What the fuck am I supposed to do here???

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Other urls found in this thread:

Open the door

just ask the google stadia assistent

>Wait a minute that card

Get on the floor


just press this button OP

Attached: OK GOOGLE.jpg (157x88, 2K)

You take the clues that the game gave you on the claw and all, and shove it up your ass

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Wait a minute, that card...

Wait a minute, that claw...

just b urself haha

Sorry, you need to know the secret password
The password is password


No you fool, it's password1

Video games truly are art for adults. What a mind bending puzzle in such a beautiful experience!

Just no clip through the door,bugged mechanics

Turn each ring twice

No joke. The first Dragon Key door actually stymied me when I was trying to figure out the combination.

I was looking at these mosiacs covering the walls leading up to the door, and constructing these elaborate histories in my head from their images. Tying them in some abstract way to the animal motifs decorating the door lock.

I spent like 10 minutes doing this before I caved and googled for the answer. Only to find out it's literally emblazoned on the dragon key. I was pissed at how simple they had made the puzzles in this game.

Install mods

i'm the closed beta for stadia right now and playing this game. i asked google how to solve the puzzle and it told me "sorry, i cannot help you, i'm still trying to find the two swords in bioshock infinite. due to the extreme computational intelligence required to solve such an undertaking, i have to devote stadia resources to solve it. i will have reduce the picture quality of the service down to 480p for the next 10 years." damn, i was really hoping streaming games would have worked this time. i hope google can find those swords.

I hope you realize how much of a retard you are

>Didn't read the journal

To be fair to him, the journal in Skyrim is bottom of the barrel trash. As much as I hated that Morrowind doesn't have in-game search in its journal, at least I could exit the game and look through the damn HTML file myself.

Wait a second... that claw

You think it makes sense to have a redundant keyhole/combination lock for a door? Like what's the fucking point of requiring a player to enter a combination and use a key on a door when the both the combination and the keyhole are solved by the same key. It's a waste of fucking time.

They should have just gotten rid of the combination mechanism altogether and the gameplay would indistinguishable.

>the first time i did this puzzle i just tried every combination

He meant the NPCs journal, the one that you have to kill to get the claw anyway, dumb fuck.

Of the fuckstain in the Spiderweb, you dickweed.

it is funny tho if you did get stumped on the very first try in the game, only reason i figured it out in 1 minute was i remembered i use to look at all my items in the view screen even mudane items... i liked the textures so...

anybody who didnt really do that would be stumped at first

and like that is the only puzzle in the game so lol once you figure it out its just a quest grind marathon after that

You anacephalics do realize there can be more than one user in the thread? I'm not OP and have played the game years ago.

>anybody who didnt really do that would be stumped at first
No, because anyone who's actually playing Skyrim to be immersed like a decent fucking human being is going to read the fucking journal.

We're calling you retarded because you thought anyone was talking about the quest journal.

take a plate, hold it o the door, then run until you go through it, plates are effectively portals in this game

You're a fucking idiot.

You need to backtrack and solve this first - it's the only way. Good luck.

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i overthinked this shit and started to test combinations that were written on the walls.


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With a capital P and a number 1 at the end

There's a SETI style international network of computing to try and crack the bioshock puzzle. They reckon 10-15 years, assuming exponential processor advancements

Switch out from conjuration because it's boring as fuck.
On second thought, play a different game.

I didn't even waste time to figure this out
by simple elimination you can get this puzzle in your first 10 tries at worst

now if you didn't know that the combination was obviously made for retards and it could be any combination instead of a unique combination then it might be harder
but it's bathesda so you know that shit's unique and retarded ez

It's 2 turns for each ring.

This guy bleak falls barrows.
I too have run that dungeon so many times I've memorized this.

What's the best way to play this game?
>Ultra realistic survival mods
>Tweaks here and there
>Crazy sex mods

What's the most fun combat style to use?
>Sword and board
>Dual wielding
>Two handed
>Sneak archer
>Destruction mage
>Some other kind of mage

Attached: filthy khajit theives.jpg (1280x720, 68K)



Spend 20 hours nodding, play for 15 minutes, tap and get bored

Necromancer/Summoner mage is pretty interesting to try out.

shit that enhances the combat and adds a bunch of magic stuff. think ultimate combat, ordinator, forgotten magic, tk dodge

best playstyle is battlemage. stealth archery is fucking boring

Everyone do the dragonborn

Wait a minute that claw...

