Why can’t netherealm studios into fighting poses? Seriously... besides maybe sub-zero they’re all shit and convey no personality. Noob looks like absolute shit and is just hunched over like a retard for some reason? This is embarrassing
Why can’t netherealm studios into fighting poses? Seriously...
Other urls found in this thread:
look at this dumbass
The days of great animation in fighters ended with pixel art.
NRS has never been into fighting games period.
MK has always been shit and only got popular by not being nip-shit that pandered to early-90s hollywood action go ninja go dogshit. It only got famous off the ultra violence, otherwise it'd been the same Midway games trash.
Mortal Kombat is the ICP of video games.
Because the animators are terrible.
Not an argument
Mk11 has shown that they CAN make good animations though. Certain shit is still funky but they’ve been steadily improving.. the base characters stances are all generic and terrible to look at though so far. They just don’t expess anything about the characters at all. Just stiff hunched over, or awkwardly standing straight up with a fist out.
It's a real shame
Rev animates beautifully
yeah, the games are trash, but all they have to do is announce a new MK and everyone's hype goes through the roof like it'll be the best game ever made. Then when the thing is finally released you have everyone bitch and whine how bad it is. Then they announce a new MK! WOOHOO!
NRS has been steadingly improving their shit ever since MK9, most people will acknowledge this. However at this rate, MK might finally look somewhat good when we reach MK20.
Good fighting games use caricatures of real martial arts, NRS is all bullshit.
West really can't into animation other than mocap
seething weebs
thread of street fighter retards shitposting
You'll play 3 matches with Noob Saibot and then jump ship to the next OMG AWESOME game that'll be anounced during that time.
stop shilling your trash retard
Stop being autistic.
how am i you are you are the retard posting your videos everywhere
Literally my first time linking to the vid. It has genuine criticism when it comes to the animations. Are you such a snowflake that you can't handle it?
retard we know its you
animations suck fucking dick in all of their games, the fighting is so clunky and just fucking looks off, but the gore (mk) and in recent years the cinematic singleplayer part of the games (both injustice and mk) is always stellar, the 'loot' dress up you can do with characters in injustice 2 and now in mk11 is also just plain cool
dat fucking kitana crouching leg kick in mkx or the entire darkside moveset in injustice 2, what the fuck were they thinking?
Alright schizo, whatever helps you sleep at night.
Not him, but it might be because the video you posted is irrelevent to MK11, the same guy posted a video saying that MK11 has greatly improved the animations, as well as improving on other related criticisms.
>the fighting is so clunky
why do retard that dont play the games say this
>Yea Forums tells me the new Mortal Kombat games are fluid and well-animated
>janky cuts between moves
>the only things that look good are grabs and fatalities
take some english lessons mate
tekken, sf, dbfz, gg, all look and play better than mk and injustice, NTR just makes dudebro games with 0 value when it comes to satisfying and deep gameplay, their games just look cool and have cool non-gameplay related stuff in them, imagine if the license and the engine were handed out to arcsys for example or the devs at capcom
>janky cuts between moves
are you retarded or blind
why are you retards trying this hard
Because NRS has some of the worst animators in the business:
>punches look like flaccid flailing and lack weight
>poses in ways that do not show off the character model
And don't even get me started on the recent redesigns looking bland, sexless and colorless. It's embarrassing when compared to other more competent fighters but what can you expect from a game that needs to release balance patches every other week? NRS has no idea what they are doing.
Why do you pop into every MK thread?
Fuck off with your trash ass nrs games, this is what a good fighting game looks like
are you fucking retarded
so it is some mad street fighter retard
so you only have the one gif
Because we like fighting games and we like MK, but we can't sit by and watch them make an ass of the franchise we enjoy. NRS has had 4 games to fix these issues, and instead they just continuously avoid it. They've learned nothing, and still expect their fans to shell out 70-100 USD for special editions when the foundation of their game is rotten and clunky.
>the kitana leg kick
das it mane, top fucking kek, fucking boon clown fire the guy who did this animation please
this, I fucking love MK and would love if they fixed the fucking animations and tweaked the gameplay, it just fucking sucks now and has sucked for a long ass time
>Because we like fighting games
i play street fighter and mortal kombat you fanboy retard
>S-see! It's just seething capcom fans!
I grew up on MK, SNK and Capcom. Grow some brain cells and make a real argument.
It's mostly because everything else I have is too big a file to put here. Would you rather I just link to A.B.I.torial's playlist?
so you retards have nothing left to cry about do you
they wont fix anything becouse the game will sell anyway so why bother.
i dont give a shit retard and the shit he was posting was charrypiced as fuck jax is a good example of his stupid shit
that's the main issue, fucking dudebros are ruining mk and injustice
they already did the videos you retards post he sis he likes the animations in the new games so why are you fags still crying
are we back in 2008 what the fuck is this post
what kind of fighting stance should a being born by shadow magic use while fighting with doppelgangers and a sickle?
The problem with this animation is the body is nicely detailed and animated but the head isn't.
