>brainlet nonsense
"New games have big file sizes to fight piracy!"
>normie misconception
"It's because devs forgot how to compress files"
>true understanding
"Actively pushing competing games off the hard drive improves player retention"
>brainlet nonsense
"New games have big file sizes to fight piracy!"
>normie misconception
"It's because devs forgot how to compress files"
>true understanding
"Actively pushing competing games off the hard drive improves player retention"
A game like Red Dead 2 is one thing but an FPS should be like 30gb max there's nothing
Fucking external drives are so cheap these days, does it even matter? I think the new PS4s have them, certain that all the Xbox ones have them. And at this point, with HD prices down, GPU prices down, and even the lower end of i9s coming down, if you aren't on a PC you are a total hitbag.
>the chad wisdom
"Forcing players commit a significant amount of time to downloading encourages them to give the game more of a chance"
red pilled
Stadia save us from this evil!
They are banking on the fact that ff your hard drive is full of CoD you wont be playin or buying any of their competitors games.
In the end I simply stopped caring and playing games.
Nice move, stupid fucking jews
it also discourages you from starting the download in the first place and makes you delete it faster because you could have 4 other games installed instead of it.
Console CPUs are so shit they can't even handle decompression decently.
Activision needn't have bothered, having a head on my shoulders is reason enough not to play CoD or any competing products.
no, it's just amerimutt logic "bigger=better"
The long download makes you invested in it.
>muh uncompressed audio
I think you're all retarded, they just need more room to even begin to try to complete with PCs. A 6n 8 gig external is what now, $150? As for "long time DLing," after 20-30 minutes you can start playing anyway. They don't necessarily want to take up more room since if you like the COD games (who would, last good game was where you were hunting subhumans in Favellas) you are more likely to buy more of the shitty things.
Retards everywhere.
dont post anymore
>actual reason: shitty engine that can't read compressed files
T. game dev
>The long download makes you invested in it.
That's a false comparison. Esp in this age, you aren't "investing" in the sense of actual effort. This might be true for a game thhat...let's say it costs more, you are 14 and have a part time job and have to work like a nigger in the fields to get the shekels to buy it.
But you aren't "working" to DL it, you simply start the DL and go fuck around on your phone or take a nap, and after 30 mins of so you can begin, so that doesn't make sense. It's just fucking sloppy on the part of the companies as they try to compete with PC and figure storage is now so cheap it doesn't mater to 90% of people.
where do you guys live that a 100gb only take 30 minutes to download?
In parts of NYC now they have 750Mb/sec DLs now. Can't speak for other poster. It costs $20 more per moth but worth it. There's even a 1gb/sec tier, but that would be another $20 on top of what I pay now.
Obviously if the devs are smart the game loads start content first.
In some countries there are people who actually pirate games then put them on dvds to sell them to brainlets.
That practice is dying as games get larger or steam sales end up being cheaper that that.
>download game 100GB
>day 1 patch over 50GB
>tfw 1gb is still fucking massive to me
Not really, and when I delete it it decreases the chance I'll give it another try
are you okay?
>90GB of uncompressed audio
This shit is crazy I think about those fuckers in Alaska with shit internet paying $100 to get a game shipped to their frozen shithole and then not even getting the full game
Nah. I've pirated stuff for hours before only to delete everything despite being 80+% done.
>actual understanding
op kys... you're clueless.
>1gb drive so have to actively delete old games and house only one at time due to average size of 300mb
>1tb drive so have to delete older games and house couple at time due to average game having up to 100gb
Fucking progress.
Each 1tb drive costing as much as 1/8 of my former monthly income. Former because in my country, almost nobody hold R&D departments in their companies so I might as well go work as clerk in grocery store with phd in physics.
Fuck everyone saying that its okay to have huge size games because "lol drives are cheap".
I don't know why they bother releasing new cods they could just re release mw2 and sell new maps, more people would play it instead of them having to come up with some gay "unique and crazy" mechanics every game that nobody asked for.
>Pushing competing games off the hard drive improves player retention
So the devs basically figured out how to implement duck dicks in game development
I won't even buy a game that is bigger than 50gigs, I have a 2 terabyte harddrive but fuck those faggots for intentionally creating waste for no other reason than because they can.
>Elder understanding
>playing shitty games
>"Actively pushing competing games off the hard drive improves player retention"
>not spending peanuts on a multi-terabyte spinning rust drive or a terabyte ssd
for retards I guess this would work, but then they'd just delete/download things as required even with a datacap
If you can't keep your game under 50GB nowadays you're a shit studio/company
It does a good job of keeping me from even bothering