Why are there so many literal faggots and trannies who need to dilate in speed running?

Why are there so many literal faggots and trannies who need to dilate in speed running?

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dont know and dont care lol

Great question OP I'll get back to you.

It takes a very special kind of person to speed run video games, and this often overlaps with people that would chop their dicks off and take hormones that destroy their bodies

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Most of them don't actually cut off the johnson, because it's a costly and permanent procedure and these trannies know deep down it's simply a phase they'll grow out of.

The ones who chop off their dick are the mentally ill ones who end up killing themselves after they regret the chopping.

See Pic related

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Speed runners are attention seeking faggots who have no actual skills so instead they do retarded shit for attention, just like trannys.

Choose your fighter!

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Whats your score Yea Forums?
Post good pics and vids of trannies getting salty

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First on the left.

I like a character that looks like a literal serial killer. Just look at that face boooooooy man he'd love to chop some fucking MEAT.

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Second on the left, the one whose hair is in the drink and its unaware of it

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how the fuck am i supposed to know how many games I've ever beaten since i was literally 3

based peepaw

Is there a single actual woman in that picture

ummm delete this

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I'll take the crimson chin on the right.

TRUMP 2020

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She looks cute there

>based gtandpa
No he isn't, he couldn't protect his grandson, and he probably supports Israel

Its so weird to me how cosmo looked like a regular dude until he went tranny and now looks disgusting.
I also remember watching some of his speedruns on twitch at my friends house when he was still cosmo and he seemed pretty cool. I actually didnt even know this ugly disturbing tranny was cosmo until recently from deciding to google narcissa
Fucking weird and eery


Trannies support trump too. Don’t act like that filth is relegated to a single political faction.

this fag should had spend the money fixing his ugly teeth instead of mutilating his body.

I dont give a shit about how he protects his grandson or israel or the states. I'm not even american.
He's based because he provided me with a split second of entertainment, and bullied a tranny.


wow its almost like they were desperate or something

THIS. Gas all traps and other mentally ill degenerates.

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All white. who couldnt get sex

Why are you guys so obsessed with tannies?
Thou doth protest too much.

lmao wait did he actually cut his dick off?

The only thing sadder than speedrunners is the retards who follow it like a soap opera.


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Because trannies, like speedrunners, have nothing else that tangibly makes them interesting.

Well, "two days ago" is still used to be

Speed Running was a hobby formed in an era where poorfags were stuck with X amount of releases and spent time entertaining themselves with games long past the point people normally would.

To have this fixation today would be indicitive of mental illness. So it makes sense, speed runners are all mentally ill failed men.

What is the most prominent meme in today's emasculated, xenoestrogen saturated world? That the only escape is becoming an animu girl and getting fucked by male projections of yourself.

Why are there so many closet faggots who literally can't shut the fuck up about trannies and faggots?

He looks like he's been doing meth for 20+ years. Shit genetics.

Funny how Yea Forums loves shitting on trannies yet every single thread has faggots that love pretending to be girls. You're all self loathing wannabe trannies.

why do retarded people keep asking this question when the answer is obvious?

seething discord tranny

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Found ourselves a tranny boss!

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It's almost like most of Yea Forums hates trannies but we're being invaded by retarded discord trannies the uh?
You fucking retard.

Yeah because ERPing as faggots was totally not a thing until discord trannies were a thing.


your 2016 is showing

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It's almost like those ERPers are the same people as those trannies right?
Imagine being so fucking dumb your brain reaches the correct answer and you still choose to be wrong.

it's like how fucking weeaboos shit on other weeaboos for being a weeaboo
its ironic

>invaded by the people that were already here

imagine being a tranny freak

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It's shocking to discover. In the AGDQ thread everyone loved shitting on trannies but then eventually the discussion devolved to "i want to be a girl too but i wouldn't actually do it like THOSE other mentally ill fags". At that moment I realized Yea Forums is full of wannabe self loathing trannies.

the problem is that they do it as cheaply as possible and find the shittiest doctors to do it.

Whatever point you tried to make with that image, you only came off as retarded for anybody who's not a newfag.

because mentally retarded people have much higher chance of becoming an heroes, therefore they speedrun games, so they can play more of them before sudoku.

How is that a problem? The tranny abomination needs to see itself for what it is.

Yeah, that's the problem.

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do it for cheap
sudden regret when you have a gaping, puss filed hole because the doctors are garbage
instant regret because not only isnt it functional, but the new hole doesnt even remotely look like a vagina at all because you were a poorfag that couldnt get top of the line doctors.

yes I know its a mental illness, but if you are going to chop of your dick then atleast get the best doctor possible.

he didn't actually bully the tranny though

Or just don't do it at all.