Thank you. It is about time people realized these animations are trash. You can tell from the rest of this thread that MKucks have no defense and have just accepted that their game is drivel. May as well leave them to their fate.
You need to be 18 to post here.
Like someone's first SFM?
Speaking of which, what if we got some SFM artist like TwitchyAnimation to work on a fighter, eh? eh?
not an argument
Reminder that American game devs can't animate worth a damn.
what went up you retards ass today
Isn't mk bottom of the barrel when it comes to fighting games? Even lower than DoA?
ok SFbaby
is hard to say , MK do sell much better than DoA and plays somewhat better , but compared to any other Big franchise yeah is the worst one .
mkx sold over 5 million
if MK would be japanese you would suck its cock
you know its true
You're right. You don't have one.
I thought being appear "clunky" is MK gimmick.
You can say it's bad, but what do they need to do to improve it without turning it into another SF/KoF/ArcSys copy?
If mk was Japanese people who praise it now would rightfully call it trash
they changed this years ago retard
No. A shit game is a shit game. At least some people can recognize it. You're just blindly shoveling shit into your mouth because "lol at least it's not weeb". It just makes you look immature and stupid.
they did this as a joke it's funny how serious you are taking it
>they did this as a joke
In a different game moron. They still left that shit in and idiots like you slurped it right out of Boons asshole and asked for seconds.
if we talk about raw sales MK doesn't even come close to Tekken , SF or smash bros and in overall skill curve i would say is in SC and DoA level . So is aeasy to learn and have lots of gore thats very attractive to casuals thats good for business.
this, it's the reason jap games have more satisfying combat than usa developed games, how fucking hard is it to copy for fuck sake
his power it go go small you retard
it's one of the best known franchises around and the best selling one, it has a lot of money backing it, but when it comes to prestige yeah it's bottom barrel, all the pros know it's shit but they play it because WB has loadsa marketing money
>we sold you shit DLC as a joke
>They still left that shit in
no they didnt they changed it retard
yeah I know nigga I fucking bought it, it still fucking sucks dick compared to other fighting games when it comes to gameplay and animation
>if we talk about raw sales MK doesn't even come close to Tekken
man you retards really do only have the same trash gifs
You still need to animate it, ESL. Video games are PowerPoint presentations.
did someone go to /fgg/ and post about mortal kombat again is that why you retards are mad
>no they didnt they changed it retard
Go play Injustice 1 right now
>man you retards really do only have the same trash gifs
Not an argument. Also, why are you spamming the word "retard" so much? Projecting much or is your vocabulary that limited, brainlet.
>it still fucking sucks dick compared to other fighting games when it comes to gameplay and animation
how because it's not over exaggerated as street fighter
>Go play Injustice 1 right now
i know its still in that game retard they changed it in the new one why are you bitching about a old game
>ctrl + f for "retard"
>23 instances
Jesus Christ, learn a new word you dimwitted neanderthal.
you can't simply copy a skill someone else has learned and trained m8, unless you're inhumanly talented
i will wen you stop shilling your trash videos and get some original opinions
Imagine being so autistic that you purposely browse every board to check for MK threads.
so im right you sad fucker
>this one absolutely ASSPAINED boon fanboy
literally DELETE THIS
>confirmed shill can't even spell "when"
Yeah, I'm going to disregard your uninformed opinions. You have not provided enough good evidence that NRS games have good animations. Your rebuttal has been the following:
>ur a retard
>seething weeb
>no way retard
>uh no
>shut up retard
>capcom sux
Your opinions are baseless and biased. You attack the opinion holder and not the opinion. Your messages are childish, immature and fail to carry anything resembling a point.
You need to leave and take your broken game with you.
nice mad
I've seen the same guy across multiple MK threads these past two months. His terrible grammar and the constant need to call everyone who disagrees with him a retard or a tranny lover make it too obvious that it's the same person.
stoop eet you dumb retard weebo
The body Is rotoscoped, she's the only character like this in SF3 because it was too expensive.
all this mad over a fighting game fuck off back to /fgg/
If it was Japanese and EXACTLY in the same state as it is now people would call it the biggest fighting kusoge ever
and i have seen you posting the same trash videos and gifs with nothing original to say
>t-t-t-the animations are bad watch my video
>terrible grammar
>calls everyone a retard or tranny lover
I think that says a lot about the people who buy modern MK games.
i find MK so unappealing because of the animation. I don't undertsand how anyone can stand it
>post the same video over and over
>has no original opinion
you mk haters are sad fucks
No argument, shill.
>b-b-b-b-but the animation
every time
ok retard fuck off back to your youtube
You're not even trying to reinforce your argument with evidence, just calling others retards like some troll
>every time
Still no argument, shill. Maybe get an original opinion or fuck off
what the hell are you going on about fool what do you have some video from some weeb
Don't try to argue with people who have legit severe autism.
ok what do you have retard all you retards dfo is say the animations are bad then post the same video over and over
God, it's like getting into an argument with an edgy middle schooler.
You're right. I'm gonna have to leave this thread. This MKuck is literally talking out of his ass and getting nowhere.
