This DMC thread's getting crazy! Let's rock!
This DMC thread's getting crazy! Let's rock!
Other urls found in this thread:
Nico is so ugly
The game is cool and chill, but then the autists come out and its non stop cringe threads they make
Then ignore them desu
Anybody got more DMC/Fate Nero fanarts?
why is the Vergil 2 music so good
>that pose
This. I like the game, but some y'all need to chill the fuck out. Saying shit like "if you don't buy 3 copies then you're a menace to society". I wonder who could be behind these posts hmmmm...LOL.
Anyways, faggot OP, there are 3 other dmc threads up right now and there's not much left of the game to talk about now so stfu and quit making threads or you'll ban us to the /vg/ graveyard.
When does this pose even happen?
I made the mistake of buying DMC 5 and Sekero the same day. I can't switch between them. Fuck it I'm just gonna play Pokémon.
When he wire snatched, in an interview they paused in this very frame, and a meme was born
is there a link to that interview?
i wanna see it
No, the meme was born BEFORE the interview. People thought that single frame looked funny, and made John Lennon memes and shit with it.
Then the interview came, and they paused the video ON THE EXACT SAME FRAME while talking about how they saved the franchise.
why don't you fucking retards use the search function to find that there is already another thread up? why are dmc fags so fucking braindead? is it the constant reposting of the same unfunny shit day in and day out? these threads are literally like generals but even worse
>I'll krump with you Dante!
Anybody else still running 970/2500K here? Getting massive slow down with lowest settings on mission 15. No other mission till this point has had any noticeable slow down, not sure what is going on with it
At 9:00 or something like that
>being this mad about a couple dmc threads
>90% of Yea Forums right now is sekiro shittery
>fell through the arena in Mission 8 before it broke down
>Shadowplay for down for some reason
God damn it.
Your loss, zoomer.
>imagine Trish getting pinned against a gray wall, that's the same color of her fucking boring bitch-ass character who imperonates moms becuase she's literally an unholy wretch with no dignity whatsoever, while at the same time the demon-whore who suckled Mundus' big red tri-balls and had so much piss-stained demon cum splurged all over her hair, it got dyed blond, is being fisted with pizza up her matrix-2000 black fetish pants ripped apart, so hard the term yeast infection gets a new meaning, and with her last whoreish, skanky, breaths she coughs up the crusty, hell-cum out her ps2-octagon mouth, leaving her dark soul unfilled, yet her ass stuffed to the brim
post screenshots
>DMC1 Dante
>Goodbye. And when you do come back, give my regards to my son will ya?
>Vergil has a son and Dante still doesn't
Urizen 3 music and arena should've been used for Vergil instead.
Mama is proud of her special little demon boy! She's gonna save that tape Nico made of his very first transformation! Hugs and kisses!
I just can't get you out of my head~
>mission 13 with Nero/V
>team up with 2 competent players and tear shit up, even get no damage
>mission 13 with Dante
>get no co-op partners
That mission can really vary.
Sweet pic
I still want fanart of this.
>struggling on mission 13 which is the most fun stage because you can have basically a ten minute sss combo
do you want to know real struggle?
playing this mission over 10 times each with every character and never get to experience coop :(
>be me
>be playing dmc 1 for the first time
>heard there was an underwater level and its shit
>didn't know it was based around a pirate ship
>not horrible, just a big waste of time, but why even put it in
>get to the top deck
>really fucking impressive looking, much better than gow 1's ship level
>why the fuck did they put so much effort into something that wasn't even the main focus of the level, and I guess its also a boss fight arena in the next mission but even then you shouldn't pay attention to it
>even have to climb on all the masts for orbs, so you HAVE to take it all in
>properly pathed too unlike gow's
>suddenly realise Dante's probably marking the fuck out right now about being on a pirate ship
>tfw there isn't any fanart of Dante marking the fuck out about being on a pirate ship
Why are there so few missions that actually let you hear the battle themes? I get that they thought people would get sick of it but I'd much rather hear Devil Trigger a thousand times in every level than whatever is playing in the metro chapter for example.
Not like she was working with grade A material, user. It's a miracle she turned out as well as she did.
How did this guy get laid
Here you go.
Ah, the hot garbage. It sings to me! Must be getting close.
Smells like dick cheese.
Man he was a fucking tank
Why'd he turn into a bug instead of just smashing shit with his fists?
I only say struggle in comparison to the others because I took a bunch of stupid hits at the start. I still cleared it with an S-rank just fine.
I require more barely legal Patty in my life.
>V against furies in bloody palace
I'm scared already
Reminder that Patty only likes younger boys.
What kinda setting could they use for the next DMC? Random tunnels and messy gray backgrounds gets kinda boring
Patty should be the summoner in DMC6.
>3 furies on a boss floor
How did someone convince Virgil to get laid?
Go into the void and practice. I can beat them cane only. Cane can't actually send them into a death state, so you have to shoot once with Griffon at 2500 damage.
I got to play with a Dante who was farming orbs with Faust, but I was playing Nero so I unga'd all over the place and killed the enemies
I feel kinda bad for doing that
I have webms from twitter.
Dante inferno settings
Vergil was raped by a rabid fujo
Is the pc version bugged or is battle theme just not playing for half of the time?
I just finished 8 mission, played 7 and 8 as Nero and Devil Trigger didnt play even once during these missions, just some ambient shit in the background
DMC2 Dante:
>Didn't even need devil arms, just used regular swords, channeled his own demonic energy through them to make cool lightning and shit
>Could fly
>Guns were by far the strongest in the series, as he was peak demon and its his demonic energy which makes them so strong
>He also shot fastest in this, as his superior demonic fingers were poised for action, always
>Devil Trigger was both consistent in form regardless of weapon, but also malleable via hearts, achieving a level of control superior to any other game in the series, where he neither used weps as crutches to achieve DT or forgot how to adapt to different situations
>DDT by far the strongest form in the series. Completely invincible. Shat on a demon stronger than Mundus, while so far, neither he naw Vergil have shat on Mundus without as ass pull like turning into Sparda. Doesn't even use a weapon in this form as a superior Demon does not need to use weapons to compensate like an inferior human.