Tried summoner once, got bored since all I did was stand around and watch atronachs fail to kill things.

well no shit, you gotta use destruction magic or some basic weapons alongside it.

just get the sexy lady mods and sexy armor ones then jack it and qut

To this day I still have no clue how to open these doors. At first I thought it had something to do with the drawings on the walls, but those never match up. I've run into about 9 of them so far and I always try random combinations before giving up and just googling the solution.

Only acceptable way to play this game is with Requiem.
I always like playing druid and archer in rpgs the most

>I was pissed at how simple they haf made the puzzles in this game.
>still couldn't figure it out

mmm grayons

Use mods, vanilla summons die way to fast and do way too little damage due to the stupid level cap bethesda gave them.

Wait a minute that claw...
*Jerks myself off with the claw imagining it's the claw to some ancient mommy dragon*

Reminder that Bethesda knows the average player is retarded and thus dumbs their puzzles down for them
It's your fault

the first time I came up to this door, I turned each section once and tried. then turned each again and it worked. I never even knew about the key until I saw it on Yea Forums because I always just did that again

This isn't clear on the PC version but when you look through your inventory you can click on an item to move it around. The answers are randomized but they are always on the claw itself.

put penis in keyhole
turn the penis to unlock the door

I want to touch Meridia's beacons, if you know what I'm saying.

Heavily tweaked along with crazy sex mods. Too bad I can't really make Skyrim something like a CoC-lite, transformation mods are kind of lacking.

i think you're... supposed to insert something... into those holes

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>Crazy sex mods

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>tfw want to replay fnv
>realise i have to spend time researching and getting all the mods to work

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>realise i have to spend time researching and getting all the mods to work
only thing that would stop is just the download speed of the mods

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The password is always swordfish

How delightfully casual taste you have

I was hoping the dragonclaws didn’t have the password on their palms, but riddles inscribed into them that you gotta decipher instead.

When I first got the claw from the dark elf, I was expecting it to be a challenge because the bandit who failed the “match the pictures” puzzle earlier was a goddamn dumbass, but I felt disappointed when I reached the part of the journal that said “in the palm of your hands” because that made it obvious.

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I have others

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I legiy didn't know how to do open that door the first time i played that quest and had to check a guide. Turns out I didn't know you could rotate items in your inventory and i was staring the claw like a retard for minutes trying to solve that shit

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You can't be serious.

Its a really shit design tho. That's the only use for that mechanic you'll ever see, to open a tutorial door, and you never ever use it again... Fucking fallout ending all over again

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are you me ?

Unless if you’re a degenerate freak who refuses to play anything that has no sex mods or “prettified” NPCs, it doesn’t take that long to organize a mod list of necessities.

I don't think anybody ever solved this. Just use the console to unlock the door. Remember to write to Todd praising him for his genius puzzle

>file and file name
You fucking son of a bitch, its 5:50 and now I have to stifle laughter so loud it will wake my entire neighborhood. Typing this out to tell you isn't helping either. Fuck you.

>Best way to play the game
Tweaks here and there, re-add some non-OP spells from Oblivion, maybe life survival where you need to eat and drink.
I’d also get a mod that adds more interesting and inconsequential NPCs with more clothing, but that’s a thing for your hundredth playthrough, not your first couple.

>Most fun
Spellsword for me, maybe Nightblade if I want stealth.
Personally, I’ve found stealth archery and pure warrior builds were boring.

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Yeah I just brute forced it through elimination too

Talking about titty mods is there a mod that makes your current armor invisible? The one i tried completely reshapes my character's body, and i would like it also for non-lewd reasons for a male barbarian run.

As a reminder, on release the cracked version did not let you examine items up close, meaning the claw couldn't actually be seen to get the combination

Claws are randomized every time you start a new game, you need to find the one with the animal sequence on the wall. Took me a while to figure out and I was pretty annoyed when I learned the one you get in the dungeon isn't always the right one.

I only know of the mod that toggles helmet visuals on/off. Would like one for boots for the sake of beast races, though.


>not using pa$$word

I unironically couldn’t solve this at first because the game wouldn’t let me rotate the claw probably because I pirated it

I never got how you would know how to solve these. I just did all of the 3^3 combinations on each door.

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There’s like five of those fucking claws you dumbass

How am I supposed to knock these guys down. Every time I get behind and do the combo the alarm gets triggered.

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Wait a minute... that claw