Just leave him
Not all MK fans are like him
good you have no argument only you have nothing
>t-t-the animations are bad
>Mortal Kombat is the ICP of video games.
hands down the best way I've ever heard MK described. It's garbage in almost every way. There are real fighting games out there, don't waste your time with this nonsense anons.
what the hell are you on about guy all you have been doing is saying the games are trash how are you a mk fan
>NRS has never been into fighting games period.
What is ICP?
>Not all MK fans are like him
insane clown posse, white rappers who are also unironically clowns, they rap about rape and killing women still
so from what im getting out of this thread people that dont play mortal kombat talking about how bad the games are i was going to say how stupid this is but i forbot im on Yea Forums
we all play it you dumb fuck, we like fighting games, that's why we dislike the animations, transitions and the fluidity of the NTR games, jesus fuck
Let's be real now: if MK was made in Japan and had anime waifus, people in this board would praise it endlessly.
I mean, look at SF5. Yea Forums hates it and calls it shit but when MK gets into the discussion, everyone says it is one of the best fighters in history.
>criticism = you don't play the game
yeah what a great way to dismiss criticism .
I won't say they are trash but I won't overlook flaws or thinking everyone should see how "perfect" it is when it's far from it. That kind of delusion is mental illness.
>NTR games
>we all play it you dumb fuck
no you dont
>the game is shit
thats now how any of that works
Nope, they would call it shit while making countless imagedump and talk about how cute their wife reptile is
Xrd has well animated characters. Some of the ones added in SIGN when they were still getting used to making the game in 3D with that artstyle have some animations that look a bit off, but for the most part they look very good.
probably the pole that play the games don't go overboard and call the game shit because you don't like a hit animation
Jacqui has a good pose
They used to have a lot of different stances based on tons of different martial arts (accurate or not) in the PS2 era. My favorites were Shotokan and Tai Chi.
I wonder why they never used them again. Some of them looks cool even though not neccessarily accurate.
And then they would compare it to a western game and claim that even though it is shit it is also miles better than said western game.
This board is a joke.
i do not disagree that sfv has turned into a pretty decent fighting game
sup /fgg/
Nice fanfic faggot
>but when MK gets into the discussion, everyone says it is one of the best fighters in history.
Something that never happened.
>sfv has turned into a pretty decent fighting game
You know I'm fucking right. Literally go into any SFV thread.
you assbalsted sfkid
>posts marvel
Fuck you guys, stop shitting on MK11 it's like my Fav game and belongs in Yea Forums. The animations beat Tekken 7, better than Soul Calibur, it's the best game in the world, and it's on Xbone One which makes it the best looking game in history right now. The game play is very deep, more strategic than Street Fighter with the different choices of specials. It's better than any weeb game ever created, and it has hotter babes than Dead or Alive. Just cause all your other games suck doesn't mean you can get jealous and trash our game thinking you are right.
what does marvel have to do with street fighter
you are trying way to had bud
I bet you play Smash, a babies game with the other Adult diaper toddlers.
Doesn't change the fact I am right both times.
I don't know user, SF fags are known to be arrogant, that's why fans of other fightan franchise would go out of their way to troll SF threads and those franchises happens to be other weeb fightans and MK.
I think it's just another day.
based user, worst of all the retard didn't get it
yes bro fucking ebin going to post it o reddit next
yes play street fighter no other games
>that one autistic butthurt little fanboy getting all pissy when people say the animation is bad
Jesus christ this guy is XV-kun levels of blind fanboy. NRS has NEVER had good animation in their 3D games. Take your fanboy goggles off. Every punch and kick looks like they were animated by a 10yr old.
This is just my experiment of mine but I still believe that most MK ninja's should have more exaggerated poses similar to Scorpion and S-Z. What do you think?
Just take something from Armageddon.
t. Sugarpunchfag
I wonder how his animationskills are compared to nrs? I mean he claims to be the expert. So there mus be some big work of his animationskills out there.
Its legitimately hilarious looking at the people who have absolutely no clue about any fighting game parrot the "muh mk is not a good fighting game" meme they heard from their big brother who heard it from some animeautist 10 years ago on youtube comments
I mean its not even up for debate, you literally dont understand the genre and are too retarded to take seriously if you can say with a straight face that a series which fundamentally constantly changes its gameplay with every entry "is not good" when you cant even explain your nonexistent reasoning. Then when someone does explain something it literally fucking fits maybe one out of the 10+ mk games and usually has literally nothing to do with the latest entry coming up
the muh animations meme is just the newest one in the pile and thats even more funny since people literally have to keep reposting animations from 5 year old games even now when they person who fucking started the epic meme went on record to say that MK11 has no issues on that front
Fug. I havent played that MK so I would not know senpai.
If you have played MK games before PS3/4 you know they used to have better stances.
Does Cassie Cage make any funny comments when she hits dudes in the balls? Like how she said ding dong in the last game
>s-seething weebs...
>S-stop posting your video please!
This MKuck is the most pathetic poster on Yea Forums since XV-kun
MK used to be somewhat respected and discussed by Yea Forums before you showed up weeb faggot, fuck you for giving it a bad name with your autistic trolling.