Dante in DMC5:
>Uses demon arms as a crutch
>Can only maintain flight during certain moves like SDT spin-to-win, forgot how to fly properly
>Guns are weak and sterile, feel like he shoots blanks constantly
>Shoots slower than base 2 Dante, vastly inferior to 2 dante in devil trigger
>Devil Trigger static, as he lacks the superior control to allow himself customization, locking him into permanent mediocrity
>SDT relegated to Distortion Duty via S rank as it is vastly inferior to 2 in both durability and damage, not even remotely, vaguely close to being as strong
Will Furies go after V or the summons though? I also imagine you stop them quite handily with some of Griffons abilities
>All Furies DMD Cane only
They had a good setting here but just didn't use it. The early chapters with the city are much better than the same demon tunnels in the second half.
>can barely fight one fury with Nero
>going to have to fight 3 at once
Thanks god that floor is SoS difficulty
There's another one with 2 Furies DMD difficulty
the music layers in in stages as your rank goes up in combat
Still mad the dream world was only used for one boss fight
That's intended. Sucks tho
Morrigan isn't a fujo
Take your meds, fujoseether.
he passed himself off as a sensitive soul who's deeply religious, Nico's mom probably first saw him in a coffee shop wearing a bright green sweater, reading a book she wanted to check out, her asking him if its good, and him stuttering like he always does
also he's in all likelihood a neat freak so I bet he smells like lemons, chicks dig body hygiene
and of course his gigantism blessed him with a 16 inch dick
Some missions don't use the battle theme
This thing is a god send against bosses
>So fucking casual I'm farming Red Orbs on Human because I can't beat the teleporting red niggas on DMD
Why do so many enemies fucking teleport.
They could have done much cooler stuff with the city, demon tree growing around stuff and buildings like a huge skyscraper instead of just destroying everything and turning it into fleshy tunnels.
It's nothing personel
In what way? In my experience, it's worthless. I always just Break Age right away, same as Mega Buster.
>chicks dig body hygiene
Yes, they do indeed love it when you don't smell like swamp ass and armpit sweat.
When is someone gonna make a mod that plays the battle themes in every mission?
Ice Age. Go into the void and do it. You'll see how easy they are.
ragtime and devil bringer spam
Worked for me
red?.. If you mean lizards its just because you do not know how to fight them. It doesnt require super skills or anything after you know how.
How the fuck am I supposed to royal guard Vergil's judgement cut barrage? I can guard the one that he does in the first phase pretty much every time but I cant figure out the timing for when he does 4 in a row. Is there any way to beat Vergil on DMD without royal guard?
>guarding the judgement cuts
Just dodge and then ground trick the fourth one so you can get some damage in.
Reminder that /ss/ Patty is a delusion that is no where present in the original Japanese script or the English dub, and that she only said she prefers guys younger in reference to Dante.
>Hell Judeccas can still teleport even when they are stunned from Balrog
Officially the WORST enemy in the game
Whatever do you mean?
Is it me or combos are quite hard to do ? I mean the only attack button is fucking triangle, and I'm shit at rythm games.
>he doesnt fight vergil with just Rebellion and E&I for a thematic and climactic experience
Are the demons we fight Urizen's goons? Or are they just random demons that pop up?
I need more
It's really good against specific enemies. It does tons of damage against angelo shield, urizen crystal, breaks pig armor, scissors, and spinning lizard armor. That's 1/3 of enemy rosters. Plus the break age can hit through cleaver berserker demon armor.
The problem is that the normals are kind of boring compared to stylish normals things like Gerbera, Tomboy, Overture, and Punchline offer
The timings are definitely a little strange. Having played 1, 2, 3, and 4 leading up to 5, the delay strings have a MUCH longer delay in 5. Not sure why they did that. They felt great in all previous games.
when did they put Makoto in the game?
stop spamming, seriously I can tell you're spamming a lot because you put a space bar before a question mark.
How many characters can you play in this game ?
she will be DMC6 summoner 100%, that's why they introduced her in the game
How is DMC 5 if you've never played another game in the series?
Everything breaks Berserker armor easily, you shouldn't be attacking Angelo Shields or Scissors, they tank your style. I know it's decent on Urizen, but it's too slow to use on higher difficulties. Haven't tried it on Chaos, so maybe it has a use there, but seeing as how you're wrong about the rest of them, I doubt it.
I fight him with Dante cause it's the simplest way to deal damage
It's because I'm french, but you're still on point. I spam. It's particularly obvious during boss fights, and I have to consciously get a hold of myself to avoid attacks.
So I have to be less agressive in the inputs then ? Not very familiar with DMC to be honest, but I'm still having a lot of fun. Feels great and rewarding when you manage to chain the boss.
so is there any way to still download the .exe without denuvo? is there a mirror somewhere?
also is it just me or does the attack window of fury change a lot? it's hard to get royalguard working against ist because i feel that the timing varies wildly.
Wrong, lorelet. Argosax was equal to Mundus
It's good, but you will be kinda lost in the history and will miss some references/plot twists.
just get a feel for the game. watch chasertech's tutorials if you haven't already. they were made for dmc4, but most of the things still apply to 5.
No, he's right. Sparda sealed them both away.
It's fine but there's a lot of stuff that will go over your head if you haven't. If you're up for it play 1>3>4. At least play 3 and 4. If you wanna play 5 then I bet you'll enjoy them.
