No Switch version

>no Switch version

how come?

Attached: tfw you cant play on the go.jpg (1280x720, 204K)

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We're just waiting for the beta test to be over.

cope lol

Thanks for testing, kiddo!

Do you actually believe Sekiro could run on a Switch? Haven't played the others, but I did see RE2, and that wouldn't run either.

games don't run the best when they are still in beta. I sure the 1.0 release will be fine on switch

Attached: shitch.jpg (1200x675, 83K)

its underpowered and we've known this for two years now go make another smash or wojak thread

No way any of those games in would run at an acceptable framerate on switch.

Its underpowered, and the only game worth playing on it is Smash

i dont care about kh3 or dmc5 but i am looking forward to sekiro on the switch. its inevitable if you look at dark souls. it will probably be the definitive edition and have all the dlc for free

I have a switch because I like Xenoblade and I loved Octopath, so credit where it's due, but what's with the obviously retarded shit-threads asking for games with too much fidelity in graphics to be ported to switch?

The switch can't handle shit like Sekiro or RE2RE, or DMC5. I'd be glad to see Nintendo release a console with a little more horsepower and capability, but the specs are readily available to read. It's just a handheld with a docking station; I don't dislike it, but why shitpost and bait-thread from a 50IQ perspective about unrealistic ports for the hardware???

Shit hardware
Shit games
Only kiddy shit sells

DMC5, RE2 and KH3 were all in development before the Switch was announced. The way Capcom have been treating the Switch, it's more than likely DMC and RE wouldn't have been built for it anyway. I expect the same for DD2, even if the Switch port sold more than all the others combined. Sekiro was probably a publishing reasoning, wanting it to look as top of the line as possible, since it's Activision money. Nintendo needs to go to From with some dosh and get and exclusive Souls-like for the Switch, build a relationship like they have with Platinum.

SE literally said KH3 couldn't run on switch. The shit can barely run on anything that's not the Xbox One X

Switch would blow up if it tried to run them.

>implying Miyazaki wants to waste his talent making games for the kiddy McDonald's tablet

mobile hardware

all these
>switch can't run it
posts. either baiting or too stupid to know how game hardware and software works

because' you're retarded

fucking cringe

Nintendo fanboys are honestly pathetic they refuse to get superior systems when the games are new and relevant then get all excited when they get a 20 year old port of Final Fantasy VII or Skyrim

it'll be on the switch plus in five years

Sekiro runs 1080p 60FPS on high on my literally mininum requirements machine so I don't see how a Switch port isn't possible.
The setup is a 10yo Phenom II X4 and an R7 370. This shitheap still manages to push >30fps at Max settings, 1080p, with the 1% low still being just north of 24fps.
It's completely plausible that Sekiro would run on the Switch at 720p and some tweaks.

SE has literally said that the switch can not run KH3.

2012 fire sale'd mobile-tier hardware, further hamstrung with an out of the box underclock even in docked mode
Complaining about why x game isn't on the Switch is like complaining about MGS2 not being released for the N64. It just doesn't have the horsepower necessary to run the game at barebones settings and trying to downgrade the games to fruitlessly shoehorn a 2019 game into nearly 7 year old hardware is worth neither the time nor money.

Switch is too weak to run modern video games. It's just plain fact. Sorry, but if you Nintendies wanted to play current gen games you would have bought a real console and not a mobile device.

>b-b-b-b-b-buh-but DOOM, bbb-b-b-b-b-b-bbuh-but Wolfenst-
Only possible because the hardware has native support for Vulkan. They literally would not be playable without that caveat

>th-the-then why don't they just make all Sw-Switch games run on Vulka-
because that costs time and money to port huge portions of graphics code over to the Vulkan API and it's waste of time and money for little to no benefit.

>the graphics gap between mgs2 and oot is the same as the one between sekiro and odyssey
Okay retard

it could easily run it but SE is a lazy developer that doesnt want to do any extra little bit of work for their flop of a game

Shitty underpowered hardware bites Nintendo in the ass once again. 3rd times the charm, they rightfully deserve the shaft they're giving themselves at this point.

Odyssey is barely more complex than the Wii Mario games and is roughly on par with WiiU

the power gap between Switch and proper current gen consoles might as well be the same as the gap between N64 and PS2 anyways. Switch is just that underpowered.

More like they'd rather not waste time and money to downgrade their game to the level of a Vita port to appease entitled manchildren who don't want to buy a proper console so they can enjoy actual current gen games instead of last gen ports and low effort indies.

>Sekiro runs 1080p 60FPS on high on my literally mininum requirements machine so I don't see how a Switch port isn't possible.
Dark souls 3 can't even run on base PS4 well and you wanna talk about sekiro on switch that uses the same engine

Buy a real console instead of a kiddy toy