Why is the console so terrible and why are the fans so bad Yea Forums?
Why is the console so terrible and why are the fans so bad Yea Forums?
because it's popular and because it's popular
In terms of raw satisfaction that logo is the still image equivalent of the PS1 era Capcom intro
Seething cause sony won 4 gens in a row?
Because you engage in console wars like a autistic child with a tumor for a brain
>tripfag being a tripfag again
Best games.
Why is the console so terrible and why are the fans so bad Yea Forums?
But it lost the last one.
Nice try but it wont work
Yeah Nintendo fans don't usually work, considering they're all around 8 years old, at most.
>the ps3 lost to the wii
name one wii game that competes with the last of us or mgs4
Mario bros
wii sports
It won on sales and you can't refute this because you're using sales to say the playstation won all these generations
It's a decent budget machine for the busy or lazy, and we are pretty cool when you get to know us OP. We enjoy the same sort of multiplats as you do, and we love to discuss them. Please, have a Connelly on me.
party babyz
tell me about software sales
There are 0 games on wii that are as good as a ps3 game.
No games
All gimmicks
Shit graphics for 2006
Killed nintendo quality game wise
They make good hardware, fund exclusive games that appeal to people and live on good terms with japanese developers.
All of these things might possibly change in the near future but there is no much competition on the console market anymore so they can afford to be lazy and subverted by california jews and still make it on top.
Then 360 won.
I wouldn't want to compare software sales because the hottest and highest selling Wii games have numbers that would embarrass PS3 titles. Compare shit like the sales of Mario Kart Wii, Twilight Princess, New Super Mario Bros, Fucking shovelware like Carnival Games to any PS3 title and you'll see
Buyer's remorse.