Argosax was a cute waifu, therefore superior
I cleared 19 or 20 without continues, why didn't I get the achievement for it? pls somebody might see and think i used a gold orb on him I can't deal with the shame
ムンドゥスと同等の力を持つ魔界の覇王 (Demon King with power equal to Mundus)
Begone lorelet, the likes of you are forbidden in this land.
I dunno
I'll do. My biggest problem right now is the camera and the ennemy focus. I'm having hard time getting a hold of the fights because I can't switch focus accurately or fast.
For switching, just remember that as long as you're pressing the left stick in a direction, the lock on will target the enemy in that direction.
If the stick is neutral then it will target the closest enemy.
>bloody palace coop is 1 of each character
>tfw you get stuck with V
Scudo and scissors aren't a problem if you parry instead of try to guard-break. Helter Skelter's like Gerbara, it's a good crutch (I don't mean that as an insult, it just is) but Nero has all the tools to do what they do without them.
is it your first dmc? honestly you'll get the hang of it quite quickly if you don't just spam mindlessly and try thinking about your button presses.
3, thats a model swap
Remember when people on Yea Forums tried to say Vergil wouldn't be in the game?
I'm addicted to these threads, considering to buy a second monitor so i can play in one and see the thread in another
>tfw you get stuck with V
>mission 7 as nero on DMD
>get to angelos
>V player dies instantly
>have to slog through tanky as fuck angelos
>proto eats a DT buster arm breakage and loses like a quarter of his health
jesus christ V, get it together
Hello ladies, how you lovelies been?
Should I lock an ennemy all the time ? Dark souls style ?
Yes it is.
remember when they said the result screen was photoshopped?
remember when they said the game would be a flop?
remember when
God, I want a fully functioning Cavaliere boss in the void so I can bully him more
Remember when people on Yea Forums tried to say that V was the lost third son of Sparda?
Why does DMC produce so much gay porn, even if there are both hot girls and female demons all over?
It's only going to get better once the inevitable Vergil DLC comes out, so do it.
We are on "You won't get co-op BP"
I'm doing that right now. It's super comfy, highly recommended.
>Mission 7 as Nero on DMD
>get to angelos
>V player must be playing on SoS because they Angelos never DT and we kill them in like a minute and a half
your neutral moveset without lockon is rather limited, so yes, you should be locked on most of the time to get the most out of your arsenal. you should, however, learn how to switch targets quickly and get the hang of the properties of your moves, since most, if not all of them can hit multiple enemies.
Yeah, it was one of the funniest things in these threads
>you won't get coop bloody palace
I do hope that they don't fuck it up with some more arbitrary restrictions.
We have fully functioning coop but you are not allowed to actually play with who you want.
If they pull the same shit with BP I swear to god.
Strategy guide scans where
>trying to perfect release vergil when he turns into a jet
The Jews won. Everyone is gay now.
dataminers said there was hints of lobbies
The soundtrack is pretty shit, aside from devil trigger there's not really any redeeming track. Maybe legacy.
Is this on all max settings? Whats your specs?
The nightmare/griffon/shadow remixes are fantastic.
>doing DMD Vergil with no weapons and no SDT
We still have Lucia, we need more heterosexual art of that with SIN dt dante and DT Lucia
You are retarded.
The OST is great - it's varied and pretty unique.
I honestly have no idea why people have a problem with the game's camera, especially when people say 3's was better. Like, did you actually play that game? It's great but the camera was complete fucking garbage at the best of times.
Cute. But wouldn't he be like 75% demon if his mom were Morrigan? I could've sworn she was a fullblood.
>Should I lock an ennemy all the time ?
no. Only use lockon whenever you want to utilize a lockon specific move (ie directionals, Snatch, etc)
Also it's important to know how the lockon system decides which enemy you lock onto. This depends on the direction of your LStick. Thus if you want to switch targets, don't use the R3 lockon switch and instead just release lockon, flick your stick towards your new target and press lockon again.
I heavily prefer 5's soundtrack over 4's and half of 3's.
Crimson Cloud is okay. A lot of the menu music is good. Nico's Theme in particular is great. Cavaliere Angelo has a good battle theme too, as does Urizen 3.
dmc gets barely any porn gay or not. also barely any mods, this one is like the most mod supported capcom game outside of street fighter, which itself is lacking for its popularity
capcom fans are lazy and dont make things
>Why does the series with a bunch of hot guys have a lot of female fans who produce a lot of fanart
3 Dante>2 dante>1 dante>4 and 5's dante who felt like a parody of the character
Will they add anything new to Vergil when he's playable?
Dante turned around on his policy on letting devil arms talk. Poor Agni and Rudra
You gotta put in more effort
Not worth the (You) 2 Dante and Majin form is absolute trash
>tfw no balrog boss
I feel like the addition of V really made them skimp out on Dante's missions. I feel like the game would be a lot better if Nero and Dante got the same amount of missions. Dante only has like 5 and you have pretty much everything by the 4th one.
All of V's taunts
Majin is not trash
>A lot of fanart
Objectively wrong.
I hope he plays a bit different this time. I've never liked how he plays. His lack of an actual double jump, his rebelion BUT ALSO YAMATO rebelion moveset, his worse feeling gauntlet that can only do fast attacks instead of changing as needed, even the Yamato feels worse than all the other swords with its stupid dimension slashing gimmick leading to delayed damage that isn't satisfying.
4 was especially bad since the concentration mechanic and teleport changes meant you were punished for simply wanting to run at the enemy instead of mash teleport and his teleports just felt like gimped dante teleports because of the need to put a sword in the enemy first
Techno Viking taunt dance.
She's 100% demon (succubus) and Scotish, but at one point her soul was split into three because she was too powerful.
Was the ten year wait worth it guys?
Majin is not Sin DT.
