we hve trans peope on the team'.
It's not aimed at you.
They made another fucking Assassin's Creed?
name 1.
Women in combat is so ludicrously unbelievable it'd never be acceptable
>thread was over at first post
>275 replies
also, the way marvel and dc both tackle various mythologies and mythos
We don't know anything about the Atlantis DLC right?
I heard rumors that we might see more mythical creatures added.
I mean what makes you believe Achilles couldn't be black?
lol i read this as
>because its written by jews
imagine if that was true haha
found the tranny! so what is it today, dilation or suicide?
oh hey look, it's the tranny-obsessed faggot again.
Yeah but the cyclops wasn't literally a thing to the vast vast majority of them
>inherently anti western
Another autistic incel great
And one of those "what-ifs" is what if the main character was a girl? How is that choice by the developers invalid but all the other what-ifs are valid enough for you to defend?