Post people actually doing that then.

Yea Forums has so many gays it makes me question if homosexuals really only are 13% of the human population.

This. It really isn't that complicated.

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>it's just a joke bro haha

It's not gonna look like a vagina and it's not going to be functional whatever doctor makes it. Plus only desperate retarded doctors do that kind of surgery.
Your body will reject what you did for the rest of your life, it will try to close the wound constantly and will send distress and anxiety signals to your brain, growing stronger and stronger with time until you suicide, since you can't do anything to fix it as the process is non reversible

>mfw constant trannyposting on a video games board

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It's laughable that it's legal ANYWHERE in the world to entertain the delusions of a nutcase. But I guess money will buy anything, no matter the cost.

What anime is that?

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>Cuts himself

Considering how much Cosmo prides herself on her OoT speedrun record. This seems to be about right in Cosmo's case.

>herself on her

Even best fucking case scenario, neo-vaginas are a fucking Frankenstein abomination of mutilation. It's literally a jewish fucking trick to ruin men's dicks beyond circuimcision. Have you seen the 3D version of the procedure?

>tfw used to regularly watch cosmo's comfy streams into the early morning
>saw him get his oot and castlevania 64 records live
it feels like someone I knew for a long time died

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I watched a youtube video about that fucker recently. He really went off the deep end and became a mere shadow of his former self. Sometimes I wish I were more dedicated to bettering myself than I am to wasting time on doing dumb ass shit but I'm pretty happy that I'm not Cosmo/Narcissa/that nigga.

basically all the safe space and propagandas.

its now encouraged and they get special rights and can sue people and make money off making a ruckus about "oppression"

also anime brainwashing

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Someone post the matrix gifs.

>wtf is cyberbullying.jpg

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I can't read the word trope anymore without getting annoyed.

Both speed running and transgenderism are mental illnesses.

>people can't be flamboyant without being gay

Fuck these people, they literally judge people based on stereotypes while telling others not to do the same.

Yea Forums which is more impressive?



Playing alot to achieve (AND FAILING ALOT) a Flawless play against bosses or throughtout the entire game or series
Such as this guy
And this guy

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that's why everyone's pissed about them


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So how many pageviews, votes, and comments does this video have?

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You know. At the time the grandfather seems pretty out of place and rude posting this regardless on his stance on the matter. But when you see how this faggot turned out by looking at photos such as the one posted in the OP and other disturbing instances I've seen in the past, rereading this seems rather depressing. The guy clearly is messed in the head in some ways and behind the scenes I think the grandfather saw that. Probably didnt care if he was trans or a crossdresser, just more concerned of the negatives that could (and did) cause him to plummet into the more serious and ugly mentally ill mindsets that lead him to destroy his appearance and turn into what he looks like today.

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In the end it is on the tranny himself, but his parents share a large part of the blame

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>because of gays and trannies, it's now ok to be a casual.

Because it's the most degenerate act in the world

I'm still mad he didn't go with Wanda. People might not hate him then.

gays are based
I wouldn't lump them in together with trannies

Why are all trannoids white? I've yet to see tranny black guy. Might be because whites have higher population but idk.

Because the black on black murder rate is so high I'd imagine they'd chain down whatever deviant desires they might have in order to survive.

i don't want to ever see a tranny black in my life

>gays are based
gays are sick in the head and have effeminate personalities

>Yea Forums always loved cosmo
>He was alwasys a weirdo tranner, was even known that he painted his nails
>he always had an ego
>comes out as trans
>Yea Forums is now forced to hate him
I dont get you people

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what is dilate and why are you people so obsessed with it


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post op trannies need to insert a special dildo daily for several hours to keep the wound from closing up

WTF...Fools and their gold, etc

>skipping on two majors events
>his gf cucking him
>fucking john number stealing his chance to meet miyamoto
L M A O cosmo, I almost feel sad for him man, after all that happen it was a matter of time till he cracked but still, holy fuck thanks god i am not him

To be fair Ghirahim is entirely motivated by trying to revive his Daddy.

Ask Carolyn why he feels the need to mansplain

is it true that he actually asked his girl for an open relationship so she could fuck other guys and still be friends ?
In other words cuck?

supposedly yes, till she left him.
shortly after that he started living on fucking so(y)len and the nintendo thing happened.

even funnier is that there is a screenshot of fe-cosmo flirting with john numbers on a fucking stream

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Why just having one mental illness when you can have them all?

he's been doing drugs for years lol

By being a tranny I guess