Definitely desu.
Just let him start an animation before closing in. If you were doing that to Vergil and complaining about the fact he keeps blocking you you'd be openly laughed at for being a shitter.
gtx750/i3 4160 reporting in
game still looks beautiful at 720p and low settings, thank you based RE engine
had the same problem, maybe restarting a missions caused it. i got it on my next playthrough
I know that, the image I pulled up was Majin from 2, not SIN DT from 5
>actually defending Judeccas
There are 2 expansions DLCs on the works at the moment, although they're still on script phase.
1st expansion will be an adaptation of Dante's first chapters of the prequel novel, showing him arriving on Dumary Island.
It's intended to be 8 missions, 4 for Dante and 4 for Lucia. No words about coop sessions, yet.
The 2nd expansion will be about Dante and Vergil destroying the Qliphoth and getting out of the Underworld, plain and simple.
9 missions are planned for the DLC and it will focus on coop gameplay between Dante and Vergil.
Trish and Lady DLC are confirmed but they're only playable characters for Bloody Palace, for now.
Doesn't matter! He's 100% mama's strong handsome boy!
If you choose to play as dante in mission 13 and you choose to no play as nero in mission 7 then dante actually ends up having more missions in that campaign playthrough technically
I wouldn't know, since this is my first DMC, but I also had a decade-long wait for a true sequel in a series I love very much. These threads have the same exact feeling and it's really pleasant.
Fair enough, it is cute.
It's hard to say something worth a 10 year wait, but lets just say it was incredibly satisfying.
I bet Vergil would look cute in Majin form.
>autism in a DMC thread
Oh no
>there will be nearly as many missions added via DLC as are featured in the full game
Make it less retarded next time.
My bad, I don't really recognise Majin.
This was the best shitposting ever, especially then some autistics claimed Sparda was holding a baby on their family portrait
I have a 970 and FX 8350. I'm getting at least 60fps on 1080p and high/medium settings. Mission 15 also gives me a fuck ton of slowdown in the platforming parts but as soon as combat starts its gets smooth again.
Imagine the Thicc asses of female SIN DTs of dante and vergil
It's okay buddy.
>Everything I disagree with is bait
Great argument.
1's dante was bland, with a few good moments, but overall meh.
2's was bland and I meant to put 1>2 not 2>1.
3 was literally perfect. Serious when he needed to be, jovial when he didn't, felt like an actual character.
4 was just an asshole mary sue who fully recognized his canon sue status to be a complete untouchable unless he wants to be touched god in every cutscene, who never acts serious ever and treats the entire game like a meaningless trivial mess, because to him it is, further dragging down the boredom of revisiting old areas and fights by having the dude you play as clearly not care
5 toned down the mary sue bullshit a bit and had him actually struggle sometimes (even if only with his own family) but he's still a massive asshole that he never was in 1, 2 or 3
He doesn't feel like a character in 4 and 5. He feels like a caricature. A parody of his zany moments in 3. Withotu any of the actual substance under it.
4 dante is absolute, unironically, a fucking terrible character, with 0 redeeming qualities. He's so far above everything he's boring as a hero. He's needlessly rude to everyone, just because he is. Although that's really not his fault; his powerlevel has grown to such absurd levels over the series, and all enemies trivialized to such a degree, he simply is too far above most enemies to really be invested in anything, making him flat until they have the balls to give him an enemy worth caring about. Which, since he's a mary sue from the explicit most powerful demon family, in a world where demons are > all, means he has to fight his own family (who can't die because they are popular) , which also just feels fucking pointless
I love how much of a goober Vergil is on the inside
>blaming the Judecca for you being an unga bunga retard and trying to slam headfist into it instead of working with its obvious as fuck mechanics
do you also complain about Antenora knockdown armour you turbo brainlet?
Yeah, I thought about KH too
GOTY of the year
>17 missions DLC
If you're going to make a fake do your research first, they wouldn't make an almost full game DLC, plus creating Lucia just for DLC would be costly
So that's why hair looks like Riku's.
>Plays lady
>V a teleporting enemy
>Doesn't just shoot it
Dante looks much better/younger without that hobo stubble.
>do you also complain about Antenora knockdown armour
No, because that's actually a decent mechanic that promotes fighting in a unique way while keeping the combat engaging. When your primary gimmick is running away and wasting time, you're a shit enemy. Stop apologizing for trashy design.
He didnt turn shit around.
Balrog is just a cunt.
>tfw only played the DMC series last year
>only had to wait a couple of months
5Dante is the closest to 1Dante that he's ever been though, as well as incorporating elements of his anime and novel personalities. How you can put it anywhere near 4Dante is absurd to me
Him being an asshole because of his Vergil autism is one of the key parts of his characterisation in 5 and Before the Nightmare as well.
>Dante looks younger
He's not supposed to. He's crazy boomer uncle, now.
Judecca only run away if you're a retard and too stupid to figure out its triggers like in the webm. Take a step back and actually inspect the enemy for once, goober.
5 Dante needs an actual fucking enemy worth a damn that isn't his brother who does nothing but job hopped up on people but they fucked that by making Mundus and Argosax out ot be the biggest baddest demons and having one lose to a weaker Dante and one lose to dante who didn't even seem to try
It's still pretty annoying only having 6 or so missions as a certain character. I enjoyed V's gameplay but it's not something I'm going to want to come back to as many times as Dante or Nero.
it's urizen then
>actually getting upset because some enemies require you to change your approach instead of just charging everything down like a caveman
Is rushing in blind all you can do?
So were they in space for the final few missions?
Only in memes.
Dante in the game is pissed borderline asshole.
cool bro u killed a 1 v 1 enemy i na literal void bro cool now do it in the actual game when fighting hordes bro go on bro do it
If the sky is still blue what do you think
Meant to also include DMC3 in Dante's Vergil autism blinders as well. Dude gets mad tunnel vision any time he's involved.
I do agree that Dante facing a threat that's not related to him could be even more interesting, but as you said they kinda fucked that with power scales over the years.
But I still don't see how you can put 5Dante in the same realm as 4Dante. They're completely different
Literally pathetic. I bet you think DMC2 has good enemy designs.
Is "Is rushing in blind all you can do?" going to be the next great way to btfo plebs?
>Dante in the game is pissed borderline asshole.
So he's a crazy boomer uncle.
>>I do agree that Dante facing a threat that's not related to him could be even more interesting, but as you said they kinda fucked that with power scales over the years.
>But I still don't see how you can put 5Dante in the same realm as 4Dante. They're completely different
I dunno he rubbed me just as badly in 5 as 4. I miss 1 and 3 and even fucking 2 (where he used the fake coin to hide working for free)'s actual genuine nice guy Dante
Learn to take some advice. Cerberus ice age and revolver = free parry
What's pathetic is being too stupid to recognise enemy behaviour patterns and complaining that you can't unga mash your way to victory.
Bet you complained about DMC1 Shadows as well
Ice Age might be Dante's most broken move, it fucking destroys everything in terms of parrying. It doesn't matter if 200000 furies are attacking you, everything is getting parried.
DMC1 Shadows are the best enemy in the series. How are they analogous to Judeccas in any way? Shadows are aggressive as fuck.
Dante was probably the biggest asshole he's ever been in DMC3 though. He was literally, unironically WOOHOOing and doing backflips cracking jokes while Lady spilled her anguish out to him about Arkham. Even later on when he starts actually caring he's still dickish to Lady, moreso than he ever is to Nero in 5
The way Vergil talks in his fight with Dante makes it seem like he had no idea Nero was his son.
Who did he think Nero was? Dante's kid? It's not like there's a lot of people that could be Nero's dad.
Got some serious vegeta vibes from the whole situation.
Because they both require you to inspect their behaviours and act accordingly to properly deal with them.
>Notice ur srank
>fink about doing an SDT
>its an actual downgrade from base dante
how do you get golden jacket?
You got to beat DMD without taking damage and getting S on the first try
>This enemy is bad because I can't unga
>Then stop trying to unga, retard
>hurr you like DMC2
>tfw Dante is making fun of your fashion again
He looks like such a deadweight here.
I have never played a game character in an action game with as much variety as Dante in DMC5
Not really. Only in so far as "this is the movelist, this is the best way to dodge." Shadows don't run away, and it's clear right away that using your sword is a bad move. So you can shoot them down, or if you're clever, use the spike for critical hits, or you can DT and facetank their counterhits, or you can use round trip, or you can even use Sparda's extra long stinger. There's no point in fighting a Shadow where you're just waiting for it to do something unless you're specifically just looking for the crit.
not much of a drawfag but well
Dante looks like a chad but is a virgin
Vergil acts like a virgin but is enough of a chad to fuck Nero's mom
Dante is so good in DMC5 it makes me sad that there isn't a full game where you just play as him.
That's exactly what was in my head when I saw OP's pic.
Jewdeca's main issue there is no quick kill gimmick, like they should have implemented.
Is that the official choreo to Singing In The Rain?
DMCV made me realise I wasn't just missing DMC, I'm missing those PS2-era games where you just control a character moving around and press a button to hit stuff. Games like Onimusha, Ninja Gaiden, God Hand, etc. Feels like every single player game nowadays has to be either a shooter or a RPG.
Just as using your sword is a bad move on Shadows, so is trying to rushdown a Judecca incessantly, which will cause it to keep teleporting.
The details are different but the matching factor is that both require you to fight outside the means of "me rush me hit" and trying to fight them that way will lead to a bad time
why would someone lie on the internet?
stop posting this mod
Because FPS or RPGs don't require good gameplay.
Shut up Whocia
Why is his left hand on backwards?
Vergil's face when he once again sees Dante pull out the cowboy hat and motorbike.
When will the special edition be released?
This is the first time I posted it and hadn't seen it anywhere else here
And you are set free
Year +
You just realised that Itsuno and DMC5 saved action games/hack n slash industry
What is that vest monstrosity
Bueno, user!
he's pretending to play the violin
Nigger, the difference is:
1. The restriction for Shadow is that you lose one of your weapons. The restriction for Judecca is that you don't get to play at all until it says you can.
2. The punishment for Shadow is that you take a hit. The punishment for Judecca is that it runs away and wastes your time.
It's not a good enemy. Furies are more analogous to Shadows. Still a little too slow-paced for my liking, but the concept is at least a little closer.
Has anyone made a mod to place Vergil's face over Dante's yet? I know the reverse exists at least but Nazarov Dante is what I imagine a younger Dante might look like
post your worst bloody palace nightmares
>someone wasted their time to write this shit
physically cringed
We need this thread to have a theme song
>The restriction for Judecca is that you don't get to play at all until it says you ca
Then you're fighting Judecca wrong. They are shut down easily if you know what triggers their teleport
Subhuman is the best character battle theme.
It flows the absolute best with the gameplay and also transitions the smoothest between style ranks.
YOU CANNOT KILL ME kicking in at S is always hype as fuck.
Is it chuuni if they actually have the powers a chuuni would pretend to have
Is there a single man on earth that can hold a candle to Itsuno?
>can't run on walls
Nobody cares for these games anymore DMC V just got lucky
t. Someone who likes all three of these genres
I hope so. DMC6 seems likely at some point now, but I doubt the success of DMC5 will inspire many others to go back to the same type of game.
SDT Dante and Vergil at the same time at final level.
>Having troubles with Blitz
>Having troubles with Fallens in an open area
They will call you Dismal, but know in your heart that you are correct
I do hope they will give Itsuno opportunity to make new IP.
DD2 would be fine but I really want something new.
Matt said in the podcast that other companies were waiting to see if DMC5 would be a success, if yes they would make a new ninja gaiden
>they fuse at the end
>Vergil with double humanity
Blitz was easy as fuck compared to Fury, at least with Nero. Now it's the other way around where Fury is easy for Dante but Blitz was annoying.
>people complain that enemies in DMC are just punching bags
>but also complain about every single enemy that isn't a punching bag
But what about this song?
Nidhogg makes me think of Echidna penis
How have Capcom's sales been across the full redemption arc? DMC5, MHW, MM11 and RE2. I hope good enough that they see this is the way forward.
look at those devil balls
>might be
Of those four, MM11 by far sold the least and Capcom still considered it a success. That should tell you something
All you have to do to parry Furies is to spam Balrog punches
>tfw can hear my gay ass voice in it
DMC5 is at 2 milion + since launch (fastest selling DMC).
MHW broke all records for Capcom.
RE2 hit 4 milion about a month ago.
MM11 I have no idea.
Dude, Blitz with Dante was just Pandora bait, and Fury with Nero can be cheesed with Rawhide, or by Overture, or by Buster.
That's kinda disturbing
Also whatever that is in the middle looks like a ghost from mario
DMC5 was the second largest PC release ever for Capcom. All those games have done well but it's still hard to find proper numbers for DMC5.
Scrub here, enjoying RG a lot more in this game and can manage having three devil arms way better than in 4.
This is how I imagine a redditor's post on Yea Forums would look like.
I know Blitz could be easily cheesed with the pandora gunslinger move but it was still annoying as fuck. Getting rid of the shield and going in for a real impact only to have it move just slightly out of range at the last second.
Pretty cute! Now feed him
I'm not the only one here who likes Dante in his strong daddy Sin DT.
All I am seeing from your posts is that you can't actually go into detail or explain anything you are claiming because you are essentially a git gud shitposter that has no clue about the game and will continue to spam git gud / you are wrong as defence.
There's no clearer sign you are a shitter on Yea Forums.
Not him.
SSSS is fucking awesome, even though I keep accidentally blowing my gauge.
EXShuffle parry. Use it right after they announce their attack
>inb4 older DMCs get the REmake treatment
Priceless pic.
If you don't play this game to "master it and play for the score" the fun just stops right?
just beat it on DH and halfway on SoS it just lost any charm since SoS is easy af and DMD must be the same and even if it's not i just use a revive orb and beat the boss anyway. What's even the point
What does it do? Never actually used it.
That's because everybody chooses dante
how long is dis game?
Sin dante is a lot of fun to play as.
I explained one of the reasons why what happened in that webm was happening but I guess you just decided to ignore that.
Whatever dude, have fun crying that you don't unga mash them. Maybe one day you'll get bored of being stupid and actually study the enemy
DMD as V is impossible. The familiars are too stupid.
I want to lick Gloria’s thighs!
Goth bf needs food badly.
Not being able to replenish the devil breakers at all as Nero.
Actually they aren't stupid at all, you're just an idiot.
MM11 wasnt exactly a best seller, but i doubt it was an expensive game to make
MHW was capcom's greatest success ever. It sold an insane amount of copies, pretty much gave capcom enough money to bankroll multiple games and recover from blunders such as MvCi and SF5
DMC5 and RE2 sold 2 and 3 million copies respectively.
Its a good number, but we dont know for sure how much did those game cost to make. If they had bloated production value, then they are flops, but if they were made in efficient ways, they were successes.
I would say that the later is more probable, as capcom been talking wonders about RE engine for a while and how that shit is magical
Meanwhile SFV is still a piece of shit
DMC1 remake with 5 Dante gameplay. I don't know how they'd handle it but I bet it would be good.
>If you don't play this game to "master it and play for the score" the fun just stops right?
Yeah pretty much, the fun comes from improving yourself and getting better scores, gold orbs are there for people who don't want to bother learning the game and just want to rush through it
You can instantly go into Sin DT if your style rank is SSS.
Wait till they get a load of MY THIGHS
>the voice actor of the Balrog weapon who uploaded a bunch of voice clips for the community to mess around with
If you don't play the game to get better at the game, what are you even playing for?
When you're at SSS, you can transform into SDT instantly and you get a free four seconds with no meter consumption, and the real kicker is that you can cancel SDT form for that 4 seconds.
Does that make Nero Gibby?
I wish this was all true. I really do. Really want Lucia back.
he probably didn't during that month he was in redgrave and that's why he's skelly
But you only have two weapons in that game
Of course.
i really played the game just for the difficutly (like every other game i play) but in DMC5 if you don't care about the score the game becomes pretty easy desu
Most likely you're not managing the positioning of your pets properly.
First off, always stay close to the enemy that you want to attack with fatto catto.
If one of your pets is about to be attack, rescue them by performing their dodge move.
Manage your DT gauge properly since Nightmare summon can be used for reviving your pets, keeping them invincible against asshole enemies like Behemoths, giving you extra firepower and the summon animation itself has iframes.
Also dodge primarily via jumping.
still would've been a better choice than wasting him as Vergil's Roxas.
I've always liked short coat Dante from the DMC1 demo disc more than long coat.
Nero takes off his shirt all the time and he’s fat?
*is about to be attacked
how do you get balrog to be annnouncer or tba?
RE engine does seem pretty magical. Everything on it looks incredible and runs like a dream just with some janky reflections sometimes.
I'm afraid to say you're just playing badly. One tip that should help you is to not summon Nightmare until Shadow or Griffon eat shit, then put Nightmare away again. Using him as a revive button is really useful since reading a poem gets that DT rune right back.
Mod that replaces Trish with Gloria when?
The way they implemented reviving in this game is still retarded as fuck. The game gives you so many gold orbs that you can pretty much always revive if you want to. The microtransactions still confuse me as to why they even exist. There can't possibly be someone so bad that they run out of gold/red orbs and have to buy more.
But if you don't care about the score then you don't really care about the gameplay. The two are intrinsically tied. Using Gold Orbs also won't help with this at all
in mission 13, if Nero meets Dante, Nero will comment something and Dante replies with
" Hey I'm not THAT old!"
Any news on that Mexican DMC5 thing?
Here you go friend
Just a terrible idea. The whole gameplay concept of 1 is totally different from the rest of the series. I don't want any remakes. 1 is fine the way it is and 2 is irredeemable. Just keep moving the series forward.
It’s just a mod. It’s in the video description.
I get you, I'm sitting on 50 or so gold orbs, and even though I don't use them it really takes the sting out of death
I mean, he is voiced by Japanese Roxas.
Here, I uploaded it just for you user.
It's a mod. The VA for Balrog recorded a bunch of lines that people requested for him
Leak says Nero will get occasional stages in BP to pick up Breakers.
Soon hopefully.
Still waiting for an El Dante mustache mod
I kinda like Dante from 4
I just wish it didn't take so fucking long. They really should have included an option to get rid of the "down but not out" thing entirely, it makes checkpointing take over 30 seconds when combined with the death and loading screens. Total drag.
Someone mod Trish/Eva's hair on Lady and vice versa
To be fair, Lady is also a huge dick to him
Remember she shot him in the head after he saved her life
>Dante has 2 (TWO) instant teleport moves, Trick Up and Ground trick
>uses none, 0 (ZERO)
gitgud scrub
>extra long hair
>nero's clothes
>devil bringer
>black and purple everything
what the fuck
>dolphin porn
All of your waifus/husbandos are shit.
cmon man
i honestly wonder if mighty no9 was the reason for capcom's turnaround. it's like they had absolutely no idea people actually cared about these franchises until that kickstarter
>practice Furies in the void
>ok, I got this
>half of the Furies I meet in the story are in cramped rooms where the camera sometimes makes it hard to see which attack is coming
God fucking dammit.
I want to fuck that statue
Goes well with this song too
MM11 wasn't a big seller but since it was cheap to make it didn't need to sell a lot, so it was considered a success by Capcom, all the others sold a lot
I could look for hours.
nigga how the fuck are furies even real haha just spam shuffle hahahaha
i cant find what that looks like
You've done a great service
What the fuck ever on Gloria. I just want playable Trish. Most fun character in 4 and 2.
Mighty No. 9 is the reason for Capcom's turnaround but only in the sense it pulled Inafune away from them and showed them just how completely fucking retarded all his ideas were.
based and red lizard
Bros, anybody got the compilation of resetera trannies getting buttblasted by the demo?
Go to your steam folder and see how big the normal exe is.
Correct, denuvolet exe is smaller than exe with denuvo by like 350MB
>after he saved her life
She was never in any danger. She could save herself from the fall and she did when he let go of her.
this is best dante
They picked a real hot guy for V.
I shiggity diggity hope you've beaten Hell and Hell mode, user.
Now, time to S rank all missions before Bloody Palace.
Nero both hands with gloves mod when?
>DMC1 outfit
My favorite part is when the electric fx gets stuck in the air when you swap out of Rebellion
I haven't even started DMD
Because I don't want to play 9 missions to get to my main
Was about to start Hell and Hell but Sekiro came out so i've been playing that
kinda wish i just stuck to DMC desu
You know you really need a woman, V
If you're going to make a fake leak, have it sound both cool and believable. Check this:
>After Bloody Palace and Divergence mode (essentially an "arcade" mode designed so all characters can play all Missions, with M6 omitted), there will be 2 DLC campaigns
>The first is Dante & Vergil's Inferno, taking place right after the Jackpot credits scene, consisting of 7 Missions
>The first Mission is an expanded version of the credits fight, but with the choice to play as Dante or Vergil, consisting of several waves of enemies (with harder waves the higher the difficulty)
>Vergil's Yamato moveset has expanded to include some Beowulf/Force Edge moves (note that he does Rising Sun and Helm Splitter with it in 5)
>Vergil can now use 2 bars of DT to summon his Doppelganger, which is controlled similarly to V's summons
>The next few Missions involve Dante & Vergil traveling through Hell to get to the roots of the Qliphoth; some levels are solo, others use the cameo system
>Vergil acquires two new Devil Arms during his Missions: Shadow, a gauntlet that has the powers of fatto catto; and the Broadsword of a particularly powerful Angelo
>One of Dante's Missions has Vergil throw him the Yamato, giving Dante access to Dark Slayer style like in 4; after this Mission, Vergil has his Doppelganger give Dante a ghostly Yamato, explaining why he keeps the use of the style
>Mission 7 is another Dante vs Vergil fight, but this time you can choose who you play as; this version of Vergil is much more dangerous due to having more weapons, but the boss version of Dante uses all 5 styles and all 8 weapons
>No matter who you play/who wins, they finish the job and use Yamato to return to Earth
Mission 3 and Mission 8 are the only ones that you might have some trouble with. Just do it. Make your dreams come true.
Here it is.
Since I beat Hell and Hell mode, I'm posting screenshots. I think I've unlocked everything.
I'm trying to S-rank HaH the first time around so I don't have to go back to it. Currently on mission 11 after spending the whole day yesterday trying to S-Rank mission 10.
What if user is disguising real leak as a fake one while responding to user on how to make actually good fake?
>eat a fucking box of crayons to the qliphoth roots on SoS, dying once and generally fucking up
>S-rank mission 2 with no revives, even pulling a s-rank for a good twenty seconds during the first half of goliath
Looks great, but I think I prefer the straight-up coatless version in DMC3.
Didn't even work for me, the attack just missed him. Royal Revenge seems to work though.
sounds kino
>watch DMC history
>long explanation of DMC3
>long explanation of DMC1
>anyway in DMC4-
I honestly dunno. The first DMC5 leak got literally everything right, including V being Vergil
>Who did he think Nero was? Dante's kid?
Yes. Which is why he was more than happy to just go in and casually rip Nero's arms off. Who cares about Dante's kid?
My dream, my LIIIIIFE!
Running the game on W8 and the game always randomly crashes after some time (~30-45 minutes).
Is there a way to fix this shit ? This shit gets really annoying on DMD
SSSS is free damage retard
>Doing M16 on SoS
>Get good scores on every enemy encounter (5500-6800), SSS everywhere
>Die once to King Cerb
>Beat him, score 5300
>Don't S-rank mission
>Go on to M17
>Die twice to Urizen's new attacks
>Barely managed to reach S once during combat
>Beat him
>S-rank mission
I don't get it.
I'm stuck on mission 3
>2nd DLC Campaign: Ladies' Night, starring Trish & Lady for 5 Missions
>Nico is along for the ride to give upgrades and give the girls new weapons given that Sparda and both Kalina Anns are with Dante
>Trish gets a sword to her specifications that ends up looking like a mechanical Alastor that can channel electricity from her strikes into large AoEs
>Trish gets a new Kalina Ann that can break apart into two smaller guns she can use like explosive gauntlets
>They otherwise have similar movesets to 4SE, beyond the few new tricks these give them
>The job is on Lucia's island, harkening back to DMC2 and the 5 prequel novel
>One of the Missions involves breaking in to a demon-infested stronghold; Trish disguises as Gloria while Lady goes in through the ducts taking out guards (cameo system is used)
>Bosses are reimagined, fun versions of certain bosses from 2 (Infested Chopper also becomes a common enemy type just for memes' sake)
>Final Boss is a showdown with Phantom, who had been amassing power for years in an attempt to get back at Dante
>"WHERE IS THE SON OF SPARDA?" "What a shame, two of them were here just a little while ago, but you just missed both of them."
>Ending of the campaign is them returning to the Devil May Cry location ready to party by themselves, only to find that Dante & Vergil are back from hell and just hanging out in there already
This sounds pretty believable to me.
Fuck he is hot
Should have called it History of Vergil, with how they treated 2.
Mission 17 is a single encounter so as long as you don't use a revive, you're gonna get a decent amount of Style regardless
>implying this isn't Capcom fake leaking real leaks
I doubt I'll be able to beat DMD, let alone S-rank it.
I should be able to S-rank all missions between DH and SoS, though.
That was probably Dan Southworth
hurry the fuck up
Bring back Nevan.
>Die once to King Cerb
>Beat him, score 5300
Here's your issue. You need ~5500 points for S rank and due to dying you missed out on the no continue 1.2x bonus
>Die twice to Urizen's new attacks
continuing from the mission start doesn't count. due to that you'll always get the no continue 1.2x bonus as long as you don't use revives.
It's easy to beat with revives. It gets super fucking hard at the half-way point, though. Urizen 2, 3, and King Cerb have so much health it's retarded.
Only if you stun them while they are in a grounded state. I have yet to have them teleport while they were standing. It is fucking annoying though. I don't know what they were thinking with them. At least once you do get off a RI, they are either almost dead and you can just use E&I to keep them in the air and kill them. Or you're doing it from half health and they are dead anyway.
Devil Trigger is literally going to become the most iconic song in DMC history. It just keeps getting remixed and covered lol
>mission 7 DMD
>die over and over again at the final encounter as Nero cause I suck, at least my partner is dying long before me though
>Suddenly get paired with someone on HoH who insta kills the Proto Angelo, then dies instantly
The level made me an expert at fight the Angelos though which I'm thankful for
It's Nero's Devils never Cry, and desu I don't mind.
Is that room the same asset as Nero's garage?
>continuing from the mission start doesn't count
Oh so that's it. Didn't realize it considered that restarting the mission. Weird.
Nevan would be a perfect Trish weapon.
Holy fuck this please
Is he still wearing the same gloves from DMC3? Those look old as fuck.
imagine the sceencap if this was confirmed to be real
>Vergil kills her
>His devil arm is a fucking Violin.
wohow slow down babe
I just want playable Vergil cause most of my replays on DMC 3 and DMC4 are all Vergil
Devil's Never Cry is it's only competition and Devil Trigger already has like 20 million views on youtube
>Divergence mode
What the fuck do we actually know about that?
Damn it V stop banging the cat on everything.
how about we use some stuff from one of the books and feature an alt universe dante?
perhaps one where he got left while vergil got saved and dante's some sort of mad berserker to counterpoint the heroic (but still calm and collected) alt-vergil?
Why is Vergil so cute?
stuck on featherface and fatto catto on SoS .
Any tips?
>Deal with Cerberus just fine on DH
>get hit all the time on SoS
The fuck? did anything even change?
this shit is so hilarious, thank you user.
It was datamined as the title of a mode among the list of DLCs in the PC release, alongside Bloody Palace (and some unnamed ones people assume are a Vergil campaign and "Ladies' Night" campaign). The name of it implies it will let you use each character in Missions they don't get in the main game, or maybe it's a boss rush or something.
Wait a second, the matchmaking doesn't match you to the same difficulty? Does it at least separate between DH and above, so the enemy spawns match.
new thread
Don't do this, someone might actually take this serious and post it on Resetera
they can't handle rockets, try that
The sad part is despite the obvious photoshop, I still had to look it up to make sure someone wasn't complaining about it.